Thursday, September 01, 2011

Big Brother 13 HoH Comp Update - 9/01

As I get this posted, the feeds are still blocked. I want to thank Joe and Eviction Updates for their tremendous show updates on the blog party post.

When I know who won, you'll know. Keep checking back!

10:17 PM ET -- Feeds still blocked.

10:25 PM ET -- Feeds return, still waiting for confirmation on winner. They're all coughing a lot and clearing their throats.

Adam said "Good job" to Rachel, but it doesn't necessarily mean she won. I'm pretty sure she did, but I want more before I declare Rachel the winner.

Confirmation: Rachel is the new HoH.


Joe in NY said...

Thanks, Jackie!!

chris said...

thanks jackie
glad you are better after a rough couple of sick weeks
go rachel go

Ninboh said...

it;s like good if rachel wins this hoh. But better if jordan wins it. Rachel really needs the next HOH.

Kaye said...

Rachel was so far ahead at the end of the shw

Joe in NY said...

Honestly, in that house, Rachel could win out. That might be the weakest final 5 I've ever seen. Porsche is probably the second strongest competitor! Who thought we'd ever say that? LOL

Eviction Show said...

You're welcome, Jackie. Just trying to help.

Becky said...

They did do a tremendous job of keeping us informed.

One question -- was Rachel's goodbye the only one.

Joe in NY said...

Ninboh. At this point POV is more important. In final 4 POV winner has all the power. They alone decide who goes home. So Rachel winning here is just fine. HOH in final 4 can't protect anyone but themselves. Even here, Rachel can't necessarily protect Jordan. The POV winner can force Rachel to nominate Jordan and then the newbies could evict her.

chacha said...

They must be allowing them to clean up before feeds return?
It is now longer than 13 minutes. Guess I just wanted to see the look on Kalia's face.
Porsche and Kalia had to know that Rachel would probably win this. Maybe thats why Kalia started slow?

Joe didn't Jordan and Rachel discuss that they wanted Rachel to win this HOH

Anonymous said...

This comp was designed (figuratively) for Jordan and Rachel. The most in-shape of them all.

Has there been this many "run-over" hoh comps before?

very very suspicious


Joe in NY said...

Hi Becky,

No, I typed the other goodbyes. Rachel was the only one that teased Shelly. Jordan sort of scolded her. Porsche thanked her for being motherly. Adam called her a great player. Kalia I missed because I was typing.

chacha said...

this HOH only means you make final four. The pov next week has the definitive power who makes the final three

Joe in NY said...

Comp should be over...c'mon BB let us see the winner!

RiseandShine said...

Maybe they're all rolling around in the goo, brawling.
Hey, I can dream, can't I?

chacha said...

kalia, Porsche and Adam gave nicer goodbyes because they are only thinkingjury votes.
Rachel and Jordan spoke there mind. I thought Rachels was funny.

Joe in NY said...


Usually 1/3 or so of the comps are runovers. AFter the early season they usually alternate endurance comps and question comps. Endurance comps always run over. I actually was thinking that we've had fewer endurance comps this season than in other seasons.

Becky said...

Thanks, Joe. I guess I was so busy laughing at Rachel's message that I missed it.

chacha said...

They must have them cleaning up. They always come back faster...I am getting irritated.

Joe in NY said...

Maybe they are all stuck like flies on paper...LOL The way they were slowing down it could have happened!

chacha said...

My theory is more endurance becuase there are so few that could win. It was an easy win for the Vets.

Joe in NY said...

That was a pretty messy comp.

Anonymous said...

What if there's been a discrepancy?


Anonymous said...

You sure have nice people here.
They did a great job reporting.
I am so glad Shelly is gone. I am going to celebrate that one. :o)

chacha said...

Stuck like flies to paper...Funny Joe. I wonder if Kalia decided to eat a fly.
So if Rachel wins does she open the box?

Joe in NY said...

Rachel's message was the best. I LOVE the fact that she knew the ring was cheap but never let on to Shelly. LOL. Girl has her down side, but she has game.

Anonymous said...

This comp was designed (figuratively) for Jordan and Rachel

Jordan was just as bad as Kalia, honestly they all suck except Rachel and Adam.

Joe in NY said...

I think Rachel might not open the box. Depends on whether she thinks there's a secret power in there. Little does she know it's just an afternoon with David Hasselhoff.

