Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Big Brother 8 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning and STUFF

Oh, I know this isn't a screen cap from the feeds. But, can you find Roofus the Cat in this photo I took early yesterday morning on my way to work? You can click on the photo to enlarge it. Look, it's SPRING! (Finally.) I have some other photos I took which I'll post a bit later today.

My live feeds report from last night went up on TV Squad went up during the show and my latest show review is up there, too. As for me, I was running a bit on empty last night and I apologize for not posting another update until now. Although I'm on the very tired side lately between work, the upcoming knee surgery, the knee itself, the blogging at TVS and here ... I see a light at the end of the tunnel!

I'm taking a vacation week next week so covering the big final HOH comp will be not an issue at all. The finale is a week from Sunday. While I really love covering the show, it becomes very time consuming and I'm always happy when a season ends and those four hours of sleep nights are in the past. Since I should be past the worst part of recovery, but still off from work, during BB10, that should be a lot less exhausting!

Today I'm taking my cat to the vet for a check-up and her shots to make sure she's all set for boarding while I'm in the hospital and the subsequent rehab hospital. (They want me to go to rehab, I said, "No, no, no.") I have to return a call to the doctor's office because they left a message here while I was at work. They told me my papers are ready to pick up. Hmmm ... not sure what that's all about. Maybe the admission stuff for the hospital or the medical clearance test stuff. I guess I'll find out. It's now less than a month away ... before they saw my leg apart ...! Wah!

Okay, I'm better now. Enough about STUFF, let's get into the happenings from last night and overnight inside that Big Brother House of Wailing Wannabes:
  • Natalie continued to campaign against Sharon and tried to earn favor with the boys. No, she didn't offer them oral sex. You know she never did that with Matt! She says so!
  • But there was a lot of sex talk if that counts as oral. :-)
  • Adam wondered if they should just go ahead and vote Natalie out since she thinks she's going home.
  • Natalie told Adam that Sheila and Sharon are two "nutballs." She told him that they're throwing him under the bus, she isn't.
  • Natalie is all of a sudden Adam's bestest new friend and decides that Sharon is "SheDog." Or is that Sheila?
  • Sharon told Sheila that Natalie is dumb. (Or is that D-U-M?) Natalie says she's campaigning hardcore but the boys will vote the way they want.
  • Sharon, not knowing the boys aren't 100% on board with her anymore, thinks Natalie is panicking.
  • Sheila is still very against Natalie staying. She told Sharon that she likes Ryan more and just tolerates Adam. I don't think that's altogether true. Watching her, the relationship with them is very different, but she and Adam remind me of a brother/sister or mother/son kind of thing. She's definitely closer and more open with Adam.
  • Adam thinks Natalie is giving up but Ryan keeps encouraging her.
  • He says they have to weigh their options and minimize their risk.
  • Adam and Ryan talked together and agreed they're both voting out Sharon.
  • Meanwhile, Sharon told Sheila that Ryan said he was not voting for Natalie.
  • Natalie, apparently feeling saddened by the house atmosphere, didn't come to dinner with the rest of the houseguests.
  • Adam did some odd robot character for much too long.
  • Natalie finally had her dinner. Sheila made sure they saved a dish for her.
  • Sheila and Adam bickered like an old married couple who fight for decades, but stay together.
  • The vultures are already talking about who will get Sharon's slop pass. If she goes this week, there's only a matter of a week left. They can all live on slop! If I were Sharon and got evicted, I'd take it with me as a souvenir and laugh about them on slop.
  • Ryan says that Sharon and Sheila are watching out for each other, but Natalie is in with them (the boys). If Sharon goes this week, Natalie and Sheila will be pitted against each other.
  • Adam told Ryan he has to follow his heart and do the right thing ... which is to keep Natalie. (She cried real tears to him!)
  • Adam told Ryan he wants Sheila in the final three with them and Natalie will be a vote for them no matter who throws her out.
  • Ryan is more into a final three scenario of himself, Adam, and Natalie.
  • Sharon told Natalie that they're going to try to get them mad at each other, but she always had her back no matter what anyone says.
  • Sheila begged Adam to stick with the plan for getting Natalie out this week, that they'll risk jury votes by keeping her.
  • She doesn't want blood on her hands. She's now thinking Adam will vote for Natalie to stay and Ryan will vote for Sharon to stay. If that happens, she'll vote for Natalie to go home and get those hands all bloody.
  • Sheila confronted Sharon saying that Adam told her both Natalie and her (Sharon) were throwing her (Sheila) under the bus.
  • She told Sharon now the boys want to keep Natalie.
  • Sharon told her she's sure Ryan won't vote to keep Natalie. She doesn't mention her alliance with him although it's been quiet on that front lately. I'm not sure when Ryan's lying or not these days.
  • Sheila thinks Natalie wants to be up against Ryan as the final two.
  • She thinks the boys think that both of them can win against Natalie with the jury.
  • Sheila cried. She realizes the boys are running the game, not her at this point.
  • Natalie thinks if she remains, Sheila will take credit for it and tell her she told her she'd be safe.
  • Adam, Ryan, and Sheila had a powwow in the HOH room.
  • Ryan harped on the loyalty factor. What has Sharon ever done for them in the game?
  • Sheila tells them that if she breaks a tie and keeps Natalie, Natalie will surely vote out one of them (the boys) next week.
  • Sheila tells them that she herself has been loyal to them and that if Natalie stays, she will be voted out next week.
  • Sheila basically freaked out at them all over the place.
  • Sheila thinks that James will influence the rest of the jury and will be happy if given Natalie, better for all of them when thinking of votes at the end.
  • Ryan says he doesn't care what James, Chelsia, and Joshuah think. Sheila reminds them that they're the ones who might make a difference in the jury vote at the end.
  • After they split up, Sharon talked to Ryan. He denied they were planning on voting her out.
  • Ryan told her Sheila is just freaking out and that she's safe this week.
  • Sheila cried some more.
  • Sharon told Sheila that Ryan's still on her side. Sheila tried to tell her otherwise.
  • Sheila thinks it will be a tie and tells Sharon if she keeps her, she has to promise to protect her.
  • They promise to protect each other.
  • Adam feels bad because he was so nasty to Sheila, cursing at her and all.
  • Natalie told Adam that if Sharon stays, Sheila has two people in her corner -- Adam and Sharon. She, Natalie, is all alone. (Wah.)
  • Natalie told Adam his gut is telling him he needs to vote out Sharon. (His gut sounds a lot like Natalie!)
  • Sheila vowed to not talk to Natalie all next week if she stays. (That might be viewed as an incentive for her to stay, I think.)
  • Now the boys are talking ... if Sheila wants a split vote, she'll get a split vote. Hmmm.
  • So, now the latest on the vote is that they will split it and let Sheila get her hands all bloody.
  • We'll see.


