The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll be constantly updating this post. Comments are definitely welcome!
So far Jen and Parker just went home again. Ryan and Amanda are upset, Allison is happy and they're trying to make it sound like she plans moves on Ryan. Matt wants to work people over so he can win the game.
Okay, it's to the HOH questions from the other day and Chelsia and James win HOH all over again. They're pleased with their shady qualities. Alex thinks it will be Amanda's fault if he goes on the block because of her attention-seeking ways. Natalie thinks she's safe. Allison thinks that Chelsia thinks she's a lesbian and is safe.
They decide they'll drink out of bowls since BB took their cups.
James gave Matt his word that he's safe.
Joshuah told Sharon that Sheila and Allison are lesbian lovers. She's shocked!
The HOH room was celebrated. I love the pic of Chelsia's cat! Once again James assured Matt and Natalie they were safe. Operation Condor is the move to eliminate all of the couples pictured on the top row of the Memory Wall. Alex and Amanda are the targets and they're looking for a pawn. Adam, Rayn and James are trying to figure the pawn.
Ah, BB is showing things out of time sequence. Before they didn't have drinking glasses and now in an apology segment between Amanda and Joshuah they have drinking glasses on the table. Amanda offers to ally with Josh.
Onto Natalie having butterflies in her tummy over Matt. She thinks it's a match made in heaven.She's topless in a bubblebath with visions of "Matty" in her head. He's oblivious to her. He tells her they can't have sex. So she decides he's mean to her.
Allison tells Sheila that they ought to confess about the lesbian lover lie to Joshuah. Sheila is worried that if they tell about the lie, they'll be targeted.
Food comp time! HOH couple can participate in the comp. Two teams SEAduction and DEVotion compete. There are boats and nets, but it all sticnks of dead fish floating in water around the boats. It's a bit like the Survivor challenge this week. Some hold the heavy net, others throw dead fish into the other side's net. When a team can't hold the net up anymore, they lose.
Ryan loves a dirty girl covered with fish guts and blood while Matt thinks it's disgusting. Adam, Sheila, Amanda, and Alex are on slop for the week. James and Chelsia are spared as they're HOH.
Bueno laughs as Amanda's key word is exposed.
James thinks he has feelings for Chelsia. The blurring of his tattoos on the show kind of messes up any scenes with him. Chelsia likes him but takes more of a "we;ll see" attitude ... until it comes to a kissfest, that is!
Allison and Sheila tell Chelsia about the lsebian lover lie. She tells them that she told James. Now they tell Josh. (And they're drinking from bowls again.) Joshuah is confused. He is uneasy.
Chelsia and Joshuah now think they're just liars. They bring James into it ... and now no one trusts them.
James is talking to Matt about being a pawn. Matt reminds him that he said he wouldn't put him up. James told him not to worry.
Nominations today, so we get the whole rules thing again. Amanda thinks that she and Alex are considered a threat. Natalie feels safe because James and Chelsia gave their word to not put them on the block. Adam and Sheila are worried. Alex is worried and blames it all on Amanda.
The key order is: Adam and Sheila, Joshuah and Sharon, and Ryan and Allison. Nominated for eviction are Matt/Natlaie (we need you to win POV, most strategic way to get a certain couple out) ... targets are Amanda and Alex. They say Amanda isn't trustful.
Matt says never to trust a guy with pink hair and, if he stays, he's gunning for them.
Hey Jackie & everyone! I am curious to see if they'll show the fainting tonight...?
Anyone else Oscaring?
Is it my imagination or do they seem to be actually playing the game? The house almost seems like "normal" in BB terms.
Allison and Sheila had a dumb idea to start with and I can see where telling the truth now could cause more problems. Wonder how this will turn out.
Hi Jackie, oh my goodness Natalie shouldnt go after Matt, he's getting a bigger ego. Hi Sydney, Petals
Petals, no they won't show it, she fainted after the nominations, and veto competitions-- I'm thinking it'll be shown Tuesday
Tonight will be about James and Chelsia making out and he getting drunk
what was the word we all kept saying last summer something about Amber.... was it just WAAAAAAAAA!!
Poor, persecuted Amanda. Everybody's always picking on her. That child-voice is driving me nuts. I hope she leaves this week. Bueno schmueno!!!!
Hey jackie. What does the tattoo say that CBS wont show it?????
