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Saturday, August 27, 2011
Big Brother 13 Live Feeds PoV Bulletin - 8/27
Rachel won the Power of Veto. She'll surely remove herself and Jordan from the block.
yesssssssssssssssssssssss, that makes me so happy! Let the scrambling begin!
Jokers said Shelly won pov but Jordan thought she won pov & refused to give Shelly the pov necklace. Then she threw it in Shellys face & cracked her tooth. Then Jordan was thrown out & Rachel quit because she was pregnant. Then they said Jeff & Dani were re-entering the game to take their places. Somebody must have been trying to fool everyone. I kinda wish that happened but I believe Jackie over any other site.
Richard I saw the same post but I went back it was gone someone must have deleted it thought I was going crazy. SO thanks for the backup I'm not going insane. I'm really glad that Rachel won was ready to say to BB for the year!!!!
Jokers is a good site, but the problem there is anyone can sign on and post anything. Often they have junk like what you apparently saw and wrong comp results. Bad posts don't come down until a monitor sees them there.
Perhaps I don't give blow-by-blow details of every minute, but when I post a brouhaha or comp result ... I don't post until I know from watching the feeds myself.
Can you believe most of Jackie's commenters are now happy Rachel won POV??? What a difference a couple of weeks makes in the BB house! Stay safe Jackie!!
Jackie, I was just saying that to a friend the other day... that I trust you because you verify everything before posting.
Becky, it is 100% true. Jordan comes off the block and the only two that can go up are Shelly and Adam. Porsche is protected as HoH and therefor so is Kalia.
Jordan and Rachel have already confirmed one million times if they win that they will vote Shelly out. They are talking it about it again right now.
Anyone have any idea about the signifance of the fortune teller? Has it been around during previous seasons? I hope it doesn't offer any special powers for whoever activates it.
I am probably one of the few disappointed that Rachel won POV. I cannot stand watching her and her cackling laughter and her mean goodbye messages and everything about her is so over the top ridiculous. And the way she and Brendon act in the house and well, the list goes on. Rachel is my least favorite houseguest in the history of Big Brother. I am not a Shelly fan but I have wanted Rachel out since Week one. Oh well.
I never really liked Rachel's attitude, but Shelly has made her look good in comparison. At least she has played the game instead of just running her mouth and floating by. Shelly has turned out to be a very spiteful, deceitful, and lying person. Hope her daughter understands that this is "just a game"!!!
I'm thrilled Rachel won the POV and she and Jordan are safe... On that note, I want to know if Shelly is completely delusional? She's talking about how she won't stoop to Rachel's level and how the game should be decided on class, if you were nice to people, and not on gameplay. She's also saying how Jordan is going to "check" herself when she watches the show when she gets home. Earlier she said how she wasn't going to accept the apology she so rightfully deserves. This lady must live in la-la-land. I don't recall Rachel ever stealing things from other people. She certainly hasn't joked about POVs being so hard on someone it would save them $400 on the abortion. (If Rachel is pregnant) Rachel may hate floaters and rub winning in people's faces, but she isn't a bully. Shelly, Kalia, and Porshe have no class at all.
April, I couldn't agree with you more. I can't figure Shelly out. She really thinks that she has so much integrity. I can't wait till she gets out of the house and see's just what everyone thought of her.
I'm not sure how or why Shelly feels that Rachel has no chance to win. I think if Rachel makes it to F2 she has a great chance to win. I think that she will definitely get Brendons, Jeff's, Jordon's, and possible Adam's and Porsche's. I think that Adam and Porsche will probably vote for best competitor. That said it depends on who she is in the F2 with. But she has a chance.
Like your comment. Rachel hasn't been the bully here. Yes she's annoying and yes, I couldn't stand her for that reason, but in comparison to the mean girls - well, there is no comparison. She's ignoring all the digs sent her way and has been for the past week.
The mistake that some people (like the nerd herd, the mean girls, April, Adam, etc.) make is forgetting that there is a thing called the live feeds and BBAD. CBS might not show the mean girls and all their shenanigans but a very large percentage of the show's viewership sees what goes on whether it is on the CBS prime time show or not.
When will they ever learn that you can't hide from the cameras and microphones in the BB house? The answer is never. It happens every season and this one isn't the first.
Actually I meant Amber, not April, in the last comment.
They're replacing some of their tea-bag cards and that reminded me of something. Remember how the house guests always whine and beg for cards? I like the fact that this season they made their own. Just use your imagination and you can do a lot of things in there. Its like the season they made cards out of leaves, with the flag paint, on Survivor. Don't depend on production for everything. Do it yourself house guests. :)
Couldn't be more thrilled, go Team Rachel & Jordan!
I think Rachel has started coming into her own without Brendon inciting her to drama and tears. About the worse thing she has said about any of her fellow HG's in the last two weeks is that they are mean or stupid. That qualifies her for sainthood compared to what K, P, D, S, and even Adam have been saying.
Rachel's got issues, we all do, but compared to Shelly she is a class act! It was hard to see Jordan so upset on Thurs BBAD. But I was right, she was upset about the Shelly thing far more than about Jeff leaving.
Shelly remains clueless and oblivious regarding her treatment of Jordan, oh well some people will always believe the end justifies the means and whatever they do is OK but if other people do the same they are dead wrong.
And it is liking arguing religion or politics. It is virtually guaranteed you will not get the other person to see your side or be able to change their mind. I'm betting Shelly goes on always feeling she did no wrong, no harm, the entire matter is Jordan's problem and no one will ever convince her otherwise. Kind of sad really, if Shelly had half the regard for Jordan that Jordan had for her it never would have come to this. All that hurt and Shelly won't have a dime of the money that she decided in the end was so important to her. The same money she spent weeks telling all of us was not important, that she saw BB strictly as a human experiment and a great experience.
I will be glad to see her go to jury, it will be one less constant Rachel basher in the house. With any luck K and P will slow down doing it too and talk about ANYTHING else under the sun.
Who would thunk it, R and J F5 AND Rachel's got tons of fans rooting for her! Come ladies three HOHs and you're F2! Boy Dani's head would spin right off her shoulders if that happened!
Nice just now on the feeds. Shelly made the first move. She walked by Jordan and patted her on the back and said congratulations. They're all talking now and making pleasant conversation.
Baby steps, but I'm happy to see this feud and everything begin to heal itself. And... it always does. This season might be harder than others, but you never know.
I think the BB prods have the comps down to a science and tailor them for the contestants. Let's not forget that there are WRITERS for this show who have to come up with good storylines. With Rachel and Jordan gone, BB would have surely lost viewers.
And I don't think Adam is a true, hardcore Metal head. He reminds me of this guy I know.
I think he used his interest in metal to get himself onto his favorite show. Once he was in he shaved the beard, stop screaming and cut the act.
Next week we need to get rid of Kalia or Jordan. Those are the next two that I want to see leave. Kalia b/c I don't like her and Jordan b/c she already won BB and someone like her should work a day in her life and not be awarded 1,000,000 dollars from being on reality tv.
Ninboh, I think it was just a 'peace' gesture. She may have said good job... I didn't hear her clearly. In any case, it was nice to see she made the first move.
If there was any doubt, the fix is on. Except for the double eviction, which had to go down in 60 minutes, BB stacks the deck to undo any newbie HOH.
Jordan (and Rachel) have gotten help from BB before, have gotten it now, and (just watch) will get it in the future when necessary. Otherwise, both of those pesky fools would be out by now.
If only for that reason, here's hoping (but not really expecting) that they lose.
@anon, isn't that kind of ridiculous. Rachel won veto, all 6 played and they all had an equal chance at winning. Same thing with the HOH comp, Porsche won that. It's a game. 5 of them will lose and only 1 will win the money.
I'm sure Shelly said congratulations because Jordan is coming off the block with Rachel because of Pandora's box. I sincerely hope that Shelly sees what she's like when she watches the show, if only for the sake of her daughter. (On a side note, I saw somewhere on Joker's that her daughter said that she wished Shelly would quit lying, does anyone know where that was said???) I'm so glad that feisty Rachel is back and she's taking care of Jordan. April
I don't think it's ridiculous. To me it makes perfect sense.
Vets (on any reality show) pull in ratings which is why they bring them on. If Jordan and Rachel get picked off they have no show! Even after Jeff got evicted, aside from Jordan's blow up, the house got REALLY boring.
Usually the Pandora prize is a special power (coup de etat or Diamond veto). I also find it weird that Rachel and Jordan and Adam and Shelly got paired off.
Remember that there are writers for this show whose job it is to keep a good storyline going. Rachel and Jordan's fates were sealed until Pandora's box. Everyone was preparing for a questions/quiz veto, but it was very physical. Rachel and Jordan have all physical comps won against the others.
SO yeah come on people. Are we really supposed to believe that Brendon was America's choice AND pandaora's box allowed for Rachel and Jordan, whose fates were sealed, to last another week or 2? Not to mention the fact that Rachel (and Dick), the most disliked bb player ever, was asked to come back.
Alison Grodner is pulling strings and keeping the ratings up.
Jordan works as a receptionist and is stuudying to be a dental hygenist, as far as I know. So she works a lot of days at a job i would not do. I asked my daughter why she worked. It did not sound like a lot of money. My daughter said she bought a house foor her mother and grandfather and may still help them.
I think you maay be right about Adam. He hardly yells anymore.
@Anon 3:35 I love Rachel. I did last year as well. Last summer I seriously thought it was everyone else and that there were some seriously misguided loyalties (Britt and Regan) and that Rachel and Brendon did have the house gunning for them. I don't know how I would act in that situation, so I cast no stones on Rachel. This season, watching the show, I didn't see everyone being as mean, but her behavior was the same, so I had a small crisis of faith in her. But honestly, if you want to talk about class in how this game has been played, Jordan and Rachel are the only ones in the house that have it right now. Porshe, Kalia, and Shelly have been downright horrible to that girl. I don't think the fix is on. I never did. Jeff and Jordan and Dick were LOVED during their seasons. That's why Jeff got the coup d'tet and Dick was voted to be saved by America's Player over and over. Brendon and Rachel weren't loved so much during their season but they were with Jeff and Jordan this season. So, out of the four people that America had to choose from to vote back in the house, who would help Jeff and Jordan the most? That would be Brendon, of course. I don't know why people aren't making that connection. I personally voted for Brendon like 50 times and I'm sure other people did too. As for the pairs, they kinda make sense. Jordan and Rachel were already on the block, so they couldn't be in different pairs playing for the POV and BB probably just put Kalia and Porshe together because of their alliance. That left Adam and Shelly. Didn't Julie say that they weren't totally done with the pairs twist yet, when they disbanded the pairs earlier in the season? I know that Shelly thinks she made a big game move, but she lost the confidence of Jeff and Jordan and I'm almost positive Brenchel was not going to award her the money unless some other superfloater was sitting next to her in the final two. So she'd have had to take Adam. Because everyone else that's left has won some competitions and that's what Brenchel respects.
Yeah I also voted like 70 times for Brendan to come back into the house. And I did it as a Brenchal fan cuz I don't care about Jeff and Jordan. But a lot of Jeff and Jordan fans did vote for Brendan. Plus the Brenchal haters split their votes btwn Dom and Cassi ergo it was completely reasonable that Brendan got the most votes. (Obviously Keith's votes were negligible.)
Ninboh--If you believe the POV competition was "fair and square", I have a deal on some swamp land for you.
In the POV competition, there was a one in three chance, not one in six, that BOTH (not just one) of the nominees would come off the block! Had they not both come off, Jordan would have been evicted over Adam, and Rachel would have been next in line.
On top of that, odds are that the POV itself was slanted in Rachel and Jordan's favor. It was fishy and predictable from the moment they announced the new duos.
If I were Porsche, Kalia, Adam, and Shelly, I'd probably walk off the show.
In the end, I'm sure that BB doesn't care who wins. They care about ratings. Obviously, they are stacking the deck to keep the remaining worthless vets around to keep ratings up.
I think i read on jokers, and jackie can confirm porshe did the pairings after she opened pandoras box. had she not paired rachel with jordan rachel could not have saved them both. porshe only has herself to blame. dani would have thought that thru before she did it to prevent exactly this. hahahaha again I totally agree with lili
Anon: Ever since "Quiz Show"s cheating scandal in the 50s there has been government oversight of game shows...and BB counts. BB could not cheat in some of the ways you've suggested. For example they could not fake Brendon winning the vote without committing a federal crime.
That said, BB like Survivor can subtly influence the game by the confessionals/DR where they ask questions (that you never hear) which can put a bug in people's ear. You might recall a little Survivor controversy a few years back when an ousted player sued Survivor claiming the confessionals planted seeds in the minds of the voters that got him evicted. I believe he lost the case, but it is possible for them to manipulate that way. They COULD also tailor contests to favor certain contestants but could you please define what contest favors Jordan over any of the the others? Or Rachel? There are comps like the wall balancing ones which always seem to favor the physically demure. But a lot of comps, like the clown shoe comp on Thursday are largely random.
And I think it is silly at this point to think BB needs Jordan or Rachel to keep interest. Yes they throw the vets in there to give us some polarizing figures and some name recognition. But at this point, most of us are vested in the outcome. And no new folks are going to jump in unless something really dramatic happened and made the nightly news. If Jordan went home, people wouldn't tune out so much as continue to tune in hoping to see Shelly get her comeuppance.
With game show rules and oversight, A Grodner has far more to lose by trying to manipulate results than she has to gain.
I have heard both that Porsche did the pairings and then that they paired themselves up. Either way it wasn't BB production that paired them up.
I'd also point out that they were paired up before noms which is why J/R were both nominated. Only a duo could be nominated.
C'mon bitter anon, at least focus on the things we know to be true/false.
In keeping with your statistics, the duos also meant there was a 2 out of 3 chance that noms would stay the same. When compared with single comp, not that different. Six possible outcomes in singles play:
Kalia, adam, Porsche, Shelly win POV - Rachel goes home Jordan wins POV - Rachel goes home Rachel wins POV - Jordan may well stay if she's up against Adam or she may go home, call it a split decision
So in singles play there is a 8% chance that they both stay, a 92% chance Jordan stays and a 16% chance Rachel stays. All duos did was make that a 33% chance they both stay vs a 67% chance Rachel goes home. OOOO...if I'm production I'd really risk a fine or jail time to make sure those odds changed.
And if production was so much in the vets camp, the POV comp on Thursday would have been very physical as Big Jeff would have had no competition.
