HOH camera time
Ho-hum, another day in that Big Brother House of Boozing Bores ...
- Brendon and Rachel were the first ones up today. Rachel did her hour in the stocks while Brendon catered to her and exercised.
- Afterward, Brendon and Rachel were having sex play under the covers when Kathy walked in.
- Kathy has a habit of doing that and seems oblivious to it all.
- I forgot to mention that last night Hayden told Kristen that he thinks America probably hates Brendon and Rachel.
- From the mouths of babes ...
- I don't actually HATE Brendon and Rachel, not even just Rachel. Her jumping on Brendon right off and party gal ways don't mesh well with me.
- Maybe I'm just a prude!
- Maybe I'm jealous.
- Yeah, right. At least I've had real red hair all my life!
- Ragan thinks the HOH comp will be endurance. He could very well be right. The first endurance comp is usually two to three weeks in if memory serves.
- Lots and lots of small talk, non-game related.
- The camera, Rachel's blog entry, and the tweet are today.
- Although Monet's been campaigning hard and Rachel has indicated she's thinking of keeping her, I think the votes will be for her to go.
- Stop back in a bit for the blog party as the show airs on the East Coast!
- Bring snacks, please.

Brendon tries to look 'hood in his mandana.
Thanks, Jackie. At least your comments are interesting, more than I can say for the show at this point.
Sigh, I'm sure it's just me but is Rachel's HOH the longest HOH EVER?? I know it's not...it just seems so.
rachel looks a little like boy george to me in his culture club days
Anon -- YES!
Sasha, Rachel's HOH has been a very long reign ... weeks, I'm sure!
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