Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Into Friday Morning
Like sand through the hourglass, these are the happenings of the hamsters since my last report:
- When Sheila asked what Adam would do if he was on the block with Sharon, he told her he'd win the veto and take himself off.
- Ryan and Sharon finished watching the movie they won and came in from the backyard for an indoor lockdown while the staff dismantled the event.
- Apparently Sheila and Adam were granted a reprieve on being chained together for the duration of the movie.
- So, they're to be attached once again.
- Sharon said they aren't allowed to talk about the movie - What Happens in Vegas.
- There were two Mustangs in the backyard. No, not the horses. The movie had to have something to do with the cars, I'd guess.
- As for the movie, they commented it was good, Sheila would have enjoyed it.
- Sharon thinks Adam won't try hard to win POV since he's not on the block.
- The cuffs will come off of Sheila and Adam at 5 PM today (their time, PT)
- Sharon thinks Adam and Sheila had an alliance before coming here -- something about Sheila being on Craigslist and Adam being recruited by Robin (casting woman).
- Sharon is very worried. She thinks Adam must go. She told Ryan he HAS to win POV, take her off the block, and put Adam up so she can vote him out.
- Sharon thinks if Adam wins POV, she's history.
- Adam and Sheila aren't having the best of times trying to sleep while chained together.
- Ryan thinks the third relationship has to be Sheila and somebody else.
- Poor Adam. Sheila is talking non-stop about all kinds of things.
- As I get this posted, they're all sleeping, perhaps not the most restful sleep for Adam and Sheila.
Maybe they saw that new "Speed Racer" movie. I'm not sure if that's a kid's movie. Are they targeting those of us who used to watch the television show or kids with that movie?
Nana...I hope you are right and the people are moving out. I'm sorry that happened to you. My nerves would be a mess worrying about what is going to happen next. Keep us posted.
Sharon thinks Adam and Sheila had an alliance before coming here -- something about Sheila being on Craigslist and Adam being recruited by Robin (casting woman)
Sharon has part of the above right. Adam will try his best to win POV
Tom S
what do you mean by Sharon has part right? What part?
OK, did I miss a post that explained why Sheila and Adam are chained together? I scrolled back through quickly but couldn't find anything.
Hi Tessa-
It was just a result of the Luxury comp they had, a kind of booby prize. They did that last year to ... I forgot. Was it Jen and someone?
m not really sure what purpose it serves, just another stoopid thing BB tries to do to create something to show us.
I just don't see Ryan winning this thing if he takes Sharon or Adam to the final two. Those in sequester will remember what he has already won and they really dislike Jen. I'll bet that once Gnat finds out he voted her out, he's going to lose her vote, too, because,in her eyes, he would now be an evildoer also.
Nana; Just what you needed, mooching, dishonest neighbors when you have so much to worry about already with Josie. I hope this situation works out well for you.
I think it's a married couple. They had the exes and the gf/bf, I have a feeling the last couple is married....
I really hope Adams wins that POV. If Sharon wins it he's toast, and if Sheila wins it (I know, I know, not much possibility of that happening, LOL) I don't trust her for a minute to keep Adam over Sharon. I can't wait to get a peek at the jury house next week. The reactions should be priceless.
OFF TOPIC - I saw a promo for So You Think You Can Dance - it will be starting in May instead of July as usual - I can't wait, its one of my absolute favorite shows. Did anyone else love Danny last season - hands down the best dancer I have ever seen.
Jen and Kail we linked together last season...Poor Sheila can not win anything good. Leotard and now chained to Adam.
Still in shock after Ozzy leaving!!!
James and Chelsia are going to laugh so hard at Natalie... she deserves it and I did not like her but I still feel sorry for her.
jessica... what are you referring to?
nana... are you ok? What was/is your decision concerning Josie? I know this is so difficult for you.
I know delee... another stupid decision on Survivor. What was he thinking??? Cerie strikes again.
Two fans have managed to outwit the favs...two tribal councils in a row. Whether it was their game play (Eric) or someone else's (Cerie), they're still there to compete and two favs are gone.
I so enjoyed watching Ozzy play the game tho.... I'll miss him.
Josh is also going to be ecstatic when he sees Natalie walk thru that door. And even tho I don't think Matt cares one bit about Natalie, he'll also be happy that he'll have someone to talk to who will agree with everything he says.
I never really understood what Josh's reason was for hating Natalie so much. Yes she was HOH when he was evicted, but it was everybody else that voted him out. Why did he seem to pick out Natalie to blame it all on?
Probably because Gnat made it very clear that she wanted Joshie gone,and the evil flying monkeys were all in line to do her evil
Just checked out the "Ponderosa" feature for Survivor,that's neat! Have they had that in season's past? Really interesting to see where they go and to hear Ozzy beat himself up for his stupid game play.