Joe in NY said...

anon 10:16

I don't know why anyone would think you could design an endurance comp for Jordan. She is thinner and prettier than the other girls but she is probably the worst athelete in the house. And she doesn't do pain, as she said. Look how quickly she gave up on a POV that she HAD to have.

Anonymous said...

Joe - - Jordan is safe this week, assuming Rachel is HOH.

Kalia and Porsche will be put up, IF one of them wins POV, Adam is the replacement nominee.

chacha said...

You sure its the Hoff?

I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel said to Jordan that she has it...Let her win

chacha said...

anon- 10:19
you nailed it.

I also totally believe that the aim is to get Kalia out although I would like Rachel to have to break the tie. I think Adam would vote to evict Kalia and Jordan would also.
Although one one with the tie breaker would be good also.

Joe in NY said...

Anon - Rachel as HOH does not mean Jordan is safe this week. If the un-nominated newbie wins POV, they simply remove one of the nominees and Jordan has to go up. HOH winner can only protect their self for sure.

RiseandShine said...

I always liked the endurance comps at the end where you had to hold on to something. Particularly the boat one with the rain, was that Danielle?

Anonymous said...

The show has been posted here if interested.

Safe site,use it all the time

Joe in NY said...

Sorry chacha and anon 10:19 Read my post. HOH cannot definitely protect anyone else in Final 5.

Anonymous said...

Jordan is safe. Adam isn't going to stick his neck out to save Porsche or Kalia.

chacha said...

Joe- Rachel wouldn't put Jordan in danger. That is the safest person for her to reach F2 with. The newbies wouldn't Jordan for the win again and if Rachel earns that spot she would totally deserve it and I am not a Rachel fan although she is swaying me.

Anonymous said...

Don't download just press the red play button.

Anonymous said...

HG's taking showers
Rachel won

Anonymous said...

Watching Dick at Nite. Matt and Ronnie are on.


chacha said...

if Rach is HOH
She can put up Kali and Porsche. Whichever won wins takes themselves off and Adam goes up.
Yes concievably if Adam wins and takes one of them down then she can but I don't see Adam sticking his neck out. I listen to some of his horrible adam at nights and believe he is on team VET

SueGee said...

Thanks Jackie!! Time to go for my evening walk so hopefully they will be done with the donuts by then!!


chacha said...

feeds back....WHOO HOOO

Joe in NY said...

chacha and anon, you're really not listening.

Rachel wins HOH (say) She nominates Kalia and Porsche. Adam wins POV he only has to remove Porsche and Jordan has to go up. Rachel has no choice. The POV holder is safe and so is the removed hg.

It is not sticking your neck out if you're Adam. It GUARANTEES Jordan goes home and it is 3 against Rachel. The only votes in that scenario are Adam and Porsche. Jordan and Rachel have no voice in who goes home.

Anonymous said...

feeds back. Not sure who won.

Anonymous said...

@ ar right rachel has game..i have never been a fan of hers but am liking her more as this season goes on..and her goodbye to shelly was funny,classic rachel!


Joe in NY said...

Didn't Adam tell Jordan he was on team newbie last week.

Anonymous said...

Rachel won: confirmed

Anonymous said...

Adam looks bummed out,
feeds are back on, lots of coughing going on

Becky said...

Night all.

Anonymous said...

Joe, of course you're right.

Adam will win and use the POV, since he's won so much already.

Oh wait.

Margo said...

Dingo says it is rachel

Jackie S. said...

Other than Adam saying "Good job" to Rachel, I haven't seen confirmation.

My personal guess is she won, but I haven't seen it said on the feeds yet.

RiseandShine said...

Sorry to hear Adam looks bummed. I really felt for him last time when he was talking about losing all that weight and thinking he could do better than he actually did.

Anonymous said...


Jordan said to Rachel: "I'm so glad you won" after Rachel apologized for Jordan not winning

april rj said...

I cannot understand how most still think these comps are rigged for certain people. The building of the sets and planning cannot be done in a week. There is no way to have that much glaze withouth preordeing well in advance. The snake game had more than a week to practice, that's how Portia was good at it...

Anonymous said...

Rachel won HOH!! Sweet!!!!

Anonymous said...

April, they can have the comps planned out ahead of time but not scheduled. That way they can choose the kind they want a few weeks before.

Jackie S. said...

They must be basing that on Adam's "good job" comment to Rachel. It's probably true, but I prefer to have something more substantial before saying she won.

