The show has started here on the East Coast ... on time for a change! As it airs, I'll be constantly updating this post and I'll be posting a full real review of the show later tonight over on TV Squad. Please forgive any typos as this is being posted as I watch my television, not my keyboard or monitor!
Doesn't Zoetawny's winner graphic rock your socks? :-)
The audience cheers after Julie intros the show. What that is she's wearing, don't ask me! It's a white with black print shell and a charcoal sweater with matching cuffs and collar. We see a brief rundown of the season. Yawn.
Bros to the end. We get to see James in his panties screaming again. We see crying, Sheila floured. And we're still on the recap.
Adam and Ryan are on the plasma screen. We can vote for our favorite juror on the CBS website -- The winner gets 25 grand.
Natalie likes Ryan. Joshuah thinks Ryan had a backbone. Joshuah says Sheila couldn't win -- she can't get herself out of a wet paper bag. Then Sheila walks in. Sheila tells the jurors that Adam threw the third part so Ryan would do Adam's dirty work for him in voting her out. She claims that she has a moral dilemma with both of them. Matt thinks Ryan won comps, but Adam played a smart game.
Natalie still has the glazed dazed look. She thinks Ryn was strong and smart. She doesn't think anyone ever found out that Ryan had all of the alliances. Sheila is very upset at Adam. Sharon thinks Ryan is where he is because Adam brought him there. Matt thinks Ryan made deals with everyone and is a better player.
Lots of ex-HG there in the crowd.
Final jury questions:
Matt -- For Adam, what are you going to do with the money? $100 grand afterschool programs, start a business, car, help children, change lives.
Ryan -- Help my Mom out (Sheila smiles), do something nice for Jen (Chelsia gasps), something for charity. (Josh says worst anser)
Sharon -- Ryan -- She calls out Ryan on getting her evicted. He lies, says it was a last second thing. LIAR. He puts it on Adam.
Chelsia -- Jen was a hatred person. Heh. Ryan defends her. (Wrong answer.)
Joshuah -- Adam, thrown comps and had Ryan do dirty work. Adam says physical, mental and emotional. Adam says he didn't throw the comp. Don't scream.
James -- Adam, better competitor and why in F2 over Sheila -- Turned negativeity to positvity, straight shooter, minimized risks.
Natalie -- It's Chatty! Baller - Why didn't you take me to final three? She thinks he's telling the truth. Ryan -- You voted me out -- why didn't you keep your word? Ry -- it was one of the hardest decisions.
Sheila -- Adam -> why you lied to my face and said you would take me to the end of the game? Adam said he had to do certain things to keep her in the final three. You had a fair shot. He gets upset. She thinks he didn't carry her, she played a smart game, too.
Ryan thinks he did some things he wouldn't do outside the game, thinks he played a stand up game, won't say bad things against Adam.
Adam -- Decision based on personal feelings, gameplay and plans for the money. Joshuah kleeps sneering. Sheila looks disgusted.
Joshuah and Sheila think Adam is all cocky. They seem to be skewing things for a Ryan win, so we might see the opposite. Adam thinks Sheila and Joshuah were psychopaths.
The jury comes to the stage. We're back. Julie checks in with the final two. Adam, one word after the jury. Rough. Nervewracking says Ryan.
Time to cast the votes. One at a time insert key of the person you want to win, may make a statement.
1. Matt -- Misses both, great job, one of you two taking me to Vegas.
2. Natalie -- I miss you love you even though you sucker voted me out. Gow with gut instinct.
3. Joshuah -- Vote for the person who played hard every comp and has a back bone.
4. Sharon -- Most loyal in the game.
5. Sheila -- Very easy decision. Know it's a game but hopes honesty, loyalty and trust had something to do with it.
6. James -- Hope you party away this money.
7. Chelsia -- Hope you hold the deal, what you said at the round table is what you do.
The first six evicted HG are back. Natalie -- were you playing all sides? Both she says. She would have protected the boys.. Matt -- do you want to tell Natalie anything? He apologizes for everything she's about to see.
To Jen -- Ryan paired off with another woman. Her thoughts on Allison (doesn't care for her) haven't changed. Allison, better match? She has no hard feelings towards Jen and thinks Ryan and Jen are a good match. Jen looks like she wants to punch Allison.
Julie shows Adam telling Natalie he voted to keep her. They knew. Now it's Joshuah crying over the pizza and Adam consoling him. Adam is shocked -- he bought the act.
Julie tells the jury about the 25 grand prize going to one of them at the end of the show. Voting is now closed for juror.
Votes revealed:
1. Matt -Adam
2. Natalie - Adam
3. Joshuah - Ryan
4. Sharon - Adam
5. Sheila - Adam
They didn't show James and Chelsia's votes as they weren't needed for the win, but she just showed they voted for Adam. Adam promises money for autistic children.
Sheila came in second place, James got first place for the 25 grand. Now Sheila will have more reason to cry.
And Neil is there in the crowd at the end. He just wasn't sitting with the evicted.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the graphic, thank you Zoetawny.
