Since the results show isn't conflicting with Survivor, I'll be updating this post throughout the show with the results and action.
Of course, I will also keep one eye on the Big Brother feeds and get you updates in separate posts, too.
They're doing a Beatles medley now. Into a recap of last night's performances, judges reactions, and Simon/Ryan lovefest stuff.
Into going for the bottom three -- Carly is safe. Michael Johns is safe. Jason is safe. Syesha is in the bottom three. Randy and Paula said she didn't deserve to be in the bottom three. Simon thinks she deserves to be there. She sings her song from last night again. I like her, but I don't like her singing this song!
(BB live feeds still blocked.) Feeds up, separate post.
Chikezie is safe, Amanda is safe, David Cook is safe. Kristy Lee Cook is in the bottom three.
Cat McPhee is singing now. One more to go in the bottom three.
David Archuleta is safe. Brook is safe. Ramiele is safe. David Hernandez is in the bottom three.
Syesha is safe, sent back to the seats. Kristy is safe.
David Hernandez is out.
Sanjaya is in the audience. Boo Hiss
I had that same reaction to Jim Carrey being there. I do love how we have a 17 year old with talent this year in David!
Unusual for the feeds to be blocked so long.
I have no female favs, but many guys.
Ok enough of this Horton crap. It is everywhere!
Hell's Kitchen returns Apr 1st and Top Cherf starts tonight at 10p
Oh my gosh that is sooo wrong!
I thought Kristy Lee should go home based on last night's performances. This is the first week that David Hernandez did not have a good night. His previous weeks were very good.
This year, at least there is not a Sanjaya in the group. The young teen girls love David A. but in this case, that guy is very talented. So I doubt we will have a big Sanjaya controversy this year. But with Idol, hard to tell.
I have loved David A from the start,but his nerves got the best of him on Tues. and it was not a strong performance. Hopefully,he will do better next time. But I really,really like David Cook and Brooke,they both did killer on Tuesday's show.That being said,I thought Kristy was horrible,but Hernandez was pretty lame(even if Pauladummy was up grooving to him)and deserved to go home. Guess America isn't ready for a porn star AI,even if the BB house is full of them this time.
Amanda Overymyer might be in the competition for a while she is on the website VOTEFORTHEWORST.
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