Graphic artist Zoetawny created a special edition Penthouse commemorating Sheila's head of house and Pet days! I think her big splash was in 1986 or thereabouts.
I should make it known that in 1986 I wore clothes in public at all times. I still do. There's no sense in terrifying small children, I say!
Sheila's birthday was yesterday, giving her more reasons to cry. Now we'll keep hearing about her birthday, the letters and cards, and the surprise of it all as long as she's in the house.
Here are the late night and overnight events in that Big Brother House of Dastardly Deviants:
- Ryan wants to bring the bible to the big call out party he and Adam are planning for Natalie and Sheila.
- He's been going through it for quotes to use as ammunition against Natalie.
- Sheila fears that one of the boys will give Natalie a sympathy vote and force a tie.
- Sheila and Sharon are thick as thieves as of late. Sheila all of a sudden thinks Sharon is the most trustworthy person she's ever met.
- That could be because Sharon wants to secure a place in the house this week. She might lay low, but she's not dumb.
- It's been non-stop Natalie bashing between the two for two days now.
- Sharon was livid when Adam told her that Jacob said he smoked pot before going into the BB house. Sharon is the only one of the houseguests who has never done any sort of illegal drug.
- Sheila made a life-size Alex doll complete with hoodie. She used pillows for the body. I guess Alex has lost his buffness since leaving the house.
- BB gave them alcohol again last night. They all partied hanging out in the HOH room -- all of them including Natalie.
- Natalie is confused. She's not sure if she's nearsighted or farsighted.
- Sheila talked about Adam's nasty personal habits.
- Sheila told them that Evel Dick asked her out on a date. (Run Dick, run. Run fast as the wind!)
- She has a yearning for him. (Run faster, Dick!)
- Away from the others, Ryan told Sheila she has no worries. Natalie will be leaving this week.
- Sheila whined about having to do the dishes on her birthday. I'd say just leave them there. If the slobs want to eat, they'll eventually wash them.
- Sheila told Ryan it would look really bad for him and Adam if they don't get rid of Natalie. I'm not sure that's the best approach.
- All are asleep as I get this posted.
A big call-out party complete with bible quotes hosted by Adam and Ryan? I can hardly wrap my brain around how funny that will be to watch...good luck to everyone with the live feeds.
Aren't they thinking it might be best to wait on that? They want to secure jury votes in case they F2, right?
I wonder what's up with all that stuff Sharon hints at. From what Adam said, I guess that BB must tolerate some sort of positive levels in some sort of test for pot. Maybe that should be the luxury comp. @@
Sheila loves the hg who leaves...after they leave. Hindsight love, I guess. Allison is 'the smartest' person Ever. James reminded her of her son. She yearns for a night with Alex (he should be doing the Sheila Sprint along with Dick). So if Nat goes home this week, even if it is by Sheila's vote, watch for Nat to be elevated to saint in the house next week by Sheila.
sue , interesting comment...I guess sheila has a type of "evictee remorse" but then hindsight is always 20/20.
I think Alison was smart, just not at the game.
I havent like many of these people, Sharon seems like an ok gal to me, but caught with a bunch of losers in a game that is built on lies and deception.
We watch to see all this dont we?
As hard as this season has real standouts..I long ofr the days of Kaysar and Howie and Janelle,Dr wWill..but no,NEVER will I miss a Mike Boogie.
I know! One week they are best friends and the next week they want to send each other to the gauntlet! Good to be back, I had a rough week last week. I missed everyone!
I don't know if Adam and Ryan will go through with their meeting. I wondered when it was being formed, if it was just a ruse by Ryan to keep Adam under control until Ryan is safe from Veto. Adam kept saying he wanted to confront the mixed messages he was getting. It all seemed to grow from that.
If it happens, I don't see Adam being able to wait until the evening (when they said they would do it). I can see him rushing into it. Ryan wants to keep Sharon, since they are in an alliance. Adam doesn't know that, so maybe he should question Ryan in the grand meeting as well as the girls. To convince Adam to keep Sharon, Ryan has said how she is so easy to beat in comps. That is because she has had no reason to try yet, Adam, not because she is weak. Just like washing dishes or cooking, why do it if you don't have to, she might be thinking.
Nat said that to allow Sheila to get a letter from home she would drop from the HOH comp (and the game, probably) Sheila gets her HOH letter and then her birthday letters. That had to make Nat feel used.
