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Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Big Brother 14: PoV Show Blog Party - August 1
Hamster watchers ready? Tonight's Power of Veto show should be very entertaining! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with major happenings. But, as always, the real fun is in the comments area. Come watch with us and share your thoughts! The beverages flow and the snacks just can't be beat!
Joe seriously needs to stop shouting in the Diary Room.
Veto player picks -- Shane - Danielle, Ashley - Wil, Joe - Frank. Jenn is the host.
Giant circus tent, huge clown's mouth in the yard, cotton candy, etc. Each clown (hamster) must keep two balls rolling on separate ramps. Wil, then Joe out. Frank out. Danielle out. Ashley out. Shane wins another veto!
Janelle tries to bribe Britney's team with her wedding ring for three weeks or her Chanel earrings. @@
As per Janelle's direction, Joe grovels.
Dan invited all of the coaches plus Danielle and Shane to the sushi party he won in the coaches comp. Meanwhile, inside the house, Wil and the others are celebrating his birthday. They played Spin the Bottle ... Danielle is in heaven because she got Shane.
Britney was disappointed that Ian wouldn't give her a direct NO to her question about possibly putting Shane up in the future. Britney went to Shane about not trusting Boogie's players. Now they're thinking of putting Frank up on the block.
Frank, of course, thinks if they have to put up one from his team, it should be Ian.
Time for the veto meeting! Ashley respects Shane's loyalty and integrity. Joe gave a speech about the President of the USA always using the veto, be a great one and use it!
Shane saves Ashley with the veto. He names Frank as the replacement nominee. He said he has to do what's best for him. Heh.
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Hello Jackie and all!
Diving in....
Red and white wine over at the bar
I love it when they say, "by nominating two of her players, it guarantees one will go home", LOL
Looks like it's just you and me, Jackie :))
not everyone can figure that out, Monty. LOL
Nope, there's Joe. How you doing tonight, Joe?
Hi Jackie, Monty, and Joe
Shane wasn't a fan of the show before he went in so the dumb factor is multiplied, lol
Hey Sharon
~*~*~*~~*~~* splash ~*~*~*~**~**~
Jimmy Johns - 2 6fters! Dig IN!
Joe SHOUTS more than Dan in the DR!
I'm just going to throw this out there: I'd rather have Willie in the house than Joe.
Joe yells louder than Dan in the DR.
Hey, everyone!
Hey Jackie, Monty, Joe, Sharon!
Mmm, Jimmy Johns!
Every time Britney's in the DR, I laugh--she's funny.
Every time Joe's in the DR, I turmn the volume down.
Joe, you need to use your inside voice!
LOL, Susan - great minds think alike... :)
Joe calling Shane arrogant is like Mozzarella calling Cheddar "Cheese"
Hey Becky and JimmyB
Hi Petals -- and Becky, Jimmy, and Susan
Joe -- lol
I suspect Shane may be gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
Hey everybody.. missed last Sunday.
Still Loving Britney!
Hi everyone!
Hi Sharon, everyone...
Hey Becky, Hey Jimmy B!
Joe - LOL
Jun (winner of BB4) thinks so!
Glad to see you here, Meb... grab a drink and some of these delish subs!
Really?! Joe needs to lower his voice just a smidge! lol I think my neighbors can hear him! Got a headache, ready for him to just go!
Joe.. my ears are breaking... be quiet. And Shane is really egostical... I'll give Joe that!
LOL, so technically NOT a backdoor :)
Was Joe always this obnoxious? And that stupid thing on his chin is bugging me to no end.
Thanks Monty... subs sure look good... don't mind if I do.
Famous last words, lol
this comp would drive me nuts
Shane LOVES pink! Just sayin'
Frank is a bigger threat, but Joe is on my last nerve.
And go to work she did, lol. This is where Janelle excels, but she's made some enemies this week too.
ummm...Monty...I like Pink!
"This used to be a fun house...but now it's full of evil clowns..."
Joe, Shane brought a ton of white into the house and BB made him dye it. He chose PINK!
LMAO at Britney. There's the sarcastic girl we loved :)
Btitney is so funny.
You're so lucky you picked me???? Is he for real? I'm beginning to dislike Shane's bragging!
Wish they had a like button on here! Agree with about everything posted so far!
Didn't know that about the PINK
Think I'll need something stronger then wine. Finding the stuff for a rumrunner!
Wedding ring, really??!! I read this but, really? LOL
I hate Joe, but leave your recipes.
It's all in her game plan, folks! It worked, didn't it?
subs & all the fixins: kettle chips, huge pickles, choc chunk cookies...
QuixoticElf, I would go for a rumrunner, but I like my wine too!
I think Shane has lost his charm for a lot of folks.
WOW! Dig that pink!
You're crazy but let me try on that ring!
I know I'm behind on this episode, but I'm enjoying the banter. Can't fast forward yet.
The most quiet and humble DR out of Joe so far
I couldn't play this game. I am not dishonest enough.
The food tonight is awesome, Petals!
Game wise,Joe is not a threat. Frank is.
Shane always have to comment with each half sentence. I wish he'd just shut up and listen to what they have to say.
monty...love my wine, too! Just needing something a little stronger to keep up with these crazy hamsters!
Janie is totally playing, a little different than her usual style, but it's working!