RBennie said...

I'm kind of getting used to starting my day with my head spinning, LOL. If you can believe it, I completely forgot to watch BB last night! Between Biggest Loser and DWTS, I totally spaced on BB. Way to got Ali - first female biggest loser! She lost so much weight that she now looks like she needs to gain a few pounds, LOL. Bye bye Priscilla Presley - I think the right person went home. But I give her props for that split she did at age 62

meb said...

The plot thickens... I hope it is a split vote and Sheila evicts Natalie. The Sequester house would look favorably on Sheila for having the guts to do it and if Sheila makes it to the final two, it may garner her a few votes for the win.

It's not that I think Sharon should be there before Natalie, I'm just sick of listening to and watching Nat. She just wears on your last nerve.

Jackie I loved your "gut" remark about Adam's gut sounds a lot like Natalie. LOL

I will be glued to the set tonight to see who goes to sequester.
Bye-bye Natalie (I hope).

Laurie said...

Good morning everyone. Jackie, I keep wondering how you keep your head from spinning right off some days. LOL and the comment about Sheila not talking being an incentive to stay. So true. Maybe Gnat should make that promise to the boys. Nah, the boys like getting her all spun up.

I just realized I won't be home in time to be here for the live blogging. Oh no!

I hope the boys split the vote and Sheila votes Gnat out, too, Meb. I think it's the perfect scenario for ending this week of flip-flopping extraordinaire.

Anonymous said...

(Adam) He says they have to weigh their options and minimize their risk.

If they are smart they will get rid of Gnat. She is in much better shape than either of them and will out last them in any endurance competition.

Adam, Ryan, Sharon and Shelia are all about the same in strength, so it would be more of an even match for them.

I do think they should split the vote and let Shelia be the one to bloody her hands.

Laurie said...

I just read the remaining comments from last night's post and now have more to say.

Sue said 'Women have their place in the boys lives, but it doesn't involve talking or listening.' OMG, Sue, that sums it up perfectly. Thanks!

Plaidchick, you are very welcome! I'm sorry I couldn't remember it was you who asked about the mini. Now we know it's the little table, which is as good a reason as any to want to stay in the house, right?

Zoetawny, I wondered the same thing. Why didn't Sheila go outside and stop the talk between the boys and Gnat? Ranting to Sharon does her no good.

If Gnat doesn't get the boot tonight she will make that house even more unbearable next week. All alliances will be off because she will become uberGnat. There's a whole new graphic!

Oh, last night my husband (who has not seen this season at all) was still in the room when Gnat said "What would Jesus do?" He started laughing and said "Jesus would not be there!" and left the room. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Becky - Good observation. Sheila only won HOH because Ryan & Nat gave it to her and I don't think Sharon has won anything. Natalie is in a much better place to win comps than anybody in there except maybe Adam.

Laurie said...

Off topic
Jackie, I did find Rufus but not without seeing the bigger picture. That was fun!

Will you have internet access while you are recovering from your knee surgery? I'm sure most (All?) of us would love to keep you company (virtually) while you are healing. If not, can we email you and get a real address so we can send you snail mail?

Anonymous said...

My cousin just had her knee replaced and did not want to go to the rehab hospital, but went anyway. She was so glad later that she did! So take care of yourself and do whatever they tell you to do. You'll heal and get back up & going much faster.


meb said...

I was just trying to figure out scenarios of who would vote for whom based on the various F-2.

Sheila vs. Adam - As you go through the people in sequester, I think Adam would win hands down.

Sheila vs Ryan - Sheila wd win..
Sheila: Chelsia,Josh, Sharon, James
Ryan: Matt, Natalie
(Adam would be a toss-up)

Ryan vs Adam - Adam wd win..

Ryan vs Natalie - Ryan wd win..

Adam vs Natalie - Adam wd win

Sharon wouldn't win against anyone but Natalie.

Sheila vs Natalie - Sheila wd win
Sheila: Adam,Chelsia, Josh, Sharon, James
Natalie: Matt, Ryan

I just don't think Natalie could win against anybody. Not even for game play. Too many of the sequestered houseguests just don't like her.

Of course, all of this is just my opinion. What does everyone else think? Post your list.

RBennie said...

MEB, I have said the same thing previously. I don't think Natalie can beat any of them. Which is why I can't understand why they would even think about getting rid of her!

meb said...

rbennie... could be they just don't want her to get ANY of the money, so they don't want her in second place either. I truly think they are afraid of her. They just can't think past the fact that she might win if in the F-2.

If they keep her, they just give her a chance to knock one of them off the grid and they don't know which one of them it would be.

