<--- Eric sporting his new 'do. His FauxHawk is gone and he looks normal again. Or, that is, as normal as he can look.
Once again there really wasn't much action in the house throughout the day, yet at this hour -- going on 4 AM for them, 7 for me -- most are still awake. Jen, Jessica, and Eric are sitting around the HOH room talking. Dick, Amber, Jameka, Dustin, and Daniele are in another group talking. Jameka is now talking to Dick about previous seasons of the show. Dick's telling her about Shannon using Hardy's toothbrush to clean the toilet. I believe Zach went to bed.
A thrill a minute, eh?
Here are the happenings in that Big Brother House of Mellow Moments:
- After Amber commented to Dustin that it would be a good strategical move for "them" to take him out this week because she would be in rough shape for the HOH comp, Dustin got nervous. He went to Eric to ask if Dick was campaigning.
- Dustin told Jessica and Eric not to talk game with Evel Dick.
- There was a lot of talk about Eric's anatomy due to the accidental shower exposure and the on purpose streaking.
- Daniele isn't feeling well. (I doubt she caught Eric's illness.)
- Dustin was the hairdresser of the night -- BB gave them actual grooming stuff.
- After Dustin told Amber earlier in the day to use Zach's interest in her (they've been exercising together) to her advantage, she told Jessica and Eric. "I'm no good at getting information out of people!"
- Jessica and Zach had a "date" in the backyard.
- During said date Jessica told him she had earlier doubts, but doesn't think that Dustin is working with D&D. Zach seems to think that Jen lied about them working together.
- Jessica told Zach she doesn't talk game with anyone in the house. (Um ... Eric!)
- Zach has told Dick he will vote out Dustin. He has told Jessica he'd vote out Evel. He mentioned to Jessica if there's an odd vote this time, it has to be coming from her side.
- Dustin told Amber that America is probably sick of her crying.
- Amber got defensive.
- And Amber cried.
- Okay, she didn't, but it fit so well in there!
- Jameka prayed.
- Really.
- She wants God to send angels on her behalf. Um, okay.
- Eric worked on Jessica to consider a Dustin eviction this week.
I need excitement!
It does seem from the feeds that Eric has to vote Dustin out...he mentioned to Jess that maybe Dustin should go around 100am BBT
Someone mentioned something that I've been wondering about too. Did they not get the "LNC is the new Nerd Herd" message? Do they think they are not the LNC?
I haven't read any mention that they discussed it. Surely Eric must have some sort of hint from the way we've been voting for AC tasks. The fact that they don't "get" it makes them even worse.
I agree...I dislike this herd even more (maybe) than the season 6 crowd, who I can STILL get crazy about, two seasons later...lol.
i totally agree with all the posters who talk about how abusive dick is to people; he is very abusive, but... notice that most of his tirades are done in the kitchen or backyard - each one of the people he bashes, can walk away at any time !! they stand there & argue back, which just keeps the tirade going on & on - they all have choices here, they can walk away, there are other rooms in the house that they can go to - jameka actually followed him around & egged him on, so i don't feel sorry for any of the hamsters that are "victims" of his abusive mouth
that's not to say i agree with dick, which i don't, he goes way too far sometimes, but these people are in a safe environment, where they don't have to take the abuse, they CAN walk away - they choose not to
I call them 'houseguests', so do Julie and BB. It makes it sound like they are invitees to a house party in the Hamptons. But they are actually contestants trying to win a game. They are gamepieces, and we watch them move spaces toward a spot at the end of the game. We get a chance to help move them around the board for our own entertainment. Liking them, and how they move in the game is fun. So if I want Dick to stay in the game, it doesn't mean I want Dick to be in my life, or Jen, or Eric or any of the others. It doesn't mean I am not repulsed when these gamepieces spout off their own personal beliefs. I just like seeing how they move to block the Queen, or leave the Queen open for attack (can a pawn even be a Queen? and where is a good Knight when one is needed) The Joker is always wild in the house, and things can change as quickly as a roll of dice. I can't watch the show and think of them as human beings who are going to find out when they leave how much they were disliked. That isn't fun to me. So I'll just watch the game develop, let the iced tea roll right off my hair, and keep on trying to pretend it is all just stragegy. Sue
Barbwire, on that day Dick was abusing each of them (Saturday?) so loudly, the day he did the pan over Dustin's head in bed... I saw them in the kitchen. Dustin was walking through it and leaving the room, all the while Dick was following him, continuing his verbal abuse. So yes, they can walk away, but Dick will still follow.