I love Josh's reaction to Allison exposing her lie. He's so confused, he doesn't know if he's gay anymore! ~SharonS
Matt is pretty rude, cant he see that maybe James really meant what he said about him?
Yah Jackie - I'm dying to know what James' tattoo is also???? Do they show it on the live feeds?
I think one of James's tatoos says Brawny (like the paper towels). Correct me if Iam wrong.
Hope you are feeling better Jackie.
Hi all!
I'm peeking again. We have to remember that the aired show is way behind where we are thanks to Jackie's updates.
It's amazing how much cbs doesn't show with their editing. I'm sure they've heard/read how much criticism this season is getting.
joy n...
I'm assuming that AG wants the show to be edited so that "they" seem to actually be normal ppl and are playing the game. We know different. LOL
Can't remember who put up the link of James's porno days but I had see it...OMG!!!YIKES!!!! I never clicked off a site so quickly before. EWWWWWW! Can't wait until Chelsia sees it. She'll be gagging. Actually it brings up a question, is James gay? Bi? Whatever?
Can't wait to read more of your comments later.
Eeewwwww! Just went to link of James and friend. He sure looked like he was enjoying himself!
OMG, now I have porn on my computer. I expect Bush's people at my door any second now!
I'm Oscaring Petals, but am Tivoing the show to see how they string these events together so LONG after they happened.
ALso Joy N -- thanks for your nice comment about my case for James... I put it on the last post but we quickly moved here, so maybe I'll move it forward...
It's brawny Melody, you're right. And what looks like a bow tie I think is actually the Pi sign...
Zoe - now you have to share the link to James' porno. Sorry, but you know how it is: we share the good, the bad and the ugly.
Speaking of which: I am also wondering about the blurred tattoo.
And the one on his (James') chest is very amateurish. That ribbon?
Looks like a little girl drew it.
Tilda Swinton won? She didn't have much to do... but I like her, since she acted with Goran (hunk-a-doro) Visnic.
Hey Lars - are you Danish?
Just saw an ad for BB on Tues -- they are addressing the ambulance rides then....all dramatic, of course.
Thanks Syd, about James' tattoo. I thought the one on his chest was pi at first, but tonight I looked closely, and saw a little knot, making it a bow. Maybe that was intentional, like making it a "bow-pi"? who knows...?
Sis anyone catch James doing the fruit basket tuck? It was on youtube...
**warning** click at your own risk, nudity & somewhat disturbing material.
no effing way!
the actress no one knows, from a movei no one saw??? no way! And it was sad because Julie Christie was just pulling out her speech - literally.
I never got the let's tell everyone we're a lesbian couple. Why? Then to change your minds--do you think they are just getting frisky? Sheesh!
wonder if anyone with the live feeds can tell me what is so offensive on the bike rider/chelsea's partner's arm (tatoo) that they block it out?
Anon 10:32 from James gay porno pix, one of the tats was a man sticking his tongue out at a cross on the wall....
I just watched the link Petal's posted.
Made me laugh. Every year one of them has some weird naked thing going on.
I saw his brawny tatoo. Couldn't make out the arm one to see what it is. I see others are trying to find out too. Hope someone posts soon. I'm losing sleep over it LOL
The "hidden" tatoo appears to be that of the president in a corset. At least that is what it looks like to me. (Not that I really examined all the porn pix or anything like that LMAO)
If this helps, it also says I am God on his arse, let cheek, lol.
Petalzzz --Yes, I saw James doing the tuck. I roared along with all the HG's
Did you see La Vie en Rose? She did an amazing job... the actress who won. I felt sorry for Hal Holbrook, but I knew Bardem was a shoe-in. Ditto Daniel Day Lewis.
Hey Petals and all you other FNL fans...I just read that NBC has cancelled Vegas after 5 years because of low ratings. So what does this mean for FNL? can't be good
Donna in FL
OK, since we're all looking thru our fingers, I've got one for ya... just found it today.
Okay all... The tattoo on James' right arm is of a priest holding a Bible in a church. The reason it's blurred? There's a little thought bubble showing the priest thinking about "being intimate" with what looks like another man. Mystery solved!
That damned tattoo has been bugging me for days... so, yes, I did take a closer look at the porn. :)
Thanks Donna -- So that last ep was how it ended... or did that just end where it did because that's all they had in the can due to the writers strike?
Wow Carrielee -- you win the oscar for research!
