The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.
My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.
So far we're still in the season recap phase.
Amanda just won Immunity!
Natalie was voted out, not a huge surprise.
They're shocked that there will be another immunity challenge and final two, not the final three they had planned. The rites of passage come first.
Parvati is out of the final immunity challenge. Cirie drops hers and Amanda wins the final immunity challenge!
Amanda voted out Cirie. The final two are Amanda and Parvati.
Parvati won. Blech, not a good end of the season for me!
Sprint $100,000 winner is James. The other two highest votes were Amanda and Ozzy.
Survivor is going to Gabon, Africa.
They are women - hear them ROAR!
Hi all!
Happy Mother's Day to you all, hope it has been a good one for everybody! I made it through all the tornados last night and looking forward to Survivor finale. Since I didn't get to sleep until 4 am, I am trusting it will be exciting enough to keep me awake.
RAH RAH RAH Amanda!!!!!
I'm so happy that Amanda WON immunity! YES!!!
Thank you, Lord. I'm so relieved about Amanda. What a relief!
YEAH!!! Way to go, Amanda. If she hadn't won she would have gone home. I home they go with three this year.
Usually I am not impressed with Reality show returnees. However, I must say, this has been the most exciting season since Australia.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone.
This is going to be an interesting tribal council. Cirie may be in trouble.
HAPPY Mother's Day!!!!
Natalie voted out~ 3 -1 !!!!
Natalie gone, bet Cerie is next. We knew and hoped it would be Natalie!
If Amanda or Cerie wins immunity, they should take Parv, cause I can't imagine she would win in a vote. If Parv wins, I think she'll lose at the vote no matter who she takes!
Why did Amanda need to ask Cirie about her commments about being on the bottom? Had they always planned to keep Cirie and that question was so AManda could prove to the jury that she keeps her word, hoping to futher influence votes in the final 2? Or did she just slip and give Cirie a chance to get her into trouble?
WOw - -ba ck from commercial and Cirie is choosing this time to start a fight? TO melt down? Is this strategy???
Amanda is getting blindsided with the jury like she did on her season. Anyone else remember that?
The chicken was in the sand to dust its feathers for little pests!
Get it together, Amanda! Now is not the time to have a meltdown. One more immunity!
A SECOND immunity challenge. Uh,oh! But first to Exile Island to honor the "departed" survivor's.
Damn, I was really hoping for a final 3...Go Parv!
Jonny Fairplay is still full of it.
Oh, Ozzy!
Way to go, Amanda! Won again. Now she has a tough choice. If she's smart, she'll keep Parvati.
WOw -- I was really glad ot see Cirie get so close. I felt she would pull out all the stops in the final challenge and indeed, the producers chose an endurance challenge that fit all three women equally. That's why this show is so GREAT and BB can be sooooo disappointing. They honor that the audience has brains and they have us on the edge of our chairs. Wish Allsion Grodener could get a clue.
So we know Cirie is going to go, and Cirie knows it. Even if there were not AManda/Pav alliance,if I were Amanda, I would not risk having her in the end, as she is diabolical and could say something to the jury to mess up my chances.
Now comes the long, drawn-out filler. Let's just get to the jury questioning!
I can't believe that Parv just told Amanda that Cirie would never have won, she ticked too many people off! Parv has really been riding coattails. Her arrogance may come back to bite her. Or they're just editing this to look like there's still a question in Amanda's mind!
Happy Mother's Day all!
I made back home in time to jump in with you for a while. But I missed the show up until now. Of course I will watch it from the beginning on PDT.
I didn't know you were in harms way but I'm glad it's passed now.
Here comes the jury! Will Amanda stay true to Pavarti?
Amanda does have to make a decision, but she's starting to use the same pouty face she made at the final tribal in her first season. She seems to mean it, though.
OK, seriously Amanda, there's no sympathy for your "difficult" situation. Stop whimpering, you're losing respect on the jury!
Amanda voted out Cirie!
damn, damn, damn
why didn't she vote out Parvati?
As expected. Amanda seems very emotional about voting out Cirie. Is she sincere or playing to the jury?
I do remember Amanda not doing well with the jury questions in her season.
I'm feeling sad for Cirie.
Alexis and Natalie may vote for Parvati, no?
Well, she picked the right person, and Amanda will win, so no suspense anymore. Just sitting back to be entertained by the rest of the process.
I was touched by Cirie's goodbye speech. I had bad feelings toward her for much of the game, only of the poor sport kind, as she picked off my fave Yau and seemed so smug as each person went due to her manipulations. But in the las 3 shows or so I had to admit I had respect for her power of persuasion and ability to play yet stay on the outside. She absolutely outwitted and can take the prixe of being one of the best survivor players ever. She just may be the Ozzy of persuasion.
The bigger/better question is : what's up with an 8 member jury? There is great potential for a tie. @@
I think they went back to a final two because the final 3 sucked! Did the 3rd finalist ever get a vote to win???