YAY, Zoetawny. The best in the house by far. What a year!
Ummm what's with the chef dude in the backrow on the left as Julie did the intro?
I want to say he was on Hell's Kitchen??! And the guy who always wore his chef's hat said he never takes it off...
Pdx Granny-- I saw your post, shoot me an e-mail-- I have several thoughts on Type II Diabetes going away after surgery..
Now for the 15 minute recap...
Anyone else station messing up and picture breaking up? Dang now the screen is blank.
I finally found the East Coast live show but it's on a different site.
YEA! The guinea pigs won BB9! LOL
I probably won't be able to stay on for long since I have company for dinner. The nerve of them, huh?
With so many recaps CBS should have had more than an hour show.
Zoetawny, adorable! love it, think maybe this means they could win the dough? and then give them to Sharon and she will support them with it?
Ok, I'll be serious now...
Now we know Ryan has a nice shirt that he COULD have worn. Why a t-shirt for finale Ryan?
New site for EC feeds for all you West Coasters:
Thanks for turning off the WV, Jackie!
Which juror should we pick??
oooh....we get a vote!
Sheila's ears must have been burning.
Hmm....I still don't want any of them to get anything....
Plaidchick, I agree, that is the fellow from Hell's Kitchen.
Zoe, perfection!!!
B-I-T-T-E-R Sheila!
Watch James win the $25,000. grr I want none of the above to win it. No choice for the guinea pigs!
I voted James!
I so hate sheila, she is tickd at ANYONE who woouldnt bring her to the end...shes such a BABY!
Adam threw half the comps? Who knew?
Sheila does.
Adam threw half the comps? Who knew?
Sheila does.
I think James played the best game. I missed hearing what we are supposed to vote for.
It wont take my
Zoetawny-- they all trashed Dick last year, and we all said, they're going to give it to Dani. I think they're trying to set up to make us think they're going to give it to Ryan
SharonS said...
oooh....we get a vote!
4/27/2008 8:09 PM
We do? Did I miss that trying to find the EC show?
Would not take my vote either!
Just saw Janelle and then AMBER in the crowd. ewwwwwwww
Amber, not Janelle. :)
can't get in to CBS site...and what about other time zones -- they don't get to vote?
Seems the jurors prefer Ryan, or it's edited as such.
Viewing the video clips of Ryan and Adam's reaction right after the jury meeting, they both seemed completely convinced that Adam would win. Hmmph.
Zoetawny-- they all trashed Dick last year, and we all said, they're going to give it to Dani. I think they're trying to set up to make us think they're going to give it to Ryan
4/27/2008 8:14 PM
I hope you're right. I'm not good at knowing when I'm being set up. ;)
boo said...
Plaidchick, I agree, that is the fellow from Hell's Kitchen.
Did he cater the event?! ::lol:: Does he know he's at CBS and not Fox? :P
Yep I just did a quick rewind and saw Janelle, and OMG there is she is, SHE'S ALIVE!!
We get to pick America's favorite Juror over at ooooo
Zoetawny -- On the CBS website.
so do we think that vote is for Shelia???
And I think you can't vote til the show is over...
Thanks for removing that dang word verification Ms. J!!!
It wouldn't take my vote either.
I thought I voted for James, but it didn't take my vote either. What's up with that, CBS? grrr
Dani looked cute!
Is that fur on Julie's fugly outfit? Hope it's not guinea pig :)
Great graphic, Zoetawny! Just thinking, good thing there were GPs in the house and not Parrots! Could you imagine the language they would have picked up???
My screen black again!!!!
Sharon looks good with eye make-up.
Soooooo many lies! BLECH
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Chelsia, Go Girl!
He's sweating buckets...
Ryan-- you frikkin flake...
Is anyone else having trouble voting for the jury person to win $25,000?
I haven't read any comments yet, but Zoetawny's grapic is the best. You do Rock, Zoetawny, you really do.
Josh... LOL Maybe if A quits screaming we could understand what he's saying.
Yep I am....
Sheila...everyone lies on BB. Here comes the pity party.
Won't take my vote either
patti in kalamazoo
i have tried voting on cbs's site. it's not working. i could have sworn julie said to go vote "now" because the winner would be announder during the show, not after.
sheila is so bitter.
why didn't james get to ask ryan a question, or do we just not see every question?
i never ripped anyone apart (TO THEIR FACE THAT IS)
tried to get the EC feeds and couldn't....damn! Even the ustream site didn't work. I'll just follow along here.
Why would they have America votes for fav. juror but not be able to announce on tonight's show? Is it going to be announced tomorrow on the Early show?? CBS is sooo screwed up!!
matt's getting a show on vh-1
Zoetawny, thanks for the WC feed link.
Just in case anyone missed it
It's not Adam talking it's Baller.
I didn't know there were 2 of him. A and Mattie were tight in the house.
What the heck is Julie wearing? It's hard to tell on this little screen on my pc.
I like Sheila's dress...not Sheila.
