The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive typos and feel free to join in on the comments!
Julie is wearing a yellow sweater and black slacks. The three remaining HG are working at the HOH. Sheila won't drop out willingly. She says it's cold. Now she's crying about Adam saving her, hated him and now best friend. Ryan says by Adam doing his dirty work there's no blood on his hands. Julie mentioned that Ryan and Adam dealed to save Sharon.
An hour before the last eviction, it's Adam going to Ryan for a deal to keep Sheila. He knows keeping Sheila is best for him. Ryan wants to stay with evicting Sheila. Adam convinces him that Sheila will choke and it will be easier for them to win. Ryan and Adam shake on keeping Sheila. Sheila cries. and cries some more. She wants it to be Adam and her at the end.
Back to Up the Creek. Adam is sure the guys have it all over Sheila in the comp. Ryan and Adam taunt her, Ryan says that was the plan. Sheila thinks about her son and won't give up. She thinks she has hypothermia and is losing it, there she goes into the pond. She doesn't want to be sick for the next comp, she says.
Ryan tells Adam to throw it and he has Adam's back. Adam lets go. Ryan wins the first part. Adam says Sheila thinks he's with her, Ryan thinks he's with him ... and he doesn't care as long as he's in the final two!
Time for round two -- Adam against Sheila. Adam wants to win. They will play separately, called to the backyard one at a time. Human guinea pig wheel, maze, ten balls representing HOH. The mzae is on the wheel and, as Adam says, "it has to be done in a speedy manner." Sheila says it's a fricken nightmare. She's not having an easy time of it while Adam is doing his stint with a plan.
Sheila is getting dizzy, falling all over the place. Adam is done. Sheila is done. But, of course, they're done separately. Sheila took 33 minutes, 26 seconds. Adam took 14 minutes and 55 seconds. Adam moves onto the next round facing Ryan.
Sheila tells Adam she has to accept her "fates." Adam apologizes to her and tells her he'll do the best he can to win. She tells him she trusts him. Then Ryan shows up. They start their secret handshake. Ryan says Adam proved his loyalty to him yesterday and now won today. Adam said he will win the hlf-million. Now Ryan is thinking he might stand a better chance with Sheila at the end.
Julie talks to them. How does Sheila feel to be at the mercy of the guys? Scary, nervous, helpless, hopes someone wants to take her to the end. Now she's feeling the love for Adam.
Jury votes? Ryan is about a 3 on the win scale, Jen, won money, won luxury. Sheila feels a 4 after rambling. Adam goes with a five. He mentions that Sheila buttered everyone up before they left the house.
Jury house -- Joshuah is Matt's boy (and girl) in the house. Natalie says Matt usually gets up and leaves. Natalie thinks he's mean. She doesn't know what she feels for him. Natalie thinks she wants to get out where people like her. Joshuah speaks up for her. Everyone else is nice and she voted against them. She does NOT look happy. Now Sharon is in. James looks sick. Team Matty is notorious according to Matt. Sheila is a one trick pony cry says Matt.Chelsia ntocie that Adam and Ryan worked together on getting Sharon out.
The winner of the third part will evict someone on the spot. Ryan and Adam are ready. How well did you get to know the jury members? HowMost points at end of six questions wins.
Matt said "The hg I wish I was nicer to was Natalie or James. Both Right, Nat.
Chelsia sais the moment she most expects to read about, Gave up a half million for a shomance or told everyone out the door. Both got it wrong (half mill)
Joshuah says He or Sharon is most deserving to win. Myself, he says. Ryan got it right.
James said "I think what will happen between me and Chelsia, bike around world or sink. Sink, both right.
Natalie said best showmance me//Mattie, JHames/Chelsia ... James/Chelsia. Both wrong.
Sharon said biggest lie I told back cause me to fall in glass house, never told a lie. Her back. Both wrong. RYAN wins final HOH.
Ryan said, "I knew it" when he heard Sharon threw that comp.
Julie gives Adam and Sheila a chance to plead their case. Adam, part of the plan, bro to the end, do the right thing. Sheila cries, trusted me, carried through, will change her life, almost hysterical. So grateful and happy if he picks her.
