Lane grooves to his Eminem CD.
It's been same old-same old in the late night/overnight hours inside that Big Brother House of Rejected Reality. Here's the scoop:
- Britney thinks she's still in with the boys.
- Ragan knows he's not in with the boys.
- Enzo is worried if he's still in with the boys or not.
- Said boys now pretty much ruling the house are Lane and Hayden.
- Lane and Hayden believe if they're with anyone else other than each other in the final two, the vote will be a slam-dunk against them -- Britney, Ragan or Enzo would win.
- They've decided it would be much more of a fair "fight" if they were in it together.
- So, the other three are expendable and can really go in any order.
- But they want Ragan out first.
- Since he's almost exiled himself, Ragan has done practically nothing except run through all of the events in the house, study the memory wall photos and recite counts of stuff, as well as other house info.
- If the PoV comp is related to memory or the morph, unless he freezes, Ragan should be almost scary good at it.
- If it's skill, he's probably sunk.
- Enzo has been studying a lot on his own, too. He's worried. He knows Ragan is the target but he wants to be safe.
- I have more faith in Ragan winning than I do in Enzo winning.
- As they say in the house, "It is what it is."
- And the "is" is that Enzo is totally inept at comps, even when he tries to win.
- Enzo was finally relieved of the penguin costume.
- Keep in mind, they also took all of his clothes for charity.
- No, he's not naked.
- He's borrowing clothes from Lane and Hayden.
- If they had kept Brendon in the house, Brendon was lending him clothes, too.
- Britney isn't lending him clothes, although it would be interesting if she did.
- They're all asleep as I get this posted.

No longer a penguin.
LOL Jackie, yes it would be very interesting if Britney lent Enzo some clothes
Oh well, I'm at that point where I don't have strong feelings about who wins or not but will just watch to see how it plays out.
Have a great weekend, all and thanks again to Jackie for this great place to go each day! :)
Good Morning!
So, Lane and Hayden think Enzo would win should he be in the F2 with either. I guess they might be right because Enzo has been more social, done more ego-stroking than they have. I can see where Hayden might think he would win over Lane, but not why Lane would think he'd win over Hayden. Although, honestly, since this is my first cup of coffee, I can't think of a person for Lane to bring to F2 for a win.
I'm still hoping for a Brit/Ragan surprise.
Lane would have Britney's vote. With a strange turn of events, maybe he could get Rachel and Brenden over Ragan.
I just don't see him with the numbers to win either the top prize.
I said it in the last post and I'll say it again. I'm hoping for a Ragan POV win because Lane will put Brit up and the vote will end up being a tie. I believe Hayden will vote Brit and Ragan will vote Enzo and Lane will have to break it. I really want to see what he'd do in that situation. The only flaw in my theory is if Ragan votes for what's best for him and that would be to get Brit out. She's much better at comps than Enzo. Ragan is a very emotional voter and I just don't think he could vote Brit out!
Ragan POV win would be nice to see. First, it would interject a little life into it. Two, he knows the boys are in an alliance, and the game is almost over. He is on the block now, so I would assume that he would realize that whatever he does or doesn't do is almost moot at this point.
But for us, it would be interesting to see if Lane's promise to Britney was hot air or not.
Anon 9:14
I would love to see Brit go home, and what would even be better would be Lane being the one to send her, so he wouldn't be getting her jury vote, she's not about to try and get Brenchel to give Lane their votes. Lane better be praying that he's not a tie breaker, if Ragan wins POV and takes himself off (which he would) Brit would go up, since this house votes unanimously either one of them would go home, which is bad for the brigade's choice as who they think will take the big money. Enxo will dog who ever's left to the jurors. Lane is not thinking at all, he's not going to beat Hayden, so if he were smart (which he's not) he should get rid of Hayden. If not at some point unless Brit wins HOH or POV, Lane wont be the big winner. Because Hayden or Enso will be upset that he put them in harms way, they might have sruck together because they were never betrayed (except for Matt)Then again Hayden and Lane probably wont hold a grudge but I'm thinking Enzo will.
If Enzo goes to the Jury House, remember he KNOWS that Hayden won those comps......and IF Hayden and Lane make it tothe F2, then there is a chance the jury that knows this will lean towards Lane?
BIG MISTAKE for Hayden to spill his taking those TWO rewards, not ONE, but TWO B I G ones yet!!!!
Alice in WONDERland
ork mommy
I think ragan would vote to get brit out thus not forcing a tie, but would love to see him force a tie as that would get him brits vote in the jury as she would be angry at lane.