I don't really care for Brenchal but definitely wanted Brendon back in the house of those 4, he would bring the most drama back! I want interesting TV! Rachel doesn't really bother me too much, and I'm rooting for her now, she and Jordan need each other!
anon 8:03 I'm with you. I just want something watchable.
I used to get all emotional and passionate about my favorite sports teams. Then I got older and realized that they didn't share their enormous salaries, extra women, or trophies with me. I was less vested.
Same with BB. I get nothing from the game except the journey to the end. If it annoys me, well I felt something. If it thrills me, well I felt something. In the end, that's what drama is for whether reality TV or scripted fare. You go home feeling something: laughter, sadness, joy, whatever. But the feeling disappears in short order. It's the journey that counts!
I seem to remember that Jordan's father left the family and that the family was left living in an apartment with Jordan sharing a bed with her mother. They had no money to get a better place. She used her winnings from her season to buy her family a house and has continue to work throughout the past two years all while going to school.
I would prefer her to win over some of the others such as Kalia and Porshe simply because I don't like them...at all. I don't care too much for Adam, he's really starting to get on my nerves but I would prefer him over Shelly, Kalia, and Porshe.
I wouldn't mind so much if Rachel won either. She apparently couldn't find a job due to her appearance on last years show and it would be nice for her to start out her marriage with a little nest egg. I may not like Brendon but I do thinki he's doing something worthwhile with his life...searching for a cure for a cancer and would like to see him succeed. I didn't watch Rachel's season so I don't really understand why everyone hates her so much. I don't think she's that bad really...a little annoying maybe but not half as much as Kalia, with her incessant talking, and Porshe, with her incessant bragging.
I'm sorry if I've rambled on...I just had a Hard lemonade and those things are really strong and I never drink alcohol. wow, I need to lay down.
ps. I would put in my name but I can't remember my password.
This is an interesting turn of events! Can't wait to see it all play out. It's amazing how people (I'm talking to you, Porsche) can brag brag brag, and then the other side wins something and then things go suddenly very quiet and respectful! Boasting really rubs me the wrong way, since it's often undeserved, and my grandmother always said, "There's no excuse for bad manners."
I ALWAYS rely on Jackie and don't read any other BB sites, since I know if I read it on Jackie's blog, it actually happened! :)
Lots and lots of rain and wind last night (I have MANY leaves and sticks to clean up in my yard) but no damage in my house. Closer to the coast I don't think will have the same report, but Irene was nice to me, much nicer than Isobel was. My husband also made a kickin' batch of what we call "Hurricane Chili." He went to the store this morning; he wants to make another batch!
Joe Thanks for bringing up the 50's mess. As I was reading the posts I was thinking "These people must be too young (unlike me) to remember all the scandal". A.Grodner has to be very very careful and I am sure she is.
Sunny and HOT in Florida. That's what happens after a hurricane passes. I'm staying inside today. Record highs expected.
Is it just me, or does that fortune teller thing remind anyone of the Zoltar machine from the movie "Big"?
Shelly's daughter did mention her mom lying when they interviewed her family on the show, monty -- you are right. I wonder what all the houseguests think when they go home and watch the episodes, or do you think they even bother? That would be a lot of tv to sift through.
I actually think BB doesn't have to follow game show laws since it has reality show status. That being said I do NOT believe that BB is rigged or scripted. We have enough bitter ex hgs from the show who would have slipped up and indicated that it was scripted. And the magic of the show is that it's random. The only comps where you can really predict an outcome is physical or endurance but most of the hgs could still win those comps if they tried harder. The rest, corn hole, ski ball, putting, pile of balls, and quizzes come down to random luck. Though the quizzes are studiable. Some games like OTEV, the counting game, and and filling up your ball involve some strategic reasoning and/or memory. These do favor vets who already competed in them in their previous season. However, that's not a super advantage. Brendan and Jeff and Porsche were using the correct strategy on the counting game for HOH by betting conservative and still accidentally lost. Whereas Danielle made terrible guesses in almost every round and got lucky that she was always second to the person who lost that round so she won that HOH. Thus in essence, it all boys down to luck and/or a little mind over matter and physical skill. And then there's the social game. I hate Shelly but I have to admit.she"s playing an outstanding game of manipulation. She was making Jordan apologize to her last night and thoroughly bashed Rachel to Jordan. I mean if she gets Jordan to keep her this week, it's abominable but good game play. The reason I don't like her is her holier than thou attitude and how she really truly believes she is so much better than Rachel as a human being. And she cries in the DR about making game moves, gag....
Ninboh - Any show with prize money has to follow game show rules.
Shows like The Bachelor or Jersey Shore that don't have prizes could script events all they want. But if they are giving out prizes they fall under game show rules.
Ninboh - other than the game show issue, I agree with you completely.
As for the game show issue, my (minimal) internet research actually indicates that the networks are largely self-policing and that in the last decade they have relaxed some of the rules that had been in place since the scandal in 1958. There is actually less oversight than I originally thought as it is mostly self-imposed by the networks in response to congressional intervention.
Survivor Jeff talked of the game show issue in an interview that I think I remember. It would have been in the early Survivor days. I think they cannot change what a contestant does, but they are free to manipulate that contestant all they want, like Jeff does on camera at TC on Survivor. If the hg chooses to believe what they say in the DR, then that is manipulation by them, not game changing. Belle
Here is a link that sounds accurate to me, but I am not a legal expert. The last few paragraphs speak of no one knowing very much about how reality shows fit into the game show laws. Belle
I'm in the game for the ride and usually wind up supporting an alliance, disliking someone, cheering on someone to the win, and being diappointed when certain people get voted out. I like trying and figure out what moves people should make to get them further and bantering that around with others here. All of that makes Big Brother a fun game to watch. This year, I've experience more than my usual share of disappointments. - I can't stand Rachel and figured she'd be long gone by now. -I never imagined ANYONE would vote Brendon back in. I wanted Dom or Cassi to win that -I wanted Dani to stay and win even -I think Shelly finally made a smart move by ditching J&J. -I'm disappointed in Jeff. I thought he was great before this season. I do like Jordan. She's a good girl. I'm a single mom and would be thrilled if one of my kids won the kind of money that could buy us a place to live so I wouldn't have to worry about the moving thing anymore. That they would do that is even better. And, if that child got a chance to win again I'd be beside myself with joy for them. So, I guess I'm all team Jordan now. What a season!
While I am glad that Jordan will get to stay, this turn only reinforces the theory that CBS has rigged the entire show. Again I will state that yes, I know alot of shows have production interference and are scripted to a degree, but I thought BB was one of the few that had very little production involvement. I am disheartened at this season. Another fun, naive idea ruined. No, Petals, there is no Santa Clause.
I do not think it is rigged, I think perception is based on who you are rooting for at this point. Let's say Pandora's box wasn't opened by Porsche...then there would not have been a twist...or say Shelly and Adam were on the block and you were rooting for them?? Just saying=)
Shelly's "apology" to Jordan feels really smarmy to me and manipulative. It seems designed mostly to get Jordan to distrust Rachel at this point to what purpose?
The sole reason Jordan will remain safe and have a shot at the next HOH is because Rachel won the POV.
Every single person in the house wants R and J out. They are each others sole hope (and they're friends) for F2, and Shelly trying to break them up is really hurtful.
After all the hurt and damage done if Shelly spends the next five days messing with Jordan's head to try to get her to keep Shelly, and dump Rachel only to then of course turn around and boot Jordan so Shelly can get farther it will take this whole mess to a new low. Leave the girl alone. She and Rachel have earned their safety this week, suck it up Shelly, you betrayed your alliance and now Jordan is gonna vote you out.
All this and Shelly struts around the house saying how she's classy, how she would never sink to Rachel's level. Gak!
I suspect Shelly will be voted out this week regardless of the emotional misery she spreads. Bye!
If R or J can just win the next HOH and boot the newly athletic Porche they stand a really good chance at F2 cuz how can they not beat K and A in most any comp?
Question: at what point can everybody play in every HOH even if they just were HOH? Is it 5 to 4, or 4 to 3?
I think the the types of competitions are definitely manipulated. For example the Veto comp that Rachel just won is the same type (hanging on to something)that she won HOH in week 1.
Glad that I am not the only anti-Shelly person in the room anymore. But I gotta admit - my dislike for her has nothing to do with her game. I just skeeve any woman that acts so much like a man. Icky-Ick-Ick. The boat Miss Chevious is afloat for Jordan! :)
We don't know they aren't predetermined. I believe they are. I believe they vary physical and memory and puzzle. By this time in the game, whoever loses physical is favored the next time.
Oh Petals! Hope you are feeling better and I will jump aboard the Jordan float for the rest of her stay. I don't think she would do something to embarrass anyone, although it was good to see she is human and gets mad enough to swear LOL.
Jackie just called here and asked me to post on her FB page that she is fine, though currently without power. She has gas for cooking and running water and is sitting out the storm and will be speaking for herself, as soon as her power is back. 4 hours ago
I'm so ready for Shelly to get the boot. For a while, I was thinking as much as I wanted her out, that it might be better to boot Adam because the only things Shelly actually excels at are "Lying, "Catty and Backstabbing" (Porsche and Dani could still beat her in the catty department though).
As knowledgeable as Adam appeared to be on BB house info, I thought for sure he would win any quiz comps. But if he didn't throw it, then he's just not good at ANY comps. I keep waiting for him to 'show up.'
In the next few days, I hope Shelly isn't able to worm herself back into Jordan's camp. Probably not. Once burnt, twice shy, and Jordan was burnt bad.
"Big Brother Shelly's Family Receives Death Threats Over Jeff's Eviction
"Big Brother" contestant Shelly Moore pissed off America when she voted to evict fan favorite Jeff Schroeder last week -- and now TMZ has learned her family has been receiving death threats from deranged fans because of the move.
Sources close to Shelly tell us ... the reality star's family has received multiple phone calls from people threatening violence ... even making threats against Shelly's 8-year-old daughter.
We're told Shelly's employer has also been receiving harassing phone calls -- demanding the company fire Shelly immediately because of the way she voted on the show.
Sources tell us Shelly's family is preparing to get the FBI involved -- because they're taking the threats VERY seriously.
We reached out to "Big Brother" for comment -- so far, no response."
@Joe I think it's naive to believe that excutives of a television show are really going to leave the entire show to chance and viewer choice (that's why season 1 was the only one to allow viewer votes). The producers are not just entertaining us out of the kindness of their hearts to please fans. They are financially invested and so are their advertisers. There are writers, editors and producers collaborating to give us a story to invest in.
I guess I was not around during the so called quiz show scandal, but BB is NOT a quiz show nor game show like those of the 50s, it's a reality show, with scripts and writers. Any viewer with half a brain knows that most reality shows are not really "reality" shows at all. That is the biggest criticism of reality shows. Even American Idol came under scrutiny when some callers couldn't get through one year to vote for the contestant near their hometown. I'd like to point you to this--granted it is wikipedia but more than you've shown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_television#Unreal_environments
Because you keep bringing up this quiz show regulations stuff as if it's fact, but I'd like to see some proof. Give me a name of the ordinance or a link to more info about, because I've never heard of it. Even still, reality tv is not a quiz show.
And most people are vested in the outcome?? yeah, because most people at this point have been rooting for some vet or watching the tensions between the vets and newbie (which now that you brought it up I wouldn't be surprised if BB in the DR led their vet prompts with "so how do you feel about those stupid NEWBS"). With all the vets gone and five of the weakest players in BB history (which I also find suspect) left, MANY viewers would have left. Moments after Jeff had gone, the feeds were SOOO dead. Plus all the CBS BB promos I've seen have featured a vet--either Rachel crying or Dani's ownership of the game. Nothing using the newbs to advertise the show.
It's too much of a coincidence at this point that things are falling into place for the vets. Pandora's box is supposed to be a power, not just cash. While many people here say they've voted for brendon, the sentiment on other forums is that people REALLY loved Dominic and could not stand Brendon. The veto should have been a quiz or memory game not a physical one OH and Jordan and Rachel were nominated BEFORE the pandora's box. ~~~
Apparently the applicability of U.S. Code Title 47 Chapter 5 Subchapter V has never been tested in regards to "reality shows". Some people feel that the prize money makes them count as quiz shows. Some people believe that they are not.
Follow the link posted earlier for an interesting discussion about U.S. Code Title 47 and separate FCC regulations.
Feel better anon! (When will I learn not to engage anons who are pimply faced 12 year olds afraid to use their real names)
I would also point out that, to my recollection, only once was there ever a power in Pandora's Box. It was money this year. It was money last year (remember the winner, Hayden?, lied to say he got $100 instead of the 5 or 10 thousand because he didn't want the other hgs to know he won a lot of mone). I believe during Jordan's year it was just a visit with a loved one (Natalie got engaged, I believe). I think the first year it was a diamond POV. So to say that Pandora's box is usually a power is quite simply wrong.
Sigh...again I'm arguing with a pimply 12 year old tin hat wearer with paranoid delusions about reality TV shows...when will I learn! LMAO
But I still don't see how that means BB cannot decide that they will have a physical comp or memory or puzzle comp whenever they want, knowing that some contestants will be better at it or not. Or throwing a pandora's box rule that would allow players to pair up again and thus prolong their eviction. I don't think BB gives the contestants answers or have a predetermined winner. I do think they conveniently choose which comps and twists they want dish out and when. ~~~
Since the game show applicability has never been tested, I'm pretty sure Alison Grodner doesn't want to be the one to test it by getting her butt sued. But, hey, if conspiracy theories make your little tin hat glow, God bless.
You are more than welcome for the free education. After all, I am a professional educator, so I'll consider this my pro bono work for the summer. (That's Latin, google it.)
All in all, it's been an interesting discussion. I was not aware at how uncertain the legal environment was around applicability of U.S. Code Title 47 Section 5 Subsection V to reality shows with prize money. It seems that networks try to treat them both ways, governing them like the code applies but then denying that the code should apply so no one can use it against them. As I recalled earlier (although I thought it was a man) Elizabeth Stillwell of Survivor sued over manipulation in confessionals and lost without applicability of Title 47 being decided. At the time, CBS apparently argued it should not apply while also arguing that they didn't violate it...ya gotta love lawyers!
It is important to keep in mind that reality shows with prize money (AI, Survivor, BB, etc.) are a separate category from reality shows without prize money (The Bachelor, The Simple Life, Family Jewels etc.) because of the prize money.
