The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. Please forgive any typos as this is being typed on the fly as I watch my television. As always, comments are very welcome!
Recap, the nominations ceremony all over again. And again, this time in black and white ... of course. It's Day 50. James thinks he'll be nominated each week unless he wins HOH. Joshuah thinks James is the real target. Natalie says James is her target -- she will send him not only to Chelsia, but to Mattie.
James feels he's on an island and it's taken an emotional toll. Sharon and Ryan think that James will go home. Ryan says if James doens't win POV, Joshuah is good. But then Sheila is telling James he should win POV. What's with that woman? She says it's her gut saying she will stay. Uh-oh, James thinks it means a lot to him.
Ah, but then she pep talks Joshuah. But James hears her lying! She is rallying evryone. Zippidee doo dah says Natalie trying to hush Sheila as James enters. "I'm the annoying houseguest who won't leave." -- from James.
Sheila tells Joshuah that James is a scary player and everyone wants him out of here. James walks in and catches her again. Now Sheila is saying how she's gald he heard it. Ryan and Adam seem to be disinterested in the long run with her.
James and the music ... he confronts her and mentions they said she feels better now. He calls her a twop-faced bitch. WOW. He was shaking all over. Although he can be scary, Sheila deserved to be caught in her lies, I think. She keeps doing this and needs to be called out on it. "Lying sack of ..." Of course, the black bikini underwear didn't help him much, nor the pink mohawk.
Now James is ranting at Natalie. He tells Natalie he doesn't have anyone to play with. He's losing his voice. "Let me be frustrated at her. What a two-faced bitch." Adam read the bible and stays out of it. Sheila isn't in the room. Whoops Adam is here ... you gunning for me, bro? That was odd. Adam yelled about them gunning for him and now it's cool, he'll go back to the bible.
Joshuah and James are in the kitchen. Josh tells James that today it got her -- he's told her she has to stop playing everyone in the house. James has real tears. It meant a lot to him when Sheila told him how much she supported him and then to be shooting him down behind his back.
He's crying, the first time since his dad died. I think his age is showing now. He's right -- they all want him out and he is all alone.
Veto player picking time. James is getting into his mental warrior zone where he needs to win, win, win. Nat chose HG choice. Joshuah chose Sheila's name, James got Sharon. Adam was funny on the couch waiting to be picked for host.
The backyard has small mini-replicas next to bigger items. BB Boardwalk, crazy objects from BB past and present. The answers are amounts. They can stay or fold. Folding you remain in the game. Confidence in answer can go to poiint, must be closest to real answer. First player to three points, POV.
The letter blocks -- how many blocks in cage? 992, Natalie won point. Joshuah and Sharon out in the first round.
The veto peace pins -- 930 - Ryan gets it, Natalie's out.
Tub of lard -- Sheila got it because James and Ryan folded.
Rubber balls in gumball machine -- Heh ... both folded and James got the point.
Links in chain -- Sheila and Ryan folded again, James in lead for POV. Again Ryan would have had it but folded.
Joshuah is staring at his feet.
Popcorn -- How many pounds in both big containers. 49 -- James had said 54 and Ryan 75. Sheila folded and was way off. James wins the POV!
Joshuah is sure he's over with ... the funeral is over and he just needs to be put in the ground.
James is doing a veto dance. He's happy again. But Joshuah is crying. Aww. He thinks that they'll put up Sharon. She's the saint and he's the sinner. Sharon tells us she cares about him. He tells her he wants to be left alone.
Natalie tells Sharon that she can't put up anyone from her side so she has to put her up. "I am the ultimate pawn." Now both Sharon and Joshuah are teary.
Ryan visits Sheila. Natalie keeps wondering why James has nine lives. She smiles even when she's upset. Joshuah tells Sharon and Sheila that he won't run around pressuring people. Sharon cries. Joshuah asks Sheila to take care of Sharon. More tears.
Ohhh... toilet cam! Sharon crying. Sheila pep talks her. And it's dawning on Joshuah that he should try to stay. He visits Natalie. He's asking her for one more week. He thinks he might get James and Ryan if she will break the tie. She agrees, then looks confused.
