Dancing With the Stars returns Monday, March 22, at 8 PM ET/PT. All new stars, all new action! Here's the place where you can discuss the show with your friends. The official website for the show is right here. You can find this post listed under blog discussion posts in the sidebar or use the show title in a search.
Margo is kind enough to run the blog's pool and here's the random pool picks:
Aiden & Edyta - Delee, Terry in CA
Buzz & Ashley - ML, Donna in AL
Chad & Cheryl - Donna in FL, Laurie
Erin & Maks - Rbennie
Evan & Anna - Margo
Jake & Chelsie - PDXGranny, JoyN
Kate & Tony - Tessa
Nicole & Derek - Meb, Brent McKee
Niecy & Louis - Becky
Pamela & Damian - Sydney, Monty 924
Shannon & Mark - Jennasmom, Nana in NW
THE POOL IS NOW CLOSED - Everyone is welcome to play along - just not in the "official" pool.
Hey, Jackie! Have on your dancing shoes?
I think the football player will be great.
Carrie Ann is in heat again.
Not sure if I want to see Jake do good!
she does have a way about devouring her partner ....
Why was Ma_'s thumb caressing her waist? strange
Maks is funny! He is adorable.
Wonder what they do with the dance costumes after they have been worn. You never see them again.
Hey, Delee! Good to have you here. I have been talking with myself.
Which of the dancers is married to Edyta? After I saw her on Dr. Phil I was amazed to hear how unsure she is and not confident in her looks.
Hey, Terr!
Becky I heard the costume designer say they remake them over and over I cant imagine how much sewing and measuring and "taping" they do
Says she is married to Alec Mazo. He was a winner with Kelly Monaco and partnered with Toni Bra_ton and Natalie Conklin.
Thanks for answering my questions. I think I like my person Nicey. She is FUNNY. Plus big points because she "likes herself". Low scores. Okay, big girls everywhere, vote for her, she dedicated her performance to all the big 'uns.
Loved, loved, loved Chad O. I think they scored him and Cheryl way too low, considering how high they scored Jake.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Pamela can do, and of course what Edyta has on under that coat, lol!
of course I love my Aiden, All My Children. But I am anxious to see Kate and Pam and Shannon...
Just checkin' in to say Hi! The show won't be on here for another 2 hours.
I'm floating around in the pool with Jake, but if truth be known, Aidan is the one who really makes my heart go pitty pat. I'm looking forward to seeing how he looks tonight. . . . . and I'm not necessarily talking about his dancing! : )
Sorry I'm late -- It's a PARTY AT JACKIES!!!
I was on a every Monday night conference call.... but I had the TV on to mute to see Jake. I caught a quick glance at Vienna and Gia in the audience.... I thought he looked akward, but like a beginner who might improve. I have no illusions. I think he is a perfectionist and can learn but the way he has worked out, his legs looked tight when he walked around on the bachelor/ette. Anyway, was anyone else suspicious that they were so complimentary to him??? I was truly surprised. Maybe they have an investment in keeping him on a few eps?
Hi everyone, I haven't even turned on TV yet, the show is recording, though. I had to come say Hi to all of you, first. Thanks Jackie for the DWTS place. Terry, I think you have hit on a spin off to DWTS that I wish they would make. It could be a little like the Models show for Project Runway, but show the costumes being remade and fitted. I would watch.
Well, Buzz Aldrin is absolutely adorable!
God luv Buzz, he's stiff. Poor guy. I'm sure they won't slaughter him. The man WALKED ON THE MOON people.... what else could be challenging and a thrill after that??? I am awed by that no mater what! And I sure hope that at 80 each of us would do something that stretches us (no pun) like this.
I'm sending some votes his way tonight.
I thought they were brutal on Buzz, especially after they fawned over Jake. I wouldn't put it past ABC to tell them to keep him around for a while.
I will give some votes to Buzz too.
Derek has a real ringer this year. They were great, but Len wasn't having any of it. Hmm
Edyta's big reveal coming up!
I think Len needs his prunes.
Just stopping by for a sec. Taping DWTS and watching The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - performances from the last 24 years on PBS. Pretty cool.
Edyta looks nekkid under all that fringe, lol. I think she danced more than he did though.
Aiden's shoes have some heels on them so he is a bit taller than Edyta. LOL Len telling her she was shaking her bits!!! Boy did they get knocked.
Aidan is funny. I love people with a good sense of humor. Hope he and Edyta go far.
Hiss, boo, to the judges tonight.
Did you notice how kind of akward the little snippets of each of these upcoming dancers is? Derek at least still plays it up for the cameras.
