My latest Big Brother 9 live feeds post is be up on TV Squad.
The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.
My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.
As always, comments are a joy! :-)
Rewards challenge -- two teams of four compete, Cirie not picked in schoolyard pick and goes to Exile Island. Jason, Ozzy, Erik, and Amanda won reward -- an overnight cultural feast, dance and more.
Parvati won Immunity. Jason made a deal to give up so everyone can eat, but they all lied to him -- fingers crossed as they told him they wouldn't vote him out. Jeff said the deal will cost him the game.
ARGH ... why didn't he play the idol?
Ozzy was voted out.
Cirie's probably happy about going to Exile. She doesn't have to work so hard there.
Hee, hee! Erik - "That's probably the most boobs I've seen in my whole life".
Now he's getting stoned on beetlenut. He's loving this reward.
Cirie wants to work on getting rid of Ozzie and his idol again. Hiss! Boo!
wow a look at survivor sequester!!
Oh Cirie... you just hocked off a bunch of us on the blog.
Erik's boobs entry had me laughing. The lunch lady serving him had boobs? :)
All the native females were "exposed".
Parvati's a biotch. James' is the only one who works for them around camp. GET RID OF HER JAMES. sorry for shouting. :(
Yeah I know, I caught it coming back from the kitchen. He's never seen so many, LOL. You gotta love that kid. Like Ozzy does. ;)
I Love, Love James!
Not so much now, LOL!
I can't believe Ozzie opted out of immunity for 3 donuts!
I'm not liking Jason. Hope it backfires on him.
Pavarti wins!
Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy, I am afraid if you don't play the Immunity Idol tonight you will be going home. Were three donuts worth all that money. I think our boy has lost his edge.
I'm not crazy about Parvati, either.
This is not looking good for Ozzy. Smart money would say they get rid of Jason for being stupid, and Jeff has said there was a stupid move that would take the heat off James' stupid move last year.
I'm just not sure it is Jason. That is too obvious. I hope Ozzy doesn't lose it tonight by not playing the idol. OMG!
I missed the crossed fingers on Jason's deal. Alright!!!
Damn that Cirie!
Alexis, who cozies up with Ozzie is helping Cirie to get Ozzie out. The BIOTCH!!
Play the DAMN idol, Ozzy!
No, Ozzy, no Ozzy.... play the stupid Idol!
I want Cirie GONE!
I think they just want to flush out Ozzie's IDOL.
He should have seen it coming and played the idol. Sad.
Son of a B***H!!!!!!!!!!
They blindsided Ozzie!
Cirie witha big smile on her face!!!
Jason, Cirie, Alexis, Natalie and Parvati are on my S**T list!!
I'm telling you, Cirie can win this thing. I'm throwing my support to James now. He always had it but along with Ozzy. Now I want James to get some vindication from being stupid last season.
I agree with Ozzie's message to them. "Basically, screw you!"
OMG, I know this won't be popular, but I wanted Ozzy to go last week. His arrogance grew each week and it spoiled my admiration for his skills. If Cerie gets to the end, she deserves to win. Much as I have not loved her for her web weaving ways, she's effective as hell.
Mine too, Joy n. Parvati's right there at the top, and now it looks like she'll go after James. Can you say "Backstabbing B!tch"?
Pavarti next!!!!
If the girls get James out, good luck ladies... then they will need to start picking each other off. Would make for an interesting twist to the show though.
Re Cirie - did you notice all the shots of spiders?
So now James, Jason and Erik are the underdogs. With Amanda close behind.
Well, I know who I'm rooting against - Parvati and Cirie.
No, Sydney. You're right. Cirie is playing the game harder and smarter than most of them are. I don't like that she helped take Ozzy out, but right now she is sitting pretty as one of the best strategists in there. She has a good shot at winning this.
But.... I'm still rooting for my other boy. GO JAMES!!!
I hope that when the girls start tearing each other apart, they knock Cirie's butt out first. Didn't like the lazy B last time and like her even less now.
BTW, were you all aware of Ozzie's appearance on that Playboy show?
Guess I missed it during his first season, but I just saw a link over at Joker's. Very graphic. He said he did it for the money, and was young and stupid, and regrets it now.
Previews showed Parvati trying to do some repair and James isn't having any of it. He's their next target. Amanda's got to be really po'd at these turncoats.
Cirie better not feel too comfortable. There are now four faves and four fans. She may not be as smart as she thinks she is.
I think we're going to see some big time drama from Alexis coming up. Did anyone notice how snotty her facial expressions were when she screwed up on the immunity challenge? I think she's a spoiled girl waiting to turn into a raging you know what.
I actually wouldn't mind seeing her get the same as she gave to Ozzy tonight, and I can so see Cirie do it to her.
Clementine -- Didn't know that about Ozzie. Do you have a link to that article? I clicked on Jokers but didn't see it. Thanks!
YOu've got a good point there Joy N.
Sorry Sydney, but Cirie's arrogance will rise very quickly again as it did when she got YauMan bounced.
I loved Cirie in her first year and I still think she is playing the game very well this year. I just love her smile.