From Alison Grodner's point of view, besides the risk of lawsuit or jail if Title 47 Chapter 5 Subchapter V was found to apply, there's also the credibility risk to the show. The WWF spent years denying that its wrestling events were scripted because they wanted people to buy in. They only admitted to it when someone threatened to regulate them like they were an actual sport! It would be the end of Survivor, BB, or AI if it were ever discovered that the results were scripted. You might well think they like having Jordan around...gee, I wonder why they didn't save Jeff!...but it is a much bigger risk for them to lose credibility with the audience by manipulating the outcome.
I would also point out that it is rather unAmerican to accuse them of lying and cheating without proof. (humming God Bless America as he types.) In absence of any proof or even hint that this week's results are tainted, I would refrain from such definitive accusations. To the extent that someone else (same anon?) wanted to consider this a public forum with rules of free speech, you run the risk of libel by making intentionally harmful comments in a public forum! (The law is so tricky isn't it?)
Hope I can make it tonight and I hope Jackie's power is back by then...but it could be awhile.
"Sigh...again I'm arguing with a pimply 12 year old tin hat wearer with paranoid delusions about reality TV shows...when will I learn! LMAO"
In your mind you may be arguing with a pimply 12 year old tin hat wearer... but in reality I am not arguing with you and don't care to because I have better things to do today. You've turned this into a personal insult, name-calling thing (ironic,eh?) when all I asked was for you to clarify your quiz show theory with evidence for those who don't know what you're talking about. And even with your link to the law you're talking about, it still does not change the fact that BB and the recent turn of events could have been altered by producers and writers (maybe with the Brendon being America's choice thing):
First, by doing so they are not predetermining anything or giving contestants answers or telling others not to answer. The contestants are still winning on their own, but BB knows some are simply better at certain comps than others.
And second, you said it yourself: "Apparently the applicability of U.S. Code Title 47 Chapter 5 Subchapter V has never been tested in regards to "reality shows". Some people feel that the prize money makes them count as quiz shows. Some people believe that they are not."
Just a couple of things to remember. 1) THE NERD HERD. Perhaps one of the most hated alliances in BB history, yet they made it all the way to final 4 with 3 against 1. That 1 was probably one of the most players in the history, Janelle. Did BB step into to help her? The answer NO. 2) Production, in interview after interview every season, has stated that the comps are indeed planned out before the season started. This comp would have been no different if Porsche had not opened PD, they would have been nominated as singles, played as singles, Rachel still would have won, Jordan would have went up against Adam and gone home. Leaving Rachel as 1 against 4. Very much like season 6.
I've also watched interviews with Allison Grodner and Robyn the casting director, and they both say that every player for different reasons should/could win. They usually speak of them like 'their children' and have no vested interest in any single one of them to win over another. They certainly don't take it personal the way some of us fans do. If that was the case S9 Adam would have never won after his "R" comment that CBS showed America on the prime time show and riled up a whole lot of fan hatred for him.
See you all tonight. I'll be aboard the Miss Chevious with the gang. :)
"To the extent that someone else (same anon?) wanted to consider this a public forum with rules of free speech, you run the risk of libel by making intentionally harmful comments in a public forum! (The law is so tricky isn't it?)"
Uh, I am not a 12 yo as you suggest and am WELL aware of libel laws. Posting my opinions about how a game show is scripted or produced on an internet blog is NOT libelous and is solely my opinion (which I as an American am entitled to btw), not stated as a fact by a source that presents it as such. If Jackie were to take my comments and write a blog post about it as fact, then that may very well be libelous.
They are now playing as a duo, so Jordan and Rachel come down as a pair.
Other Anon, sorry if I got a little snide in my responses but I was feeling a little frustrated. I will agree with you that they probably have the ability to throw different comps in whenever they want. I don't know how often they do it. And I also think they can ask leading questions in DR which can impact the game (intentionally or not). Some of the comps have to be scheduled ahead of time based on their plans for airing them, others could be changed at the last minute. But honestly, we don't even know what this week's POV contest was and I'm not sure what would favor Rachel other than the weakness of the other hgs. I mean unless they were asking her about Brendon's body parts or how to entertain a whale while wearing a bikini, I'm not sure what comp favors her. And while you might think the POV on Thursday would favor Jeff, Rachel had an early lead and Porsche ended up winning it.
Again, even though I'm the world's biggest skeptics on a lot of things, I really think the risk to the show of being caught manufacturing results far outweighs any supposed ratings boost from keeping America's sweetheart in the game. Especially since America's sweetheart wasn't in any real jeopardy this week as Rachel was the primary target.
LOL Anon Apparently my post apologizing for getting snide passed by your criticism of me for being snide. I was trying to be funny, but in reading it back it sounds nasty.
I actually wrote my last post before I saw your apology. I agree with your last post and feel like we can agree to disagree. And agree that:
There are laws that govern contest shows, but there are still loopholes in the law that reality shows like BB can fit through. However, we do not know with full certainty that they are doing this. So it remains personal opinion and speculation which could very well be influenced by character investment in the game.
Monty, totall agree. And who was the guy who won the winter edition? I forget his naae but I don't think anyone liked him at all and he won. And Mike Boogie...egads!! He ended up ousting America's First Sweetheart, Janelle and he was as well-hated as he was well-liked.
I think production wants some people to hang around for a while. But once they are down to the final 5 or 6 I really don't think they care who wins. In fact, a controversial outcome helps them by generating buzz. Look how much AI pimps surprise ousting of favorite's, even early. Last season Alexis Grace was a huge early favorite and not only didn't they fix it for her to stay but they didn't even use the "Judge's Save" on her which is a tool they have given themselves to try and keep favorites in the competition.
Well, it hasn't taken long for Shelly to make her pitch to Rachel and Jordan today. Totally throwing Porsche, Kalia and Adam under the bus.
Shelly says she wants to wipe the slate clean. @@ Saying she has ALWAYS been with the vets and no matter what, she does NOT want Porsche, Adam, or Kalia to win the game.
Rachel asked Shelly: If nominations had stayed the same this week, would you have come to us and listened to our campaign for one of us to stay? Shelly said: Yes, I would have come to you and asked you what you guys wanted me to do.
Then says she just wants to enjoy the next 5 days and won't bother them again. To just think about it.
Yeah, right. Swampland for sale!
I hope they don't go for it. Jordan respects that Adam has at least told the truth when she asked and said that he wanted to stick with the newbys.
I hope they go for it. I'm tired of Adam. At least Shelly made some bold moves and it was to help her game. Adam has done NOTHING but sit around flip-flopping as much as Shelly. At least she stepped it up and I hope it doesn't backfire on her.
How weird would that be? Brendon gets evicted by Dani who gets evicted by Jeff who got evicted in part by Shelly's move who will get evicted. Each evictee gets to see their evictor come to the jury house the following week.
Jordan hasn't been good at comps, but so far, I think she's been better than Shelly or Adam on most. So no big deal for either one to go.
I don't believe for one second that Shelly would stay true to her word, and it doesn't look like Rachel and Jordan are swallowing her 'word' either.
On BBAD last night, Porsche and Kalia worked it out that it would be better for them if Adam got the boot. Wonder what pitch they will give Rachel and Jordan.
Joe, S9 was the winter edition and the one I was alluding to was Adam, aka the HG that said the R word and later won... then went on to prison for drugs (oxycontin). What a swell guy! insert sarcasm here
Yes, I recall you mentioning S9 (was it yesterday?) and that probably had the least popular winner ever. Wasn't he a special ed teacher or something which made his use of "retard" all that much more chilling. At least Maggie wasn't an awful person...a little unlikable but I think mostly unlikable because (like this season) she slayed a fan favorite.
Hoping Sydney or one of Jackie's close friends can open a new post for the show tonight. This one will get really long if we go off of it. ;)
In the end, it is just a game and we all know that here. Everyone who has been loyal to this blog over the years will conduct ourselves the way we always have and Jackie (aka Jax) knows that.
{{{Petals}}}, hope to see you on the Miss Chevious tonight. Hoping you're all over that accident stiffness as well. See you all later.
I wish they would walk off- Speaking of reality---
It's not only ratings at stake, it's productions jobs, Various Sponsors, There's a reason why BB is known for its motto " Expect the Unexpected " Yet season after season audience came to expect the exact same thing. Julie Chen pretty much gave away latest Duo twist on The Talk as she plugged BB premiere . My first impression was exactly how it turned out, Duo's again but only if HOH Opened Pandora's box.
Rigged shows wouldn't broadcast live feeds.. ************* Alison Grodner is pulling strings and keeping the ratings up.
8/28/2011 3:35 AM
Who know's maybe she didn't have a choice, however I doubt it's rigged.
dont know if someone posted this but tmz is reporting shellys family is getting threats for her jeff eviction and her work is getting calls to fire her,, sick world
At the risk of starting more trouble, there are false advertising laws which would apply every time someone from the show or the network says that comps are determined before the show starts. There is too much at stake to risk ending your own career just to keep a particular player.
Think about it: before the season starts, you can (and should) design a few twists to keep one side or another in the game when it leans too far in favor of the opposing side. After 13 seasons, production can pick those game points, even if they can't predict which player.
First off, I do think that Reality Shows are scripted to a certain extent I do know someone who is on Reality TV and while it's true to an extent, they openly express more so in this setting for the viewers entertainment, and are very encouraged to do so. I can understand this. The over exaguration at times is a little much.
I'm certainly sure BB had to make some changes due to the recent events. Good that they did. They would have lost many viewers.
With that said, at first I liked Shelly because I felt she was playing the game in her own way, manipulating both sides and doing a good job at it. Then she finally went overboad for me, with how she reacted to Jorden and there after. I would still like her to come out on top before Adam. Shelly has risked herself by making game moves. Adam has let everyone do his work for him.
I never disliked Rachael. She is a really hard player and studies the game. I did dislike the Brendon and Rachael team. It's personal with me and it was because of the open showmance that had no place on a family Reality Show. It should have been stopped by the producers.
I think the worst BB contestants for me was Evil Dick and Dr Will. I still don't understand why they were so popular with some.
My pick today for the win would be Rachael Jorden or Kaila, in any order. Tomorrow might be different.
Actually what I have read has K & P making a deal and aligning with R & J to throw Shelly out. I don't watch the live feeds but there are several blogs out there that do minute to minute blogging. I watched the feeds the very first year (really low tech) and have never wanted to see them since. Watching BBAD is bAAAd enough LOL. I would much rather read what everyone else is seeing!
SueGee on the Left Coast
wv - bless "Mama may have, and papa may have God bless' the child, That's got his own That's got his own"
Eller-Media said... Rigged shows wouldn't broadcast live feeds.. *************** Forgot to mention that I agree with this 100%. And Nina, I agree with a lot that you said also.
I'm in a silent minority that believes the show is NOT rigged. It doesn't always go my fan favorites' way and I get riled up because of it. In the end, that is the nature of Big Brother. Just one big ole social experiment.
Anyone know if the show will start on time? Didn't get home until way after 60 Minutes started. Thanks!
@joe maggie did not get janelle out yvette took maggie to final two people did not like maggie for pretending to be so high and mighty, and honest etc and "one of the good guys" sound familiar. self righteous etc.
The show isn’t rigged like pro wrestling, but the deck has been stacked in the vets’ favor. If the vets had knocked out too many newbie’s early, BB would have stacked the deck the other way. The producers know their limits, and control the show as much as they can without technically fixing it.
This week, the twist alone doubled both vets’ chances of staying, and BB’s control over the POV comp (which took them an unusually long time to plan) made those odds even better.
Watch the POV competition--and see if it isn’t geared toward Rachel. If possible, it’ll also be slanted toward Jordan. BB has 24/7 to think about how to influence the outcome of comps, and obviously they do. Wouldn't you?
I think “America” legitimately voted Brendon back in, but it’s funny how that vote happened just when he went out, when the rest of his alliance was about to be picked off, but before it was beyond rescue through intervention. When Brendon was the best known and most prominent of all the evictees. And just when the vote was most predictable.
Joe mentioned the neutrality of the clown shoe competition. Remember--that happened on the double eviction show, and had to be set up before BB knew which houseguests would be nominated. Even so, I still suspect that, because it was physical, it was chosen with him in mind, and that he simply panicked and blew it. BB sees outcomes like that as a chance they have to take. Their response to it is this week’s fishy “twist”.
It would be one thing if the twists were fair, or at least seemed random, but they’ve stuck it to the newbies so often that they should all just walk.
I think anyone in the game should be trying to further their own game, but just say so and accept you got caught Shelly. Quit trying to act like you weren't in with Dani because you saw the writing on the wall.
Thanks for letting us know that Jackie doesn't have power. I logged on just to check for that reason. I hope it doesn't last too long for her benefit.
I haven't even watched Thursday's show on the dvr yet...too busy with family problems. I'm trying hard not to peek at what happened and what all of you are posting. ;)
I hope Jordan and Rachel do not buy Shelly's BS. According to Jokers they are voting her out. However, since Jordan is so gullible, she could switch her back. As far as the death threats, there are weirdos out there. But I would not be surprised to hear that it was made up to garner sympathy for Shelly. I was a big supporter of Shelly. I do not blame her for doing what was best for her. However, one thing I just can't accept -- in real life or a game is for someone to betray someone like she did, I can not forget. Not because she flipped, that was her right. But, she is a savvy person. She shows that Jordan is an naive, sweet person who only thinks the best in people and Shelly fed into this. She could have been part of the alliance -- just like Adam was. But she inserted herself into Jordan's inner circle of emotions and then turned on her. The she didn't have the decency to own up to her behavior. After hearing of all the "mean girl" things that she has said about Jeff, Jordan and Rachel, there is no way I would forget.
Dani is evicted--of course-- and Jeff is proud (not sure how/when they taped his DR about it)
Adam complains that he should have won HOH (as if he could)...lol
Kalia, Porshe and Shelly agree to put up Jeff and Rachel taking into account her promise with Jordan.
Adam is upset he didn't win the veto....lol
After veto comp. Jeff reminds Porshe that he saved her and she should use veto on him. She reminds him that he evicted Dani and just used her as a pawn
Jeff thinks she's being used (again, not sure when they taped his DR)
He tries to plead with Shelly for a vote, she brings up his blow up, still trying to justify her switch and criticize his reaction to it.
Okay, not hate here but keeping it real. No one in any instance should do what has been done to Shelly's family and it has totally ruined my fun in ragging on her.
I thought that meek little blond was going to rip Shelly's head off! If Rachel had not yanked her into another room I think there would have been blood shed.
My money would have been on Jordan.
Shelly is going on and on denying that she is a snake in the grass. It sure didn't take her long to openly shower her kiss a** personality to the two girls.
