The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.
My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.
As always, comments are a joy! :-)
In the Survivor auction, Jason is off to Exile Island again -- there is a new idol hidden there.
Sure enough, Jason found the new idol. But the women have a plan to blindside him.
Erik won immunity.
The blindside plan worked. Jason didn't use the idol and was voted out.
I can't say who I want to see leave more tonight. Parvati, Cirie or Jason. I would absolutely LOVE to see Cirie backdoored.
Me too Joy n, but I think I want Cirie to leave the most.
Pavarti, buzz off with the "Gnat". As if James would/should trust her!
Yes James u got that right. Now she moves on to Amanda. Amanda DO NOT TRUST EM.....
"You're not stupid, you're selfish." James to Amanda. Love it.
Cirie... she even tried to jip Jeff. Go figure.
Jason is whining like a baby. New Idol.... ugh!
Natalie..fruit bat soup and James is going to eat it....yuck
Hope they get sick from the cake.
Erik says he'll pay 20 bucks to lick their fingers after the chocolate cake. Upped to 40 bucks and Natalie took it . Something about that name Natalie.
No Joy he said that to Parvarti
I meant James to Parvati.
Where did our James develop this taste for BAT? I haven't even had dinner, and now I just don't want to. Ewww
Thanks Delee. My bad.
Joy no problem just wanted to clarify for west coasters....
I hope that rich chocolate cake gives the girls diarrhea so bad they can't compete in the immunity challenge. That and a belly ache that keeps them up all night.
Natalie has a nasty mouth! Jason is a fool if he trusts her!
Now Jason has the new idol...Natalie was so stupid sending him to exile.
I hope Jason finds it and then does what Ozzie did. He's not the brightest guy there. He found it and thinks he can trust the girls alliance. Like I said......
Monty, James ate bat at camp and apparently liked it.
They're going to blindside Jason too.
I knew it was Parvati but heard Amanda's name as I typed. The last thing I heard...OMG...I'm turning into a Ryan!
Fruit Bat less! Glad I had just finished my supper b4 that.
Joy no no no never that!
Gayle, I know. Its the second time and its still gross. Ewww
The girls have it all planned out. So we'll see.
Wow she is diabolical.
Yep! That took my appetite!
How sweet of the cutthroats. It's Erik's B-day. He's 22 and he's safe tonight. They're going after Erik because he feels safe or James.
Oh, I'm hating these girls right now. They are so sure of themselves. Cirie seems to be out of the line of fire again tonight!
Come on, James. Win this comp.
James/Eric yeh yeh yeh move on to the final and Eric wins
Erik won immunity for his birthday.
Damn, Erik didn't know it but he was already safe. James is in big trouble unless they decide to still go after Jason to get that idol out of play. I hope that happens and James has another week.
The girls have turned into Black Widow spiders....
Well, it looks like the Survivor molls will be going after the guys, then Amanda, then hopefully Cirie.
Uh oh! Jason fell for the bull!
Looks like Jason may be going home, after all. At Cirie's urging, the girls looked through Jason's things and found his idol. They want to blindside him. KARMA strikes again! Fingers crossed!
I feel bad for Jason...what a sucker for a big-chested girl's word!!!
Geez she even called herself a b*tch...
Natalie is cold-blooded!
Natalie's too cocky. I'd like to see Jason go and James be saved.
Good for James! He just let Ozzie (on the jury) know that Parvati was the one who helped set him up. No vote for Parvati!
I could see a scenario where Parvati goes. If Amanda and James both voted her and Jason uses Idol.
James finger is bandaged he must have seen a medico.
Jason is blind-sided HA HA
Bye Bye Jason!
Keep you mouth shut Jason... you're catching flies there.
Whooo-hoooo. James managed to rat Pavarti out. Now Ozzy knows who NOT to vote for in the finals.
Jason, did you not learn anything! Well, he knows Natalie double-crossed him. So that flushes another vote down the tube.
YAY, James safe another week.
Was fun for CSI and W/O A Trace taping ABC
Off to Grey's. I'm taping the rest of CBS.
