Why, yes. There does seem to be a target on Jessica for Thursday. Little do the houseguests know, but another target is set to walk out of the door Thursday, too.
The evening wasn't overly eventful, but here's the skinny:
- They played a mix of beer pong and quarters which Eric likened to Hungry Hippo.
- They played forever, it seems.
- Eric, Jessica, and Jameka all got a bit tipsy.
- Jameka kept spontaneously bursting into song -- "Viva Las Vegas" and "I Feel Pretty" -- which made for temporarily blocked feeds.
- Jessica told Dick that Jameka thinks Daniele will use the veto, save her, and put Eric on the block. Dick siad he doesn't believe her.
- After being called to the Diary Room, Eric returned and started mimicking Dick.
- There's your America's Player task completed.
- The others think he was doing it because he was drunk, but he told Jessica he was going to keep doing it. Jessica said it was odd, all of a sudden.
- Dick got irked at him and even took a stab at it being related to Eric's DR session. He asked Eric if it was a bet with them. Eric said, "Maybe."
- "Houseguests, you are not allowed to discuss your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests."
- Dick wants to cut a deal with Jameka in which she swears she won't come after them the next week in order to save her. Of course, D&D have already decided to switch targets to Jessica this week, but Jameka doesn't know that.
- Daniele thinks if they worry about jury votes now they might never make the final two.
- They don't intend on telling Zach that Jessica's the target until Thursday, it will be their secret for the week.
- Meanwhile, Eric thinks that Jessica is safe as per his talks with Dick. He's worried, yes. But he has no clue she's the target.
- Eric told Jessica that if they (Dick and Daniele) get rid of her, they will make a serious enemy of him. (Shaking in my boots here, aren't you?)
- Everyone went to bed. Jessica and Eric smooched and lovey-doveyed, they're still awake but in bed as I post this.
Poor Jessica. I'm going to miss her. She and Eric really missed the opportunity last week. It was going to come down to one set of two's (Eric & Jessica or Dick & Danielle) stabbing the other in the back. Well, E&J should have pulled the knife first.
I agree,Eric really lead her down the wrong path last week. It was THE time to make a move and he talked her out of it when she was feeling it.Too bad,so sad! I don't think this "thing" they(J&E)have it strong enough to weather the discovery of Eric's deception and her getting the door this week,as well as the geographical problem of her in Kansas and him in NY.He's just a body to wait on her and to tell her everything is going to be okay. But should D&d be afraid of Eric's wrath,I think not!
Stupid stupid stupid of Eric not to have let Jessica get rid of Dani when she wanted to backdoor her..he wanted to "keep true" to the D&D alliance...well so much for that. Jess and Jameka will both be gone this week is my guess unless Zach finds his backbone and brain at the same time and is able to get rid of either Dick or Dani.
Jess is history...dictated by the only true alliance in the house...father and daughter. So unfair to all the houseguests this year...as was the America's Choice thing...that was so boring and dumb. The rest are going to feel like it was a "fixed" game from the start and that they wasted their summer under false pretenses.
If J&E remain a couple after this, he'll probably see to it that she gets some of the money he has won. He really seems sincere about his feelings for her. I thought he was going to cry when Zack won HOH.
I'm not sure her feelings are as great toward him and her girlfriends will probably talk her out of the relationship as soon as the show's over. She is easily led.
I'd love to see Eric's reaction if America votes for him to get rid of Jessica. I feel so bad for her, but I absolutely can't stand him! He's a smug, arrogant idiot who cost Jess this game. I think having to vote for her to leave will unravel him.
Get rid of Eric or Jam, not Jess!!
Sorry for the re-post but I realized a bit late that I had posted my thanks about 2 blog entries back, not likely to be seen.
Sue and Riseandshine: Thank you! I definitely remember the Kaysar took his finger off the button moment and now I know who you're talking about! Thanks for the help, I barely remembered Jen. Hard to believe now that you remind me of the brouhaha surrounding her move.