Jake flubbed twice, as he missed High fiving with Chelsia and also he tried to give her the rose and she dropped it.
Pam Anderson is paired with Kate Gosselin to do the little bits and Pam looks scary... I am no fan of Kate but she looked all purdy with her flower in hear hair and white lace dress and Pam was looking a little mascara smeared and like she has a Harley waiting out back to run over Kate with, lol. Did anyone pick that up? They did two so far...
Pussy Cat Doll going on for too long in her interview....
TOny is looking pretty hunky in his intro.... I think he is giving Max a run for top heart throb status.
Woah, the waltz looks REALLY hard as a first dance... the girl goes backwards the whole time. HELLO!
Becky, your Snoopy avi's always make me smile. In honor of DWTS being back on, I'm bringing my Happy Dance out of retirement. :)
Kate looks so much better with longer hair.
She sure doesn't like the comments and it shows!
Pamela does look rough tonight. I'm curious to see how she does with the Cha Cha.
Was not thrilled with Kate's dance but maybe she will overcome her nerves. Also she looked heavier than I think she is...
Pamela always looks rough. Only time she looked sweet was on Home Improvement...
Now the worse scores for Kate...
NOT the worse scores...oops
Pammy's had her boobs reduced, doo dah, doo dah. Looks much better.
Well, she did a great job. I'm impressed!
Pamela wasn't bad. I knew Bruno would be panting!
Bruno needs a valium after that, LOL
My favs tonight were Chad, Evan, Nicole and Pamela. Can't wait for next week.
Brooke is also a much needed improvement over Samantha. Please ABC, keep Brooke and don't bring Samantha back... ever!
See everyone on Wednesday for Survivor. :)
Thanks for hostessing us, Jackie. Catch up with you guys later.
Thank you Rochelle and Becky for voting for my pool pick Buzz. Although I realize I will be floating free in the pool quite soon, I like Buzz and I hope they continue to portray him proudly, rather than turn him into a joke like Cloris was. If I came back in another life I always wanted to be an astronaut, so I suppose it's appropriate that he is my pool pick. He will probably be better at ballroom so hopefully he will stay after next week.
If not, I'll be ok rooting for Nicole and Derek. I think it will be a good season; nobody was really awful and they are all trying. I still like Jake and hope he does well. I wonder how he'll be with Latin. No doubt they will have him shirtless at some point. And of course when Edyta twirled for the first time I realized that while she may have been covered at rest, she was essentially naked in motion. So what else is new? I hope she and Aidan stick around; I do like watching her dance. And while I'm not a Pamela fan, you gotta give the devil her due. She did deliver on being the sexpot. Let's see what she does next week.
Too bad we have to wait a whole nother week to see them all dance again!
What was Chad's last name before he changed it to his jersey number?
Chad Johnson :)
ML, your description of Edyta being essentially naked when spinning was so funny! Thanks for the laugh. I too like Jake and Buzz and hope they stay in a while.
Speaking of astronauts, who here has watched and/or is a fan of Battlestar Gallactica? My husband turned me on to it (I caught some of the last two seasons but never having watched the first three or four, I could not appreciate it. We started on the DVD's from the first ep and I am hooked. It's haunting and has some pretty complex subtext... Anyone?
Thank you Jackie!
Finally watched my DWTS tape.
Buzz - God bless him, he seemed to be enjoying himself.
Aiden - So easy on the eyes! Thought his scores were a bit low.
Chad - Like the way he moves.
Erin - Good, but I can see where they say she needs to work on her arms and legs.
Evan - What a nice guy. Tall and classic looking. Definitely has talent. on the dance floor.
Shannon - Judges are right, she flails her arms. She needs to work on that.
Nicole - Very graceful. She'll be around awhile.
Niecy - Funny lady. Looks like she's really enjoying this. Except for the tears when she was through dancing. She and Shannon got pretty emotional.
Jake - He needs more practice. He's kind of stiff. Hope he does well. My pool pick.
Kate - Lack of grace. I don't think she likes NOT being in control. If looks could kill.... watch out, Bruno!
Pamela - A little too sexy for sexy's sake, but that is her thing, I guess. Definitely a camera hog.
IMO. Best so far or most likely to improve - Nicole, Evan, Chad, Aiden, Erin and hopefully, Jake.
Sentimental fave - Buzz Aldrin
Kate is already irritating me.
I love it Joy, 4 out of 5 of your picks are the guys and you like Buzz, too. That makes it all the guys + Nicole. Haha I'm totally with you on that!