Ryan chooses to evict.. both are deserving for different, Adam's gamelplay mor deserving, votes to evict Sheila. She cries even more.
Adam thinks Ry had a great speech. Ryan says he did it by gameplay. They do the handshake.
Sheila looks devastated. She thought Adam would win and take her to the end. She had his back, thought she played a really good game. Julie mentions she's a single mom walking out with no money, any lessons learned? Toughest thing she ever did in her life. She cries a lot more. I'm not seeing tears, though. Are you?
Julie tells her she should be proud. She was older. Sheila says it was a blessing, being in the final three, just wanted to win for her son, his birthday is coming, in shock. Julie keeps prying her, going to make her cry more. NO TEARS.
Goodbye messages, Ryan nice. Adam thinks he'll miss her, sorry if he made the wrong decision. Sheila says she will keep in touch with Adam.
Julie calls it a bromance and they agree. Adam said it's huge that Ryan did it all for him. Season finale is Sunday at 8 PM.
Why so much time on recaps? This is crazy! Is it a 2 hour show or what?
BTW, I hate Ryan, have I said that yet today?
Welcome Jackie, you must have just breezed in...
I made it. I had to do errands, cook dinner, wash dinners, plant all the plants I bought, take a bath and the only thin I didn't do was make coffee which is on now. I can't believe I did all that.
Go Sheila. Quit the crying and get busy.
Ohhh I hate this, TERDS!!!
Ryan and Adam are both P-I-G-S if you ask me.
There you are, Jackie! I was a little concerned. I was posting on the previous report. ;)
WE have really bad weather out west again-- I have the show on the computer if they keep interupting the program
Sheila, as always, saving herself for the NEXT competition.
A was dumb to throw it just to prove something to R. GRRRR!
Do you like what Julie is wearing?
I think it's a terrible color for her.
A disgusting display of non-play...on everyone's part.
when are we going to see SH?
Love the graphic, Zoetawny.
You would think that She was out in the middle of the ocean and not over a shallow pool.
I want the guinea pigs to win now.
I hate them all. Sheila's Waaahmber impression didn't do her any favors.
I hope Ryan screws Adam badly now just for being so stooopid.
Zoe, yellow is not her color
Sheila already complaining. Not a surprise.
Jackie can you turn off the word verification?!
Thank you!!!
PlaidChick said...
WE have really bad weather out west again-- I have the show on the computer if they keep interupting the program
4/23/2008 8:15 PM
It's nice where I am...not too hot...not too cold.
i almost frikkin drownDED. learn the language. i am so sick of her crying. more sick of her voice. she didn't even try. heck, neither did adam.
i cannot stand ryan one iota.
if it's sheila and adam in the final, do you hthink she will get the sympathy vote for the big win?
A whipped S. LOL
i think A and S would make a nice couple. For real.
LOL @ the drownded, ugh!
I hate them all. I can't wait for it to end!!! Just make them all go away!!!
I still want to see a BOB CAT fight between Ryan and Adam...
Thus Adam has to win in order for a fist fight to happen
This is one comp I hope BB rigs and Adam takes it
I think next time all final 3 HOH comps should be private and timed. That way no one can fake it or give up.
Flip-flopping Rye-bread again.
Sheila's fate always lies in somebody else's hands.
I hope someone really didnt fly that banner over the house, the only one left in the house that deserves to win is Ryan. I dont care what anybody thinks. The real winner should have been nat though
Don't we get to see Gnat go into the jury house?
Zoe!! There was a lot of fer-sure looks Sheila just made!!
drownded...Sheila never graduated high school. Wonder how Gnat says it?
a had better stop saying that he's gonna win the whole thing or ryan and sheila might take each other to F2
Sorry for the lack of posts today. Not much happening in the house and it's been over three hours waiting on my feeds report to go live on TV Squad. Don't know where all the editors are there tonight.
Zoetawny said...
drownded...Sheila never graduated high school. Wonder how Gnat says it?