We didn't see "Hoops" we didn't see Sheila's question to Ryan, and CBS was stupid to try this voting thing on finale night
I was able to get it. Maybe you should try it again? Did you see the new url I posted?
They suppose to announce the juror favorite tonight..
CBS did something to the voting...
Nobody on the EC live feed site chat window can vote on CBS right now either.
so the jury is mad at both ryan and adam for lying and scheming to get where they are now.....uh...HELLO!!!! do they understand the game?
does sheila think adam had a responsibility to take her to the F2?
delee-- no V problems here. HOW FRUSTRATING that your screen in blank!!!
Plaid -- I noticed the chef guy, then looked closer and it looks like a kid... and the hat was tan colored and had writing on it, so maybe a poster wrapped around his head???
I just voted - it's working now.
I finally voted, dont know how much good it will do, they didnt list the GP's
GNAT's boys! UGH!
Me thinks Josh just voted for Ryan!
When you voted did it just say welcome to CBS?
Yes it did...
Still bitter Sheila. Guess she can't find someone to take her through life.
Whoa! Looks like Neil's going to be absent tonight. I'd love to know what the heck happened to him.
sheila voted on who was honest and loyal in the game........DO THEY KNOW THIS IS BIG BROTHER???
Monty -- Neil's cousin (I think it was) was murdered, that's why he dropped out. I think due to dropping out, he's almost considered not a part of the show or didn't want to be on TV to explain things.
Thanks, Jackie. How sad. Hope he's doing well now.
1. Matt -- RYAN.
2. Natalie -- RYAN
3. Joshuah -- RYAN
4. Sharon -- ADAM
5. Sheila -- RYAN
6. James -- ADAM
7. Chelsia -- ADAM
I could be wrong, but I'm going off what that said as they put their key in
sheila...take your clothes off and pose naked again, then you can make a living on your own instead of expecting someone else to carry you.
i guess josh voted for ryan.
james - i want him to get the 25K.
chelsea needs some anger management classes or maybe just some class.
i think i'm looking forward to this part of the segment when the outsiders come back. i can't wait to see the editing of the show for the jury members. this should be fun.
janell's the only one i saw from past seasons. wonder if sheila thinks ED will be there for her.
jackie, sure hope your surgey goes well. sending positive thoughts your way.
You'd think we'd get a screen after voting that says "thank you for voting." I tried a second, and a third time, just to make sure -- now did I cheat and vote multiple times? @@ CBS has serious production and planning problems.
Monty -- Neil's cousin (I think it was) was murdered, that's why he dropped out. I think due to dropping out, he's almost considered not a part of the show or didn't want to be on TV to explain things.
4/27/2008 8:40 PM
I read that on the chat window on the EC live site but didn't know it was true. Very sad.
Matt you piece of dirt
Is Mattie blushing? Gnat won't even get it. She must have Karma, too, since she was out.
Jen is chewing her lips after what Allison said.
Ohh that is classic!!
Baller is stunned
Please NOT Sheila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a jury full of poor sports. so hipocritical
HI -- can't find where to vote once on on the big brother page... what am I missing???
Zoetawny - It was on Neil's MySpace page a few weeks after he left the show.
Sydney -- Not voting here as I already have too much going on with posting and comments. Try main page.
What's the link to Neil's myspace page?
It won't take my vote. I guess CBS just LET us think we could have a bit of control on something. Then they will give it to the one they want.
I voted for James, It's closed now. It said thank you for voting.
Better than Rye Bread! I guess.
OK I was way off-- thank God the thug didn't win
GOOD!!! Adam won! Ryan made a mistake saying he would share with Jen.
Jenn will not let anyone near ryan, I really hope he watches the tapes and sees what she said about him!
Gnat's dressed like a hooker, again.
Yah, Whoo Hoo, A. Baller!!!
Ugh, ugh, and more ugh!!! Period!
YEA!!!!!!!! ADAM won...lesser of all evils.....
don't kill me..but i voted for the little gnat to win
I voted for James, then Sharon... is it closed Joy???
I voted for James as the best juror, even though Sheila is a single mom.
I just got a message saying
Welcome to CBS
so I guess mine didn't count?
I voted for James to win...
i had no trouble getting onto voted quite a few times thought not sure if it would take more than once
lol Gayle
will be interesting to see if Adam gives Big SHelia a little check, even though he was calling her a C*&T after the jury questoins....
Adam won and Jen and Ryan got 50.. note Jen standing next to Julie
YES! James won the $25,ooo.
Yay James!!!
Can't believe big She-- came in Second..
Jen-- Jesus can you not wait to have a make out session with your thug until the show is over???
Jen needs to buy a dress thae she doesn't require her to pull up all the time. I find her disgusting.
It's over
Whoah... Jen nearly fell out of her dress there at the end.
Oh good Lord! Way to rub it in Sheila's face Julie.
OK, guess James did play a hard game. Now he can buy a new bicycle. Is Sheila crying?
Can't wait to read more of your comments and Jackie's note but have to go serve dinner now.
We made it to the end!
