As I await my most recent live feeds report to go up over on TV Squad, the show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! A full review of the show will be posted late tonight on TV Squad. Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!
Oh, great. Blogger has put word verification on updating my entries. I'm not a happy person here.
We're in the recap phase and updates to the entry will be slower than usual. They're talking about Joshuah's eviction and his inspirational speech. James knows they're taking out the people closest to him.
Day 56 in the house, Sharon is crushed with Joshuah's eviction. She said he brightened up her days. She sys she's from a military family and they don't cry as she wiped away the tears. Adam said she wialed and we'll see what she's made of now, Marine.
B&W recap of the HOH comp time. I bet Adam will win! And, he does. Natalie had a drream, God speaks to her or something. James is very upset, it really really sucks.
Sharon hates everybody there.
Team Christ has got it going on for Natalie. She's thrilled to deat. Once you have the power of Jesus, you never go back ... or something like that.
James is getting really aggravated and Sharon wants to go think. James comes up with various scenarios. Sheila thinks she has had enough abuse... if Adam puts her on the block, she'll really be hurt. Adam tells us she might be the pawn. "Most truth is spoken through jest, my friend." She still gets ticked.
Adam's HOH room ... more pictures, pics of his homies, no baby food, but a letter from home. His mom wrote how many are rooting for him. She closes her eyes every time she sees him picking his nose. He tells us he's a single guy. His roommate was responsible for the baby food.
Natalie and Adam are suspicious as Sheila is outside with Sharon and James. Natalie says it should go James, Sharon, then Sheila out of the house. Ryan says Sheila is expendable.
James talks to Adam. Adam thinks James is down and out and has nobody. He feels bad. James goes to his alter-ego Crazy James and runs around making power faces in the windows. He thinks he's going to win this game.
My word verification is ditsi. @@
The entertaining music is on and they're toilet papering Sheila's room. OLD FOOTAGE! It was when Joshuah was in the house although we're just seeing James, Ryan, and Adam. Sheila took it well. Natalie hides in the garbage pail to scare her. She thinks they're up to something. James is sneaking up with flour. Now Sheila is mad.
Adam told her they did it because they love her. She tells us she doesn't get upset with all the pranks, it's no big deal. IN a weepy moment she talks to Adam about having a dream that her son was in the yard. She tells us how hard it is. Adam says he misses his family, but it must be harder without her son ... so he will ehlp her out. She cries more for us in the DR.
She thinks Adam "gets her" more than anyone else in the house. He's the only one who she can trust and talk about her son to.
Sharon thinks her strategy is to lay low. Ryan talks to her about working with her. He said he'll try to talk Adam into putting Sheila up instead of her. Ryan and Sheila, nicest people to the final two.
So he goes to talk to Adam who has a stupid grin on his face. Ryan thinks a three-person rotation -- Sheila, Sharon, James is in order. Is Adam rceptive? Hard to tell.
Mama Sharon is takling James under her wing.
It's time for the food comp. Ryan needs to get off slop. In the yard there's a huge inclined ramp with stuff on it ... mashed potatoes. You have to sling mashed potatoes. Must build pathways for the gravy down slopes into tubes which are for food groups. 3 luxury items can be earned -- feast, barbecue, outdoor toys. "Adam and Ryan are whales on the ramp," says James.
This is very messy, but very different, too. They got meat and fish first. Then desserts and snacks. Natalie wasn't ready when Sheila poured gravy. Adam moved James train to outdoor toys instead of fruits and vegetables. They got bread and pasta. They got the BBQ grill. They're very messy.
They missed out on fruits/vegies/beer and soda and a feast. Everybody is happy.
Nominations today says the plasma screen. James wants to open up to Adam and point out that he's never done anything wrong to him. Adam said "I don't want my boy to be on the island. It hurts my feelings." Ryan eavesdrops and reports to Natalie. They say that Adam has to put James up.
Adam tells Ryan he's thinking of putting up Sheila and Sharon. Ryan calls Natalie up and she threatens to smack him upside the head. They double team Adam. He just has his silly grin on. Nat and Ryan are getting upset.
Natalie is worried that James will win POV, save Sharon and either her or Ryan will go up. He's a bum and a con artist, says she.