Anonymous said...

PS Thank you, Jackie and everyone for the posts and comments.

chacha said...

Joe- That was before Porsche and Kalia asked him to go up as a pawn pre Pandora Box. He was mad about that.
I think he is team vet. He spills all convo's to Jordan but doesn't spill any to kalia or Porsche.

I get what you were saying but Adams track record? I don't think he will win or want to win that VETO

Witt said...

Also -- Jackie knew someone in production; that person stated that comps are planned well ahead of time, before the cast is assembled and in the house! I guess there always must be conspiracy theories...

Witt :)

Go team Jorchel!

Anonymous said...

Jokers Updates says Rachel won HOH. Are they reliable? PQ

Anonymous said...

Funniest line of the night...Shelly in Purple Room with fortuneteller:"I'm a grown woman staring at a machine for the past 3 hours".

monty924 said...

Way to go Radon. This one is hard to call. They aren't outright saying anything, but Adam and Rachel gave congrats to each other. Team Jordo/Rachel moves on and I'm happy.

Goodnight folks. :)

chacha said...

I dont think the comps are rigged. Do I think they play them out to show certain peoples strengths. Come on who actually thought Rachel wouldn't win this comp

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Dani so cocky with Brendan and Jeffin the Jury House? PQ

Joe in NY said...

anon 10:30. The point is not that it will happen it is that it COULD happen. Rachel cannot protect Rachel all by herself. It doesn't have to be Adam. Rachel nominates Adam and Kalia, Porsche wins POV and removes Adam, Jordan goes up.

Witt said...

'Night, Monty!


Anonymous said...

Rachel says to Jordan, "I'm sorry you didn't win. You should have won."

Jordan: "No, no. I'm so glad you won...blah blah"

Anonymous said...

Joe in NY --- So Jordan MUST win POV to stay in the game. Right? PQ

Jackie S. said...

Other than the "good job" comment from Adam to Rachel, I still haven't heard any direct confirmation.

I'm pretty sure she won -- she's smiling a lot. But I want someone to come out and say it!

Anonymous said...


Witt said...

If RAchel is HOH why would Jordan need to win POV? Aren't there enough choices without Rachel having to nominate her?

Joe in NY said...

Anon 10:40 Jordan doesn't need to win POV. She just needs one of the nominees or Rachel to win POV. Don't get me wrong, her odds are very good of staying. It's just not assured.

The only way Jordan goes home is if the non-nominee wins POV and removes a nominee. A nominee removing himself keeps Jordan safe.

I mean she's 80% sure of staying. It's just not 100%. POV means more and more as it winds down.

Next week POV is more important than HOH>

Anonymous said...

Jordan is safe.

POV is almost always physical. Rachel will win it. Porshe may have a chance.

Adam needs to go now

Witt said...

Jackie wrote:
Confirmation: Rachel is the new HoH.


Witt :)

lynn1 said...

I want to say Thanks to Joe in Ny and Eviction Show for a great blow by blow of tonight's show.
Tonight's show was fast paced with lots of interesting and funny comments and you 2 really did a great job of covering for Jackie.

Anonymous said...

Awesome job to Joe in NY...thank you!!
Karen in CA

Anonymous said...


Well we knew that a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Kalia has her post-show snack

Anonymous said...

SO Kalia
1. Talks
2. Sleeps
3. Eats

RiseandShine said...

Good night all, sleep well. See you around!

Anonymous said...


and wins 2 hoh's

Witt said...

@Anon 10:46
You had hints a long time ago. Well, I am like Jackie. Someone saying "good job" means nothing...I prefer confirmation.

Joe in NY said...

Don't worry, Witt, that anon is just a troll. He/she has been playing smart aleck all night. Silly me, I even engaged he/she.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't just Adam's comment. Jordan said it flat out. Jackie must have missed it. Oh well, not here to argue.

monty924 said...

If Rachel sticks true to Jordan, there is no way that Jordan goes up. She has three other players to pick from. Kalia, Porsche and Adam.

Don't feed trolls....

lynn1 said...

