We're in slim pickings days on the live feeds. Instead of being bored by the final two, we're being bored by the final three. Here's the skinny from inside that Big Brother House of Deranged Doofuses:
- Enzo is definitely feeling every bit of the third wheel.
- While he isn't crying, he's been kicking himself for his time in the comp round.
- BB treated them to a long steak and lobster dinner, blocking the feeds with the "secret game" message and theme music.
- They got champagne.
- Enzo didn't feel much like celebrating.
- Hayden, who has been sitting around looking pensive a lot, once again told Lane that if either of them brought Enzo to the final two, he would win.
- I doubt Enzo would win against Hayden.
- He might have a chance against Lane.
- But I doubt he has a chance to get the chance.
- The steak and lobster must not have been enough for them -- they grilled hot dogs in the yard.
- Enzo jogged the yard and lifted weights muttering to himself that the other two already had a deal.
- Lane said it was the "funnest day" ever in the house.
- Lane and Hayden talked Steamboat and dating celebrities.
- For some reason they brought up Troy, New York (someone Lane knows moved there?).
- I was born in Troy, New York. Yes, it's a real place, Lane.
- Enzo, much like Ragan and Britney before him, is segregating himself away from them.
- Not that he has much of a chance, but this will make for a miserable week for him if he doesn't snap out of it.
- They're all asleep as I post this.
wow first
well enzo sees the writing on the wall
now he should know how brit felt
considering he won one pov
and hayden will win hands down against lane it is what it is as they say.
truthfully lane, if he should beat hayden in part three should consider taking enzo, he may stand a better chance!! especialy if he says his power move was to get out hayden!
wow on the cbs bb poll
brendon is getting the most votes for the 25k
cmon really people
how did he play better than brit?
as far as her being mean etc, without her wit, diary room sessions and moxy it would have been even more boring.
brendon was not the nicest guy either
oh well that is why there is chocolate and vanilla
at least brit was a good sport the entire time hooked to brendon
and when she realized her time in the house was done.
wv bessa may the bessa person win the 25k as long as it is not ragan!
Good Morning!
That was a good morph again this year. It's one thing BB does well, unlike the yearly "twists". Maybe whoever is in charge of the morphs should also be in charge of the twists.
The footage of Enzo's Bayonne was as expected, "My Enzo" he is, all the way around. Fun stuff, beautiful baby.
So, since we have to wait until next week for the rest of the season, and since next week will be a two hour show, what will Sunday's show be like? Is there a Sunday show?
The suprises are over. Hayden will win BB and Enzo is going to the JH. What a disappointing season.
I feel Brenden deserves the money more than Britany. She didn't do anything any different, just got lucky to make it further and he isn't a mean spirited person like she is. Frankly, I'd like to see Andrew get it just for fun, lol.
The suprises are over. Hayden will win BB and Enzo is going to the JH. What a disappointing season.
I feel Brenden deserves the money more than Britany. She didn't do anything any different, just got lucky to make it further and he isn't a mean spirited person like she is. Frankly, I'd like to see Andrew get it just for fun, lol.
I voted for Britany. Brendon made a good effort toward the end...but since he foolishly and permanently attached himself to Rachel-He does not get a vote. Because of that, he deserved to lose.
She showed her true colors yet again last night. Ragan made his case about her. She started it. Again. ...And was too stoopid to let it go. She continued a war with no ammunition.
I think they really dumbed down that morphing comp to suit Lane and Enzo. It was the easiest one I've ever seen. I figured them all out immediately! I mean come on, putting Brendon and Rachel together? That comp shouldn't have taken more than 30 or 40 seconds tops.
I don't know why Rachel tried to take on Ragan again. She got her ass handed to her for the second time, LOL.
I must be the only one who likes Enzo! During BBAD he was the FUNNIEST!! Imagine the three hrs without him there, YAWN!! For sure. I voted for Enzo to win the $$.
That being said, the three of them are delusional regarding their celebrity status outside of the house. When they watch the show from home I do believe they will hide out for fear of being recognized.
I think their shirts should have read "BRO-GADE"...not "BRA-GADE". Another embarrassment.
Comps work for the body of the game, but I wouldn't base a vote solely on things like bowling or pinball. For me, just like SURVIVOR, the social game is just as if not more important.
Hayden will take/beat Lane if/when he wins the 3rd comp.
I don't believe Lane sees that his ONLY chance of winning is with Enzo, and it's just a small chance!
If Lane wins/takes Enzo to F2, it's a crapshoot on Lane's part. Enzo can outtalk him. Lane would be hoping that people would value his total comp wins/limited social game against Enzo's limited comp wins, but huge social game and creation of the Brigade.
