One cameraman has liked to focus on the shark all summer. With this extended stretch of nothing on the feeds, the live feeds jumped the shark last Thursday.
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of The Waiting Game:
- Nerf football.
- Pool.
- Naps.
- Cards.
- Eating.
- Talking sports.
- Talking about others from the season (nothing really new).
- Talking about the finale and facing the others.
- Packing clothes.
- Lane fell right asleep for his last night.
- Hayden and Enzo were in bed, but awake talking.
- They liken it to the excitement of children awaiting Christmas morning.
- Enzo was the last to conk out, tossing and turning.

I have to jump start this party but wishing Jackie a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today.
May you see fireworks out the train window this morning. May you get lots of wonderful wishes from people near and far all day long. May Vincent purr loudly for making him your b-day present to yourself a year ago and may he NOT decide to catch you a good mouse to show his appreciation. May you have something sinful and delicious to eat at some point before you go to bed. And what the heck, may you buy the winning lotto ticket at the newsstand.
the season will be over!
the most boring last five days of any big brother season
a snore fest
thanks jackie for making it as enjoyable as possible with you wit.
oh and happy happy birthday
Happy Birthday Jackie,
Wishing you a truly great one.
Happy Birthday, Jackie!!
And your gift is that BB is over tonight and you can get some rest!
Your gift to us was your fabulous summer of making BB12 interesting and humorous whether it was that way in the house or not. Thank you so much.
May all the wishes from Sydney come true and a few more, too.
Happy Birthday, Jackie. Here's hoping your year will bring the best of health, prosperity, and tons of fun.
Thanks very much for doing the live feed recaps. I look forward to checking them out and reading through the comments each and every BB season. It's a solid part of my summer fun for sure. Thanks!
Happy B-Day to you, Jackie! Have a great day.
Happy Birthday Jackie! Hope your day is as special for you as you are to all of us.
Happy Birthday Jackie! I hope you have a fabulous day!!
Thank you for all the live feed reports and a place to meet all these wonderful people. You truly rock!
Just realized that BB is on till 11:00 p.m. ...I havta get up at 5. >:-(
Hope it is as special and unique as you are and many more to come.
I told all my deaf friends about about both of your web site here and t.v. squad so I am sure you will start getting more viewers now.
Hope you will get some rest soon and what will you do next after bb finish? Will you be doing other shows as well?
love all your photos, what kind of camera do you use??
once again please know how well your hard work is apreciated and love all your humors as well.
take care.
Happy Birthday Jackie. Hope you have a day as wonderful as you are!
Happy Birthday Miss Jackie!! I hope you are taking a vacation day today and enjoying yourself.
Happy Birthday to you...happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Jackieeee...Happy Birthday to you!
Thanks Jackie for all you do. I have not posted in a long time, but I still lurk lol!
May all you dreams come true!
I just read that Britney and Nick's home burned.
It sounds like Nick had to go back in a couple of times for the animals, but all of them are okay. It states that Britney will be told of this happening.
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Happy Birthday Jackie!!!!
I can hardly wait for tonight's shows. I'm more excited about Survivor than I am BB though. I think it's pretty much a given that Hayden wins.
Here is what Nick posted at jokers:
Britney's fiance Nick posted the following on Jokers:
I had to go back in a few times to get the dogs because I could not find them due to the smoke. The smoke detector did not go off so I am lucky to have made it out. About 90% of our belongings are ruined due to fire, smoke, and water. Please keep us in your prayers. God bless
Happy Birthday Jackie.
Thanks for a great job in the
worst season ever.
Guess your birthdsy present is that it
is over.
A very Happy Birthday to you Jackie.
Not only is it finally the end of a not so great cast BB but you get to watch hopefully an exciting season of Survivor.
Again Happy Birthday, hope it is filled with Health, Wealth and Prosperity.
Cha Cha
Happy birthday to you, dear Jackie!!
May you have the best year ever!
Happy Birthday, Jackie. Wishing you flowers and butterflies.
Happy Birthday, Jackie! Hope it's a special one.
TMZ says that fire that destroyed Britney and Nick's home is being investigated but it's not believed to be suspicious. It's thought to have been started by a grill in the home.
This is a link to the local newspaper article about the fire at Britany's home:
Happy Birthday Jackie!
Thanks for all your hard work!
As you can read, we all appreciate and enjoy it!
Alice in Wonderland
P.S. Horrible for Brittany to get the news of her house fire to greet her leaving the house......would make her getting the 25k really heartwarming now for sure! I do hope it happens tonight!
Pssst....Vincent....can we talk? It's Jackie's birthday today. Be sure to let her know how much you love her. Greet her at the door. Rub your face against her ankles. Tickle her with your whiskers. Knead her back and shoulders. Share your toys with her. Keep her lap (or neck) warm when she's on the computer, or curl up and sleep next to her. Purr loudly and frequently. Do something silly to amuse her. Give her lots of little licks and nuzzles. Get the idea? Carry on.