I know I'm late coming in on this, but have to say that I'm tiring of Jake, and enough with the roses already. Sydney... you saw Gia in the audience... hmmm.
As for Buzz, gotta love him, I mean let's face it, he's a hero, but dancer he's not and I think it's unfair to keep him in. It would be a shame to make a fool of him just because we like him.
After reading Jake's ex girlfriends info, and her saying he's broke so needed the money, and he's still in love with her, and not Vienna...whether truth or not, his charm has left the building for me. And he can't dance.
meb-where was this info? Do you have a link? I would like to read it-thanks!
HI everyone, or no one as it may be tonight. I have been sooo busy but had to have it on in the background. LOVED Pam Anderson, think she will revitalize her career by doing this. She has a cute personality in the behind the scenes camera interviews that I hope come off well to show she's not a total ditz, I think she's been her own worst enemy at times in portraying that.
I also still am pulling for Jake, though he seems like he's so tightly wound that he has a tough time mugging for the camera. ANd is so nervous to get it right that he can't truly enjoy this till his dance is done, but I think I might be the same way. He is in his head and a perfectionist, which I would expect you need to be to be well suited as a pilot. I have been amazed the judges are all so complimentary each time. Do they really feel that way or is the network invested in keeping him on? I know I am interested in watching his dances. Did pretty well tonight and the point is that it's fun to watch improvement.
That said, I think the Pussy Cat Doll is gonna win.
Still like Buzz, Erin and Kate didn't do themselves any favors with their attitudes and bickering, Nicey was great and elegant, and Pamela justs absolutely drips sensuality. Although I like Derek and Nicole, (I would like watching Derek dance with anyone or alone haha) I don't really know if that jive warrranted two 10's. But she can definitely dance.
I must have missed it, but what is Carrie Ann on? I didn't see anything that remotely resembled a lift. I thought Jake and Chelsie were adorable together and Jake was better than his scores.
As Tony swung Kate around near the floor, her feet were def. off the ground if that's what you were referring to, ML.
Pam surprised me at how well she did last night. And she did her Marilyn to a T.
I think Aiden has an ego problem.
Niecy looks like she's having fun, doesn't she?
Nicole is pretty amazing already and Evan is just getting started, I believe.
Jake, I don't know, he's coming off to me as "being on" all the time.
Kate just seems to me as being used to telling people what to do and she can't seem to stop herself. Twice she rubbed imaginary tears off her cheeks. She is a TERRIBLE dancer. Hope she's gone soon.
Poor Buzz, maybe he should have tried this a few years sooner. Methinks he won't be around long.
I am so confused here in Texas..when are the esults shown?????
Tuesday nights, Terry. At 8pm here on the east coast.
I cannot believe they voted out Shannon and kept clodfoot Kate. She will continue to be short-tempered and belligerant and non-talented.
No way, no how, should Pam have been in the bottom two last night. I have her in the pool, but that isn't the reason I feel like this. I think she was the decoy to the real bottom two and I'd bet my bottom dollar that Kate was actually in the real bottom two.
It's sad to see Shannen go first, but my golden boy Chad Ochocinco is still there so go Chad and Cheryl! and... Pammy and Damian. :)
If this is how it's going to be then maybe we can't let the public vote.....Buzz or Katie should have gone last night.....
Joy I was referring to Jake and Chelsie, not Tony and Kate. Carrie Ann took off for a lift on Jake and Chelsie and I saw nothing of the sort.
Unfortunately, Shannen probably has residual dislike from her diva days on the original 90210. She had potential, unlike Kate, who has nothing on the dance floor and seemingly no ability to get along with anyone either. I don't think she'll last much longer, because if not the judges or the voting public, Tony will dispense with her himself!
I agree about Pam. I thought she did a really good Fox Trot and didn't deserve to be in the bottom.
Kate has NO rhythm, a bitchy attitude and I watched her wipe away imaginary tears twice on Monday night trying to get everyone's sympathy. Tony is a saint!
Anyone here? I hope so. I forgot to change to the show. Poor Buzz (I came in just before he started). I thought he did a good job.
Who has danced and what was their score.
Becky. Evan and Anna did the Quick Step first. 9-8-9
Buzz and Ashley did a Waltz. He walked though it. 5-4-4
Kate and Tony just did the Paso Doble. It was terrible (again). 5-5-5 Too high.
Thanks, Joy. I thought Derek and Nicole were terrific. Better scores than I thought they would get after the comments.
Jake was a jerk who was given extra points by someone, Buzz was clumsy, and Kate was gosh awful, also scored too high. Pamela was better than these three, but not much.
