The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. Please forgive any typos as this is being typed on the fly as I watch my television. As always, comments are very welcome!
My live feed report has gone up over on TV Squad, but the show is ON!
Julie is in tan again with a black blazer ... no boots and summer color shoes.
We're recapping, of course. Sharon is nominated in B&W again and the meeting is officially adjourned. Sharon feels pretty safe, loves Josh, will be hard for him to be gone. Sheila thinks Sharon and Josh have bonded emotionally. Natalie hopes Josh can't get the votes on his own so she doesn't have to be the executioner. She tells him she doesn't want to be the tie-breaker. He wonders if she'll keep her word.
Josh does his crying act to get Adam's sympathies. He wants to eat, cry, cry. Adam is indeed receptive. Joshuah tells us that he can cry on cue and would be a great soaps actor. He definitely does it better than I can. Adam is totally buying the act.
In the pool with James and Natalie nearby, she tries to secure her safety. James says he doesn't owe anybody anything, but will talk to her when the time comes. She doesn't know if Josh will keep her word.
Natalie tells Sharon that Josh is trying to make a deal with her to keep him in a tie. She tells Sharon she will keep her. They go to Sheila. Sharon tells her James and Josh are trying to get her out of the house. Sharon won't start drama with the guys, but the girls decide to stick together. Natalie tells us if she wants to keep the girl power together, she has to go to Adam and Ryan to make sure they vote out Joshuah.
Ryan is worried that Sharon will put him on the block if she stays. Ryan doesn't trust her, but we know he has an alliance with Josh. Natalie tells Sharon that Ryan doesn't trust her. Sharon tells Ryan she's never been gunning for him, but Joshuah and James are.
Sharon tells Ryan she has his back. Ryan tells us she could be a good ally and is a very trustworthy person. He tells her it's done. Natalie goes for Adam pushing the Sharon agenda, as in keep Sharon. She warns him not to tell James or Joshuah. Ryan, Natalie, and Adam plan to evict Joshuah out but fake they aren't.
James and Joshuah talk by the pool. James is shocked that Natalie told Josh she would vote to keep him. Josh's mom in a letter segment.
Sheila tells us she wants to bond with Sharon. Ryan also talks about keeping Sharon. Huh ... when it's that blatant in the DR voting thought previews, it usually flips in the real vote. They like to lead us astray. However, last week the preview vote DRs were all against Chelsia and it was unanimous for her to go. I don't think the total animosity of the house is as against Josh. We'll see!
Julie checks in with the HG. They scream with delight. She asks Sheila about her toughts about James -- intelligent, playing a good game and gave her good advice. James tells her he wanted to succeed in pumping her up. Adam, witnessing tears, how has he stayed calm. He just has a level head. Joshuah comments on never talking to Julie. Struggles -- hard to campaign against such a great person. He doesn't want to stoop that low. Sharon still loves him, best friends outside the house. Natalie had to yell bye Julie at the end.
Joshuah's Mom -- Josh is Josh, always been the life of the party, she's never seen the outbursts, think it's an act. She's never heard him use language like that. Sometimes she just wants to wring his neck, it's embarrassing, he's not like that. She says it has to be his strategy. HIs parents seem like good people and Josh attended proms, played football and such in school.
Adam thinks Sharon will turn the girls against the guys. But he also wants Josh to leave. James wants him to stay. And it's commercial time!
HOH room with Nat talk -- looking at Matt's picture? Good times and memories and how she misses him. She thinks Mattie was ecstatic about Chelsia being sent there. She says Matt's not her boyfriend, so he can do what he wants. Closest ally now is Ryan. The letter from home, brought the family closer together ... God used to tell her she would keep the family together.
Nominees talk. Sharon is thankful, if it's her time to go, fine, but if not she'd be happy to stay. Joshuah says it's dsfunctunctional and as much as he hates them, he loves them. Rooller coaster ride, one more turn please.
The voting:
Sheila votes to evict Joshuah
Ryan votes to evict Joshuah
Adam votes to evict Joshuah
James votes to evict Sharon
Its official 3-1, Joshuah is evicted. Into commercial before telling him.
