Alone in a cruel world
Regan knows he's toast this week. And the house is boring, once again. Here are the late night and overnight events (or lack thereof) from inside that Big Brother House of Delusional Dingbats:
- Ragan thinks the diary room wants to make him squirm in his sessions.
- Apparently they told him that all he's been doing is staying in bed.
- He has been and has isolated himself an awful lot this week.
- But he thinks they're ignoring how hard he's played.
- Something they (the DR) told him has him on a rant.
- But every time he talks about it, they block the feeds.
- Enzo thinks Ragan will turn into another Chima with his fusses about production.
- Britney tried to talk Ragan into going to Lane and explaining, from a gameplay point, it would make more sense to vote out Hayden this week.
- Yeah, like that would happen.
- Enzo said the diary room has been "twisting his arm" about voting for Ragan. To stay? Hmmm.
- I think they're trying to gather video clips so they can make it look like Ragan has a chance on the show.
- When we know he doesn't.
- The garbage can in the kitchen is overflowing.
- Britney tried to plead Ragan's evict Hayden case to Lane.
- It's not going to work.
- Britney said she studied Spanish so that she could always get a job -- being bilingual is a big advantage in the job market.
- She's right.
- Lane thinks Britney makes his family seem dumb.
- Lane thinks redheads are smart people.
- He's so right. He's talking real redheads, not Rachel-heads.
- (I'm a redhead.)
- Lane used to sit next to smart people in school (redheads and guys with tennis shoes and cowboy hats). I'm not sure if he intended to cheat or whether he thought brains are contagious.
- They talked about getting together after the season ends.
- Ragan stayed alone in his room for the most part.

Ragan is digging his own grave. It's never a good idea to isolate yourself. If he practiced what he preahced, Ragan would not find himself in this situation. IMO he deserves to go.
Agreed. It's easier for them to think of him as already gone if he's off on his own in the fetal position.
Yea...You're there; the situation is what it is. Why not try to enjoy the experience and make the best of it.
The nature of the game is that odds are well in your favor of being evicted. Accept it & be a grown up.
Or go out there and out the brigade! Make a stink! What do you have to lose? (Except that I want hin out of there). But still, do something other than roll over and play dead.
my wv is gabon- oh how that reminds me how much I want to Survivor to start.
Can anyone tell me what Reagans tattoo says? The one on his right arm. Thanx
The only way I see for Regan to stay is if Enzo has an AH HA moment where he realizes he MUST try to get rid of Hayden to stay in the game.
If Enzo were to tell that Hayden threw the POV Comp which Brendon won by taking $5000 and the Hawaii trip, Brittany might be willing to vote for Hayden to go home.
In reality these silly hamsters would rather not hurt their "friends" feelings than win the game.
I really want Ragan gone, but what a game changer it would be if Hayden got voted out instead.
I want Ragan gone also.
Not sure why matt never outed thr brigade and then why Ragan did not go to Brit.
Brit has an alliance with Lane so she just never thought he had others (like she said on sunday to lane about liking her more than hayden)
so at this point Brit will do for herself and I think getting ragan out is the better move.
Besides he is too whiny and wimpy for me!
I would love to see Ragan stay but it's ain't happenin. I think he should be campaigning with Brit to get Enzo to see he is lowest on the brigade food chain and that he would benefit by voting Hayden out but like the other poster said,"they worry about hurting friend's feelings".
Anonymous said...
"Can anyone tell me what Reagans tattoo says? The one on his right arm. Thanx"
Jackie covered this on an earlier thread...The tattoo on his arm is in French and says "Quelquefois un rêve est ce qui vous fait un esclave". That translates to "Sometimes a dream is what makes you a slave".
I just don't get why anyone would want to permanently embellish their body with that.
I thought it said
"I' ; m un débile, me votent au loin !"
you are ao right, I have been saying all along that these people are here for friendship. why didnt the producers evaluate these people to see if they really knew what his game was all about. This group did not entertain us this summer, they (the producers) better make better choices next year and find some competent females please, these needed ,"I want a showmance " (getting used) females every year are making me sick.