Well, well well -- they spanked the Pussy Cat and Derek. That at least was fair.
Poor Kate, I never thought I would say that, but she is so wound up emotionally (and I think she was that kind of person well before the paparazzi) that I actually had a slip of compassion for her as a human being. But she's as bad as Buzz, who I know is having a ball and thinks he's a lot better than he is, lol. I was rooting for him to stay in for awhile, but I'm ready for both to go.
I thought Jake's performance was far better than Ocho Cinco or the pretty guy in the grey suit... who had his baby girl come visit him. I was surprised they said what they did. Quick step is damn hard, and though there were a lot of props etc which is a real departure, I thought he did well with it.
Pam was off tonight, and I want to see her stay and do better next dance because she does have musicality like Niecy does. PLEASE all, just for Sydney, throw Pammy and Jake a vote. Or at least Pam?
Evan was fab and I did love Dereks. The quick step is my favorite of all time, because I would have loved to have been in my early 20's in the Gatsby days.... woulda loved to have done that in a fountain of champagne at 2 AM, lol. But the one I can never get out of my head was Apollo and Julianne's perfect quickstep! Remember???
Not too many comments this season. It's clear that Evan and Nicole are the top. Nicole can really dance and certainly knows how to put on a show (that is her profession afterall). That's ok with me, I just wish seasons ago they wouldn't have given Mario Lopez such a hard time about having had a little dance experience. It was nothing compared to Nicole's and several others since then. I still think Mario was gypped. Ok back to the present.
Buzz and Nicey probably won't be around too much longer, but Kate is the absolute worst. I never saw her show, but I do know one thing about her. She just cannot dance to save her life. Combine that with her bitchy attitude and she has got to go. I will be disappointed if she stays past tonight. No matter how you slice it, Kate plus or minus eight is still a negative number.
I was disappointed that Kate stayed last week. She's awful. Can't stand much more of her attitude either.
I'm still holding a grudge against DWTS for gypping Mario.
Buzz should go soon too, but he seems to have a large fan base. Sigh.
Don't know why exactly but I'm liking Jake less and less. His dancing is okay. Just don't care for him.
Pam, on the other hand, I like for some reason. She didn't do as well last night but she can dance. Thought her "Marilyn" was great last week. Hope she makes it thru.
I agree that Evan and Nicole are doing the best so far.
We'll see what happens tonight.
Not surprised to see Buzz leave. Very nice man but it was time.
Can't believe that Jake was bottom 2 and not Kate. Kate simply can't dance well at all. Maybe next week. If she doesn't go next round, something stinks in Denmark.(I'm not even sure what that Denmark thing is supposed to mean.) But Kate stinks on the dance floor.
I'm not saying Buzz was good, but I don't know why they ask folks over 70 on the show. It would be more fair to have two seasoned citizens as competitors. We all slow down as we age. I loved Buzz's positive attitude rather than whatever it is Kate is going for. And Jake--bah! He's just trying to extend his 15 minutes.
In addition, I do hope Ashly continues on the show. She's wonderful.
You're right Amy. They ask elderly celebrities on the show and then deride them for their efforts. We like them for their spirit, spunk, attitude and character, as well as their dancing. But alas, some always go too soon while others, like Kate, stay around with less than zero talent.
I don't mind Jake so much, but Chelsie seems different this season. I think Julianne would have been a great partner for Jake, because I think he has ability and Julianne would pull it out. Chelsie seems on a different path. I hope he stays for now.
I am going to miss the show again tonight for a meeting. I'll be looking to the comments here later to get the flavor of what happened. Hopefully I can catch the show online later.
Just for once, I'd love to see Derek get a Cloris Leachman or a Kate Gosselin. He always seems to have a ringer in the competition.
My two favorites tonight were Chad and Pamela. Both did an awesome Rumba, and I think that is the hardest of the dances. You never know if the judges will praise it for it's sensuality or call it raunchy. Neither one of them should go home this week. I threw all my votes their way.
Kate can go home for me. I love Tony, but he gets the bottom of the barrel too often. Melissa was his best partner of late. There's a site that is selling "Free Tony" t-shirts. I may just have to buy one.
Very disappointing ending on tonight's show. Any one watch it?
Cannot believe Kate is still there. Tho, when I saw that Aiden was in the bottom two with her, I actually sighed because I knew it would be him.
Kate really exaggerated the tear wiping tonight.
I think they are keeping Kate
because of all the drama she brings.
Really like ocho & cheryl, don't see them lasting until the end.