Josh gives them an inspirational speech about being true to themselves. He urns down a hug from Natalie. Sharon is hysterical. He gives Julie a big smile. If Sharon doesn't get her act together she has no chance in HOH. James is looking like a deer in the headlights.
Josh tells Julie he's really a good person and he didn't want to go out with a bang like Chelsia. He thinks he was voted out because he's stronger than Sharon. Julie brings up his mean side. He says he was provoked because they were mean to others. He stands up for the rights of everyone else. The acting ability ... he always wanted to be on soap operas. He's proud of himself.
James goodbye -- he did have his back. Tears, other people broke word. Ryan thinks he did too much damage in past. Nat loves him (fake gunshot to head), Sharon will fight in his honor, will have vengeance in his name. He's pro James and Sharon.
HOH comp -- Booths in the yard. Counting everything in the house. The comp is "More or Less" -- things around the house. Adam looks upset.
More or less than 25 table lamps - less. Sheila got it wrong, all others apoint
more or less 30 tree trunks in DR -- Sharon and James get a point
75 pillows -- 87 Sharon, Sheila and Adam get a point
37 total picture frames in house -- more 40, all wrong
Shraon in lead with three points
logs in fireplace, all right
119 mirros! I know this one! Sharon, James and Adam tield for lead.
Pullout drawers
ADAM won HOH again. Amazing. Sharon and Natalie are all over him within moments. I think the nominations can be predictable... I say Sheila and James! Somebody and James! Anybody and James. I think he's sure to nominate James and hopes he puts Sheila up there.
West Coasters can watch the air show live when it's on in the East at or
I don't know about anyone else, but I love Josh's eyerolls. He cracks me up with his facial expressions. I think he's headed to sequester tonight! :(
My husband is watching the Josh cry for the first time, and is laughing hysterically
Thanks plaidchick. Neither one is working for me. That's okay. I'll sit here and read it as Jackie blogs it.
See Natalie is talking fast.... UGH!!!!! They should ALL turn on her and force her to break the tie...
Someone get me some dramamine, all this flip flop makes me dizzy
I'm sorry Laurie, one I posted last summer worked for Nana in the NW....
There goes Ryan again. Whoever talks to him last......
No problem plaidchick. I read some of the running commentary and it appears a lot of people are getting the blue screen. I did get a message about overload on one of those sites.
Holy Flip-Flop Batman!
Sharon SHOULD be making deals FINALLY! Glad to see it. And they all CAN trust her, yes even you Ryan.
I hate to say it...though Adam has hygiene problems galore, he looks more and more like a decent person...
What a show.
Gnat woories so much that no one will keep their word to her. Maybe it's because she never keeps her word to them. DUH!
After those two DR's (Ryan and Sheila) it sounds like they are getting rid of Josh. That's usually a sign that they are keeping the one they are saying will go.
Who knows with this bunch. plaidchick, I have some dramamine. Maybe I should pop one. I'm sinding some dramamine vibes your way. :) These folks are hard to figure out. But, that makes the drama all more fun.
I agree with you Jackie... too much information that Sharon is staying, which probably means, she's going.
OK, I'll risk saying that this is more like how I'd dress Julie. I don't love the chunky jewelry, but she must --- or her frame is so slight that she may need it to stand out. BUt I like the classy, elegant, adult look for her... Calvin Kelin-y wiht a bit of hip, I guess because so many of those who watch are young and maybe she needs to stay relate-able to the demographics of the audience.
I LOVE Josh's parents!
This group never ceases to amaze me.
Well, at least we know that Chelsia's family are not the only ones living in a cloud where they can't see their kid for what they really are.
I wanted to tell Josh's mother, Honey, someone does not turn from being a perfect, adorable angel to someone that "I could just wring his neck". They do not walk into a house and all of a sudden start cussing, being devious and being a general horses patoot. As Dear Abby would say, "Wake up and smell the coffee. Your son is not a nice person.
Well, at least they didn't do a snow job with Josh's family His parents were astonished at what they are seeing. He was a really good looking kid.
Nice, short speeches for the most part this season.