Now smarty-pants Jason can go shoot the breeze with Ozzie!
For all our b*tching about no game play on BB, we have game play on Survivor!!
Finally, the women are not waiting until it's too later to band together and further themselves in the game. No floating girls here!
This will definitely go down as the season of the "Wasted Immunity Idol". Good for you James. You're off the hook.
Now I'm off to watch ED and Janelle. Night folks.
Jason should be truly embarrassed. He was so smug when it happened to Ozzie. What goes around, comes around.
Forgive this if it's a repeat, haven't read comments yet.
WHY WHY WHY didn't AMANDA think to get the boys and her going against the other girls? The perfect openign was when James said weakly something about writing down Pav's name... Then it would have been 4 to 4 and maybe they could have turned the tables completely by picking off Pavarti.
Maybe it wouldn't have worked because he thought he and Natalie were in an alliance... but as he was thanking Natalie, he didn't look 100% confident, and her response to him only seemed to drive home her insincerity.
But I think if Amanda could have gotten to Jason and said look, this is what the girls plan is, they would have had a shot. Girl had so much game last year... and it seems like her sad eyes reflect her state of mind since Ozzy got blindsided. THINK girl, THINK!!!
too late now....
DOnna Said:
For all our b*tching about no game play on BB, we have game play on Survivor!!
SO TRUE !!!!!
If things continue this way, the boys will be gone first, then watch out for the fan hags...they will pick off Amanda, Cirie then Parvarti. Hope these skinny women learn how to fish and climb for coconuts before they starve to death...or
So glad that Ozzy can smile at Jason when he walks in "hey paybcks a bitch huh son?"
Sydney, I think (just my opinion)if Amanda stuck with the boys she would be in the same boat as Sheila and Sharon were. The boys usually end up winning because of the physical comps. The boys start picking off the weakest which is usually the girls. For the girls to have a chance at being F2, they have to start when there is enough of them to control the votes.
Agreed Donna, very good point.
But Amanda will be the first to go among them, unless she clears her head an starts dominating in immunity comps. And or the tables turn and Natalie tries to get Pavarti out. ???
Amanda totally should have gotten another plan going! And Jason, oh dumb, dumb Jason... So sad that he didn't learn anything from last week!
I finally arrived. LOL Sorry I missed the EC feeds to share with you. But, now I know Jason was blindsided and I don't feel so badly about Ozzie. ;)
I've been wondering why the girls were motivated to band together against the guys on Survivor but they weren't motivated to do the same in BB? Also, how and why did Cirie get so much power? They all seem to look to her as the great mother, but WHY? She doesn't contribute much around camp or win challenges or provide food. So what is it?
James should know of all people that if you get too smug it might just do you in.
Delee said...
The girls have turned into Black Widow spiders....
4/24/2008 8:40 PM
joy n said...
Well, it looks like the Survivor molls will be going after the guys, then Amanda, then hopefully Cirie.
4/24/2008 8:42 PM
I love it! It gives new meaning to "girlpower". LOL I mean I don't love the girls but love how Joy and Delee described them. Maybe they grew up watching Powerpuff Girls. :D
I'll finished reading after dinner.
Did I miss something ... I was on the phone for a few minutes...but everything I saw was Natalie and Parvati plan to get Jason out??
Watching part of RealPlayerChat with Evel Dick and Janelle. Didn'y catch Janelle's preference yet (may have missed it) but Dick said he doesn't want Ryan to win. He says Ryan was evicted once and should not get a second chance.
I missed the showing of who actually voted for who tonight. (Hubby walked through) Four votes for Jason - I'm assuming Parvati, Cirie, Alexis and Natalie. James voted for Parvati. Jason voted for James. So Amanda and Erik voted for James, too? Anybody catch the actual votes during Jason's parting words.
Zoetawny, I didn't watch PowerPuff girls. I just thought Natalie sounded like something from The Sopranos.
Dick said Ryan and Adam are crying like babies for cigarettes and BB will NOT give them any. The only reason he got replacements was because Jen destroyed his. He says he only brought nine cartons for his season.
