The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!
One recap done dating all the way back to Chelsia, opening credits. Julie Chen has an odd-collared sweater, black and off white. It's just odd. I want to go put the other side of the collar down. She has her spring pants on.
But first ... James' battle is far from over. And we're to the black and white recap of the recap we just saw in color with James going on the block again. Poof, we're in color after the veto meeting. Natalie wants James gone. She thinks she can win over anybody in the house in the final two. Sharon is sure she'll stay and she'll win if she's in the final two. James thinks he has to prove to the whole house he's the only one who can take down the Natalie beast.
He's got Sheila and Sharon giggling about Natalie. Now Nat is getting upset because he's picking on her. He has Sheila and Adam giggling. She whines to Ryan. Natalie tells the others that if she wins she's going to nominate whoever laughs at her because of James. Heh.
Ryan tells Adam he doesn't think he can trust Natalie. They don't think they could beat her in an endurance comp. Natalie and Sharon are talking about the girls sticking together while Ryan and Adam want to "knock the bitches out."
Even Sheila has her figured out - "Natalie tells us what we want to hear." She schemes with Sharon. Sheila is sure that Natalie will put them up if she wins HOH.
Natalie tells Adam about Girls Alliance as if it was Sharon's idea and all just happened1 That little so and so! Then she does the same with Ryan who always can't stop eating in bed. No wonder he's a bit chubby. Natalie thinks it will be a miracle from God that Team Christ will prevail.
Sheila wants to warn Adam about Natalie but wants to keep her relationship with Adam a secret. So she whispers it all to him. He gets his Adam Dazed look on his face. In the DR, he's all confused.
James wants to turn all against Natalie. He plays chess with Ryan who admits he'll be voting him out. I feel all of this is trying to build up the idea James will stay even though tonight should be predictable with him going home.
James works more on Adam and Sheila. Sheila says they need more action in the game and she might do something crazy.
Sharon's family will be featured later. No votes yet!
Yikes, now that Julie stands, that outfit makes her look like her stomach is a barrel from the side view. Ryan and Natalie are practically sitting on top of each other as Julie asks Natalie and Sharon religion questions. Adam looks for quality, style, and good conversation in a women. Sheila, the pranking bit. She asks James why Sheila's the target. He says she handles it the best, the others would be upset and go over the top. Sheila says they make her feel wanted when they play pranks on her. She loves them. Sheila held together when asked about her son.
Sharon's family -- a far. I always wanted a farm. Her father is a former Marine, but dressed in his full honors suit. His father hopes she doesn't bring the guinea pigs home, but she's very into animals. A car accident and the car looks horrible. The presence of God saved her. Her father calls her Sharilynn. But her sister calls her Sharon. Oh, the sequester house bit is on tonight!
We get anti-James rants from Natalie and Ryan. Then Ryan flips about the girls alliance and Sheila rants about James.
Sequester House -- Oh, nice. Matt doesn't like being alone. He wants to see James arrive. If not James, some type of female. He's happy that Chelsia's there. He flirts. She tells us she won't be hooking up with him, she's not attracted to him. Now they're waiting again. Chelsia wants Natalie, Matt wants James. And it's Joshuah! Chelsia is glad it's someone she likes, but sad that he got evicted. Matt likens Joshuah to a girl on her period. They see Natalie win HOH. Joshuah points out the hooker outfit on the tape of his eviction.
Nominees plead their case. Sharon says the same thing she always does, no surprises. James -- he makes a nice pleasant little speech about a girl he loves (Chelsia) and friends he's made.
The voting --
Natalie votes to evict James
Ryan votes to evict James
Sheila votes to evict James
James has been evicted although Julie has to tell them after the break.
James knew it and is smiling, hugging everyone, being very nice. No parting speeches or rants. He's with Julie ... again. Sheila is crying. She cries when anyone leaves.
James tells Julie that he's wanted to leave since he came back. Does he regret going back on his word? It was revenge. What is it about being in the BB house which makes him cry. Isolation. Goodbye messages -- Adam said house's choice, will miss. Sharon, will do as much as she can to get Nat out. Ryan, I outlasted you, you were true warrior. Natalie, gloating ... once a cheater always a cheater. Sheila cries, reminds her of her son. Aw, very nice.