Monty, after all the lies that Shelly told, I don't know that I believe her family or friends. I think they are just trying to deflect the dislike the fans have for the way she treated JKordan.
Just another example of playing DRs out of context or having to go back and pre tape DRs. Jordan's black tee DRs were taped yesterday. The pick shirt ones are from earlier when she was still so hurt and defeated. I'm glad she found the will to rally. She really could have won that HoH. I'm happy she was THAT close.
Porshe enters her HoH room. She sees Pandora's box.
The bait: 2 boxes labeled $5,000 and a glass of champagne.
She chooses to take the money, but a letter also reveals that she has to split the money with another houseguest and read another letter to the rest of the house.
The letter reveals that Porshe opened pandora's box and the game returns to duos for one week.
All original duo rules remain. Nominated together, vetoed together, replaced together.
They get to choose their own partners.
Rachel--Jordan Adam--Shelly Kalia--Porshe
Rachel and Jordan are happy and hopeful. Kalia and Porshe are not.
Shelly, I am so glad that you and Kalia and Porsche are upset. Porsche, you have $5,000 -- and you see a bit too late that this was the worst move you have made.
Does anyone know who she gave the other $5,000 too?
There you have it. I didn't like all the coverage of it since we know about the Shelly hate on the internet but it is what happened.
We got to see what was blocked to the feeds and I think a lot of folks would have been as angry if we didn't.
I can't wait to see the POV now.
Joe, good to see you here at last. Petals, still hoping you are recovering just fine. Jackie, hope your electric returns swiftly for you and Vincent and not us here.
I didn't know that Jordan knew those words. Too much time hanging around a bad influence I guess.
The legal issue has been tested, although we don't know how it was resolved. After the first Survivor contestant Stacy Stillman sued Mark Burnett accusing him of interfering to get two of the other players to change there votes from Rudy Boesch to her. She sued for lost prize money and $75,000 out of pocket expenses. The case was eventually settled out of court, but Stillman's suit essentially treated a reality-competition series as if it were the same as a game show, and Burnett's response was not that it wasn't a game show but rather that he didn't act in a way that influenced the two players he was accused of influencing.
I thought it was interesting that according to Jeff, Porsche didn't talk game or say much to anyone other than Dani and Kalia for something like 44 days but she is now all animated and talkative. I realize as HOH she has to talk more on screen. I don't like her much so it colors my observations of her,but she seems like a phony to me. my WV is angsts...There was a lot of angst in the BB house in the past week.
I just do not get what was wrong with Shelly voting against Jeff? How did she back stab Jordan? I don't get it. They WERE GOING TO DO THAT TO SHELLY. Jeff, Jordan and Rachel had no plans bringing any of the newbies to the end. I'm glad the newbies saw that.
I just do not want an oldie winning this game. They think they did nothing wrong, but they were just as wrong as the others. JMO.
The right move was for Shelly to get rid of Jeff no doubt but the way she went about it is the problem. She would have been better off just coming clean when she was caught to Jeff. Her blatant cheering for the newbies was ridiculous and she is not very likable anymore but death threats? that is insane people. Get a grip this is a TV show and Shelley isnt Casey Anthony!!!
I agree with Penny. I do not see what was so wrong with anyone voting out the two strongest players which were Dani and Jeff. I just do not get all the sound and fury over this being such a major deal. I was thrilled the newbies were finally stepping up their game and quit playing for Jeff and Jordan and just to please jeff and Jordan.
I probably enjoy BB as much as anyone else, but ...
Yes, we know it's a game, and we assume adults can properly process what transpires on the show, right or wrong.
But when things start to happen like threats to Shelly's family, and the vile remarks anyone can read on blogs, one has to wonder about 'assumed adult-processing,' and what the lessons are that many young people are learning as well.
Those of us who are older than 60 (in particular) can't help notice the degradation of 'little things' like common courtesy (mostly started during the 1960s). It's obvious that many other morals haven't escaped that decline either.
I am very happy that R & J are safe for another week. I am not a fan of Rachel's, but I like Jordan a lot. I don't like floaters at all, so I have never liked A/K/P/S because that is all that they are. Yes, K & P have won a couple of things recently, but as far as decisions go, they have floated all season. Shelly should be ashamed of her conduct in the house. She was all concerned about setting a good example for her daughter but she certainly has not done so. Shelly, when you get home just tell your daugher...do as I say, not as I do.
The problem isn't that she voted Jeff out. That was a good move for her strategically. The problem is that she got caught and wouldn't fess up to it while at the same time getting mad at them for accusing her. It's not always about the move you make, sometimes it's about how you make it.
Hey everyone - I'm sorry I missed this, but even if I'd seen it in time, I am not able to post anything on Jackies as I am only an admin when she is in the hospital. Jax, maybe we should set it up again for these rare emergencies....
Billy said... The problem isn't that she voted Jeff out. That was a good move for her strategically. The problem is that she got caught and wouldn't fess up to it while at the same time getting mad at them for accusing her. It's not always about the move you make, sometimes it's about how you make it. *********** This has been my argument with friends the entire time. Just play your own game, and in the end own it and don't deny, deny, deny. When it gets down to this few your lies will catch up with you. Shelly had the potential of playing the best social game since Dr. Will but she was sloppy and these house guests weren't the the HGs of season 2. It would be almost impossible to play that strategy today after 12 seasons.
I also agree with virtually every comment about Shelly since my last post. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Her family will help her, I'm sure her husband won't sugar coat it for her. Her own daughter said she wished her 'momma' didn't lie so much. Its a game!!!
Sydney, hey! I suggested you or one of Jackie's friends because I knew that you took care of the blog while Jackie was having her first knee surgery. We all behave ourselves in the end and had an interesting exchange during the show. I've missed your comments lately. Where have you been?
Thread is TL;DR. But from skimming, a couple of points:
1) CBS and AGP certainly have their bases covered a lot more thoroughly if they can prove that they had the order of the competitions and the specifics planned before the season started. They'd also have a few comps ready as a backup in case of unforeseen circumstances (i.e., a thunderstorm in CA during the live show would preclude any outdoor competitions with them wearing electrical equipment like wireless mics).
2) Even without that, there are some constraints on comps. During the Double Eviction week, both the HOH and Veto comps have to be unambiguously decided in a short amount of time. Sometimes they have "find the thing in the big pit of mess" competitions that take 10-20 mins to play out, but this past week's veto comp was not one of them--designed to finish in just a few minutes even if all the players were weak.
3) We know there's a rulebook somewhere that we can't read, because that's where they talk about penalty nominations and such. I would be quite surprised if said rulebook did not explicitly warn house guests that production can change competitions to insure "fair play," such as perhaps eliminating or modifying endurance comps if, say, one of the house guests breaks a leg. (Though if it were that bad, I would suspect they'd remove the guest from the house rather than try to modify as many as 15 upcoming comps.)
So I'm betting they have their bases covered as long as they don't explicitly try to change things to favor a specific houseguest. If they do that, the damage isn't in criminal penalties, it's in the show losing all credibility and probably 75% of the audience. It's a fatal move.
You can get a copy of the rule book. If you go to CBS Big Brother and go to the section to sign up ada house guest You can print a copy of the rule book. I was going to try to be a houseguest one year and my hubby did not like the idea. he is not a BIG BROTHER fan,,,go figure..
I think I have a huge problem when people bring their kids into this game. Whamber used to swear on her daughter and I thought that was in really poor taste. But Shelly made this all about her daughter. There were times that the house (and Jordan in particular) consoled her because she didn't want to set a bad example for Josie. She was so upset when her lie got Cassi voted out and it started then. It always made sense to vote Jeff out. Had I been in the house, I don't know if I could have done it. But Shelly made her integrity and her class such a huge issue in this house that when she didn't own her game play, it became classless. And I have an observation... If anyone doesn't doubt Big Brother's influence in the game... The people who think they control the house right now... Porsche, Shelly, Adam and Kalia? 3 of them had those stupid golden keys. Kalia probably would have if Dani had not gotten one. They should just rename their alliance the Superfloater Alliance (SFA).
If r/j dont get rid of shelly this week i will be sick! they have this great opportunity. not sure why adam flipped back with that side cause either way he was last now adam is 3rd on both sides if they boot shelly and again, her trying to pin the thing on adam and getting all self righteous with jeff was nauseating. glad they showed the entire fight that happened thursday before the live show. I dont think jeff was that terrible to shelly. she was all high and mighty and continued to lie lie lie and blmae blmae blame now she has to go, go go
On Sunday night I was so depressed and feeling so sorry for Jordan and Rachel. I just read Jackie's blog and found out Rachel won the POW and now I am so happy. The Newbies were so obnoxious and full of themselves after coasting throughout the whole show. Shelly was unbelievabily sneaky and mean and a lier to everyone on the show. I could tell she wanted to win the second place money. What a horrible person!!!!
Shelly Moore (born September 18, 1978) is a beauty queen from Knoxville, Tennessee who won the Miss Teen USA 1997 title. In 1996, Moore won the Miss Northern Tennessee local title before competing for and winning the Miss Tennessee Teen USA 1997 contest. She went on to represent Tennessee in the Miss Teen USA contest held at South Padre Island, Texas on 20 August 1997. Moore's roommate during the pageant was top six finalist Amanda Penix, Miss Oklahoma Teen USA and she was later a bridesmaid at Penix's wedding. During the final competition Moore won all three areas of competition: evening gown, swimsuit and interview. At the conclusion of the final rounds of competition, Moore was crowned Miss Teen USA 1997. She was the first delegate from Tennessee to win the Miss Teen USA or Miss USA titles
yesssssssssssssssssssssss, that makes me so happy! Let the scrambling begin!
Jokers said Shelly won pov but Jordan thought she won pov & refused to give Shelly the pov necklace. Then she threw it in Shellys face & cracked her tooth. Then Jordan was thrown out & Rachel quit because she was pregnant. Then they said Jeff & Dani were re-entering the game to take their places. Somebody must have been trying to fool everyone. I kinda wish that happened but I believe Jackie over any other site.
Jokers deleted that entry because it was made up.
Richard I saw the same post but I went back it was gone someone must have deleted it thought I was going crazy. SO thanks for the backup I'm not going insane. I'm really glad that Rachel won was ready to say to BB for the year!!!!
Jokers is a good site, but the problem there is anyone can sign on and post anything. Often they have junk like what you apparently saw and wrong comp results. Bad posts don't come down until a monitor sees them there.
Perhaps I don't give blow-by-blow details of every minute, but when I post a brouhaha or comp result ... I don't post until I know from watching the feeds myself.
I just went back on Jokers & saw that it wasn't there. I figured it was someone messing with us. They got me good.
Karma sometimes can be such a sweet lady!
Anybody but Shelly
Will Porsche be able to play for HOH next week?
I am a happy camper. And is it true that both will come off the block?
Great news if it is true. Will be looking for updates.
If true then there is a karma and Shelly is gone.
I'm happy Rachel won POV! That likely means Shelly will be heading to the jury house on Thursday, which makes me happy too.
Jackie, hope you're well stocked with food and kibble, and that you and Vincent can safely watch Irene blow by.
Thank you God! And yes, I do know he has not alot to do with it and has bigger things to worry about. But still ....... :)
Anon @ 11:13 - one of the best sermons I ever heard was to ask God for anything. If He doesn't think you need it or He is too busy, He will say NO.
It works. Living in broiling hot TX this summer I pray for a tree to park under when I go to the store. I would say 95% of the time I get it.
But the most important thing to do after you get a wish is to send up Thanksgiving prayers.
Can you believe most of Jackie's commenters are now happy Rachel won POV???
What a difference a couple of weeks makes in the BB house!
Stay safe Jackie!!
Jackie, I was just saying that to a friend the other day... that I trust you because you verify everything before posting.
Becky, it is 100% true. Jordan comes off the block and the only two that can go up are Shelly and Adam. Porsche is protected as HoH and therefor so is Kalia.
Jordan and Rachel have already confirmed one million times if they win that they will vote Shelly out. They are talking it about it again right now.
Anyone have any idea about the signifance of the fortune teller? Has it been around during previous seasons? I hope it doesn't offer any special powers for whoever activates it.
I am probably one of the few disappointed that Rachel won POV.
I cannot stand watching her and her cackling laughter and her mean goodbye messages and everything about her is so over the top ridiculous. And the way she and Brendon act in the house and well, the list goes on. Rachel is my least favorite houseguest in the history of Big Brother.
I am not a Shelly fan but I have wanted Rachel out since Week one.
Oh well.
I never really liked Rachel's attitude, but Shelly has made her look good in comparison. At least she has played the game instead of just running her mouth and floating by. Shelly has turned out to be a very spiteful, deceitful, and lying person. Hope her daughter understands that this is "just a game"!!!
I'm thrilled Rachel won the POV and she and Jordan are safe... On that note, I want to know if Shelly is completely delusional? She's talking about how she won't stoop to Rachel's level and how the game should be decided on class, if you were nice to people, and not on gameplay. She's also saying how Jordan is going to "check" herself when she watches the show when she gets home. Earlier she said how she wasn't going to accept the apology she so rightfully deserves. This lady must live in la-la-land. I don't recall Rachel ever stealing things from other people. She certainly hasn't joked about POVs being so hard on someone it would save them $400 on the abortion. (If Rachel is pregnant) Rachel may hate floaters and rub winning in people's faces, but she isn't a bully. Shelly, Kalia, and Porshe have no class at all.
April, I couldn't agree with you more. I can't figure Shelly out. She really thinks that she has so much integrity. I can't wait till she gets out of the house and see's just what everyone thought of her.
I'm not sure how or why Shelly feels that Rachel has no chance to win. I think if Rachel makes it to F2 she has a great chance to win. I think that she will definitely get Brendons, Jeff's, Jordon's, and possible Adam's and Porsche's. I think that Adam and Porsche will probably vote for best competitor. That said it depends on who she is in the F2 with. But she has a chance.
Im so gld I got back and checked this! Now, I can sleep!
April 11:50
Like your comment. Rachel hasn't been the bully here. Yes she's annoying and yes, I couldn't stand her for that reason, but in comparison to the mean girls - well, there is no comparison. She's ignoring all the digs sent her way and has been for the past week.
Jackie you rock girl!
The mistake that some people (like the nerd herd, the mean girls, April, Adam, etc.) make is forgetting that there is a thing called the live feeds and BBAD. CBS might not show the mean girls and all their shenanigans but a very large percentage of the show's viewership sees what goes on whether it is on the CBS prime time show or not.
