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Ian makes a final two deal |
Yep, it's that time of the season. It's time to watch the paint dry in the house. While this season's dynamics are a bit different due to Dan's Mist and his rather radical moves, it's still watching paint dry for the most part. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fool Me Once, Shame on You; Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me; Fool Me a Gazillion Times and I'm Just a Simple Fool Tool:
- Just to remind you -- both Ian and Danielle dropped in the endurance, allowing for a Dan win.
- Danielle definitely dropped due to Dan's Mist.
- Dan is taking credit for the Ian drop. But I'm not so sure Ian didn't drop of his own volition thinking he could nail the next two rounds.
- With Danielle, we saw an obvious, albeit incredibly stupid, deal with Dan.
- Oh. And, before you ask ... I have no clue when Part Two of the final HoH will be held. I'm figuring sometime today, but don't know day or evening.
- Okay, back to the house now.
- BB woke them up early yesterday and then blocked the live feeds with trivia.
- Oh my! A secret game is being played? The HoH comp continues?
- Nope.
- It was a champagne breakfast and, I imagine, reflection on hamsters wished to the cornfield.
- Ian is going hammock cold turkey. He hasn't had backyard access since the day before the live show.
- Thus, he flogs his shoulders with his stuffed snake instead of wild rocking.
- It isn't the same.
- Danielle cried some more after re-reading her HoH letters.
- Dan didn't seem affected.
- Ian seemed genuinely sympathetic and offered her his teddy bear.
- Dan seriously wants to convince (or have Danielle convince) Ian to throw the second part of the HoH comp to Danielle.
- If Ian does that, I'll have to revoke his privileges in the Jackie's Favorite BB Hamsters Club.
- That would, of course, give Ian NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER to win the final HoH.
- I don't think he's misted that much, do you?
- Dan told Ian that he's mad that Danielle is being so "sour" over the Shane move. After once again telling Ian that he wants to be with him at the end, Dan said he'd like to be the one to evict Danielle (as HoH winner).
- Ian said he's sorry, but that's not going to happen.
- In other words, he will not throw the comp to Dan.
- Good.
- Both Dan and Ian think that Frank is probably one of the most bitter jury members ever.
- Y'think?
- Unfortunately, I do think that both Danielle and Ian still believe that Dan will take them (respectively) to the final two.
- I'm thinking he'd go for Danielle over Ian, then tell the jury how he played for both of them and should win.
- With Ian, Dan doesn't have as strong as an argument for the win.
- As he's done all season, Dan will do what's best for Dan.
- Danielle told Ian she'd like to be the one to vote Dan out (as HoH).
- C'mon Ian ... don't fall for either of them. PLAY for the win, don't throw anything. You know better!
- Sorry. I got carried away there for a moment.
- Danielle also told Ian she "carried Dan all season."
- Um. Okay.
- Ian seriously thought he was going to get evicted instead of Shane. Well, yeah ... we could tell by his hyperventilating!
- There were some electrical problems in the house with the refrigerator down, the storage room door not opening, etc.
- Ian thought perhaps a zombie apocalypse had gone down and they were abandoned.
- Oh my ... that would make a good movie ... reality show contestants locked away from the world as the world ends and they don't know it!
- They napped.
- They toilet-papered Ian like a mummy.
- Dan put Ian and Danielle in boxes.
- They napped.
- They argued over whether Britney pushed the reset button.
- They mocked Frank.
- They played odd question games.
- They napped.
- Dan played Robot and did many strange things.
- Danielle asked Ian if Boogie said she was ugly.
- Oh, come on, Danielle. Get some self-esteem. While I'm not a Danielle fan, she (with the exception of being so gullible to Dan's Mist) isn't bad at the game. She can pull off wins. She is pretty -- would be prettier if she'd get rid of those incredibly fake arched eyebrows and stop picking at pimples -- but she is indeed a very pretty young woman. Maybe she should go Jenn's route and stop living for approval from men. I don't know.
- She deep down knows Dan has played her like a fiddle, yet the Mist still works on her.