James said he might remain friends with Sheila, Sharon and Adam. He hates Natalie and Ryan and what they stand for.
HOH comp -- They're in glass cages. It's called Glass Houses, the floor will drop out from under them and they have to hang on. Ack, it's endurance. They have a chain and a bar they can hold onto but their feet are on the glass.
Ryan is already sweating. Julie says the houseguests are in for a long night. If so, so am I. I don't think either Ryan or Sheila will last long. Sharon's back is hurting her. Uh-oh, it looks like Natalie is best suited for the comp.
Once the feeds come back, I'll get an update post going to keep everyone up on the winner. I don't think we're going to have a really long wait since Sharon is in rough shape at the start. Sigh.
Should be a great show tonight... here we go!
Hey Jackie and everyone.
I have to laugh, I just saw in the promos Natalie refer to their group as "TEAM CHRIST". Where's Jameka when you need her?
I will be sad to see James go. I really wanted him to win the whole thing.
When do you think they will sow the sequester house?
Does Ryan feel bad for taking Sheila's 10,000 dollars and that's why he used the POV?
Wow, little miss Nasty really thinks she runs the house!
Well, she obviously didn't see S6!!! DUH Natalie, what do you call Maggie, Janelle and Ivette?
Some of you guys are asking about weather in Dallas...
Tom's-- we are under a tornado watch with some nasty supercell about 100 miles west of DFW that did spawn a twirller, (yes we in tornado ally who have lived here our entire lives have to laugh, or we would be doped up on drugs all spring-- wait I already am) and left damage then moved over Possum Kingdom lake. We have some showers going on right now. CBS moved their coverage over to their sister station, so BB is on, but my internet connection has sucked all day today.
I need to make the homemade barometer so I can determine bad headache days. I told my husband this week would be bad and to take cover because I would not be happy with the weather induced headaches.
And on to the show!
I'm telling you all, DO NOT BE NEAR NATALIE when lightning strikes
DAMN....natalie is really a sneaky snake
Great job on the editing tonight, BB. Natalie is the biggest liar in there.
I literally hate Gnatalie.
The Gnat is lying through her teeth to everyone! Then she really believes that they are the ones doing the backstabbing. She's soooo not right in the head.
Natalie just lost my support. She is pulling for "girl power" and then says it was Sharon who said it.
Adam, stay off the darn counter! Were these people raised in a barn?
Adam has gross manners (scratch, jiggle, pick), but he does have a heart. I am pulling for Adam and Sharon.
I can not stand Natalie. She's a horrible representative of a Christian and if she wins this game I'm going to be pissed. I hope she's next to go. She's a slut and a whore. God wants her to win b/c she's such a good Christian. She must be delusional to think that God thinks its going to go down on a guy two days after meeting him and having 3 abortions. Dirty slut.
Just read TV Squad, it would be nice if Sharon could take the gp's home when this is over, since they have bonded with her!
PlaidChick said...
Some of you guys are asking about weather in Dallas...
Tom's-- we are under a tornado watch with some nasty supercell about 100 miles west of DFW that did spawn a twirller,
My hubby and his brother flew to Ft. Worth today to attend their brother's funeral. Both of them are white knuckle flyers. I talked to my husband at the airport and he told me it was beginning to rain. I didn't have the heart to tell him about the tornado warnings.
BTW, how many Texans are posting here?
It makes me even more mad to know that they'll evict James tonight. Nasty has to GO!!!
Becky, my mom used to say "tables were made for glasses, not for a**es". same applies to the counter!
although i agree that natalie has to go, she really is playing the game mentally doing what she can to secure her spot. guess she thought no one would talk. i'll give her credit for the manipulating/lieing, because it is a part of this game to secure your spot but it's hard to watch. wonder what i would do in the same closed environment? oh right, i would never do this kind of crap for money.
i have to laugh at all the God when you need Him.
i am so pulling for james.
KINDA RELIGIOUS... yes, she just said a mouthful. Glad she corrected herself.
She had 3 abortions? When did she say that or someone say that?