I had the same problems as a lot of you voting. I finally got to vote for Sharon. I didn't vote for James because he will do exactly what he told Ryan & Adam to do with their winnings....blow it on partying.
To bad so sad James will od no doubt.
Where was Sheilas son?
Jackie-- you made this season bearable!!!
It was great as always, looking forward to july 13th!!!
Wouldn't take my vote either - another fix?
My hope for the "girls" in BB9 is that in the very near future someone takes the time to explain to them the concept of 'leaving a little to the imagination'; they all dress like sluts.
TGIO - maybe Adam will do some good with some of that money but seeing what a gullible sap he's been he'll probably fall victim to all the scammers that can hunt him down.
James, party down!
Jackie, thank you once more for making the intolerable tolerable, and thank you Zoetawny for the coolest graphics on the net. You both rock!
Anon 8:57 ROFLMAO!
Yes, James. I guess the vote was 6-1. I didn't catch who James and Chelsia voted for, but I'm guessing Adam.
Thanks Jackie for an AWESOME BB9 season. Good luck with you upcoming surgery and God Speed back to us here afterwards.
glad this ones over. um, chelsia's dress.....figures
too funny, jen standing in front of adam and all exited that "they" won 50K
i'm so happy for james.
sheila...another war story with tears she can beat like a dead horse...just her luck, 2nd!!!! she can't get a breadk, boo hoo woo is me.
see ya all next season.
So...What ever happened to Neil???
I second Anne's thanks to Jackie, Zoetawnty and all of my fellow addicts/commenters! I wasn't so addicted to this show this year or last due to the cast, but I was totally addicted to this site!
I think BB should start doing a Reunion show like Survivor. Well I guess that all folks....See you in July Jackie, and Thanks again for another great season! Also I hope everying goes well w/ you surgery next month.
I do think Adam has a good heart and intends to donate that money. Maybe he'll change his mind about what charity when he finds out he's been fired. But I hope this puts to rest all the bad press. He said a very stupid thing, but not with malice, so hope he learns from it.
Well, I didn't like Adam, but I guess they all thought Adam was more trusting and loyal.
Jackie, thank you so much for the blogging. You are unbelievable. Don't know how you do it all. Good luck on your knee surgery.
Zoetawny, excellent graphics! Love them!
Take care all!
Bethany - It was so long ago I don't know what I did with the link. If you search around at, you might be able to find it.
saw janelle...missed amber saw bunky......anyone see jessica or eric? saw ED....
Thanks Jackie and Zoetawny. Not my favorite season, but all of you kept it interesting.
CBS - fire Allison Grodner! and let's get back to a better BB!
jackie..thanks, love, and prayers to you...zoetawny..your graphics ROCK!! everyone....thanks for including me. GREAT group of friends!! lets not forget to send jackie a little green love :)
Sorry Sydney, just read your post.
I voted several times for James. You had to hit "vote now" , then pix of the other HGs came up and underneath that were the list of names to choose. If your vote "took", it then said Thank You For Voting.
I noticed Jen all over Ryan, too. He seemed to be kind of pushing her away so he could hug other people. LOL Something tells me when Ryan sees the show that relationship might be over(but not till he takes her to Vegas!)
I'll be watching it again on my time(PDT). When you watch the EC feed it's pretty choppy so I want to see all the little details...
Was that Alex Sheila was hugging at the end of the show? ED is probably trying to stay far away from Sheila...let the stalking begin!
For Bethany...
Zoetawny,Jackie thanks for making this all a bareable season!! You guys both Rock!
I need to know who produced this before AG? Get them back!
What happened to the GP's
Im glad Adam won, couldnt have taken it if Ryan won.
Im sorry sheila didnt get it, I voted for her. Im almost thinking Adam will do something nice for her.
ryan got $10,000 plus all the goodies so he didnt do bad for letting everyone else get him there.
I saw Eric on the left about 3 rows back on the jury side, and Wahmber was one person over a row in front of him.
I saw Dick and Danielle too. Janelle looked great but was all alone. No Dr. Will I guess -- maybe he's trying to distance himself so he can get a real career going?
i'm guessing if jessica wasn't with eric she wasn't there?
i must have missed.....who did natalie vote for? who was the sole (?) vote for ryan?
From what I read and heard in an interview, Janie has a boyfriend or did around December. Dr Will has his dermatology clinic.
I am surprised Boogie wasn't there. I guess he was busy at one of the many night clubs he owns that allows minors to be served in the bars.
Dick didn't look to happy. I can only assume the lady next to him was the one that won his auction.
poor poor sheila....she is a single mom you she's gotta go find someone else to support her. whats a single mom to do?
did someone say...JOB?
Wasn't Josh the sole vote for Ryan
Yes, Josh was the only vote for Ryan.
Lucygrace -- you had the best comment of the night IMHO
"chelsea needs some anger management classes or maybe just some class."
Zoetawny, fabulous graphic! I've enjoyed them thoroughly all season.