Sue - I absolutely LOVE your analogy. It's the best way I've seen this game and our obsession with it described. I too love to watch the pieces, but wouldn't want them in my life. As much as I don't enjoy Dick and his antics, the game wouldn't be fun to watch without him. I find myself rooting for the underdog each and every week. Last week it was Eric and the herd, this week it was D & D. I basically root for whatever will cause the most drama in the house. Dick winning POV definitly created drama. We are a sick nation of people :-)
dgmommie - Dick was purposely overdoing it that morning so the HG's would hate him even more. Before this week, Dick didn't follow anyone around. If he was screaming, they had the choice to leave. I'm not condoning what he does, but they are all adults and can stand up for themselves.
After watch BB on SHO2, i came to the conclusion that the Nerd Herd is getting a little to comfortable. They're stating that whomever in their group goes up that they'll have the votes to keep them in house. I worry about Jen's vote on Thursday. I really hope she votes for Dustin to be evicted. CBS IMO is worried that if ED is gone they'll lose viewership. I tend to agree. This house be boring. It also sounds like AP voted for Dustin to be evicted. I hope he does.
I tried to vote last night but only got in a few of my allotted votes before the site wouldn't let me vote any more. I think Dick's good at strategy, but he just sickens me with his comments. They are so hurtful and nasty... There has to be a line somewhere! I'm not excusing Eric's comments, though; his have been disgusting too. I actually disliked the original Nerd Herd more (Maggie, Ivette, April, etc) than this crew, so I hope that Dustin stays and then the chips can fall where they may, but I'm not confident...there are a lot of folks who I am sure voted for Dustin.
Witt :)
Zach and Jen have to realize their chances are better voting Dustin out. If Dick goes they will be next in line to be picked off after Daniele. D & D are good at winning the comps too. As an outsider you'd be better off to team up with the group of 2, they need each other and could all get further. Teaming up with the group of 4 or 5 late in the game only extends you to 5th or 6th place.
You know,I am at a point where I will be okay no matter what happens. Sure,I voted for Dustin to go,but if he doesn't...oh well,my life goes on. And we'll watch and see what happens in the house. We know things can change in a flash,it all comes down to the HOH and which side has the power in the house. If this time,the AP does not get their choice evicted,I wish BB would just set Eric free and let him play on his own. I think they(BB)are keeping him in the house and maybe he'd go out faster if not tied to the AP.And the tasks have been dumb and not much of what we've picked has actually had any influence on the game.So if ED goes or Dustin goes,I'm okay with either. I know in BB6,I got way too caught up in disliking the nerd herd and it was alarming to me that I could dislike people I didn't even know that much!
just reading back over some posts I am starting to see more and more apathy...we dont like what Dick does, we dont like Dustins High and Mighty routine...but either way.....so what.
CBS surely has someone reading these blogs...dont they remember what it was like when we all picked a person to really hate or really like? I mean we had really strong opinions about Boogie, Janelle, Will, Kaysar, Howie...those people made us have really deep strong convictions over the outcome....
Now its like...the producers picked the bottom of the barrel and now we are stuck with the muck at the bottom of it.....
Instead of actually playing the game they are all "reacting" to the game. I loved it when Janelle or Will and I cant think of that smart girl with the tattos who came up with the five finger plot and back dooring...brain drain..she was one smart cookie
Dick seems to be the only one with some kind of plan...
Amber,Jameka, Zach....float on with whatever......
Pretty sad.....