Evan or the Pussy Cat girl will
probabvly win.
Looking forward to survivor tonight
I was surprised how much praise Jake got. I thought he messed it up in several places. Sometimes I'm wondering if I'm watching the same show as the judges when they critique him.
But I am glad because I do tune in to watch him every week and want him to stay just because. He is getting looser in so many ways. Was so uptight in the beginning and now is playful, less nervous. And getting more limber, and I have really seen improvement.
I thought OchoCinco was much better and far more involved and they ripped him apart. Poor guy. I guess being 7 feet 8 with a little tiny partner is not a factor???????
Please pretty please VOTE FOR PAM please. I want her to stay and Kate to LEAVE leave leave. Kate sucked again and I am sick of her "fans" who clearly are BLIND. Joyce, you need to get up there and kick her butt. Show her how it's done!
So glad Niecy is safe tonight. I need to start voting for her. She is so funny... delightful actually. I want to start watching her on whatever she's on. Has anyone a clue? I know I could google it but I'm googled out!
She has been fun to watch, Rochelle, and I can tell she likes being there. She hosts Clean House on the Style Network. Have you seen it? She may do stand up, too, I don't know about that.
Oh happy day. They made it sound so sad Kate was leaving. Did anyone notice NO ONE came to gather around them to say goodbye?
ML, I know. But they did show an awful lot of the stars and dancers with long faces. I could not wait for it to be over and for her to LEAVE. I mean, something is going on because her dance teacher who she gave such problems gave a speech that would have won him an Oscar, and then Tom Bergeron did the unheard of thing to cut the last package to talk to tearful Kate.
What's up with dat?
In any case, I was so relieved to see her go. Other people deserve to be there and she just so completely can't dance.
I can only say, "Thank Goodness" she's finally off my TV screen on Monday and Tuesday nights.
Kate was simply horrible, and I hated seeing others go home before she did. At times she looked like she could care less if she was even there and the others are really working and trying to improve.
Happy Pam and Chad are both still in there. There's an example of putting in work and trying to improve.
Just watched my tape and was so relieved to see it was Kate FINALLY leaving. I noticed too, that after Tom sort of suggested a group hug, no one stepped forward. From what I've read, the rest of the crew wasn't crazy about her at all. She supposedly was very demanding on set. I've heard her say that she didn't have a chance to bond with the others because of her "daily" flights. I really think it's a lot more to it than that. Who knows? She seemed to get there and suddenly realize it was a LOT of work. She never really put her heart into it. Plus the fact that she can't dance at all. Anyway, I'm happy for Tony. The drama has left the building and he can have peace again. He deserves a medal IMO.
Glad to see that Pam, Niecy and Chad are still in it. I knew Nicole, Evan and Erin would be safe. Jake is getting over-scored for some reason. I also wonder what the judges are looking at when he's dancing.
I turned it off in the last few minutes of the show. I could not watch that tearful performance. And, JoyN, I am puzzled too, by the Jake bandwagon. Even getting to do the spotlight dance tonight?
Anyone here?
I finally watched last weeks show. Kate was awful and deserved to go home. I did like Jake's dance, but saw him dance a bit ago and he is back to awful. I missed his score. I had to uha... walk the dog. Yeah, walk the dog.
Evan is very good. Especially for someone who fell on his head.
Hiss, boo. The judges fawn over Jake and cut down Evan. I thought he was good.
Will check in later.
There's a short article about DWTS over on RTVW that says everyone is relieved that Kate is gone. She really wasn't very well liked. They were all even schooled on how to "approach" her backstage. Sheesh!
Why do they keep overscoring Jake? He had an obvious stumble that Len just poo-pooed away plus at least 3 times he stood still while Chelsie danced. Definitely overscored. Thought he was the worst tonight.
Evan was so underscored, it makes me wonder what these judges are up to.
I thought Niecy had one of her best dances and I think she deserved 8's.
Erin and Maks did very well and got good scores.
Chad did better tonight and deserved the 8's he got.
Nicole and Derek were great. Loved their samba!
Pamela was better than last week but I wish she'd drop the sultry thing once in awhile. She should concentrate more on the steps and technique.
The swing marathon was really fun to watch.
I love DWTS. Somehow this season though, I'm a bit bored with it. I can't put my finger on it. Evan's a nice guy, Olympic champion; I admire that. He just doesn't seem to ignite with his dancing. Chad does nothing for me either, and it appears that, for whatever reason, Cheryl and he don't have the same chemistry as she has had with previous partners. Jake seems to have lost his luster. I never felt he and Chelsie were the best match, although I like them both.
