I'll be updating this post with the major events of the evening and everyone's welcome to jump in with their comments.
An interesting rather creepy dance is opening the show.
One guy and one girl will go home and the remaining four will go onto the finale performance show Wednesday night. Debbie Allen announced that Cedric is indeed attending her dance school in September.
A special guest dancer, Titus, performed. Now they're doing solos. It's Sabra up first. (She's my favorite of the girls left.) Lauren is next, then Lacey. Pasha is up first for the guys, a very nice dance indeed. I love his personality although I don't think he's the best male dancer. Next is Neil. I'm liking him more each week. Then it's Danny. I think that he's technically the best dancer of the guys, but I'm no dance expert.
Oh, this is nice. SYTYCD is working with inner city after school programs. Cool!
Into a Krumping exhibition.
First girl into the finale is Lacey. The first male into the finale is Danny.
They're sending the audience home as the show isn't live. It was filmed last Thursday. Bummer for them! They didn't want the infor to leak before today.
Okay, Sabra made it into the finale ... as should be! Lauren is going home.
Rats, Pasha is going home. Neil is in the finale.
I'm pulling for Sabra too. If Neil or Pasha win, I'd be happy.
Danny seems to be the best of the guys and Sabra of the girls. If Sabra doesn't make it 2nite I'd be very angry.
Glad Sabra and Neil made it. Sorry to see Pasha go, But I do like Danny too. I'm not surprised that Lauren left but I thought she had a very sweet personality. The only one I don't like much is Lacey. My faves are Sabra and Neil. They've both come so far!
I like Danny and Lacey...although I think a girl should win this year since the guys have taken it the first 2 years. I like Sabra too but since she is already a professional with High School Musical behind her belt, I figure she will have no trouble getting work.
Arrrgh! I LOVED Pasha (hubba hubba)! But all of these kids are so talented, it's amazing it's been possible to make distinctions enough to eliminate much of anybody from the start. Whomever cast this year deserves an Emmy.
I'm sure Pasha will go on to have a successful career, and I hope tp buy tickets to see him dance sometime!
Danny is great, so we shall see. It would be nice to see a female win this year, but we shall see.
I was so sad to see Pasha go,I liked him so much. But Danny is my favorite. I was hoping that Neil and Lauren would go,so I got half my wish.
I loved Lauren's personality,but thought she was just a smidge less talented that the other two.I would love it if Sabra won,but then I like Lacey too and she seems to be a real fan favorite. I'd like a girl to win this year too.
Hi everyone!
I was SOOOO sad to see Pasha go... I really liked him! This is the point where I have such a hard time, whether it is reality, sports, or whatever! I am just a big sap that always wishes everyone could win that achieves this level of success!
I look forward to seeing this group on Broadway, in films... All with great careers!
Can't wait for Wednesday's last dance show!
It is so nice to read and write something completely positive!! This is refreshing! ;)
Thank you, Jackie, for live blogging the show! I know your cup runneth over right now!
Thanks for all you do!
My top three are still in it...yeah! (Lacey-Neil-Danny in that order)... Still cried when the others left, it was so hard to watch :( I loved Lauren's spunk and great smile that lit up a room & Pasha was a class act. He seemed like a great(sexy) guy...
Pasha was my favorite. I think it was him personality that put him in the top for me. Just as Nigel mentioned at the end of the show, he is a gentleman and we have so few of them around now it is wonderful to see one on such a popular TV program. Perhaps the casting directors of BB should consider a kinder, gentler mix next year.
Now that Pasha is gone I am rooting for Sabra. I think she is just a little ball of energy and has nothing phony about her.
Lacey is a good dancer but her personality is off-putting at times.
Neil has grown a lot in this competition and has a very expressive face when he dances. I think he would make a great Broadway performer.
Danny is a very technical dancer and not too hard on the eyes but I just feel he does not have that extra spark that Sabra has.
I would not be upset if any of these four dancers win but I am leaning more toward Sabra as I feel she is the real deal.
I was totally shocked when Pasha was the one to go. He wasn't my favorite, but still an exceptional dancer.
I think Lacey is good, but she "puts on airs" as my mother would say, so I'm over her.
Neil is good, but Danny is better. However, I too think Sabra is the best of the 4 left.
I'm so happy that Danny made it to the finals. Way more happy than any married mother of two has any business being! LOL. I just think he's a beautiful dancer. He has excellent technique, but I think his artistry is even better. I'll be tearing up the phone lines voting for him, and that is very rare for me. I hardly ever vote anymore for any of these shows, although I love to watch them.
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