Thursday, September 06, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 9/06 Live Double Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show is starting here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll be updating this entry. Please refresh to see the latest and, as always, your comments are welcome!

As I type this on the fly while I watch, misspellings and typos are a probability. Oops

Are you ready?

Recap about the Little Julie Chen Alliance doubting each other, the HOH, the Zach/Daniele/Dick deal, the Jessica and Jameka noms, and the veto comp.

Julie says it Day 69, Big Brother Fast Foward. Eric will do a cell phone vote live for the America's Player tonight.

Jameka doesn't want to campaign against Jessica. Jessica hopes that Dick and Daniele stick to the final four deal. Daniele and Dick try to think ahead. Dick thinks Jameka is too confident. He will string her along telling her she will go home, then offer her a deal shortly before the live show.

Jamkea cried. She's playing for her whole family. She ran and told Jessica.

Jessica tells Eric. Eric thinks that if D&D wanted one of them out, they would have both on the block. Eric is sure that Dick and Daniele will honor their deal and keep Jessica safe.

America's Player -- He got the word that Jameka is "America's" target this week. Verry happy.

Eric approaches Daniele asking her if Jessica was staying. Daniele lies and tells him she is.

Julie is going to tell them about the Fast Forward.

Jameka speaks her bit to us, gave word, guarantee, etc. Strategic first conversation later, hope to still be here. Jessica mentions HS rival and says sitting next to Jameka is harder, may the best person win.

The voting:
Eric -- evict Jameka as per "us." Julie tells him code -- the HG who she tells to lead the others back into the house, that's the target.
Dick -- evict Jessica
Daniele -- Jessica

2-1, as I predicted, Jessica is voted out.

And Eric cries. And Jameka cries.

Eric says he's not surprised, he understands to Dick. Eric said that Daniele should have warned him so he had two days.

Jessica tells Julie campaigning wouldn't have helped. Future with Eric? I love him, feelings real, maybe outside? Goodbye messages -- Dick is so sorry, strategically had to do it. Zach - no hard feelings. Daniele apologizes. Jameka loves her. Eric cries.

HOH comp is coming up. They're off to the backyard.
AP target? -- 1 Daniele 2 for Dick 3 Jameka 4 Zach Text 81818

HOH comp is "Before or After" It's one where they're on stairs, step forward for after (?), backward for before. All right first two rounds. These are events in the house. Daniel just took the lead. Now all tied up again. Daniele and Eric tied for lead. Eric leading by one question now. All tied again now.

DICK won, he's the new HOH.

America is targeting Daniele. I don't think that will work for Eric with Dick as HOH.

Nominations are next. Commercial break!

Eric knows he will be nominated. Dick nominates Jameka and Eric, as we could have guessed. He had a deal with Zach to not put him on the block this week and you know he can't put Daniele on the block. Eric made a half-hearted effort to mention that he should nominate Zach and Daniele, but I don't think it will count as a completed task.

Time for the POV comp! Out in the yard, they have little helmets on. It's called Niagara Falls, 5000 rubber balls, collect only green ones and put in tube, first with 8 in the tube win.

Jameka leading so far with 3, Dick has one, Daniele has one, Eric two. Zach and Jameka leading with three. Zach up to four. Jameka disqualified -- blue ball in tube. Zach needs one more.

Zach has won the Power of Veto!

Time for the veto meeting -- Zach is thinking. Jameka tells Zach she's not ready to go home, teary. Eric says he has no expectations, give me a fair chance.

Zach isn't go to use it, he made an oath to his group. Another live vote and eviction next -- either Jameka or Eric will go.

Last chance for Eric and Jameka to plead their cases. Jameka first -- on the block so much not fun, strategic, kept word, etc., blah blah. Eric says he's disappointed and surprised. I've been good to the three of you, kept my word, didn't elminate you, I've been good to you, be good to me.

The voting:
Zach votes to evict Eric.
Daniele votes to evict Eric.