When Nat went into the DR yesterday, the boys said that she will come out of there campaigning. That appeared to mean that they think DR will tell her she is the planned evictee. I don't know if that happened, but she does seem to be a little more aware of the lay of the land now.
We can construct the meeting without it even happening.
At first hint of her plan being questioned, Sheila will go into one of her vocalizations that include her showing her lifetime membership card to the Pity Club,and verbal castration as she talks every one into a daze so that they forget what the original question was and they all decide to just go sunbathe, even though it is dark outside.
My word verification has 'old' in it. I'm not sure if it means me or Sheila. I know it must be a sign for something though. : )
Sue you have a way with words... "she (Sheila) talks every one into a daze so that they forget what the original question was and they all decide to just go sunbathe, even though it is dark outside." LMBO.
OK...I'm over my tirade over Adam and Ryan's plan, and I'm flip-floppin' back to "get Nat out of the house".
If Ryan is really just trying to keep Adam's mouth shut until after the POV ceremony, then I guess he's playing a little smarter than I thought he was. Not much... just a little. Because it's sort of rediculous for Ryan to put Sharon on the spot about her alliances, since she could out him to Adam that she and Ryan have had an alliance for a while now and Ryan has campaigned to save her a couple of times to Adam even.
Debbie...did something happen... did I miss something? I wondered where you were.
How could this "bible berating" of Natalie possible work to the advantage of anyone in the house? Number one, no one is going to tell the truth, they have all lied so much. And if they get going fast and furious with the mouths what is going to slip out about all the scenarios that have been promised back and forth to all of them? This could be damaging for Ryan with his deals for Sheila and Sharon seperately. Like Nat or not, she is no worse than any of them as far as scheming and not being on the up and up. Up until Wednesday should prove interesting this week. Can't wait until it is all over, can't give up on it now.
my Father passed away in RI last Saturday the 5th of April.
Had a wonderful long life, he was
85. I will miss him, but it is what
he wanted, he was wheelchair bound in the end, and he was SO active in life. But he is in a good place. Celebrate his life by having a bag of corn chips and a can of pepsi, that is what he wanted.
All the lies are going to catch up to them. Sheila better tread very careful, she is playing all sides as well as Nat, Sharon is in the middle, under the radar, she might be real smart?
Debbie,so sorry to learn of your Dad's passing.He sounds as if he was a neat guy.God Bless!
I think Sharon IS the smartest of the three girls,but,is that going to save her or is this group just going to be like Survivor,and vote her out in the end and then slug it out between the four of them? I just think Adam and Ryan have a lot of nerve,setting themselves up as the "moral" police. This could get ugly,no?
Did any of you catch Phil Keougan from TAR on CBS Sunday Morning this AM? He was driving across Scotland(driving a golf ball,that is)and wearing a kilt!!! What a cutie he is and apparently,a very good sport. Loved it when he pulled his kilt up to adjust the bandage on his thigh.....hubba,hubba!! It only makes me long for TAR to start again.
Jackie,loved the pix from yesterday. I was under the weather and just snoozed and huddled yesterday,all day long.
Sue, you have Sheila completely figures out and you've written it all quite well. Love the sunbathing after dark comment!
Zoetawny, this graphic is right up there on top of the pack for me. I wish Sheil could see it and maybe notice that she has outgrown that title she still uses!
Debbie, my sympathy on the death of your father. Pepsi and corn chips is a great way to honor him and warms my heart. ((Debbie))
From what I read on Joker's last night, the boys were really enjoying planning their call-out party. It was ironic that Nat saw them searching the bible and offered them the use of hers because it was easier to read.
I read on Dick's Ebay page that the final show is April 27th. The date with him was nearly $5000 last night. What a great fundraiser!!
I walk each October for Step Out Diabetes and sure never raised that much. LOL
Off topic:
Sharon, I'm watching the golf journey right now. Love a man who can carry off a kilt! Oh yeah, the Scotland scenery is gorgeous too.
Do you watch this show each week? I start my Sunday with a cup of tea and Charles.
Now, back to BB9 where the scenery isn't nearly so nice.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure it has been a tough week for you. Treat yourself gently....
a bag of corn chips, a pepsi, and fond memories sounds like a plan.
Laurie,yes,I do! My sister turned me on to the show about two years ago and I enjoy it immensely. I try and start my Sunday with it. I should have gotten out and to church this morning,but it's so cold and rainy and nasty here,only about 36,so I stayed put. Going though a spell of feeling yucky.I really like Charles,too,I miss him when he's not on. I know Jackie is a fan of Sunday Morning,too. Hope she saw Phil!