I'd want her gone... guess I'm afraid of her too.

As Becky said, Adam, Ryan, Sharon and Shelia are all about the same in strength, so at least they'd have a chance at being in the F-2 if Natalie is gone.

RBennie said...

I'm thinking Adam's the next big target if Natalie goes tonight. He has shown that he can win comps and I believe he managed to keep friends on the jury.

meb said...

Yeah...Adam is their biggest competitor, but I just don't think they'll be able to figure that out. Sharon is going next simply because she isn't REALLY one of their group. They just aren't thinking...

meb said...

Jackie... loved seeing Roofus again. I couldn't find him either until I enlarged the picture.

Thanks for bringing us up to date on his whereabouts.

Anonymous said...

I still think Natalie would win against any of them. No matter how the HG's feel about her she has played the game the hardest. History has shown that the jury can overlook their personal feelings and vote based on game play. I know a lot of you think that this crop of HG's is too emotional, but we think that every year. Everybody hated ED and the way he played, but nobody could deny that he PLAYED.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to be up against Natalie. Although, I think I would have played a cleaner game than her!

RBennie said...

I really don't think ED would have won against anyone other than Danielle. If you guys recall, the Jury was hoping that Zach would make F2 so they could vote for him.

Anonymous said...

meb, here's what I think about F2:

Sheila vs Ryan: Sheila
(but I have no doubt Adam would vote for Sheila, no doubt whatsoever)

Sheila vs Adam: big ??? here, but tending toward Sheila (she's a single mom, maybe you've heard?)

Ryan vs Adam: Adam
Ryan vs Natalie: Ryan?
Adam vs Natalie: Adam

Sheila vs Natalie: not sure, but most likely Sheila

The unknown factor will depend on who goes to sequester and how influential they are, especially in describing the "last days of team Christ"

I think that Adam and Ryan both take HUGE risks if they don't vote out Gnat this week, both in terms of losing comps, but also in terms of how this will all be reported by whoever leaves over the next 2 weeks. If I were on jury and I knew that both Adam and Ryan had deliberated getting Gnat out, and then opted against it, I'd do everything to not vote for them, including giving it all to Gnat just to punish them for their stupidity. It's likely that people in sequester might think that way, although less likely they'll think that of Adam than of Ryan.

I agree with the observation (made by ???) that the DR is influencing the boys to flip flop all over the place. The producers must read the blogs and can see when everything has become too predictable, and so they somehow stimulate them to stir it up.

My biggest concern is that Ryan pulls a fast one on Adam somehow - let's say they agree to split the vote, Ryan says he's vote to keep Sharon, and Adam should vote to keep Gnat. Then Ryan actually votes to keep Gnat. Or, Adam suspects that Ryan might do that, so he flips his vote. Something along those lines, so that it ends up being 2-0 to keep Gnat.

I think Ryan really wants to keep Gnat, because it's to his benefit. It's not in Adam's interest though, and I hope Adam is smart enough to realize it. I hope Adam pays attention to his dreams of his dad and brother saying Ryan is shady.

But we all know that whoever has Adams ear last, wins.

ps: Jackie you crack me up, damn you're funny!

Anonymous said...

My hubby does not watch BB. He was nearby to hear Gnat's voice. He got up and asked me if that was her real voice. He turned to me and said "I think when they pumped up her breast they added some helium to her vocal cords and her brain" LOL! I told him to stick around and listen to Sharon's, he said "no thanks".

NanaNW-I hope everything goes well today for Josie and you. Please keep us posted.

Orkmommy-glad to have you back posting. We missed you. I hope things are going much better for you. Hang in there. Super O is precious. My granddaughter has the same bedroom set as Super O. She loves it.

It is a little windy in South Dakota today, however the warmer temps have surfaced, so I not going to complain too much. Highs in the 60's for us.

I am looking forward to tonights eviction. It should be interesting to say the least.

Better get to the paint store.

Have a great day everyone!

meb said...

orkmommy... I have to go with rbennie on this one. Even though Zack was disliked for the longest time in the house last year, people were actually pulling for him in the end. I believe Zack would have won against ED had they been F2.

The Sequester House just didn't want Danielle to win, so they gave it to ED for his game play. That much I had to agree with.

By the way... I just left you a note on your blog.

Terry is a Texan! said...

Morning everyone! Jackie please go to the rehab hospital so they can help you get better quicker!
I loved the pix of Roofus, I zeroed right in on him..I thought to myself "If I were Roofus what sunny most secure place would I go?" and there he was! thanks! love seeing him

As far as comments on the head is still spinning...I hope in some way they do split the vote, and Sheila decides to oust will give her some street cred...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie, The doctor knows best, go to rehab, allow yourself to be watched over. Something great might come out of it, like your meeting a new friend. You know, everything happens for a reason.


One thing I still don't know about the house. I know Nat says that she knows Sheila is against her, but does Nat have any idea that Sheila's plan all along was to get rid of Nat. Will that be something she won't know until she sees the tapes after the show? I just realized that I didn't see the fight between yesterday, so maybe that was what it was about.

I think at this point in the game voting comes down to the 'smirk factor'. If they can't win, they don't want X to win because that person will smirk at them. They all want to win and think they can win or they wouldn't be there, but seem amazed anyone else covets their place in line. I won't smirk this year because it will be sad whomever is left standing last. I think the only way some of them can win is to take Natalie with them...for the very same reasons many viewers want her out.

RBennie said...

LOL, Sue - loving the "smirk factor" scenario. That is so true. This is such a spiteful bunch that when it comes down to F2 its going to be all about "which one do I hate the least". Remember the F2 of Jun and Allison - the entire jury was so disgusted with their choices of win. Jun was just slightly the lesser of two evils, and if I recall correctly, when she won Allison was the only one to congratulate her - and maybe Julie, LOL.