D-R-triple W-N
Its anyones guess at this time. I would hope one of the dopes in the house (beavis and butthead) would screw the other over, but who knows? I'm sure neither want to be locked in a house all alone with Sheila until Sunday.
PlaidChick said...
Zoe!! There was a lot of fer-sure looks Sheila just made!!
4/23/2008 8:26 PM
Yes she did! I'm telling you, the only hope is Botox on her whole face...or just her mouth area. LOL
Too many commercials!
I cannot believe Natalie still has feelings for Matt!!!!
Wake up!!!!
james' face was priceless
Well, they look like they're having fun! Who woulda thunk it?
"one trick pony...cry" FOFTL!
Sharon knows now. ;)
Heeeere's Gnattie! Matt's treating her like crap! Team Matty? OMG! Good. Sharon knows! And Chelsia pointed it out! I LOVE IT!!!!!
PlaidChick said...
I cannot believe Natalie still has feelings for Matt!!!!
Wake up!!!!
4/23/2008 8:32 PM
She will never get it that Matt doesn't like her. God help that girl!
You go Chelsia!!!
I cannot believe that BB did not show the ONE, the ONE, the ONLY moment of the whole season that would have been worthwhile to see: Gnat entering the SH and showing Matt's face, and watching them all see her eviction.
Man, I guess stooopid is the theme at BB in front of and behind the cameras!
After their jh dvd, I wonder who will vote for either R/A if they take SHeila? Since they all saw that they were working together!
OH give it up already, Gnat!
I'm no longer embarrassed for her, just sickened by it.
Nat and Chelsia looks like they've gained a few pounds.
Sheila's stock just went up in the SH. I hope Beavis or Butthead takes Sheila to F2.
formerly anon said...
I cannot believe that BB did not show the ONE, the ONE, the ONLY moment of the whole season that would have been worthwhile to see: Gnat entering the SH and showing Matt's face, and watching them all see her eviction.
Man, I guess stooopid is the theme at BB in front of and behind the cameras!
4/23/2008 8:36 PM
I KNOW! Who did that editing?!
Come on Adam WIN
OH BOY, here we go!
Ryan you smug terd
Uh, Oh, Adam's in trouble!
r won by 1! GRRRRRRRRR!
I don't think it looked like A threw it. What do you think?
I BET on Sheila's way out, Adam whispers to her that if he had won, he was going to take her.
oh the arrogant prickiness of it all!
Ryan TAKE Sheila... please, lol
Why did Sharon throw the comp?
That sure did not want Ryan to hiss.
Lets see how loyal he is to Adam!
I don't think Ryan's going to win either way.
I think Adam will be O-U-T!
formerly anon said...
I BET on Sheila's way out, Adam whispers to her that if he had won, he was going to take her.
4/23/2008 8:43 PM
fer sure. ;)
I thought A was going to win for a minute. DARN!
I don't think Ryan can beat Sheila but Adam can. Adam can beat Ryan even. Ryan TAKE Sheila. I'm channeling, lol
c'mon Ryan, fulfil your slimy destiny and boot out Adam! That boy needs to grow up.
Damn I really wanted Adam to win final HOH, now I just hope Ryan takes Baller to the final 2.
I think Adam threw the question about Josh. he started to turn it one way and then thought to turn it the he missed it
I think I just lost my appetite for dinner.
Bye Sheila...
I don't think it looked like A threw it. What do you think?
Zoetawny, I think he threw it. I hope Sharon sways the rest to vote against Ryan.
No, Adam did not throw it, I also answered that one wrong.
hi everyone.
i am totally disappointed. i just can't believe ryan made it to the end. i am really hoping for him to now come in second. he just sucks.
natalie...what a fool. and matt, what an ignorant, egotist he is.
this entire crew left a sour taste in my mouth. maybe not sharon.
oh no, here come the tears again. watch out sheila, you might drownded.
the more sheila says how it changes her life, he'll get rid of her. she'll win against him.
what the heck was that about with those two boys at the end?
Back to the Penthouse for Sheila.
LOL, RYAN is soooo STOOOPID lol
Well, at least the feeds won't be boring for the next few days!