Yes! Terry - 'twas Nakomis. I wrote a ways back that I really missed her. She actually INVENTED strategy and it was brilliant, even unifying a split house for that first backdooring. Of course, she was booted immediately on the All Stars season, and I was bummed. Dr. WIlls saved that show... I'd love to see someone come up with something new this time around.
This games just keeps getting better.....now! What a hoot that episode with the pots and pans wake up was! Pleassssssssse vote out Dustpan Dustin! I like to watch something interesting not boring. IT IS after all ONLY A GAME folks! People's outbursts/feelings are very interesting when confronted with issues.
Poor Jess, I think she really feel's alienated by the group of losers! If she was smart she'd vote out DPD and then Eric, who knows she might go all the way with...Jen or Dani! How's that?
Zach is a big goof ball. Whose side IS he on??? Can't wait till the vote!! Go Dick!
June from MA
tb, I think you are exactly right. Apparently the DR is encouraging them to keep Dick, not surprising since he's winning the favorite HG poll on CBS.com by a huge margin (39% to Daniele's 14%, and she's the closest one to him in ranking). They know ratings will go down some if Dick leaves.
I watch a little of Showtime, and it's pretty much a snooze fest if the cameras aren't on Dick. A zillion games of Beer Pong? BORING!
I so want Dustin out of there!
UGH get rid of dustbag PLEASE hgs!
delee, the votes were still coming in until 12:00 AM BBT, so I doubt eric gets his assignment until today (HOPEFULLY to get rid of dustbag!)
on After Dark, Zach was really good at suggesting to jess that it may be a bette move to get Dustin out. He made some really good points and gave her something to think about. I felt he came across very smooth in the way he suggested it. I hope was able to open her eyes but I get the feeling she wasn't listening. She almost looked paranoid even thinking about it, looking around and frightened that "the group" may hear.
Barbwire says: I totally agree with all the posters who talk about how abusive dick is to people; he is very abusive, but... notice that most of his tirades are done in the kitchen or backyard - each one of the people he bashes, can walk away at any time !!
That's classic "blaming the victim". Why should they have to leave an area just because he's using that area to be abusive? Maybe they want or need to be in the kitchen or back yard.
While we fans of Jackie's blog strongly defend our favs and attack our most "hated" HGs, it sounds from the feeds that Jameka and Amber are currently getting along fine with Dick.
My least fav HG is Daniele. She is always playing the victim. Nothing is ever her fault. She blames everyone else for Nick leaving but she was part of the vote that sent him packing. She hates everybody in the house and according to her they all hate her.
She cries almost as much as Amber.
She is a master manipulator and has an iceberg for a heart.
Jen is self absorbed and is called a robot because she doesn't express emotion. Daniele on the other hand shows emotions but they are not sincere.
I don't have a particular person I am cheering for to win it all, but I certainly hope that it isn't Daniele.
Although I think this season is a little dull, I loved the last live show and can't wait until tomorrow. Hopefully there is another surprise!
I know I'm in the minority but I'm rooting for Eric & Jess. Hope Dick stays to stir things up and the LNC can start to go after each other. I don't like the way he behaves sometimes but he is entertaining.
Danielle is also my least fav HG. After seeing last night's episode and reading her HOH diary, I think she is the most annoying and useless player. People don't like her because she didn't bother with anyone but Nick and her father. THen she teamed with her father to get their alliance - why should they be her friends. She is constantly saying she hates everyone in the house and it shows. I don't think anyone blames her for what Dick does - it's her own actions that put her where she is. Her total lack of respect or appreciation for the effort Dick is making to make amends and to help her remain in the house is sad.
Oh, please. The Nerd Herd certainly aren't "victims".
Dick is upfront about it--they aren't. I've said this before--far better to be called out to your face. Backstabbing is not, to my mind, an admirable behavior.
Although I sometimes think he goes too far, I have much more respect for Dick than I have for the others.
I so want Dustin to go home this week. I know Dick is a dick but he is good TV How boring would it be in there without him? here's hoping America tells Eric to vote him out! He is just so smug!I am still rooting for Jessica all the way!