James talks to him again. He says either thing he does is a big risk. Why did you vote me back in the game if you didn't want to work with me? Sheila is bitter, thinks James is a troublemaker. Natalie heard her name from downstairs and joins them. James said he said she voted him back in. James said he's only asking Adam, not Natalie. Adam tells him it's too little too late in the whole game. Natalie tells him that he's negative and mean to people. He breaks down. It's Adam who consoles him.
Adam looks like he's redy to cry. He tears up. Natalie consoles him, but you can tell it's not affecting her like Adam. The tears were real, haven't cried like that since last week ... er, when his father died when he was 14. It just sucks.
Adam tells him he knows he can win POV. Adam tells him he won't be on the block if he promises not to use the POV if he wins.
Adam is considering his nominations by staring at the memory wall and gathering the keys. Adam thinks he has to think what's best for him, not what's best for everyone else. Ryan wants him to nominate James or he or Natalie will end up on the block.
Time for the nominations ceremony. Ways to go, options, personal safety, group safety, passion for the game.
Key order -- Natalie, Ryan, James. Sheila looks disgusted, Natalie looks confused. Sharon and Sheila are nominated for eviction.
Adam will fast forward the motions if James won POV. This will put fire into everybody to play POV. If you want James out, win POV. James made a promise. Sheila is heartbroken. Adam just wants everybody to play. Sheila thinks Adam stabbed her in the back over and over again. Ryan thinks Adam's noms are cowardly and spineless. "Adam is a frickin idiot! Like the mashed potato river, but with tears" -- Natalie. Ryan thinks he won one friend and lost three.
Oh, Gnattie, you're gonna have so much to answer for.
Yeah right, James is now fighting now for Joahua... not!
On YouTube, Gnat said Ryan was after Sharon.
Ah, James, just not meant to be.
ditsi? Jackie, maybe GOD is sending you a message about Gnat!
And if you believe that one, Sharon........
Did anyone know that Shiela's a SINGLE MOM?
Oh...And she's playing for her son!
What a fun food comp!
anckw - something Roofus would want to do if he had to stay in that house.
I like Momma Sharon. She doesn't seem as ME focused as the others.
In spite of his disgusting habits I think Adam is a caring person. I think I would like it to be Adam and Sharon at the end.
I thought of why they maybe they haven't had a double elimination. Maybe they are taking it down to the last three. Survivor switched to having three in the finals a couple years ago.
As much as I find Adam distasteful, I'd rather see him win than the Gnat or She-witch.
Yeah, Ryan, get Gnat up there to double punch old Adam. Ryan's too wussy to do it on his own.
I think James' tears were real. He was really breaking down.
Uh....Waaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaah!!!
They didn't show the whole scene there in the HOH. On YouTube it showed Gnat screwing up and saying she wouldn't screw the others over until the f2. And Adam is still doing Gnat's bidding. Sheesh!
Until they would be getting down to the final 2, that is.
Adam took a gamble in not nominating James and he won.
Unfortunatly, not for long. If only James had won that damn POV.
Natalies eyes at that table when James' key came out were FIERCE!!
And Ryan is right, he made a friend and pissed off his three allies, whether or not I am rooting for James. How can that not come back to haunt him badly???
Didn't we learn that Adam and James made a deal that James would not use the POV and change who Adam nominated if James won the POV???
Anyone watching the fantastic mini-series on John Adams (HBO)?
I cannot believe they played the "prank" footage tonight. Josh was a big part of the TP'ing and they managed to edit it out to look like it just happened, and it was only James, Adam and Ryan. Hmm!
Sydney, my brother's family is watching that and they are just loving it. I wish I had HBO
Outdoor Toys before Fruits and Veggie. Heh? As someone said before... not the sharpest tool in the shed this year.
How can Adam be such a contradictory personality. He's gross,does gross stuff and has said some awful things about children,BUT then you see him react to James and his tears and you just know his reaction is so real. The guy has a heart,but he's so socially inept,that he comes across as a crass person. I don't want to like him,but,he's much more genuine than Ryan(who tries to keep his hands clean by calling Gnat)and Gnat,who lies with almost every breath she takes and Sheila,who lives in Sheilaland and,oh yeah,she's a single mom and has a kid. So that means she can do anything mean and nasty and not be held responsible. I'm once again joining the flip-flop nation and hope Adam,somehow,makes it to final two.I'm glad Sheila finally got a taste of what all the others have had......ha,ha,ha!