I agree that these hamsters are too worried about hurting each others feelings but I think they're also worrying about jury votes too much. They think that if they out the brigade or tell that Hayden won the POV prizes then the people they pissed off won't vote for them to win the money. What they're NOT seeing is that the others might vote for them BECAUSE they outed someone else. I would totally vote for someone who made a bold move and outed someone else!!
Janelle played the game although she almost slipped up and fell for Dr Will that time, but she quickly came to her senses and got his butt out of there and almost won had she not realized that the comp had started and she let her hand slip of the board while trying to adjust it. Maggie won by default, another prime example of someone taking their "friend" to the end with them. There's no 2 month friendship that would make me take my eye of the prize.
I'm betting you don't have any tattoos. Ha!
I don't like Ragan, but I completely understand this about him. I have and I know lots of people that have tattoos like this. Sayings, dates, names, drawings, etc. that have a special meaning to them or a group.
The tattoos that I don't understand are the ones that people get that don't seem to have have a special meaning. The person just thinks they look "cute" or "cool". Butterflys, the Maori-esque design like Lane has, asian characters on someone who does not speak that language, team logos for teams that you are not a member of, etc.
Brit was talking to Ragan about Enzo's gameplay last night on BBAD. She stated Enzo is underated as a competitor. And that it's a mistake to forget how close he came in a couple of the competitions.
The words were refreshing when the HGs have overlooked it so often.
I'm with you, Enzo is not thinking either at this time I would be thinking there is" NO BRIGADE,( (and if there is they haven't includeded me) I have been up twice in the last two weeks" GET A CLUE ENZO AND BRITNEY.
I don't think they are thinking beyond today, tommorrow or this week.
Although I haven't liked Hayden since day one I do give him props that he is thinking more of what's good for him than what is good for his buddies.
Regardless of who among the remaining hamsters win, the entertainment and real interest/obession in the show ended when Brendon left.
I didn't even watch Sunday night's show.
I still enjoy reading Jackie's insights, all the post here and making my own observations and comments but I really am not cheering for anyone to win or or get voted off.
My WV is calelesser. I couldn't calesser how this season ends.
When someone asks what your biggest move was, it's a good idea to have an answer.
I was in an alliance with 3 other guys from week one does not pack a lot of punch. Unless your sitting by a another BG member.
I was in an alliance with 3 other guys from week one, and in final 5/4, I choose to realign myself with Brit or Brit/Ragan. How that sounds is going to depend GREATLY on how the comps play out.
The tattoo that I really don't understand is the one when a person puts another's person name on them, there doesn't seem to be any realationships friend, lover of other wise that's lasting that long these days, I love my twin daughter to death however their names will go on my will only. I do understand that people put tattoos that have a meaning to them, but how likely are you going to forget to cherish your childs or loved one name or birthday or passing for that matter.
I think you're right. Since week 1, most have been solely focused on what was directly in front of them, and only vaguely considered the ending.
I am finding it amusing now to listen to the HGs rationalize what can also be seen as bad moves. They are not wrong for doing it, I just find it entertaining.
Anon 12:18
Getting a lover's/or spouses tattoo is considered by some a romantic gesture, but it is ALWAYS discouraged by any reputable artist or studio.
It's not that you're putting names and dates on your body just so you don't forget. HA! The movie MEMENTO just came to mind.
The closest thing I can use to describe the 'why' of tattoos is that it's same reason some people wear class rings LONG after graduating or carry baby pictures pictures of children who have long reached adulthood.
If Brendon was still in the game and then lost the OTEV POV comp to Enzo the same way Ragan did, and Brendon spoke a single word of frustration Ragan would have been all over him for poor sportmanship and whining and would have called him a douche bag for the 1,000th time.