Anon - 10:51 - I agree with all you said (except for the first sentence of your second paragraph). Everyone has their own faves. No problem with that. But I find myself totally agreeing with your statements on Daniele. You've made some very valid points. Her whining has become so irritating and her complaints about all hating her and, in the next breath, she hates them all.
I thought she was being receptive to Dick's attempts at reconciliation, but it seems to be more that she is only using him to keep herself in the house. On the other hand, I believe Dick is totally sincere in his efforts to make amends. No one knows what caused the rift in their relationship, but, as always, there are two sides to every story. Daniele has much growing up and maturing left to do and, hopefully in time, she will look back and value the effort her father made to reconcile.
ANON 1025a 100am BBT is way after 1200 eastern time 3am our time
Oops but he was working Jess about Dustin so I think he had his assignment regardless of BBT or ET
Either Zach develops a personality or else he should leave.
I'm sitting here on a beautiful NW morning reading peoples comments and find it interesting at how desensitized we have become. Many commenters say Dick makes good TV and how boring everyone else is. It is sad that "good" TV is watching someone say vile things to other people, to attack a person's parenting skills,
to make a mockery of someone's lifestyle, joke about religious beliefs, and to make incestious remarks.
I realize most people set themselves up for these situations....I just feel we have become a jaded society(myself included) and want to see the drama and turmoil. However, I would enjoy the show more if there were not so many personal attacks--I hate seeing people bullied and emotionally hurt for "the game".
Anybodybut....I read your comments last night/early this morning and totally agree. Abuse is abuse...no matter why your doing it. I can tell you have worked hard to overcome the emtional damages people did to you when you were younger--I am sorry you had to experience that. It sounds like you are using that to make yourself a better person and more understanding of others.
Just my thoughts that I put down in words......
Folks -- Once again... if comments slur other commenters for their choices of favorites on the show, they will be removed. Everyone has the right to enjoy or dislike whomever they wish on the show.
You can be supportive of your own favorites, you can list why you don't like others on the show. But that doesn't hold for being nasty to or about your fellow commenters, nor does it extend to racial remarks, etc., you might come up with for the houseguests. Any purely racist (and of the ilk) remarks will be removed, as will those which harass fellow commenters for their choices -- on either side of the debate.
I've had to remove one comment with a racist nickname for a houseguest and others telling people to grow up and such. There's no reason for this to be here.
Thank you SYDNEY!! Yes, Nakomis..and her brother "Cowboy" now that was a show! the twin thing with the two gals switching..that was a game that was set up well by producers.
thank you so much for telling me her name she was so intelligent..and I had hopes for her in the All Stars...I will always be a fan of hers....
I so miss those good players from the past!
Im thinking CBS should have a website that we all can have input for the next season...so many of the commenters here have such good ideas...
Finally, seems some real flirting has begun between Eric and Jess... yesterday afternoon... Has felt too much like I've been in the stands at the Roman Colosseum lately. I'd like my experience of the show to be lightened with a bit of a (genuine) showmance for just a little while... setting aside all comments & sins made.
::clap clap clap:: THANK YOU AMERICA!!! ::clap clap clap:: You VOTED TO EVICT DUSTIN!!!! ::clap clap clap::
In my reading of yesterday's boring events, one thing did jump out at me. In Jameka's praying on the hammack, she prays for God to make Eric a follower of Christ. Does she not realize that we are listening to her? Her remarks towards Dick's mother, Daniele and other garbage has rubbed me the wrong way, and her latest comment has really offended me. I was raised Protestant, and I respect everyone's religious beliefs. I really wish she would leave people's religious beliefs alone.
I agree Plaidchick, it bugs me that they do this praying outloud. It's so just for our benefit. Don't most people pray silently? I could be wrong. Maybe they have been instructed to say it outloud when they pray. What ever.