Eric has been evicted. Dick says he had the best time of all with Eric while in the house.

Julie greets America's Player. Jameka cries.

Eric tells Julie he's at peace right now. He mentioned that the America's Player changed his game. The ones who voted out would be gone if he had played his own game. He says Jessica wasn't a showmance. He won $40,000.

Tuesday will be another eviction followed by another eviction on Thursday where it will be down to the final two. On Sunday, they'll show the HOH. That show won't be live, so I can only think it will take place perhaps tomorrow or Saturday.


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Anonymous said...

Does asnyone think the ball in Dicks pocket was to have something in the house to play with...Maybe BEER PONG......

Anonymous said...

The feeds are still blocked.


Anonymous said...

Can we take anymore ber pong. Have they played this week>

Anonymous said...

Sharon - I'm with you. I think if Zach does make it to the final 2 he has a good chance to win. The jury may not have enjoyed being with him in the house, but to have made it that far by teaming up with the Donatos and then breaking them up in the end. THAT'S how you play the game!

Anonymous said...

ERic said it best...he stayed to to AP. If he played his own game, it would have turned out a lot different.
Go Zach...I don't think he has a chance, but I cannot get behind anyone as vile as ED.


JPL said...

MAN! Damn the orge. Getting Dani out would have been the best thing ever. Grrr.

Anonymous said...

...Or to sell on e-bay after the finale, lol, :)

Anonymous said...
Does asnyone think the ball in Dicks pocket was to have something in the house to play with...Maybe BEER PONG......

9/06/2007 9:22 PM

Anonymous said...

You go D & D!!
Whatever you want to call it...lying, cheating,'s still called winning!!! If you've watched this game in the past that is exactly how it is played!

Dick may have saved Daniele's behind a few weeks ago but the girl has 2 hoh's and 4 veto's under her belt. She is a great player. And if she has a great poker face more power to her!

D & D til the end!!

Anonymous said...

I think it is time to cancel my ShoToo. I don't want to watch those 4...spitting, cursing, whining. Yikes

Anonymous said...

...eating his fingernails (Zach), and praying...

Anonymous said...
I think it is time to cancel my ShoToo. I don't want to watch those 4...spitting, cursing, whining. Yikes

9/06/2007 9:28 PM

Anonymous said...

anybodybuthillary said...
Yeah, People call Eric names, but he had the most honest game in BB history. He voted with his ONLY

If anyone let him down....we did.

He had no choice in how he voted. Julie told him who his vote was for in the DR and used the time to chat with him about being AP.
Eric also chose to guide Jessica in the wrong direction for $10,000. Had he not done that, she would have put up either E or D.

Anonymous said...

Happy days are here again...... the sky above is clear again.... and on and on and on! I for one am thrilled!

Unknown said...

Zach is the new Bunky.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched it yet (I'm west coast) but, from what Jackie & all of you have written, I can't believe that Zach is so stupid to think he can trust D & D!. I also can't believe how stupid the HG are! Didn't they learn anything from last year, with the Chill Town alliance? All this season I've been wondering how the HG's could leave D & D in the game together. Like the saying goes... Blood is thicker than water! Those 2 would NEVER vote the other one out or plot against each other.

If Zach had any smarts & was really "playing" this game, he would of used the veto on either of them. Eric probably would of been the better choice because he would still be so mad at the double cross of D & D. Then ED would of had to put Danielle on the block & then Zach & whoever could of voted Danielle out & broken up that alliance. Now Jam has to win HOH or it's all over for Zach & Jam. Danielle will take ED cause she thinks she can win against ED & ED will take Danielle to prove his love for her. Zach just blew his big chance!


meb said...

I'm glad Eric went to sequester so he can console Jessica (with his winnings). Not that I don't like him, because I agree with Anybodybuthillary... we caused his demise simply because we tried to trip him up on almost every move. It's like we can't handle the fact that he was winning some money. What was wrong with that. Who cares. The tasks were silly, but they kept some kind of activity in the house. You know how boring it was to begin with. I'm glad he won $40,000 in spite of us.

