Uh-oh. And here we thought all of their operations were over. Now it's Operation Swat the Gnat in effect! Or is it?
Thanks go out to our favorite Zoetawny for the graphic! She rocks, y'know.
But are the hamsters really planning to do away with Natalie? Has Team Christ really dubbed her their Judas? I think Natalie's playing a good game in the house. But where she's gone wrong is having all of her deals catch up with her and she talks too much. But when you think about it, that's what the rest are doing, too. Well, except maybe Adam. He just tends to agree with people a lot.
Here's what went down Friday evening into the early hours of Saturday in that Big Brother House of Realizing Ramifications:
- It was Adam who decided that Natalie is their Judas on Team Christ.
- Sheila has yet another thing to be mad about -- after seeing the video of James flouring her, Natalie laughed too much. @@
- After all, she cried for Natalie when James threw pickles on her.
- Sheila told Sharon that Natalie is the most hypocritical person she's ever met.
- Ryan and Adam think that Natalie would have pulled Sharon off the block if she won POV, thus making Ryan go up and getting one of the "boys" out. They think she's been playing both sides too much.
- Natalie told Sheila that she doesn't think she has the votes to stay and that she (Sheila) has to put Ryan on the block instead of her. "If this costs me the game, I'm going to be highly pissed off."
- Natalie asked why they didn't have a James eviction party. Sheila told her that it was like evicting her son, she wasn't happy about it.
- Ryan told Adam no one wants to be against him (Adam) at the end -- he wins comps and helped James who will sway the jury.
- Sheila thinks the jury house will have a party seeing Natalie arrive.
- They used the topic cards again to create discussions.
- Adam and Ryan refused to play hide and seek with Natalie.
- Natalie told Adam that she knew she was going on the block because Sheila promised Ryan she wouldn't nominate him. She will just make a great speech to save herself.
- Natalie fussed about not having a luxury comp. "We've only had one all season!"
- Sheila told Sharon she will talk to Adam tonight to make sure he's going to vote to keep her (Sharon).
- Sharon told Sheila that Natalie had wanted to evict her (Sheila) and Adam.
- When Adam asked her why she wasn't campaigning to Sheila, Natalie told him that she knew she had their (Adam, Ryan) votes to stay.
- Sheila asked Ryan if they had Adam's vote to evict Natalie. He told her not to worry and she told him they better not be messing with her.
- I usually don't go into their more graphic talk, but I found this bit funny -- Sheila said James' penis (from his nude time in the yard) is big enough to get him into porn. Ryan said gay porn. Heh.
- They talked about how much better they are than last season's cast.
- Adam swore on his foreskin (ew) to Sheila that he'd vote for Natalie to go home this week.
- Adam told Ryan that Sheila wants them to do her dirty work for her so Natalie would be mad at them, not at Sheila.
- They're all in bed as I get this posted.
Jackie, please spare me penis details about anyone in theis house. TMI, TMI, TMI...karin in cleveland
I only mentioned it because of the gay porn James did on the Internet Little do the HG know!
The idea that Natalie is more dangerous than Sharon is nonsense. Sharon gets along with everyone, especially those in sequester. Natalie gets on everyone's nerves.... there is no way she would get the votes in the final two with anyone except maybe Sheila. Sharon wins hands down against any of the remaining houseguests. The hamsters would be much wiser to remove Sharon now while they have the chance.
Joyn (from previous post)there are 3 final comps: all 3 do the 1st one, 2nd comp 2nd and 3rd place, while winner sits out. Final one is winner of 1st and 2nd comp. Remember Nick and ED in the 3rd comp. Then Nick was gone because ED kept Danielle. SO it is really a comp for who decides who goes of the F3. That is IF that is how they do it tis time.
Jackie, I thought the penis info was priceless.
And Jackie , glad to hear at least ONE report of someone talking about who they would win against in the final 2. It's about time.
Morning All. TGISaturday!
I think I watched this same scenario play out in a junior high cafeteria. One girl is bff with another girl and they shun the 3rd girl, until the one girl gets a little power then she picks the wall flower to be her new bff and the old bff gets dumped. Eveyone has to find a new table to sit at for lunch and many notes are passed in class about how bad X is and how much no body likes her. Usually, within a week, previous bff are hugging and making up and new bff is looking shellshocked and back to eating alone. But that's just the way it is in junior high.