Jackie, thank you for giving us the opportunity to read all the "inside" BB info here and on TVSquad. That info and the discussions about each episode make it a joy to be part of this blog.
I am thrilled that James won the extra prize money. He was a great player and he can use it. I'm sure it will keep him traveling around the world for awhile longer. He can probably use a new bike by now.
Again, thank you Jackie, for being there for us.
Well, on to the rest of Survivor's season.
I loved Julie's sweater/ blouse set on tonight's show Does anyone know how I can find out where to buy it?
so was the little fur on julie's top the guinea pigs?
Anon (:30...I think she has worn that every season, its probably vintage
What'd I miss??
LOL, always a day late and a dollar short.
: sigh :
Can you believe that I totally forgot that today was BB D-day? I'm west coast so I will still watch it later, but just read the blow-by-blow.
I'm glad Adam got it over Ryan, although by the end they were both so dispicable it was almost a coin toss.
I'm glad I found this place, you guys (gals) have made a completely horrible BB season not only tolerable but actually enjoyable! Like many others have said, the best part of BB was coming here to discuss it.
I will definitely stick around for the other show discussions (Survivor) and BB in July.
Hugs all around (except to the BB houseguests, of course!)
After seeing Jen on there again tonight,it just reminded me doubly why I didn't want Ryan to win. First she looks like a hoochy mama,and then you'd think she was the winner,hogging the limelight there at the end. Do you think they caught a quickie during the commercial break??? I,personally,was glad the vote was 6-0,kinda sent ole Rye Bread a message.
I thought Chelsia,Gnat and Jen looked trashy,but the others didn't.Sharon and Sheila looked nice.
TGIO...Thank God It's Over...and here's hoping BB10 has some class,since they sure didn't use any this time around.
Still no word from Tom s?
Thanks, Jackie, but I found it when I did a myspace search.
Sharon said:
Do you think they (Ryan and Jen) caught a quickie during the commercial break???
Sue -- I could not see your e-mail-- for some reason I just discovered your comment on my blog and it did not send me a notification vis e-mail. I would love to have it... you can send to Thanks for writing on my blog!
Wow, just like a real election, it's all over before the West coast even knew what happened!!
Why would they have a vote for "America's" choice for the jury, and then announce the winner before the West coast even knew there was a contest? That just sucks, I can't think of a worse PR move by CBS. Hello, don't they know that some jurors might be from the West coast and might feel a bit slighted (as if they don't already)?
Tacky, tacky, tacky.
Few things I did not understand. Why didn't Sheila (or anyone) ask Baller point blank if he would have taken Sheila if he had won HOH (since he claims, and I believe him, that he did NOT throw the 3rd part of the comp)? The jury let those guys off waaaay too easy imho.
And speaking of Baller, why didn't anyone ask, after he said what he would do with the winnings, "why should we believe you now, since you've lied to all of us in the past? How do we know you really plan to give any $$ to autism? Because saying you planned to could also be construed as "game play" -- arrrgh, why didn't anyone ask that???
That was SO not fair to not let the West coast be part of the vote for the jury member to win!!!
thanks for making an awful season enjoyable. Zoetawny your gaphics have been great. Jackie good luck on th knee surg, been there done that. the pain relief is so great once you get past the rehab. I will be gone when BB10 starts (going to Italty ) But I know I will be caught up in no time thanks to you jackie.
faithfull reader and mostly lurker
medford or
Oh, forgot this one: I think most of the jury realized that Adam was more likely to be a generous person with his winnings, and that if they had *any* chance whatsoever of him throwing anything their way, even if just a party, it would have to be Adam - cuz they knew that Jen would take possession of Ryan's $$ the instant she could, and would NOT let him do anything with it like entertain/help any former BB folks.
I think that next season they should throw this twist in: give the $50K to the THIRD place winner, and a big fat ZERO to the 2nd place winner.
That ought to have an interesting impact, no?
Think of how the Sheila/Ryan/Adam F3 situation would have gone had it been that way...
Thank goodness--the train wreck is over! The casualities have been taken away and the debris is being cleared!!! Lucky for us we came through it unscathed, with the exception of being saddened that people really can treat others like they did.
I'll watch the Early Show to see what they have to say and then it's on to Survivor, AI,DWTS, and Bachelor.
Thanks again Jackie and Zoe. You two have made this site a must-see each day for me. It will be July before we know it!!
Does anyone have a personal e-mail or blog address for tom s'? I'm starting to get worried about how he fared through the tornados.....
Just now got to watch the finale. Thanks be to Tivo! I guess Adam was the lesser of two evils. Couldn't Ryan have pulled his pants up and put on a better shirt for the finale? EEKK!
They showed a teaser for Summer BB to the music of "Happy Together" with the words TOGETHER AGAIN. Reunion show, maybe? If so, hope none of these yoyos are back.
JACKIE, thank you so much for another fun time with BB - even if the show was questionable this year. You rock! We prayed for you and your new knee at church this a.m. Take care and know that we will all be with you in spirit!
ZOETAWNY, your graphics have been great all season, but the one tonight was my favorite! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next season!