As far as the whole things goes - who did what and who said what and who crossed the line, let's not for get this is a GAME. And it's for the most part, a mind game. This is all in the context of a game. Most of these people probably don't say and do what they are doing in the house in their everyday lives, at least at this level. So maybe with this in mind, this is how I don't judge the verbal sparring or pouring tea, or hiding things so critically.
me me me me i i i i wah wah wah.....and danielle has spoken. its ashame she is so immature, it makes the rest of the houseguests feel like they have to "parent" her every need.
that being said, i am a fan of eric and jessica. i know eric can be vulgar with his comments about dick and danielle...buuuuuut,i think his game would be much different if he wasnt put in the stressful situation of messing with everyone in the house. that may be dicks plan, but i doubt it was erics. i think eric isnt as much of a weasel in real life...i hope.
Hear, hear, plaidchick! I agree. Jameka's comment about Eric was really appalling. Doesn't the Bible say "Judge not"?
If Jameka and Amber think they're impressing us with their "holiness", they're very much mistaken.
On one level, it bothers me a little that CBS is mocking them with the church music. But on another level, and as much as I hate to admit this, I find it amusing.
So glad that America voted to evict Dustin!
Real flirting between Eric and Jessica? I beg to differ. I stand behind my initial opinion that Eric is gay. Does no one else see that??
I don't often jump in but I have a few things to add:
1) Verbal abuse is just as damaging to a person's psyche as physical abuse, most times even moreso. Why these people don't get up and leave when Dick begins his tirades is beyond me. I can only think that the "fight or flight" response/choice is stronger in some than others.
2) Sorry to all of those who voted to evict Dustin but I still like him. I think that soul-wise he is a kind, generous and understanding person but that the turmoil that has gone on, especially with Dick, is frying his mind. I hope that if he isn't evicted, he'll use his intelligence and charisma to createva peace...for a while at least.
3) I have the most problems with Daniele. Yes, she's a "cheater" in love but she is only 21. However, studies have proven that a child's ehtics and morals are pretty much formed by the age of 5 so perhaps this jumping from man to man will continue with her for the rest of her life. (And it's not like she has such a great role model in her father, although she was raised by her grandparents.)
One aspect of her life that I have seen nothing on is her mother. She and her brother certainly didn't "pop out" of Dick (who, from what little has been eluded to was an alcoholic at the time of their births?!?!?)
Anyone know anything about her real mother? I can't remember a BB where every aspect of a HG's life has been out in the open. So why is everyone "mum" regarding her mother...or did I simply miss it somethere along the line?
IMHO, although she is intelligent, she's way too young to be dealing with the stress of this household. She may be 21 now but I would say in watching her that she's more at a 16-17 year old level of maturity.
I was most interested in the interview where it came out that she had "borrowed" money from her father but that when Dick approached her about setting up a payback schedule. she refused to discuss it...and then didn't talk to him for 5 years.
She whines, manipulates, begs, backpeddles, doesn't hold up to her word etc. even when it is in her best interest. I'd say she has a major narcissitic personality disorder that she's going to have to deal with at some time in her life.
4) As for Amber, I am continuing to worry more and more as her defenses crumble. Why CBS would put a recovering drug addict on the show is beyond me. I gasped when she told Dick - with a smile no less - that he should commit suicide. Whew...something like that is nothing to mess around with....if she said it, it's in her consciousness and I only hope
they have a psychiatrist on call at the house because there are many ways to suicide out.
5)And one last note. I'd like to take that raised eyebrow of Eric's and pluck it into nothingness. It's giving me the willies.
Thanks for all your hard work Jackie. Where would we be without you?!?!?
Anb BTW, whatever happened regarding Zach's ringworm?!?!?
Double nipple ring Eric is gay, no doubt!!! Cuddles with J a front!!!
Never saw Jackie refer to Jameka as what you said ANON 136p and why hide behind "anon"???
on After Dark, there was a conversation between Eric and Dustin about Eric being gay. He listed people he would "do" and they were all men. I know it was said in a joking way but he did put some thought into it and yes, I believe he is definately gay.
This blog is definitely more interesting than BB this year!
