It's that time of year again -- get ready for the latest action on Dancing With the Stars! This is your blog home to discuss the show with friends. Bookmark it now and return during the shows, in between them and whenever you want to add in your two cents! The official show website is here.
The esteemed Margo will be running the blog pool and I hope everyone has a grand old time!
This year's stars are:
Audrina Patridge
Bristol Palin
David Hasselhoff
Florence Henderson
Jennifer Grey
Kurt Warner
Kyle Massey
Margaret Cho
Michael Bolten
Mike Sorrentino
Rick Fox
I hope I got that right. I've never heard of a few of them.
Never heard of some of them? Shocking! =D
Unfortunately I have heard of all of them except the rapper (Kyle) and I am doubting that I'll watch unless there's nothing else on to watch. I am particularly not fond of anyone named Palin or Hasselhoff. IMHO.
i will always watch the show, I enjoy Tom Bergeron and Brooke Burk, and I found out things about some of the celebrities I didnt know...I fell for Kelly Osborne hook line and sinker, she's a neat gal, and I never knew her personality before and came to appreciate her apart from Ozzy and Sharon (I always liked Sharon)and that silly show they did.
Maybe I will be able to view the others the same way...learn more about Bristol, Audrina, others I dont know.
I dont think I will change my mind about "the situation" but you never know!
I'll always watch the show too. Most of the time I only know about 1/4 of the "stars" but I know them after watching them all season. I never heard of Mel B, loved her dancing. Drew Lachy who? I know him now. The football players, Emmit Smith. Jerry Rice, never heard of them until DWTS.And who can forget Gilles Marini. I never heard of him until I saw him there and I fell "in lust" immediatly...LOL
I think this is the first season that I have heard of most of the stars. That will make the beginning of this season more interesting to me. I will be rooting for Florence Henderson. I can't imagine rooting against Mrs Brady.
I love the show but just don't care much for these contestants. If I do end up watching for lack of anything better, I'll read comments but keep my opinions to myself. I wouldn't spoil it for anyone else.
Hope you all enjoy!
Honest, I wasn't trying to be a partypooper!
Always enjoyed watching ballroom dancers but when you add the humour and talent of Tom Bergeron it makes a very entertaining show. The judges have such different personalities and the "celebrities" find out soon enough how hard it is to become a dancer. Would not miss this show. Thank you Jackie for a place to discuss it.
Margo this is gaylos can I get in on the pool please?
With that cast, maybe this year the term "stars" refers to the professional dancers.
I'm not at all interested in most of these people, dislike a few of them and can't figure out why on earth Bristol Palin is considered a star.
I'm disappointed, because I've enjoyed the show in the past, but I think I'll skip it this year.
Margo: Witt here, can I still get in the pool?
I don't know much about some of the "stars", but will watch anyway...I'm like Terry in CA, I don't know much about them but really enjoy getting to know them along the way!
I especially love watching the professionals strut their stuff!
Witt :)
margo, I would love to jump in if there is still room in the pool :)
Margo, please count me in the pool for DWTS and Survivor. Can't wait!
TerryinCA, I agree. There's a few in the cast I don't know and hope to learn more about. No matter what, I always enjoy the dancing by the professionals (with or without their partners).
Goodness...what a group!
The one guy is "The Situation" from Jersey Shore, which makes it worth a look-see anyway.
The young kid was a Disney show star and is only 19 now. A big age difference to the other contestants.
One guy was in OZ...that show scared the crap out of me, it's hard to see anyone I recognize from that show and not get scared.
I know that people are saying that Jennifer Grey is going to have an edge by being on "Dirty Dancing," but she doesn't see that...she says that she's 50 and it's a long long way from then til now. I tend to agree with her.
I think someone like Brandy (who's younger) or Rick Fox (who is an athlete) might have an easier time with the rehearsals. I know my feet would be screaming!
Can't wait until the season! I love to watch Mark Ballas. I also like Jonathan Roberts, but he isn't on the show this season I think!
Witt :)
I really admire Jennifer Grey for having the guts to go back dancing on DWTS for her former co-star.
