Wednesday, February 13, 2008

BB9 - A Letdown Apres Brouhaha - Today's Live Feeds

No, it's not hot reptile sex going on. She's just doing his twists in his hair. After all of the tension last night, today's been very calm in the Big Brother 9 House of Love.

Here are the events of the sour soulmates so far today:
  • Sheila was up first at about 8:30 AM their time.
  • The BB voice tried to wake everyone up past 9:30 ... not very successfully.
  • Matt tends to mumble when he's speaking to only one person. Enunciate, dear Matt, enunciate.
  • Although there have been no nominations yet, thus no PoV, there was an indoor lockdown as something was being built in the yard. I almost said erected in the yard, but that just sounds so wrong for this crew even though CBS wants to sell the sex angle.
  • Matt still wants nothing to do with Natalie even though she's already told him she expects a kiss on Valentine's Day.
  • They think they were "good TV" for the ShoToo viewers last night. (Hey, remember someone is watching all the time, hamsters!)
  • Parker, who last night said he would throw comps, talked to Matt about how he's worried that Jen will throw them. @@
  • In girl talk -- Amanda says she's not attracted to Alex, Natalie is upset that Matt isn't responding to her, Sheila hates Adam.
  • Adam cried yesterday according to the girls.
  • Sheila told the others she dropped out of school in the 8th grade to pursue movies and let them in on various movie bits she's done and Shelley Winters.
  • Parker told Matt that Natalie offered him sexual favors to be nice to her.
  • Lots of talk of things they've done, some probably a bit embellished.
  • Amanda mentioned that they moved into the house Thursday night and that Jacob and Sharon were evicted late Saturday night or really early Sunday morning.
  • Parker told Matt that he likes to push peoples' buttons. Um, obviously!
  • Lots of "what if" talks about nominations, but I haven't heard anything concrete.
  • Sheila apparently gave her word to Jen that she won't vote her off. Jen told her that if Ryan goes, she could actually play the game.
  • Sheila and Adam may not get along, but they're pretty safe in the house as they're not seen as a threat.


Anonymous said...

Okay...They're all 10 years old, right? Jeez.

Anonymous said...

so Jen is already turning on Ryan? Or am I confusing people?

Sydney said...

Acting like it jb -- at least most of them are. James was pretty cool in the overnight feeds as were the guy couple (sorry, don't have all the names yet)

LOVED the first set of @@'s Jackie!

Do we believe what Parker says about Natalie offering him sexual favors? Uh, I don't. He's quite the mysogynist.

Jen revealed that she has tried to get on the show for 3 seasons and last night ppl n her alliance were trying to get her to pick between herself (and them) and Ryan (and his alliance) by saying this was YOUR idea, not his, and you've been the one to want this, and he's just along for the ride.

It seems that the producers told Ryan and Jen they could play together at least secretly and didn't tell them about the couples theme. Obviously the producers are pleased as punch to set up a jealous couple, pair one older woman with a much younger guy (even though he said he was 30 last night, so he's the oldest guy), pair 2 men together while having another gay guy and a bi guy in the mix, had only one person of color and a couple who had been true loves where he cheated and she wouldn't want to talk to them.

They paired those two together purposely...hoping for tears or fireworks... would they struggled to work things out like Dick and Danielle? Good TV. But they got evicted first.

They probably hope that: Ryan would punch someone or He and Jen reveal their relationship too early and cause tons of upheaval. They knew Shelia's type and put her with someone who's not a hunk to her, and whose personality isn't a 10. They got a little conflict out of them immediately. Perhaps they hope the gay guys might mix it up, or that there might be some race issue with Parker or that Crazy pink James would just be CRAZY.

Not all possibilities will play out but they planted lots of seeds, hoping to sprout
complications. So they are thrilled that the contestants are pissed. It's drama and lost of action right out of the gate. Of course, GIVE THEM ALCOHOL to help it along!!!

Jackie S. said...

Nope, you've got your people right. And it isn't a "working together" front, either.

monty924 said...

I'm bummed. My first chance to peek in on the feeds today and the Guinea Cam is gone. We're back to flames. Arg! At least this time their real flames from the fireplace but bring back the Guinea Cam. Please BB!

monty924 said...

Oops... I meant they're real flames. :)

joy n said...

Nana in the NW, just so you know, an article on TV Squad says CBS will bring CANE back in the fall! That's awhile away, I know, but better late than never. Whew!

Anonymous said...

so wait...i'm totally confused...i just watched tonight's episode and then turned over to showtime...during the episode, i saw jacob and sharon get evicted...but now sharon's back...and i keep hearing things like "i feel sorry for neil"...and it sounds like joshuah and sharon are a team...what happened??