This could be damaging for Ryan with his deals for Sheila and Sharon separately. Like Nat or not, she is no worse than any of them as far as scheming and not being on the up and up. Up until Wednesday should prove interesting this week.
I agree, it's interesting how Ryan and Adam haven't questioned Sheila's sudden " Trust " in Sharon, Ryan is going to do what's best for him, if he feel's Sheila and Sharon's sudden bonding is much stronger than his original alliance with either of them, Ryan has no choice but to jokingly call himself out in regards to all of them having had " secret " alliances, Sheila basically implied herself and Adam would perhaps be in final 2.
James nailed it right; Sheila is the biggest threat "
Adam could very well call everyone out, Sheila enjoys Sharon bashing Natalie thus turns to the " Boys " repeating " Oh My God she said that " Sheila continuously reminding Ryan " She said your dumb " Ryan finally replied " she didn't say I was dumb she just said, she could beat me mentally " Although Ryan clarifying what Natalie actually stated went right over Rambling Bobble head Sheila ) basically Ryan realizes ( Thanks to Sharon ) if Natalie win's HOH her target is Sheila and Adam. It's beyond me why none of these HG's have questioned Natalie's planning in advance, however again Thanks to Sharon, I believe Ryan realizes this week is double eviction thus Wednesday will fast forward, regardless Sheila has to be evicted and who better than to have a determined Natalie win next HOH.
Debbie - My condolences to you and your family. He sure sounds like an admirable man whose life was rich with love.
As much as I don't like Gnat and her superior attitude, I don't see the purpose in calling her out today. James pretty much took care of that before he left, didn't he?
Every one of them has not-so-secret alliances. It's called game play. They may have to put those boys back in the glass house becuase they are planning to throw stones at Gnat and Sheila whilst holding alliances on their own.
I think it was yesterday when someone posted that the friendship with Sheila and Sharon is reminiscent of junior high. So true. A new best-friend today can be the enemy tomorrow and all the secrets can be common knowledge.
Off topic: Sharon, I am disappointed when Charles is out, too. He's only the host but he adds something special to the show. And the summer full of rerun topics kind of annoys me too, unless it's a topic I really enjoyed the first time.
Hard to imagine your weather when it's alreay nearly 80 in San Diego. We should see more sunning and pool play at the house, once the HG actually get out of bed!
Off topic:
I will admit I am not a student of the Bible, I say that just so no one confuses with me the Bible thumping that is going on inside the house, and to cover myself for my ignorance in not knowing chapter and verse of the quote. And because I think the second one might be Shakespeare instead of the Bible...not sure, ya know? : )
But the word Pharisees has been going around in my head since the beginning of this season. Today seems as good a day as any to let it out. With all the Christian talk, has anyone organized a Sunday service in the house? If they are dedicated worshippers or curious new comers, wouldn't they have at least wanted a Sunrise Easter service? That puzzled me.
The quote: I think the "one without sin" who should cast the first stone is in John. It seems appropriate, but only as a way to excuse their behavior. And since none of them will own up to any misdeeds, it is a mute point on using that quote. Not that I advocate using the quotes as weapons, but, really, how would they respond to that question on a comp? Would they see themselves as the stoned (I am not trying for a pun here) or the stonee?
The other one is about holding a viper to your bossom. Is that Bible or Shakespeare? And which one is the viper?
Just some Sunday musings.
I am on my way out for some ice cream. Which is a sin to my health and well being. Having spiteful thoughts about the hgs is another sin I have committed and fear I will continue to commit. You see, I am no better than the worst of them. I do like ice cream, though.
Too many ss's
We have a lock down with flames beginning a few minutes ago in the house. Veto? or prep for it?
Debbie-Sending you my condolences in the passing of of your father who sounds so near and dear to you. As hard as it is to say goodbye, we know that he is free of any pain and in a beautiful place now.
Take care.
Jackie-Shelia was Pet of the Month in December 1981. She was Pet of the Year in 1983.
Shelia will autograph anyone's magazine for $50.00.
Jackie-Shelia was Pet of the Month in December 1981. She was Pet of the Year in 1983.
Shelia will autograph anyone's magazine for $50.00.