Pool match ups
The Hoff & Kym - Sydney,
Florence & Corky - Rbennie & Witt
Rick & Cheryl - Becky
Brandy & Maks - Merrilee, Delee
Kurt & Anna - ML
Michael & Chelsie - Monty924, Terry in PA
Audrina & Tony - Donna in AL & FL
Jennifer & Derek - Nana in NW
Margaret & Louis - Gaylos
Kyle & Lacey - MEB
Bristol & Mark - Margo
The Situation & Karina - PDXGranny
Sorry for delay I spent most of the day in the er and am now admitted to hospital with cellulitus (?)
DLA - you are with Sydney roting for the Hoff!!
Sorry, I didn't think to look at the side of the blog.
Over all this is a good group of stars this season. Condensed version on what I thought of the dancers tonight...
First two dancers were good. Better than their marks IMHO.
Rick Fox is H-O-T!!! Very graceful.
I have to give Florence points for being so graceful and agile at 76! I thought she was much better than Bristol.
Oh, I knew Len was going to pop a blood vessel when the "Diva" Margaret pulled the Darth Vadar move.
Chelsea and Mike B were better than the scores they were given.
Wasn't very impressed with The Situation & Karina.
Jennifer and Derek were wonderful. They deserved their scores. Oh, she is much prettier now.
David and Kym weren't bad -- I thought he was better than Bristol too.
Margo! I'm so sorry you are hospitalized. I hope you do not have a long stay and that you are home before you know it!
I really enjoyed Brandy, Jennifer, and Kyle!! Kyle really surprised me with how much presence he had. I love Corky as a dancer, and the faces he makes are just hysterical. Is it eerie how similar he and Mark are, in voice and movement? Genetics is a powerful thing!!
I missed Michael Bolton but think the Hoff may actually be first to go, or maybe Bristol Palin? I don't know how long she'll last. Shawn Johnson was shy at the beginning, and she was able to let loose, but she was used to performing in front of the world, whereas Bristol is not.
Okay, did it surprise anyone else a lot that Florence Henderson swears so much?
Did Brooke's gown distract anyone else besides me?
I did enjoy the dancing quite a bit!
Witt :)
Margo! Hope you're on the mend quickly! I'm not sure what cellulitus is but will check it out. Really, hope you feeling better very soon.
Margo, thank you for adding me to the pool... but, more importantly, I hope that you are on the mend!! <3
I may have Hoff in the pool (with Sydney!!) but I LOVE Rick Foxx.... so I will be secretly rooting for him! lol
Four dancers down tonight and excited to see the rest... Must admit I was totally surprised by the entertainer in Kyle! I don't even know who he is, but I was completely entertained!
OK, the show is back!
Awwww, great first show of the season! Loving Rick Foxx for the eye candy and smooth moves and loving Baby with Erik... They could go all the way!
Based on pure dance, Hoff should probably be leaving, but he could have a fan base to keep him around for a few weeks...
Who do you all think will leave this week?
I hope I've gotten everyone now.
The Hoff & Kym - Sydney, dla
Florence & Corky - Rbennie & Witt
Rick & Cheryl - Becky
Brandy & Maks - Merrilee, Delee
Kurt & Anna - ML
Michael & Chelsie - Monty924, Terry in PA
Audrina & Tony - Donna in AL & FL
Jennifer & Derek - Nana in NW, Jennsmom
Margaret & Louis - Gaylos
Kyle & Lacey - MEB
Bristol & Mark - Margo
The Situation & Karina - PDXGranny
Margo, get better soon! How can you possibly be worrying about the pool when you're in the hospital?!? Concentrate on getting well!
This is second time I've gotten Anna- she is not my favorite- but this time her partner is great. I hope he goes far; I never heard of Kurt before because I don't follow football, but he is elegant, gracious and has a beautiful family at the sidelines. I thought his dance was beautiful, and he is very charming.
I have never heard of Kyle before either, but he was my favorite last night. He moves very well and has great rhythm and of course, showmanship. Kym looked particularly skanky last night (your spray tan should match the outfit) and standing with Brooke (who I always think dresses and looks gorgeous) they both just looked like fake plastered on boobs (I hate that word but last night it fits).
I think Audrina and Tony were much better than their scores. I've never seen Jersey Shore, but the Situation, at this point just looks like a small man (he needs to work on posture) who can't dance, but evidently in ego alone he has potential. Karina'a a good partner for him.