Erin is ok, but I realized last night that really it's Max that is great. Nicey is actually pretty good, but her chemistry with Louie has become awkward and their dances potentially androgynous. Pam seems to be a one trick pony. Surprised? No, but disappointed. Although I always love watching Derek dance, and he and Nicole are great together, she is, afterall, a professional dancer. They clearly are the best, and should win. I guess it IS called Dancing With the Stars, not Dancing With the 'Inexperienced Never Took a Step In My Life' Stars. Nevertheless, I call a MARIO foul. (I have never gotten over his not winning.)
Evan was better than Jake and deserved a better score. Was it his best dance? No, but he had so much more speed and skill than Jake. Also, why does it seem Pam Anderson never has to go first, always towards the end of the show, which people remember more?
Well, Jake is out. Sorry, Sydney.
I just remembered that Jake was my pool pick. Still glad he's gone. I thought he was kind of cocky and didn't really believe the tears at the end there.
**Pool Update**
Chad & Cheryl - Donna in FL, Laurie
Erin & Maks - Rbennie
Evan & Anna - Margo
Nicole & Derek - Meb
Niecy & Louis - Becky
Pamela & Damian - Sydney, Monty 924
Shannon & Mark - Jennasmom, Nana in NW
Buzz & Ashley - ML, Donna in AL
Aiden & Edyta - Delee, Terry in CA
Kate & Tony - Tessa
Jake & Chelsie - PDXGranny, JoyN
Omg, no one has even commented. Surprisingly I have little to say, too.
Max'x suit (the profuse color)was distracting. Pam is Pam. She does not have nice body lines. She's got a great body, but not great bodylines for dancing. Nicole is incredible.
The group cha cha cha with Chad, Nicole, and Pam was fabulous. The group cha cha cha with Evan, Niecy, and Erin, was not.
Anyone know who was ditched tonight?
Darn -- Pam is gone... I think it really affected her in a really positive way. She got less and less flirty and more and more herself rather than the character of herself. Lots of celebs play a character we expect to see and cash in on it, but I don't think people see the Pam that's in there. I hope that her career can take a better turn now and she indeed gets something on broadway or can get away from the crap she's largely done on the confidence this has given her.
I was a little surprised that it was Pam. Thought for sure it would be Niecy or Chad. I hope Pamela goes onto to better things too.
Just for the record, the total season scores so far are as follows:
Nicole and Derek - 245
Evan and Anna - 233
Erin and Maks - 213
Pamela and Damian - 213
Chad and Cheryl - 199
Niecy and Louis - 189
Very interesting score breakout Joy.
I only saw the second half of the show last night. Just the scores I saw have me wondering where are they getting these numbers? Erin's rhumba a 9? Seriously? And that outfit, for a (sexy?)rhumba? In the 80's was that seductive sleepwear? They berated Niecy for her paso then gave her 7s.
Chad is so completely unenthused when applauding(?) other couples, and sometimes even shows disdain, I wonder why they continue to show him after every dance?
I do like Evan. That said, the futuristic cha cha cha was.....not good, and as Len said there was little cha cha cha. Anna looked as though she had been rolled in athletic tape. Remember Derek's futuristic paso (last year?) with Joanna? Now that was amazing. Yes, Nicole deserved a 30. She is seamless as a pro. Like a Karina without the attitude.
Derek is an amazing choreographer for someone so young. Yes, his futuristic paso doble last season was wonderful and so was his 50's paso last night. I couldn't figure out how he was going to mix the two very different dances either, but he pulled it off. I think that he and Nicole are the obvious winners this season.
Was not surprised to see Chad be the one to go. I'm sure that Erin will be next.
Total season scores to date:
Nicole and Derek - 363
Evan and Anna - 345
Erin and Maks - 322
Chad and Cheryl's were - 296
Again, interesting score breakdown Joy. Do you keep track of this yourself?
Although I think Erin should go next, they never really said she was in the bottom two tonight. She may actually have high viewer votes in part due to Max. I think the judges, especially Len, are partial to the super long legs, but they are often slightly bent and Erin's dancing does not create the same lines as Evan and Nicole. As good as Evan is, he and Anna are best in ballroom, and they just don't produce quite the excitement as Derek and Nicole do overall. In the end, I hope Nicole wins, because she and Derek are the best in both categories.
Bringing back Melissa and Joey F. was not a good pairing. This time the voting created a mish mash of music, costumes and stars. Remember Julianne and Derek's dance on the piano to Great Balls of Fire? That was spectacular in all ways-choreography, music, costumes, and of course, the dancers.