When will they ever learn that you can't hide from the cameras and microphones in the BB house? The answer is never. It happens every season and this one isn't the first.
Actually I meant Amber, not April, in the last comment.
They're replacing some of their tea-bag cards and that reminded me of something. Remember how the house guests always whine and beg for cards? I like the fact that this season they made their own. Just use your imagination and you can do a lot of things in there. Its like the season they made cards out of leaves, with the flag paint, on Survivor. Don't depend on production for everything. Do it yourself house guests. :)
Thanks for the update, Jackie. Glad R&J won. You & Vincent stay safe tonight!
SOOOO glad Rachel won. (Did I just say that? lol)
Thanks Jackie for keeping us updated when you have so much else going on around you. Hope Irene just goes away.
Couldn't be more thrilled, go Team Rachel & Jordan!
I think Rachel has started coming into her own without Brendon inciting her to drama and tears. About the worse thing she has said about any of her fellow HG's in the last two weeks is that they are mean or stupid. That qualifies her for sainthood compared to what K, P, D, S, and even Adam have been saying.
Rachel's got issues, we all do, but compared to Shelly she is a class act! It was hard to see Jordan so upset on Thurs BBAD. But I was right, she was upset about the Shelly thing far more than about Jeff leaving.
Shelly remains clueless and oblivious regarding her treatment of Jordan, oh well some people will always believe the end justifies the means and whatever they do is OK but if other people do the same they are dead wrong.
And it is liking arguing religion or politics. It is virtually guaranteed you will not get the other person to see your side or be able to change their mind. I'm betting Shelly goes on always feeling she did no wrong, no harm, the entire matter is Jordan's problem and no one will ever convince her otherwise. Kind of sad really, if Shelly had half the regard for Jordan that Jordan had for her it never would have come to this. All that hurt and Shelly won't have a dime of the money that she decided in the end was so important to her. The same money she spent weeks telling all of us was not important, that she saw BB strictly as a human experiment and a great experience.
I will be glad to see her go to jury, it will be one less constant Rachel basher in the house. With any luck K and P will slow down doing it too and talk about ANYTHING else under the sun.
Who would thunk it, R and J F5 AND Rachel's got tons of fans rooting for her! Come ladies three HOHs and you're F2! Boy Dani's head would spin right off her shoulders if that happened!
Nice just now on the feeds. Shelly made the first move. She walked by Jordan and patted her on the back and said congratulations. They're all talking now and making pleasant conversation.
Baby steps, but I'm happy to see this feud and everything begin to heal itself. And... it always does. This season might be harder than others, but you never know.
I believe the game is fixed.
I think the BB prods have the comps down to a science and tailor them for the contestants. Let's not forget that there are WRITERS for this show who have to come up with good storylines. With Rachel and Jordan gone, BB would have surely lost viewers.
And I don't think Adam is a true, hardcore Metal head. He reminds me of this guy I know.
I think he used his interest in metal to get himself onto his favorite show. Once he was in he shaved the beard, stop screaming and cut the act.
It could also be a move to not get evicted, but I don't know. I think Shelly might have accepted that she is going to jury.
yes!!! Shelly is gone. Go Rachel. Also, why is Jordan being congratulated? Rachel won, not Jordan. Jordan wasn't going home either way.
Next week we need to get rid of Kalia or Jordan. Those are the next two that I want to see leave. Kalia b/c I don't like her and Jordan b/c she already won BB and someone like her should work a day in her life and not be awarded 1,000,000 dollars from being on reality tv.
Ninboh, I think it was just a 'peace' gesture. She may have said good job... I didn't hear her clearly. In any case, it was nice to see she made the first move.
If there was any doubt, the fix is on. Except for the double eviction, which had to go down in 60 minutes, BB stacks the deck to undo any newbie HOH.
Jordan (and Rachel) have gotten help from BB before, have gotten it now, and (just watch) will get it in the future when necessary. Otherwise, both of those pesky fools would be out by now.
If only for that reason, here's hoping (but not really expecting) that they lose.
@anon, isn't that kind of ridiculous. Rachel won veto, all 6 played and they all had an equal chance at winning. Same thing with the HOH comp, Porsche won that. It's a game. 5 of them will lose and only 1 will win the money.
Shelly is the one stealing property. She brags about having Rachel's stuffed dog. I have no idea why the producers allow that?
I'm sure Shelly said congratulations because Jordan is coming off the block with Rachel because of Pandora's box. I sincerely hope that Shelly sees what she's like when she watches the show, if only for the sake of her daughter.
(On a side note, I saw somewhere on Joker's that her daughter said that she wished Shelly would quit lying, does anyone know where that was said???)
I'm so glad that feisty Rachel is back and she's taking care of Jordan.
I don't think it's ridiculous. To me it makes perfect sense.
Vets (on any reality show) pull in ratings which is why they bring them on. If Jordan and Rachel get picked off they have no show! Even after Jeff got evicted, aside from Jordan's blow up, the house got REALLY boring.
Usually the Pandora prize is a special power (coup de etat or Diamond veto). I also find it weird that Rachel and Jordan and Adam and Shelly got paired off.
Remember that there are writers for this show whose job it is to keep a good storyline going. Rachel and Jordan's fates were sealed until Pandora's box. Everyone was preparing for a questions/quiz veto, but it was very physical. Rachel and Jordan have all physical comps won against the others.
also keep in mind that non-feed viewers won't know about the veto until wednesday...so it'll seems more coincidental.
SO yeah come on people. Are we really supposed to believe that Brendon was America's choice AND pandaora's box allowed for Rachel and Jordan, whose fates were sealed, to last another week or 2? Not to mention the fact that Rachel (and Dick), the most disliked bb player ever, was asked to come back.
Alison Grodner is pulling strings and keeping the ratings up.
Jordan works as a receptionist and is stuudying to be a dental hygenist, as far as I know. So she works a lot of days at a job i would not do. I asked my daughter why she worked. It did not sound like a lot of money. My daughter said she bought a house foor her mother and grandfather and may still help them.
I think you maay be right about Adam. He hardly yells anymore.
@Anon 3:35
I love Rachel. I did last year as well. Last summer I seriously thought it was everyone else and that there were some seriously misguided loyalties (Britt and Regan) and that Rachel and Brendon did have the house gunning for them. I don't know how I would act in that situation, so I cast no stones on Rachel. This season, watching the show, I didn't see everyone being as mean, but her behavior was the same, so I had a small crisis of faith in her. But honestly, if you want to talk about class in how this game has been played, Jordan and Rachel are the only ones in the house that have it right now. Porshe, Kalia, and Shelly have been downright horrible to that girl.
I don't think the fix is on. I never did. Jeff and Jordan and Dick were LOVED during their seasons. That's why Jeff got the coup d'tet and Dick was voted to be saved by America's Player over and over. Brendon and Rachel weren't loved so much during their season but they were with Jeff and Jordan this season. So, out of the four people that America had to choose from to vote back in the house, who would help Jeff and Jordan the most? That would be Brendon, of course. I don't know why people aren't making that connection. I personally voted for Brendon like 50 times and I'm sure other people did too. As for the pairs, they kinda make sense. Jordan and Rachel were already on the block, so they couldn't be in different pairs playing for the POV and BB probably just put Kalia and Porshe together because of their alliance. That left Adam and Shelly. Didn't Julie say that they weren't totally done with the pairs twist yet, when they disbanded the pairs earlier in the season?
I know that Shelly thinks she made a big game move, but she lost the confidence of Jeff and Jordan and I'm almost positive Brenchel was not going to award her the money unless some other superfloater was sitting next to her in the final two. So she'd have had to take Adam. Because everyone else that's left has won some competitions and that's what Brenchel respects.
Yeah I also voted like 70 times for Brendan to come back into the house. And I did it as a Brenchal fan cuz I don't care about Jeff and Jordan. But a lot of Jeff and Jordan fans did vote for Brendan. Plus the Brenchal haters split their votes btwn Dom and Cassi ergo it was completely reasonable that Brendan got the most votes. (Obviously Keith's votes were negligible.)
Ninboh--If you believe the POV competition was "fair and square", I have a deal on some swamp land for you.
In the POV competition, there was a one in three chance, not one in six, that BOTH (not just one) of the nominees would come off the block! Had they not both come off, Jordan would have been evicted over Adam, and Rachel would have been next in line.
On top of that, odds are that the POV itself was slanted in Rachel and Jordan's favor. It was fishy and predictable from the moment they announced the new duos.
If I were Porsche, Kalia, Adam, and Shelly, I'd probably walk off the show.
In the end, I'm sure that BB doesn't care who wins. They care about ratings. Obviously, they are stacking the deck to keep the remaining worthless vets around to keep ratings up.
I think i read on jokers, and jackie can confirm
porshe did the pairings after she opened pandoras box.
had she not paired rachel with jordan rachel could not have saved them both.
porshe only has herself to blame.
dani would have thought that thru before she did it to prevent exactly this.
again I totally agree with lili
Anon: Ever since "Quiz Show"s cheating scandal in the 50s there has been government oversight of game shows...and BB counts. BB could not cheat in some of the ways you've suggested. For example they could not fake Brendon winning the vote without committing a federal crime.
That said, BB like Survivor can subtly influence the game by the confessionals/DR where they ask questions (that you never hear) which can put a bug in people's ear. You might recall a little Survivor controversy a few years back when an ousted player sued Survivor claiming the confessionals planted seeds in the minds of the voters that got him evicted. I believe he lost the case, but it is possible for them to manipulate that way. They COULD also tailor contests to favor certain contestants but could you please define what contest favors Jordan over any of the the others? Or Rachel? There are comps like the wall balancing ones which always seem to favor the physically demure. But a lot of comps, like the clown shoe comp on Thursday are largely random.
And I think it is silly at this point to think BB needs Jordan or Rachel to keep interest. Yes they throw the vets in there to give us some polarizing figures and some name recognition. But at this point, most of us are vested in the outcome. And no new folks are going to jump in unless something really dramatic happened and made the nightly news. If Jordan went home, people wouldn't tune out so much as continue to tune in hoping to see Shelly get her comeuppance.
With game show rules and oversight, A Grodner has far more to lose by trying to manipulate results than she has to gain.
Bitter apples, love?
I have heard both that Porsche did the pairings and then that they paired themselves up. Either way it wasn't BB production that paired them up.
I'd also point out that they were paired up before noms which is why J/R were both nominated. Only a duo could be nominated.
C'mon bitter anon, at least focus on the things we know to be true/false.
In keeping with your statistics, the duos also meant there was a 2 out of 3 chance that noms would stay the same. When compared with single comp, not that different. Six possible outcomes in singles play:
Kalia, adam, Porsche, Shelly win POV - Rachel goes home
Jordan wins POV - Rachel goes home
Rachel wins POV - Jordan may well stay if she's up against Adam or she may go home, call it a split decision
So in singles play there is a 8% chance that they both stay, a 92% chance Jordan stays and a 16% chance Rachel stays. All duos did was make that a 33% chance they both stay vs a 67% chance Rachel goes home. OOOO...if I'm production I'd really risk a fine or jail time to make sure those odds changed.
And if production was so much in the vets camp, the POV comp on Thursday would have been very physical as Big Jeff would have had no competition.
I don't really care for Brenchal but definitely wanted Brendon back in the house of those 4, he would bring the most drama back! I want interesting TV! Rachel doesn't really bother me too much, and I'm rooting for her now, she and Jordan need each other!
anon 8:03 I'm with you. I just want something watchable.
I used to get all emotional and passionate about my favorite sports teams. Then I got older and realized that they didn't share their enormous salaries, extra women, or trophies with me. I was less vested.
Same with BB. I get nothing from the game except the journey to the end. If it annoys me, well I felt something. If it thrills me, well I felt something. In the end, that's what drama is for whether reality TV or scripted fare. You go home feeling something: laughter, sadness, joy, whatever. But the feeling disappears in short order. It's the journey that counts!
I seem to remember that Jordan's father left the family and that the family was left living in an apartment with Jordan sharing a bed with her mother. They had no money to get a better place. She used her winnings from her season to buy her family a house and has continue to work throughout the past two years all while going to school.
I would prefer her to win over some of the others such as Kalia and Porshe simply because I don't like them...at all. I don't care too much for Adam, he's really starting to get on my nerves but I would prefer him over Shelly, Kalia, and Porshe.
I wouldn't mind so much if Rachel won either. She apparently couldn't find a job due to her appearance on last years show and it would be nice for her to start out her marriage with a little nest egg. I may not like Brendon but I do thinki he's doing something worthwhile with his life...searching for a cure for a cancer and would like to see him succeed. I didn't watch Rachel's season so I don't really understand why everyone hates her so much. I don't think she's that bad really...a little annoying maybe but not half as much as Kalia, with her incessant talking, and Porshe, with her incessant bragging.
I'm sorry if I've rambled on...I just had a Hard lemonade and those things are really strong and I never drink alcohol. wow, I need to lay down.
ps. I would put in my name but I can't remember my password.
anon 8:19 Great Post! I'm LMAO.
Unless you're in China, isn't it awfully early to be drinking. LOL
I don't go to be until 9 am. It's late for me.
I'm with Joe, Anon 8:19...LMAO!
This is an interesting turn of events! Can't wait to see it all play out. It's amazing how people (I'm talking to you, Porsche) can brag brag brag, and then the other side wins something and then things go suddenly very quiet and respectful! Boasting really rubs me the wrong way, since it's often undeserved, and my grandmother always said, "There's no excuse for bad manners."
I ALWAYS rely on Jackie and don't read any other BB sites, since I know if I read it on Jackie's blog, it actually happened! :)
Lots and lots of rain and wind last night (I have MANY leaves and sticks to clean up in my yard) but no damage in my house. Closer to the coast I don't think will have the same report, but Irene was nice to me, much nicer than Isobel was. My husband also made a kickin' batch of what we call "Hurricane Chili." He went to the store this morning; he wants to make another batch!
Jackie, are you okay? I'm worried!
Witt :)
Jackie must be without power, it is still pretty windy here in south jersey and I think the storm might still be bad in her neck of the woods.
Jackie - Thinking of you this morning and guessing the power is out!! Shout out when you are able!
LOL to you guys! It is a TV show and I for one, forget most of these people the week after the show's finale.
Hope we can get our floats into the pool tonight! See you there.
SueGee on the Left Coast
Thanks for bringing up the 50's mess. As I was reading the posts I was thinking "These people must be too young (unlike me) to remember all the scandal". A.Grodner has to be very very careful and I am sure she is.