I said last week I thought Ozzie was being arrogant this year. I loved him too his first year but his attitude was totally different. I am glad they blindsided him. He had just made the comment about Jason trusting them and that is why they are called the favorites and then he was trusting. He was not a good sport about it like James was when he was stupid and trusted them in his season.
Im crushed. Im not watching anymore this season, I decided hate wasnt nice so I am saying I intensely despise all of them.
Oh Ozzy...why?
Definite possibility. If she could only be smart enough to keep a lid on that, perhaps THEN she would be a great player who deserves to make it to the end.
Somehow she manages to influence everyone and not get a target on her back.
Do you think the jury would give Ozzy the money twice if he was one of the final two? If they voted for best game as they did the first time, they would vote for him again. I would not want to be against him in F2, afraid they would vote for him.
Sydney -
Here's the link to the Ozzy Playboy show. When you open the "megaupload" site, you have to enter the word verification letters in the "download" box (it took me a few trys to figure that out, LOL).
Fair Warning: The show is called "Foursome" and that's exactly what it is. Graphic sex between four people.
Oh, Ozzy :(
Thanks Clementine... I downloaded it and watched the little movie icon turn into a page icon on my mac as it finished and now it says I can't open it because the "file isn't a movie"
Did you have to get around that? Playboy isn't that graphic is it??? I remember it showing more of the girls than boys... and this must mean that Ozzy wanted to be an actor before he got on Survivor?
Syd: The file opened automatically in Windows Media Player for me. I'm not familiar with macs, so I don't have any suggestions for you.
And, yes, it's graphic. Ozzy is quite, er, energetic, shall we say? ;)
Ozzie had to go! I loved him in his season, but as has been said, he is too arrogant this time. Also, he would be hard to beat in the end, so it was smart to oust him when he wasn't expecting it!
Sydney, the playboy movie with Ozzie shows everything and I mean everthing!! It is very XXX rated. Just wanted to warn you.
DANG! Did we think he'd be anything else... I believe he and Admanda have been seen around LA together so she has probably sampled this energy, lol.
Maybe I can figure out how to see it at some point.
I am so loving it ...
and Ozzy's speech said it all. Arrogance!! Why does he now "hate" the person in his alliance who voted him? Didn't the FOOL just get done saying, when referring to what Jason did, the game is to "outwit?"
Parvati OUTWITTED Ozzy - it's the game (he even said so himself). Just goes to show what a sorry a$$, poor sport, hypocrit Ozzy really is.
I knew I didn't like him. This was icing on the cake.
James - next!!
OMG! I just watched that Ozzie movie, Foursome. You're right. It leaves nothing to the imagination! He uses his name Oscar instead of Ozzie. He looked really good at 24 years old too.
I'll never look at him quite the same way again. I'm not knocking him for doing it, but, whoa! Maybe it was just TMI.
Ha, Joyn, I know! All I could think of was Cirie getting upset when Amanda was showering with Ozzy topless. Little does she know!
I think it did come out in the media right after Ozzy was on Survivor the first time, so maybe some of the favorites had already seen it.
Cirie would be shocked. You're right, the shower was nothing. Amanda might be shocked.
Man I can't believe Ozzy is gone. He should have played that damn idol, what was he thinking.
You guys, I just can't get the thing to play on my brand new high powered friggin Mac. Oh well...
My friends, that was MUST SEE TV!
I love Ozzy, but, can we say OUTWIT??? Very, very interesting.
Now I need to go back and read everyone's comments! :)
Sydney, I've got the Windows Media Player, too. Maybe, that's the difference. I know nothing about MACs either.
Sydney, I don’t know if this will work, but according to an internet search, here’s the recommended download that would allow you to view Windows Media Player files on a Mac.
And if you don’t already have Quicktime installed, you would need that first.
OK, just watched the movie...
I will never look at him quite the same way, either. lol
We have James and Natalie from BB9 and now Ozzie from Survivor. What else is out there?!?
Don't any of them have a "real job"?? ;)
Well, without Ozzy, they'll all probably do a lot of starving. LOL
The sexy lil' weasel Parv is...doesn't hold a candle to the one that planted the seed...Cirie needs a dose of her own medicine!! I will light candles for Erik and James. The remaining turncoats will go after James next. Parv...just wait till Cirie turns on you. Funny, I never saw Cirie smile...that was a smirk! Karma is a force to be reckon'd with my dear....:)
I was a a big fan of Ozzie and hated to see him "back doored" by his own alliance.
I do feel like he didn't play smart. He should not have talked so much about all the food at the reward challenge and he definitley should not have been so cavalier at the immunity challnge by giving up so quickly for a few donuts.
Then after hearing from James that Parvati was into Girl Power and her vote wasn't a sure thing, he should have played the immunity idol. Everyone knew he had it so he should have known he sould be an easy target.
Before tribal Council Ozzie said he might need to take the idol with him.
If he had it hidden and did not take it with him to tribal council, I hope that Ozzie had to foresight to tell James where he hid the immunity idol so that James can use it next week. I have a feeling he is going to need it.