Could Miley have looked any less excited about her upcoming performance? She did not appear to want to be there.
I'm looking forward to the finals. I'm positive Derek and Nicole won't disappoint in their freestyle.
ML, yes, I keep track of the judges scores every season. Says a lot about my boring Mondays. I started doing it because I realized that who came out on top week to week did not reflect who had the biggest scores overall. Just my thing.
I agree about Erin and Maks and I love them together but don't feel they have much of a chance.
Evan seems like a very nice guy but a bit boring in his routines at times.
I think that Nicole and Derek have this comp in the bag and deserve to win it. I've read that his sister will be back next season so Derek wasn't joking that she and he will compete for a possible 3rd win on her part.
I love Melissa and like Joey a lot but also agree that their pairing last night was disappointing. No real pizazz there.
I noticed Miley's lack of enthusiasm too. I'm not a fan so didn't even watch her performance. She strikes me aa a bit spoiled. Too much fame too soon?
I'm looking forward to next weeks finale too. Have a feeling that Nicole and Derek won't disappoint us.
The level of disinterest in DWTS this season here on the blog is not a good sign, and I concur. I have to say the final dances last night were a disappointment. I did not like Erin's at all, and she ended up in a tie at the end with Nicole! Erin is simply not in the same league. Evan is, but his freestyle was just ok, and did not show off his strengths. Nicole's was great except for the unfortunate slip up on that bizarre lift at the end. None of them came anywhere near the fabulous freestyles of the past like Shawn and Mark, or Mario and Karina, or Julianne and Apollo.
Tonight should be a little more interesting with the return of the eliminated dancers. The appropriate final matchup would be Evan and Nicole, but people (and Len) have been keeping Erin around so we'll see...
I, too, was disappointed in the freestyle round last night.
Erin and Evan both show inconsistancies week to week so I can't see either of them winning.
Even tho the scores didn't reflect it, I thought Nicole and Derek's rumba was the best of the night. That is a sexy song, "Lady in Red", and their dance was beautifully sexy.
Three hours tonight!
Entertain me I say, entertain me!
Their rhumba was very good, but I liked Evan's freestyle best and thought the judges were rediculously hard on him. Derek, who I adore, and Nicole to me had just as much wobbly, disjointed looking moves at points as Evan and Anna may have. Or, as I was telling dla, maybe it was the lime colored shoes that threw things off, much as I liked them.
Max seems really happy with Erin, and she has such long limbs which really help in these dances, but she just looks gangly to me and things look off... a hair short of graceful in many of the dances this season.
On a personal note, he seems really really happy and light because of his relationship with her. He was not that way that I could see with what's her name. Why can't I remember her name???!!! AUGH! midlife!
I gave all 5 votes to Evan.
Hi Everyone. I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY have a night off where I can watch this, so i'll be here. ML, I have missed being here. Most of the last 8 weeks have been sorting through all our posessions to clear out what we could before packing it all up to move ... across the street, lol ... and then unpack it all. And I started a new job 30 days ago, but was hired about 2 weeks before that to do something for them as a freelancer.
I also have a conference call every Monday night. I didn't want to do it Thursday because it's usually Survivor/Project Runway night. But I totally forgot Monday nights would be DWTS. So I have mostly only been able to watch the tivo'd version and when I could I came here to comment. Project Runway was the same... I was all out of sync this season.
Glad you and JoyN have been keeping the homefires stoked though. I am looking forward to Pam coming back and would LOVE it if Julianne returned next season. And I must have watched the Derek and Julianne dancing on the piano that you mentioned! Rewound it to watch such perfection several times!!
I think Evan, who is often in a tux, is just so elegant and watching the two of them together is really so much like watching the old time movie stars. His carriage is so tall and dignified, I get a little whif of Cary Grant... anyone else? :-)
Watching DWTS in between commercials
whew -- evan does those spins with Anna a little too fast for me. We aren't on ICE!
ERin always looks a little... akward. Legs are so pretty and so long but they seem to be less graceful somehow?
how can the judges say how fab Max and Erin are and then say Ean sucks? Because they don't want all the Olympic winners to be shoe ins? I truly am surprised how much they criticize Anna and E.
Hi, Sydney and Rochelle you two seem to be just talking to yourselves. I don't have much to add. I can't watch and be at the computer, but have been trying to see some of it. Buzz is a good sport. I want to see Pamela dance, don't want to see Kate. I know they will draw it all out, and I may find out the winner online after the show.
Awww, so nice to see Max so happy!!!