Hi All
I think Len had the best comment ever for David, It is never to early to panic
Estelle... loved that comment too. Len can be funny sometimes.
Kyle is my pool pick and I had no idea who he was until last the show. I still don't know who he is, but he did a great job, and I'm happy with the pick.
I have to say that ALL the dancers did a good job. I think that Cho is going to go first. If they had danced instead of ending with what they thought was humor, she might have had a chance, but Louis may have lost it for her by letting her do that ending.
Florence was very graceful. I thought Bristol did a great job considering what she looked like when he first started rehearsing with her. She's not a performer. Do we not like her because she's a Palin??? Who cares... she's not her mother... IMHO.
Jennifer Grey was beautiful. I thought Michael Bolten did better than the scores he received. Rick Fox is a Fox, and David H. can just go away!
Can't remember the others, although I think there just might be some good competition this year.
Margo!! How are you doing now? So sorry to hear of your ailments!
For the record... I was out first in the Survivor pool thanks to your Mom, and I believe I will be out first in the DWTS pool!!! Margaret? I can't even really root for her... she was just BAD. Kudos for having the guts to go in front of millions of people though!
Meb, sydney... how are you guys? Welcome to all the newbies on Jackie's blog. BB this season seemed to have brought a lot of them. I know Jackie's not a fan of DWTS...
Will post comments about the actual dances last night another time!
Hey galos... all is well... how's our baby doing? :)
joyn Kyle is my pool pick and he did pretty good for a chubby little fellow. I look forward to seeing the weight fall off if he gets to stay long. Same with Bristol... I think she'll lose some weight too.
Stick around tho... I always liked your comments, and you'll probably end up having a favorite before it's all over.
I am rooting for Jennifer Grey all the way. I would love to see her go all the way in memory of Patrick but I just adore watching her. Nose or not :D
I'm happy with who went home. No spoiler though since no one has posted yet.
I could have done without the unicycle... it wasn't funny.
All is right with the world, at least in the world of DWTS!! Looking forward to next week!
meb, completely agree... unicycle was NOT funny!
However, Carlos Santana, Daughtry and India Arie rocked!
meb you'll be happy to know baby boy finally has two little teeth trying to get through on the bottom! Lol! It only took 14 months, right?
I'm also glad with who went home. When I saw the final two I got nervous... but so happy with the end result... Looking forward to next week as well.
I bet the producers were REALLY upset when the results were announced. We are so sorry to lose The Hoff.
Florence & Corky - Rbennie & Witt
Rick & Cheryl - Becky
Brandy & Maks - Merrilee, Delee
Kurt & Anna - ML
Michael & Chelsie - Monty924, Terry in PA
Audrina & Tony - Donna in AL & FL
Jennifer & Derek - Nana in NW, Jennsmom
Margaret & Louis - Gaylos
Kyle & Lacey - MEB
Bristol & Mark - Margo
The Situation & Karina - PDXGranny
The Hoff & Kym - Sydney, dla
Margo aka The Lifeguard
That opening number of the results show was hot, with Santana and the dancers. It reminded me of way back when and the solid gold dancers and that whole dance competition show. That was the most popular show on tv, and this is pretty much an updated version, and just as captivating. I think it shows that song and dance will always be tried and true entertainment.
I'm glad the Hoff went because although he seems genuine and likeable, he just wouldn't have made it far and I think Kym needs a season off. Besides, I want my pool guy, Kurt, to stick around a bit longer. Everybody knows that Kyle and Lacey weren't in the bottom two; now that would have been a shock if they went home after Monday's performance.
Margaret Cho is the one I think needs to go home. Like the unicycle bit, she just wasn't funny. She should have waited to pull her schtick on us until after we already decided she couldn't dance and needed the humor/sympathy vote.
I'm glad the Situation stayed, at least this week. I want to see what he's got when he puts in the time. Is he really anything beyond the Jersey Shore microcosm? Time will tell.
The right person got sent home.
The situation looks like he may have some moves, time will tell.
It looks to me like Brandy and Jennifer Grey for the finals.
The right person went home. If Kyle had gone home instead of the Hoff, I would have broken my tv!