So boring on justtvnuts. Ryan outside sitting on the hammock, looking bored to death. Adam lying on the couch reading the bible and scratching his usual places.
James had me worried, I was afraid his vote to Parv would end up sending him home.
This is an off topic question. A few days ago there was a discussion about vertigo, motion sickness, etc. It was mostly about cruises. (you lucky people you!) Does flying make any of you sick to your stomach? And if so, does it wear off quickly. Someone said that elevators bothered them. They do me too!. Even just a few floors will make the world tip for me for a while after getting off one. Thanks Jackie, Sue
Now Adam's eating a taco with those same unwashed hands.
I am losin' it. G'nite.
I was thinking the same thing when I read your comment... Amanda was dumb not to tell Jason the plan, get Erik on board and vote Parvati out. With the other girls splitting their votes, wouldn't that have given James, Amanda, Jason, and Erik the majority? If not, Jason plays the idol and Parvati is GONE!
As far as Amanda having being in trouble with the boys had she switched alliances.... James is loyal. Plus, those four are much better at the comps than the other girls. Another thought... the boys may have wanted to keep her around if they made it to final four because she wasn't seen as big of a threat. As it stands now, she is low woman on the totem pole with the other girls.
I guess it's too late now, but I'm really surprised James and Amanda laid down like they did. Now James and Erik will go in the next two weeks with Amanda out the following week. Arrrggghh!!! I will throw up if Parvati, Cirie, or Natalie win a dime!!!
I was thinking the same thing when I read your comment... Amanda was dumb not to tell Jason the plan, get Erik on board and vote Parvati out. With the other girls splitting their votes, wouldn't that have given James, Amanda, Jason, and Erik the majority? If not, Jason plays the idol and Parvati is GONE!
As far as Amanda being in trouble with the boys had she switched alliances.... James is loyal. Plus, those four are much better at the comps than the other girls. Another thought... the boys may have wanted to keep her around if they made it to final four because she wasn't seen as big of a threat. As it stands now, she is low woman on the totem pole with the other girls.
I guess it's too late now, but I'm really surprised James and Amanda laid down like they did. Now James and Erik will go in the next two weeks with Amanda out the following week. Arrrggghh!!! I will throw up if Parvati, Cirie, or Natalie win a dime!!!
sorry for the double post... made a revision and thought I could delete the orginal.
James and Natalie at odds... wait a minute, which show is this again?
Okay, Jason is now officially The Dumbest Survivor Ever. I mean he saw what happened to Ozzie and still believed Natalie. And trust me that girl's not exactly subtle - you don't have to be Bobby Belande (Jean-Robert) to see beneath her Poker face.
monty924 said...
This will definitely go down as the season of the "Wasted Immunity Idol". Good for you James. You're off the hook.
Now I'm off to watch ED and Janelle. Night folks.
4/24/2008 9:00 PM
Good grief, what a waste of yet another II!! Can you believe it?
Poor Jason actually believes that people tell the truth on Survivor... Somebody buy him the past seasons on DVD. lol
This is actually good game play, or at least there is game play! Sydney, I was thinking the very same things while watching! I was yelling at my TV "Are you kidding me?? You are just going to be a door mat and take it without a fight??" to James / Amanda.
Would actually love to see them pull a rabbit out of a hat next week and turn the tables on either Cirie or Pavarti to shake things up a bit, just to keep it interesting. Otherwise they are sitting ducks, and we all know how exciting that is...
I,too,actually thought Amanda should have tried to get with James and the other two guys and at least have gone for the tie.BUT that stupid,over confident Jason would have chosen to believe that harpy with the uneven boobies and stuck with his plan to vote James out.So it wouldn't have worked.
Can't stand Natalie(where have I said that before?). She's really riding high and soon her ego will be even bigger than Cirie's.BUT,my feeling is,the three FAVS will bond together(unless Amanda starts winning all the Immunity)and will turn on those two Fans and go to the finale.
