Monday, September 05, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds PoV Update 9/05

As expected, Adam did NOT use the PoV -- Kalia and Porsche remain on the block.

Jordan thinks that Kalia has actually played the game and taken chances, unlike Porsche. However, both Rachel and Jordan are sure that Adam will vote out Kalia. So they remain discussing which will go. But I'm going to bet it will be Kalia.


Becky said...

I hope it is Kalia. Remember that she was the only one left up there with Dani in the endurance comp.

I really like Rachel with Brendon gone. I like Brendon without Rachel in the jury house. I think those two have a toxic relationship.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Becky. Though Porsche did win two comps of late, season-long she's been invisible, and Kalia's won two HOH's and come close in an endurance comp.

If I was at the final two, I think the jury would recognize that Porsche only started to play around day 50, which is waaaaaaay too late.

Witt :)

Anonymous said...

After watching Adam with Kalia the last several days, it's surprise that he didn't use the POV.

He's being rather realistic, saying that from now on, it's pretty much everyone for themselves.

He's floated from one camp to another, but in general, I don't think Adam has the mental makeup to play the backstabbing game.

wv is basteer
I'm sure Kalia thinks Adam is a basteer.


Anonymous said...

oops... meant that to read "no surprise"

wv nomen
If Rachel and Jordan win HOH and POV, it could be nomen in the house!


Sally said...

Thanks for the updates, Jackie. It's kind of you to labor for us on Labor Day.

I think Porsche has been trying in the competitions--hasn't she come in second place quite a few times (maybe five or six), in addition to the two she won? But other than that, she seemed quite invisible in the game for several weeks, in terms of strategizing and even mingling. Maybe that's because she likes to sleep, or maybe it was just CBS' editing.

I hope Kalia leaves this week. She has a real entitlement attitude, which always bugs me.

Anonymous said...

Kalia...gone...PUHLEEZ!!!!!!! Sleep , eat, talk; sleep, eat, talk; eat/talk, eat/talk; talk, talk, talk; EAT, EAT, EAT!! ENOUGH!

Anonymous said...

Gosh people have to eat. They are required to have microphones so chewing seems even louder and more annoying but who cares if she eats, eats, eats...what's it to you? I'm tired of people complaining about stupid things on here. What was something significant to b*tch about was the way Shelley did Jordan...Rachel having sex for the world to hear and see...and the cattiness of Dani, Porsche, and Kalia. The STUPID things to b*tch about are how Kalia eats, how Shelley looked like a man, and how Rachel laughs...these are things that cannot be helped!! Kalia has to eat, Shelley cannot help the genes she was born with, and laughter is a natural response. TIRED of the pettiness of this group. Don't worry...I won't be back, so I won't let the door hit me on the way out. Glad none of you have to live up to scrutiny of the general DEFINITELY wouldn't last 2 minutes. I'm sure each of you is just PERFECT!!! I'm over and out........

ANON CLARA! Happy I put my name?

Joe in NY said...

Bye are the queen of irony.

You just complained about all of us complaining about all of them. LMFAO!!!

Anonymous said...

jackie i have a question, i dont remember, when they tape the show for wednesday, wont the feeds be blocked for a day or two so we dontknow who is gone?
debi in calif

Sally said...

Oooh...did somebody get up on the wrong side of the bed?

Bye, Clara.

Witt said...

Clara, did we quite possibly touch a nerve? Have a nice week.

Witt :)

Joe in NY said...

I'd be willing to bet Clara will still be around, as an unnamed anon. She just did what she's complaining that we do...well that YOU do! I'm perfectly innocent :)

She's venting out of frustration just like people here (mostly) vent out of frustration. It's cathartic.

Lorraine said...

Does anyone remember when we start to vote for America's Choice?

And, any ideas who you think deserves it?

It depends on who ends up in Final 2 but I just might give my vote to (can't believe I'm saying this) Rachel. Show her that America does not hate her. We just don't enjoy her and Brendon together.

wv: endism - the endism is near

Witt said...

Joe, you are probably right. However, I marvel that Clara hung on so long with us if we really are as petty as she says.

Oh, well. I enjoy the company here and always have. It's always fun! (BTW -- laughed myself silly at your correct assessment of Dr. Will -- that he "could charm the pants off a nun.")

Witt :)
WV: lasee: Lasee come home! OR...
It's a holiday; I just feel so lasee today!

chacha said...

Houseguests were just told of eviction tomorrow....

chacha said...

Kalia is shaking in her boots now...

lynn1 said...

I would enjoy seeing Adam vote to evict Kalia, Jordan vote to evict Porsche and then let Rachel have the honor of kicking either one of them out the door.
I think that would be very entertaining and definitely unexpected.

chacha said...

I agree but I don't see it happening. I do think that Rachel would love to be the one to do it and then it will make Kalia wonder in Jury who voted for her to stay.

lynn1 said...

@chacha I am sure it won't happen but it would be fun to see.

Anonymous said...

If Jordan and Rachel want to keep Kalia...they certainly could. Right?


Anonymous said...