I'm glad quickstep and jive are next week; those are two of my favorites! I guess the folks who had cha-cha get ballroom (quickstep), and the ones who had ballroom (Viennese Waltz) get Latin (jive) next week. I still consider Aaron and Karina's jive from a few seasons back the best I've ever seen...I watch it on youtube from time to time!
Hope everyone had a great week!
Witt :)
Be still my beating heart. Rick Fox is H-O-T. Oh my, I am turning into a dirty old lady!
I can't believe they only received 21.
Anyone else here? Florence has a good figure for her age. Hope I have that much energy at 76. Not a bad overall performance either.
Brooke's boobies-- have they changed? more perfect and perky than they were before?
Now that I got that out of the way, I am still getting over the Palins. How likable Bristol is turning out to be (didn't expect that) and how her mom remains... herself jmo. Don't want to ruffle any feathers, she's just really really not my cup of tea.
HOw does anyone learn the quickstep. I'm terribly impressed with even the worst performance of that. It's one of my favorite dances though. I can never forget the perfection of Julianne and Apollo doing that dance.
I think Palin will always be Palin Rochelle, but that booing when Tom sat down to talk to her, that was rude! This was so totally unfair to the couple that Brooke was interviewing as well. Totally inappropriate.
That being said, I think all the dancers are good except for Bolton... really surprises me, since he's a singer... you'd think he'd have some rhythm.
My Kyle is hanging in there...YAY!
Am I the only one who thought Bristol's scores were inflated? It's like the judges all were Palin-struck! I mean come on! That was not better than Foxy Rick's jive!!!!
gaylos said... Am I the only one who thought Bristol's scores were inflated? It's like the judges all were Palin-struck! I mean come on! That was not better than Foxy Rick's jive!!!!
No, you aren't. She was good, better than last week, but better than Rick Fox -- no way.
Meb-- I know what you mean about Bolton. When I saw how poorly he danced I thought -- what did a firecracker like Nicolette do with that aspect of him for all those years, lol.
putbal = good to hear from you again.
Witt- would you possibly be able to post that link for us?
Thanks Syd, I've been around always I just don't comment often. HUGS
Watching now...
Oh, my...how this Bruno/Bolton "he should apologize to me" thing has really gotten a life of it's own! I don't think Bruno needed to be THAT harsh, but Bolton signed up for a dancing competition where he'd be critiqued, so...
The link to Aaron and Karina, just for you Syd!
Theirs was in Week 7, so they are so much more polished than Monday's jives, even though I LOVED Jennifer's!
My gal Florence is really amazing. She is giving it everything she has.
Did anyone else think that Lacey's costume was a bit extreme? I lost Kyle in there for a moment!
Witt :)
P.S. WV: Trica Trica treat!!
Rochelle: my sis emailed me last week and told me that Brooke's "girls" should get a show of their own! I'm finding them a little distracting, though they are quite perky.
Witt :)
What is with the judges this week? Last week Len lectured Bruno about being too hard on the stars, and then last night he was very negative! He almost made Bristol cry.
What did you guys think about the judges lecturing Maks on his rehearsal footage?
Also, I rewatched Jennifer and Derek's dance and I think they were underscored!
I love Corky and Mark Ballas. They are awesome!
Witt :)
Witt, it WAS underscored!
Hmmm, wonder what happened with Susan Boyle? Is there something I haven't heard about?
Awww, sorry to see Margaret Cho leave. I love her on Drop Dead Diva!
Monty, Susan Boyle has strep throat and was advised by her Dr. not to perform.
Thanks, Joyn. I'm glad it wasn't anything more serious. I loved Michael Bolton singing Hallelujah, though and Anna and Jonathan dancing to it. Beautiful!
I loved seeing Jonathan Roberts and Dmitry Chaplin come back for the pro performances. They are fantastic!
Witt :)
So The Situation finally got canned. He should have gone before Margaret Cho... in fact he should have just gone... He did at least clean up his act after the bashing Bruno did to him. I really thought he wouldn't be there last night. It is what it is...he's right.
I think Bristol is getting better, but of course, she's never going to win. I heard that she and Mark are a couple off the dance floor... anyone else hear that?