Good morning!
Sharon, what is the link for "Ponderosa"? I just checked the Survivor site at CBS and did not see it?
Thank you in advance! :)
I am bored with who is left in the house. The best part now is reading all your comments.
I couldn't believe last night when they tricked Ozzy! I love Ozzy, he is beautiful and nice and strong...but he WAS getting a little cocky, having two younger men openly worship you will do that to ya!
I thought it was beautifully ironic that he was telling James that the game play of Survivor is outwit, outplay, outlast...and that Jason had been outwitted.
I found the Ponderosa on the CBS web site yesterday with Eliza. I was shocked to find out they sleep in a tent on another island. But they do have bathrooms and a kitchen in a building there.
Are they already showing Ozzy on there?? I don't think they have ever shown this before this year.
I remember last year when it was down to just ED and Jen the show was a real bore but I don't remember it being boring when it was down to four.
Is it just because I'm worn out from the Gnat frenzy?
Is it because the four who are left really are just boring?
Is it me? Am I boring?
Somebody posted on TV Squad that if Adam had to wear a patch while chained to Sheila, she should have to wear duct tape over her mouth. Now that's funny!
Ozzy's arrival at Ponderosa
You can watch the other videos from that link too.
He's bitter about the vote, but he understands that he got outplayed. He also feels that Cirie was behind it, so he's right there!
I was hoping we'd get to see the other players too. I guess they're at a different ranch. Maybe South Fork? :-)
ORKMOMMY, I watched Eliza there yesterday on the CBS site.
Orkmommy, thank you!
They have to sit at Ponderosa and play "would-a, should-a, could-a" all day long. ;(
Interesting info, and a nice addition ~
(and great "product placement") lol
Thanks orkmommy... you have to put those links right under my nose or I can't find anything. You can click on one of the other links under the one for Ozzy, there about 5 different there, including the one for Eliza.
I thought the other players went home if they aren't on the jury. Only Eliza is on the jury so far. I loved the water there were they have their tents. Beautiful blue... I can't wait for it to get warm enough here (NC) to go swimming.
Sharon, thank you for the "Ponderosa" site heads up.
Product placement is rife on Ozzy's clip. But it is great to see what happens after the torch is snuffed.
Meb - They can't send the other players home because people would notice they were home early and know they got voted out. They go somewhere, but I have no idea where. Since the whole game plays out in 30 something days, all the players sign on for that whole time.
Does anyone have any clue as to why on the Ponderosa site the video ends with the Survivor China logo? Kind of outdated isn't it?
p.s. Today is the last day at this job. I don't have internet at home yet. Our yard is a muddy mess and we can't have the guy from my wireless internet company come do a site survey until he can actually get up to our roof! So...I may disappear for a while. I promise to come back as soon as I can. I don't know how relaxed the new job will be, so if I can pop in I will!
See ya'll on the flip side!
Hope we hear from you again soon Orkmommy and good luck on the new job!
Laurie, you're not boring, THEY ARE, lol!
Finally Friday!! I am having a baby shower tomorrow and should be cleaning but instead I am here chatting....
The BB house is boring. At least there will be comps going on this week. Sounds like Sharon is taking advantage of She/Adam being chained together and campaigning hard with Ryan. Maybe she should work a little harder to win the POV, then it wouldn't be an issue.
Poor Adam...he probably wants to DOR about now having been kept up all night by She. She is having her period and is hormonal and can't sleep. BB wouldn't give her any Tylenol PM so she is being a real b*tch!
Adam is trying to be very patient with her.
meb mentioned Matt will be happy to have someone to talk to.....Matt has been alone for 4 weeks with no one to satisfy him. I'm sure he will have other plans for Nat.
I loved Survivor last night!! Ozzy was one of my favs., but i loved watching Cirie beat him at his own game. She can't outlast or outplay most of them but she sure knows how to outwit them!!! Those boys better watch out or the girls will pick them off one at a time!
ryzandshyn--I love how you are usually the first comment in the mornings. It's like somebody saying "Get up and start your day". You must be a very early riser.
Josie--the surgeon thinks we should go in and repair the husband and I have decided we will only do that IF they guarantee they will put her leg in a splint or cast. We may just let her continue to recover and she how bad the limping and not using the leg is when healed. It may sound selfish but this is too hard on her and me to start all over with a high probablity she twist it again. Funny thing is she doesn't appear to be in any pain. She still tries to jump up on me and play with her toys.
I talked to the landlord of my neighbors and found out that the lady is living by herself(not so, the bf is there all the time)and is dying of cancer(she is about 40-45). She told the landlord she has about 6 mos. to live and cannot clean up anything. She said she has been w/o water and power for a week.