NANA in the NW - Hope we hear from tom's soon. They have not reported any damage or injuries in central Texas from the storms. I am a bit south of tom's. Hopefully, all is OK.
Early morning vids from the backyard after finale. Found on jokersupdates. CBS affiliate footage and article. Enjoy!
Yeah! It is over and we can move on!
And, I hate to be catty, but the Chen-bot really, really needs a stylist that knows what they are doing... I would imagine her budget is unlimited given her husband's position. Sydney, can you recommend someone that can fix this fashion disaster?!?
Can't wait to see what happens on DWTS, The Bachelor, and Survivor this week!
Just watched the Early Show and Julie gave the two boobs their money. It was filmed right there on the set last night,it looks like. They actually seemed to be decent,sane,almost nice people,but,sadly for us,we know what they are really like. A,once again,made his claim to be giving $100 thou to autistic kids,hope somebody holds him to that. I am surprised Jen wasn't standing behind R,smiling her smug,satified smile! Can you tell I didn't care for
And,FA,it wouldn't matter if they paid the prizes the way you suggested,they would have worked it so they still walked away with the money. They took Sheila because they knew she couldn't win anything in the end,and she's too deluded to realize they weren't going to hand her any money just because she cried!Good riddance to the whole bunch of them.
I've done the WV three times now! How can you enter the letters when you can't even tell what they are......gggrrrr!
Wish one of us did have e-mail for him... maybe Jackie does. I went to Tom's blog but there is no e-mail. I googled his full name and town, but no dice.
Jennasmom -- any news of West Lake Hills? DId they get hit by that tornado? Hopefully he is just visiting Canada or something???
I'm sure he'll get in touch soon. In the mean time, I watched the Early show by accident this morning, but must have switched channels when they did the BB thing, cuz I saw nothing. No big loss, lol. I was ready to be rid of these people weeks ago.
And while I do think Julie looked better than in past years, last night her pants black didn't get close to matching her top's black... doesn't every stylist know blacks look different in the light! While she personally must have unlimited cash, the show may not have it budgeted in -- an dis it possible she doesn't want to go for special treamtment or demand more $$ so as not to seem more privlaged since hubby owns the station?
However if it was important to Julie, she'd make it happen. I can only assume she has no taste to tell, or does not care that much?
Have a great day ALL!
Thanks you JACKIE and ZOETAWNY! You two were the only part of BB9 I enjoyed!! You are the best.
I will try to join you for DWTS and The Bachelor tonight but still having trouble with the sidebar to reach the sight. See you all for Survivor on Thursday.
Good Morning everyone--Monday again--it is go gray and gloomy today. I wish I could stay in bed and read a good book! But grandma duty and volunteering take priority.
It is raining so hard the rain is spilling out of the gutters!!! I think my grandson's BB game will be cancelled tonight.
I just turned on Early Show to watch the boys get their money and they said Julie Chen has the day off? I guess once again the WC get screwed!
Tonight is DWTS. Are we going to the sidebar or just commenting here?
Have a good day-I hope some of you are basking in the sun!!
SYDNEY -- Haven't heard of anything hitting West Lake Hills area. They got a lot of rain that direction. They got rain everywhere but OUR area. We need it! Two storm systems in a row have split and gone around us. NANA in the NW -- send us some of your rain!
jennasmom--GLADLY!!! With the rain and warm temps. we will probably have lots of avalanches in the mountains. How was your daughter's BD party?
If anyone finds a link to Julie Chen on the Early Show today please post it.
My WV is so smushed I'll never get it!!
Good morning all. I'm sorry I didn't live blog with you guys last night. That would have made the show much more fun! I was glad to see Adam win. I really think that was one of the most poorly edited and produced finales in BB history! What they showed us of the Jury questions was so short and tame compared to what it must have really been like! If you saw Adam and Ryan's reactions after they were questioned, you know that questioning was a lot more brutal than the little snippet we were shown on tv. Did anyone else notice Julie setting up Natalie for what she was about to see and then we saw nothing? What was that about? Not one word was said to any of the early evictees except Allison and Jen. Would have been nice to hear a little something from each one. We never did get to see Natalie's arrival at the Jury house. I'm sure it was the most interesting one of all. I think the highlight of the finale for me was the quick glimpse I got of Janelle. She looked great. Can't she just be a contestant every season until she finally wins, LOL. All in all it was a disappointing end to a disappointing season. Bring on BB10 and please let there be some people on it that I can truly like and want to root for. Seeing Amber in the audience last night makes me have to say one last time "God bless you God".
Your right Nana the WV is really hard to read today. Took me 3 tries.
monty924, thanks for that "morning after" link. It was very interesting to hear what they had to say. Josh is just plain mean in the real world, too. Matt spent most of his interview putting his foot in his mouth. What an ego! Jen is just full of sour grapes.
A Grodner did mention that the next cast will be more diversified and a totally different kind of show than this one.
One can only hope that is true. But different doesn't necessarily mean better. We'll find out in July.