I really hope Rachel targets Porsche this week. I am not a fan of Porsche although she has done well in some of the comps and compared to some of the other probably does deserve to be in the final 2.
I think it would be sweet to see Rachel as HOH send Porsche packing after all the awful mean spirited and hateful things she has said about Rachel.
I am very curious about who Rachel will put up. Prior to Porsche opening Pandora's Box when Rachel & Jordan thought one of them would be evicted for sure, they were talking about who they would like to see at the end and who they would vote for. They both agreed they would vote for Kalia and thought they could get Brendon and Jeff to vote that way too.
I don't know if they still feel that way or not.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should remember there is usually more than one anon! Not all of them are trolls!


Anonymous said...

Thank-you for the play by play and color commentary tonight Joe:-)


Anonymous said...

Rachel won HOH.

Joe in NY said...

Monty, mostly true. Again, look at my POV scenario. It is not wholly within Rachel's power to guarantee Jordan's safety.

Ninboh said...

Yay Rachel. But Thursday's POV is still do or die for her. I am torn this week. Porsche is my pool pick so while I think Rachel needs to get her out, I can't be too upset if Porsche wins VETO or slides through.

lynn1 said...

I wonder now that Shelly will be in the Jury House if they will tell her that Louisiana is under a tropical storm warning ( that could change to hurricane before it is over.)
My guess is they probably won't tell her. If I remember correctly they did not tell Rennie when a hurricane hit here. I do think Rennie was still in the BB house at the time though.

Anonymous said...

At this point, I really hope Rachel can win it all. Never been a Rachel fan before, but she is SO much better without Brendon in the house.

With Brendon and Jeff gone, Rachel has become strongest player.

There's been so many physical lately, it HAS to be time for the morph comp and I wouldn't doubt if Jordan could win that one. Jordan and Rachel have been studying the faces (when nobody notices) and Jordan was pointing out quirks of each face.

It would be funny if everyone is studying faces and they don't do the morph thing this season! :D

Anonymous said...

ooops.. forgot to sign of on last post.


Anonymous said...

go team jorchel

monty924 said...

oops, I agree Joe. But if she nominates Porsche and Kalia, then Adam is the non-nominee. He's blatantly said he is with them now. That would be another flip-flop and I think he knows his game to the jury can't be just that. Maybe me, maybe seeing a human side to the hamsters, but I don't think that would be Adam's strategy. If Adam wins POV, in this scenario, I say he keeps the nominations the same. Better yet, I say he throws the POV. :)

Anonymous said...

Monty, wouldn't Adam be foolish tothrow the POV because he could be replaced if one on the block wins POV and removes herself. PQ

Susan said...

AOL spoiler board say Rachel won, but will wait for you to confirm

Anonymous said...

"AOL spoiler board say Rachel won, but will wait for you to confirm"

We have to admit that this was just a little bit funny.


Anonymous said...


Jackie confirmed on the last paragraph at the bottom of the "Big Brother 13 HoH Comp Update - 9/01" thread.


Anonymous said...

My guess for the celebrity pandoras box is Steve Carell because BB keeps saying 'that's what she said' after the HG's say certain things.


chris said...

so funny how so many of us are now rooting for rachel to win the whole shebang

Joe in NY said...

well, the celebrity is someone who has a movie or TV show coming out. Could be someone new on the fall schedule at CBS

Petals said...

Just now watched Thursday's show. This was probably the most entertaining episode of the season.

I am stunned at how likeable Rachel is without Brendan.

Adam is a fun, nice guy.

Eller-Media said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eller-Media said...


I've always wanted Rachel to win,
In fact, I suggested Rachel return this season.

chacha said...


i don't think they will tell Shelly anything. They haven't told Adam about the Hurricane and I hear Hoboken was hit pretty hard.
I am just curious if they felt the earthquake yesterday.
As far as Jordan with a morph comp- she said yesterday that it took her twelve minutes to do it in her season. I hope she does better though.
I also feel Adam is firmly with team Jorchel but that is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

This season is like so many books I've read...

The summary on the back made it look great so I picked it up. The first few chapters were slow going while all of the characters and plot were introduced. The next couple chapters were interesting so I kept reading. After that, the book got boring but I was already half way through so I kept going. All of a sudden, the author realizes they're losing their audience so they throw a couple of real nail-biter chapters in. Then the author goes back to being mediocre and the last half of the book is just so boring I want to stop reading but I can't because I've made it this far.

I just want this book to be done so I can move on with my life...

Margo said...