This iwll be interesting. Shelia's up first... let's see...
Ryan was smart to evict Josh. Adam's will be telling... BUh BYE JOSH!!!!
Bummed... Well maybe the girls can pull it off. Blech! I want James to win. Sad!
And James is once more left out of the loop. I so hope he wins HOH.
HOORAY! Sharon is safe. I only feel this way because of how Josh sat right there and lied to Julie on National TV when everyone knew he campaigned his butt off against Sharon this whole week. JERK! Glad he's gone!
Josh will go out in shock. Just can't trust anyone. Glad Sharon is staying though.
I love the fact that the HG's have put an end to the fake hugging and we love you crap this season.
Its about time... actually long overdue!
A huge superiority complex.
Gnat needs your vote, Sharon. You're useful until the guys are gone. Then you're expendable, too. Gnat knows for sure she'll win against Sheila but not you.
Hope James wins HOH and shakes up the house again.
Wow, Joshie's exit interview was a leetle beeet self promoting wasn't it?
"I hope people can learn from me"
"I was the strongest"
Now if only Ryan and Adam would stop being so dumb. Maybe, by some miracle, they'll catch wind of the plot to sweep them out the door
i fixed hoh so james gonna answer thee questions all right yeppers u guna see
Well CRAP!!! James is doomed.
Holy Shite Batman! Someone bring me the puke bucket!
That Blows......
Double eviction week maybe???!
Love that how for all the counting things around the house that Natalie was obsessed with, they chose to have this challenge when she wasn't able to play.
Bye, bye James!!
Oh, Lord, another HOH run by Gnat.
I guess you kinda want to have HOH at this stage, right? The numbers are so low, you have a target on your back no matter what you do, whereas in the beginning it puts you in the position to be targeted.
That was a shock. Expected James or Sharon to win. This will be another interesting week.
New Criminal Mind NEXT
Natalie will try to run his HOH, and he will put up James and Sharon for sure. I so want him to put up Sheila.... please Adam grow that backbone! I'm begging you!
Sydney, how right you are:
"they chose to have this challenge when she wasn't able to play"
Seems about right though for BB to do that. I do not think it was coincidence!
And... I'm even more bummed that we didn't get to see the 'edited' version of the pranks from last weekend. BB you missed an opportunity of a lifetime to air them last night on April Fools day. If they show any of it now, it will be more old news. Find some new producers, please. I will never buy that they didn't have enough time to put it together for the Tuesday show. Ugh!
Oh dear, the women will be all over Adam. I wonder if Sheila will get scared again and ask to sleep in HOH.
Let's all send vibes to Adam to put up Sheila. Ready?
Put up Sheila...Put up Sheila...Put up Sheila...Put up Sheila...Put up Sheila...Put up Sheila...
Well, James will be nominated because that's what Gnat will tell Adam to do, and Adam always does what she tells him to do. James will have to win another POV comp. Of course, they may collectively develop a brain this time and try to backdoor him, but he still would have a shot at winning the POV while he was off the block and then, not use it.
lMy guess is Adam will put up James and Sharon. Knowing that if James wins POV he can replace him with Sheila. Good way to get rid of her without putting her up in the beginning. I don't think he has the b*lls to put her up first.
plaidchick--thanks for the link. I was able to see the comp. on
Obviously, Adam is the only one that listened to Nat. when she was constantly telling her group the number of things!
It was sad to see everyone in the KT at the end of the show except James...he was be himself in the bedroom.
Laurie and MOnty I join your chant -- put up Shelia. Alas, Adam will never do that since she was his partner. Lucky for her.
There's still hope for James.
No video of Chel. going to sequester??? Damn!!
Laurie--I'm chanting...Put up Sheila, Put up Sheila...can you hear me??
i look forward to the sequester scenes....none yet? thats just wrong....I want to see Matt's face when he sees Chelsia and Josh
Ok Lauire me too.."Put up sheila" I think Adam has a chance at this thing!
Like his brother says...he is smarter than yo think.
Its supposed to rain here tonight, so Julie will be back in the winter wear Jackie!