Hey, where is everyone today. I'm lonely! This WV is driving me nuts today. I feel like I do at the eye doctor when I can't read the line, lol
Also last night before break, Julie said when we come back we will talk with the non-jury people. Then after the break, she goes to Gnat and Matt. Also Allison and Jen and that was it. Why even mention she was going to talk with the ones who saw most of the show and let them drop a few bombs! Survivor does the final show 150% better. Plus the show ended at 8:56. SAD
I watched last night and read all the comments here but the show was such a let down, I did not even want to comment. They should have a couple of the last shows be the sequester house and all the questions asked by the jury.
Why did Julie say anything to Natalie if they were not going to show anything? Did the jury take too long with their one statement that the time limit was up? Why can BB not have a two hour finale like some of the other shows do?
I was glad it was Adam who won, I would have been so disappointed if they had given it to Ryan. I think Adam will donate the 100,000 to charity and will probably help Sheila out too. Okay, just let me have that illusion anyway.
See ya'll (I am southern) at Jackie's Town USA.
I do believe that Adam will live up to what he promised with the money. If for no other reason than he announced it so publicly! I really don't understand why BB never has a 2 hour finale. Survivor gets a 2 hour finale and then a 1 hour reunion show! American Idol always has a 2 hour finale. Even Amazing Race gets 2 hours. Who knows, maybe the ratings just aren't good enough to merit 2 hours.
Why couldn't Julie wear a nice cocktail dress or something a little more dressed up for the occasion?
Did I mention already that I hate this WV today! Are you using the special "make them go blind" version today, Jackie? LOL Really is it just me?
Just watched Housecalls with Adam and EvelDick. Pretty interesting. Adam knows now that he was fired from his job and why. He says that "word" was taken out of context (I don't agree) and seems flustered that such a big deal was made of it. He says he will still give money to an Autism charity, but first he needs to "get grounded". Says he may start his own charity.
EvelDick mentioned Gnat's little "fun n' games" thing with Matt, starting on the second day she was there and Adam seemed surprised. Adam said, "That's Gnatty, stick with her story to the very end." So apparently, she's still trying to convince the whole country that she did no such thing. Little does she know. Well. now that the party's over, she'll probably know today that the lying is no longer necessary.
Ryan will be on tomorrow's Housecalls and Wed, will have all the Housecalls co-hosts.
Are there links to those "Housecalls" sessions? Is it video or audio? I'm must more interested in the aftermath of this train wreck, now the fun begins!
We should scour the net over the next several months to find any blogs the former HGs might put up, or ones put up by people who know them. That's the story that I'm interested in!
Is there such a place for "BB follow-up" postings, anywhere that archives all the links - because I surely don't intend to follow it daily - maybe monthly, lol
And yeah, the WV thing is screwy. I guess the machines are just getting too smart so they have to make us work harder still ::sigh::
Was anyone else a tad "uneasy" about the tag-line for Big Brother 10? Together Again. WTH?!!!?
Sorry but to ME that implies they were together before. (in the BB house?)
I am paranoid though, so . . . . . . LOL
formerly anon: For Housecalls, go to Scroll down right side of page. Hit Housecalls. A list will come up with each show listed by date.
I watched it live but I believe you may have to wait until tomorrow to see today's episode. I'm pretty sure there's a one day delay to see the taped show.
If you are on the West Coast, it airs there at 10pm, I believe. The site will tell you the exact time.
This word verification is driving me up the wall!
10pm tonight, that is.
Sorry, I just double-checked. It's 10 AM PT.
FA also jokersupdate does cover some things after the season. Under latest topics. Plus there is News and Rumors. Now topics is about the BB in Australia.
Together Again does sound bad for us the viewers. Please do not let it be the cast that was just in there. That would be "H*LL".
I agree WV is 2x H*LL. Even when u think u have it, it is wrong as u have to guess what the letter is.
I found this on Jokers:
"but it leads me to believe that they might be putting republicans against democrats this season being as its an election year, or maybe i just got shot a random weird question, who knows?"
Could this be since this is an election year? This person went to an audition somewhere. That would have to be better than couples.
Rs vs Ds? Now *that* would actually be an interesting show, as long as the houseguests actually knew why they were what they were and could intelligently discuss it. This country needs *some* sort of forum where real issues are discussed instead of what we hear the talking heads say. That would make for an interesting season. I'd love to see some really bright politically savvy people confronting the other side about their positions -- but c'mon, we all know that really bright people typically do NOT end up on BB. Too bad.
Oh Lord please don't let that be it. I didn't think they could come up with something worse than the premise for BB9, but if it is indeed Democrats v. Republicans, then I believe they have. Who gives a rats A**ss about people's political leanings? I know that's just about the last thing I want to know about a person!
rbennie, I'm so surprised to hear that reaction. To me, that's the first thing I want to know about someone, because it tells me just about every other thing that is important. We need educated voters, people who vote based on real reasons, which we clearly do not have too many of.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm just shallow, but talking politics bores me to tears within about 5 minutes. I can't imagine anything worse than an entire season of BB full of high brow political discussions. I would bet the cast would be very stereotypical also. All the Republicans would be well-off and highly educated and the Democrats would be low-income, less educated and most likely black or hispanic.