Sue mentioned a few entries back that Sharon was telling Sheila she would win against Natalie because she has the jury house votes. Sounded like she may have been bragging.
I don't know what she could have been thinking.
Doesn't that make her a big enough threat to Sheila that Sheila might re-think keeping her?
I think that might be her un-doing.
K in WI
I think that Natalie has been much more visible with her gameplay than Sharon, and perhaps then would be more memorable when it comes time to vote.
Sharon would get my vote because her observations and 1 on 1 conversations with houseguests about gameplay have been spot on.
Noisy Natalie is a pain and I'd want her out even though I would realize that Sharon might be the bigger vote getter at the end.
LOL at the penis comment. wait until they all find out that they hit the nail on the head!
i'm confused jackie, you mentioned that natalie asked why they didn't have a party for when james was evicted. is this something they always do - celebrate when they kick someone out? they always look for somber.
what luxury competition did they have already? i must have been sleeping.
i so hope natalie goes. at least matt will have a friend in the house. i visualize the sequester house as him being all alone even though 3 others are there with him. you reap what you sow.
thanks for the continued updates, jackie.
I see from the former post that ED hasn't let money or fame change him.
I heard an interesting exchange between the two boys last night (know that I know they are grown men..but, this is BB and 'boys' seems to fit better). Sheila has broken the first rule of manipulation...she is begging and ordering them to do what she wants. The boys don't like to be told what to do, if she were more subtle (I know how funny that concept is for Sheila) they would probably follow her quitely.
She was in the backyard with the two boys, Nat and Sharon were inside. Sheila, as Jackie, reported, was saying they better not be playing her. She left them alone. Adam was popping around wanting to say or do something. Ryan was trying to calm him. Ryan said, don't do it man wait until after she puts Nat up.
If Adam was ready to spill some beans to Sheila about how angry he is at being nominated or being told how to vote, I think Ryan must have been scared. After all, if Adam rocks the boat before the veto is used, and Sheila gets angry, her target would be Ryan instead of Nat. Ryan was saying to just wait until after the veto and then say it all. Ryan was saying that would be better timing, I don't know if Adam realized Ryan was trying to save himself.
So take that convo for what it is worth. It seems to me the boys have something planned, but I don't know exactly what.
I felt all of them played their hands way too soon when Sheila became HOH. I agree with Ryan that every one just needs to back off and be quite until after Sunday's veto.
Lucygrace, I think the luxury comp was teh one where Adam gave teh $10,000 to Shelia and Ryan took it and Adam won the bike...
Sue, I sure hope the boys have something planned--finally something worth waiting to see.
That's the first real suspense I've felt this season.
Somebody tell me, now why would I misspell "the" twice but get it right the third time? There are words that I consistently misspell, not because I don't know how to spell them, but because my fingers flip the letters... As soon as I train myself to get one right, a new one pops up. It used to be the "au" in because and now that I've rid myself of that, I flip the "ai" in e-mail. *sigh*
I am the worst person on here for typo. I confess I'm usually trying to get published too fast in response to something someone said or because it's a live show or I know Jackie will put another post up and everyone will have moved on by the time I'm done checking, lol. Sometimes my fingers just can't type as fast as I'm thinking.
I still @@ when I see my comment with gobbledy- gook. A few times I've deleted and re-submit it clean, but if in the process I add a new thought I find I manage to garble it somehow. I just have to laugh at myself and hope you all can tolerate it til I get a grip. I'm trying to start a new habit of checking before I hit publish.
Is this process as good as Crossword puzzles for keeping those neuro-pathways juiced?????
Zoetawny, homegirl, truly, you are ROCKIN this season! Every graphic you come up with just hits it spot on! without Jackies commentary,your graphic, CBS would not have so many loyal BB fans!
I just want Nat gone cause she is self righteous, she can spin a tale faster to everyone, and expects them to believe her...she even believes her own lies.
delee... You're correct on how the f-3 competitions work but it was Zack...not Nick at the end. Smile.
Sydney...we all get our words mis-typed... no big deal... I don't even know how to spell a lot of the time so I just write how it sounds. And I try to proof read, and it still comes out wrong. We know what you mean...misspelled words are allowed. I hope.
