Tuesday, March 18, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - 3/18 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this post will be constantly updated, so please refresh the page for the latest. As I'm typing it while watching TV, there will most likely be a typoo or two. Please forgive me!

As always, your comments make it all worthwhile!

Recaps, of course. In black and white as she gets nominated, Sheila is reminding me of Mrs. Gulch -- the Wicked Withc of the West. Boy these hugs they give each other look SO fake! Matt is appreciative and tells us that he can't ever evict her and if it's down to him and her, he hopes she wins. Yikes, I may have to rethink my Mattie Boy!

Sheila is upset that she was put on the block for lying to James. Lying surely is a part of teh game, but getting caught bites your butt.

Ack, the Bible Buddies are back. This is the stuff I turn to a different feed when it's on the feeds. "What's the Holy Grial?" asks Matt. Go watch some Monty Python, Matt!

Sheila apologizes to Adam for her early game behavior ... sucking up in case she's needing a vote. He's actually nice to her, but he still creeps me out. Thankfully she doesn't call him normal. He's not.

They look so cold wrapped up and shivering in the yard. How cold is it in outhern CA lately? Joshuah is still concerned about the third mystery vote not to return him to the house. He thinks it's Matt or Ryan. Natalie is trying to convince people that Adam was the third vote and we know he wasn't. Sharon can tell she's lying. Good.

In the guinea pig cage, there are blocks which say POV. Sheila is thinking she might not have the votes she thought she had because people are telling her to win POV. She cries while wearing her red unitard. (Which has been off since Friday in real life.)

Now they're all talking about Sheila's ranting. Looped, Looney Toons, and more. It's time to prank Sheila, wake her up and tell her the POV is on! This was funny on the feeds! She's dazed, she's confused, she takes it well with them but was so ticked later.

Time to pick players for the veto comp -- James picks Matt, Sheila picks Chelsia, Ryan picks Joshuah. Matt thinks it's no big deal. James makes Natalie a happy person by making her host. She always whines that she never is in POV. Sheila is determined to win.

The yard looks like a huge guinea pig cage, blocks and tube. At least the guinea pigs (the ones I'm rooting for to win) are getting camera time tonight. They have to transfer blocks over a balance beam into a tube and cap it.

James wants to win to prove a point and to be completely in charge. Ryan and Sheila both want to win to save themselves. Matt is already down. Balance beam is usually a better game for women. Matt tells us he didn't throw the comp, he just didn't have his heart in it. Ryan's out -- he hopes Joshuah win it because he might save him. They have to put A LOT of blocks in those tubes!

Sheila dropped a block, she's out. If you fall or drop a block, poof. She cries to us. Chelsia was winning, got going to fast, and fell. James is now in the lead blockswise and Joshuah is in it still. James filled his tube and won POV. Rah rah! He's thrilled with all the power and all the options. Ryan is crushed. I won't say more about Sheila.

Sheila tells people she's not good at campaigning as she campaigns. She's ticked that Natalie said she would have to think about it. After all, she is solely responisible for saving Natalie. She tells Natalie she owes her nothing and keeps going on about all she's done for her. @@

She goes after Adam and tells him she's upset that people have to think about it. He tells her the decision doesn't need to be made right now -- it's all theory until the meeting. Now Natalie is looking like Gary Sinise (sp) to me. She's further upset that Adam won't back her up.

James is till going on the mystery third vote to not have him back in the house. But Sheila snags him first. She is whacked. She throws Adam under the bus suggesting James put him up ... while saying she won't throw him under the bus. James tells her he's waiting for either Adam or Matt to come clean about the vote.

He grabs Adam and brings him to the HOH telling him that Sheila is throwing him under the bus. Adam tells him he was the vote to bring him back. He's being honest. James questions Adams attitude about the mystery vote to us in the DR. He tells Joshuah he might use the veto and takes Chelsia outside to tell her that he might put Adam up.

She tells him that he as to do what's best for him.

OFF TOPIC SIDENOTE: Ack, the new governor of NY to replace Sleaze Spitzer has confessed to multiple affairs. That's all we need -- I can see days of news now.

Back to the show -- James is weighing his options with Chelsia. He's thinking he has to put Adam up. He wants to talk to Sharon as she would be the third vote needed to backdoor Adam. She's in the HOH room. He tells her that they can knock out anyone -- he wants them to think one thing and do another. She tells him that Matt was definitely the third mystery vote. He's infuriated that Matt is still lying to him about the vote. He wants to take Sheila down and replace her with Matt.

He tells us that even though he made a promise to Natalie not to put Matt up, he's been lying to him, so screw him. (Remember when you couldn't say that even on late night TV?)

James examines the Memory Wall -- he has the ability to stab his competition in the back. Woohoo. Ryan is very worried. (They don't mention that he told Ryan he was going to remove him -- too busy with Bible Buddies, I guess). At the POV meeting Sheila says that she's made some mistakes and protected people and she needs to be in the game for herself, wants to stay. Ryan says he tries to be as honest as he can be, wants to stay. He looks defeated. James says he will us it to save Sheila. She's thrilled. She cries. Ryan looks disappointed.