And I'm glad Jameka is still there and I hope she wins HOH and puts up the Donatos and then I hope she wins POV and then I hope Zack votes out Dani and then Jameka will be in the final three! HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Oh my gosh, I think I lost it there for a minute. could happen!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Eric also chose to guide Jessica in the wrong direction for $10,000. Had he not done that, she would have put up either E or D.

-- Good point, Anon. Eric should at least split that part of his winnings with Jessica since she might otherwise have remained in the house if she'd followed her gut.

joy n said...

Dick put a green ball in his pocket. Later, he took it out of his pocket and put it in the tube. It looked like he was hoping to collect a few balls and put them in all at once to make Jam and others think he was behind. Since it took him so long to get his second ball, he must have changed his mind and went ahead and stuck the one ball in. It was green. I was watching him.

Anonymous said...

Zach is afraid of Dick. That's why he didn't use the veto.

Anonymous said...

Joy N, thanks for clearing up the mystery of Dick's balls -- sorry, couldn't resist, :) -- really, thanks for your eagle eye!

Anonymous said...

KJ said "Now Jam has to win HOH or it's all over for Zach & Jam."

Zach can win it too, it's not all up to Jameka. Now, Jameka HAS to win it to save herself because Zach won't put up both of the Donatos. UNLESS...he decides to break them up now and try to take the other one to the end instead of Jameka...

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:13 I also saw Dick pocket the ball and thought he was saving them to put in the tube all at once. Then when Jameka's tube had a blue ball in it, Dick no longer had the ball in his pocket. I could be wrong, the camera was fast...moving around...but knowing how Dick has played, I wouldn't put it past him.
Someone mentioned that Jessica didn't say goodbye to the others. They all walked into the kitchen without saying goodbye to her. Guilt maybe?

Anonymous said...

Hey...Dick can't play HOH, can he? It's Jameka, Zach and Daniele. The odds are against the Donatos!

Anonymous said...

Rooting for D & D is easy now, huh? SO FAKE!

meb said...

Is there any reason Eric can't confess about AP to everybody in Sequester now that he can't win the game? Would there be some reason for still keeping it secret (other than taking the chance of losing Jessica when she finds out)?

And I wish people would quit calling him a weasle...he only did what we asked him to do.

Jackie S. said...

They aren't allowed to talk about the game in sequester. From my understanding, they will have handlers there and game talk is squashed. At least that's the way it worked other seasons.

Anonymous said...

meb- i think he probably has to wait to get the money (esp. as hostile as sequester seems to be)- it was probably a contract and also people may second guess why the people who are left did what they did and that could sway their end vote and last but not least Jess may just hurt

Anonymous said...

I don't know why, but I I thought that if AP (Eric) got to vote on the winner, that "we" would tell him how to vote. Which would mean that he can't tell the other SH people about AP.

Anonymous said...

Meb - I don't think they'll let him tell the jury yet. If he tells them in the sequester house, we won't get to see the reactions of the others. I think they'll spill the beans to everyone at the finale.

Anonymous said...

Not that Dick is my favorite but that sucks that he can't compete for HOH....He should be able to get the room and a letter like the others. I think they should all complete. If thats the case then Jameka shouldn't be able to play since this is still the FIFTH week...

meb said...

Oh right! If that is right... you know... do we get to vote for Eric or are we finished? I hope we can't! Let the boy finally do something on his own!

Jackie S. said...

The feeds are still blocked. That's very odd. They usually return within five minutes of the end of the live show on the east coast. Maybe they're waiting for the west coast to air before returning them tonight?


meb said...

Anon..he's HOH now... He gets the room until the next HOH I think.

Anonymous said...