Speaking of penises (syd is that a misspelling..LOL) Way back when whoever put the link up for James and his male friend, I was at work reading the blog. Not knowing what I was going to see, I clicked on the link. Of course, shocked that this picture came up at work, I immediately clicked off of it. Then not to smart as I am, I went to Sheila's site too, (and I'm at work that day too) and I clicked on her link someone gave, and there she was in all her nekkidness. My question:
Will those pictures be on my computer at work somewhere forever for someone to find some day and say I was looking at porn? Woe is me.
FA...I haven't had a chance to say welcome to the "family". You're gonna love it here.
OFF TOPIC... Is anyone on this blog who lives near the Airport in Durham, NC. I have ligitimate reason for asking.
Zoetawny, I forgot to tell you how much I like the Gnat graphic.
Sydney, I am sorrrrry, but I hold the typo title. You can try for runner up, though. I have always been careless in the mechanics of writing...punctuation, spelling, caring if it is right. I have a note to myself to work on that, but will have to search the pile of notes to find it.
There are words I cannot spell...no matter how often I look them up. Spaghetti and theory are two. (I just spell checked them!)
I hope the sun is shining on every one. I am not in NC, meb, sorry.
OOPS Zack vs Nick memory fart!
My college room mate was Penelope but she went by Peni, if u made that plural well u got it, so we started writting it backwards or SINEP. Since Oprah uses va-jay-jay, all the words for the sinep are gross. ROFLMAO I will not list them!!!
It is true if Sheila stops and thinks about who is in the jury house except for Matt, they would vote for Sharon, duh!!! Even though Gnat is irritating and scheming, Sharon is the biggest threat if she makes it to F2.
Oprah also uses Harpo, which is also backwards... va-jay-jay came from Greys Anatomy when Bailey was having her baby and she told George to stop looking at her va-jay-jay...Everybody did pick it up and start using it tho. I had read somewhere that the censors wouldn't let the writers use the actual word "vagina". Weird!
Now Sydney, here's where I can really get into trouble when I don't read what I write before posting.
Previous post I wrote:
"va-jay-jay came from Greys Anatomy when Bailey was having her baby and she told George to stop looking at her va-jay-jay... Everybody did pick it up and start using it tho".
Now I meant that they picked up on the word va-jay-jay and started using it... I did not mean they picked up on Bailey's va-jay-jay and started using it.
It's early morning and I'm already losing it.
meb asked: "Will those pictures be on my computer at work somewhere forever for someone to find some day and say I was looking at porn? Woe is me."
Answer: yes.
meb, Thank you for the laugh this morning! I have to admit I missed it until you pointed it out...your wording, not Bailey's va-ja-ja.
If someone at work checks your history, they should see you were only there long enough to see it wasn't what you wanted to see. At least that is the argument I will use if the need ever arises.
I am thinking that if the backdoor swings open, our Gnat will not float like a butterfly, but will sting like a bee. I think she will realize what is going on and attack by calling in every favor she has ever done them. Starting with letting Sheila stay in the HOH because she was afraid of James. In fact, if Sheila follows her pattern (see toms I was listening) Sheila herself will clue Natalie in before the vote. Sheila will want credit for getting Nat out with everyone except with Nat.
I am not 'for' Natalie, have been rethinking Adam and Ryan, since reading about some of their home stories, and do not want Sharon to win anything. Irrationally so, perhaps, but it is what I am feeling.
meb asked: "Will those pictures be on my computer at work somewhere forever for someone to find some day and say I was looking at porn? Woe is me."
Another answer: No. If all you did was look at them, they would be in your browser temporary storage on your computer, and the directory pointers to those pictures would be dropped when you shut the browser down. The material might remain, but would be difficult to find except by somebody with a big budget, like an FBI investigator. It will be overwritten fairly soon, by the next pages you view.
Pointers to the website would remain in your browser history, however. So you do want to delete the history. That's easy.
Oh - when I said "if all you did was look at them", I mean you didn't download them. If you download porn (or anything else) it's there, easily locatable. Even if you delete the files, only the directory pointers are deleted - the actual material is still there and can be found by special programs that scan the hard disk, until it is overwritten by something else.
And just if anyone's interested, one way to help ensure that stuff you deleted from your hard disk REALLY goes away (gets overwritten) is to frequently defragment.
I think it's interesting that both Sheila and Gnat have taken the authoritarian role "You have to do this" and "I'll be pissed if you do/don't do this". Who reacts well to that kind of thing. Plus that isn't game play, is it? I don't know, I'd just rebel at that kind of treatment. Power can turn people into mad-people, can't it?