Kyle is still in there... he's not suave enough to win, but he sure does have rhythm, and he's a cutie.
I loved Florence and Corky's rehearsal where they brought in their 'children' to critique them. Appropriate or NOT. Too funny. But I really didn't understand the reaction of the judges. They didn't do anything too raunchy... although Florence did a couple of ornery moves.
Hi all!
I LOVED Florence and Corky's dance! Just because you're over a certain age doesn't mean you can't be sexy! What was Carrie Ann saying..."You're Mrs. Brady!" Like Mrs. Brady and Mike never got it on? Please. I love Corky and I think he is an awesome instructor. I'd love to take ballroom/Latin from him! I loved when one of the moves in the rehearsal gave Mark the giggles.
The Situation wouldn't have won. He gave it his all, but he should have gone before Margaret, definitely.
Haven't heard that Mark and Bristol are a couple. I know he's touchy-feely with her, but I thought that's just how he was. He kissed his dad hello in the Corky/Florence segment, so I thought he was just a demonstrative kind of guy.
I LOVE KYLE! He really is amazing. He won't win either, but I hope he makes top 5. Such energy and charisma; he'd be fun to hang out with.
Jennifer is doing so, so, so awesome now. I read today that her "steps are as sharp as scissors"...amazing!
Okay, who grabbed Len's ass last night? I almost fell out of my chair when I heard him say "STOP GRABBING MY ASS!"
Witt :)
**Pool Update**
Florence & Corky - Rbennie & Witt
Rick & Cheryl - Becky
Brandy & Maks - Merrilee
Kurt & Anna - ML
Audrina & Tony - Donna in AL & FL
Jennifer & Derek - Nana in NW
Kyle & Lacey - MEB
Bristol & Mark - Margo
Buh Bye!!
The Hoff & Kym - Sydney
Michael & Chelsie - Monty924
Margaret & Louis - Gaylos
The Situation & Karina - PDXGranny
I'm so over the 'ass' grabbing. I thought that was so inappropriate for Tom to scream out as Brooke was talking. It started out with Maks when MelB was his partner, and Maks had her goosing Tom... Then he continued doing it with his next dancer, and now everyone is doing it. It's just silly and not necessary and I hope the producers do something to stop it.
There! Yes, I feel better!
GO KYLE! (and Jennifer)
Anyone here. I got in just before Florence danced. Good scores. I hope they are high enough. I liked her dance. Who else has danced? Has Rick Fox danced yet?
I absolutely CAN NOT believe that Bristol is safe and the three couples who were in the bottom were the ones who had the least votes. Are people not voting or is the Tea Party flooding the boards? It reminds me of when the almost never got rid of Mister P or whatever his name was several years ago.
Bristol was better this week, but the others were all MUCH better. JMHO.
I think either Kyle or Bristol should have gone before Florence. While I don't think she can win, she can at least dance.
I also think the competition is down to Brandy, Audrina and Jennifer. I personally don't care for Kurt. He's ok... but neither he nor Rick will win, so when they end up in the bottom three, it doesn't and won't bother me. Just not before Bristol or Kyle.
I don't think that BRISTOL believes that she was safe and Florence went home. That was ridiculous, but then again the American public votes strangely sometimes (remember Sabrina Bryan???).
My gal Florence is out, and I'm really proud of everything she did. She really did an awesome job.
I'm rooting for Jennifer. I'm not far off her age, and would love to see her win against the 20 and 30- somethings that are also in the running.
I love, love, love the All Time Favorite Dances. Cheryl, Derek and Julieann had more favorites than anyone. My all time favorite was the quick step Julieann did with the the race car driver.
I loved it too Becky. I liked Apolo in both of his dances. But notice.. all three were with Julianne. I wish she'd come back to DWTS. She and Derek are the best choreographers EVER!
I was a little disappointed in Jennifer and Derek tonight. When they showed that clip of the mess-up, I had to agree they didn't deserve good marks, but Carrie Anne's 6 was really just mean.
Brandy does well, but she gets on my nerves.
Audrina's marks were unfair too. Just because they didn't like the expression on her face. The dance was still spot on!
My Kyle really did well. He's not going to win, of course, but I still like to watch him.