Amanda was sobbing while writing out the name, so I guess it was real, but she sure did lose the respect of the jury... even though her rep is as the "nice" one. WHat will kill me is if she doesn't make a strong presentation to the jury this time. It will be a real bummer if she doesn't quit with her personal feelings. It's like she's suddenly worn out at this stage of the game.And this follows on the heels of China. PLEASE AMANDA, KEEP IT TOGETHER!!!!!
TerryinCA said...
this is my first MD without Mom...oddly, I found myself looking for a card and gift for her in the store yesterday...still so often want to jump up and go tell her something.
I know exactly what you mean. It took me two years before I stopped reaching for the phone to call my Mom to ask or tell her something. I couldn't even choose a Mother's Day card for my MIL without crying. My heart is with all of you who don't have your Mom today but she will always have the most special place in your hearts.
Back to Survivor...Parvati's arrogance annoys me. I'm glad Amanda knows P could throw her under the bus. Go Amanda!!
Arrrrgh. I jsut can't stand that evil arrogant look on that Grinch biotch's Natalies face.
Ozzy giving Parvati the "stink eye"... Hee hee!
Donna -- in commercial just read that you made it thru a trying night! Hope you're OK... seems like YOU have been playing survivor lately!!!
Clementine -- yup -- Pav's comment just sounded a little too flirty and it was a mistake... but it is who she is, and in some ways I thought her little talk was more powerful than Amandas... ending with I'll tell you the truth. She's not nervous, Amanda is. Hope we see her get a little squirmy tho. HERE WE GO
ELiza of many faces @@
Ozzie looking SO serious. We know who he's voting for. I hope, too, that Amanda doesn't overdo it with the jury. Let Parvati hang herself.
I'm glad to hear Josie is doing well but I know it's a long ways to go before she's feeling great.
I'm so sorry and sad to hear about your friend's daughter's baby. It must be devastating for the family.
I know you will try to be comforting and supportive.
Back to the show...
Interesting psychological questions from the jury. Natalie...whoa...MEOW!
Like I said, Parv will hang herself.
Happy Mother's Day everybody!
Good answer, Parvati. Still don't like her. ;) Nat's got some very catty questions for the girls. Guess that's what we get when we have an all girl finale. Erik's feelings are hurt. DANG! Amanda doesn't have a good answer for him.
Erik toughened up a little too late.
Go, James! Let her have it!
That may be a mistake, Amanda. Starting to sound a little desparate.
Ozzie's very emotional. I love him being so honest about his feelings.
Loved what Ozzie said. To both of them!
Ozzie's smitten big time. :)
Moments away!
GO AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!
guess we know who Ozzy's voting for!
worst jury questions ever!
Donna in FL
Interesting psychological questions from the jury. Natalie...whoa...MEOW!
Nat, you are disgusting! I can't believe you went where you did with your question.
How very romantic, eh, Zoetawny?
How lucky could Amanda get, a million and Ozzie...that is if she wins. ;)
I'm guessing that Amanda is going to be the winner of Survivor Micronesia.
I had a sad evening and I just joined the program before jury questioning. I'm glad Ozzy said what he did to Amanda, but what he said to Parvati was highly personal and not really game related. With that said, I'm still tickled that he didn't give her an opportunity to respond.
I can't read the jury this time. I also have to go back and watch the first hour and a half after the reunion show.
WOW -- what was that?
Natalie si a true freak. Never want to see her again, and neither does Jeff, lol.
James -- intense. Parv gets a little karma back
And Ozzy -- I was waiting fo rhim to break out in laughter or something. Is this a soap opera? I mean, the sentiments are gerat, but this is not the time or the place. Vote for your girl, and tell her you love her in an hour when tribal is over!
All I can think of is that he, to make sure any questionable vote on the jury WOULD go to Amanda, was to tear Parv down and build Amanda up so Amanda would win those votes. What do you guys think???
I'm sure we'll be talking about this one!
I think Nat will vote for Parv --- that's one. And Either Erik was bluffing or he won't vote for Amanda either...
Syd-yes, my first thought was that Ozzy was tearing Parv down, just in case he could sway any votes. I know she was aligned with him, but I didn't think they had any close personal friendship outside of the game?
I'm sure Ozzie had that on his mind. He and Amanda work well together. But I totally believe he loves her.
Awwww, two I LOVE YOU's in one TC. Love it!
Here we go! Can't wait to see Yau-man!
Ozzie's nervous for Amanda. :) Gotta love that guy!
WOW, never would have thunk it!
I can not Parv won...major shock!!!
Who's vote put Parvati ahead?
I can't believe it! Guess back stabbing paid off. I am disappointed in the results.
I DON'T BELIEVE IT! Parvati won? How did she pull that off? Must have been A's mopey face again.
Pure Jealousy! Amada shoulhd had won it no way6!!
WHaaaa??? The AUDIENCE was not happy with that outcome... and neither am I.
The final blindside of Survivor Micronesia
Probably Eliza, I am so sad!!!
I yelled NO NO NO so loud both cats flinched and ran. Sigh.
