Tuesday, September 11, 2007

'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds HOH Comp 9/11 Update

Feeds just returned. I see Daniele and Zach, Dick might be off camera -- we have two views the same. Will update and screen cap. I hear Dick's jump, so all three still in. No one's talking. This is a current quadcam shot.

UPDATE - I think Dick might be out of it ... just caught a shot of his back and he looked like he was standing on the ground. Dick is IN STILL (oops) -- verified ... different shot of the rabbit. Screen caps coming.


Anonymous said...

Go Zach do it for the dolphins!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Zach.....you can do this!

meb said...

Looks like they turned off the water for rthe moment... Zack did turn his hat around... I am so nervous...isn't that stupid!

Anonymous said...

go zach jump you know you dont have a chance with d&d dick is so dang hot hot hot....

Anonymous said...

As much as I haven't cared for Zach, I hope he wins BB. D & D are assholes.

Anonymous said...

Zach has to stay the course. Go Zach go!! After Dick's sickening display tonight, Zach is the only contestant I can root for. And don't get me started on that smug Dani. Would it be too much for her to request that her bulldog dad drop it down a gear? That diatribe directed at Zach tonight was totally unnecessary. What a DICK.

Karen in Oregon said...

I would love for Zach to pull this off and make it to the final 2 but who should he take I dont really think he has a chance to win if he take Dani but if he take Dick I think he might have a chance because Dick ticked off alot of ppl I don't know but it sure is gonna be cool if he does win

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA...I think whoever thinks Dick is hot, hot, hot, is a freekin idiot....OMG...How could anyone like that man...I have not liked Zak that much, but come on..Evel, is just so Evel...OMG, I cant get the picture of this man cussing out every single houseguest..I mean he even had it out with Danielle...GO HOME EVEL!!!

Joe in NY said...

Frankly, Zack's "I'm the man to bring you down" to D/D during the nomination ceremony was no more necessary than Dick's "you've already lost, you just don't know it" speech.

Sydney said...

Harold! Are you back?????

Anonymous said...

Dick took his shoes off. I hope he has some traction on those feet!

Nate said...

I'm with the 10:46 Anon. As lame as Zach might be, I cannot handle the thought of Dick being rewarded for his horrible game.
With a Daniele and Zach final 2, though, it'll be hard for the jury to choose between them.

Anonymous said...


He was able to take his shoes off and keep his hand on the key? That doesn't sound too easy, he must not have had them tied too tightly.


meb said...

Come on Joe...he was just responding to Dick's constant attacks. What was he supposed to do, stand there and say nothing. Oh, of course he was, how silly of me. Love ya Joe, but you sure can get my hackles up!

What are hackles??? :)

ITCHY said...

So happy to see that we all seem to be rooting for Zach....we saw the true colors of the Dnato's tonight....it is wasn't pretty....

Sydney said...

Nate -- I think this jury would choose Zach hands down over Dani. It will be interesting to see. Gues swe don't know if indeed Dick got off so Dani could have it?

Sydney said...

Well if that IS you haroldcheesebuddy, I sure did miss ya this year, and was looking for your comments. :-)

Anonymous said...

Meb - Hackles are those things that are up on you...or something...

Hackles: Hair on neck and back raised involuntarily in fright or anger.

Jackie S. said...

Anon 10:49 - Please don't post about other commenters. People can like whomever they want or not on the show. Please keep your comments to the houseguests themselves or they will be removed.

Jackie S. said...

New post and current screencaps above!

Anonymous said...

Janice - I didn't see it, just saw it posted at Joker's.

Anonymous said...

I'm here with Eller College media Terri says hi Jackie she's been helping, Haroldcheesebudy google wont go through

Anonymous said...

joe in ny--breeder?? That sounds pretty caveman to me
....I thought you came out of the mode yesterday?? The phrase these days is
"my baby's mama" LOL

GO ZACH!!!!!

Thanks for the info everyone....

meb said...

OK Orkmommy...so then Joe, that's what I meant..

Sydney said...

Yo, there's a new update if we want to move over to the next one....

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T STAND THIS!! I need to go to bed but wanna know who wins.

Jackie - if I give you my number will you call me when it's over? Regardless of the time...(just kidding)

Joe in NY said...


All Zack had to do was nominate Jameka and Dick and there would have been no fighting the whole week. All came down to POV anyway.

He also could have just nominated Dick and Dani and left it at that.

I'm not saying there was anything wrong with Zack saying it, but it is no better sportsmanship than Dick jumping up and down and yelling "you've lost" to Zack. It's just quieter.

I don't know why that would get your hackles up (hackles are the ridge of hair between a dogs shoulders), just an IMHO.

It's just possible that Zack is as big an ass as Dick but just quieter. IMHO

joy n said...

C'mon, Dick and Dani! No one has worked harder to win this game. The thought of floater Zach winning HOH, (much less the game) gives me a headache.

Hang in there Donatos!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Dick. You can do it!!!


Anonymous said...

If Dick wins the jury confirms just how much they sux!