Sheila is still trying to calm down Sharon. Ryan thinks he and James will vote for Joshuah. He asks James, he agrees ... says they can't tell Sheila and Adam. Back to Ryan, Nat, and Joshuah -- Joshuah will protect them both. Two weeks, deal.
James is ready to d the veto meeting. Joshuah says he's had one philosopphy -- win comps and stay in the game. He lest himself down and doesn't deserve to be saved. Interesting sppech. He tells Sheila she can win comps if she puts her mind to it.
No surprise, she puts Sharon up because she wants to keep her side safe.
Meeting adjourned.
Confrontational, yet inspirational speech. Sheila is impressed. Hmmm...
Interesting contrast with Sharon and Joshuah reactions. She's thinking mothering him while he's thinking of getting her out of the house instead of himself.
Gnatalie should have still made a side deal w/James. She'd have nothing to lose...These people never think one step ahead. No strategy whatsoever.
Sheila is a whiny,sneaky,hag. Yikes. Now I understand why you need her gone so badly Jackie!
Go James! ~SharonS
James...PLEASE get dressed. Jeez.
I was reading the comments from earlier today and decided to respond to one from the last posting in this forum because I felt like what was said was something that should be considered.
RBennie said: "Do I believe that God cares one way or the other who wins BB9, no I don't. Do I think its okay for Natalie to believe that he's rooting for her, yes I do. We should all believe that God is in our corner. I guess the point I'm really trying to make is that however misguided Natalie may be with respect to religion and however much she may bend the words of the bible to fit her needs, I still think its a good thing that she's studying the bible at all."
You made some very interesting points in this post. And some insightful observations. I think it is commendable that Nat is reading the Bible. I think she is a babe in Christ, meaning she has not had the Bible explained to her and what different things mean. Paul said (Hebrews 5:12-14) that we all start out at as babes. We have to start on milk before we are ready for solid food. We become ready for solid food (the meaning of what the Bible says) by studying the Bible. She is at least trying. I hope she finds a good Bible based church with people knowledgeable enough to help her understand the meanings.
Natalie has said that she used to talk to God as a child because she felt like He was her only friend. I did not feel that forsaken, but thankfully I grew up knowing that God was in my corner. He loved me -- in spite of me sometimes.
God always answers prayers. Sometimes He says "No". One of the best sermons I ever heard was Ask God For What You Want. The minister said he always prays for a good parking space. Most of the times he got it. The minister told us that if God does not want you to have what you are praying for, or think you do not need it, He will say no. So, Nat is not doing any more than most of you, RBennie and myself do. She is praying for what she wants.
As far as thinking she is "one of the good guys", come on. Do any of you think you are one of the bad guys?
I will probably be bashed for what I have written, including the following but I believe that Natalie should not be mocked because she is reading the Bible. Okay, so she may be confused on a lot of what she reads, but how many religions disagree on everything from baptism to if they should have instruments in the church.
I think that the Bible has always been the only book allowed in the house with the exception of when Kaisar was there. They let him bring his book with him.
RBennie, I think you were right on when you stated the paragraph I copied. BTW, I always asked for a good parking place -- and most of the time, especially if I really need it, one opens up!
And again today I say......AMEN, well written Becky! God bless us one and all!
In case any parents are paying attention: Most of these people are the result of being raised incredibly spoiled and self-absorbed. They never grew up!
OMG its so funny seeing Josh
Here Here JB
Are they stranded on a snow-bound mountain decing which one of them gets eaten by the rest..or are they on some silly reality show? Hard to tell...
I love the "good cop bad cop" editing.
Well written Becky!
Glad to see somebody give Sheila some truth about herself. What a shrew.
Now I understand why Nat keeps saying, on the feeds, that she doesn't want to break a tie! She doesn't want to choose and be found out to be a BIG LIAR.
And Tom - I love reading your posts - I find them insightful and thought provoking.
Your transparency is refreshing - something this world could use a little more of.
