Wednesday, April 23, 2008

American Idol 4/23 Results Show East Coast Update

David Archuleta is safe.
David Cook is safe.
Brooke White is SAFE? How could that be?
Syesha Mercado is bottom two. How could that be?
Jason Castro is safe.
Carly Smithson is bottom two. (She was good last night, too!)

Carly Smithson is going home tonight.


Anonymous said...

Clay Aiken looked a mess, maybe his pale face and icky hair is from Spamalot, but still

Glad the 2 David's are safe. I hope Jason is too...

Anonymous said...

i worship sir andrew lloyd weber, was so excited about last nite!!
debi in calif

Anonymous said...

Huge Phantom fan so Debi I agree, loved the songs.

Anonymous said...

I am personally so shocked David Cook is still there. Don't they always vote out the best one? LOL

Anonymous said...

i am so upset. They got it completely wrong this week. I think the dred lock guy would have gone

Anonymous said...

So much for this show.

Anonymous said...

I call it the Sanjaya Syndrome. Jason really should have been gone weeks ago. The week Brook sang Here Comes the Sun, doooodoooodoooodooooo is the week she should have been voted off. Carly has more talent in her little finger than either of these two could muster up on a good day. The voting system seriously needs to be revamped. I believe Randy and Simon should have the final say in who goes home. America get's 10%, split the rest amongst the judges with Paula getting 10% because her reasoning is so lame most of the time. This America getting the final say has sent some pretty good talent packing on more than one occasion. Pretty sad, pretty sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

I had to work tonight, but recorded it. DANG! How in the world did people think Carly was bad? I still think this is rigged in many ways to get people peeved. There is no way Brooke should still be in this competition. I am bummed!


Terry is a Texan! said...

totally agree. Carly was great, and will have a career Im sure.

Anonymous said...

Carly had a career and it didn't pan out,, In fact she was under contract with Randy Jackson label... If I didn't know ahead of time what song she was singing, I wouldn't have recognize the song.. She screeched her way thru it.

Anonymous said...

Poor pitiful Brook. That sad face of hers won't take her to the top. Get her out!

Tom`S said...

Poor pitiful Brook. That sad face of hers won't take her to the top. Get her out!
4/24/2008 4:05 Am
David Cook will probably leave before Brooke..
I believe Brooke's family & fan's called in from various countries, I didn't think she'd be voted off, simply because when they mess up that's when people tend to vote more.

AI has David A in mind from the get go just like they did Jordon last year, notice last year when Jordon should have gone home, this was during give back, AI decided not to send anyone home, everyone knew from that day forward it was because Jordon was groomed to win!

Anonymous said...

Toms, Jodrin didn't have the lowest number of votes that week. It was planned in advance that no one would go home. They saved her until last for shock value.

Sasha said...

Guys, one of the reasons Brooke is probably still there is that the website "" has chosen her as the one they are voting for. They are also the ones who kept Sanjaya there for way longer than expected by voting and encouraging people to vote for him. It's a very mean spirited website and that's what they do. It only lasts so long but apparently they manage to influence the voting.

Anonymous said...

If the "votefortheworst" actually has any sway,then it should be Jason they are pulling for! He should not even still be on there. And he's so smug and cocky,and watching him,he hardly ever claps or acts interested when the others leave or get axed. I hope his time is coming,like next week. He was so bad this week,it wasn't funny.I liked Brooke in the beginning,but she's wearing on my nerves now and I think she should go right after Jason. I also didn't like Carly much in the start,but this week,she was killer and so was Syesha,all those little teenies that vote don't know what real talent is. I wish the voting or elimination process was different,too. You give too much power to the masses and it becomes a popularity contest,not based on real talent.

My favorite for the win...David Cook.

Anonymous said...

Sharon said: You give too much power to the masses and it becomes a popularity contest,not based on real talent.
Doesn't that pretty much sum up the American political system, as well?

I really like David Cook. David A. sings really well, but I don't think he has matured enough to be a real performer yet. I can't see sitting through a whole concert of his. But just give him a couple of years! Jason is attracting the teenage girls. As we often see in politics, youth don't always make wise decisions -- they are swayed by pretty faces!

Anonymous said...

Brook should be GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is horrible and I don't think she has sounded very good for awhile.

Anonymous said...

I just heard Michell Wright on CNN. She was stating that she had about three minutes to vote before the voting should have been closed and her vote was declined, as the voting lines were closed. Let's hope AI did not have some type of glitch in the voting system that sent Carly home unfairly. Carly nailed her song choice. She will have a music career without AI.

JMO, I do not see how Jason was able to stay. I agree with a previous poster, he should have been gone by now.

Anonymous said...

I think there is more to this show for the contestants than how they place.
First of all, besides for the Davids, no one was absolutely wowing on Tues. night, though I did enjoy both Syesha and Carly a lot, they weren't absolutely fantastic performances. But they did both show personality which is something. However, both of them were the most hated contestants for who knows what reasons.

But ultimately Carly showed humility and a lot of good qualities about her during this season. So people may have held her past record deal against her but after last night, I don't think they will any longer, she just seemed too NICE and genuinely happy and grateful to AI.

I think it's perfectly ligit that Brooke stayed b/c we get to vote for who we want.

Anonymous said...

Brook and Jason should be gone.
They are not good. Carly is gone but it is not because of her singing because she was one of the best singers on the show. It is something else. Who knows what.
I am glad she got exposure and she is also a class act. I hope she gets a record deal.

RBennie said...

I can't believe that Brooke is still there after pulling that starting over bit for the second time! I thought she was cute and quirky for the first couple of weeks, but that wore thin pretty quickly for me. I was not a big Carly fan, but I certainly think she deserves to be there over Brooke. It seems pretty apparent to me that it will be a showdown of the Davids in the finale. I like David Cook alot, but I love David Archuleta (no, not that way, I could be his mommy). He is just so adorable - makes you want to take him home and feed him or something, LOL.

Caroline said...

tom's said:
David Cook will probably leave before Brooke..
I believe Brooke's family & fan's called in from various countries, I didn't think she'd be voted off, simply because when they mess up that's when people tend to vote more.
I don't think you can vote from any country other than America, so unless it was Americans on vacation in other countries, I don't think that applies. As for why Brooke is still around...she was a lot better than many other contestants in the early rounds and that developed her a very solid fanbase. Also, she was very close with Kristy Lee and she probably acquired a lot of her votes. Considering Kristy Lee was robbed last week and Syesha should have gone home instead, Kristy fans may have thrown their support to Brooke in an attempt to screw over Syesha. Also, Brooke is phenomenal in her studio recordings and when it comes down to it, that's what her album would sound like and people are into that kind of music currently. I, for one, absolutely love Brooke and voted all that much harder last night because I didn't want her to go home. My roommate, who likes Carly, kept getting distracted and forgetting to keep voting...basically she didn't care as much about keeping Carly as I did about Brooke...apply the same logic across the country and you may have your main reason right there.

Caroline said...

Btw, I am very sad to see Carly go. I was hoping she'd dethrone Baby David and end up in the Final 2 with David Cook.