This is at the heart of why Ragan is such a lousy player. His obession with Brenchel, his endless listing of their every flaw, real and imagined, and his complete obliviousness to the fact that he himself has done in spades so much of what he continually trashes Brenchel for.
It has gotten so bad I hit the mute button whenever he talks on BBAD.
Ragan and Britney even at this stage are fairly clueless as to how much better at this game the BG is than the two self proclaimed BB Super Fan Scholars. The BG excelled over Brit and Rag in both alliances and social game.
Maybe if Rag hadn't thrown two HOH's to Matt he could have been a serious player in this game. Maybe if he had formed a real alliance with anyone, or maybe if he could have just managed to be civil to people he doesn't like (you know like the rest of us have to do every single day in the workplace) he could have some degree of power at this point.
Instead he declared this the BB season of friendships instead of alliances and became Matt's powerless, pathetic, pawn.
I'm so tired of Brit and Ragan I wish there was a DE on Thursday.
Anon 11:51 and 12:18, I personally would never get a tattoo, however if others want to that's their business. What I was aying was why would you want to put that particular saying on yourself. Again, it's his business, but it just seems to have a rather negative connotation. After getting to know Ragan a bit over the summer on BB, I guess I can see maybe how. Ragan has been an extremely negative presence the entire time, and as others have said, very wimpy and whiny. So perhaps that saying fits him. I just think the very act of engraving that into your skin enslaves you right there.
The most boring season of BB to date. They keep saying they will be back for All Stars, will be making a movie, or getting a show like Dr Will. Are these houseguest totally crazy?? They ARE the worst cast EVER! I hope I never see any of them again.
I love the BB show, just not this season.
I see see your point. But I doubt it can be explained further than that it probably just has a special meaning for him.
Like you said, you would never get a tattoo, so it (getting this or any tattoo) probably makes less sense to you anyway. (I really want to say and underscore that that was not a jab or attack or anything! I don't care for sports. I understand how people feel about them but only in a broad sense. A lot of the attraction to watch or participate is just lost on me.)
I would be curious to know what the breakdown on the applications reality shows receive is.
Do they get more applications from wannabe celebrities? Or do more wannabe celebrities just get cast? The actual numbers would be really fascinating.
There always seem to be a lot of models, actors etc. floating around the casts.
Ben - I think it has to do with the ability to get time off on short notice.
Personally, this whole group just rolls over and plays dead. Frankly, love 'em or hate 'em, at least Brenchel went out and fought every week to stay. Even Matt rolled over. Now Ragan. Brit will just curl up.
Over all, this hasn't been a horrible season, BUT it must be the worst group of competitors ever on this show. Where's all the scheming and backstabbing and alliance swapping and strategy and competitiveness.
Sigh...remember Janelle...that girl could C-O-M-P-E-T-E!
JimmyB, Thanks for the Tatoo explanation. It is appreciated. It was driving me batty. My 80 year old great graandmother eyes couldn't make it out even with a magnifying glass. LOL
JimmyB thank for the Tatt translation. It was driving me batty. These 80 year old grandmothers eyes just read it even with a magnifying glass! LOL
anon, You're certainly welcome!
Ragan has decided to get out of bed and fight to stay in the game. He's giving Lane a lecture about why he should want to go to F3 with Ragan and Brit rather than Hayden and Enzo. If he had been allowed to write it down, it would be in outline format with bullet points, LOL. Lane is listening, but not commenting much.
Hey Joe in NY
I cant believe you made an admiring post about Janelle, if my memory serves me right your blog name was Anybody but Janelle I thought meaning you didn't care for her or did I misinterpret what you were saying. I have made several references about her here on this blog today and yesterday, she didnt win but she fought to the finish, and she didnt whine or need a showmance either. I really admired her and Nakomis.
If BB bring any of this cast back as ALL STARS I will not be watching. I will protest. LOL.
Joe in NY and Anybody but Janelle are not the same person.
i wish there were more ACTION...