- Sigh.
- On a side note -- if I were Dan's wife and he ever looked at me quietly with that smile on his face, I'd bonk him over the head with a frying pan.
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They slept (note Ian's ally bear in bed) |
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They slept some more |
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They slept even more |
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Oh noes! The bear and snake have been nominated! |
Thanks for the updates. I realllllllllly really hope that Ian wins it all.
And Happy Birthday to you Jackie :)
Today is Jackie's birthday???? Happy Birthday Jackie. That is so sweet that you spent it getting up early for US!!!
The only way Dani could have carried Dan all season is by having a picture of him in her back pocket. That's the only carrying she did!
I love this part of the season since moves take on such significance, but I dislike this part of the season since they sit around all day!
Witt :)
P.S. I love how Ian's bear is keeping him company. TOO CUTE!
I've always been a Dan fan but really think it would be great if Ian got the win. I think Dan has burned all of his bridges too.
Happy birthday, Jackie! I've been lurking all season, just haven't taken the time to comment. Hello meb! How's your baby girl, Orkmommy?
Happy Birthday!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the snake/teddy in chairs pic, "they've been Misted"
I agree w/you to a point: IMO, Dani wasn't an UNattractive chick. It was her insecurity, neediness, narcissism & her lying that made her become ugly (to me).
I read about her inquiring about how Boogie felt about her, physically. WTH ?!?
Happy Birthday! Jackie
Really Jackie... it's your birthday?? How did I not know that... Have a great one! Do you have anything fun planned?
Hey Gaylos! This is really weird.. you popped into my mind the other day and I wondered where you were... Glad you made an appearance. How's everything going with you and your family?
Again Jackie... enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday, Jackie!! Hope you have a great day:)
Hope you have a great day that includes some naps of your own!
Happy Birthday Jackie! Have a Great Day & the Year Ahead. All the best!!
Another Virgo ^5
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACKIE!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day.
I am ready for this season to wrap up. I am still pulling for an Ian win.
Happy Birthday Jackie! Have a great day! Thank you for all you do on this blog.
Dani is a pretty young lady and I thought I would have a local girl to pull for this year. But her whining and crying about everything has made her not so attractive! She has played a good game although would it have been as good without Dan's help?
Donna - RTR!!!
Lynn - RTR
Petals... RTR ??? I've put everything I can think of those letters... can't get it???
RTR Petals and Lynn1!
Time to BBQ some pork!
We will see if Razorbacks or Elephants are tougher today! Remember Britney's and Danielle's conversation about school mascot's?
Roll Tide Roll MEB!
University of Alabama's saying for cheering them on!
Alabama Crimson Tide, Roll Tide Roll!
Happy birthday Jackie!
Oh, of course. Not a football fan obviously. Thanks Donna...
I'm gonna go see what's what with the Survivor post Jackie has up...
That snake is so going home. He put up a good fight but he was a bit too untrustworthy making deals with too many people in the house. Bear played a great social game.
Also, happy birthday Jackie
Happy Birthday Jackie!
Be nice if you get one of the presents you'd like today... Ian winning the 2nd round. :)
Petals, agree with you re Dani.
IMO, she's pretty but not particularly outstanding, and her exterior appearance diminishes with all her personality issues. An old saying comes to mind, "pretty is as pretty does."
Happy Birthday Jackie! Thank you for all you do on here for us all to enjoy! Here's hoping Ian pulls out a win in comp2 today for you and all of us teamIan fans.
Happy Birthday Jackie.
Thank- You for all the updates you provide.
Don't worry, meb, I didn't know the RTR either...in my neck of the woods we say "Fear the Turtle" (University of Maryland). I hope Alabama had a great day, Donna!
And I hope Jackie has had a great birthday! Thank you for all that you do!!
Witt :)
Dan is almost bouncing off the walls happy. They got In-n-Out burgers! Ian is ready to move to CA. Dani is kind of eh. @@
This is the point when I'm missing California. :(
The In-n-Out chain is all over the state of CA, but the only other states [so far] are AZ, NV and UT.