Sorry, Shelia was Pet of the Month December 1982.
debbie.. corn chips and pepsi ... in my fridge and on my shelf right now. I raise both to your father. Take time out for yourself... that's very important.
Going to dinner for my grandson's 21 birthday then on to church. Keep good records of everything going on for when I get home, which will be very late as we're going over an hour away to attend a special healing ministry which we don't normally attend.
From the feeds -
Ryan and Sheila are in the HOH room talking. Sheila is trying to make sure that Nat is voted out and it's not a tie vote. Ryan is assuring her that he's voting Nat out and will make sure that Adam does the same.
First, I want to say, Debbie, I am so sorry about your father. That is very sad. I lost both my dad and mom in 2006. It's very hard. My prayers are with you.
Darn, I've missed a lot on the show! That's what I get for working extra hours and having terrible sinus headaches!
I have to agree with your comments, Sue. Sharon has no reason to even try. It's kind of ironic. She was evicted at the beginning, but gets a reprieve when Josh loses his partner. I guess it doesn't bother them because she really wasn't the reason they evicted her and her ex.
You said it right Sandiekay...Nat is no worse than any of the others in the house. They all have their shortcomings. I just hate the fact that Adam is still in the race. I wonder what they'll all say when they see the edits for their time in the house? They've all done stupid things.
As far as the moral patrol, I think Ryan and Adam should look back on feeds someday and see just how moral they really are. Hope it does backfire on them. I like Ryan, but he should not throw stones.
I don't know if it's that Nat has a superior attitude as much as it is she's a very young Christian and does not have the appropriate knowledge to thoroughly think about her interpretations. She's gaining her knowledge on her own. She needs guidance to interprete the bible better. It's a lot of reading process to understand passages of the bible. Many people do not read the Old Testament at all, which is just as important as the New Testaments. Enough of my rants on that.
What's this about Shiela???? You mean to tell me she was a playmate??? Holy Cow!
Ryan says he will say to Natalie that Nat is wrong because she is promising TC, girl's club and boy's club all that she will take them/or with them to F3. Ryan is using his angry voice as he practices with Adam, saying what they will say in their meeting (to be held later this afternoon, after Adam works out). If the use of the F word shows his emotional level, then Ryan is pumped. He plans to "call her out" about Nat, with all three b*** at the table at the same time to hear it. Ryan wants Nat to know that she is going to sequester. He doesn't want to surprise her with it. Nat is trying to turn Sheila and Sharon against the boys, so they have to stop it now. Because, Ryan says, Sheila and Sharon don't talk S** about us, it is just Natalie. Paraphrasing what Ryan and Adam say. Now Ryan is calmer and says they have to get Nat out because she is the obstacle that will keep Adam or Ryan from winning. (which is a much better reason to oust her than the lie thing)
It's official. Adam took himself off the block and Sheila put Natalie up.
Let the games begin!
Laurie, your pic looks like Roseanne Barr
Sheila Kennedy
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Sheila Kennedy
Sheila Kennedy at IMDb
Big Brother contestant
Sheila Kennedy
Date of birth April 12, 1962 (1962-04-12) (age 46)
Resides Los Angeles, CA
Season(s) Big Brother 9
Sheila Kennedy (born April 12, 1962) is a former model and actress who was the December 1981 Penthouse Pet of the Month and the 1983 Penthouse Pet of the Year.[citation needed]
She moved on to acting, mostly in low-budget sex comedies, such as Ellie, The First Turn-On!, and Spring Break.[1] Kennedy also appeared briefly in the opening scene of National Lampoon's European Vacation as a gameshow hostess.
Kennedy has a son (born 1992).[2] She is a former girlfriend of Scott Baio and appeared as herself in one episode of his reality television program Scott Baio is 45...and Single.[3]
Shelia Kennedy
Here's a question for Natalie:
Do you what the shortest scripture in the Bible is?
Swear on the bible you did not perform oral sex on Matt. If she says no, duck and cover BB House.
That graphic ROCKS!! ROFL!!
"Jesus wept"
Isn't that it?
Debbie, I just read the comments and want to add to the condolences about your father. Many of us here have lost parents and understand the trauma. They stay with us, as they leave.
Zoetawny, I really like the graphic. Thanks to you and Jackie for sharing.
meb: Drive safely tonight.
I thought Nat was good at the game, but she is missing all kinds of clues that they want her gone. Sharon is talking about going home, giving her slop pass to Sheila, having Nat feed the gps, eetc. And she is happy and smiling...Sharon hasn't smiled since she came in the house.
