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Friday, July 30, 2010
Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations
Brendon is upset that Rachel is challenging people to come after them. He says she's made herself the villain and he feels he's fighting a losing side with her.
Kristen and Hayden are on the block, not unexpected.
Rachel making herself a villain is actually a smart move, because then more people will want to go F2 with her, thinking that nobody will vote to give it to her. I wonder if that's her strategy, or if she's just being hormonal.
Rachel is a mess and not very bright. I doubt she has any strategy. Brendon will need to go in the witness protection program to get away from her when this is over. She seems like a rabbit killer to me, lol.
Rachel is being a bit dumb and turning the house against her, BUT NOTE TO MATT: when you want to break up a couple you nominate BOTH of them and don't try to backdoor one of them....LMAO
Joe, I think the main reason Matt didn't nom R&B was because he made a deal with Ragan that Ragan would throw the HOH to him if he promised not to put up R&B, although it was OK for him to backdoor one of them.
There's no way that anything Rachel is doing will set the house FURTHER against her! They are all already fully against R&B and each one of them wants to nominate them, it's just that Matt couldn't last week because of his word to Ragan. imho.
Rachel definately is not using any kind of strategy in trying to get to be in the F2, as soon as she got there she made her alliance known with kissy face, these people are so dumb when they had a chance to get rid of them they didnt, and Brendon is going before Rachel thats for sure and now he just figured out that she is making them a target, "pleeez. the Bridgade makes me sick and now dumb Hayden finds himself on the block by the person he had a chance to get rid of a few weeks ago, way to go Hayden.
I'm not saying that he didn't have his reasons but they just weren't good ones. You claim to want Brenchel out of the house but you give that up to make an HOH deal with Ragan, little Ragan, who is only 1 of 10 people in the house? Not a very compelling reason.
He also claimed that Kathy voted against him but she's still there also.
Then when Brendon wins POV Matt is all upset that his diabolically genius plan to backdoor him fell apart. So what was his goal? If it was to get Brenchel out, you have to nominate both of them because it prevents the POV from saving both of them.
Brendon seems to be wising up to both Rachel and Matt, but it appears to be a bit late in the game. If he were smart he would very publicly dump Rachel tomorrow. She'd go all Chima on him and he could go on and play the game. Unfortunately, he "loves" her and he'll stay with her for now even though she treats him like crap. Every time he sits down to talk calmly to her about something the least bit controversial she goes all Joan of Arc on his butt.
It's seems to be a great article here. i am so excited to this one. Brendon will need to go in the witness protection program to get away from her when this is over.
Joe: I love this part of your comment:"If he were smart he would very publicly dump Rachel tomorrow. She'd go all Chima on him and he could go on and play the game. Unfortunately, he "loves" her and he'll stay with her for now even though she treats him like crap. Every time he sits down to talk calmly to her about something the least bit controversial she goes all Joan of Arc on his butt."
Folks - please don't click on any links posted in the comments unless posted by myself or regulars -- especially ones which have no connection with the show.
Just keep using that brain in your head, Brendan, and pay attention to all the red flags.
Not that I'm trying to get between Rachel and her man ... oh no, I'm not stupid!
Rachel making herself a villain is actually a smart move, because then more people will want to go F2 with her, thinking that nobody will vote to give it to her. I wonder if that's her strategy, or if she's just being hormonal.
Rachel is a mess and not very bright. I doubt she has any strategy. Brendon will need to go in the witness protection program to get away from her when this is over. She seems like a rabbit killer to me, lol.
Rachel is being a bit dumb and turning the house against her, BUT NOTE TO MATT: when you want to break up a couple you nominate BOTH of them and don't try to backdoor one of them....LMAO
that was hilarious Anonymous. Witness protection--right on
Joe, I think the main reason Matt didn't nom R&B was because he made a deal with Ragan that Ragan would throw the HOH to him if he promised not to put up R&B, although it was OK for him to backdoor one of them.
There's no way that anything Rachel is doing will set the house FURTHER against her! They are all already fully against R&B and each one of them wants to nominate them, it's just that Matt couldn't last week because of his word to Ragan. imho.
Rachel definately is not using any kind of strategy in trying to get to be in the F2, as soon as she got there she made her alliance known with kissy face, these people are so dumb when they had a chance to get rid of them they didnt, and Brendon is going before Rachel thats for sure and now he just figured out that she is making them a target, "pleeez. the Bridgade makes me sick and now dumb Hayden finds himself on the block by the person he had a chance to get rid of a few weeks ago, way to go Hayden.
I'm not saying that he didn't have his reasons but they just weren't good ones. You claim to want Brenchel out of the house but you give that up to make an HOH deal with Ragan, little Ragan, who is only 1 of 10 people in the house? Not a very compelling reason.
He also claimed that Kathy voted against him but she's still there also.
Then when Brendon wins POV Matt is all upset that his diabolically genius plan to backdoor him fell apart. So what was his goal? If it was to get Brenchel out, you have to nominate both of them because it prevents the POV from saving both of them.
Brendon seems to be wising up to both Rachel and Matt, but it appears to be a bit late in the game. If he were smart he would very publicly dump Rachel tomorrow. She'd go all Chima on him and he could go on and play the game. Unfortunately, he "loves" her and he'll stay with her for now even though she treats him like crap. Every time he sits down to talk calmly to her about something the least bit controversial she goes all Joan of Arc on his butt.
It's seems to be a great article here. i am so excited to this one. Brendon will need to go in the witness protection program to get away from her when this is over.
film festivals
My wv is "spaci" --
"Rachel is spaci" --- LOL!
Thanks for the good job you do, Jackie!
Joe: I love this part of your comment:"If he were smart he would very publicly dump Rachel tomorrow. She'd go all Chima on him and he could go on and play the game. Unfortunately, he "loves" her and he'll stay with her for now even though she treats him like crap. Every time he sits down to talk calmly to her about something the least bit controversial she goes all Joan of Arc on his butt."
That is priceless, Well done !
Folks - please don't click on any links posted in the comments unless posted by myself or regulars -- especially ones which have no connection with the show.
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