As I await my most recent live feeds report to go up over on TV Squad, the show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! A full review of the show will be posted late tonight on TV Squad. Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!
Darn that American Idol for running over -- I missed part of the recaps! Sheila just called Adam a jerk and we went to color, Day 57. She doesn't trust him, never would have done it to him. Ryan gave him the cold shoulder.
Natalie figures if she plays both sides, she'll come out ahead. Adam is basically looking scared, goofy, and confused. Sharon thinks that Adam made himself into a big target. She will continue to lay low. Sheila said he put her in a position to have to win something. She would never, never, never do that to him. She, who has won nothing, will take herself off the block.
Now she's repeatedly telling Ryan she would never have done that to him. Ryan thinks James will use the veto if he wins it to save Sharon. Adam believes that James wouldn't use it.
Sheila is still on her rant about Adam putting her on the block. Natalie is sure that it will work out. When she wins HOH next week, she'll put Adam on the block. "Dumbest frickin' move in the game," Sheila repeats.
Adam tries to get some affirmation -- Sharon doesn't know right or wrong. Now Adam is sure he did the wrong thing.
Now Adam is talking to Sheila again. He doesn't know why he did it. She has calmed down, understands the reasoning, but thought it was risky. She forgives him. He chews his thumb. He pologizes to Natalie. She's not worried because she's playing both sides.
"I stirred the pot for no reason." Ryan is a lot more forgiving than I saw on the feeds. "I'm going to be Warrior Princess Nattie." - Natalie. Natalie says, almost as if she's forces, that she's not ready to forgive him because he put her at risk (DR segment).
James tells them he gave his word he wouldn't use the POV if he won it. He will keep his word. Natalie can't trust James. Nat, Adam, and James think about getting rid of Sharon. No more whining. She has trust issues, but gives him her word. If she gets HOH, she won't nominate him and vice versa.
Sharon reminds him of all the reasons Natalie can't be trusted. He tells her Nat wants to work with him. Sharon thinks it's a ruse for him not to play hard to win veto.
James says he's not evil and hates the good vs. evil as he talks to Sharon. He's fed up and frustrated. Sharon talked about being evicted, coming back and having a target when she teamed up with Joshuah. James misses home and Sharon cries. He misses getting hugged. She starts talking about Jacob. Jacob felt like he failed her. Importance of friends and family ... James thinks she's amazing. They vow to support each other.
Natalie and Sheila in the bathroom. Sheila thinks the kids don't pick up after themselves. She goes on a cleaning spree. She's been the maid here for two months.
Time for the veto comp! Skulls! Some kind of stone face with smoke, lizards, sand, palm trees. BB lake has a drought, rhyming rain god is unhappy. They have to come up with the number of the correct day found on rocks for events in the house. Sheila - "I never know what day it is."
Natalie thinks she'll win because she's always counting things. Heh. She's out first! It rains. The day Amanda fell ill is next. Sheila doesn't even know what month it is! She fell ill day 16 All were wrong. James and Sheila both said 32, but James beat her to the slab, so Sheila's out.
The day the couples split. Day 28. James got eliminated. Sharon, Ryan, and Adam are left in the comp. The day they saw Evel Dick. 44, Sharon is out. Ryan told Adam they will get the same number and he'll kneel first so Adam doesn't have to use the POV. Mystery box day, oops different answers. Ryan is right with 35. He wins POV.
Sheila is gald Ryan won because she can't trust Adam to use it. Sharon thinks despite her secret alliance with Ryan, he won't save her. James isn't ready to give up.
Natalie is giggling ... Matt will get his birthday gift. Sheila is crying. Natalie tells her Ryan will take her off the block. Ryan and Natalie bounce and dance. Natalie thinks it's the bible reading which did the trick.
Sheila and Sharon are in the yard, Sharon tells her that Natalie has been trying to work with James according to James. Sheila is sure that Natalie will ultimately betray her -- she can tell by her attitude. "I am a mom in this game." So Sheila talks to Ryan. She hints that Natalie will want to get him out.
James is pacing the night and runs into Ryan. He tries to talk Ryan into not using the veto. Ryan tells him that it's adam's decision who goes up and that her is a big threat. Ryan tells him that Natalie is saying he (James) comes to her over the deals. James tells him it's the other way around. They talk about keeping Sharon.
Ryan struts to the Memory Wall. Ryan -- Do I flip the house with James or go with my alliance.
Time for the veto meeting. Sheila speech -- Congrats, you really did earn. I would like to prove I'm playing a stronger game. Would appreciate it.
Sharon -- Whatever he decides, I'm good.
Ryan -- Surrounded with strong allies, will use it on Sheila. Sharon and James look dead. Adamsyas he has two options, will choose James. He tells James he's his friend, but gameplay has to come first. He apologizes. James says he's okay, but Ryan has to remember that his allies votes him out.
Sharon is going to keep her mouth shut. Adam tells us he took the easy route because everyone wants James out.
