Where am I?
What am I doing in this handbasket?
What am I doing in this handbasket?
My sincere apologies for being so long between live feeds reports. Not that it's an excuse (but it is!), for those who don't know -- I'm recovering from a major surgery and I'm not quite 100% yet in the concentration department. But I'm here now and here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Catty Crazies:
- Jordan said she's actually like to do something dramatic (nominate Brendon and Rachel is the meaning of dramatic).
- Jeff thinks it's too early for that move but would stand behind whatever she wants to do.
- As much as I want Rachel to go and as sick I am of watching the neverending Brenchal drama codependently play out, I think Jeff is right. It's too early and they need them not only for a voting block, but to protect themselves because as long as Brendon and Rachel are in the game, they're more of a target.
- Dominic has continued to worm his way into the Veterans Circle, casting a lot of the mistrust onto his duo buddy Adam (who's less of a threat remaining in the game than Dominic, but hey ...)
- Cassi is sure that she'll be going home since Dominic is sure to save himself (and thus Adam) with the PoV.
- She's keeping a push on for a backdoor of Brendon and Rachel.
- Sigh. It's unlikely.
- Brendon told Damiele how frustrated he is with Rachel lately -- she's gloating about wins, making jabs at others and generally playing a poor social game.
- Stupid Brendon. What made him thing her behavior would be any different this season from last?
- Cassi hopes that if she goes home, a Pandora's box or America's Vote might get her back in the house.
- Don't hold your breath, girl.
- I like you better than I like Rachel but you haven't endeared me yet!
- Jordan doesn't particularly trust Porsche and thinks she (Porsche) has become way too close to Rachel.
- Kalia understands that Jordan can't backdoor Rachel and Brendon this early in the game and says that she's in the alliance with them all too and knows they need the numbers.
- Dominic told Daniele he definitely has a deal with Jeff and Jordan.
- For now, that'll work. Brendon and Rachel are better targets.
- Then it happened ...
- Rachel told Cassi that after she made a deal she (Cassi) went around saying that Brendon and Rachel needed to be nominated and no one had the "balls" to do it."
- Cassi didn't deny it and said that she's just being honest and is probably the most honest person in the house.
- Rachel told Cassi that she's the worst game player ever in the house!
- Cassi came back with how Rachel can't ever get along with girls in the house!
- They eventually split up before the hairpulling stage.
- Rats.
- Then Jordan did something which belies every moment of ditziness she's ever displayed. She went for the peacemaker role.
- First she talked to Rachel, who teared up but didn't get upset with Jordan for being honest with her.
- Albeit a bit sugarcoated, Jordan went over Rachel's poor social game and tried to convince her to not give those little jabs, not gloat over wins, not feel she needs to win everything, not rub the Brendon and her coupling so much ...
- Actually Brendon has been trying to give Rachel the same advice, but he's so condescending when he does it that it makes her more upset.
- Coming from Jordan, it was more like a concerned friend trying to help her.
- But Rachel cried anyway and talked about the mean girls last season and how Cassi reminds her of them, how people hate her, etc.
- Then Jordan talked to Cassi. Cassi was less receptive than Rachel about the talk.
- But neither took offense to Jordan because she did her part so diplomatically.
- Yay, Jordan!
- Poor Jordan that she was in the middle of things, though.
- Rachel cried, then cried some more.
- Jordan tried to comfort her.
- Daniele rolled her eyes.
- Heh, gotta like that Daniele, too!
- Jeff still thinks Cassi has to go this week.
- Jordan doesn't want to put Kalia and Lawon up because she definitely trusts Kalia and Lawon can be worked with.
- Jordan said, down the line, Daniele would scare her in the Final Four.
- Yep, she should scare anyone - she plays a good social game and is good at comps, too!
- Both Jeff and Jordan said they'd love it if Evel Dick was in there to stir up stuff now.
- So would I!
- Cassi admitted to Dominic that she models full time and has done many major magazines.
- No, I'm not talking Playboy and Hustler! Minds out of that gutter please before you get thrown under the bus!
- Cassi said that, stleast if she goes this week, she leaves with her integrity intact.
- Yes, though I'm not on the Save Cassi Bandwagon, she hasn't done anything wrong in the house.
- I also give her kudos for the friction with Rachel. At least it made the feeds worthwhile last night!
- Mind you, Cassi isn't even on the block yet. The Veto meeting is later today, but it's just about a done deal now.

I want that refrigerator!

Jordan, Girl Peacemaker

And Rachel cried

And Rachel cried some more

Cassi will not kowtow to Rachel!

Making jellybean toothpick figures.
I'll be sorry to see Cassi go. She's one of the few newbies that I like. She's spunky. Dominic is the other newbie that I like. I hope he can hang in there, but he's always going to be a target. How's the knee Jackie?
Sorry you arent feeling well, Jax. The heat prolly doesnt help. :(
Love a good cat fight, tho. Wait until Rachel hears that Cassi is a model. Uh oh... fur will surely fly.
I think Jordan will put up Cassi and Shelly. Although I am not a fan of Cassi I hate to see her go. She is smart & a good strategic player,but not necessarliy a good social game player.
I think the cat fights between her and Rachel would make for good entertaining TV.
I would rather see Lawon and Kalia on the block. Kalia is boring and Lawon predictable.
Shelly is likeable but not particularly entertaining. I am sure if Shelly and Cassi go up for eviction Shelly will stay and Cassi will go. Good for the folks in the house but not necessarliy good for us viewers.
Jackie, I had not realized until last week that you had the 2nd knee surgery. I have been out of your blog loop for some months.
I do hope things go well for you this time. Take it easy and let us know how you are progressing.
As predicted by jackie its confirmed. Cassie and Shelly are up.
Its sad, Shelly was crying. I believe she is totally safe.
To bad they have the keys this season, if they didn't then the house could flip the vote then not try for HOH and let Cassie win and put up R/B. Then it wouldn't make Jordan look bad.
Hey Lynn1 longtime no hear. I hope all is well down south and you are not melting.
Rachel isn't that attractive to begin with but she's even worse when she cries! What I don't get is that she's already had problems getting a job because of the show last year so why would she volunteer to do it again? Does she really think she can win? And if she does, how far does she think $500K will take her?
Hi Margo,
I'm more likely to rot than melt.LOL
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