S needs a Valium to calm her down.
No, she didn't learn anything Julie.
Oh the pity party will go on for weeks now. UGH!
Oh Sheila! Let it go girl. She is going to need therapy big time.
Julie needs to back off. She is not a therapist. What is with her asking her what she learned that she could teach her son.
NO, she didn't learn anything. She's depending on a game show to improve her life?
Did Sheila tell julie she's a single mom?
I am officially so glad she got voted out now.
I am officially so glad she got voted out now.
oh my julie, stop talking to her. she's pathetic
monty, who the hell would want to watch the feeds now??? OMG, I can't think of a worse thing than watching those idiots gloat and be gross. UGH
Dang! Adam may win after all! Ryan just lost Sharon's vote. Josh, James and Chelsia will give the win to Adam, I believe. Maybe Gnat, too.
Sorry, Sheila, but in the long run, you didn't earn it. You DID score big points for ousting Gnat, though.
Jackie-- yep I noticed that too, no tears, just shakey voice.
Julie didn't know what to say. Sheila couldn't stop crying. S will have a relationship with A only until he gives her a "gift".
You have to admit, that sucked.
Neither of the PIGS would have spent the time of day with Sheila in there alone. At least they might do something stupid or funny to watch. Oh well, JMO.
Adam missed a golden opportunity to loudly say to Sheila, after his fate was secure, the HE would have taken her! Yikes, why didn't he do that? Even his goodbye message left open the possibility that if he won he might have voted her out!
These guys somehow won by default for being the least stoopid of a whole gaggle of stoopids., Julie said it to Sheila.
(Did you see we were rooked out of seeing the first Matt/Gnat encounter?), Julie said it to Sheila.
(Did you see we were rooked out of seeing the first Matt/Gnat encounter?)
formerly anon said...
These guys somehow won by default for being the least stoopid of a whole gaggle of stoopids.
4/23/2008 8:55 PM
What a gaggle of stoopids they were. The worst in BB history.
Joy-- ya Ryan lost Sharon's vote.
BUT are they going to feel Adam rode Ryan's coat-tails? I don't know what the tally is on comps won between the two?
Can anybody give out a number?
Matt will vote for Ryan, Natalie will vote Adam, the rest I have no clue
Adam aka Baller wins BB9
i'm lost, what was ryan doing with those little tables?
Please do not vote for Ryan, sequesters. He does not deserve it. Plus he looks like a thug.
Jackie, we understand if you get sleep instead for watching these 2.
It will be a yawn!
I hope BB does not give them any booze or cigarettes for the remainder of their time.
RyzandShyn said...
You have to admit, that sucked.
4/23/2008 8:53 PM
Yes, I'm always disappointed.
I hope A wins first place. Jen is already planning how she'll spend the money.
I wish the feeds switched to the SH after F2.
Sheila - Adam
James - Adam
Chelsia - Adam
Josh - Adam
Sharon - Ryan ?
Natalie - Adam
Matt - Ryan
Or it could be unanimous - Adam
I personally think this whole Sheila breakdown is fake. Did you know she's a single mom? Seems to me she's hoping BB or someone else out there will throw some sympathy $$$ her way.
Oh, BB makes me cynical! LOL!
formerly anon said...
I hope BB does not give them any booze or cigarettes for the remainder of their time.
or pills! :)
Anon 8:58, they had to move those out of the living room about 3 minutes before they went live. Adam was just bringing them back in.
monty924 said...
Adam aka Baller wins BB9
4/23/2008 8:57 PM
I hope you're right. Ryan is a beer belly bully slacker. Can't wait to read Jackie's report. Tell us how you really feel, Jackie.
Well, I'll watch it again on PT. Dinner time now.
Thanks for sharing it with me. Oh oh...just saw Jackie put the plane banner up. Guess A never looked up. :(
This was what I thought the votes would be, before I watched the show tonight:
Matt - Ryan
Chelsea - Adam
James - Adam
Josh - Ryan
Gnat - Ryan
Sharon - Ryan
Sheila - Adam
Now here's what I think will actually happen:
Matt - Ryan
Chelsea - Adam
James - Adam
Josh - Ryan (?)
