I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Latest BB9 Feeds and The Big Confrontation Part 1
My latest BB9 live feeds report is up on TV Squad and here's part one of the video I took of the big Adam/Ryan confrontation of Natalie last night.
This is sort of off topic (not as far off as weather is), but I can't hold this in any longer.
It's one thing to rag on tattoos, or fake breasts, or nasty things people do. Those are unnatural choices people make, and we can disagree with those choices, and say so.
However, I am very annoyed by comments on Adam's "bug eyes", or Sheila's "turkey neck". Things like that are not a choice. They are natural, God-given, the way they are supposed to be. Is Sheila being sneered at because she has not had a facelift? I was also very annoyed by the "needs a hedgeclipper" comments on Sheila's old photo spreads (pun intended).
It seems like these days men are expected to shave their chests, and the shaving's more and more creeping downward. Women's body fur is seen as something disgusting. What's happening? Are we going to get to the point where 12-year-old girls will be teased on the playground because their lips aren't artificially plumped? We have 17-year olds already getting breast implants as graduation gifts. Will we get to the point where natural frontage will be seen as inadequate? Is my 33-year-old daughter going to be disgusting in a few years because she hasn't had Botox?
I am proud to admit that I am fully furred, and very much prefer my men that way, too. I also have loose skin under my neck. I occasionally push under my ears with my fingertips and realize that I could drop ten years with a slight neck lift, but then I wonder why I should bother. I like me.
So please, don't sneer at Sheila's neck. Her neck is natural. To sneer at it strikes me as shallow. It's pointing a direction I hate to see our society going, for the sake of my daughter and my future grandchildren.
~~Silk Couldn't agree with you more! I'm proud of my saggy neck! I've earned it! And my daughter isn't getting anything plumped or implanted as long as she's my responsibility!
Sydney -- if you want info on Canyon Lake, just let me know how to contact you so we don't waste space on this page. We LOVE living here. Moved here from San Antonio 15 years ago.
Donna in AL -- here's my stuff:
Jennasmom F age 52 married Canyon Lake, TX one child - Jenna (age 4) pets: two dogs- Cissy & Molly, two cats- Ally & Casper I'm a full-time mom & on my Mac laptop at home...with my sagging neck!
What is Ryan talking about? He's playing both sides, too. How many people know he has an alliance with Sharon? I think everyone of them need a labodamy!
I had to laugh today at a Sheila and Natalie conversation. They are such women! I argue the same way (just about different subjects!) During the big meet yesterday, Adam and Ryan were in loud mode, Sheila was listening intently and then began giving hair coloring advice to Natalie. It was an undercurrent to the actual convo. Nat ignored the advice, but being able to follow the harsh words and still talk about something else struck me as funny.
Just now Natalie and Sheila were talking. Sheila and Ryan want Nat to stay (they are saying to her face, you undersand), Sh says Ry told her the meet was all Adam so that when Sharon went to sequester she would tell everybody there that Adam was being harsh to Nat and he would earn votes for it. Funny to listen to the web spinning...have no idea who came up with the story, Sheila or Ryan. Anyway, as they were deep in convo, both Sheila and Nat take little side trips off topic, ' can I fold this towel' for example. Just funny to hear the different things going on in one conversation. As I say, I do it all the time.
I'm with you, Silk. This trend towards fake being the new real is a frightening thing when you think about it.
I think we baby boomers need to empower each other to be who we are. I went natural with my hair this past year because I was tired of conforming to a myth that I looked younger with the "natural color of my youth". Truth is I look younger with my natural silver highlights.
Pat in FL: Apparently I worked really hard on my neck and my upper arms, too!
Here's my current pet peeve about they guys on the shows. What's with calling these girls/women on the show "bitches"? Would they want their sisters or mothers referred to that way? It's really demeaning and shows absolutely no respect for the women. I hate it.
I am thinking that Ryan has a very restricted vocabulary. I would like to know if he gets in the real world what job is going to allow him to let his words fly like it does? Every other word or it seems like every third is "F". It is probably a habit he does not even realize he has. I am not saying he cannot use it at all, but at least if he is going to use it, could it fit in as to what he is talking about?
From the things I'm hearing on YouTube, it sounds to me like Ryan is setting up Adam for a fall next week. Ryan and Sharon must have a STRONG alliance the way he is defending her to Adam. I don't know that Sheila is part of it or not, but if she's not, then I have a feeling that she and Adam will go on the block next week if neither win the HOH. Something fishy going on here with Ryan.
Ryan is telling Adam it will look bad for him in sequester if he doesn't vote against Gnat this week. Whaaat?
Maybe Ryan thinks the "two nice guys" (he and Sharon) in the f2 would be good for him because he's done a little more than Sharon in the game playing dept. and could possibly beat her in the votes?
Delee, I had mentioned the BB10 date in the last post, but had also mentioned that Survivor's fall season will be HI-DEF for the first time. Not sure if anyone saw it.