When are the feeds going ot come back up. Think they are competing for HOH already. I think it should be in the middle of the night like the POV. Any Thoughts?


Jackie S. said...

According to the infamous fine print, AP ends September 12 unless Eric is evicted on say, the 6th. The finale vote should be his own, I think.

Anonymous said...

I personally liked the idea of AP as far as getting to vote on who we wanted to be nominated or voted out. All the other tasks were more or less stupid. I didn't like Eric personally because of his potty mouth. But I have to agree with AnybodyBut.... about Eric's game. The way alot of people voted just to mess Eric up because they didn't like him, made the game harder for him. I don't think that being AP helped Eric or was an advantage at all.

meb said...

You're obviously right Orkmommy... And I do so want to see the look on everyone's face when they tell them about Eric. Especially when they tell them he won $40,000!

And anon 9:48, maybe with it being televised, Jessica won't kill him on national TV. Besides, if they remain a couple, part of that money is surely hers.

Anonymous said...

Zach the flying monkey boy just went splat into a brick wall!
I really think he believes that Dani will team up with him to get rid of ED.
Also remember that last week Zach told Ed that he only needed $15,000 to $20,000 to accomplish his goals.
Zach said he did not need to win to be happy. He ain't going to win but I guess he will be happy.
What a dumb ass.

Jackie S. said...

As I watched, I was sure the ball Dick put in his pocket was green. I thought he was trying to save trips to the tube.

joy n said...

Dick took the ball out of his pocket and into HIS own tube when Jameka still had only three balls in her tube. I just watched the tape to make sure.

meb said...

Jackie... I hope the fine print is correct and we don't get to mess Eric up anymore.

Man, I'm exhausted. I feel like I've run a marathon.

And I think you did run one Jackie. Your keeping up with the happenings as they happened were phenomenal. I just now read them. You know my TV is miles away from my Computer, so I had to just sit and watch the show and then join in here. Thanks so much.

joy n said...

Yes, Jackie, it was green!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:47

How is Dani winning the same as Boogie?

Just a question. I don't think so. She has been a pure player this entire season. Boogie rode on Will the entire S7 season.

I don't necessarily like Dani in the Dick and Dani block, but Dani has been smart. Dick has been as well. This has been been a fun and smart BB season. May the best man/or woman win! Go DICK!!!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to sign my last post.


BeniSage said...

Zach had the perfect opportunity to break of Dick & Danielle. He should have taken either Jameka or Eric off the block; Dick would have been forced to put up Danielle; then Zach and whoever he saved could have voted off Danielle and finally broken up the alliance that will not turn on eachother! Oh well, I hope Zach or Danielle is out next!

DKNYNC said...

Anonymous said...
Could Eric have chosen not to campaign against America's choice for eviction? He would have lost money, but saved his game.

Eric did NOT have a choice when it came to who he had to vote to evict and he had to at least make an effort on the other tasks. He may have wanted to make other choices but since he knew his vote would go to evict America's choice he had to try to make that work. I'm sure he wanted to evict one of the Donatos but he couldn't. How could he tell Jess to put them up and then not vote for them? I don't like Eric but he did a great job completing the tasks and "we" totally messed with his game.

Anonymous said...

My "notes" to Early Show tomorrow note that evicted BB8 contestant will be on. May not be true---but I will be DVR'ing none the less. That would be proof that they were afraid of "releasing Wamber to the public". LOL

Zach--fatal error tonite pal. Bad game play. Also surprised that Eric didn't plant that seed--he knows the game better than that.


Anonymous said...

I paraphrased a few lines of a Willie Nelson tune for my amusement. Wanna hear it..Hope you like it..Here it is..

Mamas' don't let your babies grow up to be Donato's
Don't let 'em pick guitars and drive them old trucks
Make 'em be doctors and lawyers and such
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Donato's
They'll never stay home and they're always alone
Even with someone they love....

Melody said...

OK, so do I have this right? The vote for AP is done (and Eric is out) so for us on the West Coast we have no say in the voting?

joy n said...