I guess all of us James fans are going to have to pick someone else. I don't think there is anyway he can remain in the house this week.
I think I will join the Adam ... A Baller band wagon. The boy has a heart and very real feelings. If any of the others has that (except Sharon) I haven't seen it.
James is so alone in the house, and it affects him so strongly, he HATES to be alone like this. Makes me love him even more. I like how much it meant to him that Sharon was mothering him...his face was all happy and loved again.
I am glad he gets to leave the house this week. I don't like seeing my favourite bb fella suffer.
I look forward to watching the remaining folk turn on each other. When they lose their scapegoat and they have to justify turning on each other....ahh, it will be a fun thing for an angry bitch like me to watch. Bwa ha ha!
Adam, Sharon and Ryan are my only choices left to root for. As much as I thought Adam was a complete jerk in the beginning, it would not bother me one bit if he won it all. At least he stood up to the S9 nerd herd and did what he wanted. I was proud of him for NOT doing Nasty Natalie's bidding. Yes, as everyone knows, I cannot stand Nasty Natalie!
One more rant on NN. She said it would be a wasted HOH, but it would have only been HER wasted HOH. Afterall, she tried to run it this week and didn't get her way. Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I'm praying so hard for Sharon or Ryan to win the HOH if James goes home. Sheila and NN cannot win this week. Please oh please BB gods.
It is looking like James will be heading out. However I am hoping that before the live voting takes place, James will have time to let Ryan know that Adam, Sheila and Gnat are talking that they are the F3. At least James could leave making Ryan aware that his time in the house just might be limited. Maybe that talk would line Ryan and Sharon up a little better and buy some time in the house and possible get Sharon into the final anyway. I am sure if Sharon was in the final, she would get Josh, Chelsia and James vote for sure.
James could also talk about the guys verses the gals, but I do not think that would pan out well.
It should be interesting to see who goes this week and if double eviction is near.
I agree with you, Nomad. James crying like that really tugged my old heartstrings. I couldn't have lasted as long as he did with most of the HGs isolating him the way they did. I thought it was very sweet of Sharon to take a mothering role towards him. It will help them both get through the end of this nightmare game.
I, too, am looking forward to the carnage that will start after Sharon is gone. They will all see Gnat's true colors then.
I still think that Sharon is trusting liar Gnat's word about the all-girl alliance, and am very afraid that she is going to be disappointed.
If only Ryan and Adam would smarten up and start planning to backdoor Gnat. Ah, what sweet justice it would be to have her own alliance screw her over, the way she's screwed others over.
Hi everybody---I'm Home!! I actually commented about 3 previous posts(I thought it was the most recent!) So I am going to repeat myself....
I had a great trip. I danced and laughed with my friends until my body ached! I had to drive home through the mountain pass and got stopped for 3 hours because of an avalance. My friends and I were actually dancing on the freeway while we waited! When they let us go we were told there was high avalanche risk and the pass could close anytime. It was a "white knuckle" drive home. I later found out they had 2 more avalanches.
I have been trying to catch up and was sad to see Ryan won. I was hoping James would do it...
I have decided Nat. took the wrong book in the house. She really needs to be reading the DICTIONARY!!
She doesn't know what a vascetomy is?! Chel. was right she needs to get an education!
Ryan would be smart to keep James. Either the girls are going to stick together or Adam/Nat./Sheila will be an alliance and Ryan to end in 4th place. At least he has a chance if the boys unite(with James) and get rid of the girls.
I've read a few minutes of Joker's....did James go off on Nat.?? Does anyone know what the POV comp. was like? I'm going to try and watch some Youtube clips and see what happened.
Loved seeing all the new avatars....I can't even get my name in blue. Oh well, black makes me look thinner!! LOL
So glad to be home and know I was missed by my cyber family. xxoo
You WERE missed Nana! Welcome back. I loved picturing you dancing in the middle of the street beside your car. I want to go on trips with you, lol!
Hey Delee -- Love the picture! See you have at least opened up a blog... I'd have left you a little comment but there was no way til you write something, so I'll check back. People from here have been checking mine more and it's so much fun to get comments ! Plus I appreciate the support, and make it a point to check in on others here at Jackie's Java Joint on theirs too.
While we're on the subject, PS: Tom's -- thanks for adding me :-D
Welcome back Nana!
