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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
'Big Brother 9' - 3/11 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast
The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll constantly be updating this entry. As it's written a bit off the cuff as I watch the show, please forgive any typos.
Okay, they didn't recap enough the other night -- we had to see Allison get evicted once again. Matt/Natalie woes, the four bros ... we've seen this all before. James doesn't want people to think he's aligned with Chelsia and Chelsia and Sharon are up on the block ... again. Gosh, I hate the recaps, but this one isn't as long as Sunday night was.
I spoke too soon, the nominations once again. The second time with the "epic battle of the females" bit. @@
Joshuah tells us he's only in for himself. James siad his move to get Chelsia on the block was strategically the only thing he could do. He is still with her.
Sharon tells Shila and Joshuah that the guys want to gang up on the women and get them out. Joshuah is a part of the girls group. Ryan is still working with Joshuah, but Josh will hang with the girls. Josh is worried that Ryan will tell Matt things. Josh, of course, wants Matt out. They be cool.
Chelsia tells James she doesn't trust people. James has her back ... he has her this week, she protects him next. Hug, snuggle.
Matt, Adam, Natalie, Ryan, James, and Sharon are grouped in the HOH thinking they're the winning alliance. Meanwhile girl talk has them all mad at Matt. Josh has an epiphany. He wants to get everyone to make a deal with her -- if she gets Matt out, she's safe for two weeks.
Matt has on his silly rolled-up clamdigger style pants, yet Joshuah is the gay guy! Natalie whines that he needs to treat her better. So, she spills the two weeks beans. Joshuah, Sharon, Sheila, and James she rats out to him. She tells him he can't say anything. He said he'll only tell Ryan.
Talking to Ryan, they will use Natalie to spy on the others. Matt says when he wins HOH, it will be a reign of terror.
Joshuah goes to Ryan with the two week deak for backdooring Matt. Ryan is playing along, but tells Josh that there was a leak of the plan -- Natalie told Matt. Ryan warns him he can't say anything in front of Natalie, especially about Matt. Sheila, Chelsia and Josh are lived.
Ryan lies to Matt, says that Joshuah is paranoid himself that he will be backdoored. Ryan is telling us he might have to think about backdooring Matt.
Time to choose partners for the veto cop. Three players will be chosen in addition to nominees and HOH. Ryan got houseguest choic, chooses Adam. Matt looks upset, but tells us that he wasn't too concerned. Josh tells us Adam is not on board with the plan to backdoor Matt. Sheila was chosen by Chelsia, Joshuah chosen by Sharon. Poor Nat never gets to play anything.
Major meeting with everyone but Adam, Natalie, Matt, and Sharon. The two week safety plan for backdooring Matt is in effect -- Ryan agrees to it.
Veto time -- everyone on board with the backdoor Matt planexcept Adam. A huge pool table, Matt is the host. The loser of each round is offered a prize, they pull the prize blindly, but can keep it or trade it for one already given. The Color of Veto is the name. Chelsia still wants to win because she doesn't trust anyone.
Sheila was out first and draws the veto, but someone can take it away from her. Sharon is out next, wins a motorcycle (which Chelsia really wants). Sharon trades the POV for the motorcycle which Sheila doesn't want. Joshuah is out, gets letter from home and keeps it. Adam is out and gets $10,000. He wants the motorcycle and tells us he gave it to Sheila because she's a single mother and she needs it more. She cries. Chelsia is out, wins a slop pass. She takes the veto from Sharon. Ryan is the last place finsiher, draws Jen's red unitard. He takes Sheila's ten grand and she gets the unitard. That wasn't too cool for Sheila.
So Chelsia wins the veto. Joshuah is sure the Backdoor Matt plan is still on. Matt tells us it just ain't gonna happen.
Sheila is very upset that Ryan took the cash. So she cries more to us. (It was a bit low of him especially when Adam said how much she needed it when he gave it to her.)
Chelsia and James are thrilled, snuggling. Sharon is worried, tells Joshuah, James and Chelsia. She goes in on the backdoor Matt plan. Ryan assures them he's going on with it.
Sheila has on the leotard. I think Jen looked better in it. She wears black bikini bottoms over it. She puts on a good face to all. Sharon even mentions how great it was of Adam to give her the money. Chelsia says no one in the game was selfish. Sheila mentions she could have used the money and she's a single mom. Chelsia ticked her off by telling her not to play the single mother card. Now Sheila has an enemy ... or Chelsia has an enemy, that is.
Sheila tells Adam that Joshuah, Chelsia, and James will send either her or him home. The seed is in her mind. She runs to Natalie and convinces her that after they get rid of Matt, they'll go after them -- Natalie, Sheila, Adam ... and Ryan.
She goes to Ryan who briefly apologizes after she said she wasn't mad. She warns him. She tells him Matt and Adam are the only ones who will stick with him. She convinces him that he can't backdoor Matt and she has his back.
Chelsia looks mad as she looks at the Memory Wall. She thinks matt is going to be nominated. Time for the veto meeting. Joshuah is so thrilled, thinks he's pulled off the biggest coup ever. Sharon tells her she deserved to win -- save herself. Chelsia does.