Gnat - Adam
Sharon - Adam
Sheila - Adam
Sheila will get into Gnat's ear (because nobody else will talk to her) and convince her that Ryan turned on her (which he did, of course) and that Adam was more faithful.
I still don't even like Ryan winning 2nd!!! UGH
BUT the good news is: now I get my life back!! YAY!!! I WON!!!!
RyzandShyn, WHAT? No film of Nat walking in and Matt's reaction? The peak shot of the season? Are you frikken kidding me? Thanks for the update.
Good news. I don't need to waste an hour tonight watching the show. I will now read the blog and the comments and be done with it.
OMG ... The live feeds will be more of Beavis and Butthead than anyone would ever have to suffer through. Who's going to clean up? This will be a bachelor pad beyond imagination.
*sigh* *bigger sigh*
The first thing Adam is going to do with his money is change his phone number -that "girl" is delusional!
What a mess - hey, I'm a single mom (of four!) - I think I'll go on national TV and whine like a baby about how rough life is and let the whole country know what a freaking emotional mess I am!
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause - Merry Christmas folks - she-du-nuthin-but-cry-fake-tears is GOUN!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I just had to get that out...
I hope Adam wins too!
If Ryan wins this, then Jen's statement will be correct. She said she was going to win it and she basically does if he does.
Julie should have known that IF Sheila learned anything from having been in the house, she won't realize it until a year or two from now.
Live feeds are back on.
LOL ryz re: Sheila's delayed response
Do we know if Sheila goes to the sequester house or to a hotel?
LOL Santa Clause - that one wasn't on purpose - dumba$$ me.
Jackie's right about the "no real tears". I just played it back and Sheila's eyes weren't even red at the end of the convo with Julie.
Painful to watch the Sheila Show with Julie. It went on and on, and then Julie would ask another question and Sheila would again miss the point.
One thing I noticed is at the Veto Adam, the worst speaker in the house, read the rules. Why didn't Sheila read them and then I wondered if she had ever hosted or read? Can she read?
I have found the ultimate irony for this whole season of BB9.
I'm surprised we haven't heard this one, especially the way Team Christ spent so much time with their noses in the Bible.
And it's from Gnat's favorite book, too! Matt 23:24
"Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel."
lol...move over Anne, I'm one too!
I can't believe Sheila pulled that out as many times as she did. She has 1, count him, 1 child for goodness sake!!
What is she teaching him? The poor kid will think that everything hard is impossible and that a pity party is the way to go.
"If you bungle raising your children, nothing else you do matters very much"
Ok, that's off my chest...
Since Ryan was pushing so hard for James ouster, he and Chelsia won't be voting for Ryan. Josh will not vote for him since he axed Sharon. I think adam has it in the bag!
joy, I don't think Josh will vote on that criteria. He liked Ryan, I think. And disliked Adam, I think.
What's the point in being loyal to a fellow jury member at this point, ya know?
The best thing the jury, in toto, can do at this point (since most will vote for Adam) is to torture Ryan for the rest of his life by telling him that if he had taken Sheila, he would have won, hands down (which of course would be a lie, but who cares, they're all liars anyway, even Sharon!)
I think Ryan might have two votes...Josh and Matt...but I think the rest will fall to Adam.
Who knows? This gaggle of dopes might do it all on personality or who they are mad at or something other than gameplay.
I've had a really busy day and haven't been able to comment. I did watch the show on the EC feeds....some of my observations:
Yes, Chel/Nat looked like they've gained some weight!
Too much food, beer, and not exercising.
I was surprised at James answer. He obviously doesn't seem to care much about making it work with Chel.
Sharon looked very surprised when Chel. pointed out "the look" between A/R. I think she truly believed she had an alliance with R.
Adam was planning on taking R to the F2. He even said as much in his GB message to Sheila.
Did you love the way Matt took credit for his whole alliance??? Like they were still there because of him!! ;0
When Julie was talking to Sheila I thought they were going to have to bring in the men in white coats and take She. away! My God, she was way over the top!! How could she have been that shocked!?