Amanda lost that for herself in jury questioning. Hope it teaches her to be a stronger person. Oh well, Ozzy's a pretty good runner-up prize.
How in the world do they keep the jury from telling the other 2 how they voted before the finale? Parv looked truly shocked.
I hope the jury are kicking themselves now that they have watched the whole season. Amanda out played Parvati 10 ways to Sunday. What a disappointing end to the best season.
WHOOO HOOO, Parvati won!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!
Way to go Parv!
This SUCKS!!!
Nobody is happy about the winner.
I think that's what the trailer for the finale was telling us. It was a shock that Parvati won by one lousy vote. GRRRR!
They obviously voted on a personal basis. Sour grapes. No way Parvati won it on game play or comps.
Was it Eliza's vote?
Good question to Nat from JP. I don't think I'd like her for a friend.
zoe-are you watching eastcoastlivefeeds? I lost my feed about 5 minutes ago....grrrrrr. Let's hope Amanda wins America's vote, although I think that will go to Cirie.
Poor Erik gets the dumbest move award. LOL
Poor Erik. He's getting razzed next.
Try refreshing the page. I hope Amanda wins something besides Ozzie. :)
And now a break for the totally superficial...
Love Eliza's hair flatironed like that. What was amanda thinking with the too-sprayed, did-it-yourself Farrah look???? And Jason just needs a new look all together.
My husband said Parv looks better without make up.
We return to our program.
Did anyone wonder if Oz would suddenly propose? LOL
I want to hear from Jonathan and also James.
And did I miss them telling us who voted for Parv? When do we get to find that out???
Obviously Eliza gave her vote to Parv....
Doesn't Amanda get cash for 2nd place?
Sometimes they don't tell us of the vote final count. Hope they do this time.
I saw the breakdown of payments after Survivor China but I don't remember it.
Just thinking back, where does Erik get off with his righteous anger at "big sister" Amanda? Sure she outed him to the jury, but he was soliciting votes against her. And he has no one to blame for his eviction but himself.
Stepping off my soapbox now :)
And I agree, Amanda's hair is bad. No one ever looks as good to me at the finale with make-up and coiffed hairdos. I guess you get used to them looking natural.
How about Parv's explanation to Jeff as to how she was the "pinnacle" of her alliance who pulled people in? Urgh.
Erik is a really good kid.
I'd like to see the final count, too.
Parv didn't look as good cleaned up as I thought she would. Amanda looks better with her hair more natural. Eliza did look good. Her hair camouflaged her thin narrow face but she also looks like she gained some weight on the Ponderosa. Ozzie is just simply adorable. What can I say? LOL
Who will win America's vote? Darn commercials.
Off Topic:
I will write about my night with tornado warnings over on Chatter Lane tomorrow. Thank you for saying you are glad I am safe.
Amanda must be thinking her gut doesn't speak the truth to her now.
He is -- Arrgh... can we start guessing who voted for whom? For all James @@'s, do we think HE gave her his vote after all? Did Cirie vote for Parv over Amanda, becasue Amanda voted her out?
Parvati's dreaming. I wonder how many, if any, would vote differently now, after seeing the action?
Amanda -- Ozzy and Erik
Parv - Natalie and Alexis
Those are for sure...
joy n said...
Erik is a really good kid.
5/11/2008 10:33 PM
Ya he is. I was really surprised at his attitude towards Amanda.
I don't know why but I really like James. Maybe it's his modesty.
wondering what the dumb move was that james made they were talking about. anyone know?
joy n said...
Parvati's dreaming. I wonder how many, if any, would vote differently now, after seeing the action?
5/11/2008 10:35 PM
I've always wondered about that even on BB. I wish the jury could see what we see before they vote.
Is JP still with, "what's her name", from Survivor? Got a block as to her name. ;)
I liked James, too. Had hoped he would have gone farther. He's so sweet to his dad.
I wonder who's going to win this fave survivor cash. Probably Cirie.
guess Cirie will get it? I'd love to see James get some money... he's still digging graves? He's so smart, he could turn this into something, but who knows, maybe he likes what he does and is content.
Ozzy and Amanda don't seem so mushy now. I noticed right after Parv won, Ozzy stood up but was not the first to hug Amanda...and she keeps looking back at him but he does not connect with her. Hmmm...
Did MAry say he asked her t marry him 3 days after their first date?
anon 10:41pm
On Survivor China, James had 2 hidden immunity idols and didn't play them
Zoetawny - Jeff and whatshername just recently broke up, after living together for a few years
Don't remember her name, either, but have heard they're still together.
That's who we don't know the votes of.... so did James vote for Amanda in the end, or did he decide that as much as he shakes his head at Parv she did outwit outlast etc?
Eliza -- she was so conflicted it's anyone's guess.
Who would Jason have voted for?
When did we vote for the favorite?
my guess is that parv got votes from natalie, alexis, erik, eliza and ceri.
amanda got votes from ozzy, james, jason.
i hope ceri gets the viewer's vote. i think she played the best game and was certainly short changed.
i don't care for parv.
those two girls don't look all that made up.