Adam - Auntie Leigh, Ayana, ML
Jordan - Sydney, Meb, Brent McKee
Kalia - Nana in NW, Monty924, Laurie
Porsche - Ninboh, Donna in FL, Sharon S
Rachel - Jamie, Margo, ChaCha

Buh Bye
Keith - Zoetawny, PDX Granny, Becky
Cassi dla, Beadlebug, Buzzmaam
Dominic - Witt, Rbennie, JOEY
Brendon - SueGee, Sally, Chris
Lawon - Dr_Celine, Jackie, Caela

JURY Members
Brendon - SueGee, Sally, Chris AGAIN
Daniele - Terry in PA, EileenM, Jennasmom
Jeff - Petals, Donna in AL, Delee
Shelly - Sasha, Paris Hilton, Janice

Rachel - Jamie, Margo, ChaCha

chris said...

I truly hope that rachel does not open pandoras box
considering how it helped them and hurt porsche i hope she is not too tempted

chacha said...

Rachel said she wouldn't open the box but when she finds out it has something to do with a celebrity she may. I hope not though.

Anonymous said...

Those who credit the coaster Jordan for winning one HOH overlook when and how she did it. That came very early in the season, when the producers were getting the lay of the land as far as what to control, and it was a purely random golf game, requiring only luck, and no skill of any kind. They might as well have drawn straws.

Those who credit the coaster Jordan for her "social game" should understand that it's no game. She's simply a nice kid who can't do anything, and, for her certain vote, ends up being shielded by big targets like Jeff and Rachel. Someone who "lost it" as she did with Shelly is not playing a deliberate social game, and doesn't really understand the nature of Big Brother.

Anonymous said...

Had to laugh over Rachel and Pandora's Box. She confirmed to Jordan that she would NOT open Pandora's Box, but then said she would have a hard time IF it's Brendon, or a celebrity, or a Honeymoon trip. That's a lot of ifs. LOL

I think BB gears whatever is in the Box towards whoever wins HOH. Which is probably why nobody can resist opening the Box.


Sally said...

If Pandora's Box involves a true celebrity and Rachel decides not to open it, that leaves kind of an awkward situation for the celebrity and BB producers. Oh well...

Joe in NY said...

They could put Brendon in the box. They've done it (I think) twice before. Didn't Natalie get engaged when her boyfriend from outside the house was in the box? And didn't Rachel get thrown back in the house, post-eviction as the 24 hour scourge of the box.

Anonymous said...

It was interesting that they promoted another Pandora's Box on last night's show, before the new HOH competition was over. Porsche's Pandora's Box happened suddenly, with no sign of it until after she had won HOH, and had even made her nominations! That probably tells us that the producers designed it specifically to get Rachel and Jordan off the block.

(And then Julie Chen came down on Shelly for her game move, when the Pandora's twist was responsible for her departure. It's too bad that Shelly didn't answer Julie by saying, "My strategy would have worked perfectly had the game not been rigged.")

Also, suppose Rachel and Jordan partnered with others, which they were free to do. If the veto were used, who would have come off the block, and who could have gone up?

On another subject, it's a trifle, but it bugs me that, when Julie Chen concludes an interview with a houseguest, she usually pauses for the houseguest to say "Thank you." Then Julie replies "You're welcome," as though she's just done the houseguest a favor. (That happened again last night, with Porsche.) It is the houseguest who has done Julie the favor, and it is the houseguest who should receive thanks.

So, if you ever do something for Julie Chen, remember not to thank her.

You're welcome!

Joe in NY said...

Other than to cause trouble, I'm not sure why anyone would pick on Jordan. I've never been a big J/J fan and, I admit, I don't like Jeff because he reminds me of every narcissistic athlete I've ever known. But I've always "liked" Jordan as a person. And almost no one on here has ever suggested she will go down as a great BB player.

As for her just being herself. So was Parvati. All the writers and Probst himself have said that she just walks in and starts flirting with everyone (male or female) no matter where she is. That still, in my book, counts as a social game. She's naturally good at it. But I don't consider a "social game" the same as being a great strategist. A social game to me is just want it sounds like: people like you and so want good things for you.

Personally, if Jordan is just a nice person that should count for her than against her. It's a lot harder to actually BE a good person your entire life than to play one on TV for a few hours. Does it make her a face for the BB Mt. Rushmore? No. But so what? Kalia and Porsche let Dani do their thinking for them. Adam did nothing. Rachel's done the most (good and bad) so you don't need Jordan to suck to think Rachel deserves to win. Has Kalia done more than Jordan? Yes. But again, so what? If you've picked a side, you kind of have to live with who's on it. If you like Jochel, you kind of need/want both of them to stay alive.

