The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.
My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.
As always, comments are a joy! :-)
Airai won reward -- two natives to show them the ropes. They sent Chet and their own Jason to Exile Island.
A doc came over Penner's leg. Hospital or die. He left crying over leaving the game, not about his leg.
Jason found the fake hidden idol and thinks it's real.
Airai won immunity.
Phew. Chet wanted to go home and was voted out. There was a plan to blindside Ozzy and he didn't use the idol. He lucked out!
Tracy sounding a little like Sheila?
I so dislike Eliza. She wants James and Parvati out so bad.
awww...i really liked jonny this season. too bad.
That's a shame about Jonathan. He was playing the game so much better this time. But it's not meant to be. The possibility of losing a leg or even your life leaves no options.
I wouldn't be unhappy to see Cirie leave, but Tracy may be just as dangerous as her. Chet is doing nothing to help this tribe and he needs to be dealt with soon, too. So many choices.
Ah, Erik, you silly little child.
Jason, not Erik. Will I ever get these names right?
I had three posts that didn't go through. Outage.
I feel bad for Jonathan. I think Jason thought it a smart move to throw the heat over to Ozzy but be handled it well.
Ozzy is so good!
Ut oh, Ozzy
Why didn't Malakal do the same thing as Airai?
I think Ozzy's team wanted to lose, so they could send someone home! ?
Sad about JP, but his knee looked horrible.
I am really upset that Jonathan could not rejoin in a week but he would have been eating all the time he was in the hospital. DAMN. I know he was not well liked in the last season but I always liked him and he was my favorite this year. He was SO disappointed but that blood infection is nothing to mess with -- acts fast and at some point they can not reverse it.
The one thing I felt good about was that his team truly appreciated him, and in doing so, his former reputation was righted.
Chet's offering himself up. Cirie, you are so lucky!
Why they didn't do the same thing I don't know... especially with Ozzy there. Why didn't he tell them to restart on one pole.
Damn, Chet is asking to go. I was hoping for CHERIE> WUSSIE. WHY SIGN UP IF YOU AREN'T GONNA PLAY??????
Chet wants out because of his foot injury. That's great but Jason, and Tracy want to backdoor Ozzie. Not again! Ami, you backstabber!
Oh that's so lame. Chet wants to go and they're using him to stay in there. Ugh!
Just smoking out the idol? Maybe, please oh please! Ozzy has to stay!
Ozzie, use that idol! Doesn't sound good. Damn.
Use it man!
Tracy looking very smug. That worries me. Ozzie didn't use the idol. Uh, oh!
Please please not our Ozzy.
Thank you adios CHET
Thank you Survivor Gods!
Oh, thank goodness! Ozzie's safe1
I'm so glad Chet is gone. Nice enough man, but totally useless on Survivor.
I hope Ozzy learns about Amy and her plan. At least Cerie is with Ozzy.
Oh boy, Chet voted himself out. Now tht has to be a first!
Wussie Chet. He couldn't stay for 3 more days? If his foot was an issue the medics would be saying that on camera, just like they did for any past players who had to leave because of that.
I know they probably cast someone like hiim thinking the weakling story line would stir things up, but it
just makes me so mad because there are like 15,000 other people who would have died to get the chance.
I truly thought Ozzie would go, and though I love him, it WOULD have been a killer move for the fans half of the tribe. (Sorry Petals! :-O) That said, they'd also probably waste away in challenges as a result. Anyway, didn't happen...
Whats up with Erik being voted for by that woman on his team????
Okay, I take that back. Note to self... don't post till you see the votes, LOL
Tracy voting out Erik.. could not remember her name!
Tracy is making me very nervous, She wants the strong ones out, so that she, a weaker one, can get farther in the game. I HATE when that happens!
Petals where art thou?
Our Ozzy was in peril!!!
I,too,feel bad about Jonathan Penner. He was likeable this year, and really upped his game. thats a tough break...but we shall see him healthy at the finals right?
terry in ca...
Never fear, the Survivor Gods are with Ozzy. (Read ahead that he was saved.) ;)
It was too bad that JP had to leave. How many times do you get a second chance to win $1,000,000?
I didn't dislike him this season as I did before. Maybe it was Karma catching up with him. I'm sure his family is thinking he made the right decision.
OK, at the risk of sounding catty, does Tracy have implants? She hardly has any meat on her chest and you can just about see the implants. Maybe she's already lost a lot of weight on the island.