I will miss seeing Ozzie but he definitely was outwitted by Cirie who I don't much care for. I have to give her props for playing cut throat survivor though.
AArrrggghhh! How could Ozzy be so stupid! What is it about finding that II that makes them so stupid and arrogant. The II only helps you if you actually PLAY IT!! I'm stunned after James warned him about Parvo's plotting,that he didn't just take the chance.
And Jason had better enjoy his free ride for as long as it lasts,cause his days are numbered. he sure is a cocky little devil,isn't he? He fits right in with Parvo and Cirie.
I can't stand Cirie's "smile" because it's a wise a$$ smirk that says,look at me,I'm so smart and I did this all myself.All we need now is for her to break out her bible and tell us how her lieing and backstabbing are all God's plan for her to win.Sorry,just don't like her and if it gets down to her,Parvo and that smarmy Alexis,then this won't be any fun to watch,at all. Unless we get to see them tear each other apart.
well said Lynn1.
Ozzy should not have talked all about the food, should have picked up on James' warnings about Pavarti, and gone by his own musings of bringing the idol to TC.
When any of them gave up on the immunity challenge for those little bits of food -- candy, doughnuts etc... I could not believe it.
Cirie, much as I haven't liked her tactics in the past, gets credit for outwitting. But Ozzy is as much to blame for his own ousting this round
LAdies -
I downloaded the New software and still couldn't see it, but I did find Probst naked and it is a JOY to see. I'm sorry Jackie, just have to add this link, all in good fun!
He has his own torch, let's put it that way.
I know its a bitter pill to swallow, but plain and simple Ozzie got outplayed and outwitted. You can say what you want about Cirie, but you gotta admit she's playing the hell out of this game! But don't be so quick to put all the blame on her, the rest of them didn't need much persuasion to go after Ozzie. Ozzie made 2 critical mistakes last night - the first was giving up on the immunity comp for 3 lousy donuts - didn't he just get back from a freakin feast? How hungry could he have been? His second mistake, of course, was not using that idol. It's not like he wasn't really worried either. He knew Parvati was iffy. He thought Cirie had his back, but he should have remembered that she convinced him to vote out Yauman. Why not convince others to vote him out.
Don't they rebury the idol if it wasn't used? If so, I sure hope James finds it and gets a chance to redeem himself.
As I said last week, Ozzie was a fav of mine in his first season, but his cockiness got the better of him. He deserved every thing he got for taking his focus off the game. Cirie has been in charge of this game from Day 1 and she has outwitted every single person in the game. It was very smart of Parvati to read the situation and team up with Cirie and the was a smart move to put her back with the majority, and I don't think they'll keep Jason around very long at all.
Btw, I would have told James to shut up too when he was just smacking that axe around. He wasn't doing anything productive, he was just bored and making noise. For all we know it was like 6am and it was definitely pouring rain, why shouldn't the girls still be trying to sleep?
Loved Eliza's expression as tribal council was going was priceless.
Haven't any of you learned that when "YOU" oust/backstab someone else, you are just playing a game, it's nothing personal, blah-blah-blah. However, when the same exact thing that you were going to do to someone else is done on to you . . . . . it is because that person or persons is/are liars, snakes, etc. @@
Sorry, any/all respect I had for Ozzy went right down the drain. I hate poor sports.
I think Ozzy was just really pissed off in those first few moments of being voted off. I think he's the type of guy who will be able to appreciate the game play once he cools down. He surely knows he has no one to blame but himself.
I just checked out Ponderosa. It's like Paradise compared to where the others are. Its about time they started showing us how the jury lives.
Ozzy got too cocky - He had the Immunity Idol, Laughed When Jason/Eliza tried to use the fake and look like fools, thought his place was so assured he didn't even need to win the individual immunity(he sure didn't need 3 donuts - he just ate a big meal), and lied and laughed and pretty much called Jason stupid for believing it. He thought he was so smart, and it bit him in the butt.
What gets me is he lied right to Jasons face about the vote, and thought that was fine. Then when he found out that Jason and others scammed him right back, suddenly he's pissed. Poor sport. Should be embarassed more than mad, and if he is mad, be mad at himself.
OZZIEEEEEEEEEEE! Another player outwitted by the II. If he hadn't been so cocky he would have used it. I kept hoping that he was going to use it at the last second.
Well, I'm sad to see him go but that's the name of the game. JP said it all, "... but do you TRUST them?" We all know you can't trust anyone 100% in this game.
Sorry I couldn't be with you all last night. Did you hear me screaming while watching the show?
Well, not much time again today but gotta go find the link to the movie you're talking about so I can view it later.
Have a good day all!
Ozzy's play seemed different this year--not as much love of being in nature and more gameplay. I guess that is the lesson learned. His parting comments were pretty sour grapes and not very sportsmanlike.
Sydney, just checked out that Jeff Probst link. HOLEY MOLEY!! Little ol' Jeff ain't so little! Whooda thunk it?
I KNOW JoyN... Beyond impressive, he is Makes Ozzy look like a little tyke. It's good to have a giggle over this stuff with others!!!!
can anyone give me the site to check out sequester???
Please? :)
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