Joe in NY said...

Actually, since I mentioned it myself. It might be a fun game. If you were going to make a BB Mt. Rushmore - 4 Titans of the game - who would they be?

Joe in NY said...

I'll go first.

My Mt. Rushmore:

Dr. Will - never liked him but he could talk the pants off a nun. Also played the game differently than almost anyone else before or since.

Nakomis - great strategist. Really don't know why no one thought of the backdoor earlier.

ED - I give him credit for actually playing differently than anyone else. That's a hard thing to do when you jump into a series that's been running for 7 or 8 seasons.

Janelle - IMHO best player to never win the game. She was fierce in comps. She played harder than anyone. If she had one flaw it was perhaps playing too personally at times with her heart more than her head. She was a solid strategist and always played 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Sharon - Yep. If Brendon is in Pandora's Box, it's definitely geared specifically toward Rachel.

And if it involves a celebrity, they'll probably make her open it at gunpoint.

Witt said...

Joe -- would you include Dan, the only BB winner to win by a unanimous vote?

Witt :)

chacha said...

ANON 12:22

Porshe opened pandoras box before noms last week.

We also know that pandora's box is more than once. There has never been just one pandora's box that I know of.
Last year I believe there were three

Anonymous said...

The coaster Jordan's sociability is her strength, and has to count in her favor. But with her, it is a characteristic, and not any concious game, and thus garners her no respect as a player.

If a rock were part of an alliance of experienced players, and all the rock did was vote for the alliance's big targets, the rock would get as far in the game as the coaster Jordan.

monty924 said...

I agree with Joe and Witt. Those are my favorite BB players of all time.

Anonymous said...

chacha - On second thought, I believe you're correct about the timing of Porsche's Pandora's Box. I'll stick with my theory, though, about its purpose.

Joe in NY said...

Witt, Dan was okay but there's no more room on my mountain! LOL. Who would you replace with Dan?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:34

JMO, but I think BB HAS to have several Pandora's Box options available BEFORE the HOH comp is won because BB needs to have a real 'temptation' for whoever wins HOH.

Money probably worked on Porsche because she hadn't won anything of value. And then she had to split the $10k with someone else, so she chose Kalia (even tho Kalia had already won a vacation).

In Rachel's case, I think Brendon or an exotic vacation trip would definately work. She might not open it for a celebrity, unless (as you say) there's a BB gun at her head! LOL

Call me crazy, but I could NEVER be tempted by a celebrity visit. The Celebrity is only there for a little while (minutes?) and then gone. Basically, that kind of 'visit' boils down to a worthless memory.


Ed in Ohio said...

Just wondering? I am for team Jorchel/Radon 100% and would like to see them go to the end TOGETHER. ( I don't feel any of the 3 newbies are deserving - jmo)

But what if Rachel is thinking ahead to the final two. Could she possibly be thinking she might have a better chance without Jordan? Looking at the jury house down the road it might be better for Rachel if Jordan was in the jury house with the other 'vets' rather than sitting next to her possibly splitting the vote. I hope not! I'd really like to see them both in the final two chairs.

As for all time BB Mt. Rushmore I'd have to give it some more thought. Probably would have to 'second' most of Joe's picks. But just for this season my Mt. Rushmore is a no brainer; Dani, Rachel, Jeff, & Brendon in no particular order.

I found Dani & Jeff the two most compelling players to watch because of the impact they each had on the entire house. Unfortunately they had a hand in taking each other out. At this point in the game Rachel by far is the most deserving to win, imo. Go team J/R! But remember to Expect the Unexpected.


Patty said...

It sounds like Rachel knows her diamonds, a real diamond from a cubic zirconia. As for the pandora's box, I am thinking that if Rachel opens it, Tori Spelling (celebrity twist) will pay a visit to the house and Adam will be in seventh heaven! Time will tell I guess.

Not sure if anyone has heard, but Dick Donoto had emergency gall bladder surgery.

Witt said...

Joe, I'd replace no one on your mountain -- they are all people I would choose too. Though I didn't like ED's game I had to respect that he HAD one and stuck to it. Can we commission a fifth face? :)

Witt :)

Anonymous said...

