The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.
My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight,
As always, comments are a joy! :-)
Tribes split schoolyard alternating. Ozzy and Natalie captains.
New Airai - Natalie, James, Alexis, Jonathan, Jason, Parvati, Kathy, Eliza
New Malakal - Ozzy, Joel, Amanda, Eric, Ami, Tracy, Cirie, Chet
Airai won reward -- BBQ dinner. No Exile Island so they can get to know each other. IMO -- Joel should be removed from the game. What he did to Chet in the challenge was horrible -- slamming him, dragging him.
Airai won Immunity.
Joel was blindsided. Good.
Charlie the chicken is history!
Not surprised Chet was picked last.
Ozzy sure made a mistake telling about the with the change-up close knit group no longer!
Wow that challenge was brutal!
Joel is a heartless SOB. I can't believe the way he was slamming Chet around. And he said he didn't care.
Another good editing, fish hook type of promo this week. Ozzy was talking about Chet and not Joel. Good job CBS.
James just hit the nail on the head, "They should be dead" (at Airai camp).
Wow, not the most sterile environment to be doing sutures in. Hope Jonathon doesn't end up with a nasty infection.
I'm on the West Coast and just lurking here.....who did Ozzy tell about having the immunity? And did he tell that he made a fake one?
Ozzie, DO NOT TRUST JOEL, under any circumstances!
Nana - He told James, Amanda and Parvati
I'm wondering about that, too, Nana. I missed the first couple minutes, but taping to re-watch later cause I always miss something. Why would he tell anyone?
Way to go, Amanda. A shark!
It wasn't smart in hindsight, but he was telling his alliance. Now they're split up and James and Parvati are on the opposite tribe. Ozzy should have kept mum on the idol.
Oh boy... Ozzy on the losing tribe. Any wager on whether he uses the idol?
I take that back. The favs already have the one kid on their side and he'll probably vote with Ozzy and group. I say its bye-bye Joel if they were smart.
Monty - I think Chet will be the target Although Joel was brutal to him in reward, he also was bad in immunity.
I hope Joel doesn't get Tracy, Chet, Erik and possibly Cirie to vote off Oziie.
Duh, or Chet!
Hopefully, James and Parvati will keep mum on the idol and Ozzie could save himself.
If anyone can sway people its Chirie but I don't know if they can sway the tribe to keep Chet.
For once, I wish they would listen to Cirie.
Oh, pleeeeeze make Joel go away.
Tracy flipped.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOOD-BYE JOEL!!!!
I think Ozzie just got a whole lot safer.
I think Ozzie is going to be in trouble on this tribe. He better watch his back. I'm not sorry to see Joel go but where does it leave this tribe in strength challenges. Chet is going to have to play because they are down a player.
How does this make Ozzie safer?
Ozzy will not be safe till Cirie is gone.
Well hello! Jonathon was bound to get an infection in that environment. Next week's looking good for the fans on that tribe.
I think Joy had a point with Joel because he will vote out his competition in a heartbeat. Ozzy is definitely competition for anyone.
Ozzie needs to get rid of Cirie, too. She CANNOT be trusted. Tracy is manipulative. If they lose challenges because of Chet, Cirie and Tracy, Chet will be the least of Ozzie's problems.
say its really true? No Joel? THANK YOU!!!!
But Ozzie in jeopardy? Oh no, this must not be!
I do agree about Joel voting out his competition but Cirie is playing every angle she can and I think she is dangerous.
Yes, Joel would have plotted in every way possible to get rid of Ozzie, winning or losing.
Joy, I agree with your 9:02 comment wholeheartedly.
The mean old Hulk is gone! Whew!
It did seem appropriate that Joel had to be linked to Chet in the race. Joel lost the game last TC when he could have sent Chet home, but listened to Tracy instead. That move tied Chet to him and drug them both down. Sue
Don't you just love KARMA!