Seeing Brett Michales worries me that he'll be there next as a contestant. I like him ok, but I don't think, because of his health. that it would be wise.
Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever seen Derek slip up -- Jennifer was going so wild last night that not only did she slip up, he did, though of course he saved it in a millisecond.
And Mark (who I think is a doll) is so affectionate with Bristol... I know they all get close but it almost looks like a little more. Does anyone else think so?
Nancy Wilson (guitarist for Heart)
is still wearing the top hat?
Last night it was so great to see those dances between Apollo and Julianne again. They were my favorite couple of all. I do love Derek-- he is like watching excellence personified, which I really am in awe of and admire. But I think I maybe should have voted for he and Jennifer last night. I don't want to see them go but I have not been voting this season.
At least it's a pretty close group talent wise. More than any season I can remember there is no obvious stand out, and the ones who were not good get surprisingly better each week. Just what the show is supposed to be about.
HI everyone --
Watching the very end when it's time to eliminate one of the two couples, and I'm listening to the judges go on and on about how shocked they are as Tom is calling them on last night's comments for both couples. I guess the judges are unwilling to admit that when they trash the dancers, the public won't vote for them and it hurts them...
so Jennifer and Audrina are in the bottom two.
And I know why Audrina is going to be the one to go home. She is beautiful and has really improved but she is unable to emote. She's a sweet and classy girl and maybe she's even going to be relieved that it's over... but she has no angst or passion or anger in her. The dance needs form and emotion, and she struggled with the latter.
Sydney, I read somewhere that Mark and Bristol ARE a couple. He is too affectionate for it to be otherwise,ie, Derek hugs Jennifer all the time, but he's never giving her those 'sweet' little kisses like Mark does with Bristol.
Also heard that Mark is a celebrity hog and he may just be taken with the Palin notoriety. Whatever it is, I hope no one gets hurt!
funny: my wv is pastday and the hour I'm up right now, it's spot on! I should be in bed!
Anyone here how is tonights show going does anyone on the east coast know who got booted off??
Rick got the boot,,,,Bristol is still there.
**Pool Update**
Brandy & Maks - Merrilee, Delee
Bristol & Mark - Margo
Jennifer & Derek - Nana in NW, Jennsmom
Kyle & Lacey - MEB
The Hoff & Kym - Sydney, dla
Michael & Chelsie - Monty924, Terry in PA
Margaret & Louis - Gaylos
The Situation & Karina - PDXGranny
Florence & Corky - Rbennie & Witt
Audrina & Tony - Donna in AL & FL
Rick & Cheryl - Becky
Kurt & Anna - ML
My 5 votes tonight went to Jennifer & Derek... terrific dancing!! Typically don't vote but felt it was a vote worthy performance this evening! Who else has a favorite?
I cannot believe Brandy went home before Bristol Palin. It's obvious this has turned into a political show versus a dancing competition! DWTS should NEVER have had Bristol on the show -- she is not a STAR! I am so freaking disappointed. If she wins it all, this will be one less show I'll be watching!
WOW WOW WOW I am SHOCKED at tonights elimanation WOW is all I can say. I like Bristol but am really shocked she is still there,
Karen out on the west coast
IT'S FIXED! I cannot believe Bristol is still on. Brandy deserved to stay soooo much more! I totally believe it's political and the SP fans are who kept Bristol in this competition. I'm very disappointed and also feel sadness for Brandy -- she deserved to stay. Shame on DWTS for letting this happen.
I certainly hope this takes a different turn over the next two weeks and returns to being an actual dancing competition vs what is has become... Bristol has improved tremendously over the season, but should not be there at this stage in the competition, let alone beat Brandy... I have enjoyed the dancing and most of the celebs this season, but have not understood the voting on multiple weeks, including tonight. The judges have gone easy on her all season, while they beat the life out of other celebs... if she makes it through next week, I am out...
**Pool Update**
This is SOOOOO WRONG!! No way that Bristol should outlast Brandy. I hope this is not the last season we see Maks. I think derek was looking forward to a Jennifer/Brandy duel for the final.
