I've had a live feeds report in pending for a while over at TV Squad, but I'm not sure when it's going to go live. There really wasn't much new news from the house today, but it's still worth a read.
The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll continually update this post, so refresh the page to get the latest. Since I'm typing this while watching television, not the monitor or keyboard, I ask forgiveness for any typos I might make. As always, your comments are what really make the post!
Recap, recap. At least I don't think we'll have to see Allison evicted again. I hope not ... don't see how they'll work it in.
Okay, why does Julie Chen have that sweater on ... two buttons at the top with a pendant necklace dangling under them? It looks fuzzy-ratsy up close. One will come back, but first ... all hell broke loose in the house.
More recaps. Matt is strutting, Natalie is working on her Mattie, James is upset, and Joshuah is frozen in place. Chelsia confronts Ryan, then Joshuah joins in. But it's Chelsia who's really riled. Matt comes in, Ryan kicks out Matt and Chelsia. He tells Joshuah he still trusts him, couldn't put his boy Matt up.
Sharon is worried. Natalie tells her they all want James gone. Matt feels betrayed that James tried to overthrow the king -- himself. Sheila tells Ryan he did the right thing and she plans to vote out James.
Joshuah and Sharon join the backyard -- hey, this is the video I snagged and posted here from the feeds! :D Mine didn't have subtitles, though. If they show the pickle juice, it's been edited out of sequence.
Sharon tells Sheila about Matt kissing her and she's been working Matt all along. Why do people tell Sharon things? Sheila runs and tells Natalie. Natalie has a glzed look of obsession in her eyes. Now Natalie wants Sharon out. Natalie wants to flip it and keep James ... Sheila's in on the flip. They give James their word.
Matt tries to confirm that James will go and Natalie said she'll vote the way she wants. She confronts him and he tells her he doesn't like any girl in the house. Gee, they're like an old married couple who should have divorced decades ago. "If you're not with me, you're against me," Matt says.
Julie said votes have already been cast (as I mention in the feeds report awaiting over at TVS) and they run Diary Room segments, but not the actual votes. Chelsia tells us Sharon should leave. Adam thinks James should go and Sharon should go for different reasons. Matt says James is a stronger player than Sharon and you can't trust a kid with a pink mohawk.
Julie talks to the houseguests. Matt admits he had doubts over the veto ceremony. He's sitting next to Joshuah. Natalie says her relationship with Matt hasn't changed, they still share the same bed. Matt says they're BFFL. Sheila sees herself strutting in the red leotard. The HG think Sheila wore it better than Jen. (At least Sheila wasn't obsessed with it.)
Visting the previous HG in sequester -- Jacob loves Sharon and said he'd spice things up. Jen and Parker are together in sequester. She would go back in with a vengeance. Parker would love to go back in.
Alex and Amanda are together. They don't get along. Allison is alone. She wants another shot and wants revenge.
All of the previous HG are together. Jen is surprised Ryan isn't there with Allison. Julie told Allison that Ryan got HOH -- weird overplay of the actual house, missed her response. Yipes ... the HG will vote to keep the HG they evict or the one we chose. Parker was second, ALEX is chosen! Yo, Staten Island!
More DR segments -- Natalie wants Sharon out. Joshuah trusts Sharon, Sheila trusts her. Joshuah thinks Sharon is easily manipulated.
Julie is ready to announce the vote, all sounds like normal. By a vote of 5-1, James is out. He expected it the moment he heard 5-1. He's smiling. Only Chelsia hugged him. Sheila looks like she's about to cry. Sharon is crying.
James told Julie he told the others to sit since they broke their word to him. He thinks Sheila is playing the best, low-key but playing Matt and all. He really likes Chelsia. He thinks she's a great girl. Chelsia taped a special goodbye message ... crying, she thinks he's beautiful inside and out and she surprised herself by caring about him. Aww.
Julie warns James to keep it clean after he said he might crap his pants if it's not over for him.
The SIREN goes off in the house ... to the living room! Chelsia looks cautiously optimistic. To commercial.
Back ... something is up. Julie tells them a former housemate is moving back in tonight. They're shown a box -- in it is someone from their past. She lists the evicted except James, tells them America voted one to return. She tells them they can bring back whoever is in the mystery box or James. They keep talking and Julie has to warn them.
The live votes are:
Ryan -- Mystery HG
Chelsia -- James
Matt -- Mystery HG
Sheila -- Mystery HG
Joshuah -- James
Natalie -- James
Adam -- James
Sharon -- James
James will go back in, we go to commercial. I don't see how they're going to fit a HOH comp in ... endurance?
Time for the reveal -- the mystery box is in the living room. They all act happy to see James. Language alert! (They were told they would have a pizza party if they watched their mouths.)
HOH comp -- hanging disco balls, stand on gold disc, must stand upright. It looks more like glittery tether ball than disco. It's called Big Brother disco ... they go up in the air hanging on their chains standing on the disc. Last one standing wins. I'm glad I took a nap today.
They're raising and lowering. No one thought to bring Daniele gloves. Julie told us they'd get a champagne toast when it returns from commercial.
All still in, brief guinea pig shot. Julie told James to keep it clean. She tells him five voted him in, three didn't. Natalie guessed champagne. Already someone is arguing (bleeped) with Joshuah ... Matt, I think. "Don't talk to me like that."
Not to fear, folks. I'll do my best to keep you updated on the comp as it goes on. Since they have to grip their chains with bare hads and there are soap bubbles and champagne making it all slippery, I don't think it will be an all night affair. I could be wrong, though. Stay tuned!