YES!!!!!!!!!! JAMES!!!!!!!!!
What stupid move did James make? On the China show, he had two, count 'em, two hidden immunity idols, and he didn't play them. If I remember correctly, they were good for only two more TCs, so it would have been no loss to play one.
And he's still digging graves because he loves the job.
WOW! James won it last season, too.
James please!
Little baby has fairplay's eyes
Maybe there's hope for JF. Still can't stand Joel.
forgot he won last season Joy
As soon as Parv won, Eliza ran over and gave her a hug, and said "I voted for you"
julie berry - she was a vanatu player.
I'm still happy that James won.
How will they be safe in Gabon with all those wild animals?
Good night all. "See" ya'll in the morning.
Who would Jason have voted for?
When did we vote for the favorite?
5/11/2008 10:48 PM
I think anon got it right...
Anonymous said...
my guess is that parv got votes from natalie, alexis, erik, eliza and ceri.
amanda got votes from ozzy, james, jason.
I didn't take the time to check out which is where America probably voted. If James hadn't left because of his injury maybe Cirie would have won America's vote.
It's been a great season although disappointing that Parv won.
Can't wait to read your write up on TV Squad. I'm sure I'll be back here to send you more good wishes before your surgery. Thanks for everything!
Joy-- well, they managed in the last Africa with lions roaring at night around their camp and only a wall of prickly branches stacked together to protect them (and camera men 24/7 probably with native guys with guns to watch over them all, lol).
I could never do this show.
Jeff and Julie Berry:
I can't believe they didn't clarify final votes!!!
Happy for James :))
This was a great season. Gabon looks beautiful! See you all next time.
my guess is that parv got votes from natalie, alexis, erik, eliza and ceri.
Erik voted for Amanda, he was shown discussing why he voted for her.
I'm happy for James!
I thought that Erik voted for Amanda when he said he wouldn't hold a grudge. So I figured it was Ozzy,James and Erik.Stupid,jealous Eliza and her indecision...bah. The only downer to this whole season was Parvati winning. I can't believe that Amanda thought Parvo had better game play than Cirie. I think she might have been a shoo in if she had taken Cirie.
I really think Parvo must be bi and swings both ways,cause she sure had Nat and Alexis panting after her. Poor James didn't see her in action before he jumped in with both feet with her! I loved his questioning of her....glad he won the money,too.
I wish they weren't going back to Africa,I didn't like that season much,well except for Ethan! They almost starved to death there and those animals are scary as all get out!
Clementine --Thanks for that link, I read the article and one linked to it... I am not surprised he and his GF didn't make it -- Jeff is constantly on the other side of the world for 3 months at a time, and proably a littl e longer as he exec produces and is very involved... while she could come visit at times, she is young and probably needs to get her work life going, and wants a man who can take her out on Friday and Sat night...
I am sad for them, as Jeff seemed absolutely wild about her and uncharacteristically could not help himself from telling the media freely.
Sidney, if I remember right, the survivors hated that camp because they weren't free to move around. I remember the lions roaring in the dark.
Erik absolutely voted for Amanda. He said he would forgive and forget since she did, too. (or something like that.) I can see Jason voting for Parv, and probably Cirie. I'd bet money that Eliza voted for Parv, too. James had a bone to pick with Parvati. He most likely would have voted for Amanda. Parvati used him and practically admitted that she did.
Clementine, I saw Jeff on the Regis and Kelly Show and he mentioned they were still together, but it was a while ago. It's kind of sad if they have split.
I've been smiling since the jury comments as if Ozzy said all that stuff to me instead of Amanda. Sometimes boys can be cute, eh?
Knowing now that Parvati won and Amanda came in second, I wish Amanda would have took Cirie to F2. She probably would have come in second anyway, and I would have rather seen Cirie win it over Parvati winning it.
Oh well, sigh, until the next season of Survivor! Thanks to all the bloggers for all the fun this season. Its been great watching and commenting with all of you.
Thanks to Jackie and Zoetawny for all the great Survivor Micronesia moments this season. Jackie, best wishes on your upcoming surgery and you have all my healing thoughts/vibes headed your way.
I so wanted Amanda to get it! I didn't even consider anyone would vote for Par. So the outcome shocked me. I am thinking it would have ended the same if Amanda had taken Cirie..meaning the jury was voting against Amanda. I think that getting Ozzie out was the big play and she admitted in the jury questioning that she would have stopped it from happening. I liked her answer and I think she was trying to show she was loyal, but she forgot who she was talking to. The people who voted for Parv. didn't value 'niceness' in any form.
I did think it was funny that Parvati didn't understand it was James' 'abs' the lady wanted to see. She seemed to think it was a similar sounding word. Amanda explained it to her. I think Amanda and Ozzie would make a very good Amazing Race team.
A more recent article on Jeff and Julie:
Looks like Sydney is right about the demands of his job taking a toll on his relationships
Hope he finds someone closer to his own age, who doesn't mind living on the road!