I haven't watched yet. Multiple reasons why, one being the nasty weather rolling through. I was hoping there would be sequester scenes, too. I had to check in here, Jackie, to see who did what to whom and how.
I have a question. If James had not evicted Matt, would Natalie feel differently about James? Would she have aligned with him? I don't know the answer and am just curious about opinions on it. I have forgotten who else was up that week and if there was a good reason to get him out. Did James target Matt to upset Nat?
Matt was up against Ryan the week he got evicted. Sheila was up first with Ryan, but James took her off and backdoored Matt. Don't think there would have been a relationship between James and Natalie regardless, the line was drawn in the sand between the two groups long ago. James made everything happen with such a vengance once he came back into the house and won HOH (and I can understand why some think that he had the right)but he made enemies of everyone else doing it. Perhaps Sharon is still on his side, I would think that is it. He will have to pull off another POV to last. I for one hope he is going home this next week. Natalie, Ryan or Adam for me. Have a nice night folks.
you left a lot of stuff out in that story.
WHOOHOO! Josh is gone...just had to peek.
Thanks for posting the site but guess I'm too late. Shoot!
I'm waiting just like you. ;)
Are you in sunny Cali? It's threatening rain at 58 degrees but not a drop here yet.
We "fashionistas" always comment on Julie's outfits. VBG I didn't think she dressed young OR hip this season. She must have a new wardrobe person. I haven't seen what she's wearing yet tonight but I agree that too big junky jewelry doesn't look right on a slight frame. Or is that in style now and I'm not hip enough to know it ;)
Can't wait to hear Josh's self aggrandizing speech. He really thinks he's "all that" doesn't he? From what I'm reading here at least his parents aren't in denial.
So, Adam's the man again, huh? Wish we could send a banner plane over the house telling him to put Sheila up and not to listen to Gnat. Maybe Adam was tighter with Mattie than we realized and it's not just Gnat's manipulation. You can bet Sheila will play with Adam's head not to put her up.
I'm looking forward to a new Criminal Minds episode tonight, also.
10 minutes to go. Thanks for sharing your insights and opinions.
Take care of that knee!
Hey Zoetawny! Yes, I'm in SoCal and so is Terry. Are you? I'm in San Diego and Terry is in the Inland Empire.
No rain for us, even though they said it would be here this afternoon. Now they are saying maybe midnight.
Well, the show is on for us now.
Is it just me or does Josh have his "real" voice, and then his "fake" voice when trying to sound like he is a good person, or dare I say...preacher voice...just a thought. I guess it's James and Natalie, James will win. JV in KC
I think Sharon totally threw that HOH competition tonight. She was tied with both James and Adam so what better way to take the nomination pressure off of her than throw it to either one of those two guys. It might come back to bite her in the behind.
I know I am late to the game on commenting (and maybe someone already has said this so excuse) but why will not these people and I use that loosely like realize that all they did tonight in voting 3-1 is make Nat look innocent when James pulls it out once again, she can blame it on Ryan and all, and Sheila if she wanted to start playing I would have so voted to keep Josh, since she knew how the others were going to vote and she could easily pin it on Ryan or Adam and still be ok with Nat and make her break the tie. I think this may or is like it was when Janie was on the show and everyone was against her and she kept pulling it out. And the good people you would think would realize they need a bad person next to them to win with the jury. I swear If they let Fat people on this show I would kick butt HA :) Always love reading your blogs Jackie, you RULE in any house!!!!
I don't think I can tolerate another week with Gnat I mean Adam as HOH. These past 3 weeks have already been excruciating enough. I'm done.
PS: obviously Adam himself has some form of autism, so it's not surprising that he's good with numbers -- I knew he would win, didn't everyone else?
About time! I don't understand why he (Josh) thinks he played so much better and is such a better person than anyone else. He has such a high opinion of himself. I'm wondering if he is really insecure? He did things in that house, too. No more than anyone else. Such a fake. Cute when he was little. He needs to take so humility classes though. Get of the "I'm better than you" box.
Didn't Sharon know that Josh was trying to throw her under the bus? I don't get it.
