After an hour-longish feeds block, the feeds have returned. Daniele did NOT use the veto. All feeds are on Jessica and Jameka talking about the indicators of who's going will be by a 2-1 or 3-0 vote during the live show. The 2-1 would mean Jessica as she'll have Eric's vote.
Well, it certainly would be funny if Jess went on a 3-0 vote thanks to AP! (Not that that would happen, people seem to like Jess too much to screw with Eric that way.)
By the way, how big an IDIOT is Eric. You go into the DR acting like yourself, you come out acting like Dick, and you don't think Dick is going to but 2 and 2 together? Eric lacks subtlety.
Terri in OH, isn't it time for breakfast?
Do you want cream in your eggs?
I am going to vote for Eric to nominate Jessica.
I want Jameka gone too, but just really tired of Jessica's attitude since she has been on the block.
Besides, how can Eric go off on D and D for voting out Jess, if he did also.
It will also be interesting to see Eric explain that to Jameka.
Eric voting out Jessica will be the biggest shocker of the season! :)
Oops, I mean for Eric to vote out Jess!
Everyone keeps talking on various blogs that we (AMERICA) are messing up Eric's game. I don't see it that way since we see way more than Eric does. Jessica sealed her fate, it wasn't all Eric's fault. She should of ran her HoH, and not let her "feelings" for Eric get in the way.
Replies to other posts:
Joe Said: Well, it certainly would be funny if Jess went on a 3-0 vote thanks to AP! (Not that that would happen, people seem to like Jess too much to screw with Eric that way.)
I can't figure out how Jessica still has people fooled. I think she is as sweet as pie as long as things are going her way. I think we have seen more of the "real" Jessica since she has been nominated. Get rid of the Minnie Mouse voice by voting for Eric to oust Jessica.
Joe also: By the way, how big an IDIOT is Eric. You go into the DR acting like yourself, you come out acting like Dick, and you don't think Dick is going to but 2 and 2 together? Eric lacks subtlety.
'nuff said.
BAP said: I am going to vote for Eric to nominate Jessica.
I want Jameka gone too, but just really tired of Jessica's attitude since she has been on the block.
Me too!
BAP: Besides, how can Eric go off on D and D for voting out Jess, if he did also.
He would find a way to explain it was a CBS screwup.
PlaidChick said: Everyone keeps talking on various blogs that we (AMERICA) are messing up Eric's game. I don't see it that way since we see way more than Eric does.
I don't either. Besides, look how much money he has made so far. There is no way that he will get to the final two, much less win.
I think people blame AP for screwing up Eric's game because of the Dick alliance. BUT, we don't know that wasn't in Eric's favor. He ended up with a Strong Four instead of a weak 6. Eric is going to make the final 5, at least. Can we say he would have done better if King Dustin stayed?
Besides, Eric didn't have to save Dick, he could have issued a third hinky vote. People would have just blamed Zack or Jen or somebody.
I bet Eric blames AP if he doesn't win, but I don't think that's particularly fair. If you think about it, AP got Nick evicted (he got blamed for the hinky votes) which definitely worked in Eric's favor. Heck, without that, it might be Amber, Danielle, Dick and Nick in the final 4.
And AP made Dick go after Eric (with the hinky Nick vote), which ended up working in Eric's favor when Dick almost ended up going home, LNC disintegrated, and Eric ended up in the Strong Four that is still there.
It also helped create a rift between Danielle and Amber (over Nick), between Danielle and her father (after the Nick eviction). It actually helped turn an annoying little guy with poor lying skills (you can tell he's lying from across the TV screen!) who might not have lasted beyond the first month into a Final 5 player.
And you can't convince me that DR sessions weren't helping Eric to stay in the game. They can't appoint a second AP in the middle of the game without distorting things, so if Eric went home early there whole AP twist (and corresponding text message promotion) would go down with it.
I think the live feeds and blogs have a lot to do with the outcome of the sounds a little evil and fun if America does vote Jessica!