James better go tonight! Can't believe he pulled that nude stuff yesterday & playing with him self. That was sexual hazement big time. He should had been kick out of the house yesterday.
Go Nat Go!
Give digging that whole Natalie
Looks like a physical comp is in store for the way they're dressed
I see Julie's rope belts are back
Unfortunately, Sheila talks a big game, but NEVER follows through. Adam is too chickens**t to follow through either.
They're so stupid if they don't do something now! Gnat is ready to chew them up and spit them out.
Sharon and Gnat on religion in this game - ridiculous!
what kind of woman would want Adam anyway? Blind ones.
I didn't mean to be so mean. I think he has a really good heart but his personal hygene...Ack!
Anonymous @8:21 said...
She had 3 abortions? When did she say that or someone say that?
Yes she told the world she did have 2 abortions that I know of
James was NOT playing with himself yesterday! Watch utube like we did and get your facts straight.
She has asked God to forgive her for the abortions! She knows what she did was wrong. God forgives when you ask him & she did ask. The others are playing the game by lying too or even more! So Nat has my support all the more!
Wow, that was an amazing story. I love the hometown segments of BB. They look like an awesome family. Good for her!
HIP HIP Jury House comin up
ugh, Adams flirting with Julie is
yah sequester house!
I'm sorry, but if she knew it was wrong why did she have more than one?
What a wondeful environment Sharon comes from - God bless her!
I'm excited - sequester. I've been looking forward to this part. Love to see what they are living in in the meantime. Think Matt and CHelsia did the "sequestor"?
I was watching as Sharon said 'everything happens for a reason' and Julie asked Sharon if she thought there was a place for religion in the BB house and the TV screen went blank and weather warning messages began. That is all it will be from now on at the Oklahoma/Arkansas border country. Thanks Jackie for the updates.
I so would not announce that on T.V. Is she stupid? Does she relize there are people that are probably going to like stalk her about it now. That was her decision so she has a right but don't announce it. Doesn't she learn lessons, because thats a big one?
My Lord, Matt is still so full of himself.
that segment was EXCELLENT. i'm laughing so hard
Look at that sweet phony smile on Gnat's face for Julie.
I'm so sad....
I will now be pulling for Sharon.
Just realized I was commenting all by myself on the last post! James doesn't have a prayer does he? Or does he? Nah.
Ryan and Sheila are STOOOPID!
So great to see sequester footage... FINALLY!
Liked seeing Sharon's family.
Good one Sydney, I have done that...glad you came over here!!!
Julie's outfit is nice-ish again.. My vote is that this year is a huge improvement over past years, but that's must my tastes. I know someone here mentioned the exact opposite, lol.
I am seeing a trend, with the exception of week 2, where she did the flat boot dominatrix snow bunny combo... definitely appears she got a new stylist.
I'm as nervous as I was about this time last year about the HOH. Please let Sharon win it!
I miss Joshy
Matt is such a donkey... I'll now be rooting for Sharon...
Plaidchick: "Matt is such a donkey..."
I completely agree.
They are going to be wuite disapointed if they have an endurance comp. because james is probably the only one who can beat gnatalie
Looks like endurance!
Why does that bitch not remember all the betrayals she's made? This trashy broad has a very selective memory.
Sharon has it in her to win it...
Anyone but Natalie and Ryan to win HoH, which leaves Sharon and Big She
Anon 8:45,
Sharon can definitely beat Nasty in endurance. She didn't "need" to win the last one, but she knows she HAS to win this one.
I love Natalie's do me position
Oh dear God... this has "stripper pole" written all over it!
Hang in there Sharon!!!
I give ryan about 45 mins probably less.
Ryan should be gone pretty quick, he's already struggling, they throw water on that glass, get ready to slip and slide
plaidchick, LOL "do me position"
I know it probably depends where you live but has anyone seen the comercial for the Dodge Journey where it looks like they are putting a six pack between the driver and passenger seat? i just thought that was funny. sorry not very related to big brother
I'm kind of glad it's an endurance comp. Gnat will win it hands down and then, either Sheila (probably Sheila) or Adam will go up against Sharon. These "good people" are about to see the evil Gnat emerge.
Well zzz for this comp.