Sharon - I agree. BB always wants the HOH to open the box. It helps them control the game and/or put on a commercial.

I think Porsche was probably primed and felt obligated to open the box. There was no question of what she would do from the moment she saw it.

"Hmmm. Let me think. OK!"

You'd think they would learn.

Ed in Ohio said...

Hard to disagree with Joe's picks!

My all time BB Mt Rushmore is Dr. Will, ED, Jannelle, & Dan. Janelle & Dan were my personal favorites.

I didn't like Dr. Will & ED on a personal level, but have to respect their games.


monty924 said...

Witt, we can commission a fifth face. Its our virtual BB Mt. Rushmore so no rules apply, LOL.

If I had to replace Nakomis for Dan, I would be hard pressed to do so. True she never won, but she did figure out the six-figure plan (the big backdoor) and was crafty enough to pull it off. It was a risk that everyone would go along with it, but they did and it was brilliant. Haha, still remember the look on his (Jase) face when he realized he'd been got! Good BB memories. :)

monty924 said...

Going off of Ed's comment, I would say of the three newbs, Kalia is the only one that deserves a win. JMO

She screwed up on her first HoH, but some of that fault lies with Dani and mostly with Lawon. You NEVER pawn yourself in BB. She did the absolute right thing to do in getting rid of Jeff. She never shuts up and her non-stop talking (mostly about herself) is annoying, but she is playing the game.

And.... not just saying that because she's my pool pick. ;)

Anonymous said...

I realize staying in the BB house makes people act crazy, and many times like they wouldn't on the outside. But with that said, if Porsche or Kalia end up winning it all, I'll vomit.

Rachel does drive most of us nuts with all her Brendon-related craziness, and the crying jags (when he gets evicted). However, about the meanest things she's actually said is "they are floaters" and "they don't deserve it" and "I don't trust (fill in name)."

That is a far cry from the things uttered or suggested by Porsche, and to some extent, uttered by Kalia. [Originally assisted/led by Dani) Porsche has been particularly nasty and vicious.

In 'real' life, I truly hope Porsche isn't anything like she is in the BB house because the kinds of things that have come out of her mouth are so incredibly awful. But I have a bad feeling those things come naturally. :(


Joe in NY said...

Rachel is sort of screwed, in my opinion. It is hard to imagine ANY of the mean girls voting for her even if she managed to win out. Their venom was so toxic... I imagine they all vote for Jordan just because they like her. Despite the fact that so far Rachel is carrying her.

That said, if you're Rachel and thinking "win" who do you take to the end? Adam? If it were Adam and Rachel, you'd think Rachel would easily get Jeff/Jordan Brendon and Dani's vote for the win. The problem is, she risks losing Jeff/Jordan if her hands are bloody.

I hate to say it, but in a way her best bet to win is to actually have Jordan get backdoored this week. It's the only way Rachel can win the game, I think. If you follow my logic:

This week, as I've discussed earlier, if the POV winner is not a nominee they can force the nomination and eviction of Jordan. That keeps Rachel's hands clean and gets Jordan out.

Rachel then need only win POV next week and she's final 3 and, possibly, the hg the rest of them want to sit opposite.

Frankly, Jordan can't help Rachel much until Final 3 and then she (Jordan) needs to win Final 3 to be of any help. Why?

Let's say Jordan stays this week. Rachel can't play HOH next week but even if Jordan wins it, she can't protect Rachel. Only the POV holder matters in the final 4. So Rachel has to win POV (or Jordan) anyway to get both of them to final 3.

Jordan is only an advantage for Rachel in Final 3. Because then even if Rachel doesn't win HOH, I would think most people would want Rachel in F2 with them not Jordan. Although you never know, Kalia or Porsche or even Adam might just take Jordan because they hate Rachel so much.

Frankly, other than Adam winning the whole thing, I think I would be most bothered by an outcome where Rachel carries Jordan to the end and Jordan wins the whole thing. If Kalia or Porsche end up winning, I could live with it. For them to get to F2 and win means they will probably have achieved something beyond what they've already done. And I think they have done some things. Adam...dude has to win out for me to even consider him worthwhile. If Jordan wins out, it's okay for the win. But since Jeff left, Rachel has really been carrying Jordan. She was 2nd one out of the POV comp that they had to win ahead of only Adam. And she looked to be no better than 3rd (might have ended 4th) in the HOH last night. If Rachel wins POV next week to get them to Final 3, it would really suck if Jordan then ended up beating her with a bitter jury. It would kind of be the equivalent to Natalie beating Russell on Survivor or even Russell/Parvati losing Heroes and Villains.