I also could see lane turning on enzo and sending him packing in a tie, altho keeping brit would be a mistake as far as competitiveness.
I think lane against Brit in final two he would stand a chance since matt rachel and brendon are not too fond of her.
lane could persuade one more brigadeer to give him a vote too.
just random thoughts
At this point, everybody left has to be constantly running the votes in their head. How many votes do I have if I'm against him? How many against her?
And since I expect Braechel will vote the same way. It can only play out so many ways.
I can't see Lane pulling out a win against anyone.
Although a lot of viewers have a problem with his game: Enzo played a great social game. He was liked and avoided drama.
If Enzo goes, I suspect he will also not be to forgiving if he goes over Ragan or Britney at the hands of a BG member.
Considering how these hamsters voted with the house regardless of how they personally felt and the fact that Matt didn't turn on the Brigade even when they sold him out, I wouldn't be at all surprisesd if Lane won it all.
IMO there hasn't been so much competitive or strategic play/voting as there has to follow what the house wanted to do. (get rid of Brendon and Rachel)
On the other hand that could impact how the jury votes if they decide to follow the leader to use the jury vote as one voice.
I wish all remaining Hamsters would seriously consider getting a life as even after Brendon left they still sit around and obsess over Brenchel. Enzo recounts for the hundreth time how frustrated Brendon was losing the POV and Ragan's face lights up for the hundreth time thinking about bad things happening to Brendon.
Meanwhile it all seems so inevitable at this point. My sole question tho is how did Hayden manage to convince Lane that they were the best possible F2 for Lane?
Lane would stand a much better chance against Enzo who won zero comps and has nothing to show except being in the BG alliance as was Lane, and fostering a side alliance with Brendon while Lane did one with Britney.
Meanwhile Hayden has been the BG mastermind for weeks now, I don't think anybody left in the house can win against him and he knows that but is stacking the deck by taking Lane to the end.
Again if these dummies were smart they would be going after Hayden. That would shock the H_ _ _ _ out of Hayden, I would just love to see his face if that happened. Send Britney home please. These people were so obsessed with Brenchal that now that they are gone, NOW WHAT, they Ragan and Britney didnt concentrate on what they would do, forget about not knowing about the Brigade, things have been right in their faces for the last two weeks and they just refused to see it, blinded by their personal feelings and hatred of Brendon. So for being so STUPID I dont want either of them to win the money.
If it came down to Lane/Enzo, I think Enzo would win due to the social game. It's safe to say Brenchel would vote for Enzo. Lane would have Hayden's vote. I think Lane would have Brit, and maybe Ragan, but it will depend on how Ragan and Brit exit the game. Also on how much Ragan values social game over comps. I think Matt would vote Enzo. Thinking Enzo's play better than Lane, social or otherwise. Kathy also seemed to like Enzo, and I don't think her decision will be based on comps won.
Lane won HOH, but like Hayden immediately went for prizes when they were offered. I think Enzo has played a little harder than Lane. Not that either were superstars.
Lane vs. Hayden? Hayden. He was better at comps, and strategy. As far as prizes won? I don't think that will be an issue.
But I do agree that Lane has a better chance against Enzo. That Hayden can convince him otherwise shows what a better player he is.
ANON 12:51PM
I agree completely. Britney/Ragan have been under my skin since before Rachel left. And as you said, it's like they were so focused on getting them out that they bacially seemed to forget that there was other stuff going on, and that you need to stay in the game to win it, and even THEN you will need those votes.
Ragan is always going on about being a student of the game. He talks about other seasons, he walks around memorizing stuff. Yet, he missed the BG alliance until it was too late. Being so solely focused on Brenchel has brought him to this. And if he does manage to make it to the end, he goes in having lost two votes weeks ago.
Sorry guys.
If I have been a little long winded about this, I apologize. This will be a very poor ending to the season for me. I'm really disappointed.
There really isn't anyone left in the house for me to root for. Hayden/Lane. Only slightly different play. They seem pretty interchangeable to me. I find them both bland to watch and listen to. Brit/Ragan. Again, I dislike them both for just slightly different reasons.
Push comes to shove, I hope Enzo sticks around, but I am the first to say that he just got lucky and slid through the game.
You're absolutely right about Ragan, Jackie. If its the morph, he wiz through that. The final 4 PoV is always events that happened in 'this order' type of comp and he should have that as well. He knows everything forwards and backwards in the order that they happened. Ragan could actually go to final 2.