Anonymous said...

As long as we are talking husbands, mine does not watch BB, survivor or any reality shows. Tuesday's drive him nuts as I flip back and forth between Hells Kitchen and BB. He also mentioned Natalie's voice and says no matter how big her boobs are once she opens her mouth it's all over with. I really hope BB10 makes up for the torture this season. But why oh why do I still watch and check this board 3 times a day? Karin in Cleveland without a google account so I am forever ANON.

Anonymous said...

I stand by what I said:

BB 7 All Stars - Boogie won over Erica for game play. Nobody liked Boogie.

BB 6 - Maggie won over Ivette. That was partly game play and Maggie was the lesser of two evils.

BB 5 - Drew over Michael. That was 5-4 vote and everybody liked both so it doesn't count in my scenario. :-)

BB4 - Jun over Allison. Lesser of two evils.

BB3 & 2 - Honestly I don't remember much from either season, so I can't comment.

But if you look at Survivor too, several people have won because of game play even when they weren't liked much.

joy n said...

Ah, Roofus, all blue skies and sunshine. He looks very comfy in one of his favorite spots. Bet he's as happy to see springtime arrive as we are.

I'm looking forward to the end of this BB season, too. My brain cells are screaming at me to get these characters out of my head. Enough already.

I imagine your brain needs a good rest before your upcoming surgery, too.

The best I can hope for tonight is that the Gnat goes home. I don't care if Sheila has to bloody her hands to do it. Just leave, Gnat! Go to sequester and find out that, without a big paycheck, Matt won't have "much" use for you anymore. Just take your bible and go away.

Anonymous said...

Jackie-thanks for today's laugh on "Boys Gone Wild".

Thanks for the Roofus update.

I hope everything goes exceptionally well for you with your surgery. I would be way ahead of myself and have me back home before I even had the surgery. There is no place like home to heal.

Anonymous said...

rbennie: I remember the Jun season when no one talked to the two winners and just turned their backs on them and began talking amongst themselves.

Orkmommy: Lesser of evils is true. I have always felt BB plays a big part in the jury vote, just like in the DR. People who swore they would never vote for such and such vote for that person to win. Maybe BB just points out game play and doesn't really tell them who to vote for...but it always seems a little contrived to me at the end.

right now, in the house, 11:36am on live day, it appears to be nap time in the HOH room. I just turned it on, so assume it is the normal lockdown. Sharon eyes closed, trying to stretch out in chair, the other four lying boy girl boy girl in bed. Sheila is awake, the others look asleep.

Anonymous said...

orkmommy- I agree with you about the voting. We see it happen over and over. The person who has played the best game is usually the winner.

I know most HG leave vowing to NEVER vote for someone but once they get out of that environment and relax they tend to change their way of thinking. I also believe that BB producers remind them before voting to think of all aspects of the game and who played best.

meb--I would post a list but this is all too confusing!! I can't figure anyone out anymore.

Those boys would be smart to get rid of Nat. because she can win comps. and although they may think they can win against her in F2 with her controlling the game any person there may not make it that far.
Nat. doesn't forget when you have "wronged" her and your *ss will be on the block and out the door ASAP.

If the boys do keep her then Sheila should be really worried....those boys will have shown who they are truly aligned with and it's not She-bot!

So what do you think...if it's a split vote will She
have the guts to evict Nat.???

Can't wait for tonight....another chapter closed in this dismal book and closer to the end!!

Anonymous said...

Okay in the spirit of this house, I've decided to do exactly what they're doing, I'm also going to flip-flop. I hope Natalie stays. I hope she goes to the F2. I hope when she gets up to give her speech about why she should win she tells them her dirty little secret which is "I'm not really dumb. I have an IQ of 194. I'm in Mensa. I'm really an actress. I've studied with the Royal Shakespeare Academy in England and I've been in dozens of plays and won dozens of awards. Usually, I play the dumb irritating broad no one can stand and that everyone makes fun of. Everything that I've said to you since I've been in this house has been an act. I've been playing all of you since day 1. I never meant any of the the things I've said to you. I really didn't care about Matt. I was just playing him to get further in the game and I didn't give him a BJ three days after I met him...Damn.

Well, that just sucks. My hopes and dreams are dashed.


Anonymous said...

I forgot my one last hope for tonight. I hope tonight's a double eviction so this thing can get over with sooner.

Donna in Alabama said...

If the show ends April 27th, wouldn't tonight have to be double eviction if the F2 are in the house alone for a solid week?

Anonymous said...

Jackie--thanks for showing us Roofus. It reminded me of my grandchildren's "Seek and Find" books. LOL

With surgery coming and a stay in rehab. at least you will be able to blog with us ALL DAY!! The time will go quickly and you will be back home before you know it---with a new knee! You picked a good time to do it, no gloomy gray skies and warm temps. to brighten the day.

Karin in Cleveland--I hated being anon. but couldn't get a google account I decided having my name at the top of my post in black was better than anon.
You can do that by clicking
Name/URL...type in your blogger name...and then the word verification. I usually have to do the word verif. twice but it works!!

Josie update--The vet. called and the news is not good. It seems she negated the surgery done to her knee cap....I could just cry!!! The surgeon will be calling in a few days to discuss "options". I don't see any positives in our choices. It makes no sense to re-do the surgery when this could happen again, but we'll hear what he has to say :(

Well, I can't sit here and dwell in self pity....I'm off to make a 4'x5' canvas poster with the 2nd graders for our International Children's Festival!!