Ragan, by this point, should be smart enough to walk away from scenes with Rachel.
This has no impact on the outcome of the game but I have been wondering how Hayden who is a self proclaimed poor or broke college student and says he hasn't made a total of $5000 in the past 2 years, has been able to go to Steamboat for snow boarding in the winter.
I don't know but I would think that would take a lot of ca$h to do that.
i think ragan and rachel suffer from some sort of emotional baggage disorder.
she wanted validation from ragan and because she pushes all his childhood buttons, he refused.
bragade, that is too hilarious, do the shirts really ahve it spelled that way??
enzo is acting more like a baby than brit, my how the tables turned.
i still am voting for her for the moolah, enzo would be my second choice,
Chris - Which poll were you looking at? I just went to the Who did you vote as your favorite this season? poll and Britney has 83% while Brendon only has 12%.
Looks like my link didn't work. Anyway, go to the Community -> Polls and it's at the top of the list.
When other houseguess are facing certain eviction or probable eviction and pouting or crying or isolating themselves; it used to annoy Enzo. Enzo would say they just should let death take them.
Now the shoe is on the other foot.
The question is will he recognize this behavior in himself, is he that self introspective?
I do not know if production or who is telling these guys that they will be famous after leaving this show. The fame is quite short lived. And few have gone on to other shows. The odds are not in their favor. But these 3 for some time now have insisted they have made history and they will be famous. And to talk about dating A list celebrities and getting movie roles, well they certainly are into fantasy. LOL
In case anyone didn't know, you can vote for favorite houseguest for free on cbs.com. I've voted twice so far. I don't know how many votes it will allow.
ORKMommy - there's s stray quotation mark on the end of your link. If you remove the " it works.
And you can vote unlimited times at cbs.com.
WV = "enodiarh" Enzo never got to do one (a diary). Tsk.
it was under the community section this morning
i will look again
it was the second one down on that list.
glad to hear that brit is ahead.
i wanted to like brendon enough to vote for him.
maybe if he had lasted one more week i could have mustered up the vote.
then again seeing how off his judgment is, hahahah i could not.
i wonder how come he kept so quiet during the ragan thing last evening
maybe he sees the light??
I think the polls on the community site are user created, not respresentative of actual voting towards the 25K.
Reading between the lines, quite a few houseguests live off other people.
Did anyone here think Julie looked pregnant last night???
Maybe I need new glasses...
You are NOT the only one who likes Enzo!
What would the season have been like without him? He provided the structure via the Brigade, and a funny running commentary.
It's just too bad he's catching misplaced blame over the scene where Brit was told of the BG.
As far as his disappointment over now being the third wheel, I think he's handling it well. People (yes, even Brit) are allowed to be disappointed. But notice what he's NOT doing? He's not blaming anyone else, crying, or saying how his summer was wasted!!! I guess that only works for some Hamsters.
Off Topic **TAR Pool**
If you want to be in the pool for TAR, please email me at LifeguardLaurie@gmail.com
Currently Swimming:
1. Becky
2. Buzzmaam
3. Caela
4. Delee
5. dla
6. Donna in AL
7. Donna from FL
9. JennasMom
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11. lisanne
12. Lars
13. Laurie
14. Lynn1
15. Margo
16. meb
17. ML
18. Monty924
19. Nana of the NW
20. PDX Granny
21. RBennie
22. Sally
23. SharonS
24. SueGee
25. Sydney
26. Terry in CA
Talk about being a good sport. Brendon could not have been any nicer to Britney...opening doors..making her coffee and sleeping on the floor. Please.
Britney does not deserve the 25k. Her being a good sport with Brendon was in front of him...NOT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Her award should be for the ultimate in trashing other HG
There's a reason why everyone wants Lame at F2. He has no play. Brit was in his head, now it's Hayden. Such a puppet. Hayden will beat him, yet Lame is listening to him about why taking Enzo is a mistake. Instead of focusing on his ONLY chance at winning, he's thinking whether he wants Hayden or Enzo to get 500K. Dumb.
I don't think it much matters Ben. Lane has no chance of beating Hayden and not much more than that of beating Enzo. Yes his odds are slightly better with Enzo. In all likelihood, Hayden will win the HOH comp and the choice will be in his hands. He can beat both of them, but I don't know if he realizes that. They all seem to think that the jury is going to vote according to who won the most comps. Have they ever watched this show? When does that ever happen, LOL.
Just to see the look on their faces>>>>I would love Brendon to win. OMG....they would all be shocked. Lame is the lame-est!
How did he ever get picked? Someone should be fired for picking Lame and Kathy.
I agree thier shirts should have said BRO-GADE instead of BRA-GADE
What more would you expect from self-proclaimed morons, LOL.