Previews showed Jason (I think that's his name) has found the fake idol. He's so cute... I hate it that he thinks he has a safety net. Oh well... Ozzy is still safe for a while... that's the important thing.
Looks like Jonathan will be going out on a medical decision. He has been told that he has an infection and if it enters his blood stream it (would or could) be fatal. I mean.. no money is worth that chance. Anxious to see what he does...I never really considered him as smart.
Yeah, I hope he doesn't embarass himself trying to use it. Didn't the early promos say someone makes a bigger goof than James did last season? Hope it won't be Jason (or Erik, whichever one he is).
Good TVS post, Jackie. Any scene with Chet in it is difficult to watch for me. I am not sure how or why he was cast. I feel the same way about Kathy because she doesn't seem to have any desire to be on the island. Both are pretty passive. Joel knew that, too. On the tag team race, when he realized he was tethered to Chet, he should have found a way to make it work (to borrow a line from Project Runway). It was obvious he was letting his anger guide him. It pretty much says he was out of control. How would Ozzie or James have handled the same situation? I don't know.
And Ozzie caved way too easily on the vote. The last two evicitions have been edited (even in promos) to show the women running the tribes. I wonder if Cirie really flipped the vote to Joel, or if Ozzie was already planning it? It seemed out of character for him to change so easily, but then he blundered by telling about the idol, so maybe I am just giving him super powers (because he is so darn adorable!) Eric is not learning from his hero worship, just following along to watch Ozzie do the work. That is more papparazi than mentoring.
Busy night for you Jackie, thanks for your work. Sue
Paybacks are hell,right,Joel!I just knew he'd be tethered to ole Chet in the challenge. Bet he was wishing he'd kept Mikey B. about then.Yeah,it was mean what Joel did,but Chet is such a lump. He's like Adam on BB,for me he just has that ewwwww factor.I find it hard to believe that Joel is a firefighter,they are usually are much nicer people than he was.
Big mistake for Ozzy to tell about his II! Let's hope that doesn't come back to bite him,BUT,good thing he has it because I see Cirie coming after him soon if he doesn't get rid of her. And,I just don't like Tracy,at all. I just want to smack her smug,self important face at tribal council. I sure wouldn't want her on my team. What a bad break for Ozzy that he got Cirie,Tracy and ole Chet all on his team.Wonder what the promo about Ami flipping on the Favs means for next time?
I might be in the minority here, but I have to give props to Cirie for playing a very smart game so far. Blindsiding Joel was brilliant. Cirie seems to be the only one actually thinking about how to further themselves in the game. She knows she is considered weak, although she has made a good showing for herself thus far. Yet she has managed to keep herself in the game and masterminded the eviction of two strong players. It was important that one of the fans be evicted in order to keep the numbers in the favs favor. Joel could have been a serious threat to all of them (not that his performance has been much to brag about up to this point). Getting rid of him was imo one of the best plays in Survivor to date. They can always dump Chet the next time they lose. I don't think Ozzy is in any danger. They should be smart enough to know they need him to survive.
I'm so jealous that most of you get to see the show 3 hours before me and can chat here together. ;) By the time I find the opportunity to comment my opinions are practically moot. LOL
As one of the posters said, the mean old hulk is gone. YES!!!! From the beginning I thought Joel was a Neanderthal and he proved it when he didn't give a darn about Chet possibly being seriously injured. I enjoyed it when Joel reacted dumbfounded to being booted and that it wasn't Chet leaving. But, I just don't get why someone like Chet would even bother to apply to be on Survivor. He doesn't seem to have even the mindset to compete let alone the physical strength.
I agree that it was not smart of Ozzie to tell anyone about the idol but let's hope he uses it if he has even a slight suspicion that he might need it.
So do we think that Jonathan will be leaving? I was rather surprised that the medics didn't give him any antibiotics to prevent infection, or is that against the rules? I didn't like him the first time around so no big loss.
I'm enjoying this season and hope all of you are, too.
Thanks Jackie for being such a trooper.
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