At first, I thought she was too young for Jeff, but they were together for so long, I figured they were truly in love. It's sad to hear that it's over. But life goes on. I can only imagine how his job was hard on the relationship.
5/11/2008 11:51 PM, monty924 said...
Knowing now that Parvati won and Amanda came in second, I wish Amanda would have took Cirie to F2. She probably would have come in second anyway, and I would have rather seen Cirie win it over Parvati winning it.
My thoughts exactly.
5/11/2008 11:54 PM, sue said...
I did think it was funny that Parvati didn't understand it was James' 'abs' the lady wanted to see. She seemed to think it was a similar sounding word.
This is driving me crazy. WHAT similar sounding word?
Oh Good Grief! I just got it!
Just guessing, but it was because he held TWO immunity idols and didn't use one of them when he should. Thus he was voted out.
I think what won it for Parvati was when both Cirie and Amanda pointed out to the jury that Parv was a big part of masterminding the blindsides. If you were one of the ones who got stung, you would want to say you were done in by the best, that she outwitted you. Even though you might not like her! Amanda was sweet and loyal, but she didn't really outwit anyone except for Alexis, with the hidden idol. Parvati had all kinds of alliances, plots, etc. Still don't like her and wish Amanda had won.
who was it cirie gave a nod to at the reunion show?
who was it cirie gave a nod to at the reunion show?
ok, of course it blows me away Parv won...she is self indulgent and wont do anything "good withthe money" as Alexis said. Nat and Alexis andCirie all didnt want to go to final two with Amanda remember? They all feared her, so it was their last chance at sour grapes. Nat was disgusting looking.....
Im glad James won the 100 grand, but like some of the rest of you I wish Amanda had taken Cirie to the final and then her whoel family would have benefitted.
After such a good season, this is such a downer.
But if amanda and Ozzy got together, then she really won the prize, and the money Parv spends on herself..wont last long.
Wasnt she a professional boxer?
Thanks Jackie, Syd,Zoetawny,meb,nana, all of you for making this the best forum of them all! hugs to all!!
Good Monday morning!
Survivor is over...:(
I was dissappointed with the winner. I guess it doesn't matter the game, people take evictions personal and thus take a last chance to "stick it to" whoever they think wronged them. Amanda's life lesson--playing with loyality and ethics doesn't win you the money! In the end she did get something...possibly a life partner. I agree with Sue and would love to see Amanda/Ozzy on TAR.
So now what??? No BB until July 13th, reruns are starting, and Bachelor/DWTS ends this week. I guess it's time to get that spring cleaning done! Maybe even finish weeding and get the deck furniture out.
This is a big week for some of you.......
Jackie-I will be thinking of you on Wed. and praying all goes well.
laurie/terry in ca.-I'm so jealous!!! On Fri. you will be coming to my corner of the country and it's going to be 80 degrees! You will get to see the Seattle skyline and "the bluest skies you've ever seen". Enjoy your cruise to Alaska and take advantage of everything the ship has to offer!
I will be busy doing vocabulary testing of the 1st graders this week.
BTW--Did you all hear that David A. dad has been told he can no longer be back stage on AI--seems he was telling David to do things against the rules......which has cost the show money in penalities.
Good Morning all! I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day.
Well I guess the final blindside of this Survivor season was Parvati's win - I sure didn't see that one coming - LOL.
But after I thought about it objectively for a couple of minutes, I can see how the jury would vote for Parv over Amanda.
I think James and Ozzy were the only jurors that held a grudge and voted for strictly personal reasons. As far as Alexis and Natalie go, they saw Parv as being the one to bring the women's alliance together and she helped them to stay in the game as long as they did. They were never close to Amanda and were always ready to get rid of her. I think Eliza and Jason voted for the person they thought made the most strategic moves in the game. The only big move Amanda made was saving herself with that hidden Idol. I think Cirie voted for Parv over Amanda because, if she had been F2 with Amanda, she would have wanted the jury to vote for the best strategic player and between Parv and Amanda, Parv played the better strategic game.
With the Jury seeming to have voted on a strategic basis, I think Cirie would have won had she made F2 with Amanda. What would have been interesting is a F2 of Parv and Cirie - what would the jury have done then. I think Cirie might have taken that one too, because she probably would have done very well at Jury questions.
I was glad to see James win the $100,000, but I was hoping that Cirie might get it.
Natalie's jury question seemed rather more interesting after knowing she voted for that time I thought Nat was trying to make Parv look bad. But, when remembering how she pinched Parv's bottom when they were walking in the last episode, it made me wonder if Nat was just trying to see if Parv really liked her (Nat) and then I thought I don't really want to know any of those answers. It just is an example of how I misread some of the jury questioning.
Also, too late to discuss or care now, but....No one seems to see flirting as a floating strategy. Even though Parv is taking credit for building the female alliance and all the other blindsiding moves, I have never seen her as a mastermind. But, none of the jury seemed to think she was a floater. So did she give floating a good name and make it acceptable, or did she mastermind everything on the island and both sexes were just putty in her hands...all doing her bidding as she sunned herself on the beach?