There was a convo in the HOH with Rachel, Jordan and Adam. Rachel told Jordan that she could go ahead and vote for Kalia to keep their agreement, Adam would vote for Porsche and Rachel will be the tie-breaker.

So, it looks like you might get your wish. Kalia started to campaign to Jordan and she stopped it, saying Kalia doesn't need to campaign because she has Jordan's vote.


lynn1 said...

@sharon thanks for that info. It would be such a shocker to see Rachel have the opportuniy to be the deciding vote. It might not be in her best interest to be the tie breaker but it will be fun for the viewers.
Personally even with Kalia's constant talking and eating I would rather see Porsche go.

lynn1 said...

@M yes it possible for Rachel and Jordan to evict Porsche even if Adam votes to evict Kalia.

Anonymous said...

Bye Clara. Not going to apologize. These hamsters chose to be on BB. And Kalia is cluelessly self aware. Go Adam and Porsh!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ADAM needs to go.

I bet whoever leaves, Porshe or Kalia, the other will win Hoh and Adam is gone.


Anonymous said...

Dominic gets my vote for favorite player. Or Danielle.


Anonymous said...

@Sharon- I thought Kalia and Jordan had an agreement not to put each other up. I did not know voting was a part of it?


Anonymous said...

Jeff for America's Choice=)

Anonymous said...

On Hell's Kitchen: Elise will NOT go away!

But she pulls in the viewers. Next episode is all about her.


Becky said...

Anon, I promise that I am not trying to start a brouhaha when I say this, but what did Dom do to deserve $25,000? Yes, he had a very good idea to pick one person from each of the newbies alliance. But it didn't go that well. He should have waited past day one before selecting them because some of the ones he latched onto some that didn't fit.

I will give my vote to the person who is the third place. They deserve something more that being the one booted out early in the game.

If not for the third place (I don't want to give it to Porsche) I will give it to Rachel. Since Brendon is not there she has turned into a very nice person.

Joe in NY said...

I'm with Becky. I think you need to last more than a week to be worth a vote.

Witt said...

AC voting usually is begun after the final two are decided. I sometimes vote for someone who really played the game, and 1) lasted until the final three, or 2) did not last until the final three, but was taken out by circumstance (i.e. double eviction, backdoor, etc). Usually the jury does vote for whoever played the game, whether they liked them personally or not.

Witt :)

Witt said...

Ooops, meant to say in my last post in my #2 option that the person should have lasted until the final several weeks. (So no, Dom and Cassi won't get votes, no matter how much I liked them.)

Witt :)

Sissy said...

Just to add a bit of evidence that BB is somewhat scripted.I'm sure the competitions are not however some are geared to some HG more than others.Anyway, I was rewatching last nights episode again when Rachel went into her room and found Pandoras Box. At one point she said something about Brendon and The Wedding Show and then said" I can't take Pandora's Box". Right the you could tell it was edited and she said something like"However a shopping spree with Tori Spelling...." so no doubt the producers behind the cameras said "Rachel, you HAVE to take Pandora's Box (or we won't have enough footage for Sunday's So I'm sure Porshe was told to take it too. I think the HG should have the right to turn it down if they want to....

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:53

It was Rachel who suggested to Jordan that she vote to keep Kalia... so that Kalia will 'feel' like Jordan stuck to an agreement (even if 'voting' wasn't the agreement). The plan is that Adam would vote to keep Porsche... forcing Rachel to break the tie and vote out Kalia.

It remains to be seen if Rachel will stick to that plan. Rachel and Jordan continue to discuss options, but Jordan feels Kalia SHOULD be voted out because she continues to study... whereas Porsche has only been concerning herself with what she wants to wear.


Anonymous said...

You know Adam and Porsche have a somewhat secret alliance, so there's no way he would chose to evict Porsche, I dont like either of them so it doesnt matter to me who goes home, Porsche has been one of the meanest females' I've eve seen on BB. I'm pulling for Rachel, did I just say that.


Jackie S. said...

I expect the feeds to be blocked tomorrow for the "live" eviction which will air on Wednesday. The hamsters already know there is an eviction tomorrow. It's looking like Adam will vote to keep Porsche, Jordan will vote to keep Kalia -- Rachel will cast the tiebreaker. It's hard to tell which way she'll go although I'm thinking a Kalia ouster still.

FA (formerly anon) said...

I've noticed that Rachel is being very supportive of Jordan voting to keep Kalia, in order to honor her quasi agreement with her, even though it helps to guarantee Kalia's vote for Jordan if she gets to F2. A clear demonstration of Rachel genuinely looking out for Jordan rather than herself. I think Rachel has really redeemed herself this season, shown she's a decent human being (or at least, can be)

FA (formerly anon) said...

The Fortune Teller came alive and has started talking to them, probably what she says will be used in the next HOH comp. They're reciting it back and trying to remember.

JimmyB said...

Wouldn't ya like to be a fly on the wall when Shelly arrives at jury house? There should be some interesting interaction between her and Jeff.

Jurors are usually cooled down and somewhat forgiving...not too sure about Jeff.