Sunny and HOT in Florida. That's what happens after a hurricane passes. I'm staying inside today. Record highs expected.
Jackie, hope you are ok.
WV= shlit LMAO
Haven't read all the comments but did get this far. @Anon 2:27, she said it on the CBS show. Same show she said, "Shut up, Rachel".
Be back later to read all the other comments.
Hope Jackie is okay. Maybe lost power.
Is it just me, or does that fortune teller thing remind anyone of the Zoltar machine from the movie "Big"?
Shelly's daughter did mention her mom lying when they interviewed her family on the show, monty -- you are right. I wonder what all the houseguests think when they go home and watch the episodes, or do you think they even bother? That would be a lot of tv to sift through.
Witt :)
I actually think BB doesn't have to follow game show laws since it has reality show status. That being said I do NOT believe that BB is rigged or scripted. We have enough bitter ex hgs from the show who would have slipped up and indicated that it was scripted. And the magic of the show is that it's random. The only comps where you can really predict an outcome is physical or endurance but most of the hgs could still win those comps if they tried harder. The rest, corn hole, ski ball, putting, pile of balls, and quizzes come down to random luck. Though the quizzes are studiable. Some games like OTEV, the counting game, and and filling up your ball involve some strategic reasoning and/or memory. These do favor vets who already competed in them in their previous season. However, that's not a super advantage. Brendan and Jeff and Porsche were using the correct strategy on the counting game for HOH by betting conservative and still accidentally lost. Whereas Danielle made terrible guesses in almost every round and got lucky that she was always second to the person who lost that round so she won that HOH. Thus in essence, it all boys down to luck and/or a little mind over matter and physical skill. And then there's the social game. I hate Shelly but I have to admit.she"s playing an outstanding game of manipulation. She was making Jordan apologize to her last night and thoroughly bashed Rachel to Jordan. I mean if she gets Jordan to keep her this week, it's abominable but good game play. The reason I don't like her is her holier than thou attitude and how she really truly believes she is so much better than Rachel as a human being. And she cries in the DR about making game moves, gag....
Ninboh - Any show with prize money has to follow game show rules.
Shows like The Bachelor or Jersey Shore that don't have prizes could script events all they want. But if they are giving out prizes they fall under game show rules.
wv is allys
It's an interesting point that these ("reality")shows might not have to follow game show laws...but I'm guessin' they do since there is cash involved.
Sorry Joe--I didn't see your post. I type s-l-o-w.
Ninboh - other than the game show issue, I agree with you completely.
As for the game show issue, my (minimal) internet research actually indicates that the networks are largely self-policing and that in the last decade they have relaxed some of the rules that had been in place since the scandal in 1958. There is actually less oversight than I originally thought as it is mostly self-imposed by the networks in response to congressional intervention.
Survivor Jeff talked of the game show issue in an interview that I think I remember. It would have been in the early Survivor days. I think they cannot change what a contestant does, but they are free to manipulate that contestant all they want, like Jeff does on camera at TC on Survivor. If the hg chooses to believe what they say in the DR, then that is manipulation by them, not game changing. Belle
Here is a link that sounds accurate to me, but I am not a legal expert. The last few paragraphs speak of no one knowing very much about how reality shows fit into the game show laws. Belle
I'm in the game for the ride and usually wind up supporting an alliance, disliking someone, cheering on someone to the win, and being diappointed when certain people get voted out. I like trying and figure out what moves people should make to get them further and bantering that around with others here. All of that makes Big Brother a fun game to watch.
This year, I've experience more than my usual share of disappointments.
- I can't stand Rachel and figured she'd be long gone by now.
-I never imagined ANYONE would vote Brendon back in. I wanted Dom or Cassi to win that
-I wanted Dani to stay and win even
-I think Shelly finally made a smart move by ditching J&J.
-I'm disappointed in Jeff. I thought he was great before this season.
I do like Jordan. She's a good girl. I'm a single mom and would be thrilled if one of my kids won the kind of money that could buy us a place to live so I wouldn't have to worry about the moving thing anymore. That they would do that is even better. And, if that child got a chance to win again I'd be beside myself with joy for them.
So, I guess I'm all team Jordan now. What a season!
While I am glad that Jordan will get to stay, this turn only reinforces the theory that CBS has rigged the entire show. Again I will state that yes, I know alot of shows have production interference and are scripted to a degree, but I thought BB was one of the few that had very little production involvement.
I am disheartened at this season. Another fun, naive idea ruined.
No, Petals, there is no Santa Clause.
Rise and Shine, I like what you said,
Also, I posted the legal page and forgot to sign it. Sorry
Buh Bye Shelly!! =)
I do not think it is rigged, I think perception is based on who you are rooting for at this point. Let's say Pandora's box wasn't opened by Porsche...then there would not have been a twist...or say Shelly and Adam were on the block and you were rooting for them?? Just saying=)
Shelly's "apology" to Jordan feels really smarmy to me and manipulative. It seems designed mostly to get Jordan to distrust Rachel at this point to what purpose?
The sole reason Jordan will remain safe and have a shot at the next HOH is because Rachel won the POV.
Every single person in the house wants R and J out. They are each others sole hope (and they're friends) for F2, and Shelly trying to break them up is really hurtful.
After all the hurt and damage done if Shelly spends the next five days messing with Jordan's head to try to get her to keep Shelly, and dump Rachel only to then of course turn around and boot Jordan so Shelly can get farther it will take this whole mess to a new low. Leave the girl alone. She and Rachel have earned their safety this week, suck it up Shelly, you betrayed your alliance and now Jordan is gonna vote you out.
All this and Shelly struts around the house saying how she's classy, how she would never sink to Rachel's level. Gak!
I suspect Shelly will be voted out this week regardless of the emotional misery she spreads. Bye!
If R or J can just win the next HOH and boot the newly athletic Porche they stand a really good chance at F2 cuz how can they not beat K and A in most any comp?
Question: at what point can everybody play in every HOH even if they just were HOH? Is it 5 to 4, or 4 to 3?
I think the the types of competitions are definitely manipulated. For example the Veto comp that Rachel just won is the same type (hanging on to something)that she won HOH in week 1.
Glad that I am not the only anti-Shelly person in the room anymore. But I gotta admit - my dislike for her has nothing to do with her game. I just skeeve any woman that acts so much like a man. Icky-Ick-Ick.
The boat Miss Chevious is afloat for Jordan! :)
how do we know that the comps aren't predetermined before the season ever starts??
We don't know they aren't predetermined. I believe they are. I believe they vary physical and memory and puzzle. By this time in the game, whoever loses physical is favored the next time.
Oh Petals! Hope you are feeling better and I will jump aboard the Jordan float for the rest of her stay. I don't think she would do something to embarrass anyone, although it was good to see she is human and gets mad enough to swear LOL.
Thanks Belle!
This from Jackie brother.
Jackie just called here and asked me to post on her FB page that she is fine, though currently without power. She has gas for cooking and running water and is sitting out the storm and will be speaking for herself, as soon as her power is back. 4 hours ago
I'm so ready for Shelly to get the boot. For a while, I was thinking as much as I wanted her out, that it might be better to boot Adam because the only things Shelly actually excels at are "Lying, "Catty and Backstabbing" (Porsche and Dani could still beat her in the catty department though).
As knowledgeable as Adam appeared to be on BB house info, I thought for sure he would win any quiz comps. But if he didn't throw it, then he's just not good at ANY comps. I keep waiting for him to 'show up.'
In the next few days, I hope Shelly isn't able to worm herself back into Jordan's camp. Probably not. Once burnt, twice shy, and Jordan was burnt bad.
Thank you for the Jackie update Sarah. Glad she's safe and the only real problem is power.
Thank you for the update Sarah! I know New Jersey is having serious power issues and I was hoping that was all that was going on.
Witt :)
P.S. Petals! Please save me a seat on the Miss Chevious!
Just saw this on the TMZ website:
"Big Brother Shelly's Family Receives Death Threats Over Jeff's Eviction
"Big Brother" contestant Shelly Moore pissed off America when she voted to evict fan favorite Jeff Schroeder last week -- and now TMZ has learned her family has been receiving death threats from deranged fans because of the move.
Sources close to Shelly tell us ... the reality star's family has received multiple phone calls from people threatening violence ... even making threats against Shelly's 8-year-old daughter.
We're told Shelly's employer has also been receiving harassing phone calls -- demanding the company fire Shelly immediately because of the way she voted on the show.
Sources tell us Shelly's family is preparing to get the FBI involved -- because they're taking the threats VERY seriously.
We reached out to "Big Brother" for comment -- so far, no response."
I think it's naive to believe that excutives of a television show are really going to leave the entire show to chance and viewer choice (that's why season 1 was the only one to allow viewer votes). The producers are not just entertaining us out of the kindness of their hearts to please fans. They are financially invested and so are their advertisers. There are writers, editors and producers collaborating to give us a story to invest in.
I guess I was not around during the so called quiz show scandal, but BB is NOT a quiz show nor game show like those of the 50s, it's a reality show, with scripts and writers. Any viewer with half a brain knows that most reality shows are not really "reality" shows at all. That is the biggest criticism of reality shows. Even American Idol came under scrutiny when some callers couldn't get through one year to vote for the contestant near their hometown. I'd like to point you to this--granted it is wikipedia but more than you've shown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_television#Unreal_environments
Because you keep bringing up this quiz show regulations stuff as if it's fact, but I'd like to see some proof. Give me a name of the ordinance or a link to more info about, because I've never heard of it. Even still, reality tv is not a quiz show.
And most people are vested in the outcome?? yeah, because most people at this point have been rooting for some vet or watching the tensions between the vets and newbie (which now that you brought it up I wouldn't be surprised if BB in the DR led their vet prompts with "so how do you feel about those stupid NEWBS"). With all the vets gone and five of the weakest players in BB history (which I also find suspect) left, MANY viewers would have left. Moments after Jeff had gone, the feeds were SOOO dead. Plus all the CBS BB promos I've seen have featured a vet--either Rachel crying or Dani's ownership of the game. Nothing using the newbs to advertise the show.
It's too much of a coincidence at this point that things are falling into place for the vets. Pandora's box is supposed to be a power, not just cash. While many people here say they've voted for brendon, the sentiment on other forums is that people REALLY loved Dominic and could not stand Brendon. The veto should have been a quiz or memory game not a physical one OH and Jordan and Rachel were nominated BEFORE the pandora's box.
sorry, I was wrong, nominations were after pb
U.S. Code TITLE 47 > CHAPTER 5 > SUBCHAPTER V > § 509
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§ 509. Prohibited practices in contests of knowledge, skill, or chance
Apparently the applicability of U.S. Code Title 47 Chapter 5 Subchapter V has never been tested in regards to "reality shows". Some people feel that the prize money makes them count as quiz shows. Some people believe that they are not.
Follow the link posted earlier for an interesting discussion about U.S. Code Title 47 and separate FCC regulations.
Feel better anon! (When will I learn not to engage anons who are pimply faced 12 year olds afraid to use their real names)
Petals, I am dragging the grill to the Miss Chevious.
I would also point out that, to my recollection, only once was there ever a power in Pandora's Box. It was money this year. It was money last year (remember the winner, Hayden?, lied to say he got $100 instead of the 5 or 10 thousand because he didn't want the other hgs to know he won a lot of mone). I believe during Jordan's year it was just a visit with a loved one (Natalie got engaged, I believe). I think the first year it was a diamond POV. So to say that Pandora's box is usually a power is quite simply wrong.
Sigh...again I'm arguing with a pimply 12 year old tin hat wearer with paranoid delusions about reality TV shows...when will I learn! LMAO
And lastly:
I guess "any view with half a brain" who thinks that reality TV shows are all scripted really shouldn't complain that reality TV shows are scripted!
Thanks Joe,
But I still don't see how that means BB cannot decide that they will have a physical comp or memory or puzzle comp whenever they want, knowing that some contestants will be better at it or not. Or throwing a pandora's box rule that would allow players to pair up again and thus prolong their eviction. I don't think BB gives the contestants answers or have a predetermined winner. I do think they conveniently choose which comps and twists they want dish out and when.
I am confused, so rachael wins pov and takes Jordan off so she is no longer up because she won pov?
Since the game show applicability has never been tested, I'm pretty sure Alison Grodner doesn't want to be the one to test it by getting her butt sued. But, hey, if conspiracy theories make your little tin hat glow, God bless.
You are more than welcome for the free education. After all, I am a professional educator, so I'll consider this my pro bono work for the summer. (That's Latin, google it.)
All in all, it's been an interesting discussion. I was not aware at how uncertain the legal environment was around applicability of U.S. Code Title 47 Section 5 Subsection V to reality shows with prize money. It seems that networks try to treat them both ways, governing them like the code applies but then denying that the code should apply so no one can use it against them. As I recalled earlier (although I thought it was a man) Elizabeth Stillwell of Survivor sued over manipulation in confessionals and lost without applicability of Title 47 being decided. At the time, CBS apparently argued it should not apply while also arguing that they didn't violate it...ya gotta love lawyers!
It is important to keep in mind that reality shows with prize money (AI, Survivor, BB, etc.) are a separate category from reality shows without prize money (The Bachelor, The Simple Life, Family Jewels etc.) because of the prize money.
From Alison Grodner's point of view, besides the risk of lawsuit or jail if Title 47 Chapter 5 Subchapter V was found to apply, there's also the credibility risk to the show. The WWF spent years denying that its wrestling events were scripted because they wanted people to buy in. They only admitted to it when someone threatened to regulate them like they were an actual sport! It would be the end of Survivor, BB, or AI if it were ever discovered that the results were scripted. You might well think they like having Jordan around...gee, I wonder why they didn't save Jeff!...but it is a much bigger risk for them to lose credibility with the audience by manipulating the outcome.
I would also point out that it is rather unAmerican to accuse them of lying and cheating without proof. (humming God Bless America as he types.) In absence of any proof or even hint that this week's results are tainted, I would refrain from such definitive accusations. To the extent that someone else (same anon?) wanted to consider this a public forum with rules of free speech, you run the risk of libel by making intentionally harmful comments in a public forum! (The law is so tricky isn't it?)
Hope I can make it tonight and I hope Jackie's power is back by then...but it could be awhile.
