The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.
My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.
As always, comments are a joy! :-)
Malakal won reward, sending Jason to Exile Island. Tracy goes for Malakal, sacrificing a product laden spa day.
Krazy Kathy just quit the game -- too much stress on her.
Airai wins immunity. Gack.
Phew ... Ozzy didn't play the idol, but is safe again. Tracy was voted out. Only Tracy voted for Ozzy. For all her talk, Cirie targeted a fan.
Buh bye Tracy!
Tracy wants to kill another chicken. Dumb idea, when there is other food to be eaten and the chickens are laying eggs.
Will someone please get Tracy out of this game? If they have no strong players, they don't win comps. Tracy sure doesn't do anything to help win them. And if they don't have any numbers when they merge, they'll be picked off so easily. Doesn't she get that?
And so Cirie starts her anti-Ozzie crap again, too.
Tracy is only thinking about the end but not about how to get there. Without Ozzeythey are not going to get very far.
Does anyone have as much trouble with logging on as I do. I put in my password and it refuses to take it.
Cirie... you're other left!
oops... your other left. :(
Not a Cirie fan here. She complains about Ozzy running things but I don't see her doing anything much to contribute--other than confusing left and right.
So happy Malakal won reward. Hope they win immunity, too. Tracy wasn't too happy about going to Exile. At least she can't spread more Ozzie poison around for awhile.
Cirie is a pain in the tush no it all.
Looks like Ozzie is going to be the one to take a fan under his wing.....Erik!
or is it know it all
OK now that cave is really creepy!
Kathy loks like the one who'll be wanting to go home.
Kathy is whacked and losing it! I'm not sure James can pull her through it.
Kathy has lost it that's for sure.
why don't they stop their complaining and work together to build proper shelter, start the fire again and move on with the game?
WOW. This season is sending them home without a tribal council.
Doesn't this crybaby lady realize this is the game? And are her tears for real?
But you are quitting, Kathy.
Wasn't she the one at the beginning who was star struck by the favorites.
Has anyone other than Jena in Allstars voluntarily left Survivor?
Jonny Fairplay. He asked to be voted out.
Hi everyone!
Boy that had to be a difficult choice for Cathy. I should hope no one holds anything against her, that has to be very difficult, espeically given their less than adequate circumstances.
Do they not have any capability to make fire any longer? ANd did I miss something. is James the only male on this particular tribe?
What was her reason to be there in the first place. I'm a single mother of four and you would never catch me out there playing this game. I'm a strong person but I know my limits. I enjoy watching the game but playing it is something completely different. What made her want to play the game.
Jason, but he's on Exile Island.
Besides being voted out at council I mean. Sorry that wasn't very clear. I don't remember anyone else just out right quitting the game, but I've missed a lot of seasons of Survivor.
Monty, was Jenna the one that left because her mom or grandmom was real sick? (and she made the perfect timed choice) or do I have her confused with someone else?
Let's go Ozzie!!!
Friggin Ozzie is all that, isn't he?
Yes, Maryanne. Her mother was sick, I think cancer or something terminal and she made the right choice.
Ozzy is looking whooped.
Come on, Malakal!
Cirie needs to go!!!!! They need not to get rid of someone strong.
Well now the promos come into play. Will Ozzie use the idol? The rumors have been that council is shocking tonight.
How the hell did that happen? Cirie better keep her trap shut about Ozzie. I know she was talking Erik earlier, but you just can't trust Cirie.
Ozzie bring your idol and use it! Please!
I don't want Ozzie to go!
My word verification is ifarrt, I swear! And no, I don't. Well, not today, anyway.
Thanks for the response, Monty. Great decision on Jenna's part too.
I have two trivia questions.
Which player became Jeff's girlfriend?
Just how many ballots Jeff Probst has actually tallied.
Oh my goodness, this bit about the vote is making my head spin LOL
Please, oh please... Ozzy has to stay. This show is killing me.
Wow this is a lot of scheming.
Am I the only one who doesn't understand when each member of the tribe has to contribute versus when Ozzy can take multiple turns in a row?
Erik, don't listen to them!
Damn these people!
LOL Joy. great verification.
This team is stupid!!! None of them will make it to the final four.
Cirie is leading behind the scenes. He is just the provider and strong member in challenges. I hope he uses the idol.
I don't think he's going to use it... I'm biting my nails. Ack!
Tracy looks smug!!!
I'm scared
OMG! Tracy looked so smug. Buh bye!
YES! YES YES!!! Buh bye Tracy!
I will never, ever understand all this plotting and planning and there never being the outcome I thought there would.
Tracy lost that smug smile pretty quickly, didn't she? Buh-bye Bitch!
Monty924, are you reading my mind?