Happy birthday, Jackie!
Interesting link!
Sounds like it was Nick's fault, or whoever was manning the outdoor grill.
Brittany will not find out until after tonight's episode according to the producers (since she can't do anything) and because Nick THINKS SHE WILL BE MAD AT HIM!
Which is probably a good bet since the firefighters arrived at 1:30 AM. As Desi would say, "LUCY!!!!!! You have some 'splaining to do!!!"
It reads like Brittany has never lived in the unit.
But looking on the bright side- It was a rental. Which should provide some level of comfort to the young couple over a fire at a home which they own. Of course, it still sucks for the landlord, but is most definitely easier on the tenants. (I have a friend who owns rental properties where similar situations have occurred.)
PS Happy B-DAY Jackie!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Jackie! We are doing the Happy Beagle Dance here to celebrate I hope you have a wonderful year with a lot of writing offers and perfect pictures to snap.
I will bring fried chicken and potato salad tonight.
happy birthday jackie!!!! I have bee reading your work and adirming your photos for a long time.Have a wonderful day. Tivo BB12 and go out on the town :)
Wow , sorry for the mispellings :) I should have poof read. LOL Brit's home burnt down. I feel sorry for her.I think Hayden will win. Lane might have a chance if he takes Enzo. But does Lane really want the money or a friend?I think Enzo should be in the final2 with Lane.I think Hayden has tried to take the credit for alot of what Enzo has done behind the scences.I think Enzo was the brains not Matt.Hayden uses of charm to back stab.Lane was a truly nice guy.Enzo was so funny and loyal.If not for Enzo Matt could have flipped on the brigade.I think Matt would have in the end for Regan.I think Brits should have been in the final 3.Hayden should have left.Hayden is talking about trips afterwards but if Lane flips ,Hayden will not be a as forgiving as Lane thinks.I would like to see Lane win and Enzo second.
***Off Topic -- TAR Pool***
If you want to join us in The Amazing Race pool, please email me thru my profile.
Swimming now:
1. Becky
2. Buzzmaam
3. Caela
4. Delee
5. dla
6. Donna in AL
7. Donna from FL
9. Dusty
10. JennasMom
11. Joy n
12. lisanne
13. Lars
14. Laurie
15. Lynn1
16. Margo
17. meb
18. ML
19. Monty924
20. Nana of the NW
21. PDX Granny
22. RBennie
23. Sally
24. SharonS
25. SueGee (in the left coast)
26. Sydney
27. Terry in CA
I'm very impressed with the three guys being in the house, with nothing to do, and they managed to get along just fine. They really do like each other. No fights, no digs, just friendly conversation. Wonder what it would have been like if there were three women in the house, with nothing to do, for days. Would they have gotten along just as well?
Becky gave me an idea to break my happy dance out of retirement.
Happy Birthday Jackie!!! Hope your day was perfect in every way!
We've all commented on how boring it got in their this year, but I was just thinking that we were spared all the playing chess, quoting scripture, and good vs. evil with this cast. I guess there really is a silver lining and all!
there not their. Oops!
I really hope Lane wins HoH and takes Enzo! I thought Enzo really did "play" the game! He didn't really try on any comps...except for the movie...until he HAD to. Then he played hard and pulled it off. And on the recap it showed that he WAS the one who came up with the Brigade. I also think "family man" Enzo could use the money more than the two.. single guys! Plus he was soooo funny! Meow Meow!! TEAM ENZO=)
btw I voted for him as fan fav.
You are right about Enzo. I know he annoyed some people at times (heard that from someone who watched the live feeds) but he sure did as much as Hayden and Lane. None of the guys did squat until the end. None of them. I do think Enzo was the most entertaining as well. I have made my point before but I hope these houseguests read the blogs and realize there are no movies in thier future and if the ratings were up this year it was not because of them. They were the worst cast EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Jackie :o)
Thank you for another wonderful season Jackie, you rock! Hope you're having a wonderful Birthday!
Erin in MD
HB2U Jackie!!
Just found out that the girl with only one leg is from my hometown. Her father was one of the professors that was in Hati with some students and was killed in the earthquake. How sad!
Great night of television ahead!
Jackie, wishing you a very happy birthday today! I hope your day is as special as you are.
Sorry, I have to make this brief as I am on my neighbor's computer. I still haven't gotten my sick pc back from the Geek Squad. It's interesting how you feel disconnected from the rest of the world without a pc.
My appologies for not being able to make a BB finale graphic.
I'm looking forward to Survivor tonight and if there is a pool, I hope I was included. I haven't been able to read anything about this season so it will all be a surprise to me. ;)
Enjoy TV tonight!
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