Anonymous said...

donna in al--I think the F2 are in the house alone for 4-5 days. I remember Dani. complaining about that last year.

anon 2:49--ROTFL Yea, that will happen as the pigs are flying overhead and the ice is forming in hell!!!

I really am leaving now!

RBennie said...

I have to disagree on a couple of those wins being because of game play. Mike Boogie won because Erika let herself be played and demeaned and the jury thought she was pitiful. Maggie beat Ivette because 1) she was the lesser of two evils and 2) she flew under the radar a little more than Ivette did, using others to do her dirty work. I do think Drew narrowly beat Cowboy because of game play. They were both well liked. Lisa beat Danielle - not because of game play but because the jury was pissed off at Danielle's DR sessions - if not for that I think Danielle would have won easily. Dr. Will beat Nicole because even though he played a dirty game, he was very upfront about it and still managed to be likeable. Nicole was not liked much at all. At least that's how I remember all this stuff going down. I welcome other thoughts.

Laurie said...

I laughed at your scenario about Gnat's speech. I even heard it in an Australian accent as she told us all she was pretending to be American. Yeah, it all worked until that final part where she denied the bj on soulmate who then mugged for the camera, rolled over and went to sleep.
If tonight is double eviction we double options of her getting swatted out of there!

~~Silk said...

"Lisa beat Danielle - not because of game play but because the jury was pissed off at Danielle's DR sessions ...."

Does the jury get to see the DR sessions before voting?

Anonymous said...

I'm bored. 2 more days to go before the big job switch. So what do I do? I watch BB videos on YouTube!

I just watched a 2 parter with the Sharon/Natalie argument. As far as I could tell (I don't have the feeds, but I remember some of the stuff that was said because of Jackie's awesome reporting!) Sharon didn't lie about anything. She had valid arguments for everything. Natalie back pedaled, lied, blamed others, etc. Sharon kept saying "fine, the tapes will tell" and she's right. I can't wait until Adam and Ryan get a chance to see how Natalie really played the game. At this point, it does no good for Sharon to lie because she has nothing to lose.

I want Natalie gone in the worst way!

joy n said...

Gnat did Matt on their second night in the house, not the third.

Nana, I'm so sorry to hear your terrible news about Josie. My heart goes out to you. Maybe you'll have at least one "good" option. If only we could "talk" to our animals and explain why they have to be still for awhile. I'll be thinking positive for you.

RBennie said...

Silk - after that season with Lisa and Danielle they stopped letting the jury see the DR sessions.

Anonymous said...

All of you have better memories than I do! When you talk of past F2's I think Dr. Will took a dive so Boogie could win, and Will wasn't in both were there by default. If Will did dive.

Ivette had a chance to win, if she had picked the other person (forgotten already!) to take with her, but she chose friend Maggie instead. Did it happen that way, or do I have my wires crossed? Wouldn't be the first time. Don't ever ask me to help jump a car battery!

If a BB hg or Survivor person makes it near the end, they need to find the worst person playing and take them with them. Maybe Sharon sees Sheila as that person. These last few days will make a big differnce in the voting of the F2...If Sharon goes she will vote with James group. If Sharon is one of the F2, then James group would lose a vote. Maybe, who knows. If Adam and/or Ryan make it to jury, will they either one be able to decide how to cast a vote to win?

12:44 house time. All 4 views are on Sheila by her self, cleaning the kitchen, including doing windows. Nervous energy? Don't know where the others are.

I have said it before that Sheila
s house actions really would fit in with America's player. She made up that thing about being a couple with Allison. (That just sounded like DR said, to win $5000 make up a story and make everyone believe it) She asked Josh about coming out (again sounded like a set up) and the silly Alex doll fits perfectly in with America's players tasks. I know that if Sheila (or anyone else) was playing as a secret player, we would have been told. But it is all that explains Sheila's wackiness...except that Sheila is actually wacky.

PlaidChick said...

Ohhh Nana, I'm so sorry about Josie... big hugs...

Jackie-- you'll be up and running around on your new knee before you know it. They have made such strides in knee replacement surgery. It use to be they would keep you still and sedated for days on end, nope you're going to be working it, you'll have May Sweeps to keep you busy and you'll have us!

orkmommy-- I agree with you. Dick was downright nasty and in your face, but he played the game. He won when he needed to and when he didn't Daniele did. The HG's get to sequester and chillout and they see the game a totally different way. I don't think any of them stand a chance against Natalie. Chelsia and James would NOT vote for her to win. The rest of them is anyone's guess.

Sheila-- get my mental message. You don't need to be telling these idiots this close to the end that you don't want blood on your hands. Get em bloody and break the frikkin tie!!! WHO CARES!! It's not going to keep you from going on the block. You can't play for HOH and you're going up. Ryan nor Adam will not put each other up. I think if Natalie wins HOH tonight, Sheila and Adam go up. If Sharon stays, I would put both boys up.

I don't recall last summer Dick and Daniele stayed in the house for a whole week alone. I think they stopped doing that.

Also-- I'm irked the that BB10 TV schedule will remain the same-- Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. YUCK!!!

RBennie said...

Hi Sue, you're right, I had forgotten that Ivette had the power to decide who to take to F2 and she chose, I believe, Maggie over April. I think it was because that's what Cappy would have wanted her to do, LOL.

PlaidChick said...

orkmommy-- I wish they would follow them in the days after the show to see their reaction of how it all went down... that would be some good TV-- or sit them down for a reunion show... when Allison showed Erika she had been played like a violin with Boogie during the All-Stars finale, that was priceless. I thought the girl was going to have a nevous breakdown right then and there.

Anonymous said...

I've always said they should do a follow-up reunion a week or month later. Even if they do it on House Calls instead of the network. I'd love to see them go after each other after they see what really happened!

RBennie said...