Bristol & Mark - Margo
Jennifer & Derek - Nana in NW, Jennsmom
Kyle & Lacey - MEB
The Hoff & Kym - Sydney, dla
Michael & Chelsie - Monty924, Terry in PA
Margaret & Louis - Gaylos
The Situation & Karina - PDXGranny
Florence & Corky - Rbennie & Witt
Audrina & Tony - Donna in AL & FL
Rick & Cheryl - Becky
Kurt & Anna - ML
Brandy & Maks - Merrilee, Delee
Maks was on good morning america
today and said the following.
people are voting for the package
and the package is not always what
it seems like.
I take it to mean Bristol is not
what she appears to be.
We should be very afraid of the power of the Tea Party.
I use to be a die hard Dancing with the Stars Fan until this season. Bristol is no star and definitely not a good dancer.
When I saw Audrina get voted off then Rick Fox, and now Brandi, I changed the channel and said no more politics.
We are weeks away from the finals and she is still here. Dancing with the Stars should reconsider letting another politcal figure or their families on the show. This dance competition not a voters election.
I have issues that brisole was and is not a star and should have never been asked to be on dancing with the STARS!
I was shocked last night also. Not because I don't like Bristol... I was just shocked, period. Brandy was clearly the better dancer between the those two, but its always been a fan voting system and with fan voting you get these polarizing votes. It happens every season.
I've voted for Jennifer and Derek all season and occasionally threw some votes Kyle and Lacey's way. I've voted for J & K because I adore her, but I really can't stand Derek Hough. Its been hard, LOL.
I have nothing against Bristol and the Tea Party, which I can't figure out what the heck that has to do with anything, but she clearly doesn't have the talent that Jennifer or Kyle has. Kyle also makes me smile and stand up and cheer after he dances some of the numbers this season.
I think I'm going to break with my tradition and vote for Kyle only in the finals. I'll wait and see if Derek and Jennifer knock my socks off come next Monday, of course, but I have a feeling that Kyle and Lacey's freestyle will be quite a thrill. Peace!!
I doubt (at least right now) that I will watch the finals of DWTS next week. Bristol is going to win, thanks to the TP. She has improved, but is no where near the caliber of dancer that any on the stars who have left the past few weeks. Seeing Brandy go was the last straw.
BTW, did anyone else hear Mark and Bristol exchange I love yous last night?
I'll be watching the finals. I still don't know if the TP has anything to do with this turn of events (why would they? DWTS votes certainly won't change how the country is run) but in my heart of hearts I think Mya should have won when Donny Osmond was named champion. He won with many viewer votes. How did Marie Osmond make it to the finals?? Viewer votes. It was a huge shock to me when Emmitt was named champion, not Mario. (Yes -- viewer votes.) However, it essentially ends up being a popularity contest, unless judge votes are given more weight. So You Think You Can Dance names favorite dancer, not best dancer, and this is the same.
I don't agree that Bristol is still there, though I've enjoyed watching her grow. (Yes, I did hear the I love yous with her and Mark...that was sweet.)
I'll be interested to see how ABC will spin it if Bristol wins...though I don't see that happening. I've so enjoyed Kyle's performances over the season, I've been mostly voting for him and for Jennifer.
Vote for your favorite! Let's see how it shakes out.
Witt :)
The Tea Party is a group of fanatics that want Palin to be president. This is a fun thing to do for them. Show their power in this DWTS voting. Undeserving Bristol will probably win because of them and they will cheer because they will have shown this country that they do indeed hold some power. Wait and see.
Will some one please post who won tonight for me
Out first: Bristol and Mark
And the winner is: Jennifer and Derek!
Well, this one shook out the way it should have, IMHO! Jennifer and Derek were the best dancers, Kyle earned his way there and Bristol, as much as she improved, should have been first out. I don't understand how she got to the finals in the first place. All is right in the world of DWTS, and we get to do it again next season!
Chris & Cheryl -
Kirstie & Maks -
Sugar Ray & Anna -
Wendy & Tony -
Petra & Dmitry -
Psycho Mike & Lacey -
Chelsea & Mark -
Hines & Kym -
Romeo & Chelsie -
Kendra & Louis -
Ralph & Karina -
Who wants to join this wonderful (cough, cough) cast and play in the pool!!
I have
So far. We would like at least 11 participants if possible. I will be picking names Sunday night.
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