Maybe that's this year's theme -- ZZZ's
Ryan is not going to last long. Too much muscle. If Nat is no longer working out,maybe she won't outlast the other girls as much as last time.
This contest will be between Sharon and Natalie. Don't know who will win!
Natalie and Sheila probably have the best position (in terms of hanging on). Sharon's going to be gone quick. She has her feet too close together. UGH!!!
if that was me in the box, i'd be hanging my legs over the bar. what's with the chain anyway? if i had a belt on, i would attach the belt to the chain. anything to help.
ashame sharon complaining already. she will go out quick if she's starting already.
maybe sheila will finally win something.
this was a competition meant for natalie maybe?
i don't see the boys lasting.
From now on she is EvilGnat to me. It's not that she's playing all that well. It's more that she's surrounded herself with idiots. James wasn't an idiot, which is why she had to get him out.
and Sharon said she hurt her back yesterday
dang it damn it
I wonder if BB geared this competition towards a Natalie win?
I normally don't stay around on the computer and watch the show, but I did tonight.
It was a pleasure watching the show with everyone.
Good point Gayle!
Oh NO!!!!! Don't tell me it's going to be Gnat. Think BB geared it for her to win?
Can't wait to see the jury house. Finally!
Now how am I supposed to eat my dinner? LOL I know our Jackie will get the winner up asap.
Thanks, Jackie!!!!
Go Nat Go! Get rid of the nasty people in the house. The sweet ones are left exspecially Nat! She is a good person so sick of the same nasty comments about her on this board. Compare to James, Chesta whatever her name is? She playing a good game. I think some people are just jealous or something. Even Matt is cute & never talk to the women like James & Joshua did.I like Dick last year but he never ran around nude in the house!
Feeds back on 2 and 4. I can only see Sheila and hear Nasty. Now back to trivia... wait. I think they are all still up. Watching quad now.
No, Sharon is out sitting with Adam. Sorry!
Did anyone catch Matt saying he hopes Nat wins because she will buy him something real nice?
Becky -- I'm in Houston. Where are you? Think Plaidchick and Tom S are in Dallas... Anyone else in Houston?
Live feeds are back on. Ryan is struggling, Sheila looks comfortable. Sharon is out. Natalie is still in.
In case there was in doubt, this comp. was definitely geared for Nat.!
Sharon already said she hurt her back and doesn't think she can last long.
Nat. may think she's sending Matt a gift but with Chel/Josh/James Matt will think he's in hell. I can see them tormenting him.
Sharon's Mom sure looks young! All the females in that family looked alot alike. They did seem like a nice "all American" family.
Adam wants a girl who can have a quality conversation?? How?? She would never be able to understand him!
How quickly Nat. forgets about her lies and betrayal. I guess her phrase "Once a liar always a liar" doesn't apply to her.
becky- I agree about the counter-That's where people EAT. He is just gross!!
Jackie- I don't think you have to worry about being up all night. Nat. will win this within a few hours. Then Sharon/Sheila will be on the block with Adam the replacement.
Zoe-were you able to watch it on the internet??
Why doesn't Sharon look over at how Nat is staying up -- by locking her legs and pressing out. Sharon right now has all her weight in her toothpick arm. Women know their strength is in their lower body... use it Sharon. You don't weigh more than a feather (or Nat's boobs).
Whomever made a Shelly Duvall or Olive Oyl refrence the other day, I totally see it in Sharon! I had been asking myself for weeks, who does she look like. DId that with Chelsia too (if Phyllis Diller & Tammy Faye had a child... ).
Sydney, Jackie has a new blog entry up. Sharon is out. It's between Ryan, Sheila and Natalie.
Ryan's a wimp. Sheila won't even come close. Unfortunately, Sharon's having some physical problems. This comp was obviously designed with EvilGnat in mind.
After watching YouTube today, and this episode tonight, I am so disillusioned with this show. If Grodner produces the next season of BB, I won't watch it.
This has always been one of my favorite shows. Last season (8) was a little (?) unsettling, but this one takes the cake for trashiness and downright interference by the production staff. It's just not fun watching it.
I'm humbly eating my words about Sheila in the above post.
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