Or at least make the finale 2 hours so that we can see more of the interactions after the winner is crowned.

Laurie said...

Remember months ago (okay weeks that seem like months) when Sheila had her epiphany about how she was leaning on others to take care of her and not taking care of business herself?

Apparently she has forgotten that again since she is talking about not wanting blood on her hands. She wants Gnat out but doesn't want to lose her vote (duh) so she is leaning on those boys. Personally, I'd be counting on me and only me if I were her.

Thank you, Higher Power, for me not being her!

Nana, I'm so sorry to read about Josie. This is tough stuff and I'm glad you have a sounding board here. My prayers are with you, and I'm pretty sure my prayers have priority over Gnat's. *just a little levity to make you smile*

Laurie said...

Love the idea of a 2 hour live show at the end ... whoo hoo!
Now that would be good tv, especially if they showed some clips with behavior that some have denied. Oh yeah, I'm perked up just thinking about that.

Laurie <- clearly needing to get a life.

Anonymous said...


In replying to rbennie @9:48...I was so happy for Ali on Biggest Loser and was amazed at this group of losers. People lost 164,150,130,124 pounds and STILL didn't win!! That was amazing to say the least.Ali looked so good and she is a tiny little thing now. The first couple that was out,the daughter/father duo was from my town here in OH and I knew he wouldn't have lost much,but I guess 80 pounds was respectable.But I was sure Curtis or Dan would win the $100,000,but Bernie snuck right in there and took it away!Hope Kelly gets her baby now!

And I wasn't suprised it was Priscilla who left on DWTS. Her dance was like slow motion this week and then she missed that turn,but then there were a lot of goofs this week. And if I had done that split,they would still be trying to pick me back I was more shocked that Jason/Cheryl were in the bottom,but think they are rotating the couples and they were not really the bottom other couple.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with some of you that they need a reunion show for BB,like Survivor and RR/RW Gauntlet and Project Runway.Rooowwwlll,that always gets interesting!The claws come out and the fur flies. We'd see just how much Sheila really loves her little family in there.

Anonymous said...

Ya know...that's a great idea. They do a reunion show after the Survivor winner is announced, why can't they do that for BB? It's the same network...don't cha think those producers could communicate? Anyone have any contacts at CBS? Let's get Allison on the phone! What's her number?

meb said...

rbennie and sue... wasn't it Janelle as F-3 with Ivette and Maggie... I vaguely remember we all thought that Ivette would at least have a chance with the votes with Janelle but not with Maggie. It all had to do with who was left in Sequester to vote...

RBennie said...

You may be right MEB - I couldn't remember if Janelle went out 3rd or 4th.

RBennie said...

Off Subject - Sharon - I know the weight loss is absolutely amazing on Biggest Loser. These people seem to keep most of the weight off too. They did some kind of reunion show a while back and people from past seasons still looked awesome.

dla said...


We wish you the best with your knee surgery... Takes many of us back to when we found you several years ago during your recuperation. :)

Also, thank you for the Rufus update! Always brings a smile! It has now been a year since I lost my fur kids, and I am taking a huge step (for me) and adopting three kitties from the NV SPCA. I have visited weekly for the last couple of months, and now waiting for one to be spayed and another to clear up an ear infection. Can't wait to bring the kids home, but always hold a soft spot for Roofus!

Kay, I am still chuckling! Would that not be the absolute BEST outcome tonight?!?

(((Nana in the NW))), I hope good news for Josie is on its way!

OFF TOPIC: I was THRILLED to see Ali win on The Biggest Loser. This was a very good season, with much success for th participants!

Anonymous said...

jackie re: your knee surgery. my sister had a total knee replacement and went home w/pt coming to her home 3 x weekly. later, after back surgery i went to rehab and my room mate had a total knee replacement. my room mate got the best care and rehab hands down. go to rehab......pat in fl

PlaidChick said...

Laurie-- you're right.. she wants the boys to do her dirty work for her, and is reminding them every other second that she's a single mom and deserves the money the most out of all of them. I don't want Sheila to win, and she stands about as a good as a snowball chance in hell in getting to final 2. She'll be nominated tomorrow ONLY if Sharon stays and wins HOH (not likely).

As much as I hate the floater game play, I have to say Sharon has played the best floater game play in all the BB Seasons.

So-- basically now I'm waiting for the 2-0 for Sharon to leave or the 1-1 tie for Natalie to leave. If Natalie does indeed stay, I'm going to LMAO when Beavis and Butthead lose to her (and they will) and Beavis says to Butthead: "We should of gotten rid of her dude."

Have you all read that Ryan aka Butthead did go to the DR after the A/R/S blowup and they gave him a run through of scenerios?? He wasn't called in, he just went in there and said he needed to talk to someone. He can't make his own decisions to save his own life. Jen probably has to hold his willy win he pees.

Anonymous said...

2:11pm in the house. Sheila is in a bed, quite sometimes and talking general chitchat at others. Sharon in room with her. Sharon reading the Bible. Camera zoomed in to show us what page, but i still couldn't see it well enough to tell you. Sheila was so quite, I didn't even know she was still in the room for a while. Natalie just walked through with her packed bag. It is so full the zipper is stretching, so perhaps it will all pop open when moved tonight. Unless it is the extra bag that goes into the SR. Nat and Sharon talking nice to as Nat passes through the room. Adam and Ryan each called to DR..not together. Sheila asking about comps and Sharon is answering her questions.

Adam just enters the room, Sheila brings up their fight, saying she would never call him an Fing Bi##. Now they are doing their Bickerson routine, making fun of each other and being funny about it. Mostly fun times, except it seems to be either one could cross the line quickly if provoked.

A little snippyness between them.