Can't believe I'm the first one here tonight. Who's coming back......... love it
Well, well, well, isn't Sheila the manipulator. Why is everyone so dumb in this house?
Ole Matt almost screwed up telling Nat he's not attracted to any girl in the house. When she called him on it, he did some fast backtracking, didn't he?
Hey monty...
I can't wait to see who's coming back. Since I'm always 3 hours behind you all, I can't stay to join in. :( It's always my dinner time when all the fun begins here on the blog. But, I will be running up here while dinner's cooking to peek. Enjoy the show!
I have to route for the local boy to come back -- Alex from Staten Island! But I admit Parker, Jen or Allison would create more havoc in the house.
Great audio leak CBS, NOT. I couldn't hear what Allison said.
Well, CRAP!
Alex coming back! But maybe not for long!
The only reason I don't want Alex back is because I want to see Matt get his comeuppance!
The houseguests get to vote on and choose who stays, the one we voted back or the one they voted to evict tonight.
I think they'd keep James over a chance to bring back Allison.
OMG... did James just do the Joe wave?
do the HG get to know who has been voted back in?
Nana -- I don't think so. Supposedly the person chosen will be in a mystery box. A known enemy or an unknown Julie said.
You know what, I think Allison Grodner and crew have done a pretty good job keeping the suspense up this year. They sure picked a crappy cast but the twists have been good. I'm on the edge of my seat.
Julie's quite the school marm tonight. Quiet, there's no talking
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to scream it, sorry. :)
YES!!!! James is coming back! 5 - 3 vote.
Didn't you love how giddy Adam was to vote James back in?
They went for the "safe" choice rather than the unknown. Bummer
THats BS what was the point in America voting...complete BS!!!!!!
Screw CBS and the producer Alison!!!!
I think we should voice our complaint about the obvious bougus voting for someone back in!!!
Why were they so gung ho to vote back in the one they just voted out?
If HOH is endurance than it will finish on Sunday's show.....Jackie get ready for a LATE night!!!!!!
Matt will be pissed. He didn't get a chance to tell Nat who to vote for and she voted James back in!
Matt needs to win HOH or they are in trouble.
what would they have done if tie?
Phony Matt, Ryan and Sheila cheering as James jumps out of the box. You know they're pissed off! Hee, hee, hee!
Sheila will be the first one out!
Are they going to tell them who they could have had back?
I think Adam will fall first. He looked uncomfortable up there.
Tessa, they were worried it would be someone wanting vengeance on them in the box.
James should be great in this challenge; with his bicycling his legs are strong, his cardio should be good, and he has adrenal going with just coming back!!!
I kinda thought there'd be Alex with James in the box...
BB is trying to keep their slogan "Expect the Unexpected" alive. So they put a twist in our voting a HG back in and having the HGs make the final choice.
Jackie was correct in guessing this comp would be an endurance comp.
Joy ~ I saw that, too, about Mattalie & how they weren't able to confer! haha
I can't agree with you more, Jackie. No one this season has used gloves. Danielle did all last year and Janelle did in BB7/Allstars. Again, you have hamsters who have apparently never seen the show. Go figure with this crew.
I agree with anonymous 7:47. What was the point to have America vote and then turn around and let them choose between the mystery guest and the evicted guest. You know they was not going to choose the people that got evicted early they know that person would be coming back with avenge. Wasted time and votes.
I think the twist to allow the HGs to vote for who was coming back was the right thing to do. Why did anyone, Kaysar included, have to ever come back in. If you are in the house playing it has to be pretty lame to have someone you already voted out come back.
Anyway, I think this vote back in, if they are going to keep doing this sort of thing, was a better choice.
Just my opinion. :)
The feeds are still on trivia. Once they return and I have something to update I'll start a new post for the comp.
Glad I did not waste my time voting! I would rather James stay anyway.
Even these hgs who are unversed in the game have figured out the veto process. I think it is time for BB to add another veto to the mix. One that is unexpected. I've always liked the idea of the winner of the veto being able to decide who to put up, for one thing. But anything that is different would please me. I keep thinking these guys should get a phone a friend phone call. Sue
How stupid is Natalie...it was a lose lose for her no matter who came in except for Parker, Alex or Jen. Why would she choose James?
They're back on the feeds.
Jackie, just read your TV Squad recap. Adam dumping a pail of kitchen floor mop water in the kitchen sink (and not even rinsing out the sink) is beyond gross. Who raised that schlump? He must have offered the 10 thou to Sheila simply for the brownie points because I find no redeeming value in this guy. He is disgusting in sooooo many ways.
You just never know; Alex could very well be inside waiting
I sort of liked the twist, and I could have cared less if James stayed or not.....Alex was a good choice for America to vote...but glad they all were afraid it would be Jen or Allison!!!
Matt would have been unbearable if Alex had walked in.....and he would have dumped Ryan like a hot potato.
Well, James back in is somewhat of a let down but fair in the sense that the hamsters got to vote. Do we know who was in the mystery box?
The new HOH winner is will determine any changes in the dynamics in the house. I hope we find out soon. In the last episode it was too funny how Matt, Josh and Sheila all thought they were running the house.
Still haven't watched the show. It's almost more entertaining reading it on this blog. ;)
Alex was in the box but I don't think the HGs know that.
Remember the last time "America" chose a returning houseguest? That's right, it was Kayser, and the people in the house said "This is OUR game, not America's game," and voted him right back out. I think the hamsters were wrong to bring back James, but hey, they at least got a choice this time.
Anon 8:47pm, I am totally with you on the America vote. I feel very cheated with this twist. The HG should not had any say in who came back into the house, they got to vote them out. CBS really screwed the viewers with this decision.
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