I think I like the dills the best! Mmmm
Thanks for the goodies, Petals. Delish!
I don't hate or even dislike anyone in the house now. There are some I like less than others, but...
You know... we could have made a drinking game out of everytime Joe or Dan goes to the DR! We'd all have to kiss our livers good-bye though... nah
Does Joe own any clothes that aren't UK based? Geez... He must've hit a sale or something.
Shane is like JoJo: "I know, I know..."
meb...shane is practicing "active listening"
OK.. I'm caught up with everybody here now, so I can talk in the present.
I don't like it when the hamsters swear on their family.
Kim, they take their UK basketball and football as a religion in Lexington!
Wil's birthday was a hoot on the feeds and BBAD
I have such a crush on Wil! And Craig! LOL
Funny that Boogie would say that. I was having Sushi yesterday and there I was with chopsticks and I was wondering why we feel it is necessary to eat Chinese or Japanese food with chopsticks. LOL. I mean a fork or spoon works just fine. And it's only the utensil. I mean, we don't insist on bamboo plates and silk tableclothes
Ian is just adorable
Spin the bottle? Seriously?
Hi Jackie & friends! Better late than never I always say!
SueGee on the Left Coast (just home from work)
BB is pushing this showmance so hard and it isn't even happening!
They haven't shown Craig on the CBS show and he is a hoot.
Poor Ian. He is so out of his league.
I don't mind the swearing on their family. I figure they are just lying anyway. LOL I mean why is one set of fake words any worse than any others.
@ Monty - Yes, I'm from Louisville, and I know that well. And while they should take their basketball seriously, their football is laughable at best.
Yeah Joe, you're right... it still doesn't seem right, but maybe I feel it's a bigger lie than the rest.
I am wondering why/how they allow Joe to wear so much UK stuff, but they raided Danielle's Crimson Tide wardrobe, and left her just 2 tshirts.
Shane is so pompus. Yes, Britney break up the meeting.
I still would rather Joe go then Frank.
Joe, they may be lying, but I still couldn't do it.
Kim, don't tell my cousin that, lol. He's a UK grad and it doesn't matter the sport.
They set Ian up as a scapegoat this week and it is S-A-D becuase he really didn't do anything.
Did I just see the magic words "Drinking Game"?
No, #BB14, don't show the part where Shane calls Ian a f**got...make him look good.
Just like Jeff...the most arrogant, homophobic guy in the house, but that wasn't the character the producers set for him.
Well, I'm sorry but the one school logo I couldn't get passed was Willie's Michigan cap. Buckeye through and through here!!!
Yes, SueGee you did! We haven't had a drunken fest for the BB blog parties this season. :))
What will the drinking game be for tomorrow night???
I will try and be prepared tomorrow night! What are we drinking and what is our phrase or action???
superb work by Janelle
GMTA Petals
wow. By leaving Joe up there, he totally gives Frank a fighting chance.
Personally, I think I would have played that differently.
the first shake-up of the season. Game ON!
Can this get any better? I mean really? LOL
Oh Boogie.. we're all so scared!
Jenn & Ian are nearly off the radar thus far...
I kind of think Shane could have played his whole HOH better. I mean why not nominate a Boogie player and a Janelle player at the beginning and then negotiate with both sides. Instead, he nominates 2 Janelle players and then flips on Boogie. Makes him look a little less trustworthy than needs to have been the case.
So, who do you think will get the door? I am a bit P.Oed at CBS. I tried to log in several times to vote AGAINST the coaches coming into the game and they wouldn't let me sign in.
Joe - Shane called Ian that during a conversation with Britney. No one else (other than us live feed watchers) was there. She admonished him and he quickly apologized to her, but ...!
Joe, he did it the other morning in the HoH to Britney and immediately said he shouldn't have said that. Britney scolded him for it and said she didn't want to hear that. That term is used so loosely and it really is so disgusting to many of us.
My poor head is just spinning with all the wishy washy stuff!
Maybe a drinking game will stabalize it! lol
*wink* SueG!
I have to go. See you tomorrow.
I think the most amazing thing that has ever happened in 14 seasons of BB is Janelle getting Joe to grovel.
Well, we need a drinking word/action for the show tomorrow night... any thoughts before I get out of here?
Elf, Sue, Monty - Joe? Becky?
Let's think of a great drinking game.
Maybe an online variation of Spin the Bottle? Something ... cool..
Thank you everyone for stopping by! Will the last person out turn off the lights, please?
They only showed a small amount of the manipulation that was going on with the get Frank out move. None of Ashley working on Shane at all. It was a brilliant night on the feeds.
Night Jackie... we'll be quiet! Thanks for hosting us!
Turning off lights Jackie.. Everybody left until the next shift gets here. Nite all!
(tip-toeing out, the door bumping me in the arse...)
*nite nite*
Hey! Where'd everyone go? I can't see anything...who turned the lights out? Where's the door? Oh -- there's the wine --
I thought I hid the wine for tomorrow night, but glad you found it, Sharon! :) Nite all... see you at the eviction party -shhhhhh
Dang the lights are out! Can't find my rumrunner!
Sorry I missed tonight, but I always love reading what everyone said. Catch you all Thursday for the live shooooooowww.... But First, I'll get the lights :)
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