This waiting is excruciating! I SO want Ian to win! He doesn't seem terminally misted, which is good - he is far less dependent than Danielle on the approval and company of others.
Still debating between Ian and Britney for fan favorite - she was / is so entertaining, and so sharp - I can't believe she's only 24. On the other hand, I want Ian to win *something* - hopefully first place!
Happy birthday, Jackie - I hope you have a great one!
Happy Birthday Jackie!! Wishing you a relaxing day full of whatever your heart desires. Thanks again for all the work you put into the blog and for making our summer BB a better experience.
Albama vs Arkansas.
Roll Tide Roll... no kidding.
Sick. It's 45-0 Bama right now and they have 10 minutes to roll more Tide on the Hogs.
Sorry, it was off topic, but couldn't resist.
I don't know if anyone has posted this or not but their is a UK horror movie set with in a Big Brother house when a zombie outbreak goes down and it is a pretty awesome movie it's called "Dead Set" I saw it on IFC a few years back it's worht checking out :) Don't let the mist take you over Ian !!!!!
Late as always... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE!!!!
Ian worried when the power went out yesterday and talked about a Zombie Apocalypse. Bet he saw that movie! lol
There's one near Ft. Worth TX now too. I wish I'd got one when I was out there last summer, but sadly did not. I hear they're pretty awesome. :(
Billy... LOL... At first I was trying to figure out what show you were watching... little slow, but I got it... clever..
Witt... I'm from Delaware (NC now) and I've never heard the Maryland one either...
I'm so football illiterate, and that's good for me.
You're right Monty, just looked it up and In-n-Out is in TX now too.
Looking at the list online, there has to be at least 500 throughout CA.
Compared to that, the other few states only have a piddly few.
I'm having a bad feeling about the HOH. If it's a nightime morph, Ian has already said that he will do horrible at it.
I'm hoping it's something similar to what Boogie and Janelle did in All-Stars. Ian's tiny and should be able to fly around that thing. They've been building for a day and a half, so here's to hoping anyway.
That was an awesome movie, It's one where you yell at the screen ha
JonMD, doubt I'll every watch it though. The horror genre fell way down on the 'gotta watch it' list many many years ago. lol
I think Ian should have made a candy board or something to associate all the events with for this season. I know his memory is off the hook, but he admits that he can remember all the wikipedia stuff because it is color coded.
I'm just crossing my fingers and sending him good vibes for the comp tonight. He's the only one awake in there right now and he's studying the memory wall and muttering to himself.
BB gave them a Connect Four and Jenga game. Wonder if Dan will try to set fire to it ala Dr. Will?
Happy Birthday, Jackie!
2Happiest Birthday Jackie...the hardest working woman in the whole wide world.
Janelle for Fan Favorite
Finally... Dan called to the DR. Comp getting ready to start.
Dan out of DR: Hey Danielle and Ian, it's time for part two of the HOH.
BB:Hello Houseguests - then fish, then trivia.
Come on Ian!
Go Danielle, If she wins, it's over for Ian.
I believe so as well. Of course, Danielle could always become unmisted and take Ian just to pay Dan back for all the grief this summer. Nah, forget I said that.
Anything anyone with feeds? Still trivia? Nervewracking here.
Monty, according to a Jokers post (today), Dan gave Dani the "Here's the Brass Tacks" speech today. She was bitching about him always abusing her emotions, so finally laid it out for her that he didn't take Shane out last time (when she begged), and that he lost 2 nights of sleep over it. That it wasn't going to happen again because he "wasn't wearing Shane's sweatpants." lol
She stopped bitching at him.
Good. Get over yourself girl.
He needed to do that a long time ago.
Glad to hear that, Sharon. I watched that exhausting chess game/argument, after Ian went to bed, between her and Dan and he told her basically the same thing. He told her she talked him out of getting rid of Shane once and if they had they'd be sitting with a floater (Jen) instead of where they are. Basically saying the same thing. I let you talk me out of it once but not when I got the second chance.