Did anybody read Ryan's HOH diary. He was pretty full of himself and rude about everyone that's been evicted! He said this is not what he's like on the outside--he would never lie and be mean to people!
Yeah, right!!!
At the end of the show Adam started to make a comment to Ryan about the P3 comp. and R gave him a look and shook his head....makes me wonder if A did throw it??
I'm going to fix dinner will check back later.
ryz, they *have* to base it on something other than gameplay. There wasn't any gameplay. Just Goofus and Doofus getting lucky.
Sheila doesn't go to sequester, does she? Does she get a vote?
In the long run, Ryan backstabbed Josh and voted him out at Gnat's bidding.
Nana, I think James is more of a realist and realizes that now that he and Chelsia are out of the house, he really has nothing to offer her. Not even a home.
Friday should be fun on the feeds, if that is the day the jury asks questions. We don't see that, but we hear A and R talk about it afterwards.
Sheila gets zilch. No sequester, a room alone somewhere, her weekly paycheck from BB, third is worst place. And she is not a solitary type person. At least that is how I have heard it was done in the past.
Chelsia is way too young to be so bitter and harsh looking. Nat looked like a grown up for the first time. Mattie only had hugs for the guys, I noticed. What an unsavory group the SH is.
Joyn, Sheila has to vote or there could be a tie with only 6.
formerly anon...
LOL...true...gameplay? What game play? Who played the game the best? There is no answer.
formerly anon...
LOL...true...gameplay? What game play? Who played the game the best? There is no answer.
Sue, the whole bunch of them were an unsavory group. Each one had something unlikable about them, even if it was just floating. I'm so looking forward to BB10. There just has to be an improvement over this lot. Then again, if Grodner is still in there, who knows, it may be worse.
agreed. Chelsia's face is pinched..kinda like Cinderella's stepmom..bitter, angry, mean.
I dare not wish for a good BB10 group. There's some sort of jinx on casting I think. Ever since that darn "nerd herd". :)
FA 9:13...
OMG, I just choked reading that. ROFLMAO :-)
I just want them to vote a unanimous vote for Adam, screw Ryan over. And I liked ryan at the beginning, felt he was the victim of a vixen, but not now. I want Adam to take home the bucks, and for BB to dock Ryans 50 thou by 10 and give it to Sheila.
Sheila goes to sequester on the night of jury questions. She'll be put up in hotel until then. At least that's how they did Janielle6, Janielle7 and Zach.
I have a big date Sunday night, and my machine is broken, and I was wondering how I could manage to see the show (I'm embarassed to mention to any friends that I watch it), and then I had a major flash --- I don't care if I don't get to watch it.
How bad is that?
Silk, if you do get the itch to squirm through the finale, you'll be able to watch it at But I do understand where you're coming from. I know I'll be letting out a big WHEW! when this is finally over.
I live on the east coast and the show is supposed to start at 8. But I celebrate Passover so I'm going to miss the finale, if the show actually starts on time for once, which just to spite me, I'm sure it will.
Thanks for everything you do Jackie, I'll guess I'll just come here when the holiday is over at 9 and read your recap.
I missed the show tonight, but I did record it.
Well, it looks like Shelia will get her Tylenol tonight if nothing else! IMHO, she needs something more than tylenol.
Nana NW-I thought maybe the men in white coats should have picked her up already last night.
I hope Adam is able to win it all. I think he threw the last comp. He was smart in doing so, as he had Ryan do the dirty work for game play.
Great detectio on Chelsia's part.
I am sure the house is rockin tonight with the guys.
I was so glad Chelsea caught Adam and Ryan nodding and stuff behind Sharon and Sheila's back as Sharon was being evicted.
Shows you what jerks they both are. I also got mad when they showed Adam pretend crying after they evicted Sheila. It looked like he was making fun of her, and he even admitted to her earlier that he'd be just as upset if it was reversed and he was in her position. He could of showed some compassion.