"Sigh...again I'm arguing with a pimply 12 year old tin hat wearer with paranoid delusions about reality TV shows...when will I learn! LMAO"
In your mind you may be arguing with a pimply 12 year old tin hat wearer... but in reality I am not arguing with you and don't care to because I have better things to do today. You've turned this into a personal insult, name-calling thing (ironic,eh?) when all I asked was for you to clarify your quiz show theory with evidence for those who don't know what you're talking about. And even with your link to the law you're talking about, it still does not change the fact that BB and the recent turn of events could have been altered by producers and writers (maybe with the Brendon being America's choice thing):
First, by doing so they are not predetermining anything or giving contestants answers or telling others not to answer. The contestants are still winning on their own, but BB knows some are simply better at certain comps than others.
And second, you said it yourself:
"Apparently the applicability of U.S. Code Title 47 Chapter 5 Subchapter V has never been tested in regards to "reality shows". Some people feel that the prize money makes them count as quiz shows. Some people believe that they are not."
Just a couple of things to remember. 1) THE NERD HERD. Perhaps one of the most hated alliances in BB history, yet they made it all the way to final 4 with 3 against 1. That 1 was probably one of the most players in the history, Janelle. Did BB step into to help her? The answer NO. 2) Production, in interview after interview every season, has stated that the comps are indeed planned out before the season started. This comp would have been no different if Porsche had not opened PD, they would have been nominated as singles, played as singles, Rachel still would have won, Jordan would have went up against Adam and gone home. Leaving Rachel as 1 against 4. Very much like season 6.
I've also watched interviews with Allison Grodner and Robyn the casting director, and they both say that every player for different reasons should/could win. They usually speak of them like 'their children' and have no vested interest in any single one of them to win over another. They certainly don't take it personal the way some of us fans do. If that was the case S9 Adam would have never won after his "R" comment that CBS showed America on the prime time show and riled up a whole lot of fan hatred for him.
See you all tonight. I'll be aboard the Miss Chevious with the gang. :)
oops, left out the word 'loved' before players, Janelle.
Adding my thanks to Sharon too.
"To the extent that someone else (same anon?) wanted to consider this a public forum with rules of free speech, you run the risk of libel by making intentionally harmful comments in a public forum! (The law is so tricky isn't it?)"
Uh, I am not a 12 yo as you suggest and am WELL aware of libel laws. Posting my opinions about how a game show is scripted or produced on an internet blog is NOT libelous and is solely my opinion (which I as an American am entitled to btw), not stated as a fact by a source that presents it as such. If Jackie were to take my comments and write a blog post about it as fact, then that may very well be libelous.
They are now playing as a duo, so Jordan and Rachel come down as a pair.
Other Anon, sorry if I got a little snide in my responses but I was feeling a little frustrated. I will agree with you that they probably have the ability to throw different comps in whenever they want. I don't know how often they do it. And I also think they can ask leading questions in DR which can impact the game (intentionally or not). Some of the comps have to be scheduled ahead of time based on their plans for airing them, others could be changed at the last minute. But honestly, we don't even know what this week's POV contest was and I'm not sure what would favor Rachel other than the weakness of the other hgs. I mean unless they were asking her about Brendon's body parts or how to entertain a whale while wearing a bikini, I'm not sure what comp favors her. And while you might think the POV on Thursday would favor Jeff, Rachel had an early lead and Porsche ended up winning it.
Again, even though I'm the world's biggest skeptics on a lot of things, I really think the risk to the show of being caught manufacturing results far outweighs any supposed ratings boost from keeping America's sweetheart in the game. Especially since America's sweetheart wasn't in any real jeopardy this week as Rachel was the primary target.
LOL Anon Apparently my post apologizing for getting snide passed by your criticism of me for being snide. I was trying to be funny, but in reading it back it sounds nasty.
Thanks Joe,
I actually wrote my last post before I saw your apology. I agree with your last post and feel like we can agree to disagree. And agree that:
There are laws that govern contest shows, but there are still loopholes in the law that reality shows like BB can fit through. However, we do not know with full certainty that they are doing this. So it remains personal opinion and speculation which could very well be influenced by character investment in the game.
I'd also like to apologize if I seemed rude or snide in my responses.
Monty, totall agree. And who was the guy who won the winter edition? I forget his naae but I don't think anyone liked him at all and he won. And Mike Boogie...egads!! He ended up ousting America's First Sweetheart, Janelle and he was as well-hated as he was well-liked.
I think production wants some people to hang around for a while. But once they are down to the final 5 or 6 I really don't think they care who wins. In fact, a controversial outcome helps them by generating buzz. Look how much AI pimps surprise ousting of favorite's, even early. Last season Alexis Grace was a huge early favorite and not only didn't they fix it for her to stay but they didn't even use the "Judge's Save" on her which is a tool they have given themselves to try and keep favorites in the competition.
Anon 4:08 Actually I can 100% agree with this post.
Wow, I got all passionate and frustrated and then all apologetic and forgiving...I just lived through the entire week of BB!!! :)
Well, it hasn't taken long for Shelly to make her pitch to Rachel and Jordan today. Totally throwing Porsche, Kalia and Adam under the bus.
Shelly says she wants to wipe the slate clean. @@ Saying she has ALWAYS been with the vets and no matter what, she does NOT want Porsche, Adam, or Kalia to win the game.
Rachel asked Shelly: If nominations had stayed the same this week, would you have come to us and listened to our campaign for one of us to stay?
Shelly said: Yes, I would have come to you and asked you what you guys wanted me to do.
Then says she just wants to enjoy the next 5 days and won't bother them again. To just think about it.
Yeah, right. Swampland for sale!
I hope they don't go for it. Jordan respects that Adam has at least told the truth when she asked and said that he wanted to stick with the newbys.
Thanks Joe in ny!
Maria (in Philly)
I hope they go for it. I'm tired of Adam. At least Shelly made some bold moves and it was to help her game. Adam has done NOTHING but sit around flip-flopping as much as Shelly. At least she stepped it up and I hope it doesn't backfire on her.
How weird would that be? Brendon gets evicted by Dani who gets evicted by Jeff who got evicted in part by Shelly's move who will get evicted. Each evictee gets to see their evictor come to the jury house the following week.
Anon 4:21
That would be ironic and almost worth it. LOL
Jordan hasn't been good at comps, but so far, I think she's been better than Shelly or Adam on most. So no big deal for either one to go.
I don't believe for one second that Shelly would stay true to her word, and it doesn't look like Rachel and Jordan are swallowing her 'word' either.
On BBAD last night, Porsche and Kalia worked it out that it would be better for them if Adam got the boot. Wonder what pitch they will give Rachel and Jordan.
Wow. Is it obvious Jackie isn't moderating, not able to scold?
Something to remember - the producers have to be aware that hatred will garner as many viewers as love.
WV: "joysigh". Honest! My sentiment exactly!
Joe, S9 was the winter edition and the one I was alluding to was Adam, aka the HG that said the R word and later won... then went on to prison for drugs (oxycontin). What a swell guy! insert sarcasm here
Joe, on your 4:11 post...
LMAO, I do the same thing and that is why BB will always be the polarizing show it is, and why I love it! :)
No need to moderate...Joe and anon worked it out amongst themselves.
~ Clara
Monty, LOL. I hear you and agree.
Yes, I recall you mentioning S9 (was it yesterday?) and that probably had the least popular winner ever. Wasn't he a special ed teacher or something which made his use of "retard" all that much more chilling. At least Maggie wasn't an awful person...a little unlikable but I think mostly unlikable because (like this season) she slayed a fan favorite.
Hoping Sydney or one of Jackie's close friends can open a new post for the show tonight. This one will get really long if we go off of it. ;)
In the end, it is just a game and we all know that here. Everyone who has been loyal to this blog over the years will conduct ourselves the way we always have and Jackie (aka Jax) knows that.
{{{Petals}}}, hope to see you on the Miss Chevious tonight. Hoping you're all over that accident stiffness as well. See you all later.
Yes to both, Joe! :)
Gotta run..............
Kalia, Porcha, Adam
I wish they would walk off-
Speaking of reality---
It's not only ratings at stake, it's productions jobs,
Various Sponsors, There's a reason why BB is known for its motto " Expect the Unexpected "
Yet season after season audience came to expect the exact same thing.
Julie Chen pretty much gave away latest Duo twist on The Talk as she plugged BB premiere .
My first impression was exactly how it turned out, Duo's again but only if HOH Opened Pandora's box.
Rigged shows wouldn't broadcast live feeds..
Alison Grodner is pulling strings and keeping the ratings up.
8/28/2011 3:35 AM
Who know's maybe she didn't have a choice, however I doubt it's rigged.
Took a peek at the feeds. Shelly has...surprisingly -_-, switched sides again, throwing Kalia and Porshe under the bus...
dont know if someone posted this but tmz is reporting shellys family is getting threats for her jeff eviction and her work is getting calls to fire her,, sick world
At the risk of starting more trouble, there are false advertising laws which would apply every time someone from the show or the network says that comps are determined before the show starts. There is too much at stake to risk ending your own career just to keep a particular player.
Think about it: before the season starts, you can (and should) design a few twists to keep one side or another in the game when it leans too far in favor of the opposing side. After 13 seasons, production can pick those game points, even if they can't predict which player.
First off, I do think that Reality Shows are scripted to a certain extent I do know someone who is on Reality TV and while it's true to an extent, they openly express more so in this setting for the viewers entertainment, and are very encouraged to do so. I can understand this. The over exaguration at times is a little much.
I'm certainly sure BB had to make some changes due to the recent events. Good that they did. They would have lost many viewers.
With that said, at first I liked Shelly because I felt she was playing the game in her own way, manipulating both sides and doing a good job at it. Then she finally went overboad for me, with how she reacted to Jorden and there after. I would still like her to come out on top before Adam. Shelly has risked herself by making game moves. Adam has let everyone do his work for him.
I never disliked Rachael. She is a really hard player and studies the game. I did dislike the Brendon and Rachael team. It's personal with me and it was because of the open showmance that had no place on a family Reality Show. It should have been stopped by the producers.
I think the worst BB contestants for me was Evil Dick and Dr Will. I still don't understand why they were so popular with some.
My pick today for the win would be Rachael Jorden or Kaila, in any order. Tomorrow might be different.
All in all, it's a great show this year.
Actually what I have read has K & P making a deal and aligning with R & J to throw Shelly out. I don't watch the live feeds but there are several blogs out there that do minute to minute blogging. I watched the feeds the very first year (really low tech) and have never wanted to see them since. Watching BBAD is bAAAd enough LOL. I would much rather read what everyone else is seeing!
SueGee on the Left Coast
wv - bless
"Mama may have, and papa may have
God bless' the child,
That's got his own
That's got his own"
I have emailed Sydney and others to see if any can put up a new post. I will let you know what I find out or maybe a new post will be put up!!
Thanks Donna! :)
Eller-Media said...
Rigged shows wouldn't broadcast live feeds..
Forgot to mention that I agree with this 100%. And Nina, I agree with a lot that you said also.
I'm in a silent minority that believes the show is NOT rigged. It doesn't always go my fan favorites' way and I get riled up because of it. In the end, that is the nature of Big Brother. Just one big ole social experiment.
Anyone know if the show will start on time? Didn't get home until way after 60 Minutes started. Thanks!
Yes it's starting. I can't wait to see what happened before the live show!!!
maggie did not get janelle out
yvette took maggie to final two
people did not like maggie for pretending to be so high and mighty, and honest etc and "one of the good guys"
sound familiar.
self righteous etc.
A reminder to everyone that Jackie does not have power and may not be able to post tonight.
Anon 3:46 is right on.
The show isn’t rigged like pro wrestling, but the deck has been stacked in the vets’ favor. If the vets had knocked out too many newbie’s early, BB would have stacked the deck the other way. The producers know their limits, and control the show as much as they can without technically fixing it.
This week, the twist alone doubled both vets’ chances of staying, and BB’s control over the POV comp (which took them an unusually long time to plan) made those odds even better.
Watch the POV competition--and see if it isn’t geared toward Rachel. If possible, it’ll also be slanted toward Jordan. BB has 24/7 to think about how to influence the outcome of comps, and obviously they do. Wouldn't you?
I think “America” legitimately voted Brendon back in, but it’s funny how that vote happened just when he went out, when the rest of his alliance was about to be picked off, but before it was beyond rescue through intervention. When Brendon was the best known and most prominent of all the evictees. And just when the vote was most predictable.
Joe mentioned the neutrality of the clown shoe competition. Remember--that happened on the double eviction show, and had to be set up before BB knew which houseguests would be nominated. Even so, I still suspect that, because it was physical, it was chosen with him in mind, and that he simply panicked and blew it. BB sees outcomes like that as a chance they have to take. Their response to it is this week’s fishy “twist”.
It would be one thing if the twists were fair, or at least seemed random, but they’ve stuck it to the newbies so often that they should all just walk.
Rachel is confronting Jeff about throwing the corn hole comp
Jeff is lying saying he didn't.
Jeff blames Shelly and wants to confront her about her switching sides.
He starts acting weird right before the live show and Shelly realizes it may because he knows about her flip
Jeff learns of the Shelly switch from Adam.
Shelly confronts Jeff and Adam and the blow up is beginning
I'm on the Miss Chevious... the water is fine, and I'm drinking a nice glass of wine.
Drinking game includes any crying.
This is sad and shows a lot that we didn't see.
Shelly is really defending herself
An hour before the live show, Adam continues to throw shelly under the bus.
Again Shelly confronts both Adam and Jeff.
Adam raises his voice as Shelly tries to defend her betrayal. They see through it.
I think anyone in the game should be trying to further their own game, but just say so and accept you got caught Shelly. Quit trying to act like you weren't in with Dani because you saw the writing on the wall.
Newbie here.
re:Miss Chevious
Permission to come aboard, Mam
Anybody but Shelly!
After seeing that exchange between Jeff and Shelly, I dislike her even more.
Thanks for letting us know that Jackie doesn't have power. I logged on just to check for that reason. I hope it doesn't last too long for her benefit.
I haven't even watched Thursday's show on the dvr yet...too busy with family problems. I'm trying hard not to peek at what happened and what all of you are posting. ;)
Sure hope everyone on the east coast is safe.
Petals isn't here, but I think she'd say jump aboard. :)
I hope Jordan and Rachel do not buy Shelly's BS. According to Jokers they are voting her out. However, since Jordan is so gullible, she could switch her back.
As far as the death threats, there are weirdos out there. But I would not be surprised to hear that it was made up to garner sympathy for Shelly.
I was a big supporter of Shelly. I do not blame her for doing what was best for her. However, one thing I just can't accept -- in real life or a game is for someone to betray someone like she did, I can not forget. Not because she flipped, that was her right. But, she is a savvy person. She shows that Jordan is an naive, sweet person who only thinks the best in people and Shelly fed into this. She could have been part of the alliance -- just like Adam was. But she inserted herself into Jordan's inner circle of emotions and then turned on her. The she didn't have the decency to own up to her behavior.