Orkmommy that is too, too funny! And to Teri in Ohio, "your" Joe in NY has quite the sense of humor :)
And to bring my comments current: meb, ITA on both counts...and Jessica does appear to be very easily led.
Thanks again,
Why I watch BB every season:
1. I like knowing 24/7 what is going on in the house. It lets me pry, gossip, make rash judgments about people I don't know, and delve into my own beliefs. All without having to leave my comfort zone or actually speak to any of the hgs.
2. I like to see the competitions and am always disappointed when one of the hgs chooses to throw them for stategy.
3. I like to see manipulation in action without actually being manipulated. Sounds slightly chiropractic, doesn't it?
4. I like not knowing anything about the hgs and finding out through their conversations and actions what their personality is and how they grew to be who they are. Or at least who they are pretending to be while in the house.
5. I like seasons with diversity of beliefs and races. I wouldn't mind a season with no two hgs are of the same religion and race.
6. I like to see how hgs use their imaginations when everything is taken away from them. That was the basic idea of the show, I thought. Bore them stiff and see what happens. One year they played volleyball or something with the rubber ducks, for example. No one gave them a game, they just made it up.
7. Mid way in a season, when there are still plenty of hgs, but I am beginning to get to know them, I like to watch a hot tub night with lots of alcohol. They either get silly or do or say something worth watching.
8. Most of all I like seeing good gamesmanship. I don't like hearing how it was done in the past and how a current hg will duplicate that. I like new things. I like to see bright people using their minds to win a game.
9. It is 'only a game', but a person has to bring some personal ethics to it. I like to watch as hgs decide what that line they won't cross is.
10. I like it when BB throws them a curve ball and shakes things up.
I agree Eric and Jessica MAY have made a huge mistake not trying to backdoor Danielle last week but remember Eric wouldn't have been able to vote her out anyway (thanks to America). I think things would have been very different if Zach hadn't won HOH, and the odds were 3 to 1 that he wouldn't so I think they took a calculated risk that didn't pay off. I mean if they had backdoored Danielle, and then Dick won HOH don't you think they would both be on the block? In fact if they backdoored Danielle and Zach won HOH Dick would have become Zach's best friend and they would have both been on the block with a week of abuse from Dick. So really I don't think they really made the wrong decision and if by some miracle they make it to the final at least they didn't betray their alliance with D&D. I know they turned on the LNC alliance by voting out Dustin but remember D&D had also turned on them.
Face it, Eric is NO friend of Jessica. He chose $$ over an opportunity to get out one of the most powerful players in the game. I don't feel sorry for Jess at all. I think someone put hit the nail on the head when they said she can be sweet as sugar as long as things go her way and as mean as a snake when they don't. I think we are seeing more of the true Jessica these past few days. How could anyone hold a grudge over $5 from high school should tell you something. $5 that wasn't needed by Jessica to put food on the table or to keep her father out of the coal mines. I have a strong feeling she forgets nice things people do for her, yet holds onto every misdeed against her. Did she think Zack would just roll over and not come after her?
I don't feel sorry for Jessica. As a matter of fact, I don't feel sorry for any player who ends up on the block, it is all part of the game. Do these houseguests not realize that at some point in the game it is very likely they will end up on the block - especially when the numbers get down.
I'm sure I would feel differently if I were actually in the house, but I think I might shock the HOH that put me on the block by saying, "Thank you, now I have the opportunity to participate in another aspect of the game." This bold, some would say crazy, statement may just throw them all for a loop and get them wondering why I am embracing being on the block. My nomination celebration may frighten them enough to take me off if they win the Veto as we all know the houseguests do not like to see other players happy.
I don't know that backdooring Danielle was the answer. They could just as easily have evicted Zack which, in 20/20 hindsight, would have saved them this week more than even eliminating Danielle.
You can move too quickly rather than too late. This only appears to be too late because they failed to win either HOH or POV.
This is the time of the season when comps become critical (even for floaters) because there is no place left to hide. If Eric or D/D wins HOH or anyone but D/D wins POV, it's a whole new ballgame again.