Tracy, Tracy, Tracy... well at least they edited this episode to make it look like you were all that.
Good. Ozzy's safe another week. Bring on Big Brother!
Ouch! Was that Erik who crashed into that platform in the previews?
Tessa, it's funny how we all think the same thing at the same time. Great minds think alike! :)
5-1 they voted. And she says Ozzie was manipulative? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Oh thank the lord. The tension--I could barely stand it.
O friggin UCH, did you see the previews for next week and erik gets HURT
not reading comments before i make this so excuse if a repeat. I was shouting at the screen for Ozzy to pull out that immunity idol. There must have been more going on than they showed for him to be so confident. He WILL need it later in the game so he is smart to save it for that time but it seemed like he took a giant gamble not producing it this round. I would have hated to see him go, but it also was a wise move in that the merge is soon and it will be everyone for themselves.
That said, of course he is a great Survivor and deserves to win based on his abilities out there, since no one else is playing much of a game, even James so far...
Just feeling ecstatic that Ozzie is safe for at least one more week and so relieved that Tracy had it figured all wrong this time.
Chet, Kathy and Tracy....Rest in peace!
I kept thinking Amanda would have clued Ozzie in if the vote was going against him, so he could use the idol. I thought that by sending Tracy to Exile it showed them all that he wasn't interested in looking for the idol any longer. But maybe they all already know he has it. And was I mistaken or did they try to use the two biggest Ozzie fans on that team to vote against him? No wonder the plan failed. I was wondering if Cirie was throwing the ammunity by messing up the puzzle, but what would she gain by doing that? Do casting people feel like they failed when a survivor requests to go home? I don't know how Chet or Kathy made it onto the island and why Tracy thought they were two good ones to team up with. Busy night for you Jackie, Thanks, Sue
Would someone please tell Jeff that Immunity starts with an I not an A?!?!?!
I wonder if Kathy's emotional break down was actually worse than we saw.
I got the feeling there was alot of editing so it looked like she just gave up and quit.
Jeff was very gentle with her and not at all confrontational with her for wanting to quit.
I can't remember the season or player but once before someone wanted out. It seems like it was a male player. Jeff was really upset by it and had some harsh words for that player on camera.
Cirie is a pain to watch...she bad mouths the person who is helping the tribe most of all. He may be a threat...but he is a helpful threat. She is useless...all she does is complain. She can't win comps...she is lazy and her one talent seems to be dissing everyone else. Hope she gets the boot soon.
I wanted to be in that boat with them and throw Cirie into the ocean and paddle away!!!She sits and complains because Ozzy is looking for food to feed her chunky,she really riles me!But the bestest was to see ole Tracy smile like a idiot and wink at all her "co-conspiritors" and then see her name come up again and again!! Yay....that has to be one of my favorite moments so far.
I think maybe Amanda DID let Ozzy know what was going down,they just don't show that,since they are still together and dating. If she had thrown him to the wolves,don't think they might still be together.Now,I am not sure if Ami was just leading the fans astray or if she had thoughts of jumping ship,but now she has nobody but Erik and we all know.he's in love with Ozzy,too..sorry,Petals,dla and all!!
Maybe I've missed something, but I just don't get why so many of you seem to hate Cirie so much. She's certainly not the most physically fit member of the team, but then again, I can't recall where she was the direct cause of them losing any of the comps so far, with the possible exception of the puzzle last night, and she's usually very good with the puzzles. She's a smart player and she's trying to win the game. Something they should all be doing. I never thought for a moment that she would vote out Ozzy - she's smarter than that - she knows very well that they need him! Now don't get me wrong, I love Ozzy and I want either him or James to win the game. But if he's gonna win, he better play just as smart as Cirie is. I was so glad to see Tracy go - talk about worthless.
P.S. - Erik's man crush on Ozzy is pretty funny.
I only start disliking Cirie when she gets on that "get rid of Ozzie" kick. She would be silly to get rid of the only one who can help them win competitions.
Tracey was worthless is right! She really got on my nerves.
Eric has gotten skinnier by the minute. Ozzie is making sure he eats, so what's with that.
They'll be merging soon, so I'm glad Ozzie still has the idol, even tho James, Parvati and Amanda knows he has it. That was dumb on his part, but then we've already said that.
Didn't Sue quit the All Stars after being "molested" by Richard among other things?
Kathy in NC
Lynn1, if I remember correctly, there was a black contestant and I think his name was Osten who quit. Jeff made him lay his torch down instead of snuffing it out like normal. He talked to him about all of the people who wanted to be on the show and he was chosen, only to give up.
Does anyone know
what day survivor is on next Thursday. I cant seem to find it anywhere.
Thank You Karen
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