I couldn't be happier with Zach's choice to not use his POV. It's no different than he's played the game all along. He said he didn't "need" to win anyway.

Dick and Daniele have played this game the way it was meant to be played. No two HGs deserve to be in the F2 more than they do.

If that happens, I hope the jury votes for ED to win because Dani would have been gone if Daddy hadn't saved her butt, which in my mind, makes ED the best player in the house and most deserving of the win. I'm rooting for you all the way EVEL DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

West coast has no voting tonight. It isn't live. It will be taped and the voting will be closed. I am sure they will edit the voting info and talking from Julie on how to vote.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, good point, Melody. I hadn't thought of that.

Kathy said...

I am so glad that the final 4 are a group nobody had mentioned earlier.They all were plotting for different people to go to the final 4 with. This gruop I never heard mentioned. I also think I will cancel Sho Too, last night was horrible an hour and a half of Eric, with those pointy ears and eyebrows and the shifty eyes talking to Jameka and most of it was inaudible and then half an hour of Danielle and her Manicure and Pedicure and playing with the filings from her nails on the paper towel(yuck).I am so glad to no longer have to watch Jessica & Eric the night with him & her with thier backs to each other and her asleep and him doing , well you know, I was so grossed out and changed my opinion of him totally from then on. Jackie excellent job once again and congrats on amount of comments. Kat in NJ.

Melody said...

Well that rather sucks for us, huh? Thanks anon and anon for answering me.

Anonymous said...

joy n, I hope that Evel Dick wins over Dani too. I will cheer for a warm blooded creature every time! LOL

joy n said...

I.m going to hit the sack but wanted to add my thanks to you once again, Jackie. You are truly amazing! I couldn't do what you do in a million years, so I am especially glad that you do.

The almost two years I've been posting as anon and joy n have been a thousand times more enjoyable than the previous years when I didn't know such a blog existed. You are a very talented woman! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Honestly I can't stand this. The houseguests just handed the game to ED and Danielle. If they had any brains Zach would have used the veto and they could have gotten rid of Danielle tonight and that would have been the end of that alliance. What idiots. Really Dick & Danielle deserve to win, even though I can't stand that whiny immature brat. I'm sorry about Jessica though. She was a good game player but she let herself be influenced too much by Eric.

joy n said...

Amen, Lynn 1!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Zach is dumb as dirt. Eric's gameplay is lacking, though. He never pointed out to Zach that he could go to the final 4 with no father/daughter alliance to kick his dumb butt out. That should have been his speech. Zach can't figure it out 'cause he thinks Dani luvs him now. Little head thinking. But remember, even if he uses the big head he is still dumb as dirt. If ED/DD take it all they should give the money to ED and let that whiney little bitch spend all her time begging that tyranical ass for some money.

Anonymous said...

Use Eric, ED has no choice but to nominate Danellle. Vote to evict Danelle with Eric and you have spit it powerhouse of ED and ED.

That would have been the Dumbest move, Zach would then be called Marcellas, If Zach had used POV, I highly DOUBT Dick would have nominated Dani, He would have nominated ZACH, I'm sure Zach was aware that would have been one of the dumbest moves, Well Eric IMO was greedy either way despite AP vote last week to vote Amber out, Jessica/Eric would have be in the exact spot Dick and Dani are in, they would have had the numbers to vote either of them out, then if they we're a target which they ended up being anyway, at least both pairs would have been broken up, IMO the only reason Dani is winning a lot of POV/HOH, Umm There's actually no other competitors all the other Housemates suck, heck anyone could have advanced this far with this years lackeys. I don't believe for one minute Jameka will keep her word if she gets HOH, well one of them ( D & D ) would be nominated despite, D & D may have gotten rid of Jessica and Eric but I have a strange feeling neither Jameka nor Zach will trust either of them. If Jameka makes it into final two, I now believe Jameka would win if she is the HG who ultimately gets either Dick or Dani evicted, because none of the others had the guts to, I won't be surprised if we have Jameka and Zach as our final two, Boy what a laugh they'll sure to get, after they realize the only reason Eric saved Dick; wasn't because Dick made a convincing argument but because it was part of Eric's task, they'll be empty-handed while Eric will be the one smiling.