I'll bet they still don't know what it means. They would probably expect to see their names under the dictionary definition for brigade @@.
Ben, sometimes I think you could just sign my name to your posts because they often echo my thoughts as well.
PS go Brendon .
britney could have made it miserable for brendon, but she was still a good sport about it.
Brendon chose her, he could have chosen enzo or anyone else.
He was a good sport cause he was trying to stay in the house.
I like lane as well even tho his game play was far from stellar.
he played just enough to keep himself in and get others out, like Matt.
like them or not the BRO,BRA, or correctly the BRIgade stuck together and got to the end.
most alliances fall apart way before that.
I do think lane could beat enzo but of course enzo smoothe talking the jury may win them over.
Still think Hayden will take home the prize.
I don't disagree with those that like brendon and want him to win the money, I just said i can't bring myself to vote for him because of rachel.
And talk about mean that girl was the queen of mean right along with ragan
Thanks for the shout out.
Too funny! I think like Enzo, these guys know BB primarily from youtube clips.
It's too bad it looks like Enzo will lose because the other two guys just aren't interesting to watch. They're not bad guys, just very young, and have led a pretty sheltered life. Not 'sheltered' in the sense of being locked away in a monastery, but more that it's been mainly school, sports and girls so far. Oh, that's right, Lane does have the responsibility of taking his dad's clients to play golf.
Last weekend at a family event, I walked into a room where three teenage boys were playing a video game. The discussion over and about their game could have come directly from Hayden/Lane, except SADLY, it was more interesting.
Waiting for SURVIVOR!
Entertainment Weekly on last night:
"Expect the unexpected?
Eh, tonight just expect
some awkward live TV."
It's cute, but not true.
Probably should have read:
"Expect the unexpected?
Eh, tonight just expect
some TV."
Just to see the look on Rachel, Kathy and the remaining Brigade members' faces, I'd love to see Britney win the 25K. The 'boys' are all convinced that one of them will win the 25K.
Brendon's out of the game, and like most people (not Rachel) who are out of the game, will probably be happy for Brit.
Read an article on BB Central. Julie says the zingbot will appear in the finale. Britney says she really thinks that Hayden will win. She also said there are absolutely no sparks between she and Lane. Said that he is like a brother to her.
Britney also said that she will remain friends with the brigade, including Matt. Also with Ragan and Monet.
monty924, I totally agree with you! I hope Brit does get the prize, if only to have Rachel turn pea green. I think anyone who gets to the final four should get it; they've had to deal with so much more and sidestep more issues than others.
I voted for Brit. A lot!
Witt :)
The last HOH choosing the other person in the final two would seem to dilute interest in the vote. Ordinarily, the strongest of the three would be pitted against the weakest. Instead of that, I think it would be more interesting to have the two winners go straight to the finals.
I don't know why people like Brittany. She's fake to me as Rachel but indifferent ways. Rachel seems club fake an Brittany seems stepford fake. I like Kathy because she was the only real woman with a real job and real problems. Sincerely, Terry
To any Bay Area watchers the CBS5 site says the show is rescheduled for Saturday at 9pm. I know it's incomparable to the disaster in San Bruno, but we still need to watch.
I'm giving my votes to Enzo too. Loyalty for my pool guy, maybe.
Ben is right about Enzo getting a bad rap about Britney's discovery that she was getting booted by ALL three guys. I watched BBAD that night and the TV episode didn't show all the reactions. Enzo felt terrible that Britney cried as did Hayden and Lane.
Hayden will probably get the half mil, Lane probably the 50 thou, so I want Enzo to at least have the 25thou to take home to his family.
I don't care who wins the 25k, just not Britney....so she won a couple competitions, it was Lane keeping her safe. She was as much of a complainer as Rachel and Regan. She just did it all behind everyones back.
That reminds me, I am going to vote.
Enzo may have felt bad about Brit but he was the one who started the conversation without Hayden, he was the one who beat around the bush asking if she thought there were any alliances and he was the one who said he thought it was genius (or whatever word he used) with such smugness it was palatable. When you're a smug jerk you can feel as bad as you want but you're still a smug jerk! I like Enzo but he's not the super, wonderful guy everyone makes him out to be!
After Lane and Enzo told Britney about the brigade, she was actually smiling and laughing with them. It was when Hayden came back and was told by Lane that " they" had told her everything that Hayden assumed they had also told her about the veto not being used on her. He blurted that out to her and then she went into shock mode and started crying. Then all three felt badly.
Lots of people don't like Enzo, Britney, Lane and so on but I just don't like seeing one taking more blame than others when they were ALL in on it. Hayden and Lane also made comments later that they never would have said to Britney's face. And Britney has made some not-so-nice comments about all of them. What's the big deal?