LOL at the HG talking about James could be in gay porn. Now that's funny. Since Gnat brought it up it makes me wonder how much she has seen of the genre.
I've heard of people swearing on a lot of things, but Adams body part was a first (and last, I'm sure) for me. What is it with these people and their body parts? I must be getting old.
You won't hear me swearing on my double chin!
Game play. Here is what I am thinking about the hgs. You might say I'm not too fond of any of them, and because of that I tried to just focus on their game play, but my personal thoughts kept creeping in. Please, someone disagree with me and add your own thoughts on them. I am easy to flip flop!
Adam: I felt sorry for him the first few days as Sheila screeched insults about him as if he were not right there next to her. I was also repulsed by his personal habits. Sheila was out of line and it didn't seem to have anything to do with his hand movements, but because she wanted a hot young dude in her bed. He overcame that by staying mellow (or was it withdrawal?) and weathered the storm. He understands the game and is playing it as hard as anyone while, for the most part, making everyone think he can't tie his own shoes. He has been very good for Sheila...maybe more helpful to her personality than Sharon was to Josh. But, he might be trying for a pay back on that first night and want to see her suffer.
Sharon: pseudo good girl, has kept quite and sees herself as the mom in the house. That can be very irritating to the out of the mainstream people who are hgs. I think James hates her with an intensity and some of his angst toward Natalie was really what he wanted to say and do to Sharon. He knew by supporting her at the end, he was screwing with her game, and she tried to walk the line between James and the Bible thumpers and then was insulted when they named her the mole. To retaliate she named the operation to get rid of Natalie 'FF' for Ferret Face. Sharon has been evicted once.
Sheila is Sheila and I think she is the same in the house and out. I think her family and friends might be paying BB/DR to find a way to keep her a little longer. Her game plan seems to be to say everything to everyone enough times that they stop listening and then she can claim to have not lied but to have told them something they forgot, and who would be able to prove her wrong since, everyone, including the camera seems to doze off when she gets going.
Natalie, I think Nat lacks the inhibition gene. Nat tells everyone that she will win, that she can win, and that she wants to win. The others don't like to hear that any more than they liked hearing Jen say it. They all think it, they just know not to say it. She lays out plans that should be kept secret...her own and others. She agrees with everyone because, in her head, nothing matters except the one she 'really' means it to and the other lies are excused for it being game play. James said as much about himself and was applauded for it. I have noticed at least three different Nat's in the house. The little girl cutesy 'I heart Matt' one who quotes the Bible as related to the Secret and various Hallmark commercials. She is the one who people insulted while growing up and now she wants to have what that child missed. Then there is the focused player who knows who to put up and how the vote should go who counts things and prepares for comps.Then, once in a while, we get a glimpse of the real Natalie. I like the third one and wish she had played the entire game. I think the Bible and her Jesus talk was an ill advised game plan to excuse her wild past and make her appear 'good' so people would not notice that she was playing the game. I see it as a cover story that has worked in some cases. But, lately, she has lost focus and believed her own fantasies so long that she might be out the backdoor. Which probably explains why she pulled out the milk squirting machine last night in bed for the guys approval. Anything that gets her a win works for Nat. imo
Ryan is a loafer. A gambler. He will put all his chips on one move and win the hand or go home broke. Like when he was HOH and James came back in the house. I think he is the voice I heard asking if the others liked dog fights at their parties. I can't back that up because all I heard was the voice and didn't see who said it. Ryan has been evicted once. If he makes it to the F2, it will be a coat tail ride.
too funny Sue... that is how we write sometimes tho and don't even notice it. I've had a few laughs throughout the blog on occasion. It's our nature to write the way we think without realizing what we're saying.
Sue, I wish I could disagree with you but I can't.
Your comment about the camera dozing off made me spit iced tea on the keyboard.
Note to self: Don't drink while reading posts!
laurie... not swearing on your double chin... ROTFLMBO.
karen in cleveland... what's TMI... I'm a little brain impaired today and can't come up with anything.
zoe... forgot to say how much I love your graphic. You have an amazing talent!
