Despite the fact that the hamsters thought the margarita party would be Monday, it was actually tonight.
Here's what went down in that Big Brother House of Sombrero-Heads since I last wrote:
Here's what went down in that Big Brother House of Sombrero-Heads since I last wrote:
- Sheila claims she's been acting badly because she hasn't had enough sleep. Mind you, she takes (and begs for) Tylenol PM every night. I'm wondering if she's a person with sleeping problems supported by pills before moving into the house.
- Alex has some honor on a wall at Surf Taco in NJ for eating a 3-foot taco in under 15 minutes. I've never been to Surf Taco. I do (did?) have my name as a high scorer in a Pac-Woman video game in a bus terminal Pittsfield, MA, though.
- Alex can do nifty-keen cartoon voices.
- When they started talking about BB8 Jen-sa Mamber having a web site selling her shirts before CBS knew it, we got the fireplace.
- Margarita party!
- Pinatas with little prizes -- rings, lipsticks, fake tattoos, etc.
- Sombreros for all.
- Then came the nudity (covering my eyes). First Natalie was practically bottomless wearing a thong.
- They were told there's a time limit on the party. I find it interesting that the party had to end before the ShoToo BBAD show kicked in. I guess they don't want it to be on there. Hmmm.
- James walked around nude with a pinata covering his 'bidness.
- Natalie's boobs are so not real. And I don't think they need smiley face tattoos on them either.
- By 8:15 PM their time, the party was shut down and all the HG had to go to the yard, still sombrero'd, yet clothed.
- It hailed there. They found it exciting. I don't recall it ever hailing when I lived in Southern California.
- Matt and Natalie argued. He's mad because she told others he didn't want to have sex with her. Matt told her that she's just not his type -- he doesn't care for the outgoing, naked in public type. She cried. He apologized.
- Natalie later told Chelsia she was just mad, not crying. Sure.
- The girls talked about how Matt is playing all of them. (And he thinks he's Mr. Slick, eh?)
- Natalie confronted Matt about hitting on every girl in the house yet getting upset about her nudity. He told her he doesn't want the discussion in public. He said she's right about everything and he's sorry.
- Matt is now sure he's going home.
Hail on the BB house. hmmmmm? Maybe hell is freezing over?
Haaa! So funny because it's true, joyn!
Pass the gaucamole!
It rained pretty hard here for a while but didn't notice any hail. Guess it only hailed over the BB House of Shame.
Now don't tell me the "epic and ruthless" plan has changed again...just after I finished a graphic to share with you. LOL
Natalie must think she's "Eve" exposing so much skin. Where's her fig leaf thong? Her stripping and lap dancing for the boys only shows her low self-esteem. And yet, she can't get Matt's interest.
Staying up late here watching reruns of "Dirt". New episodes start March 2...really cool show.
BTW, it's stopped raining.
Zoetawny, thanks for the heads up on Dirt! I really enjoyed the first season. Very very twisted...
I am so confused why Natalie feels the need to continue to take her clothes off in the house. Not all strippers feel the need to carry it over into every aspect of their life... Maybe that is the difference. For some, it is a job. For Natalie, it has clearly become a lifestyle.
It appears we had James wearing only a sombrero and Joshuah streaking bottomless, as well.
What is it with this crew?!?
Someone last post asked if they can see our comments and that reminded me. I thought the whole point is that in the house you are cut off from all news and technology, but the day Neil left and Josh was crying, two of the girls were talking about how cute neil and Josh and been, googling together for an hour or hours (forgot the exact...). I was surprised there were not flames but it was just a quick sentance. Now where could they be googling in the house? Jackie, any idea on this one?
Sydney, I think they meant googeling as in staring, goo goo eyes for each other. And where is the house blog from the HOH...do they have that up?
I didnt hear about any Hail...like you sai d..as in "Hail freezing over Studio City" or Burbank or wherever they are.
It rained in the OC and riverside Sat afternoon, we had just finished the swap meet in time.
Of course I am in shock and awe that James and Chelsia changed their EPIC & RUTHLESS plan..bow Im confused, what was the original plan?
I think they did indeed test these hamsters, but it was for lack of intelligence, not romance as they told us. Apparently they have forgotten about the cameras and think they are on some island alone with out an consequence...poor poor hamsters.
BTW Its raining now too....
This is totally off the subject, but I have to get this off my chest: I have created this alter ego at another site, and I had a 3 hour conversation last night, as the alter ego. Someone totally not like me at all. I can't tell who I am today...I could never be an actress.
By the way, my motive for my alter ego is totally ruthless, and will ultimately serve to hurt one or more people very badly. But I am addicted, and in too deep now.
Sort of like this season of BB, huh?
Morning all!
jackie?! u've never heard of hail in southern calif? i'd say it hails here everytime we get rain, mostly in summer tho!! im just about 50 min from the bb house.. my mother, near palm springs, also got hail yesterday!
debie in calif
meliss -- There is the first HOH blog entry up at CBS's website and jokers so I guess they still have it. From what I have picked up over the years, I guess they give the HOH a computer for about an hour and I think it can only be used to type in their blog entry, no web searching or anything else.
I expect to see frogs falling out of the sky next in this modern day Sodom and Gamorrah(sp...sry)!It's true that they act as if nobody can see all the nasty stuff they do or they just have no morals at all. Again,glad they aren't my children.
Maybe Natalie is auditioning for a role in porno movies when she gets out!And Matt made the "pimp" comment,about doing it in his "younger" days? What,when he was six? I think so much of their talk is a lot of rubbish,to make them look "bad" in the others eyes.