It does not appear that she was plugging into our outlet other than that one time though. The landlord gave her a 10 day notice to get it restored and clean up the place or she will evict her. Last night @ 10:30 the paramedics were there and took her to the hospital. Hopefully, she will realize she can't take care of herself and move to a facility for help. She now has an extension cord running across the street to a different neighbor's house who told the fire dept. that they would let her hook up to them for a few days!!!
Off to do fluency reading at school. Will check back later...maybe they will have had the POV by then.
Josie--the surgeon thinks we should go in and repair the husband and I have decided we will only do that IF they guarantee they will put her leg in a splint or cast. We may just let her continue to recover and she how bad the limping and not using the leg is when healed. It may sound selfish but this is too hard on her and me to start all over with a high probablity she twist it again. Funny thing is she doesn't appear to be in any pain. She still tries to jump up on me and play with her toys.
I talked to the landlord of my neighbors and found out that the lady is living by herself(not so, the bf is there all the time)and is dying of cancer(she is about 40-45). She told the landlord she has about 6 mos. to live and cannot clean up anything. She said she has been w/o water and power for a week.
It does not appear that she was plugging into our outlet other than that one time though. The landlord gave her a 10 day notice to get it restored and clean up the place or she will evict her. Last night @ 10:30 the paramedics were there and took her to the hospital. Hopefully, she will realize she can't take care of herself and move to a facility for help. She now has an extension cord running across the street to a different neighbor's house who told the fire dept. that they would let her hook up to them for a few days!!!
Off to do fluency reading at school. Will check back later...maybe they will have had the POV by then.
orkmommy, good luck at the new job! Another chapter begins ~ how exciting!
((Nana)), thoughts with you and Josie.
And big drama with the neighbors! How sad that your neighbor will spend her last days with such chaos in her life... (still no reason to poach electrical power)
delee,you noticed the product placement,as well. Pretty obvious about,weren't they!
Orkmommy...good luck,and hurry back as soon as you can. Hope you will be able to pop in on your new job.
That's hard about Josie,Nana. I can understand why you are thinking the way you are. Pet care is soooo expensive these days,but we just hate to see them suffer. I hope she will adapt and adjust and continue to live with you many years.
I'm liking that feature for Survivor,too bad BB can't show us scenes from the jury house,other than those little snippets. I have a feeling that's where all the drama is now.
Sydney - thanks! Good to know it's not me who is boring!
Nana - Good wishes coming your way regarding Josie. These decisions are so hard to make.
Orkmommy - I'm too late to say goodbye but I'll do it anyway! You will be missed.
just finished catching up on all the news.
laurie...LOVE the flipflops! they never grow old in this house of "what the heck is going on?" sorry to hear about the stresses in your life right now. give josie a hug for least it does not sound as if she is any pain. i feel sorry for your neighbor, but poaching is just not the answer.
sue...very interesting viewpoint on nat. i liked it a lot.
terry.....FOLLOW your daughters advice!! jersey shore....can't beat it.
i really can't figure out what ryan will do about either sharon or adam. i hope he keeps adam (if given the choice)...justdon't like sharon. i think she is sneaky.
can you imagine being chained to sheila? i forget who asked who would need the tylenol first..her or would be me.
anyone know what theyarre allowed to do in sequester? any tv at all? newspapers? i noticed chelsia reading a book...what are the rules there?
Thanks for giving us the update on both Josie and the neighbors. Never a dull moment for you! Just sending you and Josie hugs.
You're dealing with too much drama and handling it very good. I don't handle drama too good. ;)
I was thinking about Josie and wondering why the vet didn't put her leg in some sort of cast after the surgery. I'm sure you will make the best decision for both you and Josie. Your neighbor's situation is very sad indeed. I hope she gets good care in the hospital. But, you know how we would all rather be in our own home environment than in the hospital. Keep the faith!
I'm so behind reading the blog so please forgive me if I haven't responded to something.
It's Friday and I'm behind on reading too.
Orkmommy-- get back ASAP, we hope to see you in July!!
Nana-- It's so hard to tell whether or not your furbaby is feeling well or not. I do know from watching mine through the years, when they go hide, don't eat much, and just look at you and cry and cry then something is wrong. You might of mentioned this, but what leg is bothering Josie? I wish I had gotten a second opinion on Emma's leg, and maybe you all need to do that or tape her leg with not the sticky white tape, but the flexible stuff that sticks to itself. If she is eating and playing, I would be right there with you: wait and see. Big hugs for you, and Josie.
Yep I agree BB is boring me too, and I know it gets boring down to the final 4. The only entertaining person left is Adam, and I don't think the powers the be want him in a final 2.
OHHHH! AGP said today on housecalls that the finale may be April 27th OR the 29th depending on a presidential debate.
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