I don't know.
Thank you Jackie, be well and think of us, knowing we are all wishing you the best and a speedy recovery. Catch you on the flip side.
I just realized...we all now ko what the Grinch would have looked like had he been a woman huh? yikes!
Nana, thanks so much...we are beyond excited....this will be a long 4 days!
I have to put in my 2cents worth. I can't believe Amanda does so poorly at tribal council. She should have spent that last day trying to imagine every question that might come her way and then come up with an answer worthy of a real competitor. She froze last year as well, and as joy n said, got that hang dog look on her face.
How can you get so close to a million dollars and not be prepared to answer every question with how good she was throughout the season. She had to be doing something right to get there.
I'm just flabbergasted (do we still use that word). I think Ozzie was trying to save her by letting the jury know what a great person she was, cause she sure didn't convince any of them.
Cerie would have been the better of the two to take to F2...she may have lost to her as well, but at least Cerie would have earned the win. I truly felt bad for Cerie. I didn't feel bad for Amanda.. she made her bed the minute she opened her mouth when Jeff told them to tell the jury why they should get their vote. Even I wouldn't have given her my vote with her statement, and I wanted her to win.
AHHHHHHHHHHH! Amanda, Amanda, Amanda!
OK...I feel better. Wonder how much she really did get coming in second?
And I noticed too that Ozzie didn't seem to look at her any time she looked back at him... no eye contact... hmmmmmm????
Going into this episode I thought Amanda had the game won.
But then: somewhere in last night's episode, Amanda got all hurt/defensive when Cirie was on her "I've always been at the bottom of the alliance" train of thought. It was at that point where I felt that Amanda might lose the killer instinct that I thought she'd gained in this season, and fold in the interviews again. I said aloud to my wife, "that's it, that's her weakness - you attack her integrity and she folds". Then she proceeded to win the final challenge, and I thought she might find what she needed to win the game.... but then there was that horrible "this is so hard" routine when she did the inevitable and got rid of Cirie, and she was sunk right there. Amanda's problem is she wants people to think she is a "nice" player but still gets her hands dirty. Twice in a row, she lost because she couldn't own up to the fact that she made choices to get rid of certain people to keep herself safe, while the person she's sitting next to owns that same strategy. This time around though, it felt wrong for her to lose because she won lots of challenges and always seemed to be in the driver's seat in the game, while Parvati didn't win much if at all and didn't seem to drive the direction of the game. Last year, Todd totally ran the game from beginning to end. This year, while I can see arguments for Parvati winning (she did make alliances with just about everyone, and was involved in every big blindside), the reason she won is because everyone knows she's tricky while Amanda came off as fake and weak with all the tears and whatnot.
You make a good point Anon: at 12:30 p.m. I believe that Amanda's behavior when voting out Cirie and her less than stellar performance at Jury questioning probably lost her the three votes that could have gone either way - Eliza, Jason and Cirie. I think Ozzy, James, Erik, Alexis and Natalie would have voted the same way regardless of what was said at questioning.
Hi all--my day of testing 1st graders has been cut granddaughter got sick at school and is now home with me!!
Just some quick info....there are 4 new videos up of Ponderosa. They are really good--especially Ozzy and Amanda.
Go check them out.
BB talk: I was watching the promo last night for BB10 and I think the "happy together again" is more about BB being back in the summer. Hasn't the show played out all possible relationships already?
Have a good one.....
James has $200,000, b4 taxes, waiting for him. Since he only had a few weeks in between China and Micronesia, not much time to spend anything. That is really not a lot of money in the long run and he seems a very sensible gentleman. Invest and save for a rainy day is probably his way.
CBS was running to go to and vote for your fav for a week or so. Sorry some missed that. I did not think Cirie would win the money as at the point of voting she was still in the running for the Mil. But so was Amanda.
Wonder what the plan was if the vote had been 4-4? Guess we will never know!
Wikipedia has the votes as follows:
Pav: Cirie-Natalie-Alexis-Jason-Eliza
Amanda: James-Jason-Ozzy
OOPS for Amanda Erik
Maybe I was watching a different show, but wasn't it Cirie who did all the scheming seed planting!!! It was her suggestion about Yau-Man, it was her suggestion about if Ozzie was gone, Amanda would play differently, it was her suggestion about, Jason, it was her suggestion about Erik giving up the II !!!! Parv just ran with all of Cirie's mastermind plans, because had Cirie approached these people in a take charge kind of way, they would've ignored such doings.
This was Cirie's mind game. And she knew she would have never made it to the finale with either Parv or Amanda. That was why she was so hoping for a final 3. The jury would have seen all the clues to their demise in jury questioning.