I'd say Ozzy is still just a tad bitter(hence the finger as he walked in)and it must have done his heart good to see Jason be even more stupid than he was!And glad James put the word out on Parvo,but don't we all remember that,once again,it was Cirie who started the "oust Ozzy" talk last week? And that smug,smirky look she gets on her face when JP starts reading the votes....I so want to see somebody(anybody?) to wipe it from her face. Just don't like her,JMO.
Ah heck, BB had the jury questions and I missed it. Sheila got to go to Sequester. I have to wonder if her handler had anything to do with that decision. : ) The not nice guys are being judged by the not nice jury. toss a coin or divide the loot in two, they are both no better or no worst than the other.
I watched episode 1 of John Adams, as per the talk here, it is so well made, it made me regret the time I spent watching shows that are poorly edited and sloppy. It is one thing to not like the hgs, but a production company that wants to keep producing should be able to do the basics of putting on a good show. Julie asks, 'do you like to watch?' No, Julie, I don't like to...I do watch, but I don't lilke to.
I don't think Amanda necessarily made a mistake last night, but I definitely think James did. As far as Amanda goes, I really do think Parvati & Cirie intend to go to F3 with her over the fan girls, so it was a good decision on her part not to rock the boat. She's better at comps than they are and could pull it out in the end. Plus the 3 current jury members have nothing against her, so she's already ahead of most of the other girls (except Alexis). For James, he should have talked to Jason & Erik. With the girls splitting votes, had the 3 boys voted for any one of the girls and Jason used his immunity idol than they would have been fine. The 3 votes for Jason would be gone, leaving 2 votes for James and 3 votes for whichever girl the boys voted for. It's ashame James is too stupid to ever come up with a plan on his own. I think it's a tight race for dumbest Survivor ever between Jason & James.
I should have added in my previous little rant, and since it is the Survivor board, that I think Survivor is very well made. I wonder how many idols Jeff will go through this season. Such prized finds and not used. Cirie couldn't be bothered to even wade around and look for the one Ozzie found and yet she is still on the island. I think a little Gnat is going to be buzzing in Cirie's head soon.
Sue, how are you watching John Adams? I asked in a few posts back about anyone having copies of the series or it replaying on HBO so I could see it too.
zoetawny said: "Also, how and why did Cirie get so much power? They all seem to look to her as the great mother, but WHY? She doesn't contribute much around camp or win challenges or provide food. So what is it?"
IMO, it's a matter of Cirie being A LOT smarter than most of the others. When Fairplay opted to leave the game, Cirie became the swing vote on the Fav Team. She declared that she was voting for Yau-Man and refused to compromise. It forced the couples alliance to vote the same way, or risk there being a tie. Since then she's been completely manipulating EVERYONE. But they don't see it, and that's the brilliance of it. She plants a seed in someone's brain, and then watches them get their hands dirty, while getting the outcome she desires. She learned a lot from her season and is playing a much better game. I mean, c'mon, Amanda isn't even mad at her for voting Ozzie out, Parvati is taking all the heat for that. Like her or not, Cirie is playing a fabulous "outwit" portion of this game, and not in a threatening manner, so no one is smart enough to be scared of her yet.
I for one am not mad at the girls at all for taking charge of the game. Do you know how many seasons I have waited to see a strong girl alliance! I think it was smart of Amanda to stick with the girls because I do believe Cirie, Parvati and Amanda will stick together and get rid of Natalie and Alexis after the boys are gone - that is if it all works out, we know how things can change.
I do feel bad for James though. He better fight like hell for that immunity idol or he's gone next week.
You can love her or you can hate her, but you can't deny that Cirie is playing a great game this season. She even sat back a little this week and let Natalie take over, thereby putting the heat more on her. Natalie is really enjoying herself as the "mastermind" of the game isn't she, LOL.
donna in al: We have cable and 'on demand' comes with the package. I didn't think of looking there until yesterday, but HBO on demand has the series available until sometime in May. In fact, I was looking for some free movie to watch and just stumbled on John Adams by chance. I am waiting for Big Love to return, and remember how similar the last scenes from it looked like what is happening in the Texas polyamists story. At least the way the women dress and loading them into the buses.