Joe in NY said...


Porsche did win 2 consecutive comps. And she did make the move of jumping to Dani's side. I wouldn't hate her winning (see my other post). But I agree with you about Kalia. While I don't like her (whom do I like? LOL), I could live with the one.

And for the record. Lawon didn't commit the BB sin of being a pawn. Lawon invented a new BB move of actually choosing to be the evictee!!! LMAO Maybe next summer they should bring back an all-star cast of BB screwups! LOL Or even better, lets fill the house with classic screw ups from Survivor, BB and TAR!!! We could have James and the kid who gave away the immunity idol. The team that lost their passports on TAR. Marcellus, Lawon from BB. This is almost more fun than the Mt. Rushmore!

Margo said...

According to Dingo Tori Spelling & Jessie yuk got to meet the house guests. Adam is beyond excited.
They also got new clothes and they all grabbed stuff for Rachel too.
I'm guessing she did not open the box so the house got something nice and she did not get to participate. Don't know just assuming.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so Rachel apparently opened Pandora's Box.

Looks like everyone but Rachel got clothes and got to meet Tori Spelling.

Rachel was locked up in HOH with.... JESSE. ewww

The clothes would have been nice, but meeting a celebrity? It's NOT worth it!!!


Anonymous said...

Man I dislike Rachel and Jordon. They need to GO AWAY!!! this year sucked, really, I read your feeds and don't watch that often, it's just too predictable.

chacha said...

Rachel got Jesse and Adam got Tori-
They all got the luxury except rachel, but no fear her friend Jordan got clothes for her..

Anonymous said...

"The clothes would have been nice, but meeting a celebrity? It's NOT worth it!!!"

Oh come on,who could resist possibly meeting a "celebrity" of Tori Spelling's magnitude.
She's an ICON!
EVER iota of speech she mutters upon the screen is pure genius!

Never a finer actress could be found!

(hicup) :P

Anonymous said...

While growing up in So. California, there were several opportunities to meet/see celebrities, but I could never work myself into a lather over meeting one of them. LOL

Now, it would be a different story if opening Pandora's Box meant spending time with a 'celebrity' pro-hockey player like Ovechkin, Mark Stuart or Jack Hillen (Stuart and Hillen played their non-pro years for Colorado College). I know, CC was absolutely shameless mention! LOL


Anonymous said...

Sharon said...

Rachel does drive most of us nuts with all her Brendon-related craziness, and the crying jags (when he gets evicted). However, about the meanest things she's actually said is "they are floaters" and "they don't deserve it" and "I don't trust (fill in name)."

She may not have SAID mean things but she's DONE some pretty nasty things. Remember how she followed Dani around on her birthday talking about her own 25th. Every time Dani tried to walk away, Rachel would follow her. When Dani wasn't looking she'd make that horrible eye glare face and start after her again. And what about the eye rolls? Shelly actually called her on the faces in the HOH room when Jeff won. She's done it to everyone in the house! What about how she would gloat when she won something and act like she was Queen Bee but then when things didn't go her way, she'd pout like a baby!

You don't have to say mean things about another person to be a mean person yourself!

monty924 said...

Joe, love the screw-ups idea. I would give Porsche more credit for that POV if she hadn't said "what Dani would have wanted". Just me, LOL~

Anonymous said...

Rachel does roll her eyes, has gloated now and then (but not last night), has whined, cried, etc.

As I recall, Porsche, Dani, Shelly and Kalia roll their eyes too, but they also kept their snide and much nastier crap going for several WEEKS, pretty much non-stop.

Does anyone really think any of the things Rachel has done begins to compare to what Porsche, Dani and Shelly (when she flipped) have said or done?

Porsche put stuff in the Muscle Milk... a prank that could have made someone very sick and would have given her an unfair advantage in comps. BB finally called her on it!

Porsche saying she wanted to hit Rachel in the stomach with a ball... so she could save $400 (for abortion)? Then they wanted BB to DEMAND Rachel take a pregnancy test.

Dani and Porsche also stomped around and hovered over 'certain' people. But that's somehow different than what Rachel has done?

Can't believe I'm actually defending Rachel... and feel some of that Rachelese coming on. @@