James' speech to Sheila showed his humility.
becky...I like what you said and the way you are looking at one will ever be a perfect christian, because if you were you would be Christ. We all try and fail...its the trying that is what He wants.
Yeah Jackie! Josh went from tears to conniving against Sharon while Sharon cried for Josh to be leaving. She's very confident about just being a pawn, NOW. the same sentence?
I haven't watched tonight's show yet, so this post may duplicate something that was on it. Last night Sharon was talking about why she cried after the Veto. Of course, it was obvious she knew she would be going up again and the tension that brings. But, she said that she knew from something Josh and James did (a look or a convo, I don't know) that she wasn't really in their alliance. They were together and would fight to stay and that meant she was going home. At least that is how she explained it to Sheila. It was the realization she was third in line in that alliance.
Well, James is the only one playing this game, he spoke right. He's playing to stay alive, the others are playing to get rid of him. They are too smug. But please James, get dressed!
Poor, poor Josh. He thinks so highly of himself, let him think of how to get out of this mess. But, of course, he's going to throw his biggest ally under the bus. I really hope he goes. Please, please, let him leave - now.
Well said Becky. I know a lot of people love to knock so called bible thumpers down, but I think it's great Nat is at least reading the bible. She may be interpreting it in her own way, but at least she's reading it. There is no such thing as a perfect Christian. We all interpret the bible in different ways. The good thing is, we can all learn from each other, no matter how wrong we think each of us are.
Now, back to BB, I just do not want Josh in this house. Anyone making a deal with him is setting themselves up to lose. JMO
How random was that veto competition? James played it smart.
ps. I loved his 'Happy Dance' this time to music, lol! :)
sue--that's not the only alliance Sharon is third in line....Nat/Sheila/Sharon. If she doesn't go home tomorrow her days are numbered in the BB house.
Please God sent Joshy home this week.
Kudos to James for being smart in the POV game. But I still want him gone next week.
Go Ryan!!
Nana NW-So happy to hear Josie is doing much better.
I have been away for a few days and just had the opportunity to go back on the blog and catch up.
My hubby and I were at Staples last night. There was a display of new Sharpie Pens. People have been trying them out on the display. It read: Natalie was here. It made me laugh. Tonight I was checking out youtube and there is a clip on there showing Gnat drawing...I could not help but laugh and think of the Sharpie pen display. I must say, Gnat is a pretty good artist from what I saw. She made her Matty a b'day card. I was glad to hear it was a b'day card and not some anniversary card of some kind.
So, Adam is running out of cigs? This might turn him into something we don't want to witness...more scratching, yipee!!! Just what we need to see more of. With any luck, after next week we will not have to put up with the habit of his.
At this point, does Ryan have any fingernails left? I swear he constantly has them in his mouth...Yuck!
In case some of you still are wondering what James tatoo is on his is a crying priest holding a gun to his head, with a thought bubble above his head with a picture of two guys having sex. The chest one is a picture of the Brawny guy with the saying Prestigious "C". Hopefully he will win enough money for some removal work done. The tie has to go for sure!
Good night.
Is it just me, or is this time for an HOH intervention? Can someone keep Sheila out of Natalie's HOH like Will kept Danielle out of the HOH? That was a classic night during that season.
Okay, I'm wanting one because I want Josh to stay and I want Sheila gone sooner that later! I think Josh, at the least, deserves to stay over Sharon because he brought her back into the game. She was evicted once already. I know, I'm being hypocritical (in case anyone thinks so) because I'm a James fan. He was evicted too, but at least he is playing his butt off trying to stay in the game.
I TiVo'd the show as the husband and I went out for good ole Dallas Tex-Mex!
I have been feeling like crap lately. The weather is crazy here. Hot and humid, funnel clouds, and just prayed it would rain so my headache would stop, but it went around us. It was cooler today, but more rain is suppose to come, according to my head, and I'm a crazy walking weather barometer.
I have figured out that when Natalie starts talking really fast to someone she's lieing. I didn't see the lead up to the James/Sheila fight, but did see the fight, and I would of gone off on her too. The veto comp was unbelievable, and James played a damn good game. I was so pissed when none of them congratulated him except Adam. James really is in there on his own.