I would love another fan's vs favorites in the future I thought it was the best. I think Nat's questioning of Parv was to see if she was bi-sexual and interested in her. It was totally crazy. Amanda put's that long face on during pressure and it did her in. It turn's people off she comes across as a phony even though she is not. The person that played the best non physical game was Cirie. Parv took her schemes and ran with it.The only thing Parv did was make a second alliance that's it. Cirie alway's wanted to get rid of the stronger player's from day 1. Another great year
Nana, thanks for the heads-up on the new Pondorosa clips. It was great to see all of them having such a good time together. It was particularly nice to see Ozzie and Amanda so happy and lovey-dovey together. Natalie never did make any headway with all her flirtations.
Poor Cirie really took it hard getting so near yet so far.
Did you get a good look at Natalie,hardly a wonder she got no where,especially with her black,black heart. The guys are probably afraid she would murder them after
Yeah,I have to agree that Amanda just does not know how to close the deal. She wore that awful baseball cap that gives her that long,hang dog face and just sat there like a lump on a log. If she could have countered everything that Parvo said,she'd have come out ahead.And,is it just me,or maybe Ozzy's stamp of approval didn't so much as hurt Amanda as help her.I am glad that she and Ozzy seem to have found happiness with each other...sorry girls that he's off the market.
Thinking of you,Jackie,and will be praying for nothing but good things on Wednesday!
I LOVED Kristi on DWTS tonight,although thought their jive wasn't as good as the first one,but adored that tango! GO KRISTI and MARK!!!!!!!!!
Jackie -- Don't mean to overkill but again, just sending you lots of good wishes!
It was a great season of Survivor made so much better by all of you, as usual. At least the bachelor ended the way I hoped tonight. Big Brother and Survivor didn't but at least one show did. Just please let's not hear they are broken up in 3 to 6 months!!! THank you Jackie for the rockin' Bachelor and DWTS talks links!!! They're great!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your progress when you can! Looking forward to the summer BB and spending time online with you and the gang! Prayers are with you!
Jackie, my thoughts are with you today and throughout your recovery. As soon as possible, let us know how you're doing. We're gonna miss you terribly, so hurry back!
I have so enjoyed coming here on your blog and finding new friends, as well as just being able to give my opinions on my favorite shows and hearing the thoughts the others. Thanks for the opportunity.
I'll still be checking in everyday to say hi and see what's happening with everyone.
Again, thanks and best wishes coming your way!
Am I just slow or what. I went in to comment on Bachelor and after posting, thinking I was one of the first, I realized that there were little links I could click on and get to even more comments. I've never noticed this before. Is this new, or as I commented earlier, am I just slow on the pick-up?
I really like it... it keeps you from having to scroll down forever to get to a new comment, yet allows you to keep the comments current. Jackie, you're a genius!
Best wishes, and take care of you!!
We all look forward to hearing how you are doing when you are ready to get back to it!
Our thoughts and prayer are with you!
Got a question for you MEB. I didn't watch the Bachelor this season, but I did happen to catch the tail end of the finale last night. The girl he picked (Shayne?) seemed to be truly adorable. Since you watched the whole season, I just wanted to know if you thought she was the right choice. The other girl was really hurt (as usual!). She'll probably wind up as the next Bachelorette though.
Now reality talk...
I was definitely blindsided by Parv's win, but I am OK with it. She did play a strategic game, and who knows how things would have played out if not for the all girl alliance. Have to give her some credit for covering her a** way back when, and having her alliance with both fans and favorites.
The Bachelor played out to my prediction, and, Sydney, I agree that we can only hope and pray they are still together in a matter of months. I would like to see this couple make it!
DWTS has been so solid this season! I would predict Marissa and Tony go home tonight, and we have Kristi, Jason, and Christian as final three... What a great final three!!
donna in al, glad to hear you made it through your scare... We have some scary weather and trajedy right now, and all around the world.
Have a great day!
rbennie... I did think that Shayne was the best choice, certainly of the two remaining, but I also liked her throughout the season. She was mature beyond her years I felt, and I believe she truly was in love with Matt, where I wasn't so sure that Chelsea was being sincere. I hope it does work out for them. Shayne is the granddaughter of Fernando Lamas, actor, and Esther Williams, the swimmer/actress. Daughter of Lorenzo Lamas. She is so cute...
Bad news... I just read they are not picking up Journeyman! Real bummer. I thought it was awesome!
Leaving work... going home... talk later.
Jackie, my thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow and over the next few weeks. This "place" in our lives will certainly not be quite the same without you here. I hope you have a chance to let us all know of your progress. You know you have a ton of friends out here pulling for you. Best wishes on an excellent result and a very speedy recovery.
Some news over on Watch and E!online about Shayna Lamas, the winner of the Bachelor.
On June 3rd, she makes her print debut on cover of Girls Gone Wild magazine. There is also a six page photo spread and an article where she reveals details from her time on the Bachelor. It says the photo shoot was done after the Bachelor series ended but before the reveal of the winner.
The mag does not show full nudity pix. But the two that I saw show one of her in sexy undies and the other, her lying nude on her stomach on a bed, covered only by a wedding veil and holding a wedding bouquet. I really hate to say this but it looks like she's taking advantage of the Bachelor publicity. The "wedding picture" leaves little doubt.