Hi Suzanne -- I know it's just been Rochelle and I, lol.
Kate was even truly horrible in that little group intro dance they did. I can understand having no rhythm but really? I mean, you ONLY can figure out how to do something that easy by literally WALKING?
Pamela, point your toes!!! lol
Gee, how can a quickstep lack excitement? Evan and Anna... nothing was better that Apolo and Julianne's in my book.
Wow that was good! I so wanted to live blog during the show but I could never quite get to the keyboard. Sorry. So here's some of what I would have shared along the way. From the start, I liked all the dances (I watched the rerun) better seeing them again today.
Rochelle and Sydney I have always thought the same (gangly and awkward) about Erin and her legs. No surprises in the Argentine tango-off, and thus no shock either that Max and Erin were gone. It is the right final two.
Utah Valley wins hands down. They were beyond professional. They should be on results shows themselves as the entertainment.
The return dances of the previously eliminated exemplified why they were previously eliminated. Kate still sucks and is full of herself, Pam had sloppy legs but a witty comeback, Niecy is cute but a one trick cute jiggly pony, and Chad was a non-entity. I actually think Vienna can dance and she was rather graceful, and as always, I find Buzz inspiring.
More to come....
love it all ML, and ITA on your comments on the ousted people. I did think Vienna did a damn good job of holding her own, and for the first time. Costume was not flattering but really moved and she was very graceful. Shocker!
And Kate-- omg, all she did was plug her show. Cuz she's just a poor little ol working mom you know! (sorry, I had to go there). Look forward to your more to come.
Congrats on the new job Sydney, and the move?!? I agree about Julianne. She and Derek and are definitely my two favorite dancers.
On to the finals. Was that cha cha cha that Erin and Max did what they were going to put up against Nicole's final jive? No contest, which is why they weren't in the final finals. You're right about Evan's quickstep Sydney. No excitement or high technique, and Anna's costume was perhaps one of the ugliest I've seen, and in colors so totally not her. Nicole would certainly give Tina Turner a run for her money on that Proud Mary.
There were some uncomfortable, but honest moments tonight- when Derek told Nicole and the world that this sincerely was the best season ever for him in all ways, and then Brooke, his fromer winning partner, comes immediately after to interview him...awkward... The camera then pans the audience for Joanna Krupa, another former partner, and an awkward smile(?) ensues. Also, when Len declared Nicole the winner before Evan and Anna ever danced, my heart broke for him. Evan has always been the utmost gentleman (he even beats Gutenberg for chivalry). At the end, where was the crowd of dancers to congratualte them? Then Mark picks up Derek?!? leaving Nicole with no shoulders to climb upon. Probably just poor staging, but awkward nonetheless, again.
In the pairing of Evan and Anna, I think Anna failed Evan in the choreography, both in the freestyle and the final dance. Neither of those dances played to his strengths nor to the judges.
While Nicole's win is no surprise, she is certainly deserved. Where Anna fails with Evan, Derek excels with every partner- choreography. And of course, he is hottt, and his spins are mesmerizing, and his...but I digress. They are captivating together.
I don't recall Brooke Burke being that absolutely drop dead gorgeous in her season. Her wardrobe is phenomenal every time. She looked as though she was poured into that dress.
I'm sure I'll think of more to say later.
Thanks Rochelle. Did I miss something? Are Max and Erin in a relationship? All this talk about them being happy together, what's that about? I thought their whole going to bed freestyle was just a dance...
Sydney and ML: There has been another loss to my family yesterday morning.
I had taped the show but not had a chance to watch it yet. I'd heard who had won and also thought the right one was chosen. Will also be taping the AI finale tonight to watch later.
I am late to the party, but read the comments and agreed it was a good show. I also agree that Derek's 'anything goes' ideas were a perfect fit for Nicole. Anna was more conventional in thinking. I was sad to see them use Flashdance since the shoes made Evan not look his polished self and detracted from his usually graceful footwork. Also, every high school in the land has already done that dance.
The ending was fun to watch. Nicole stopped and hugged and mentioned and now I have forgotten who. It was a good moment though, I thought. The trophy ending is worth watching again just to see Nicole trying to be protective of the throphy and take it from Derek. Mine ! I didn't hear her say it aloud, but thought it was her intent. : ) It begins around 2:20 of this youtube clip.
Joy I am so sorry. Know that you are in our prayers.
Dancing With The Stars is one of the best reality show i have ever watched. I still remember the first time when I saw this show. From then till the last day I have watched all the Dancing With The Stars Episodes and enjoyed alot.
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