Case and point of Natalie not playing for herself: "I'm not sending James to Chelsia this week, nor for Mattie's birthday." GIVE IT UP!!!
Nana: Glad to hear you baby is feeling better. When Emma had her leg amputated, I had her set up in my bedroom with a heating pad, and hand fed her with a spoon. Those first few weeks she was quite spooked, but she learned how to jump and play and run, and runs all over this house like she has all four legs.
Zoe: I flipped out when I noticed when one of our cats third eye-lid showed itself. I was just positive he had a stroke, but some eye drops, and some steroids, and the "Elderly Statesman Mr. Fats" went on his way. Glad to hear Zoe just has allergies.
josh is a bigger dog then james! big brother really needs to make some changes for the next round. in the next big brother maybe they should let the viewers decide who goes on the block when the power of veto is used. or, the person who wins power of veto gets to choose! -jeannemarie
YEah, not a big Josh fan.
BEcky, I will chime in with the well saids...
Lars, Nice pic. You look just like I imagine and I'm cheering you on for your hockey career.
Tom 's. WE love you!
Sue -- interesting to hear wh you felt Sharon was really crying. It would be nice if she got a backbone and stepped up to try to save herself. You don't have to be as ruthles as Josh but MAKE SOME DEALS girl! At least attempt to get a girl alliance going.
And shelia-- while I give her credit for the pep talks to ppl like Allison and Sharon -- proof that at times she is NOT all about herself -- I still feel something is off in her motives or it feels disingenuous. Don't want to judge her as a whole but in the house at least, she's a hot mess. But that could be a case made for several in there.
And Nana -- so glad to hear about Josie, keep the reports coming.
Jackie, I finally found the pic everyone is talking about. It's GREAT! Thought your questioneer was about as funny as I've read from you so far. I swear, your next gig could be joining the female writing greats from SNL...
Nana in nw, you are right about the order of Sharon's alliances. There may be a whole new #1 alliance in the house by tonight. Tonight's vote will be a game changer (not epic, but it will out where people stand as opposed to what they say) For example, we know that Ryan is in with Josh, but Nat thinks Ryan and she are together. So Ryan's vote will be interesting. I am sure he has an excuse ready for whichever side he doesn't go with.
If Adam and Ryan vote for Josh then they both have alot of explaining to do to Sheila and Natalie. Oh no, more words. And Sheila has already met her quota. Or are they afraid not to vote with James?
Before the vote it appears to be the guys against the girls, but since the viewers are seeing the secret alliances, we know there are multiple sub-voting cultures growing.
Natalie will have her HOH blog entry and I want to read it. I haven't read any of the others yet.
I had a meeting yesterday, I walked into the room and introduced myself and the woman stood up and said, Hi I am Sheila. I just stared at her. Then recovered myself and we talked business. I didn't mention TV or BB. But for a second there I thought of about 20 things I could have said to her.
sydney said: interesting to hear wh you felt Sharon was really crying.
I am not at all sure that was the real reason...just what she was telling Sheila and Natalie to explain why she was going to their side. lol
At this point, I am not sure any of them know what their true feelings are. All any one of them can see is the half million carrot at the end. Sharon said the other night, when she was talking about who had money, that no one gives up their life and comes into the house unless they really want the prize. Which might have been the only true statement given by any hg in BB9.
Jackie~ can you shed some light on the tattoo James has on his chest? The one they always blur so you can't see it. Dying to know...
One observation about Sheila: In the house/on the feeds her voice is so annoying. Not only does she talk incessantly but the tone of her voice and often the volume can go right through your head. Nothing everyone hasn't said there. The funny thing (I think) is that when she knows she's "on TV" (as in the live show, and often during competitions) she has this low key, almost soft, sweet sounding voice. What is up with that? It just sounds so fake to me. I really notice it when she talks to Julie and last night she sounded that way when she answered the questions in the POV. Something's very strange with her. LOL, again, that's not a new observation!
For anyone who cares to take a closer look at James' tatoos. Beware:View at your own risk. Some people may find them to be offensive.
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