Too bad Chet gave up and thus saved Cirie's butt. Hope she goes soon. Jason thought he was too cool calling out Ozzy having the idol but Ozzy played it off great.
Go Ozzy!
When do you think the merge will be? Ozzy's own team mates are starting to view him as a huge threat, which he is. I just hope he lasts until the merge when he can really play his heart out.
Hold on honey
I am coming to save you!
ONly if I were 20 years younger!!!
He is my fave!
I'm with you,Sydney,I liked Jonathon both times he has played,which I know was against public opinion. This time,especially,I thought he had a good chance to make it to the finals. I'm glad they took him out of there,his life wasn't worth losing over the game.
That said,can I say how much I can't stand Tracy!!! I am so sick of looking at that chick's fake boobs,have you ever seen headlights like those things?? And her asking that ween,Chet,to drag his sorry butt around camp for three more days!!Yeah,and am not surprised he voted for himself. That guy knew he was in over his head the first day he landed on that beach and has been asking for a ticket home ever since.The only way I would have wnated him to stay was if Cirie would have gone home!
I did read in TV Guide that there are going to be plenty of twists and surprises the next couple of weeks. I'm glad they still evcited somebody,even thought JP went home.
IMO it amazes me how people want Cirie gone since she got Yau Man out; she was not in the game for him to win she in the game for her to try and win the money, but when players go against the player they is considered to be popular get rid of them. The popular player can lie, scheme, etc but it is all good. This is a game people do what they have to do to try the win the money. We can have a favorite but why have a double standard for players you like and players you don't like. I like Ozzy but the other players are not there because I like Ozzy so let him win they are there so they can win. Like them or not they are all enduring the same environment. I like Cirie to. I have not seen where she should go home because she convent them to vote out Yau Man this is something they wanted to do apparently because they have their own minds. She could just suggest.
The only reason I would want Cirie out is because she'll eventually try to get Ozzy evicted, and she might succeed. I like Ozzy more than Cirie... simple as that. They are all there to win, but you/me as a viewer will have our favorites.
That whole time they discussed about wanting to get Ozzy out prior to Chet volunteering to go, yet in the end, not one person voted to evict Ozzy. Two votes for Eric??? These people are strange.
You make a very good point Nana126.
I love Yau Man, but can't hold it against Cirie for getting him out of the game. That's pretty much the whole premise of the game. Get rid of the people who can possibly beat you in the end. Being a strong player in this game is not all about physical strength. You need a strong mind too. Love her or hate her, you have to admit that Cirie has orchestrated the two biggest plays of the season thus far and she has not been the weak link in any of the challenges. I don't think she'll be gunning for Ozzy any time soon, she's smart enough to know they need him for survival.
I believe Tracy put Eric's name down because she vowed never to vote for Chet and probably didn't want to piss off any of the favs by putting their name down. Chet couldn't vote for himself, so he put Eric down.
I like Ozzy, but if they would have voted him out, I would have applauded their strategy. It would have probably been one of the greatest moves in the history of the game. I like that this year people are making some interesting moves and people are getting blindsided. More fun this way. (But I was over seeing Chet's whiny butt, so it's OK too.)
It's a game about Survival of the fittest, and it just goes to show that fittest doesn't always mean physical. You have to think too. And although I don't really care for Cirie or Tracy, they're thinking and they're "saving their lives" which is what you'd want to do if the situation were real.
When Jonathan was leaving, I was thinking "can't anyone just say 'take care of yourself, get better, don't worry about it?'" They were all worrying about themselves and the game. The man was leaving a game because in REAL LIFE he could die. Give him some REAL support. Geez...
I know,I was so appalled by Kathy,hugging Jonathon and wailing.......I neeeed you here,don't gooooo! What a ditz,would she stay and risk HER life for him...I doubt it! She's another one that is so ready to go,just like Chet. They may have been fans of this game,but faux survival game or not,this has to be a lot harder than we all think it is.Kathy looks like a deer in the headlights every challenge.
And I don't say that Cirie isn't a master manipulator,I just don't like that she sits around camp and thinks everyone should kiss her hienie and then lasts another week.And I just don't like her and that's what this game is all about,and last time I checked,I can not like her cause she got Yau voted off!
I cannot even understand why Chet agreed to be on Survivor.
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