This is it! It's the season finale and one of the two who shouldn't be running a fine dining establishment will be. Woohoo! This post will be udated throughout the show so refresh your page for the most recent updates.
It's the guys and the girls once again. Or, as they say, the boys. Julia is still pouting some. She also thinks Rock deserves to win.
Rock seems to be leading his team a bit more. Bonnie doesn't seem to have a good plan and isn't familiar with what she's chosen for her menu.
Julia isn't reacting well to Bonnie's direction, giving her nasty looks and saying she didn't need to be treated like an idiot. In Bonnie's restaurant, they've run out of wallpaper.
Rock actually is paying attention to detail. His team seems more receptive to his direction. Ramsay doesn't like Bonnie's dessert -- I thought it looked good -- four chocolate truffles. He doesn't like Rock's dessert either.
Bonnie's restaurant is ready for Ramsay's inspection. He likes it. Clean, elegant. He doesn't care much for the hardwood floors due to noise.
Rock's is now ready. Elegant. No salt and pepper on the tables because it should be properly seasoned coming to the patrons.
Ramsay gives them some last minute advice -- you run the kitchen, don't let it run you. They each get new master chef jackets.
The kitchen(s) is/are open. The appetizers are getting ready. Ramsay is happy. The appetizers come out at the same time. Bonnie starts to have some communication woes with her not-wisely-chosen team. Julia is in her own world.
Rock is doing slightly better with Josh, but it's not an easy go.
Now Bonnie isn't listening to Julia.
Rock's team is falling behind on the appetizers. But Bonnie ran out of fettuccine for her signature dish and has to substitute spaghetti. Then Rock's team is falling apart mainly due to Josh. Rock finally moves Vinnie to fish because Josh kept burning the crab cakes. Rock is starting to get antsy.
Bonnie is running out of prawns and a dish is being sent back -- undercooked and cold. She didn't order right for this dinner!
Rock's team is doing better again as Bonnie's team is falling apart more. Julia gave her grief over wrapping something up and it became a verbal brouhaha.
Service is complete. Rock thinks that Josh might have ruined his chance of winning. Bonnie's team is all hunky-dory now that it's over. Yeah, right. Now that they don't need to communicate! Rock's family visits him briefly.
When questioned by Ramsay, Rock said he would have liked to have Jen because she's the best. Bonnie would have double-checked the stations and portions.
Ramsay thinks they both came out with great leadershop abilities. He has to study the customer comment cards before giving his decision.
Ramsay tells Bonnie she's surprised him the most and he tells Rock he's rock-solid. He says it was a tough decision. They're standing at the doors. The winner is the door which opens.
And, the spoilers from the beginning of the season were right ... Rock won. Rock cries. Julia cries. And Bonnie took it so welll ... she says she's happy for him!
Jackie thanks for your blog!!! How can Bonnnie not know her recipes??
Julia is going to screw Bonnies chance.
I really think you may be right or melissa will!!
Nah, I think Bonnie did herself in picking them as a team. Melissa? Julia when she knew she was pouting?
Jackie you are right!!!! Why would you do that?? If I was in this I would not have picked Julia!!!
rock needs to fire Josh!!!!
Just ne happy im giving you your food?!?!?!?!?
What a you know what!!!!!!
And to think I liked Julia all season.
I liked her and Jen...I thought they were the better contestants
I liked them and Rock!!
Didnt we just have a commercial??????????????????
so who is it??
Julia is so into wanting Rock to win that it seems like she might be baiting Bonnie on purpose to get her unnerved. Like you've said though, Bonnie shouldn't have picked the sore loser in the first place. Julia is a very ungrateful woman. I wonder if Chef Ramsay is second-guessing his decision to help her further.
I think Rock has it in the bag. He controlled his temper very well tonight.
ok, i didnt want him to win but I still have tears in my
Bonnie is a very gracious loser. I think much more so than Rock would have been. I really don't think either of them is ready to open a fine dining establishment though.
Oh I did and yes I have big tears!!!
ccI agree Bonnie was wonderful!! I think she will do well in life!
And the commenters cried...
Oh we are almost an Amber:)
Thanks again Jackie!!
I am glad Bonnie got the girls,I would not have wanted to have to take Josh,he is hopeless. I can't believe he made it as far as he did. That says something to the poor calibur of the guys on the men's team.
Bonnie was indeed a good loser. I think he picked Rock,or gave him the edge,because he was a family man. Boy,Julia,can we spell s-o-r-e
If Julia hadn't been on a show and if Bonnie hadn't needed a full team on their final service, she would have been fired for speaking to her boss like that. It makes me wonder if she did it on purpose!
Rock is from my area and they did a live news spot from his restaurant in D.C. where he watched the finale. He was a very gracious winner and deserving...he worked his tail off this season! Bonnie is right, the right opportunity will find her. It's nice to like both finalists on a reality show for once! ha ha
Witt :)
People please.....give credit where credit is due! Rock deserved to win and so he did...period! That does not take anything away from Bonnie. I like her and I'm sure something else will come along for her. This was just not her time.
Julia is a sore loser and acted very unprofessionally. I wonder if Ramsey was re-thinking his decision to send her to culinary school.
I think Bonnie lost on her ordering of food - the fettuccine and the prawns. That was her signature dish and she should have had adequate supplies for a dish that she expected/hoped would be the most popular thing on her menu. She was good at working with her team, even the sullen Julia (I like her, I understand her resentment, but get over it woman!); she could have blown up in a huge argument over authority but would that have helped her service. In a real restaurant she could have been fired for that, but probably after service. Rock's weak point was that he knew there was a problem with Josh (incompetent in the dictionary is accompanied with a picture of Josh cooking) but it was only at Ramsay's prompting that he did a damned thing about it and changed his station to something to something less taxing to his "abilities." All I can say is that neither one of them is Heather.
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