I love seeing Sheila all p***ed off again. Worth the recaps tonight!
And there goes Ryan, as always, trying to rile things up even more.
Aw, Adam, why do you have to get all woosie on us now?
I almost feel sorry for Adam...his allies are sooooo two faced.
If anyone just started watching they would think the "good" ones are the evil doers by their actions right now!
Promo for Survivor shows a water comp. Right up Ozzie's alley!
I'm liking Adam a whole lot less now. Some allies!
GNAT, GNAT, GNAT! Liar, liar, pants on fire!
please say they have sequester shots, please please!!! I am so gonna watch DWTS if they dont show sequester tonight...whats wrong with them???dont they know we want to see Mattie grabbed cheslsia in a big hug (oh yeah and make sure the houseguests get to see it)
Yeah, Gnat, you're kind of game and you're first out.
And Sheila out second.
They ALL clapped when James was knocked out of the game. Even Sharon.
Adam and Ryan can't even cheat right!
No sequester shots yet Terry. Bummer!
So after all this week that we've known about it , Ryan didn't win VETO on his OWN?
"See what all that bible reading does for you, buddy?" "Team Christ" "Matty gets his birthday present!" Gnat speaking to Ryan.
Adam didn't want to win it so Ryan said they would give the same number and Ryan would kneel down first. Then Adam said 34 after Ryan told him 35. Ryan happened to get the right number. This group can't get anything right.
Amazing isn't it Joy???!?!!?
Even though it's spelled that way, doe sit bother anyone else that Ryan dan Josh say Ve-TOE? or does it bother people that the others say vedo? lol
Love that SHelia opens with saying Ryan won Veto fair and square!
OMG! Sheila's speech at POV is a joke.
All I could look at tonight was Sheila's wrinkled neck.
And I did LOL when she said DR it was a competition that she wouldn't do well in
Does anyone realize Sheila has not won a thing, yet she has been taken off the block TWICE???
Adam, guess there's no hope for that spine-growing. I gave you credit for going against the house and giving James a fair shot. You totally woosed out. I don't care who wins because the doubt is high that it's ever going to be James or Sharon. So I'm just going to watch the carnage and enjoy!
Hope Matt literally screws Gnat out of every penny if she wins.
Now I just want them to turn on each other. You think anyone will think about "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?
Or "vengence (sp)is mine saith the Lord".
Palidchick -- I've been wanting to tell her all season-- when you suntan you need to keep your neck arched or you'll get that white ring and it will make you look like you're all wrinkled like that!
An obvious quick fix would be to put the same foundation that's on her face on her neck to even things out. Isn't this BASIC???
Donna in AL, I think they all skipped those parts. Must have figured it didn't apply to THEM!
For those who have sent out a prayer for Patrick Swayze.... he says thanks:
It is "good" people like that turns "evil doers" away from God!
Is my saying that making me sound like them?
Damn!! I did it again. I finished commenting on the prev. post and then here you guys are on a new one....grrr. One of the downfalls of being on the West Coast, I can never keep up with the time and forget BB has started so Jackie has a new post up.
Oh well, as they say; a day late and dollar short!
I'll check in later.
Early on in the season Natalie mentioned her neck. She said she was on a date, I think, and the guy said she didn't look bad except for the old lady neck. She said she thought she might have some work done on it when she gets out of the house.
I listened to feeds while the show was on. Every one in the house is against Natalie. They must all think she is the one to beat. James has told them he will keep her awake all night so that she can't compete well in HOH, but that he will do it in a way that it won't disturb the sleep of others.
Sheila cornered Adam in HOH and talked to him about Sharon being the one to align with over Natalie.
Jackie's live feeds report is up on TVS.
Did anyone else see Jen and Nick from BB8 sitting together in the audience on Wheel of Fortune tonight? She was or is Vanna Whites nanny, so thats not a huge surprise, but what's she doing with Nick?
Kayla, when Nick and Danielle broke up, Nick was new to LA and out there alone. I'm sure Jen asked him to hang out or whatever but they have been together now for several months.
Donna, love the new pic.
I'm getting all excited just reading your posts. LOL I'm trying to picture what you're commenting on.
I commented on Sheila's neck a few posts back. She should be using sunblock on her neck as well as her face, especially at her age. Putting make-up (foundation) on the neck isn't that great. It would rub off on all of your tops, especially a white shirt with a collar.
I'm disappointed that there isn't any sequester footage. What the heck are they waiting for? Still no news on where the sequester house is????
Ryan and Adam cheated? Can't wait to see it.
My Son took grandpa to the Angels/Indian baseball game tonight. I'm trying to find them on TV since they have first row seats right behind the Angels' dug-out. :)
Going to read TS now. Later~
Thank you Sydney.
They gave us little of sequester last year too... like we wanted to see the endless convo with Sharon and James in the dark (with her incessantly fingering that blue scarf as she always does... Linus musts be missing it, :-0 ) or someo f the other completely uselsess footage tonight. I feel like we saw the most in season 7 and maybe 6? But not since.