Sharon --
And you just crack me up! They've already had the plague (of varying kinds), hail, seizures and anaphylaxis... maybe someone will turn into a pillar of salt. Natalie or Amanda are likely candidates.
What the heck... the first sentence got left out Sharon, which is why it starts with And...
I had written I thought the same thing about Matt when he made the "when I was younger" comment.
I watched Show Time yesterday when the girls were released from the psych ward, oops sorry, I meant hospital, and Sheila kept stoning them for Tylenol PM? What is up with that? Poor Natalie was sick in bed and she just kept running her mouth, I wanted to scream, HUSH UP Sheila it's not always about you!! "Yes, Matt get tylenol pm for Natalie and tell them I need some too". Give me a break, I wish I could tell Sheila to put a sock in it. If she wants to go home, JUST GO, many would love to take your place, including myself, the first thing I would do would be,
okay, as an insomniac, I must say that Shiela is a light-weight if it only takes one Tylenol p.m. to knock her out. That's only 25mg of diphenhydramine, aka Benadryl. Geesh - didn't Bob (Guccione) have some good stuff?
Sydney said "Natalie or Amanda are likely candidates."(to turn into pillars of salt)
Now that cracked me up.
I agree with you Petals, any of the over the counter sleep medications does nothing for me but let me sleep about 3 hours and then it's like I have restless leg syndrome. The older I get the harder it is to sleep. I cannot sleep for long periods of time anymore and I can't sleep with loud noises anymore. Sheila is 4 years younger than me and she just isn't going to get much sleep in that house.
Goodbye BB,
I first starting watching BB seven years ago and it was Fun. But Now I've been disapponited for the pass several of years and it started when Jennel did't win and a POTTY MOUTH did, then it was the favorites and every body must have been on something, because the worst two were left. A lot of Dirty Potty mouths and Sex. Then there was the worst, We had a Father and Daughter who were the poorest example that you could have pick and they did thing that were against all your rules and you did nothing. They won ????. Now this year I have only one thing too say about the SHOW it's just "PORN" The worst for family TV and is rated XX. So Goodby BB9 & Real Player.
CBS should shut you,down.If this is a reality show Then we are all going to HELL....Goodby & May God Bless you all.
I see your gearing up for your interview to get in the BB house :)
Tylnol PM wouldn't do squat for me, for a headache or not being able to sleep. When I have anxious kids away from home at pediatric heart camp we give them "Vitamin B" which is benedryl, but 25 mg knocks their little hineys out, and doesn't interfere with anything else they may take.
Sheila complains just to complain. Natalie strips because she thinks she has a hot body-- the pig tails and tube socks just don't do it for me.
My prediction is BB will be in dead last in ratings this evening due to Oscar coverage.
I think the one I like the most is, believe it or not is Amanda, I did not care for her in the beginning but she has snuck up and grown on me, why? I am not sure, But I do hope she gets ahead in the house. I used to like James, until I saw his internet porn shots and I lost ALL respect for him, sorry
And Sheila?
Please someone tape her mouth shut!
His video (James) is at this web link
It is X rated
debbie....I wish I had not looked.
The show is so far behind what is/has happened. Notice there was no mention of Valentine's dinner on Weds show (almost a week later). I am taping it tonight and watching the Oscars. Doubt there will be any earth-shaking stuff on it.
This occurred to me, I wonder if they might not rotate in couples that have been voted out? Now that would extend the season. OR create new couples from voted out couples. Now that would be interesting!
The show is so far behind what is/has happened. Notice there was no mention of Valentine's dinner on Weds show (almost a week later). I am taping it tonight and watching the Oscars. Doubt there will be any earth-shaking stuff on it.
This occurred to me, I wonder if they might not rotate in couples that have been voted out? Now that would extend the season. OR create new couples from voted out couples. Now that would be interesting!
debi in calif
I know, I am sorry, but so many
were wondering, I did like him,
but I am screaming for poor Chelsia now, Can you imagine what her parents are going thru, and one more question, how could BB not know this is floating around out there? Do they not care? I think he is nasty (James)
debi in Ca
I am sorry about your eyes!
Get some cool cucumber slices
and I will call 911 !!
thats what i was thinking, poor poor chesia.. yea some soul mate alright!
debie in calif
Does anyone else think james likes Chelsia alittle more than she likes him!?!
Jackie mentioned in her post that it was hailing there.
I think that James likes Chelsia
more than she likes him, if they
were not in BB house, IMHO I dont think she would give him a second look. But after seeing what I saw, I am probably not the right one to share this opinion, I am having a hard time keeping my cheetos down at this time, and I love to snack on cheetos, but when I am watching show time, I can no longer do that, I feel like nauseated and/or I feel like throwing the bag at the TV , especially when Sheila is talking, BUT, I have not missed one episode yet! Go figure
Maybe we're just a bunch of die-hard optimists, hoping against hope that something will change these flaky HGs and we will have our "real" BB back.
Delee - I agree about what you mentioned about the show being so far behind. I don't even watch anymore; I catch up later either here or On Demand. Plus, the Oscars are tonight, so my viewing choice is a "BB9-er" (my new word for no brainer - hahahaa)
Now Debbie, I'm not falling for that...putting that link in and tempting us to fall into the HG traps! I'll take your word for how sickening it is.
And Petals, I'm loving the alter ego taking over your life. I think you are warming up to a stay in BB House! Now to maintain that character for three months...
SharonS ~ I think you're right! I may need therapy at the end of this stunt! Too far in it to stop it now...
hmm I didnt get any hail...I am about 45 south of them
Did they ever say or does the internet say, why the other guy left?
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