I will start out by saying I am a much bigger fan of Survivor than BB, but many of the Survivor cast members names and faces are now lost on me. What was watchable in the moment left no lasting impression. (For example, I remember Rusell, but can remember almost nothing about the girl who beat him the first time.)
So I was thinking, if the season ended today, what or who do you think you would remember most from this season of BB?
As for me:
Brit and Ragan talking about Rachel.
Maybe Ragan crying.
I will remember Rachel. She's kind of hard to forget, LOL. I'll remember Brendon with both positive and negative thoughts and I'll remember Britney because she kept me laughing. I'll probably remember the guy who lied about his wife being sick, but I won't remember his name. The rest of them I will forget almost immediately, LOL.
Ben--I'd remember the big love affair--Brendon making a complete ass out of himself (until Rachel left)--The big blowout between Rachel & Ragan (My favorite TV moment of 2010!)
If I was BB, when Ragan gets evicted, I'd sequester he & Rachel in their own jury house and show highlights.
your post is hilarious. Now that would be good for TV watching
Funny about the bullet points. Having been a teacher, I get a kick out of him when he talks about things so specifically. POINT A, POINT B, POINT C, using his fingers, etc..
On BBAD last night, he would start listing his reasons to Brit, she would start to talk, then moments later, Ragan would go back to listing his reasons with his fingers. Ha!
I can't wait to see the look of Lane's face when Ragan is talking to him. Lane's a guy who doesn't like to talk game even with people he's close to.
The longer Brendon was in the house, the more I was rooting for him. But outside of a connection to Rachel, I doubt I will be able to pick him out of a lineup.
And I've always enjoyed watching Enzo for some reason, but kind of feel the same way about him.
I might remember that there was an inept Barney Fife-ish deputy, even though I probably won't remember her name.
It seems like the BB production staff continutes to be heavy handed this year, trying to manipulate the players and game more than ever. I really hope they clean that up for future seasons.
Thanks for keeping your posts interesting, Jackie, even if the houseguests aren't making it easy.
I got an idea that Ragan might as well be talking to a door knob or those dead gold fish when trying to talk Lane into getting rid of Hayden. Ragan has forgotten his own game " We're here to make friends" that's the way he played when iat came to Matt, anything for Matty, crying when others were talking about getting rid of him. Ragan go home already.
Ooh - Lane told Brit that Hayden took the prizes. I didn't expect him to do that.
What's funy about that is Lane took the FIRST prize(the phone call from home). Brit mentioned this in the DR, but at this point, I think that might be lost on her.
Lane is wising up, he better not go to end with Hayden, he will not win, better take Enzo or Brit. It will be a toss up if it's Brit he chooses. I dont see Matt,Brendon,and Rachel voting for Brit. if Hayden goes home, He will vote for Brit, so will Ragan, and Kathy, I dont know who Enzo would vote for because he might hold a grudge against Lane for putting him up, so Brit would win = Ugh
If Hayden doesn't think that Lane rattyed him out to Britney and he feels that Britney sent him home, he probably would vote for Lane,But I just cant see Enzo voting for Lane after the brigade put him up twice as a pawn.
Wouldn't it be interesting if the vote to evict Hayden and Ragan were split forcing Lane to break the tie, if he chose to keep Hayden Britney would wonder why and he would have some explaining to do now that he has told Brit about Hayden taking the prizes. "The plot thickens"
Random thoughts from last night's BBAD:
The contrast of Britney talking about being 'alone in the house' and being treated differently with her standing in her bikini in the hot tub was interesting.
Enzo is a funny guy. He was practically holding court.
Lane never seems interested in talking game, but his eyes light up when he tells drinking and sex stories. I imagine he is probably very good with guys on the golf course.
Hayden. I wish I had his stomach.
Ragan, who has annoyed me for much of the game, when he came outside and joined everyone was very funny. And he didn't talk about Rachel!
Britney thinks there is nothing wrong with slapping guys. (Pronouncements like this always have me reaching for the rewind button to make sure I heard it right.)
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