Laurie said...

Plaidchick, I think you are right about Butthead and Jen. She is the bright bulb in that relationship, not to mention the one with any life force. He is just a blob with a foul mouth to me.

Sue, the Bickersons is perfect. I think we all know couples like that and a lot of truth is spoken in jest when they get going.

It's 2:30 here in the west coast. Shouldn't the girls be primping and shouldn't Gnat be practicing her "Hi Julie". Made you hear her voice, didn't I? LOL ... hopefully we hear it for the last time tonight!

Zoetawny said...

Hi all!

Jackie, I had to enlarge it to see him, too. He looks like he owns that building. LOL I know your knee pain has been escalating for months now. It's good you can see that light at the end of the tunnel. It sounds like good timing with the vacation and time off during BB10. The most important issue is to take good care of yourself so you can be doing the Irish jig soon.

Well, it doesn't sound like Nat going is written in stone. I would like to see it be a tie vote with Sheila sending Nat to sequester. It would be even better if there was a double eviction. Guess we'll just have to wait until tonight. It's hard to tell when they are being truthful or playing someone.

I just tried to get the live feeds but there's only trivia now. Maybe BB is setting up the back yard.

Hope I can get online tonight while everyone is on.

Thanks Jackie, and all.

Donna in Alabama said...

OMG, Laurie, I did hear it! That is not funny...LOL

Okay, these are just ramblings of thoughts here:

Do any of you know why Natalie looks so different in the DR sessions they show? She is not attractive in them at all.

They talk about Team Christ and God's will and then almost in the same sentence or breath, they are using the F word and Bitch, etc. Everyone I know that proclaims to be a Christian and witness to others, do not ever use that type of language.

Natalie says she gave Sheila the HOH because she is a good person and WWJD etc. I think she gave it to Sheila too, but I think she was thinking ahead and only gave it to her so she could play for HOH this week. This week's HOH is more important than last weeks.

I too, think the chose was between Janelle and Maggie, because I was wanting her to win it.

I tried watching the live feeds on that website but Natalie and Sharon was having a tiff. Their voices, EEEKK! But they were talking on top each other, I don't know how Natalie could hear a thing Sharon was saying. I just had to not watch or listen. I do not know how you do it Jackie, but I really thank you that you do.

Zoetawny said...


OH NO! Just read your comment about Josie. :( I'm crying here for you and Josie. Maybe the options won't be as bleak as expected. It's good you have the 2nd graders to help take your mind off of the problem if only for a few hours. Keeping Josie and you in my prayers for the best outcome.

monty924 said...

I don't know, but I think the personal always comes into voting except for S7 (All-Stars) and S8 (America's Player). Here's my take on the jury voting history, and as always... only my opinion.

BB8 - Dick wins for two reasons. Everyone pretty much hated Daniele, and Eric was on the jury pushing for America's vote. Eric argued he played the better game, and even Amber said, "He's a piece of Sh!t, but he's an awesome piece of Sh!t." Amber was the most gullible one in there and I think Eric totally persuaded her to vote for ED.

BB7 - You had the best playing the game, people who truly appreciate the game of BB, and no way was Will not going to triumph in his argument that Boogie played the better game. Also, you had Danielle (S3) saying to not vote personal, based on her S3 loss.

BB6 - Maggie was a dirtbag, but she had the majority of the jury votes anyway. Again, personal. I don't think Maggie played any better game than Ivette. That was a toss-up year as well, and the lesser of two evils. My lesser would have been Ivette. JMO

BB5 - Drew and Cowboy, yes too close to call. It was personal though because Diane was the tie-breaker and she didn't do it because she thought Drew played a better game. She did it because she was still ga-ga over him even though he turned on her.

BB4 - Everyone hated them both, but they hated Allison more (again personal).

BB3 - Totally personal. Danielle played the best game by far and was nearly as good as Dr. Will on S2, but her mouth in the DR got her only one vote from Jason. Lisa didn't play all that great of a game compared to Dani.

BB2 - Well, what can you say about Dr. Will? Genius at the game, but people forget that Nicole was not liked at all that season. So this year is a toss up for me as well. They voted for Will for two reasons. Yes he was damn good, but just about everyone hated Nicole as well. Good game and personal for BB2.

I'm not sure this group would vote for Natalie, because if all four Evildoers are on the jury they have the votes. But, if I were in that house, no way would I take a chance on the jury voting for game play. If they do vote game play NN would win for sure. I don't see it happening though. Still I would GET HER OUT OF THERE TONIGHT! Its really their last chance.

Terry is a Texan! said...

Laurie....I cant STAND IT when Gnat sings out HII Juuuuuuuuuuuw-leeeeeeeeeee like she does, just like nails on a chalkboard...eeek!
I hope she goes, please let her go!!!

Laurie said...

Terry, I knew it would get to you when I posted that. Heck, it got to me so I had to share it.

Remember one year you had me voting for someone to come back or stay or be HOH or something? Was that BB or was it another show? Has there ever been any interactive stuff with the audience besides America's Player (choke) and voting Alex back in this year (which would have been great if it had worked)??

Are you waiting for the CA show or are you going to be here and watch it blogged?

monty924 said...

Sorry, just had one more thought on BB6. Rachel and Howie were the swing votes that year. Rachel basically said there was no way she would have voted for Ivette after Ivette's goodbye speech to Rachel when she was evicted. Rachel completey convinced Howie to vote for Maggie. If not the votes would have been have been flip-flopped and Ivette would have won BB6.

Now in honor of tonight's live show and eviction, and the BB9 boys, I'm having WAFFLES for dinner.

I can't wait for 8:00 p.m to come soon enough.

Nana, so sorry to hear the news about Josie. Keep positive thoughts!