James said she wasn't the main catalyst for last week. He's leaving Ryan on the block as he did last week. When he says Matt, Natalie looks dumbfounded. He tells Natalie they were not playing as couples anymore and she was playing for two. Ryan is a bit relieved -- he thinks the house wants Matt out more than him. Natalie said James is not a man of God and God will strike him down.

James is giddy, sweet sweet revenge and either of them going is a plus for him.

Remember, tomorrow night will have Survivor on at 8 PM ET/PT and BB9 at 9 PM ET/Pt due to March Madness on Thursday. I guess they decided Survivor is more family friendly and shifted BB back an hour.

Also, it's confirmed there will be a summer Big Brother 10 starting in the beginning of July.


joy n said...

Sheila absolutely is nuts. I've never seen a true paranoid at work until now. Gnat was trying to move away from her and she couldn't move fast enough.

Sydney said...

Shelia IS almost as bug eyed as Adam, for whatever commenter here mentioned that a few days back.

joy n said...

Matt says he didn't throw the POV comp, he just didn't give it his best effort. BULL! He fell off! Some roofer!

joy n said...

She-devil is certifiable.

joy n said...

The truth shall set Adam free.

I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Sheila. She's not from upstate NY, right?

joy n said...

Thank goodness Sharon told James that Matt was the third vote or this would be a totally different week!

Anonymous said...

Great news Jackie not really. All politicans should be required to be on "Moment of Truth". None of em are sqeeky clean.

joy n said...

Jackie, in re our new Governor, he AND his wife have had numerous affairs!

Zoetawny said...


Just had to read TV Squad before dinner. You've said it in a nutshell.

"...double agents, espionage, begging, crying, wheeling and dealing, sneaky stuff, and the search for signs from God via biblical quotes."

I watched a couple of videos on YouTube of Matt crying. Who know a self-proclaimed bad-ass could cry and whine so much. I hope the plan stays the same and he goes this week. What a jerk!

Nat reading the Bible thinking that God will help her win is ludacrous. She wreaks of Amber. I think she even made mention of the "good people" in the house. All I can say, is God help her.

Sheila was incredibly lucky that James wanted Matt out so bad or she wouldn't still be there. Sheila showed her personality on day one freaking out constantly because she was paired up with Adam. She hasn't stopped since...not just about Adam but about everything. Put a gag on that woman.


How's your girl doing after surgery?

I'll check back later...dinner time now.

Thanks, Jackie for all the lateset.

joy n said...

Loved the look on Matt's lying face! Sheils's, too!

joy n said...

I meant Matt's and Gnat's!

Anonymous said...

Did they have a luxury comp. this week? I was just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mattie....MAN-UP.

Jackie S. said...

Anon - No food comp or luxury this past week. With the HOH endurance, they usually skip the food comp. They haven't had a luxury comp all season.

joy n said...

There just HAS to be a better crowd on the summer version.

Anonymous said...

Matt is a lot like Gnat at comps...he sucks (pun intended) big time! Bye-bye cry baby.

monty924 said...

Just got to the POV on my DVR. Matt did that intentionally. He thought he was safe this week. So it isn't a BackDoor. He played and didn't win. Good riddance Matt.

Jackie and Zoetawny, you should seriously do the Mrs. Gulch grapic for Sheila. How perfect a description, and we have her (Sheila the can't shut up HG) for at least another entire week! Back to my recording. :)

joy n said...

Monty, I disagree, I just watched the tape again, Matt tried to catch himself and even looked pissed when he fell. Then he tried to save face by saying he didn't throw it and just didn't give it his best effort. He's not very good at the comps, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie, I'm not so sure we need to rethink Matt. I know he was saying some of the right words and I found myself thinking they were fake or prompted in the DR. His real nature was the grudging massage, etc., and his taking-her-for-granted-as-usual attitude even as she hung on the disco ball/chain for him. I'm thinking he's still a cocky dude...who cries like a baby when things don't work out for him. Oh well, JMHO.

Sheila, Sheila, I've been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and keeping in mind that we really can't judge these hamsters by outside standards cause the house is such pressure, blah blah. But she just does not shut up!! She and Natalie could have a "talk off" and I'm not sure who'd win...I'm only sure my ears would bleed.

I'm still in for Matt going buhbye tomorrow night. And I won't lose sleep over any of them!

Thanks so much, Jackie!!

monty924 said...

I've finished it finally. I loved the look on James' face when Sharon told him it was Matt and not Adam. I don't like Adam much, but the editing made him look like a pitiful soul waiting to be put on the block. Sad. The "Bible Buddies" was funny tonight. I have to give props to the producers to put this stuff we see on the feeds into the show in a humorous way. We laught at it, but America only sees what CBS shows them and this is some funny stuff.