If I were the other 4 of them in the house, I'd be sticking to him like glue to keep him from studying. They should tag-team him and keep him distracted. But problem is... they think he's just depressed about Matt. That's a big mistake on their part. :)
Just got a glimpse into Brit outside of the game. Telling the guys how much fun she and her best friend had working together. A good deal revolving around making fun of other employees behind their backs. Sound familiar?
If enzo makes it to f2 he wins. He has played a very good social game. He has not fought with anyone. He doesn't have any blood on his hands. I think he has thrown most of the comps. He may have tried on some of the pov's but most of them he has thrown.
As the season comes to a close, I have to say its the worst of all 12 BB. I am disappointed that Lane or Hayden could win. What did they do?? Play pool and sound stupid when they talk?? Yes!! Regan isn't much better but at least he plays. Those boys are the worst. Hire new casting agents next year.....or have an All Stars cast minus anyone from BB12.
Ideal situation in terms defeating The Brigade: Britney wins POV, takes Ragan off. Lane has to nominate Hayden. Britney & Ragan are the only votes. Hayden goes (becaus eEnzo is useless at comps). Then if Britney or Ragan wins HoH, the remaining Brigade members go up.
Brittany is a lazy-eyed bi-yatch.
I'm reading over at Morty's. Sounds like POV went down.
Sounds a little something like Ragan and Enzo were the frontruners, running, grabbing stuff. Enzo says ragan is a sore loser. Enzo asks if he can wear the POV.
Could it be ENZO won?
Good Golly! Looks like Enzo did win POV in some sort of physical with questions comp.
Whaddya know about that?
If Enzo did win, this becomes very interesting. He takes himself off. Does Lane put up Britney or Hayden? I pose this question cuz why didn't he put her up in the first place? Even tho he says his alliance is with the bg, I wonder if he can really put up Britney?
enzo won the pov !!!!!
Well, SHIT! Pardon my language. I leave home for two hours and come home to find this out. ARG!!
Anybody would be safe going up against Ragan this week, they know how much he's been studying, they all want him gone. Even Brit would feel comfortable going up.
Sounds like it was OTEV and not the morph. I love that comp because it always brings me smiles remembering how Janie stole James' dolly! LOL
Ragan's toast!
This has to be the worst BB ever! BORING! So tired of Britney picking or plucking at anything on her body, Enzo smacking his food while he eats & Hayden's hair??!! He said he likes his hair!? What mirror is he looking in?? Don't care who wins this season. Just plain boring.............
Wow Enzo won POV? I didn't see that one coming, LOL. Looks like it's bye bye Ragan. It seems that Ragan is crying foul on the POV comp. Britney better win HOH or she'll be right behind him. Are they finally going to show us the jury house on Sunday?
Well Lane gets to keep his hands clean, he'll put Britney up, and tell her she is just a pawn and Ragan will be the target which he will. So next week if Britney doesnt win HOH or POV she will be going home. It's amazing how all of a sudden the brigade wins all the comps. They were not trying and just floated the whole season. I didnt want Ragan or Britney to win because of their vicious behavior, so it looks like I'll be getting my wish. Ragan will cry like a baby, and maybe he'll take time to reflect on how mean spirited he was to Brenchal, so much he couldn't keep his head in the game and fell in love with Matt
OTEV is Veto backwards. It is also the name of the BB Hawaiian God-type statue, once it was an ape, ...kinda like Legends of the Hidden Temple. Running and bringing back statues or dolls or the sort that answer the question the statue thing asks.
I can't wait to see this. I didn't see this coming. If Ragan really does cry foul, how sweet!
Can't wait to see that POV. Wonder if Ragan is being a sore loser? I'm in shock that my pool guy won it. Well, I never thought that my pool girl, Sandra, would have won Survivor again and she did it. Maybe Enzo will shock all of us and win season 12?
Maybe the brigade was just waiting to really play their butts off at the end of this season? Nah. Probably just luck and the fact that Matt and Brendon are not there to win them.
I have been reading on the net that enzo cheated
Where on the net?
joker's update
Went to Jokers Update and read nothing about Enzo cheating. Only one comment about Ragan being upset.
on joker its said brit say enzo cheated. on reality bbq it says hayen told enzo the answer and enzo (i think got rough with regan)i thnk enzo pushed regan to get to a cd.
I went back and read the discussions. Sound like a bunch of sore losers to me. BB doesn't seem to feel Enzo cheated.
another pandora's box was opened.lane said he won 97 dollars.
That must have been the "bad" thing. Wonder what the "good" thing will be.
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