I am seriously going blind with this WV!
rbennie, lol, you do know that, demographically, Democrats are much better educated than Republicans, don't you?
It's a fact, you can look it up.
The wealth issue is true, though.
oops, need to slightly amend my last post wrt wealth - while it's true that very wealthy people tend to vote R, the converse is simply not true (poor folks do not necessarily vote D; in fact it's stunning how many poor folks vote against their own economic interest)
Political affiliation is much more directly tied to educational level than class/wealth.
I have to add to what Delee said about the show ending early @ 8:56... MOST of the shows this season ended early too!!!
Very disappointing...
rbennie-I'm with you. I hate talking politics and don't want my entertainment TV to be full of it!
FA-Yes, we do need educated voters but I don't really think something a HG of BB says is going to sway a viewers opinion. It could work the opposite if a viewer doesn't care for a particular HG.
A few observations from last night:
Did anyone see Sheila hanging off Alex's neck at the very end? He hugged her and she didn't let go! RUN, ALEX, RUN!!
After Jen and Allison sat there and trashed each other they were hugging when the show went off the air.@@@@
Never did see Sharon/Jacob together.
ED did look totally bored. I guess he thought some hot young chick was going to be his date and instead he got a middle-aged woman.
After all the things She. said about Adam, she voted for him! I think she smelled money coming her way.
Chel./Jen/Nat. looked trashy. Get some clothes that fit!!!
I thought the editting was terrible and the set-ups were totally misleading. CBS needs to read their message boards and take to heart what is being said.
Even the Early Show--one question each and here's your check. They spend more time interviewing the castoffs of Survivor each week!
I'm wondering if next season is going to be 2 people that have or had a prev. relationship but are still friendly....i.e. high school sweethearts, best friends in elem.or high school,former neighbors, distant cousins, etc. If the theme is "Happy Together" it sounds like some connection.
DWTS tonight--it's time for Shannon and Christian to step it up and get the votes.
I so agree that a BB season of Dems vs GOP would be totally boring. Not to mention the arguments that political discussions often bring. If that were the "theme" for BB10, I wouldn't even bother to watch. Nana had some great points on why it isn't such a hot idea.
YouTube has BB9 After Finale Interviews at the following links: - Adam - Ryan - Sharon - Chelsia - Matt - James Pt. 1 - James Pt. 2 - James Pt. 3 - Jen - Sheila - Alison
Gayle, I watched those interviews earlier today at the link Monty924 mentioned. Doesn't it seem odd that Gnatalie wasn't interviewed?
Is it my imagination or are the word verifications getting easier to read?
Joy n, I found this interview with Natalie. My WV is easier than it has been. - Natalie interview with Gretchen
Hi there! Here we are, the day after. :)
It makes me happy that everyone enjoyed my finale graphic. If it weren't for Jackie's talented writing and your great comments here BB9 would have been a total waste.
Thanks for all the URLs to check out. I checked out the Early Show site but only saw the interview directly after the show with Julie A & R and there wasn't much new being said by "Gnat's boys".
You all look like you've been busy. ;) BB10 advertising "Happy Together" and "together again" could be anyone's guess. You know how CBS likes to bait us with their lame twists. It sounds like the BB10 house guests may have known each other previously or have been separated at one time. Or, it could mean previous BB players but then we've already had an All Stars version. I don't ever want to see any of the goonies from BB9 again on a show. God bless us God! Speaking of, I have to watch my DRV to see if I see Wahmber in the audience. Did she ever make it to the modeling career she thought was waiting for her? VBG! I'd like to see a BB show about "where are they now?" but only one show.
There are so many posts so forgive me if I don't address them all. Has anyone heard from tom`s? I pray all is well.
I don't think a political theme would be a good idea for BB. We have plenty of that on cable news every day. There are two things I don't want to discuss in depth for entertainment, religion and politics.
Nana in the NW said...
ED did look totally bored. I guess he thought some hot young chick was going to be his date and instead he got a middle-aged woman.
LOL ED did look like he didn't want to be there. Hey, he IS middle-aged and that's why he looks and sounds even more ridiculous.
I thought C/J/N looked trashy, too. But then I'm not surprised. Jen's dress was very ill fitting and looked like it was pulling her boobs down. I'm sure Ryan liked it. What does he know about fashion and class?
Anonymous said...
Ugh, ugh, and more ugh!!! Period!
4/27/2008 8:54 P.M.
ROTFL! That about sums it up.
Going to check out those URLs now to see what I missed.
Many thanks to all for making BB9 fun in spite of itself. Since I'm not as creative as Jackie with words I'll just say, "JACKIE ROCKS!"
Thanks Gayle, I'll check that out.
I would like to say that the ONLY possible way I could stomach (maybe) former BB houseguests would be if they were the former houseguests who were evicted early on. (never made it to the jury)
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