From what I've readLane did as much dancing around telling Brit as Enzo, but the broadcast didn't show it. I don't think they should have told, butthe brigade were all part of the decision. Enzo's not my favorite cast member, but the idea for tyhe brigade was pretty smart this season. I'll give credit due. It brought 3 members to the end.
People say doctors have a god complex, well until I can do the same, I guess I'll let them think their god. So though I want to vote for Ragan, I have to give it to Enzo since he won't make final2.
I think of Enzo as this simple guy from Jersey who doesn't have much to brag about this season as he won one comp and he thought of and named the brigade. And he, as much as Hayden and Lane worked that brigade sucessfully to the end with their votes. Only Lane was seriously thinking about screwing the brigade over and if he'd won another comp or two, he would have done just that.
They've all made mis-steps in this game and there's plenty of complaints to go around about each of them.
That's actually the point I was trying to make. Enzo is no better or worse than the rest. He is a simple guy that I could probably be friends with. The BG was a great idea. They all made mistakes and did things they should be ashamed of. He's not a god though!
Ork, I don't think anyone in that house would qualify as a god or godess although one or two might think so. LOL!
The three Bro-Gade that are left all seem pretty equal to me too.
None of them did anything until the end. Although Enzo is not a great competitor, he did as much as Hayden and Lane. They floated to the end....and with this boring group....I think the whole house floated after Brendon and Rachel were gone. And to think they talk for hours about how famous they will be and what movies they will be making. LOL
I may be wrong, but it seemed to me that it was Enzo who always had the final say on who the brigade was going to vote out, every vote.
...Enzo, Capo dei capo.
All I can say for these dummies this season is that they were the only houseguest of all the seasons that went into that house to make friends with the maybe the exception of Hayden, I dont think he ever took his eye off the prize.
People on here want to keep beating a dead horse about Rachel, get over her, I didn't like her either and I never gave her a thought, Evil Dick was the most disgusting person that I have ever seen on TV however everyone loved him, he and Danielle had a father and daughter alliance and everyone in that house should have known it, yet they allowed them to remain in the game, he wasn't any better than Rachel, he used profanity, foul language, and disrespected every female but Danielle in that house and people want to continue to trash Rachel for saying "no one come between me and my man".
What's worse is that Brendon is being trashed and ridiculed for coming in the house and liking who he wanted to like. Britney got just what she deserved, I did not feel sorry for her, she was and still is mean spirited, she will not get my vote, I will give my vote to Brendon, only because I think he fought to his finish, with no one liking him, Britney, Hayden, Enzo and Lane floated as far as I am concern, they were in a house with people that were easily manipulated, and had no strategy.
All of us knew what it would come down to the end between any alliance, it would then be about the money, Enzo, Lame, and Britney all got hood-winked by Hayden. They should have gotten rid of him when they could have. When he started to win all the comps, that should have told them that they would not beat him, but no they all wanted to take him to the final2 because he was their friend.
All that being said, if anyone of these houseguest get any attention after this season, it'll probably be Rachel, somehow on these Reality TV shows, the person who get invited to all the talk shows are the ones who are most controversial. Who wants to see Britney come on TV and say how she "loved those guys." And now they are best friend, I bet none of them will keep in touch after this is over, why would she want to be friends with them when they almost laughed in her face when telling her about the Brigade, and Lame, showing her that all the time she was being used. I wouldnt hate them because it was a game, but I couldn't want to be their friends just for the way they told her. It should just have been left UNSAID.
I just do not understand why CBS is waiting until Wednesday. I know Survivor is on, and they are expecting people to not change the channel, but geesh, that's a long wait.
I was born North of Troy, NY in Glens Falls. Interesting they were talking about it.
I know I've said it before, but we all complain when it's boring and we complain when we have evil. Too bad we couldn't get some in between. Still, my favorite BB was BB2.
I really feel Brit deserves the 25,000. Brandon didn't start playing well until Rachel left. Brit had to fight the entire time she was in the house.
I don't mind Enzo, he's just a little rough around the edges. Lane is, too, he's totally clueless, Lane really isn't. I think Hayden is smarter than he lets on.
Looking forward to Survivor. Hope it's a good one this year. With Jimmie Johnson, it ought to be iteresting at least.
Go Hayden.
To any Bay Area watchers the CBS5 site says the show is rescheduled for Saturday at 9pm. I know it's incomparable to the disaster in San Bruno, but we still need to watch.
Thanks, I was wondering when they would reschedule. I did notice that they didn't pre empt the foot ball game fot the coverage. (Interesting)
I would vote for Britany. Yes, she said things that she shouldn't have but she didn't do things on national TV that was so very inapropiate, shown on the feeds.
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