When we are down to four people it's really going to be the Four Stooges, isn't it?
If Sheila had a grip on reality she would stay out of that sun entirely.However, I do believe she is stuck in her "glory years" and will soon be making some plastic surgeon very rich.sfomrr
I kind of look forward to Wednesdays, just for something different to happen in the house. The only action even for us outside the house happens Wed thru Sat or Sun. I don't have the live feeds, so I check in here and on UTube. I only see the BBAD a couple nights.
James has stirred it up so well, I can't even guess who will put who on the block!
Just watched a video on YouTube while waiting for the show to start here, while watching Idol. ;)
I can't believe what pigs they are when they're eating. Ryan stuffs his mouth so his cheeks puff out and James chews with his mouth wide open all the time. Adam joins in and eats with that big dumb grin on his face.
In another current video Nat sure has gotten cocky and isn't the same girl that she was when Mattie was there. She sure puts on a tough exterior.
18 minutes to go.
I watched some clips too and in everyone of them Ryan and Adam was eating and talking with their mouths full. The worst was a couple days ago, I don't remember if it was BBAD or UTube, but Sheila had cooked spaghetti with chicken pasta or something. Natalie would take a forkful of noodles, not cut up, and let them hang from her mouth without biting them into. She would talk with her mouth full and eat huge chunks of chicken. I was not someone I would want sitting next to me at a nice resturant. I do not care for Sheila, but she cut her noodles and her chicken, wiped her mouth with each bite and had nice table manners.
I bet James does the flour dumping on Gnat before he leaves. I'm not sure what else he can do that will not bother the other HG, but I am sure he will follow through with what he says he will.
Sydney back up-- Nick and Jen are together-- together????! Or are they just hanging out?
If I were in the house and won HOH this week (it would have to be a comp geared just for me..) I would have a very difficult time knowing who I wanted evicted. All of them is the only answer that comes to mind. All in the house seem to agree that Natalie needs to go for a variety of reasons, but mainly because they fear her strength. That is what they say, not me. I haven't noticed her practicing on things like she used to. Maybe she thinks she knows it all.
Sheila was very flattered that James said he told Julie that Sheila was the most dangerous player in the house. I think she is, but I am not sure she realizes her power. She talks about Natalie behind her back, but does she have the guts to vote her out to her face? Mostly Sheila has been trying to get someone else to do that. It wouldn't surprise me (after listening to James talk to her in the HOH tonight) for her to vote out Sharon. Not saying she will, just saying I don't know who will go.
They 'girls' the other day were talking about James not washing after using the bathroom. Natalie (who works in a coffee shop and must have a food handlers certificate..if the Beaver State requires one?) said that she doesn't (sorry these are her words) always 'wash after going pee pee', but has to after doing the other. Maybe caffeine kills germs.
The g pigs are the cleanest things in the house. Make them some wings and fly them out of there.
In the HOH Sheila, James and Adam were talking about how to win HOH. Sheila kept listing all the hgs pets and the pet names. She and others have been doing that all day. What makes me laugh is that Sheila always includes her own pet ( Kitty a dog?) in the maybe she would forget if she didn't say it.
Did the rock guy for the veto comp remind anyone else of Legends of the Hidden Temple (which was a game show on Nickelodeon YEARS ago)?
Erica from Cleveland
Good Morning all. I wonder why it is that James wants to place all the blame on his leaving on Natalie. All the others, with the possible exception of Sharon, want him gone just as much as she does!
Last week it was Sheila he went after. Why not choose one of the guys to torment till his departure? Natalie is an easier target I guess. She is not confrontational. Messing with either Adam or Ryan could cause a major blow up.
As far as calling her out for making deals with everyone - hello - that's what they are all trying to do! Is it that she made the most deals, so she's the biggest offender by default? Of course they are going to have to turn on each other. They are trying to make it to the end and these are the people standing in their way.
I know I'm in a minority here on this, but I want to see Natalie in the F2. I'm not sure she would win, but I think she deserves F2.
Go Natalie - bye, bye James
Plaidckick--- Together together! Yes. It's been mentioned in a few articles and I think when Nick did an interview as well....
That's so funny about Jen and Nick. Remember she liked him from the very beginning, but he was always sniffing around Daniele. I guess Jen got her man in the end.
BTW - sitting in the audience at Wheel of Fortune? I never could understand the thrill of being in the audience of a game show - unless you might get a chance to play.
Re: Nick & Jen...I read somewhere that Nick and Dani were supposed to go on a vacation together and his fans were sending him money for the trip. He didn't want to keep it, Dani of course did...and they ended up fighting a bunch about money and that put the kabosh on the relationship. No idea if this is actually true or just rumors floating about, but I figured I'd throw it out there.
Erica...definitely stole the idea from Legends of the Hidden Temple. That was such a fun show, brings back great childhood memories along with Double Dare & GUTS.
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