Well, we can only hope Blogger will function better tonight than it did on premiere night! If there is either a problem with me posting updates here or comments not being able to be posted, I'll move things to the Facebook show page.
However, Blogger permitting, major updates will be posted in this entry and everyone is welcome to party (and comment) in the comments area. The loss of Dick won't be addressed until Wednesday's show, so we'll have Dick tonight. I know. I'm bad. On with the show!
The veterans have aligned as have Keith, Lawon and Dominic. So far, two alliances. Dominic is trying to get Cassi in on his little alliance. If it works, they vote to save each other if on the block. She's in and they're "The Regulators." @@
Dick is trying to get Porsche aboard with the veterans. She runs and tells her duo buddy Keith about it. Uh-oh. So Keith goes to Dominic and Cassi.
Rachel is hosting the food comp. It's a Have/Have Not scenario again -- slop, cold showers, bad room. They're dressed in little cow outfits. Space Milk Mountain, asks Lawon. Cowsmic Journey. They have to soak up milk and squeeze milk into jugs.
Teams of four -- three cows and one person who jumps on them to squish out the milk. The Have Nots are Lawon, Kalia, Shelly and Cassi. The library room is gone and replaced with a padded cell with mats on the floor. The lights are always on.
Dick wants to get Adam on their side, same deal as Porsche -- if up, get the Golden Key and vote with the veterans.
Nominations Today. Keith thinks if he and Porsche go on the block, it's all her fault and the Regulators will save him.
Key order -- Daniele/Dick, Jeff/Jordan, Lawon/Kalia, Shelly/Cassi, Adam/Dominic.
Keith/Porsche nominated. "Strategic gameplay," explains Porsche.
Oh my, the announcer voice said, "When one houseguest unexpectedly leaves the game, it threatens to change everything."
Gee, who could that be?
i'm here! -jeannemarie
I'm here too.
Me too!
Recaps, but that's ok... need some reminding.
hey everyone!! hope everyone had a nice weekend! Im looking forward to tonite's show!
Blah blah blah
Did Jorden just pass gas?
Chalk on the blackboard, chalk on the blackboard
You're ahead of me somehow Becky... didn't know what you were saying until right now. Yep... she sure did.
Love the fish!
Hello from San Diego where the sun is shining and it's hard to be inside! I brought some fresh lemonade for everyone. This is our tree's first summer and it's already giving us fruit. Also, there's a wicker basket full of zucchini if anyone needs some. Next time we won't plant so much!
So, on with the show for you all who can see it now and I'll just read about it for now!
Hey Laurie... good seeing you again!
these two morons make me want to smash my head into a wall.
Another alliance with a nickname. GAA!
Regulators... that's a pretty good idea.. wonder how long before it falls apart. : )
Who are the regulators?
Smart thinking on the part of Nick.
Laurie ... I've been updating the post with that stuff. But the Regulators are Dominic, Cassi, Keith and Lawon.
Laurie.. Four of them, one from each of four of the teams, got together and said no matter what, if one of them goes on the block, the other three will vote to keep them... giving them at least 3 votes to stay. They named themselves the Regulators. Dom, Lawon, Keith and the pretty girl who teamed up with the older woman.
I think that explains it.
Yes.. Cassi... that's it!
Thanks Jackie and Meb.
Hey, it won't take us as long to learn all the names this year, will it? We only have 8 to learn ... maybe only 7 by the end of the week!
Watching ED tonight makes me sad! :(
Did she just say 'starch white'?
Funny competition.
meb-- me think that alliance will fall apart.
Yep, yep, yep Plaid Chick... but it was still a good idea... gives them a little step ahead if it works.
I agree with Plaid Chick too. It was a smart plan, but the alliance will fall apart.
I like the toned down Rachel a lot better, but I doubt that will last also.
Dang, dinner party ran late. sorry
Augh I've been watching instead of being in the pool!
When Rachel called everyone in to the house, she said it quietly like a normal person... much more attractive.
I'm hoping they get rid of Keith and keep Porsche.
Well, Hey guys. Buy guys. I left my bag of tiny drink umbrellas under the bar. Feel free. see you next time!
I am off too. Leverage is on and I want to see it. See you next week.
Don't think the Regulators can save Keith if they really want him gone. He only has 3 guaranteed votes if the Regulators come through for him. The other votes will go for Porche to stay. Can Brandon vote?
OK... good first blog, since it was messed up last week. May have to watch BBAD a little tonight.
I sure wish I could watch and party along with everyone else! I'm finally here with my bucket o' brew, and the pool is empty. :(
Thanks for the lemonade, Laurie. I've never had any from home grown lemons before! I'll sip on it while waiting for the show here on the left coast.
My word verification: wingleab
Did everyone take wing and leab??
Just got home and turned on the tivo. It taped the 1st 5 min and the last 10 min. UGH!!!
Finally! Now I know why Keith & Porsche were nominated. I know they've been fighting, but that's been since the nominations and knew it couldn't have had anything to do with the nominations. The veterans have the right idea to pull in some from the newbies. That will give them much needed votes as the game goes on.
The Regulators had a good idea too. I wonder if it'll work. I'm curious to see how they go about trying to convince their duo-partners to vote for their alliance partners without giving the alliance away.
Evel Dick was plotting well tonight and it looks like Rachel may have learned a few things from her previous season. I will miss ED even though there were times he went to far in his season.
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