I do feel bad for Sheila for going through all the bull and is leaving without a thing. As a mom leaving your kid all this time hoping to win to better their life, and all for nothing really, but the experience, which is cool but not the same as winning or at least coming in second place.
So now to decide which guy is worse
They both piss me off for different reasons. In some ways I think Ryan played a harder game and deserves it, but then he was also such an arrogant ass I rather see Adam win.
So hard to decide, I'm glad I don't have to vote.
I think Adam will win in the end.
I'm going to watch it again on my time. Am I a glutton for torture?
Sheila's fake crying was hard to watch. She was so sure that A would win and take her to the F2. I can't believe she was seriously counting on BB to get her life straightened out. It must have been a huge letdown. As a single mother she certainly hasn't shown such a good example to her son.
Jackie said...
Julie calls it a bromance and they agree. Adam said it's huge that Ryan did it all for him.
What did A mean when he said that R did it all for him?
Too bad the girls didn't rally together from the beginning. Was it because Nat was too busy playing up to the boys, of course Matt in particular that side tracked them?
Oh well, it's a done deal. BB is on here so going to watch it again.
Thanks again, Jackie, for everything.
Head on over to:
The guys are just cleaning up from dinner and are pleading for some cigs.
Boys will be boys. They sure are bashing Shelia right and left.
I really feel very sorry for Sheila at the moment. Although I do believe that Adam, who will win, will help her out - I'm sure of it, unless he really is a total dick outside the house (and maybe he is, cuz he's a near-total one inside the house).
She not only won anything, she actually lost several things. One, she lost time with her son. Two, and most importanty, she bared herself (ok, not the first time I know) for the whole world (and her son, and his friends) to see some really nasty behavior and attitudes (but not as bad as Gnat or Adam or ... oh heck, most of them, except maybe Sharon). That will have lasting consequences, especially since she did not win - "your mom is such a LOSER!! etc" Had she won, it would have been worth it, cuz you can always just say nyah nyah nyah.
I feel badly for her.
And I'm a single mom too, with a son about her son's age, so I really identified with her situation.
I want to flip-flop my vote again. I would like the rubber ducky to win! GO DUCKY!
Ryan is in the pool right now. I just hope the rubber duck makes it. Swim or sink Ryan!!!
OH well, just got home and watched what my husband taped for me. SIgh
I faat forwarded thru Shelia's interview... it as just so pathetic. It felt really creepy that they forced us to watch that. Yes money would have changed their lives but what does her son think of her being a mess on national TV all the time? With all those fears and wimping out and psychohormonefreakouts she had?
Nana nw, I, too, thought Adam pretty much gave it away that he would have taken Ryan to the F2 (fool). In his g'bye to Sheila, he said something about if he made the wrong decision and then or if Ryan voted you out. Not the right words but the gist of it. I was wondering if it was just me but you caught the implication too. YAY! I'm not nuts. LOL or...we both are ;)
Well that was anti-clamatic. I hope Sheila wasn't acting. If so, she needs to find a new profession.
How did Sheila manage to stay in the house so long? It wasn't her doing, was it? I remember early on that everyone was slightly afraid of spending a week with her on the block because of her histrionics, and they seemed to think there would always be time to get her out. James wanted her out...didn't he say she was toxic? Allison said she was pathetic. My question is, did she stay because of Adam and if so, then he played a great game. Taking an Albatross to the end seems impossible in retrospect. I may have underestimated him.
Clementine, I thought she was faking too, and I even wondered if CBS would do a RUpert like favorites vote or give her a small check, making the most of the PR for them while they do it of course...
Formerly Anon, you cracked me up with "BUT the good news is: now I get my life back!! YAY!!! I WON!!!!" Also love your idea of their torturing Ryan...and I haven't used or heard in toto for decades. I am at least getting brushed up on vocabulary for participating here these last 2 days...!
I don't think Adam threw it either. He was too nervous that he would not get to F2... he played both sides to get himself to the end and in that final comp, he was thinking about himself to get to the end as well. I'm convinced of it.