After hearing of all the "mean girl" things that she has said about Jeff, Jordan and Rachel, there is no way I would forget.
And we're back
Dani is evicted--of course-- and Jeff is proud (not sure how/when they taped his DR about it)
Adam complains that he should have won HOH (as if he could)...lol
Kalia, Porshe and Shelly agree to put up Jeff and Rachel taking into account her promise with Jordan.
Adam is upset he didn't win the veto....lol
After veto comp. Jeff reminds Porshe that he saved her and she should use veto on him. She reminds him that he evicted Dani and just used her as a pawn
Jeff thinks she's being used (again, not sure when they taped his DR)
He tries to plead with Shelly for a vote, she brings up his blow up, still trying to justify her switch and criticize his reaction to it.
Zoetawny, It is good to see you here. I hope things get better for you soon. I know we all miss your great graphics. Hope to see you back soon. Sizz
Jeff is pissed, slams the door open on his way out.
Rachel and Jordan are upset. Adam reassures them that it wasn't him.
Adam, Rachel and Jordan have a pity party.
Shelly is upset as well and Kalia and Porsh comfort her.
Shelly crashes the pity party after eavesdropping.
Jordan blows up at her and Rachel carries her out.
I like Jordan even more.
WOW Jordan!
Didn't know she had it in her.
Anybody but Shelly
And we're back
HOH comp is snake themed featuring the ball on a snake balancing thing that was in the back yard all week.
Okay, not hate here but keeping it real. No one in any instance should do what has been done to Shelly's family and it has totally ruined my fun in ragging on her.
Just sayin'.....
HOH comp is done in brackets
In DR Adam says he HAS to win HOH to secure his spot in the game. He is the first one eliminated from the comp...
Rachel is second one out. She starts crying.
Shelly is third one out after being bracketed with Porshe
Porshe is now up against Jordan ... Commercial
Porshe was taking it slow and steady...will she win the race?
I thought that meek little blond was going to rip Shelly's head off! If Rachel had not yanked her into another room I think there would have been blood shed.
My money would have been on Jordan.
Shelly is going on and on denying that she is a snake in the grass. It sure didn't take her long to openly shower her kiss a** personality to the two girls.
We didn't even know that Jordan was that close because the feeds were full of crying and pity after this.
The, repeat the, very reason that fans shouldn't jump to conclusions and go to extremes.
Becky, my Miss Chevious float/boat buddy tonight. Hugs!
I agree Monty and I also didn't know that Adam was the main force behind exposing Shelly to Jeff.
Monty, after all the lies that Shelly told, I don't know that I believe her family or friends. I think they are just trying to deflect the dislike the fans have for the way she treated JKordan.
Shelly is being obviously distractive while Jordan does the snake. PQ
Poor Adam. PQ
Hey, Monty. Looks like by the time Petals shows up we will be smashed if we keep drinking every time there are tears.
Porshe wins HOH.
Shelly, Porshe and Kalia celebrate outlandishly to rub it in.
Pity Party take 2. Adam isn't there this time.
Adam hugs Shelly and tells her it wasn't personal. She says she still thinks it was but still forgives him.
Adam tells DR that he is hanging with the newbies now...lol
I don't get why people dislike Shelly so much, when Adam is hands down shadier than she is and has flipped a lot more often!
With what has happened, Portie, Kalia, and Shelly. Adam will probably go this week. If R & J can win the next HOH...can they survive? PQ
I meant P K & S will be final 3 unless R or J win next HOH????? PQ
[And I'm not even drinking every time there are tears. LOL]
Thanks posters for updates. I can't watch until later, but wanted to join Jackie's for the show. Belle
Becky, I'm already there... lol.
Just another example of playing DRs out of context or having to go back and pre tape DRs. Jordan's black tee DRs were taped yesterday. The pick shirt ones are from earlier when she was still so hurt and defeated. I'm glad she found the will to rally. She really could have won that HoH. I'm happy she was THAT close.
That is a possibility Becky. Shelly's family and friends would know fans would not like her turning on J&J.
Adam is not shadier. HE has made no deals. Nor has he lied. PQ
Loved the look on Porsche's face when Rachel asked Jordan to be partners...
I love the twist! This gives R and J a chance!!!! PQ
The power is topheavy anyway at 4 to 2. Not much of a big shift no matter what.
Porshe enters her HoH room. She sees Pandora's box.
The bait: 2 boxes labeled $5,000 and a glass of champagne.
She chooses to take the money, but a letter also reveals that she has to split the money with another houseguest and read another letter to the rest of the house.
The letter reveals that Porshe opened pandora's box and the game returns to duos for one week.
All original duo rules remain. Nominated together, vetoed together, replaced together.
They get to choose their own partners.
Rachel and Jordan are happy and hopeful. Kalia and Porshe are not.
Roll Credits, Fade to black
Shelly, I am so glad that you and Kalia and Porsche are upset. Porsche, you have $5,000 -- and you see a bit too late that this was the worst move you have made.
Does anyone know who she gave the other $5,000 too?
Nice work on the updates.
She gave the money to Kalia
There you have it. I didn't like all the coverage of it since we know about the Shelly hate on the internet but it is what happened.
We got to see what was blocked to the feeds and I think a lot of folks would have been as angry if we didn't.
I can't wait to see the POV now.
Joe, good to see you here at last. Petals, still hoping you are recovering just fine. Jackie, hope your electric returns swiftly for you and Vincent and not us here.
Great blog and good times. See you all later. :)
Becky, her partner. Kalia got $5000 too.
A MUCH smarter move would have been to nominate Shelly and Adam and then there are 4 people playing for veto and backdoor Rach and Jordan
The $5000 boxes were a clue to the duo twist. She even figured that she'd have to share the money...sigh
The blond HOH isn't as smart as she thinks she is!
I am off. Leverage is on now.
Raise MY hand if after learning she too had won $5000, if Kalia still thinks Porsche shouldn't have opened Pandora's Box? ;-)
I didn't know that Jordan knew those words. Too much time hanging around a bad influence I guess.
The legal issue has been tested, although we don't know how it was resolved. After the first Survivor contestant Stacy Stillman sued Mark Burnett accusing him of interfering to get two of the other players to change there votes from Rudy Boesch to her. She sued for lost prize money and $75,000 out of pocket expenses. The case was eventually settled out of court, but Stillman's suit essentially treated a reality-competition series as if it were the same as a game show, and Burnett's response was not that it wasn't a game show but rather that he didn't act in a way that influenced the two players he was accused of influencing.
I thought it was interesting that according to Jeff, Porsche didn't talk game or say much to anyone other than Dani and Kalia for something like 44 days but she is now all animated and talkative. I realize as HOH she has to talk more on screen.
I don't like her much so it colors my observations of her,but she seems like a phony to me.
my WV is angsts...There was a lot of angst in the BB house in the past week.
what are you all talking about? death threats to shelly's family? where is this coming from? -jeannemarie
I just do not get what was wrong with Shelly voting against Jeff? How did she back stab Jordan? I don't get it. They WERE GOING TO DO THAT TO SHELLY. Jeff, Jordan and Rachel had no plans bringing any of the newbies to the end. I'm glad the newbies saw that.
I just do not want an oldie winning this game. They think they did nothing wrong, but they were just as wrong as the others. JMO.
The right move was for Shelly to get rid of Jeff no doubt but the way she went about it is the problem. She would have been better off just coming clean when she was caught to Jeff. Her blatant cheering for the newbies was ridiculous and she is not very likable anymore but death threats? that is insane people. Get a grip this is a TV show and Shelley isnt Casey Anthony!!!
jeannemarie, it as apparently on TMZ
Yes. TMZ has the story on death threats to Shelly's family. They reported her family is contacting the FBI to handle. That is insane!
I agree with Penny. I do not see what was so wrong with anyone voting out the two strongest players which were Dani and Jeff. I just do not get all the sound and fury over this being such a major deal. I was thrilled the newbies were finally stepping up their game and quit playing for Jeff and Jordan and just to please jeff and Jordan.
I want a newbie to win.
I probably enjoy BB as much as anyone else, but ...
Yes, we know it's a game, and we assume adults can properly process what transpires on the show, right or wrong.
But when things start to happen like threats to Shelly's family, and the vile remarks anyone can read on blogs, one has to wonder about 'assumed adult-processing,' and what the lessons are that many young people are learning as well.
Those of us who are older than 60 (in particular) can't help notice the degradation of 'little things' like common courtesy (mostly started during the 1960s). It's obvious that many other morals haven't escaped that decline either.
Off my soapbox.
I am very happy that R & J are safe for another week. I am not a fan of Rachel's, but I like Jordan a lot. I don't like floaters at all, so I have never liked A/K/P/S because that is all that they are. Yes, K & P have won a couple of things recently, but as far as decisions go, they have floated all season.
Shelly should be ashamed of her conduct in the house. She was all concerned about setting a good example for her daughter but she certainly has not done so. Shelly, when you get home just tell your daugher...do as I say, not as I do.
The problem isn't that she voted Jeff out. That was a good move for her strategically. The problem is that she got caught and wouldn't fess up to it while at the same time getting mad at them for accusing her. It's not always about the move you make, sometimes it's about how you make it.
Hey everyone - I'm sorry I missed this, but even if I'd seen it in time, I am not able to post anything on Jackies as I am only an admin when she is in the hospital. Jax, maybe we should set it up again for these rare emergencies....
I assume this means her power went out....
Billy said...
The problem isn't that she voted Jeff out. That was a good move for her strategically. The problem is that she got caught and wouldn't fess up to it while at the same time getting mad at them for accusing her. It's not always about the move you make, sometimes it's about how you make it.
This has been my argument with friends the entire time. Just play your own game, and in the end own it and don't deny, deny, deny. When it gets down to this few your lies will catch up with you. Shelly had the potential of playing the best social game since Dr. Will but she was sloppy and these house guests weren't the the HGs of season 2. It would be almost impossible to play that strategy today after 12 seasons.
I also agree with virtually every comment about Shelly since my last post. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Her family will help her, I'm sure her husband won't sugar coat it for her. Her own daughter said she wished her 'momma' didn't lie so much. Its a game!!!
Sydney, hey! I suggested you or one of Jackie's friends because I knew that you took care of the blog while Jackie was having her first knee surgery. We all behave ourselves in the end and had an interesting exchange during the show. I've missed your comments lately. Where have you been?
See you all Wednesday if not before.
Thread is TL;DR. But from skimming, a couple of points:
1) CBS and AGP certainly have their bases covered a lot more thoroughly if they can prove that they had the order of the competitions and the specifics planned before the season started. They'd also have a few comps ready as a backup in case of unforeseen circumstances (i.e., a thunderstorm in CA during the live show would preclude any outdoor competitions with them wearing electrical equipment like wireless mics).
2) Even without that, there are some constraints on comps. During the Double Eviction week, both the HOH and Veto comps have to be unambiguously decided in a short amount of time. Sometimes they have "find the thing in the big pit of mess" competitions that take 10-20 mins to play out, but this past week's veto comp was not one of them--designed to finish in just a few minutes even if all the players were weak.
3) We know there's a rulebook somewhere that we can't read, because that's where they talk about penalty nominations and such. I would be quite surprised if said rulebook did not explicitly warn house guests that production can change competitions to insure "fair play," such as perhaps eliminating or modifying endurance comps if, say, one of the house guests breaks a leg. (Though if it were that bad, I would suspect they'd remove the guest from the house rather than try to modify as many as 15 upcoming comps.)
So I'm betting they have their bases covered as long as they don't explicitly try to change things to favor a specific houseguest. If they do that, the damage isn't in criminal penalties, it's in the show losing all credibility and probably 75% of the audience. It's a fatal move.
More and more, the producers seem bent on following all the rules for losing all credibility.
You can get a copy of the rule book. If you go to CBS Big Brother and go to the section to sign up ada house guest You can print a copy of the rule book. I was going to try to be a houseguest one year and my hubby did not like the idea. he is not a BIG BROTHER fan,,,go figure..
I think I have a huge problem when people bring their kids into this game. Whamber used to swear on her daughter and I thought that was in really poor taste. But Shelly made this all about her daughter. There were times that the house (and Jordan in particular) consoled her because she didn't want to set a bad example for Josie. She was so upset when her lie got Cassi voted out and it started then. It always made sense to vote Jeff out. Had I been in the house, I don't know if I could have done it. But Shelly made her integrity and her class such a huge issue in this house that when she didn't own her game play, it became classless.
And I have an observation... If anyone doesn't doubt Big Brother's influence in the game... The people who think they control the house right now... Porsche, Shelly, Adam and Kalia? 3 of them had those stupid golden keys. Kalia probably would have if Dani had not gotten one. They should just rename their alliance the Superfloater Alliance (SFA).
Go Rachel and Jordan!!!
If r/j dont get rid of shelly this week i will be sick!
they have this great opportunity.
not sure why adam flipped back with that side cause either way he was last
now adam is 3rd on both sides if they boot shelly
and again, her trying to pin the thing on adam and getting all self righteous with jeff was nauseating.
glad they showed the entire fight that happened thursday before the live show.
I dont think jeff was that terrible to shelly.
she was all high and mighty and continued to lie lie lie and blmae blmae blame
now she has to go, go go
On Sunday night I was so depressed and feeling so sorry for Jordan and Rachel. I just read Jackie's blog and found out Rachel won the POW and now I am so happy. The Newbies were so obnoxious and full of themselves after coasting throughout the whole show. Shelly was unbelievabily sneaky and mean and a lier to everyone on the show. I could tell she wanted to win the second place money. What a horrible person!!!!
Shelly Moore
from TMZ
Shelly Moore (born September 18, 1978) is a beauty queen from Knoxville, Tennessee who won the Miss Teen USA 1997 title. In 1996, Moore won the Miss Northern Tennessee local title before competing for and winning the Miss Tennessee Teen USA 1997 contest. She went on to represent Tennessee in the Miss Teen USA contest held at South Padre Island, Texas on 20 August 1997. Moore's roommate during the pageant was top six finalist Amanda Penix, Miss Oklahoma Teen USA and she was later a bridesmaid at Penix's wedding. During the final competition Moore won all three areas of competition: evening gown, swimsuit and interview. At the conclusion of the final rounds of competition, Moore was crowned Miss Teen USA 1997. She was the first delegate from Tennessee to win the Miss Teen USA or Miss USA titles
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