Joyn, I still think he threw it (IMO). He was trying to race through it when he didn't need to. Dr. Will was the master at throwing comps and some others have been good at it (in other seasons), including Marcellas in S7. Why win... when you don't need to? I think Matt honestly thought he was safe and didn't need to win it. Maybe a bad move if that was his thinking.

To Matty's credit and the others, I wouldn't have made the first pass on that balance beam. Even if my life in the house depended on it, I couldn't have walked across those beams long enough to win POV.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness this blog exists, otherwise, I'd be in the dark tonight. I totally blanked because of dancing with the stars.

Thanks for the update/recap of the show Jackie, it's like watching without having to go through the agony of this particular season.

I really would like to see a show with more mature players. There have to be at least half a dozen old-heads lined up to play the show.

Thanks again for the updates.

Laurie said...


Cold in SoCal is anything below 60. And if the wind chill brings it down to 55, then we all put blankets on and assume fetal positions until the sun warms us up again.

Unknown said...

I watched BBAD yesterday,
Adam came out of the bathroom and on the way to the kitchen, he stopped and put his pants down his pants and took out a big wad of toilet paper? Like he wiped himself and left the toilet paper there? He continued to walk to the kitchen,
with his hand down his pants and scratching his backside , then he ate cake. Never washing at all. My question,
DONT THESE PEOPLE KNOW THEY ARE ON TV? I mean come out of the bathroom and take a wad of TP out of your pants, he was digging for it.
Also Sheila
I believe she took alot of drugs in the 70's and she is still feeling the effect of it, her jerking motions and the eyes, yeah,
that's it.

Tom`S said...

Yes and No.. After while old habits are hard to die, what advice would you all give your daughter if she were cast in big brother 10? Yikes my word verifications first letters were STD

Anonymous said...

I was laughing so hard that I was crying when I saw them prank Sheila! I watched it twice. :)

Erica in Ohio

Anonymous said...

LOVE the bible buddies segmants. it reminds me of an SNL skit. no one inparticular....but when they "couldnt find the arch of the covenant"...i almost fell off my seat i was laughing so hard!

Anonymous said...

anybody......if matt had won POV and used it to save someome, could he have been at risk for being put up on the block or does winning the pov make him safe from being put up?

RBennie said...

Good Morning Jackie,

Can you please, pretty please, add a DWTS post for us to comment on. I'm dying to talk about it, but don't want to clog this one up with DWTS chatter. Thanks so much for what you do.

RBennie said...

And on yet another topic, how cute is David Archuleta on AI. I just want to adopt this kid so I can squeeze him anytime I want to, LOL. He's my pick to win it all. The only real competition that I think he has is Carly and the other David who's last name I can't remember. Is it Cook?

Anonymous said...

Is nobody posting on DWTS meet up? I have to say that I was blown away by Kristi Yamaguchi last night. Now I kind of expected her to do well,but then understand what she said about it being totally different,but she was great!And so was Priscilla!!! I thought they were really harsh and unkind to Monica,but then,she looks so awkward and gawky just walking to me! Melissa is so over the top,it isn't even funny,I hope she learns to tone it down...a lot! Marlee was amazing,she can't hear and she danced way better than Corolla or Penn.....LOL.Shannon is just way to cocky for me,she thinks she's already won this.

On AI,David Cook continues to blow me away and David A was back on his game this week,his version of "Long and Winding Road" was killer. Kristi Lee should go home this week,but it wouldn't break my heart if Amanda went,even though the judges "love" her.To me,she's a one trick pony and she over sings every song and she mumbles half the words.Chikizie didn't do himself any favors this week,he let their praise for his risk taking last week go to his head and over did it this week.And I know Simon has no tact,but the man does tell the truth to these people,I look to him to say what they really sound like.It was a hard night,didn't watch one minute of BB cause I was trying to watch three other shows at once!Biggest Loser was excellent too!!Thank you,Jackie and posters for keeping it alive when I can't even get to watch!

joy n said...

I just read on EvelDick's blog that he and Parker will be on Housecalls today at 1pm EDT.

Also EvelDick and Dani will be featured in a filmed segment of tonight's BB9.

AND, EvelDick alone will host the POV competition on next Tuesday's episode.

I think it will be entertaining. For those of you who don't, you've been warned.

RBennie said...

You are so right Sharon. Kristi Yamaguchi blew me away last night. As you said, I expected her to be pretty good, but that was hands down the best first dance I have ever seen on DWTS. I hope she can keep this up, but she might have a little trouble with the more sexy latin dances. She's used to being very graceful because of the figure skating, but the sexiness has to come naturally.

As far as AI goes, I think Kristi Lee should have gone home 2 shows ago.

Jackie S. said...

rbennie -- I had the same adoption thoughts about David Archuleta! I guess we're getting old, eh? His parents must be so proud. He seems like such a nice kid, too. The other David is Cook. I like him, too. I wish he'd change his hair, though. That super straight cut does nothing for him IMO.