Ryan nominates ... very difficult decision, house diveided, he feels powerless, house wants one of his bros out, so ... JAMES. Matt smiles, Sharon looks stunned, Josh doesn't know what to think. Meeting adjourned. Matt rubs it all in to them and says it's on now, aims it at Joshuah. He's all struttin' and big and bad. Ryan thinks he's made a good decision. Josh thinks they won the battle, but he'll win the war. Sheila thinks that she's the mastermind and Chelsia will win her little buddy.
Big Brother,
Big Brother 9
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They have got to get Natalie out of there! She's such a lying tattle-tale!
matt first, matt first!!!
Just saw a clip on Youtube from this afternoon....Adam talking to "the group"--"F*ck it, everyone do want they want! Quit telling me how to vote. Why can't everyone just vote the way they want?? I'm outta here!!" Has he ever seen the show? What part of alliance does he not understand? Oh, that's right, he's not in an alliance-ha, ha. Unfortunately, that is right--he is the biggest puppet there and being played by everyone!
Ryan, please make up your mind. Stick to back-dooring Matt! That's a great plan!
Security is a word that Ryan likes. This might work!
I thought Natalie was tacky when she did the stripping and all the other stuff but her complete about face with the Bible reading is more annoying. IMO judging other people is not something you should do especially when they are the ones to vote you out of the house.
My eyes! My eyes! A flash of Jen in the red leotard! Not again!
Oh. Mattie, boy, be careful what you say! KARMA is just floating around you!
Natalie reminds me of a dog or abused child, who no matter how many times it is kicked, it still loves it's abuser. That girl needs some serious therapy. I wonder if her head is always up her behind. Yeah, it is. And she even has to put a reminder as to where to enter!
mm hmm. mm hmm. did anyone else realize that was basically the only thing natty said to sheila the whole time they were talking? mm hmm.
No! Here we go again! Sheila takes something personal and is working her venom again. That must be how James was named. She can't immediately get back at Chelsia, so she goes after her "partner", James. Her claws are really coming out.
Does anyone really have an opinion on who comes back into the house?
well, they edited how that all turned around like it made sense sequentially.
If you remember when Allison and Natalie were in the sauna, that is all Natalie said to her then.
What they didn't show is how Shelia made a case for how their side is strongest in the games and comps. I don't think so. How could Ryan not @@ when she called the others CLOWNS????? Bwahhhahahhaha
Oh, hell, send 'em all home!
I want a female to even it out again but who knows after eviction.
OH sh*t -- here comes the biggest upset ...!
they have left out all the crap that went on with the "boys" leading into who the replacement is going to be
will we see the pickle juice incident tomorrow night or will they leave that little item on the editing room floor like they leave most of that stuff this season?
I would say it will be left on the floor, and agree they edit out all the good stuff!
Sydney -- Well, we've seen Allison evicted at least five times. That's more important, y'know.
Jackie, what an insight, I never thought of that!!! IMAO We saw a lot of ED's blow-ups but this year few. This season is love and peace and last times was dissent and yelling! @@
You said it Jackie
Okay, after watching BB tonight, which I have not been doing, just reading Jackie's blog, I want there to be a couple of things to happen.
I would like one of the HG to return tomorrow night and no one getting evicted. Game on!
I don't know why I am wanting that, it will just make the season last that much longer.
I want someone to knock Matt right out of the game, the cocky little scum bag! Take Sheila with him, she is a real snake covered in oil.
Whew, I feel better already.
See you tomorrow night!
Dearest Natalie,
Please shut your trap before I devise a plan to somehow teleport myself thru the tv and put duck tape on your mouth!!!
AAHHHHAAHHAHH!!! I can hardly tolerate this girl!
Jackie said,
Sydney -- Well, we've seen Allison evicted at least five times. That's more important, y'know.
teehee, another pure gem. I want Allison walking back in so bad. I'm not sure if it's to see the look on Joshua's face or to see her evicted three times in one season. Either way I'd love it.
Let's help Allison take the record away from Kaysar.
Sorry and to add, we can see her evicted about three or four more times in recaps. Hope my reply didn't sound like what you said Jackie wasn't factual... I just think it would be funny to see Allison evicted three times in this season. :)
I actually enjoyed watching Josh face during Ryan's nom of James, I believe, unlike last year, its best to nominate HG's who remain power players, Josh/Sharon - James/ Chelsia those four should be broken apart, it'll be smart to evict Sharon. Although it's possible, next HOH is endurance, if so Matt will be the next HOH.
Tom` S
Still watching here...I'm sooo confused. :D
joy n...
"Oh, hell, send 'em all home!"
I find myself agreeing with you every post. This is the worst group of ppl in BB history. That's the only thing I'll give them credit for.
I'm so not happy w/ Ryan right now...I really want Matt out of there. One of these days Matt's actions (playing everyone) are going to come back to bite him in the butt (hopefully). I really hope the house decides to get rid of Sharon instead of James...I also hope Cheslia can win the next HOH and that Amanda comes back...but it would be interesting to see Alison come back...Boy would Joshie have a fit!