What irritates me is that Sheila and Sharon are pretending to be with Nat and voting her out because she is pretending to be with them. I guess it makes sense to them.
As much as I dislike Gnat's lying, it's ridiculous for Ryan and Adam to call anyone out about it. These guys truly are like Bevis and Butthead.
Also it's stupid to not surprise Gnat with this eviction, because she WILL manipulate those guys before the vote. She HAS and she WILL.
Why are they so stoopid???
So Ryan calls Gnat out about her talking smack to the girls about the boys - of course her reply will be "Of COURSE I told them that! What do you expect me to say? The real question is how do you know I was telling Sheila/Sharon the truth? In the same way that you've been telling me all week that I'm safe, eh Ryan?"
OK, she won't be that articulate, but if she's smart and quick, that's what she'll say (so don't expect it).
I mean, what do Ryan and Adam expect Gnat to be saying to the girls, even if she honestly were to be true to the boys?
It just makes no sense to me, what Ryan is thinking.
Also, I think he has developed a serious crush on Sheila, ever since seeing her pic from early years. At first I thought he was just trying to flatter her, but when he was alone in HOH, he was staring at the pic. Plus, he's acting differently toward her lately. It's funny kinda.
And the way Gnat is just so shamelessly flirting with Adam, and doing the same things that she called Chelsia and James "nasty" for -- it's the epitome of who Gnat is: the ultimate hypocrite.
Ugh! Send her to Mattie for God's sake! Literally!
Afternoon all! It's 91 where I am but I'm sure it's even hotter at the BB house.
So sorry to hear about your loss. It must be devastating for you and your family. Your Dad sounds like he was a good man with a great sense of humor. You are blessed to have good memories of him.
Well, late last night before I went to bed I had to check the blog to see if there was anything new going on. I checked the website that has the east coast live feeds and saw that BBAD on Showtime is also broadcast through this site. I don't know how they get away with that and wished I had found this site earlier in the Show.
For those who might like it:
I know Jackie and everyone has mentioned how Sheila talks so much and drones on about nothing. But, not having the feeds I never realized how bad it actually was. I've never seen anybody talk so much in my life...and not say anything. Sheila was talking to Ryan while she was folding laundry on the patio. She was going on and on and on and on. I couldn't believe it. Ryan was grunting every once in a while in response. I don't know how he didn't excuse himself and go back into the house. It was too much. Just so you know, my personal friends would say that I was quite loquacious myself, but nothing like Sheila. What is wrong with her?
joy n...
I guess Gnat is back to her old bag of tricks with the boys, huh? Did you see that on BBAD? I must have missed it because Gnat was going back into the house when I started watching.
Patty said...
Shelia will autograph anyone's magazine for $50.00.
Who would want to pay $50. for it?Sheila really has to get out of the time warp she's in. I'm sure she thinks she will make some money selling "stuff" on E-Bay as do most of the house guests. Narcissism is rampant in that house.
Laurie said...
It's official. Adam took himself off the block and Sheila put Natalie up.
Let the games begin!
Thanks for reporting this. I was hoping that nothing flip flopped. Now, the big question is will the boys vote Gnat out or will Sheila have to do it for them?
Have the boys carried out their dastardly plan to call the girls out? I suspect they were all talk and no action but I could be wrong.
PlaidChick said...
Here's a question for Natalie:
Do you what the shortest scripture in the Bible is?
Swear on the bible you did not perform oral sex on Matt. If she says no, duck and cover BB House.
FOTFL! What is it with Gnat? Does she forget her lies or is she pathological? How does she reconcile her behavior and lies with her faith and with God? I'll never understand that.
I really enjoy your posts. You do have a good way with words. What flavor ice cream did you have? I was thinking ice cream after dinner last night but we were too lazy to go out and get some. During the summer months ice cream is a staple in my freezer. Have you tried the low fat type? It's actually pretty good.
Anonymous said...
"Jesus wept"
Isn't that it?
4/13/2008 4:39 PM
I think you might be right about that.
Going to get some chores down around here but will keep checking back.
Thanks, Jacki, and all for keeping us informed.
P.S. I had to blur Sheila's butt on that Penthouse graphic. VBG
Debbie --
My condolences on the loss of your dad. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Keep memories of all the love and happy times in your heart and he will be with you forever.