Joe~I left you a couple of messages on the older threads...don't want to stay too off topic! Cream in delectfully sinful!
Hi Teri,
I responded to you on the other post. We appear to be chasing each other around Jackie's house - I hope nothing gets knocked over.
As much as I'd love to see Jameka go, the smart thing to do is to get rid of Jessica.
I've also wondered if this showmance was real and had my doubts, at least as far as Jessica is concerned. When Jessica finds out about the AP, it will be the perfect excuse to dump Eric in the afterlife of this show.
That said, Jessica has only herself to blame for her demise. As others have pointed out, she didn't want the 'blood' on her hands but was willing to let it be on Eric's, thinking that being in the F2 with him would guarantee votes for herself. I think she's been using him all along. It just didn't work out the way she thought it would or that Eric thought it would. No one could have predicted Zach winning HOH. Second guessing now is futile.
So is pointing fingers, Jess. If you'd done your own dirty work, you wouldn't be going to SH Thursday.
Let's see, pretty girl canoodling with dorky guy to get her way...that NEVER happens in real life.
Heck, if Jessica had so much as sat in my lap for 10 seconds I would have killed the other 14 houseguests and given her the money myself!
Yeah, men are clueless sometimes. I noticed how easily Steff turned your head. LOL
Oh, it wasn't THAT EASY. Those were some fine looking graphical equivalents to, point taken!
(Although I am more of a legs man myself.)
Besides it's very lonely when you're a single college teacher surrounded by untouchable, half-naked coeds...
On a more serious note, for a dorky guy like myself or Eric, I'm rather surprised the Jessica coyness worked at all.
Steff turned my digital head, but only by being very aggressive and direct. If she had been as coy as Jessica, nothing would have happened.
Jessica seemed to really be laying back (no pun intended). Now, she is like 5 years younger than Eric, but I would have thought she would need to have been more forward.
Can someone remind me of how their showmance got started?
Watch it Joe! You'l get anons all up in arms again.
and when I track down the anonymous family...LOOK OUT!!! I've got a problem with the whole lot of them!
I'm pretty sure that BB has held off on the double eviction week until they were sure Eric would be able to go for HOH & not have the AP vote get in his way. Unless they use the polls from our voting on Thursday(the 2nd & 3rd hightest, since the 1st would be his choice on who to get nominated),to pick who he needs to nominate then, then I will be ticked. If he is HOH this Thursday and they don't have him nominate the way America wants, then is he really working for America? Nope, it will be confirmed that he is the Producers Player...
I think each season from here on out, that America should get one majority vote. The HG's should know about it & be aware that an outsider who sees and hears all is also placing one vote in the eviction of a HG each week. It would definitely make their behavior change a bit & have them talking to "US" more.... IMO :)
My vote will be to get rid of Jessica this week.
"America" won't vote to evict Jessica because the majority of them don't watch the feeds and so only see the Jessica that CBS chooses to show them.
deanna! I like that idea. A single "America's vote".
Imagine how that might alter perceptions.
I also think it would be interesting if there were some feedback from us to the HGs. Sort of an America's Choice, but with more people included.
If you showed a popularity ranking every week to the HGs, what affect would that have on their behavior? On who they aligned with?
Would the HGs get paranoid, wondering why someone they liked was disliked by the public? Would be a whole new game (quite different).
By the way, while everyone is complaining how AP screwed Eric up - which I don't believe. No one's mentioned that Eric has been getting popularity feedback from the outside world which has to be giving him reason to reconsider his alliances, etc. Did Eric go with D/D and dump Dustin because he had to, or did America's constant targeting of LNC people make Eric question what we were seeing of them that he wasn't?
Just want to see if my name is now in blue, if not, I screwed up.
Hope this idea hasn't been thrown out yet so forgive if it's a repeat; however, regarding the sequester you think that CBS is planning an hour special with only scenes from the sequester house? Pre-season, it was mentioned that there were cameras in the sequester house...maybe that's a show on it's own. Any thoughts?