Early in the game every one was playing on emotion and their emo changed quicker than Sheila's moods. The oddest things upset them. They all 'hated' Jen because she said she could win, Parker had that middle of the night meeting to call someone out. They were more interested in getting cozy than evicting people. Were those early evictions based on 'who we hate the most"? Then as the crowd thinned, it seemed that the evictions began to be whichever hg showed any game playing prowess. Except for Mat, I think James put him out just to show he could. So as anyone stepped up to control the game, they were eliminated and we were left with the only people in the house who didn't show their hands. Or didn't have a hand. That is still open for discussion.
And one more thing that has bothered me. The low pants sliding down over the boxer look that Ryan loves, does anyone outside of junior high still do that? Have we ever heard what he does outside the house?
I'm just now watching the show - a bit late. I haven't read any comments, so I don't know how it's all turned out yet.
I just have to say that I love, Love, LOVE that Sharon found out that her boy Rye had turned on her. When he said his goodbye to her, I really believe that whether he made the deal with Adam before or after he taped his message, he would have said pretty much the same thing. He'd want her to think he had nothing to do with her getting the boot.
Now she sees for herself how much he's playing everyone.
I really don't want him to win and I hope she's thinking the same way and helps convince the others.
Now, back to the show. . . . . .
I just want to know if BB will give Sharon the Guinea Pigs?
I'm not an Adam fan, so I'm rooting for Ryan. If you ask me, they all played each other. I thought that was part of the game?I just don't really trust Adam. Sheila cried too much; and none of them would have been in the house, if they hadn't needed the money.
I do not believe Adam would have taken Sheila to the F2. He threw the competition just so he didn't have to choose who to take. He had the easy way out and knew Ryan would pick him and not Sheila. He took the easy way out so he would have to let neither Ryan or Sheila down. JMO. He let Ryan take the fall to make him look good. Ryan looks arrogant because Adam can be so dumb sometimes. It's hard not to look smarter beside Adam.
I don't know about who's going to give who the vote. Very few of them had anything good to say about any of them.
I think it all depends on how they look at who did who's bidding. Ryan and Adam lasted all the way to the end, the others didn't. Who did the dirty work to bring the other along? Will the others look at Ryan's play as worthy, with Adam having no backbone? Or will they be angry at Ryan for helping to put them out and see Adam as a good guy.
I just can't see them looking at Adam as the good guy. He took the easy way out and let everyone else make the decisions. Sunday will tell.
Jackie, thank you so much for blogging BB; and Zoetawny, your graphics were great, thank you.
I was so glad Chelsea caught Adam and Ryan nodding and stuff behind Sharon and Sheila's back as Sharon was being evicted.
No offense on my end -
I don't understand what difference it would have made?? Unless Sharon explained prior regarding her
" secret "alliance with Ryan. It's a known fact Ryan/Adam have been " Bro's " or boys " LOL..
I'm certain Sharon failed to mention; Ryan's plan regarding using POV on her, provided Sharon evict Sheila, hence reluctantly Sharon simply could NOT offer an explaination why she'd evict Sheila!
Add this to BB's list of DUMBest HG's MOVES of all time!
I'm glad Ryan Evicted Sheila thus Chose Adam.
I'm sorry --Sheila did NOT do anything, Except - talk, talk, talk.
Sheila also admitted she wasn't part of anyone's Alliance, Great move Sheila, I believe because of those last words spoken by Sheila, Not even Adam would have choosen her!
It's Apparent IF;
Sheila was able to convince HG's, she indeed won last HOH on her own; she should be a salesman. Natalie NEVER would have fallen down, Basically HOH was given to Sheila, you cannot tell me, Had Natalie known, or had a slightest hint, she'd be voted out.
Nat would NOT have given up.
Sheila won for best TALKER. I predicted Ryan /Adam
Here's Part of what I wrote on Thursday April 17, 2008 --
Ryan has to keep Adam, despite his alliance with Sharon. Most likely Sheila will be evicted! It's year of the eights, Adam and Ryan = 8. While discussing patterns, I mentioned Adam's photo pose ( he's wearing a suit ) It's a media type hand signal pose. However not very many people realize this.
4/17/2008 7:17 AM
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