I have only watched episode one of John Adams, and am not sure when I can watch ep 2 and so forth.
I have heard very good things about the series and want to see it. I have Direct TV and they do not offer the "On Demand" feature. I do not subscribe to HBO but if they are going to run it again, I could order it for that month and TiVo it.
GOod call Caroline that James was also at fault. I said Amanda made the mistake because she had the inside info re: girls and it would have been more powerful for her to go to Jason to say the girls are plotting to get you off and Natalie is completely hoping to blow your idol thing just like Ozzy -- she's gloating in fact of doing this twice in a row...
I agree that Amanda might not want to rock the boat with the girls, but I also think she has zero relationship with most of them, Natalie most of all. And Natalie seems to have taken the torch from Pavarti as leader. What's telling was that Amanda was totally left out of the girls cake eating last night... and that call came so fast out of Natalie's mouth as to who the 3 that could share it with her were... her only connection to that group is Pavarti and a little with Cirie, who I'm sure she knows has every intention of saving her place over Amandas...
Dla --I could see someone getting them all to band together to get Pavarti out, though maybe the 2 fan girls would not go for it. Slim chance, but if anyoen could make a convincing argument, there are reasons.
Though right now, it is looking like she would be a person you'd want to sit with at the end... that is, until Natalie is exposed (though I thought of most-hated RIchard Hatch winning it all season One as I watched her give her haughty interview last night).
Sharon, you crack me up...
And Sue, you're right about seeing John Adams and thinking -- why do I watch (and for me read) sh*t when I could be filling my consciousness with quality like this...
I think the way to watch ED and Janelle is to go to and on the big brother site, ED was on house calls commenting on where things are at. It's there to watch anytime you want. I imagine Janelle either joined him or was on the previous night. I signed on a watched a little bit of ED on the 4/24 show.
didn't watch survivor this season (sorry now i didn't) but i just thought i would cross over the bb line to survivor posts and say hi y'all!
sue....i have vertigo from EVERY movement possible. the nature of meniere's disease.
Amanda did go to James and I think she was wanting him to take charge and get the boys to do something different but he did not act on it. I think Amanda would have voted with the boys if they would have come up with something. James had opportunity to get with Erik and Jason before it was too late.
That's part of the reason I think James could be the dumbest Survivor. Amanda was almost serving him the solution on a silver platter. His mistake right there was trying to vote Parvati out. As mad as Amanda is with her, she was not prepared to vote for her. Had James suggested Natalie or Alexis, who Amanda had no relationship or loyalty too, I think she would have been on board with the boys.
Personally I'd like to see a F3 with Parvati, Amanda & Cirie...with either Amanda (my fav) or Cirie (playing the best game) taking hom the prize.
Hi Donna in al: go to and look for the John Adams page. It is a 7 part series and the DVD will be released June 10. HBO sells it, but I am guessing others will, too. It will be priced retail at $60. April 28 the series plays out beginning at 8pm on HBO. Not sure if it will all air that day or not. Click on schedule at HBO. I can't find when Big Love will return, but heard a month or more ago that it would be in May. It is another HBO series. The book John Adams is based on has been out a while. 1776 by David McCullough. there is also a John Adams book, I should have researched that before I posted. Hope this helps.
I like James and I want to see him do well. I noticed this season and his other one that he sees things literally. A straight line from where he is to where he wants to go. Diviation is the name of the game in Survivor. Ozzie had some of that, too. Ozzie said, if someone does him wrong they are gone to him. But, he wasn't watching to see if anyone was doing him wrong..he just expected everyone to be there for him. I hated to see him go. I like to think he is just off visiting petals. Double whammy is getting kicked out of the tribe and having to live with Eliza and Jason. And I would have preferred he wore a different shirt last night.
did anyone else notice that survivor natalie looks like the grinch? everything from the shape of her face and her eyes to her creepy hand gestures. She is the grinch
Thank you so much Sue, that helps me to go in the right direction at least. Many thanks.
The survivor Natalie can be "The Grinch Gnat".