Apparently (I saw this on an HBO show) it is not uncommon for basically straight guys to do Gay porn. It's the one area in the industry where a man can get the sort of money that women normally get. I suppose that's because in straight porn men are supposed to be grateful for the sex and not want the money. Or maybe it's just harder to get women to do porn.
TMI too much info!!! HAHA
delee.. i knew that! (yeah, right)
Hey Meb, glad I could make you smile.
I was just reading on Jokers that most of the HG are out sunning themselves or playing in the pool. At least Sharon was putting on sunscreen. I'm not sure where the BB house is but it's 85 here in San Diego right now. We are usually a bit cooler than the LA area so it's got to be HOT up there today.
Zoetawny, I totally forgot to say how great the Swat The Gnat graphic is. You and Jackie have made this season so much fun for all of us. Thank you!
Sheila's birthday party going on now. Backyard.
Oh, Zoetawny... love the Gnat graphic. You rock!
None BB newsflash...and I am thrilled but Tuesday night, crap...NEW Deadliest Catch is starting Tuesday night!!!
Just checked LA temp and it is 92 and that is too hot!!! That is at about 3 PM.
Monty, thanks for letting us know about the birthday party. That is really cool that they were able to do that for her.
They better eat that cake fast cuz the heat will melt that frosting fast!
It is about 4:30 pm in the house. The boys are talking about a meeting they want to stage tomorrow sometime after the Veto is used. Ryan wants to schedule it after he is safe from going up in place of Adam. Then they will be in control of the house. They are laughing about what they will do. It sounds as if their plan is to barter who gets their support. Maybe I have it wrong. They will sit Nat down and tell her what they think of her. Then to the others. I don't know if it will happen, but the planning session is fun to follow. They are laughing about presenting the various people's transgressions in a power point presentation. Joking, you know. I have no idea who they will really vote for, they said they don't know yet either. Right now, Adam is looking for quotes about lies to use when they talk to Natalie.(Proverbs 14/5 and 4/25 and 14/15) Here is one comment they just made:
Adam: Should we take the Bible with us?
Ryna: Hell, yes.
Thanks delee re Deadliest Catch. I'll plug it in for taping. Love watching how they do that. My uncles and cousins were/are fishermen, but not like deadliest catch. They catch fish, as well as drop crab pots, and tong (I think that's how you spell it) for clams and oysters. It's just plain fascinating.
It got up to around 85ish here today NC, but then we started getting Tornado warnings. It was windy so the heat wasn't an issue.
All is well at this hour.
Afternoon all! Phew! It is HOT HOT! 91!!!!!!
I'm sure they were all in the pool today. Just what Sheila needs is a few more rings around her neck for her birthday. ;)
I browsed around a bit and still have no real clue who is being sent home? What do you with the live feeds think?
I've read R & A have been smirking at each other. I'm wondering if R & A are going to split their vote and force Sheila to break the tie. That might be the smartest thing to do.
Loved your BFF story. Isn't it the truth! Their maturity is about junior high level. ;)
Not to worry, but IKWYM. LOL
My brain is always ahead of my fingers. Sometimes I post here without signing on to AOL and there's no spell check. I used to be a champion speller but not anymore. That's the nice thing about this blog, nobody attacks for typos or misspellings. On the AOL message boards if you make a mistake there's always someone ready to attack you.
LMBO! I missed it too, but re-read.
If only getting rid of Gnat was as easy as Operation Swat Gnat. :D
I need some assurance to relax this weekend. J/K
Thanks for the heads-up on Sheila's birthday party. Is she 45or 46?
I made a Penthouse happy birthday graphic for Sheila today. MY BAD!
Sheila won't like the Sharpei. ;)
Actually, she does look good for her age.
Needing an iced tea now.
Happy Saturday!
I haven't seen live feeds for a little while, so don't know anything new. But, I wanted to add that Ryan is really working the meeting talk with Adam. Adam is eager to get to it and Ryan is aware that if Sheila gets mad she could put him up instead of Nat. I am unsure if Ryan really wants the "meeting" or if it is just something he is telling Adam. Adam is loving it all, but we know he is a sucker for a sad story.
I don't see how Adam can get through tonight without letting on his has a big plan.
Delee, guess it was another of those delightful senior moments.
Jackie, won't Ryan love it when he eventually finds out how right he is about James' penis? Something he can slam James for during his own "15 minutes".
Zoetawny, another great graphic! Hope someone does swat her out of there this week.
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