People on all sides of the fence are offering a lot of insight, passion and personal background and it makes for good reading.
Personally I have to give a shout out to Tom in Ca, Meb, Sydney, Terry in Ca, Tina, anybodybuthillary, & anon 12:12PM: you guys make me feel hopeful and optimistic!
I say stop rewarding bad behavior and dump Dick!
Danielle got on my last nerve last night with her big show in the HOH room. She tells us how much she hates liars and phonies and then plays out her big poor little me scene, admitting to us later that it was mostly strategy. Her apple definitely didn't fall far from Dick's tree.
And Daniele's constant "what does it have to do with me?" refrain! Dearie it has everything to do with you...he's in your alliance! His actions are directly benefiting you! You had prior knowledge and consented to said behaviors! Give me a flying break with your poor, misunderstood, victim routine Danielle!
Will knew Boogie's behavior in the house directly reflected on both Will and Chilltown and he constantly tried to get Boogie to play with a cooler head and quieter mouth. Danielle only tries to rein in her dad when it ceases to benefit her, other than that she gives him a green light and usually watches with a big smile on her face while he's doing it! She can't have it both ways, she can't profit from, condone, and visibly enjoy her father's actions and then turn around and claim poor ganged up on victimhood. The hypocrisy dripping off her and her dad bug me more than the tirades at this point.
And Dick "apologizes" for his actions??? He "apologized" to Dustin while simultaneously calling him a f***ing a****e, and telling him he didn't care what the f**k he thought. OK, I looked up apology in the dictionary and that wasn't one.
And I agree with the Nakomis fans: intelligent and brilliantly strategic in season 6! Was sorry to see her go so soon in season 7.
Please bring back the Dr Will & boogie Diary Room sessons... they made things so interesting. They were hysterical,I'd rather watch repeats of them than some of these people.
If Dick leaves the house will probably be so boring... talk about snooze fest, not really enjoying the nerd/turd herd. Not enjoying all of the abuse but still.
Is there any way to watch some of the repeats? I saw the best of BB but not the actual season w/ Nakomis.
Loved the way Zack was working Jessica over on their "date" last night. He is great at putting things in people heads without making it appear that way.
I think Amber has got to be the dumbest person to ever play the game. Last night she was telling Jameka about a birth control device that she has inserted inside of her(some type of ring thing) & she was telling Jameka that it is a bit further up than a tampon, and that her boyfriend plays with it all the time. EWWW! That girl gives up too much information and must not realize that America is watching. Then she wonders why people attack all this stuff. Keep your personal business what it is...PERSONAL! I'm sorry but if I was playing this game, there are just certain things that I would keep out of it so as to not have it attacked. If any of these HG's had watched previous seasons, they would know that what you put out there is all that the other HG's have & know of you and therefore is all they can use against you. Kail was smart to leave her strong religious beliefs at the BB door, so it wasn't attacked. Jameka on the other hand pronounced hers constantly, even going so far to say that God had a hand in her "magical ping-pong ball" being picked, so she must play for Jen. HA! Then she wonders why she is questioned on her faith?? Has she never watched this show??? Duh! Also, I said it before, I know some people pray outloud (like Amber & Jameka have done), but why on earth would you do that in the BB house with a mic on? I just don't get having those personal prayers & thoughts exposed for all to pick apart. Dumb! I think Dick & Jen are the two smartest & most educated (on the BB game) players in the house. Eric follows behind them. They each play different, but they have the know-how to get to the next step in the game better than the rest... IMO, of course! ;)
Oh my god deanna i love your picture! Dick all the way!
as(poster @2:10),I,like you have wondered about Dick's wife(ex?)and Dani mother.Nothing has ever been said about her that I recall hearing. It seems she wasn't a presence in Dani or her brother's life growing up,since it appears they lived with Dick's parents???That could go a long way in explaining ED's attitude and treatment of women. He sure doesn't seem to value them or respect them at all. Yet he speaks so highly of his Mom and she of him! I mean,I know our children often go down paths that we don't approve of,and they do things to make us shake our heads,at time, but he seems to have a real problem when it comes to women and even Dani has talked about the things he has said to her that she'll never forgive him for.