Silk - I will often post about annoying things they do -- Sheila talking forever or Adam's gross personal habits -- but you rarely if ever see me comment on things beyond their control. Well, since I do listen to the feeds, shrieky voices bug me and I'll mention that. I know they can't do anything about their voices, but some go right through me and make me cringe or jump! Alison of BB4 (?) and Holly were the absolute worst.
Jackie, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. I'd just like people to think about what they're sneering at, why, and what it means. Yeah, voices can grate. And voices are easier to modulate than physical attributes. Personally, I can't stand those squeaky high-pitched "little-girl" voices that some women put on. I console myself with the thought that "that CAN'T be natural...."
Last night, after the meeting, when Ryan and Adam were together talking it over. They retold each other what was said and were bouncing around congratulating themselves on how brilliant they were. Then Adam begins to calm a little and asks some questions, like he is giving some consideration to what was said. He asks something about Sharon and Ryan stopped by conversation by saying he was hungry and had to eat and ran from the room. I think that is what keeps Adam off balance as far as Sharon and Ryan. For one thing, he absolutely trusts Ryan (and will feel the fool when he sees it all later...even if he wins, imo) and secondly Ryan changes the subject or leaves the conversation when Sharon is mentioned.
Sharon is getting a little careless in her tale carrying and all it would take is Adam to overhear something she is saying to set him off. And Nat seems to want Adam out before Ryan.
I'm sorry,but Sharon's voice drives me right up the wall. Does she have to talk so loud,all the time? It's almost like she's yelling. Maybe somebody in her family was hard of hearing,cause I mute the tv when she's in the DR talking!
Personally,I wish MY neck looked as good as Sheila's does. I've got another one or two than she does....LOL!
Jennasmom -- Looking forward to hearing about it! NwYrkRock@aol.com
SIlk -- Agreed.
I keep seeing Shelia's neck as just a product of how she tans -- with her head down, not that it's sagging with age. I used to have rings like that, though perhaps not as dramatic, when I laid out in the sun all the time IN HIGH SHCOOL. If you don't lift up your head, your neck tans in sections and leaves white rings once you're upright, just like Shelias... I bet in real life without a tan it's just not there. Take a second look with this in mind folks, and see if it's not the case.
Sydney, I completely agree re: Sheila's neck. Oddly enough, I was thinking about that earlier today. She simply has tan lines from her posture while tanning.
I also have to say that she was extremely attractive when she was in her prime... Hated that comment from Adam last night, and she does actually look pretty great for 45. And being a single Mom, and all... LOL :)
This is sort of off topic (not as far off as weather is), but I can't hold this in any longer.
It's one thing to rag on tattoos, or fake breasts, or nasty things people do. Those are unnatural choices people make, and we can disagree with those choices, and say so.
However, I am very annoyed by comments on Adam's "bug eyes", or Sheila's "turkey neck". Things like that are not a choice. They are natural, God-given, the way they are supposed to be. Is Sheila being sneered at because she has not had a facelift? I was also very annoyed by the "needs a hedgeclipper" comments on Sheila's old photo spreads (pun intended).
It seems like these days men are expected to shave their chests, and the shaving's more and more creeping downward. Women's body fur is seen as something disgusting. What's happening? Are we going to get to the point where 12-year-old girls will be teased on the playground because their lips aren't artificially plumped? We have 17-year olds already getting breast implants as graduation gifts. Will we get to the point where natural frontage will be seen as inadequate? Is my 33-year-old daughter going to be disgusting in a few years because she hasn't had Botox?
I am proud to admit that I am fully furred, and very much prefer my men that way, too. I also have loose skin under my neck. I occasionally push under my ears with my fingertips and realize that I could drop ten years with a slight neck lift, but then I wonder why I should bother. I like me.
So please, don't sneer at Sheila's neck. Her neck is natural. To sneer at it strikes me as shallow. It's pointing a direction I hate to see our society going, for the sake of my daughter and my future grandchildren.
Couldn't agree with you more! I'm proud of my saggy neck! I've earned it! And my daughter isn't getting anything plumped or implanted as long as she's my responsibility!
Sydney -- if you want info on Canyon Lake, just let me know how to contact you so we don't waste space on this page. We LOVE living here. Moved here from San Antonio 15 years ago.
Donna in AL -- here's my stuff:
F age 52 married
Canyon Lake, TX
one child - Jenna (age 4)
pets: two dogs- Cissy & Molly, two cats- Ally & Casper
I'm a full-time mom & on my Mac laptop at home...with my sagging neck!
What is Ryan talking about? He's playing both sides, too. How many people know he has an alliance with Sharon? I think everyone of them need a labodamy!
i suppose i earned my saggy neck and wrinkles but wish now i hadn't worked so hard at it. pat in fl
I had to laugh today at a Sheila and Natalie conversation. They are such women! I argue the same way (just about different subjects!) During the big meet yesterday, Adam and Ryan were in loud mode, Sheila was listening intently and then began giving hair coloring advice to Natalie. It was an undercurrent to the actual convo. Nat ignored the advice, but being able to follow the harsh words and still talk about something else struck me as funny.