Regarding Gnat swearing on the Bible about not giving Mattie the BJ: Adam and Ryan already tried that with her, and she refused, quoted the verse about "let your yay be yay and your nay be nay" but of course she couldn't locate it, nor quote it correctly - but she had the gist. Isn't she lucky that there are always handy Bible verses to support whatever position she takes? Why, she could start a cult of her own with that talent.
Zoetawny, thanks for that link - I'm there now, but not sure how it works. It has a chat box, and then another box showing a clock, but the audio sounds like the live feeds. Is that it? Is it just the audio?
But cool, thanks!
ps: love the graphics!
Thanks Zoetawny, I went to Sonic and had a Vanilla Dish. I don't think it is even real ice cream. Sometimes I crave it, though.
Sheila just said her mother is 64.
Hi Debbie -
LIke Meb, I'd wondered about you too. I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I have a bit of an idea of what you are going through in getting "back" into your own life and routines, as you may know my dad passed away just a few weeks ago. It had to have been really tough for someone so active, but it sounds like he had his humor. I'm eating corn chip in his honor ... just hope a toast with Diet Ginger Ale will do!
Yes,the quote,"Jesus wept" is the shortest verse in the bible.
If I was Sheila,I would want the vote to be a tie and then vote out Gnat,because,if the boys manage to get Sharon out,then Sheila would have gained a big,big thank you vote from the "bad" group for sending Gnat's butt to JH and they,with Sharon,would be the majority vote in the finale. BUT,unless S/S can get one of those guys out next,they are going to the finals cause I think they will take each other. Again,I really don't care if any of them win at this point...still.
Ryan has the hots for Sheila....ewww!
First, Debbie very sorry to hear about your father. He sounds like a wonderful Dad who was full of life and humor. My prayers are with you and your family. RIP.
I'm happy that we are one step closer to seeing NN get the boot from BB. Just hoping here that the boys don't go back on what they've said and vote out Sharon instead.
Debbie.....sending my love and prayers for your family about your Dads passing. I love to hear when women have had great is so wonderful to know they are out there.
gnat just got out of DR and she's very nervous, apparently she knows they're having a "meeting" and she knows something is up
House meeting in 1 hour!
So many to mention, I am touched and honored by all the kind words. Sydney I am sorry about your passing of your father, I can now say , I know how you feel, empty.
My Dad's obituary covered a half a page in the newspaper! I am so proud of him. I will miss knowing that he is not "there" anymore. But he will always be "there", if you know what I mean. But I just wanted to tell everyone here how touched I truly am.
I am sure feels the noose getting tighter and tighter. Showtime has been crazy!! Seems Adam's new favorite hobby is sticky his finger down Nat's pants and then smelling it. Seems Adam likes to smell everything, hence his front and back side too!! Yuck, but that is Adam. I dont know who I want to win, I cant believe Ryan got as far as he has! THink about it, he is just a log and agrees with basically everything.
formerly anon...
It took me a while to figure it out. The video of BB is on when the live show airs EST and when BBAD starts in the late evening. I'm not sure exactly when BBAD starts since I just found it accidentally last night. Hopefully, someone who has Showtime will let us both know what time BBAD starts. ;)
I wish we had a Sonic out here. I'm not sure if there are any on the West Coast. Their commercials always give me a craving.
formerly anon...
I'm on the site now. The video is golf but the audio is A & R calling out Nat now. Adam is doing most of the talking. Nat defending herself that she's not lying about any of it.
Going to listen to it all now.
Posting the site here:
Wish the visual was on. It's strange watching golf and listening to R-A-S-N. Sounds like the big meeting is over and just chit chatting about it. I don't think Nat is present.
You must be so proud of your Dad. I know what that empty feeling is. It will ease up in time. I'm feeling much empathy for both you and Sydney as your loss is so recent. Hang in there and seek comfort wherever you can find it.
I don't know if you read my post telling you how touching your tribute to your father was. I was tearing up reading it.
Back to BB, they're all talking/arguing at once now. ;)
I don't know how Jackie listens to it all. Jackie rocks,ya know. VBG
BBAD airs on Showtime Too from midnight to 3 am eastern time.
Aw, now Gnat's crying to Ryan and Adam (WOW now who would have expected THAT???)
I'm so mad that they did this, now they've given Gnat the chance to "repent" (we know how good she is at that)
Just watch.
Sheila tries to talk like the younger set and sounds so stupid. "I could hang with that".