Anonymous said...

Zach is afraid of Dick. That's why he didn't use the veto.
9/06/2007 9:37 PM

Do you guys really not know, Zach using pov could have put himself on the block not danelle

Wendy said...

Why haven't they shown the jury house footage? They show it every year but not this one!

DKNYNC said...

joe in ny,

Where are you tonight? I miss your wonderful comments about game strategy and such..... Hope you haven't left us just because your blogmances are being fickle. If they don't appreciate you it's time to evict them. What can I tell you - you stick with a NY girl!. LOL!

DKNYNC said...

Tom S..

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but
I don't think you can nominate the POV winner for eviction, so if Zach had used the POV then Dick would have had no choice but to put up Danielle. Then Zach and Eric would have been the two votes and they could have gotten Danielle out. I don't know how Zach believes he's going to make the final two if Dick & Danielle are together.

Anonymous said...

God! I hope that Danielle doesnt win this whole thing. She is so 2 faced. Shes only nice when it benefits her. Other than that she talks trash and is rude to everyone even her father. I wanted to puke when she leaped into Dicks arms after he won HOH! YUCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are the feeds back on yet? What's happening with the new HOH? If you have the feeds, those of us without the feeds would greatly appreciate any info you can give us.


Anonymous said...

"Do you guys really not know, Zach using pov could have put himself on the block not danelle

9/06/2007 11:29 PM"

No it would not have. The HOH can't put up the person who uses the Veto. If Zach would have used it, Dick would of had to put up Dani and it could have been one of the best all time moves in BB...oh-well.

Anonymous said...


Feeds are not back up yet.

Anonymous said...

Anyway since I just got to watch the show, I'm going to put in my two cents worth.

Zach WTF's wrong with you? YOu would have had a much better chance of winning against Jam or Eric. GAWD allmighty.

I can't bring myself to do it. I can't bring myself to root for D + D. I just can't. I can barely admit that they are playing the best game but I cannont and will not root for them. I won't. I won't! I WON'T! (I stamped my little foot too!)

As for Jam. You had better step it up girl if you don't want to be out. Bring it girl. You're free to compete so go all out.

Bye Eric. Bye Jess. I'm sad to say I say this coming two weeks ago. For someone who is a student of the game, Eric you really suck.


Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 11:53


Nate said...

OK, so I am pretty much over this tripe. If Jameka doesn't win HOH this weekend, then the game is dull and useless from here on out. Why so many people let the Donatos slide through this long is absurd. There is nothing redeemable about them from either a personal or strategic POV (the other POV). Ughh.
Meanwhile, as to the questions about Eric's "Philadelphia lawyer" comment, it refers to his discussion with Jameka and Jessica from last night. They were talking about how sickly and thin he has gotten from not eating under stress. They dubbed him Tom Hanks's lawyer character from the movie Philadelphia.

Nate said...

P.S. It's a real shame that some people are jerky bots who post in people's comments, because I LOVE the word verification being turned off. It always times out and I have to re-enter my post a million times.
THANKS, JACKIE, for all of your hard work. Especially when it's so gorgeous outside here in NYC.

Anonymous said...

feeds just came back thing Zach is hoh

Anonymous said...

yup Zach is new HOH

Anonymous said...

The HOH can nominate person who won the veto, once the veto is given to another houseguest that person who gave up his veto is no longer safe, don't you remember Marcelles using his pov on Amy? in return Marcelles was nominated,then voted out, so yes Zach did the right thing, and yes Hoh Dick could have nominated him not Danelle!