I think they wanted to make Josh think Sharon was going. He sure tried really hard to get them to run over Sharon. I think his last comments before the vote was the deciding factor. If he weren't so darn arrogant, he might come across as more of a trusting person.
I will say one thing though, if Natalie is in the final 2, she will not get any of their votes. LO.
And, Becky, I agree with you. I did like Josh's parents, but I've met too many kids like Josh. They're one way around their parents and completely opposite away from them. I think Josh comes off as mean and cocky. His parents have never seen him that way. Probably because they don't want to. I'm sure he's a not that bad of a guy, but he sure came across as an arrogant **s!!
As far as James goes - he's put himself out of the loop by losing his temper way too often. And targeting people he said he wouldn't. Does he really believe Josh is his only ally? HA!
If people remember, Josh and Sharon started it all, followed by James and Chelsea. They targeted certain people and everyone went in line and followed. Then when they got rid of the people they couldn't stand, they targeted those who helped them. When you lose control of a game, you always think you're being targeted. Natalie and the others are targeting James because he did target them first. I truely believe if he had not went back on his word and targeted Matt, things would really be different. JMO
Well it looks like I need a new crystal much for my prediction of who was leaving and in which order, but it makes me happy. Josh walked tonight, YES! I still have hope that James can go all the way.
Now, if we could get rid of Sheila...that would be a hell yes for sure. Add me to the vibe chant of Adam putting up Shelia. That would be sweet to see her walk. Chelsia would make her life living hell in the SH.
Will James win another POV and save himself? I hope so. That would peave Ryan off just a little more. I could read Ryan's facial expression when James gave his last POV talk. It looked like Ryan wanted to send James out of the house with his fist or put him in a headlock. Too funny!
Jackie-great call on Gnat putting up her artwork online to sell. Also one other question for you Jackie. What if I do not have paypal or a credit card to send funds to you? Is there a PO Box to mail a money order to you at?
I had to giggle at my mother last night. She has Alzheimer's. She never watches BB and it is rare to hear her use foul language. She looked over at me and said "What the hell is wrong with those people? They are more confused than I am on any given day. Someone needs to slap the shit out of them or try to knock some sense into them anyway". Maybe you had to be here or know her to get the just of it all, but it was funny to hear her talk that way.
Good night and GO JAMES and SHARON!!!
Patty, I know the 'you have to laugh or you cry' humor. I was with my mother in law, in the hospital. She was watching more tv than she ever had before. She was seeing one of the morning shows and said almost the same thing about one of the female hosts who thinks very highly of herself. This proper lady got right to the heart of the it and saw through all the self glorification the tv host was spewing. We changed the tv to Animal Channel. : )
patty -- I totally get it, and how funny it was to hear her say that! My mother has had ALz/dementia for about 13 years and though she hasn't been able to speak that many words in a row that make sense like your mom, she has come up with some zingers, seemingly out of nowhere!
haven't had a chance to see the show yet...the family all came over and hung around till late, but will watch it today. of course i had to read all this to find out what all went down. I am soooo glad josh is out of the house. i agree that he probably puts on the "momma's boy" garbage around his parents then leaves their presence and is the josh we all know and are repulsed by. as far as james being an can only feel so sorry for him. do you think for one minute that if he and chelsia had remained in any kind of power he would be worrying about whether or not the others were comfortable? he was hardly the nice guy. if i remember correctly when he was on top he found great pleasure and humor at how "stupid" everyone was. just can't get the sympathy up for him. his anger is at the SAME behavior he exhibited when he thought he was king of the hill. he wants to be known for great game long as he is on top. if he's not on top, he yells foul. crazy crazy james.
monty924....i agree totally with you on the way the houseguests aren't doing the whole fake hug-hug-kiss-kiss goodbye! that used to look ridiculous!
i don't know if its such a smart thing to get rid of sheila right now. it would be the NICEST thing to get her OUT of there..but maybe not the smartest. she would be a great person to have around for the final two...great for the one who would be up against her for the win. who would vote for sheila to win?
i still think our little gnat is a little smarter than we have been giving her credit for....time wil tell.
THANKS Jackie for all your work!!
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