If only she would act her age she would come across as more credible.
Gnat still denying her lies and putting on the teary voice. She's not the cocky girl she was before. I'm not hearing any Bible quotes from her yet.
k in WI said...
BBAD airs on Showtime Too from midnight to 3 am eastern time.
Thanks! I wasn't sure what time it started by the time I found it.
formerly anon said...
Aw, now Gnat's crying to Ryan and Adam (WOW now who would have expected THAT???)
I'm so mad that they did this, now they've given Gnat the chance to "repent" (we know how good she is at that)
The boys just had to act like big sh*ts. I'm not sure they're buying Gnat's denials. She sure can spin things to defend herself.
I think I know now what Adam and Ryan are doing. They wanted a "moral" excuse to get Gnat out, so she couldn't rant at sequester about how "evil" they are for throwing her under the bus. They are riding their high horses, not because they are so "hurt" by Gnat's lies, but because they're priming the sequester house, whether they know it or not.
It's bad that they brought the Bible into it too, because now they've done exactly the same thing.
I just don't think they realize it yet.
OMG, well, the big oafs fell for it. Gnat has them both teary and feeling bad.
GOD how pathetic
Now I'm getting pissed. Adam and Ryan are playing the VICTIMS!!!
They vote "their girl" out (if they do) and THEY are the one's who were betrayed.
They're so dumb they might actually be brilliant (only I don't think they realize what's happening)
formerly anon said...
I think I know now what Adam and Ryan are doing. They wanted a "moral" excuse to get Gnat out, so she couldn't rant at sequester about how "evil" they are for throwing her under the bus. They are riding their high horses, not because they are so "hurt" by Gnat's lies, but because they're priming the sequester house, whether they know it or not.
ITA! I don't think they're hurt by the lies in the least. R & A are acting just as self-righteous as Nat. Oh heck, they're all the same. Sheila's playing it off by small talk about dinner and Adam's clothes. Now the boys are offering Nat a pork chop trying to be nicey nicey. Oh, the hypocrisy of it all. Sheila won't eat a pork chop.
formerly anon said...
They're so dumb they might actually be brilliant (only I don't think they realize what's happening)
R & A don't have a clue. They certainly ARE "big oafs". Wonder where Gnat is sulking?
I think Gnat is probably still doing her hair - funny that they held the meeting in the bathroom, where they could then leave and she would have to stay (if that's how it happened)
You can't just stop when you've started dyeing your hair, lol
My mind is just boggling over this, what A&R are doing.
They were put in a position where they got the opportunity to vote out their biggest thread, but also a member of the sanctimonious "Team Christ" -- what to do, what to do?
Honestly I don't think they intentionally considered that they needed the moral high ground on this one, but they somehow intuited it, and thus took the path they did.
The unfortunate thing is that it very well likely will backfire -- Gnat is much more adept at this type of strategy, only she is very conscious of it, whereas they are like a bull with a ring in their noses, and she just needs to grab the ring.
Sharon knew what would happen if they held this confrontational meeting, and it's happening.
My guess is Gnat appeals to the same ground they think they are standing on, the high ground, and that the "3 warriors" should go to the end and duke it out.
I'll be shocked if they actually vote her out this week. In which case, at that point, she SHOULD and probably WILL win.
I hope I'm wrong.
Big Oafs, Beavis and Butthead, Moral Police .... all great names for the guys I think of as TweedleDee and TweedleDum.
IF they buy into Gnat's manipulation at this point then I say they are complete airheads and the blood has left their brains.
Formerly Anon, I don't think I ever welcomed you but you sure do make sense and you make me laugh. Welcome!
Anonymous, I'm sure you meant Roseanne Barr in the nicest and kindest way. Right?
Thanks laurie!
There are some mistypes in my posts, but I usually figure everyone knows what I meant so I don't usually correct or mention them - but when I saw that I called Gnat their biggest "thread" I laughed.
Formerly Anon, I laughed at that too. I think typos are part of forum life, yanno? We can all figure out what the poster meant and sometimes the typos are funny.
Lordy, I do hope those boys don't keep Nat. It might be good game play to keep her but I so want her to torture her Mattie for a couple of weeks. It's the little things that make me happy.
The guys are now grilling bacon-wrapped pork chops. Clearly they are not worried about cholesterol (although perhaps they should be).
Forgot to mention your great graphic, Zoetawny. Wish I'd looked that good in '82.
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