Nancy in Pa, I also suffer from Meniere's disease. Fun stuff, huh? In the beginning, I did ALMOST everything my doctor told me to do (reduce sodium intake, work to eliminate stress in my life, etc), but I ignored his request to eliminate caffeine due to my Starbucks "addiction". When he told me the absolute number one thing I needed to do was eliminate caffeine, and I finally took it to heart, I have simply moved to ordering my "fix" decaf, and have much greater success in managing the symptoms. I have not had caffeine in coffee or soda since December 2003, with the exception of the time that an employee of Burger King told me that Fanta Orange had no caffeine... I knew within about 3 minutes of taking the first few sips that they were incorrect, and called the restaurant to confirm my suspicions.
Do you have the tinnitus that typically accompanies the Meniere's?
Sorry for turning this into a medical blog, but I don't often find others to discuss this with.
Heading off to watch Jason at Ponderosa and see what he has to say. D - U - M move. :)
Go to Jokersupdates and go to page three and read forward...R/A talk about the jury ?'s. Best I can give ya!
Anon 3:12 and Sydney,
ED and Janelle had a live chat on Realplayer last night at 9:00 ET. They'll probably replay it, and Quirkydude has clips on youtube.
It wasn't that great. Janelle couldn't hardly get a word in. ED hasn't changed. :)
Vids after Jury questioning here.
Long url. Sorry.
I just finished watching the vids from after the jury questioning. Ryan and Adam are all hyped up. Apparently Sheila, Josh and Sharon tried to go all hard core with their questioning. It sounds like Sheila totally went off on them and if you thought they were trash talking her before, you should hear them now! Apparently they thought James, Matt and Natalie were fair with their questions and did not blast them. If you don't have the feeds, go on Youtube to check it out. Now I really can't wait for finale night. It sounds like they will be serving sour grapes as the appetizer.
Thanks for the motion sickness response. I googled it and it confirmed the symtoms. I will add to the caffiene by saying, as odd as it might sound, that fragrances also make me suffer more from motion sickness. Gas fumes are one, but perfume, too.
Worst line I heard so far in the after questioning was Ryan saying 'i should have made up something, too,"...meaning a charity to 'say' he was giving the money to. Now, I am glad Autism Foundation is calling Adam on his using them. Because that is what it sounds like he is doing. Sheila used her son's name, Gnat used God's name and Adam used a charity's name. I feel used by them all.
justtvnuts also showed that ED/Janelle convo last night at nine. I agree, it was kind of boring.
Did anyone catch who voted for who to go on Survivor last night?
I know Erik voted for Jason. James for Parvati. Jason for James. Amanda for Jason. Parvati for Jason. I believe Cirie's vote was for Jason, but not sure. I think Natalie and Alexis were James.
I know how some of the votes went down, but I have a few I'm only guessing at.
Votes for Jason - Erik, Amanda (I think also Parvati & Cirie)
Votes for James - Jason, Natalie (I think also Alexis)
Votes for Parvati - James
I'm assuming that Parvati & Cirie wouldn't have wanted to write James' name down when they didn't have to, thus also assuming they left it up to Alexis to be the other vote for James. But I could be wrong about the ladies in parentheses.
Thanks, rbennie.
Thanks also to Caroline.
Just stopping by for lunch. What's on the menu? If it's bat soup, I'll pass.
First thanks to everyone for the links posted here. I haven't had time to check them all out but you know I will.
Now I know why you've called the women black widow spiders. Natalie is diabolical and Parvati is right up there with her. Normally I'd be rooting for the girls but I don't like any of them. The young guys are getting eaten alive and quickly, too.
James always seems to have so much common sense and I hope he can avoid the wrath of the women. It was priceless when he called out Parvati. She thought she could use her feminine wiles on James but he's not buying it. Go James!
It was pretty funny when the girls were stuffing their faces with the chocolate cake. James' comment to Erik when he was licking/sucking it off Cirie's finger was hysterical.
Amanda needs to step up her game play before it's too late. There definitely has been some strong game play going on and this season is quite exciting so far. I still miss Ozzie. ;)
joy n said...