PS... did anyone notice the tattoo on his rump? It reads "I am GOD." Narcissistic much? ;)
PS: What looks like another man isn't... Jesus... is it? That would be the only reason I'd think they'd blur that one...
SOrry -- just reading all the comments now
No, I'm assuming it's not Jesus. It just looked like a regular dude. I think if it was supposed to be Jesus, he would have done the stereotypical long hair, frail build thing.
I'm sure they blur it for cable because it is two people doing the deed.
sydney I read somewhere that there was suppossed to be 22 episodes of FNL this season but because of the strike there was only it ended with a lot of unanswered questions. Hoping it gets picked up again but doesn't look to promising. There are alot of crappy shows out there it would be a shame for such a good one to be canceled
Donna in FL
I totally agree Donna - and everyone who likes it says that, yet how do you organize all those people to make a statement to keep it alive like the Jericho fans who innundated the network with nuts? Any ideas?
I was devastated when Rome ended in only 2 seasons, even if the second was not as good as the first. But fans of the show could not do a thing once the news was out and most of the major actors had gone on to other projects already (like getting the lead in Journeyman). At least they are keeping Dexter on the air.
Sydney--I guess if enough people write letters/emails to NBC or I read somewhere to send NBC lightbulbs...I sent NBC an email if a lightbulb that said keep FNL on....who knows if it would help
But BB9 ..ugh horrible, the worst yet. I think the combination of the cast and just the fact that possibly the "game" itself is just played out!
Donna in FL
Am I the only one that has a huge crush on PTA (Paul Thomas Anderson)?
Donna - FNL had a limited shelf life, like any show set in school. Too bad, but it's better than shark-jumping.
If James' tattoo is the president in a corset, then that is HILARIOUS!
And what is with Amanda's "bueno"? She knows it means good; she is aware she mis- and over-uses it. When did she think it was a cool or a cute thing? Didn't anyone in her real life tell her how annoying that is?
Ah, boy, am I slow... I just realized THAT'S why James has to keep the band-aid on his arm. Der... ;)
There is a new BB in town...Breaking Bad!
James' tattoo is the Brawny Man logo from the paper towels. I'd say they blur it because of copyright like not allowing the HGs to sing in the house. What I think is strange is the fact that he would have the Brawny logo tattoed on his chest to begin with.
Tonight's show was just so so! Didn't the food comp remind you of Survivor? Do they have the same comp writers?
Tonight's Sho2 is an adolescent hormone overload show. It's a kissing fest between Natalie and everyone, including Josh, and Sharon is enjoying the men also. ICK!!! Natalie and Chelsia are sans tops. Great way to make your folks back home proud, guys!
BB gives them a little liquor and they really go insane. BB must think they are getting the bang for their buck this year. No pun intended... well maybe just a little one.
Found the link you requested. Debbie posted it on Jackie's previous post. Be's really hard core porn. BARF!
Sorry, have to run.
Have to give Sheila, Amanda and Allison props. They abstained for the 'sex party in the pool'. Ryan was in the pool but kept it clean... I'm guessing for Jen's sake.
As far as FNL, the latest news is that NBC is desperately trying to find a partner - in the form of another network - to help pay for the show. In return the other network would get the right to show each week's episode later in the week.
Meanwhile what we saw in FNL's time slot this past Friday was Amnesia, a game show hosted Dennis Miller and which didn't live up to its name - I still remember it and just how bad it is. Because as NBC Entertainment President Ben Silverman said when talking about what he clearly seemed to indicate was the imminent demise of FNL, "We're NBC. We have a reputation to protect."
Hi everyone!
I decided to Oscar tonight, as I already knew everything that would happen on BB. And I just plain don't like them this season.
I am in agreement with almost everyone here that I enjoy the blog way more than I enjoy the show!
For you FNL fans, I found this...
LIVE FEEDS REPORTS JUST AIN'T WHAT THEY USED TO BE... anyone with live feeds up to reporting?
Joy N
It's not the Bush people that now have a file on's Them!
Okay Jackie Fans... wtf is "FNL'?
ty for enlightening me.
CBS generally blocks any type of design, unlike ABC who'll use anything anyone in order to " plug " in an ad, CBS calls it free advertisement.
To answer someone's question awhile back no ~ I don't like ABC, they tend to copy CBS Daytime! There's a few writers, I'd love to kick outta ABC.
fnl is friday night lights, a great show!
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