Probably too much to hope for.
well, what if america voted for him to vote out jess not jameka?
Joe in NY, I've mentioned that about Eric several times! AP didn't screw Eric over. The producers screwed over everyone else by making Eric AP. He has a clear advantage that no one else does. Not only does he know how the game is playing to the outside world, but every single week we get to vote for one unlucky member of the house to have Eric work against them. The only person excluded from our choice is ERIC. I know unfair is the name of the game, but it's blatant manipulation to tell America we can vote for the HG we want gone as long as it isn't Eric. The producers have, in essence, kept him safe with this AP ploy while the rest of the HGs were at the mercy of how America viewed them.
If he wins, I can just imagine the fallout.
Looks like the sharks in the water smell Jessica's blood...maybe just to see a 3 zip vote the the look on Jessica's face when she realizes her shomance voted her out. My question to Jackie or anyone who knows is...can he defy America's choice and vote as he wishes? Can he vote to Jameka no matter what?
it's a hard old world...jessica may well need a helmet
One thing about BB is the game changes continually and the good players stay up with the changes. That means, Jess is out, so we should use our vote to screw with those in the house. If Jameka some how was the DE HOH and Jess left with a 3-0 vote, Jam would send Eric home on emotion alone. Protecting her girlfriend's honor, ya know. Otherwise, Jam would send Zach home, all the time saying it wasn't personal the two of them just didn't click. (isn't that what Zach said and it seemed contradictory to me) No one else will care if Eric voted out Jess or not.
I think BB thought AP would be us having a way to vote for or against our favorites. Instead, we, since all of us have better playing skills than the quarter thumpers in the house, chose to use the vote to try to stir up some action in the house. At least some of us did. I really wanted the Woobie to go to anyone but Jess. (Woobie is leaving btw) If the other AP votes are any indication, though, BB won't let Eric vote for anyone but Jameka. A really fun twist would be if, at the last minute Jess makes a deal with D & D to stay, we have Eric vote for Jess to go and Eric's is the only one for her to go. That would be fun to watch. Maybe you have noticed, I start off the season being the sweet one who is supportive of the hgs and end it by cutting a swath through the house with a plastic knife. I don't care who goes or who stays or who wins, just give me something fun to watch. Sue
Eric has too vote AP choice not his own
I really hope things change and they decide to get rid of Jam and not Jess on Thursday!
Yes, Jess should be voted out because of her attitude problem as soon as she got nominated. Of course, no one else's attitude changed when they were nominated (Dick, Dani, Eric, Zach, Amber, Kail, Jen etc.) They all remained the same. Certainly Jessica should be penalized because she was the only one whose attitude changed. Right!
I think if America votes to have Eric vote Jessica out that America really sucks. It's such a hateful thing to do knowing that Eric cares for her but I suppose it would suit those who hate Eric and Jessica and want get in an extra dig. I think that some people have too much time on their hands to be plotting such nonsense.
We can all play the game better because we're getting the big picture. DUH!
Anon 6:20... It is not just because Jessica is acting different since she is nominated, it is because the "Mean Girl" from week 1 has finally reared her ugly head again. Her excuse that Zack didn't go after D&D is because he fears them is laughable. The Jessica I saw week 1 that was cutthroat & competitive has returned and it is time to get rid of her. She has fooled many (including the entire jury) into thinking she was a sweetheart, but she is the sheep in wolves clothing.... Dick is the wolf, but everyone knows he is....
Besides her behavior towards Zack last night was like watching a clip from a teen movie where she was the popular girl and Zack was the dweeb. I now see why her favority movie is "Mean girls".... She is living the movie... It is one thing to tell someone they suck like Dick does, but it is another to outright ignore someone like they do not exist, like the childish Jessica did....
VOTE JESSICA TO JURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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