Zack winning HOH is what screwed them up. If D/D had won it, it is unlikely they target E/J because they would risk being 2 against 3. With Zack winning HOH, he becomes HOH ineligible for next week making it necessary for him to deal with D/D or E/J this week. He chose D/D as the best means to protect him next week.
I think Jess's mistake (and it ain't completely Eric's fault) is not using her HOH and Eric's POV (they ruled the house last week) to make a specific agreement with Zack. But Jess wanted to keep Jameeka off the block for personal reasons and that was kind of her undoing. She could have backdoored Dani, but it would have been just as effective to make a deal with Zack for this week and replace him with Jameeka as a pawn. OR they could have booted Zack and they would have had Jameeka and Amber on their side against D/D by themselves.
It might still have blown up in their face, but they would have been covered under almost any conditions: they had an agreement with D/D, Jameeka was HOH ineligible, and they would have had an agreement with Zack.
Instead, Jess just did her "uh-huh uh-huh" thing with Zack and put her trust in Eric because Jess is another one who doesn't want to get her hands dirty. She lets Eric do her dirty work.
Why is it that when Dick-a 44 yr. old man is vulgar, vile, and in your face it's just the way he plays the game. But when Jess(who is 21) ignores Zach, pouts, and makes comments(under her breath) she is considered a poor sport,mean, rude, and nasty? She is immature and spoiled but so is Dani.
As another commenters said-
that is their age showing.
Many people have commented about her attitude toward Carol....I read an interview with Carol and she had nothing kind to say about Jess,either. Was
their fight over $5.00, yes,but being in HS they took sank to another level
(Carol formed a Hate Jessica club)!!! When my daughter was in HS an ex-BF
had printed in the school's yearbook some horrible lies about her. The comments were printed and 500 books distributed to her fellow students. She was humilated and hurt and those feelings toward him are with her 15 yrs. later!! Just saying we don't know all the details.
That video really shows what a "natural" blonde Dani is.....LOL...she needs to get some root
meb--you play quarters?? I was starting to think you all must be happy group of
seniors in your community!!
LOL---but then you said you only do that about every six months.
Because we know Jess will be leaving this week I would love to see Eric get HOH, put up D/D Jam win POV and Dani go home.
I don't understand why they haven't played games like Charades, Hide-n-Seek,
etc. things that you don't need a board. Oh, maybe it's because there's no drinking involved!!
I'm ready for DWTS and Survivor--after seeing a few interviews I think they both could be really good!
To Lucy...
That was Will's strategy. He would even request to go up, throw the POV comp, and still manage to talk his way out of trouble. That is not as effective a strategy for people who aren't natural born liars (like Dustin or Marcellas)
To dknync...
I agree totally, as per my own post.
To anon 12:49...
I kind of agree. On the votes, Eric has no choice, we cast it for him. But in terms of whom he attempts to get nominated, he doesn't really need to execute those tasks except for his own greed. He doesn't even need to try (remember who hard - NOT - he tried to get in bed with Joe?)
to Nana in NW...
Isn't it possible that Dick, Dani, and Jess are all immature? And Dick being vulgar doesn't mean Jess isn't rude.
Frankly, if Jess made any mistake it was in trying to keep her hands clean and be friendly to everyone. Nice with the jury, but you have to survive to the Final 2 for that to matter. In the end, Jess never took any bold action on her own and, except for Eric and Jameeka, she's ummed and hummed her way through the rest of the house.
I think it is ironic that Zack is the one putting her out the door.
That's the thing you can never be sure in this game. Looking back if they had voted out Zach instead of Amber then as Dick said "they would have ruled the house" cause no way Amber would have won that competition BUT remember that in past competitions Amber often came in second and Zach was usually never close to winning - so who would thought he would pull off a win this week especially against Eric, Dick & Danielle. I completely agree with Joe in NY - E&J's real mistake was in not securing some kind of agreement from Zach and even Jameka in exchange for not putting them up or voting them out.
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