Just now Natalie and Sheila were talking. Sheila and Ryan want Nat to stay (they are saying to her face, you undersand), Sh says Ry told her the meet was all Adam so that when Sharon went to sequester she would tell everybody there that Adam was being harsh to Nat and he would earn votes for it. Funny to listen to the web spinning...have no idea who came up with the story, Sheila or Ryan. Anyway, as they were deep in convo, both Sheila and Nat take little side trips off topic, ' can I fold this towel' for example. Just funny to hear the different things going on in one conversation. As I say, I do it all the time.
I'm with you, Silk. This trend towards fake being the new real is a frightening thing when you think about it.
I think we baby boomers need to empower each other to be who we are. I went natural with my hair this past year because I was tired of conforming to a myth that I looked younger with the "natural color of my youth". Truth is I look younger with my natural silver highlights.
Pat in FL: Apparently I worked really hard on my neck and my upper arms, too!
Here's my current pet peeve about they guys on the shows. What's with calling these girls/women on the show "bitches"? Would they want their sisters or mothers referred to that way? It's really demeaning and shows absolutely no respect for the women. I hate it.
Jackie, I click on to get the clip and it says it is no longer available. Is that just me again?
I am thinking that Ryan has a very restricted vocabulary. I would like to know if he gets in the real world what job is going to allow him to let his words fly like it does? Every other word or it seems like every third is "F". It is probably a habit he does not even realize he has. I am not saying he cannot use it at all, but at least if he is going to use it, could it fit in as to what he is talking about?
Not sure if someone told this, if so, here it is again:
BB10 Premieres Sunday, July 13, 2008 /per Jokers
From the things I'm hearing on YouTube, it sounds to me like Ryan is setting up Adam for a fall next week. Ryan and Sharon must have a STRONG alliance the way he is defending her to Adam. I don't know that Sheila is part of it or not, but if she's not, then I have a feeling that she and Adam will go on the block next week if neither win the HOH. Something fishy going on here with Ryan.
Ryan is telling Adam it will look bad for him in sequester if he doesn't vote against Gnat this week. Whaaat?
Maybe Ryan thinks the "two nice guys" (he and Sharon) in the f2 would be good for him because he's done a little more than Sharon in the game playing dept. and could possibly beat her in the votes?
I just can't keep up with these people.
Delee, I had mentioned the BB10 date in the last post, but had also mentioned that Survivor's fall season will be HI-DEF for the first time. Not sure if anyone saw it.
Silk - I will often post about annoying things they do -- Sheila talking forever or Adam's gross personal habits -- but you rarely if ever see me comment on things beyond their control. Well, since I do listen to the feeds, shrieky voices bug me and I'll mention that. I know they can't do anything about their voices, but some go right through me and make me cringe or jump! Alison of BB4 (?) and Holly were the absolute worst.
I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. I'd just like people to think about what they're sneering at, why, and what it means. Yeah, voices can grate. And voices are easier to modulate than physical attributes. Personally, I can't stand those squeaky high-pitched "little-girl" voices that some women put on. I console myself with the thought that "that CAN'T be natural...."
Last night, after the meeting, when Ryan and Adam were together talking it over. They retold each other what was said and were bouncing around congratulating themselves on how brilliant they were. Then Adam begins to calm a little and asks some questions, like he is giving some consideration to what was said. He asks something about Sharon and Ryan stopped by conversation by saying he was hungry and had to eat and ran from the room. I think that is what keeps Adam off balance as far as Sharon and Ryan. For one thing, he absolutely trusts Ryan (and will feel the fool when he sees it all later...even if he wins, imo) and secondly Ryan changes the subject or leaves the conversation when Sharon is mentioned.
Sharon is getting a little careless in her tale carrying and all it would take is Adam to overhear something she is saying to set him off. And Nat seems to want Adam out before Ryan.
I'm sorry,but Sharon's voice drives me right up the wall. Does she have to talk so loud,all the time? It's almost like she's yelling. Maybe somebody in her family was hard of hearing,cause I mute the tv when she's in the DR talking!
Personally,I wish MY neck looked as good as Sheila's does. I've got another one or two than she does....LOL!
Jennasmom -- Looking forward to hearing about it! NwYrkRock@aol.com
SIlk -- Agreed.
I keep seeing Shelia's neck as just a product of how she tans -- with her head down, not that it's sagging with age. I used to have rings like that, though perhaps not as dramatic, when I laid out in the sun all the time IN HIGH SHCOOL. If you don't lift up your head, your neck tans in sections and leaves white rings once you're upright, just like Shelias... I bet in real life without a tan it's just not there. Take a second look with this in mind folks, and see if it's not the case.
Joy N -- I saw it. Survivor in high def -- it's about time!!!!
Sydney, I completely agree re: Sheila's neck. Oddly enough, I was thinking about that earlier today. She simply has tan lines from her posture while tanning.
I also have to say that she was extremely attractive when she was in her prime... Hated that comment from Adam last night, and she does actually look pretty great for 45. And being a single Mom, and all... LOL :)
Dla-- Great minds, you know!
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