Oh goody, Nana is home. Now I think we are all where we are supposed to be and we can sleep well. We have no alliances to worry about and we can all be thankful these hampsters are not our children. Ooops, sorry real hampsters, I didn't mean to offend you.
Donna -- The John Adams special has to be out for rent soon enough. Or, if they have a way to record it for you, it's available on Demand if they get HBO...It's a 7 part miniseries but on HBO they rerun all eps many times thru the week.
Jackie, I wish you could see it too. Sorry to go off topic here but it's rare to see something of this quality.
Makes that time come alive like I've never seen before. Remembering it from school history class -- or even a decade living in Boston, or visiting DC--I still could not really picture it or relate those drawings of people to real life. But they do an extrordinary job here.
The little details are amazing, like what people are doing in the background, that he stops to pull up his stocking and tuck it in to his knickers before going in to a meeting, that he takes his wig off when he comes home like it's a hat. The costumes are fab and the person they got to play George Washington... it's TRULY astonishing. I've seen his painting a million times and tried to picture him in a modern day suit, or even a tee shirt and jeans, without success. That pasty white face and his thin lips... how did he look REALLY?
Well, it's like time travel to see him in this show. I want to rub my eyes like a cartoon character does. (They also got Ben Franklin down pat)
Lastly, Laura Linney does a bang up job as a woman before her time, very involved, wise, forward thinking, while still holding down her "womanly place" as John Adams wife. They had an incredible love story. ENOUGH!!!
Sydney... I am watching the John Adams special. I love the way his wife, who of course would be subservient to her husband in that day, seems to know the perfect thing to say just when he needs to hear it. Great special.
nana in the nw... dancing with (under) the stars by chance? Cool!
I too am thrilled with those of you who have gone onto my blog just to write a special note. It's fun to check in and see that someone else has commented.
Time for more tomorrow.
This is stupid, but it's bugging me so I'll post it...
In the food comp...why waste all the time building a river all the way down? How about a bunch of "v"s at the bottom and then dump the gravy? The rules stated you had to build a mashed potato river, but it didn't say how long the "river" had to be. right?
okay I'll let it go now.
Seriously though, there weren't any holes that you needed to steer around. Just a bunch of pots and pans...Gravity folks!
...letting go...
Kathryn, I like the way you think. These hamsters would have never figured that out. :)
kathryn, dam, that's a good idea. : )
Off topic, but connects to John Adams. Thank you for saying it is good, I am going to find a way to watch it from beginning. I have seen the ads (especially at the post office) but thought it was a one time movie, didn't know it was a mini series until I read it here.
I am reading a fictional account of Mary Lincoln. It also brings the time to life. It shows as much about Mrs. Mary as we are finding out about the hgs...meaning her sexual side. (chagrin) and I cannot say it is based on fact, since I am as ignorant of it as Natalie is of multi-sylabic words, but I researched the reviews and they gave it some credibility. After I finish reading it, I will have to find out what is true and what is fiction though.
Oh my James has changed so much NOT! Get a grip people, he was nasty to everyone and when his side was winning there was mean and rude. Now he wants to cry. WHATEVER!!
I think Adam has screwed himself trying to align with James. He did indeed make one friend, but I think this is the move that will cost him the game. Just like James lost the game based on his lie to keep Matt Safe. Poor decisions not looking at the future repercussions.
Sheila and Natalie are annoying, but they are truly playing this game.
Gnat and Sheila lie to everyone just about every time they open their mouth and very soon they will be lying through their teeth to their own alliance just about every time they open their mouth.
Anyone would be at the end of his/her rope emotionally, too, if Gnat had meanly forced him/her into isolation and coerced the rest of the HGs go along with it. All of that just to keep someone from any opportunities of forming an alliance.
How is Sheila playing this game? If you mean by riding everyone's coattails, you're right. She votes however she's told to. She wins no comps. She wants everyone else to make her decisions for her. Plus, she makes excuses for her every screw-up.
Anon 8:16am - Sheila cries when things don't go her way. Sheila is nasty to everyone when it suits her purpose. Natalie lies to everyone whenever she gets the chance. James is playing the game just as hard as Natalie is. So what's your point? If anything, your comment justified why James deserves to win just as much as why Natalie deserves to win. You didn't make a point in Natalie & Sheila's favor at all. If you just don't like James, fine. But don't try to hide the truth and diminish James' accomplishments and efforts in this game.
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