Sydney said...

My head is swirling. Rbennie, I laughed as I read your opening line... my feeling exactly, In fact, I have not been able to read most of the last few posts... For one thing, I am swamped in my off blog life, and if I don't stop reading here 24 hours a day it will only get more swamped.. But it's really because why get all invested in what they say right now, as when we have a week like this to sit through til eviction, we know this group will spin off in every possible direction, come back to center, go around the block again and again and again.

Flip flopping is a part of this game, but seriously, has this been the way it's been in past shows? Has it always been this bad? I don't remember it being that way.

Jackie, I just wanted to say that your editorial comments are just getting funnier and sharper by the day. You slayed me with this post, especially in the last several notes at the end. Razor sharp girl!

Anonymous said...

OMG--how do you all remember who voted for who and who was in the F2 for past seasons??? I can't remember what I had for dinner last night!! LOL

Laurie--I will personally blame YOU when I start pulling my hair out because of the voice I am's not nice to play with a feeble person's mind!! LOL

I have always wished that the person who wins POV and takes someone off also gets to choose who goes up. I think you would see everyone playing for it instead of throwing it.

I also wonder--what the hell--when the HOH says they don't want "blood on their hands". That's the job of the HOH....nominate them and get someone out!!

Time to play chauffeur and run the grandkids to much for retirement!!!!

Jackie S. said...

Oh, Nana -- I'm so sorry to hear the latest on Josie. You and your beloved Josie will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope one of the options works out well for Josie. You know how I feel about pets -- they're a part of the family.

Terry is a Texan! said...

odd duck that I am I alays read the blogs first then if I feel like it I watch...if nat goes then for sure I will watch....
It sonly 30 days till the big cruise!!!! yeehaw!!!

Anonymous said...

Are Sheila and Adam acting when they do this? Or do they do it when alone, too? I know they had planned to act like they hated each other, to the other HGs.

If Sheila were smart, then she might try reverse psychology on Bevis and Butthead, by saying she doesn't want to break a tie, and thus assuring that they'll make her do just that. Otherwise I can't figure out why she would keep repeating the "blood on hands" thing because that is just so obvious - I mean, maybe she can just outright say to the guys Hey, will you do my dirty work for me? Maybe she's really being sneaky and doing it to annoy them so that they FOR SURE make her break it?

Sydney said...

I have to say that this is a fabulous list of comments today. I guess it takes an interesting bunch of people, starting with Jackie, to take the mush that passes for the events of the day in the BB house and make it into this kind of read here... Fun, and varied.

Nana, I just read your post now about Josie. I hope the doc says they can do something for her. If you try surgery again, could be lightly sedated far longer so that thing can fully heal before she's up and around as much as a dog wants to be? Might minimize her busting it over again. I will be waiting to hear what the doc says so let us know as soon as you do.

Dla, Great news!!! I am soooo excited to hear you are feeling like you can adopt a THREE babies... and how wonderful that you've gotten a chance to make relationships with them first, and they with you. They are very lucky little kitties!!!

Sydney said...

PS: Nana, I have to do the word verification always two times and many times THREE. So it ain't any easier of you have a google account.

Anonymous said...

4pm in the house, Sheila and Sharon are dressed for the show. Sheila still trying to clean..folding blankets, neatening things. She says she is tired and wishes she could nap, but can't rest. Adam in bed reading and itching. Maybe dressed for show, maybe not. It looks like he has dark muscle shirt on with the pink sheets. Ryan walks through Adam's room once in a while, but I don't see Nat on the cameras.

Unknown said...

I will have to hold my breath to see who will go next. It is not WWJD (what would Jesus do) it is WWRD (what would Rufus do), he is so serene on that roof! I love it!
I wonder how come Gnat does not do any more pole dancing? She sure went from one extreme to the other,
Stripping to preaching, I have never seen this done before, from the pole to the pulpit!

On DWTS, Priscilla Presley has had too much facial surgery, she is only 62 and have you seen you try to smile? Her face is like stone, She was a beautiful woman without the surgery.

Jackie, Knee surgery
I had knee surgery 18 months ago, I was so happy I did. The knee is very slow healing, but in the end no more pain is wonderful. I will keep you in my thoughts.

Laurie said...

Terry, I read the blog first and then watch the show, too. Usually I just watch Wednesday's show.

Everyone, the devil told me to mimic Gnat's voice. I believe that is who she has been listening to, too.

Next time I chat with you all the deed(s) will be done. Think of me whilst you watch Gnat leave!!

monty924 said...

The feeds are still on with less than an hour to go. That's unsual. Sheila looks really nice in her black dress. All the children are playing nice with each other, and I can't get a read on what Adam or Ryan will do.

Let's start the chant now:

Get rid of Gnat
Swat the Gnat
Go to sequester Gnat
Go boys go... make this happen
Buh bye Gnat

I'm ready for the show to start, LOL.

Unknown said...

Adam and his itching!
The other night on BBAD he was
itching his anus and the cameras
did a nice long close up of it!
My son (teenager) came in the room
and said,
"Ma, what in the heck are you watching"!!
Adam and his itchy A@$
on TV! I was embarressed!

joy n said...

Off subject Survivor bit: People TV Watch says that Yul Kwon of Survivor-Cook Islands, is engaged. He proposed to Sophie Tan on stage at a benefit concert for his Alma Mater. He gave her a 2.2 karat cushion cut diamond.

They met in Dec. 06. When he knew he was smitten, he gave her his immunity idol.

Anonymous said...

I'm debating whether to watch the show here, earlier than I usually do (west coast) and blog along, or to wait til 8pm here.

If I wait, then I'll have to not come to this page til after the show.

Oh, what to do, what to do??