Zoetawny, I didn't watch PowerPuff girls. I just thought Natalie sounded like something from The Sopranos.
4/24/2008 9:53 PM
PowerPuff Girls is a children's cartoon but they sure can kick azz. LOL Natalie is ruthless. I forgot what she does in RL? I cracked up at "natgrinch". The lower portion of her face is rather odd looking.
Caroline said...
Like her or not, Cirie is playing a fabulous "outwit" portion of this game, and not in a threatening manner, so no one is smart enough to be scared of her yet.
4/25/2008 9:12 AM
You are so right! I never thought she had it in her. I really enjoyed your comment and can see you're a Survivor aficionado.
sue said...
Worst line I heard so far in the after questioning was Ryan saying 'i should have made up something, too,"...meaning a charity to 'say' he was giving the money to. Now, I am glad Autism Foundation is calling Adam on his using them. Because that is what it sounds like he is doing. Sheila used her son's name, Gnat used God's name and Adam used a charity's name. I feel used by them all.
4/25/2008 3:23 PM
Your insight said it so succinctly
and accurately. Let's face it, none of them have good character.
I'm not sure why we expect it from BB contestants. Maybe BB10 will surprise us and have some quality people playing.
My computer has been down all day and just got it fixed! I wanted to pop in this a.m. but,oh well.
rbennie and caroline you are right about the votes. I watched to see how it went down. I think that the girls set it up that way so no one was voting for someone in their "group"(fans/favs.).
Another stupid move from Jason--don't these people learn ANYTHING!! I'm sure it was all Ozzie could do to keep from jumping up and yelling when Jason was blindsided!
There are a few scenerios that could play out:
Amanda/James/Cirie/Erik take out Pavarti
Amanda/James/Cirie/Pav. start taking out the fans
The girls all stick together and take out James/Erik.
Cirie convinces Alexis/Natalie/Erik to take out Pavarti
The survivors seem to look at Cirie as the "Mom" and thus are respecting her and doing her dirty work. She may not be the strongest player but she is definitely the smartest.
Next week a family member comes to visit. I wonder if they will send someone to Exile with their family member? I'm guessing another Idol will be hidden.
BB TOPIC: watched some of the Youtube after jury comments. Those boys need their mouths washed out with soap!! Do they not know any other adjective than "f*ckin'"? Or that females can be called something other than a b*tch? Good luck CBS finding footage you can actually show on TV!
Gotta watch Sun. to see the questions and winner but I'm soooo glad this is over!!!!!
BTW--I'm loving all the new avatars you guys are putting up--they put a smile on my face.
I was glad Jason got backdoored because he laughed about Ozzy. Cirie is playing a lot more shrewd than she did her first time around. I'm not sure I like her this time around, even though she's playing to win.
I would like to see an all woman final 5. It'd be nice for once to see the women stick together. Usually, they pick each other off and never stay around long enough. They don't see Eric as a threat, so if they're smart, they'd get rid of him soon. I think he could be the blackhorse in this.
Ear infections can cause vertigo. I know when I get my sinus infections, it affects my ears and I even have to be careful driving. I used to be able to ride carnival spin rides, but I can't do it any more. I love roller coasters, but have to take dramamine before I go on them. I won't give up roller coasters, though. LOL
I've heard of people giving up sports because of vertigo. It's not a good feeling. I can't even scroll fast without feeling sick. LOL. Mines mostly because of my sinuses. My ears get plugged up too much.
Anon 11:12 -- TOTALLY!!!! I was wondering what her face reminded me of...and it's COMPELTELY the Grinch!
Also Caroline, you are right that Cirie, whether I like it or not, has totally outwitted them all, and she totally deserves credit.
And Sue once again, your comments are so spot on adn observant. And your last line is the usual kicker: "I feel used by them all." LOVED IT
Dla-- so sorry to hear you too suffer from that condition! Who knew? That can really make life hard. I had to stop drinking all caf. for the last 2 years but for irregular heart beats... decaf coffee still gets me and even decaf green tea. Destroyed my coffeehouse life --I used to hang out in them and write.
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