Now,Nakomis was a very,very smart girl and most of the other hamsters wrote her off,snubbed her(because of her looks,like ED)or underestimated her. She was always thinking three or four steps ahead in the game. When they realized how smart she was,they voted her out. Same with All Stars,they didn't even give her a chance to start something. She was a smart cookie! She's right up there behind Dr. Will in my book.
Jackie 12:19--I hope your warning was not directed at my comments(which I forgot to sign--anon 12:12). I would never say something hurtful or attack someone on a personal level. My comments were said "in general" and I included myself. If someone did take it personally I apoligize.
As for the HG--maybe BB should take away their beds and food for a few days. They would be so hungry and tired they might not have the energy to be soooo mean....Hey, it works on Survivor.
As for Eric/Jess showmance--I too would love to see a little more of that and watch it blossom. If Eric is not gay they seem to be smart about taking it slow.
If he is gay I feel badly for Jess because she will feel doubly betrayed by him.
as @2:10 commented about the HG fight/flight situation. I agree they are stuck"between a rock and a hard place". They either sit and listen to it or they leave(and sometimes Dick follows them) and they are called cowards for leaving. This week they have tried to avoid the abuse by hanging out in the HOH room and have been ridiculed for it.
I think I would go lock myself in the DR and refuse to come out until Thurs. It is truly a train wreck that you can't stand to watch but you can't turn off!!! "Hope
springs eternal" things will get better.
Nana in the NW
deanna--I was totally grossed out when Amber commented about the birth control ring....WAY TO MUCH INFORMATION!!! She is not so dumb...she knows the cameras are on(remember her talking to God on the bed a few days ago). Her family must just be wanting to crawl under a rock and never come out!!!
Speaking of Nakomis--wouldn't it have been great is D/D had made it on BB6 with her. She would have given Dick as much as he gave!!! I hated to see her leave all-stars so soon.
Things seem quiet in the house today....it's the calm before the storm....
Nana in the NW
The posts were removed, so if it's still there...
I need to take back my statement about all is quiet in the house--it sounds like the HG had a "visitor" about noon today. A small person that looked like the mad hatter. It seems he was saying some odd quotes-like clues-for the HG to figure out. There was also a person on stilts, a barbershop quartet(which sang 5 songs-repeated two of them) and a mime. Interesting.....is this the twist Dani has been talking about.......
Nana in the NW
Dick is playing the game and staying in the "role" he created. If you watched the interviews with Dick's friends last week, they all said what a nice, great guy he is. I think this is all an act with Dick. This is his strategy, always keep the HG off balance not knowing what he's going to say or do. If you like Dick or not, everyone has to admit he's playing the game better than any of the other HG. Everyone has a strategy going into the house and they can't always hold onto it once they are locked up for any length of time - they break. Everyone is falling apart in that house except Dick. He's stayed firm in his stragegy and hasn't let anyone deter his focus. I can't wait for the LNC to implode and start attacking each other. It's only a matter of time.
I can't take Jameka's playing to the camera any longer with her praying out loud. If she really did have such strong Christian beliefs, she wouldn't need so much attention for her praying, she would pray quietly. Jameka seems to think it's Christian to treat people badly and try to blame everyone else. When Jameka had her rant on Danielle in the HOH room that they showed on the show last night, I just wanted one of the LNC to tell her to "shut up". If you looked up Hypocrite in the Dictionary, there would be a picture of Jameka.
Another Nakomis fan here. I was thinking the same thing as Nana about the interactions between D&D and Nakomis if they had stayed on the houseguest list for BB5.
I've watched BB since the first season. I enjoy the game itself with all it's strategy and contests. I also enjoy getting to know the houseguests, for I do think we get to see their true colors under that pressure, their sense of humor, their determination, and a host of other attributes that surface during the game.
Liking or disliking them for me comes with watching and evaluating their game play and the way they interact with each other.
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