FYI: RealityTVWorld has interviews with Amanda, Cirie and Parvati talking about the finale.
One question asked of Amanda -
RTVW: Did Jeff Probst ever explain what would have happened if there'd been a 4-4 jury tie? If so, what was the answer?
Amanda: No, he didn't ever tell us. There was a white envelope. I don't know what was in it, but that was supposed to be a tie-breaker if there was a tie. But I have no idea. I know as much as you do.
It's driving me nuts trying to figure out what might have been in that envelope. Any ideas, anyone?
You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and in the weeks to come. Here's to a super successful surgery and an extra speedy recovery (glass of mineral water raised :>).
Please touch base as soon as you can, and please know how much we all care!!
I wanted to pop in before dinner to make sure you had time read all the good wishes and prayers coming your way before the big day tomorrow. I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow and sending positive thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I'm definitely going to send you an email at Somerset but will wait a couple of days until you are feeling a bit better. I know this is a major event in your life but I just know all will go well. You will probably have the biggest cheering team rooting for you that Somerset ever saw. ;) We will miss you terribly and anticipate your return.
FYI, in regards to Shayne Lamas, Esther Williams is technically her step-Grandmother.
Lorenzo Lamas' mother is Arlene Dahl. Therefore she is actually Shayne's Grandmother.
Zoe-- Do you know an e-mail address for Somerset?
Hello Jackie,
Just dropping by to wish you the best on your surgery.
I hope everything goes well for you, better than expected would be great! Hopefully you will return home very soon, as there is no place like home to recoup.
Hang in there and know that there are many thinking of you and wishing you well.
Take care.
MEB, I join you in mourning them not picking up Journeyman. I loved that show.
Joy, I will try to find the same pix of Shayne from the mag. you should be a detective! You come up with the best stuff!!!
And I just asked Zoe but did I miss that Jackie gave the address of where she will be? I feel like a few posts back I glanced at some hospital info, but it was in the comment area. IF anyone knows about this, please let me know. Thanks so much!!!
Sydney & All- the address to Somerset is:
Somerset Medical Center
110 Rehill Avenue
Somerville NJ 08876
I think if Jackie uses her real name on TV Squad it reads, Jackie Schnoop.
Here's the link that I've posted previously to send an email to Jackie at Somerset. The only hitch is we have to find out Jackie's room number. I searched around on the site but not sure how to get the room number. I will probably call this weekend to get the info.
Patty said...
Sydney & All- the address to Somerset is:
Somerset Medical Center
110 Rehill Avenue
Somerville NJ 08876
I think if Jackie uses her real name on TV Squad it reads, Jackie Schnoop.
5/13/2008 10:55 PM
Thanks, Patty, for putting up the addy and phone number. As soon as I find out the room number I will put it up here. I think we ought to wait until at least a few days after the surgery to start bombarding Jackie with emails. ;) I'm sure Jackie will be on strong pain meds and might want some privacy until she's feeling more alert. When I call Somerset this weekend I hope I can at least find out Jackie's general condition. Many medical centers won't give out info to other than family members. So we'll see.
Hang in there, Jackie! It's going to be all good soon.
Anon 9:53... thanks... I think I knew that about Esther Williams being a step grand-mom to Shayne, but I totally had left Arlene Dahl out of the equation. I'm not sure I even knew that.
joyn - I've also been extremely curious about what they would have done if it was a tie vote. In Cirie's interview she stated that the whole reason she didn't think it would be F2 was because she was sure they wouldn't let 8 jurors vote on 2 contestants. Seems like they're all as confused by it as we were.
I found it interesting in Parvati's interview that she actually found the II on Exile but chose not to bring it back because she didn't want Cirie & Amanda to think she didn't trust them. Wonder why they didn't reveal that tidbit to the viewers. Also, it appears Parvati didn't view her & Ozzy as BFF like he did, she seemed surprised he took it so personally.
I think Survivor gave Cirie the shaft and robbed her of a chance at the million. I'm very disappointed. She really earned the spot in the F3 and I agree with many who've stated that she was really the mastermind behind a lot of things Parvati got credit for at jury questioning. I would love to know the outcome of F3 if they had all had the chance. I think Cirie had a damn good chance of winning.
And I totally think Natalie had the hots for Parvati and used her jury question to ask her for a date. Natalie's myspace is filled with pics of her hanging all over other women in ways that suggest more than friendship.
I agree with you Caroline. I think Cirie was cheated of her chance at the million. I don't think there was any intention of having a final 2 until the very end of the game when the Survivor "powers that be" decided to create their own blindside and go with a F2. It's one thing to be outplayed, outwitted and outlasted by other players in the game, but I don't think its right when the "powers that be" interfere. If the plan had been from the beginning to have a F2, then Eliza would have been sent home instead of becoming the first juror. I really would have liked to see how Cirie did with jury questions. Who knows, maybe Parvati would have still won, but I doubt it.
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