DKNYNC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"Philadelphia lawyer" is a old expression--I first heard the term in a folk song by Woodie Guthrie, probably written in the 30's. It refers to an extremely smart attorney who's very good at manipulation. So this is how Eric perceives himself. We will see.

DKNYNC said...

Was anyone else wondering about the AP vote tonight? America wanted Danielle nominated? Surprised?! Maybe people are finally realizing what a spoiled whiney manipulative brat she is. Obviously it was an impossible task for Eric to get her nominated with Dick as HOH but he must be wondering who America is rooting for. He realized "we" were Dick and Danielle fans when we voted to evict Dustin instead of Dick so don't you think he must be wondering what happened tonight?

Anonymous said...

Here's a little something I just came across on the CBS message boards. Get your vote in, kids.


This is a Double Eviction Week & Eric, America's Player is in danger......
if Eric is voted out, between Nick & Jen, who would you like to see return to the Big Brother House as the replacement America's Player?

Due to Double Eviction week and time constraints ~ This is an Online Poll Only..... only 1 vote per e-mail address will be counted, please be sure to respond to this, the original posting to be counted, sorry, text messaging is not enabled for this online poll.


Anonymous said...

Daniele is crying now cause she lost HOH by 1 number. god she's a whine brat

Zach is HOH

Anonymous said...

What's she crying for? All she has to do is suck up to Zach and he won't nominate her. Maybe she should put on her eensy-weensy little bikini and go talk to him about it. He'll most likely be stupid and put up Jam and ED which will let Dani decide who stays or who goes and I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't vote for ED to go.


Anonymous said...

The first time Dani started "working Zach" she did put on her little bikini and then sat down on the edge of the pool making sure he was eye level with her crotch...and Shrek fell for it...he has a crush on Dani and is enjoying his 15 minutes of her fawning over him. Ugh. He's just the kind of guy she wouldn't even speak to outside the house.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What's she crying for? All she has to do is suck up to Zach and he won't nominate her.

Doesn't matter if she sucks up to him or not. Unless he wins POV, he doesn't control who the nominees are. It doesn't matter who he puts up there the POV changes everything this week. HOH is nice because it guarantees safety for a week but POV is more powerful because it decides who goes home unless HOH wins POV in which case he can choose one player to be safe but cannot control who that person evicts.

pisgahscience said...

Anon 12:02

Yes I do remember Marcellus, but he was ALREADY on the block when he used the veto to save the other person on the block and not himself. The replacement nominee wasn't him.

Anonymous said...

From Bebo . . . .


This is a Double Eviction Week & Eric, America's Player is in danger......
if Eric is voted out, between Nick & Jen, who would you like to see return to the Big Brother House as the replacement America's Player?

Due to Double Eviction week and time constraints ~ This is an Online Poll Only..... only 1 vote per e-mail address will be counted, please be sure to respond to this, the original posting to be counted, sorry, text messaging is not enabled for this online poll.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Where did you find this? I want to vote for Jen!! I'd give anything to see their faces if she walked in, but even more, I'd hate for Dani to get Nick!!!

PDX Granny

Brent McKee said...

KJ wrote: "I also can't believe how stupid the HG are! Didn't they learn anything from last year, with the Chill Town alliance?"

No one ever learns anything from watching previous seasons of this show. If they did Dr. Will and Mike Moron - sorry Mike Boogie - wouldn't even have been on the jury. Zach has never shown himself to be the sharpest knife in the drawer (the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, the most useful tool in the tool chest) so of course he would choose not to change the nominations. To his mind the only thing that he has to gain by changing them is the undying emnity of Dick for forcing ED to nominate his daughter. I think he thinks he can beat either Donato in the jury. If it comes to that I hope that the jury recognises him as the biggest floater in the house, and in his case "floater" refers to what you sometimes find in the toilet after you flush. I never thought I'd say it, but if it comes down to Zach and Danielle I want Danielle to win.

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