"Well, we've seen Allison evicted at least five times. That's more important, y'know."
With all the footage they have why do we have to watch Allison evicted over and over ?!!! ARGH!
I'm wondering if it's because she will be the one reentering the house. Josh will have a seizure.
I was stunned at Adam giving the $$$$ to Sheila but not as much as she was. Then having it taken away must have freaked her out. Oh, btw, I meant to tell you before that the city where Sheila lives, Reseda, is very familiar to me. It's not a very good neighborhood...lots of crime and lowlifes live in that area. I'm wondering how bad off she is? Sheila's really ticked at Chelsia for saying she was using the mom card. I think Sheila could get vicious.
It all is a bit more clear now. I kept reading about was the waffling back and forth. Natalie is so whipped when it comes to Matt. I was actually cheering for a Ryan and Josh alliance until Shiela finally made a play and told him what was going down. And then my attitude of Ryan returned. He got played and doesn't think for himself. What kind of deal did any of those people (Matt, Shiela, Adam, Natalie) make? ZERO-- except we have your back. Ryan, you're a dumb a$$.
You can bet Ryan is target #1 unless he strikes a new deal.
Props to CBS editing showing a few clips of the aftermath of the veto ceremony before ending the show. That's a first!
I am really shocked that everyone is pretty much rooting for Josh/James/Chelsia. They are always making horrible comments and I believe the right thing happened. I think that definitely proves that the guys are not running things as much as they think. Seems to me Sheila and Nat showed themselves as threats.
Guess I'm by myself, but of all them I'd rather see Natalie or Sheila win this.
sheila wants to be the cool mom. its so hard to watch. sooooo hard. she flaunts it like she's 19 and even though she looks good for her age, she isn't 19! watching her run around all day yesterday just blabbing on and on and on about whatever. i agree with chelsea that she shouldn't have used the 'mom' card. that does not belong in the game...that showed how sheila really feels about everyone (even though none of them see it).
ryan must be the dumbest guy in america right now. he cant make up his mind, im sure his family is ripping their hair out! first he brings home jen, then he follows what will soon be the minority in the house (the men)....sharon has got to go if he wants to stay in the game. she may have retracted what she said but she obviously has sexist issues if you always have to 'stick with the girls'....a very immature mentallity. they should all be voted out...bring in the american idol rejectee's...talk about egos!
I didn't have much respect for Ryan to begin with, but lost whatever I had after seeing him take the money away from Sheila in the veto comp. Don't think she won't hold that against him either, she's the vindictive type. With the veto ceremony being over now, Ryan has no more power as HOH and did absolutely nothing to further himself in the game while he had the power. He was a tool for his entire reign. Brings back memories of Howie's reign as HOH when he made the dumbest move in BB history and put up James and Sarah instead of Maggie and Ivette. He was blinded by the boobies. LOL. At least there was still something loveable about Howie. I can't say the same for Ryan.
Zoe- I too was amazed that Adam gave Shelia that money... and I was equally stunned Ryan took it away, considering he'd already won $10,000 (didn't he?) and Jen got $5000. I know it's the game -- if he gets booted next week, why not make what $$ you can, but last year that move cost Whoever did it -- was it Dustin? DIdn't see anyone judge Ryan for it, besides a little small comment here or there by Shelia.
And Chelsia -- it's just so ugly and ... YOUNG... to say "Don't play the mom card". While I'd have expected Shelia to gone on about being a single mother, she hasn't used that... her comment was just a statement of truth, and that little brat Chelsia -- who'd use anything herself -- jumped all over her.
As for Allison, the BB cameramen or producers love showing her on showtime. I sit there and ff through 30-40 mins every night on BBAD because they kept focusing on Allison. Just like last year, someone liked Dick, and they kept him in. If BB has it's way, it's Allison, if it's America, probably Alex. Nice job blogging live shows Jackie. Was not able to catch it yesterday. Thanks for the blow by blow, especially poor joshie. JV in KC
I guess I am in the minority here. I thought Ryan taking the money was a great move. I'm sure he knows that no one will vote for him to win the money because of Jen. WHy not get as much as he can out of the gsme while he is there.
it's a game, not charity. you play how you play and though sheila was totally bilked out of the money, who cares? it's big brother and a game. too bad for her. period. kids or no kids, nobody DESERVES the money, look at them all!
oh the insanity! jackie, i don't know how you do it. whenever i chime into the feeds i am in awe. why does anyone tell nat anything? why does chelsea have a bad haircut? why in the world does adam have to hold his 'parts' through his pants all day?
I like to hear how many different takes there are on things, like Ryan taking the $$ or if Shelia should have been able to keep it. That's why it's fun to check in at Jackie's.
I'm agreeing that this is a game and Ryan shouldn't be condemned for taking the money. Sheila has as much of a chance to win this game as anyone else. Ryan probably has an inkling that he can't please everyone all the time, and will, therefore, probably not win. He's always p***ing someone off with his waffling. I just hope that Ryan watches taped episodes after he leaves and Jen doesn't get any part of the 10 G's.
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