She kept going on about how she was screwed now and would walk out number three, and I kept talking back to the screen saying, 'but that is exactly what you and Shane were planning on doing to Dan'! Dan knows it and he's 100 times smarter than Dani in this game.
Jackie's got a picture of herself on FB holding a yellow python... ewwww... don't like snakes..
Honestly Monty, I missed the whole thing, but sounds like what you watched/heard is the same argument. Only difference is that what was posted didn't go into her 'screwed' and #3 bit.
JonMD, what's IFC? My "kids" (the youngest is in college) are zombie fanatics, and I wanted to get "Dead Set" for them on Amazon, but it wasn't available for US DVD players. For people who love zombies, a favorite game is playing "what would you do if a zombie attack broke out?" Many a time we would be driving somewhere, and they would rate places we passed on how good they would be for keeping out zombies, LOL!
They're still showing trivia on the feeds...
Lol, that's funny because I don't remember the sweatpants comment, but a lot of that argument was whispering. I have no idea why, because it's not like there is a house full of people in there. The only other hamster was fast asleep in his bed while that was going on. :))
Thanks Judy... I'm gonna have to get up in the middle of the night to see who won this leg... I can't keep my eyes open. Thanks again.
Still trivia. I don't expect it to be over with until close to BBAD. The went to trivia with Danielle still in her pajamas. He and Dan slept for over three hours this afternoon in there. They were both asleep when BB called Dan into the DR. I'm sure they gave her time to change and do her FULL ON make-up routing before they got started. I'm thinkin the comp probably started around 7:30 BBT so it's only been an hour and a half.
*routine and thinking
I'm really not the hick that I come off as.... honest, LOL
Monty, I bought some Sony wireless headphones (rechargeable) for my TV because I don't want to keep the rest of the household awake at night. The best part is that the headphones come in very handy any time of the day/night when voices or whispers are so quiet (or there's so much background noise) that it's difficult to hear what's going on without them on.
LOVE LOVE LOVE those headphones!
If I were Dan's wife, I'd never believe another word he said.
Susan, I'm pretty sure there's a great deal of difference between the way he plays the game and how he deals with people in 'real' life, especially his loved ones.
Also have to remember it's not like ANYbody has been honest with Dan either. They've all been lied to Dan, some multiple times. Though it was harsh how he did the funeral, but it was brilliant because they all swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker! lol
Dan has literally had to fight for his life in this game... leading Dani the whole way because she doesn't understand how to play the game... and because she loooooves Shane.
I'd be very surprised if it turns out that Shane gives a rat's patooty about her after the game is over... especially if she doesn't win the 500k.
Lol @ Sharon... I completely understand. I wear them too when I need to keep my BB feeds quiet. ;)
Susan, I watched a live video chat with Dan's sister Kelly and his mom, and wife Chelsea. She's completely committed to Dan and nothing in this game has bothered her one bit. It's a game and they all know it too. :)
Still trivia... come on BBAD so the feeds will come back up!
Well BBAD is the HoH fishtank, so the comp isn't over yet!
I dunno, this whole "it's a GAME" thing really bothers me, every season, whether BB or Survivor or whatever.
How is that any different from "It's just BUSINESS" (to excuse any behavior that hurts other people, etc).
They are "playing" for money, so it's sort of like a job. If someone you worked with behaved (and lied) like Dan does, would we excuse it because "it's just business" or something?
I dunno. I just cannot accept it.
People who can't lie, can't lie, no matter what. Those who can do so easily, can do so anytime anywhere.
So no, I don't think Dan is much different outside the house. He's a lowlife, hides behind his religion.
Well BBAD just came on to.... FISH.
So they are still playing.
Monte, I think "routing" was a perfectly good word for Dani's makeup. She has to pack it on so thick to hide her craters, that it made perfectly good sense to me. :)
Trivia started around 7:45 west coast time. It's been about an hour and 15 minutes so far.
FA, I felt exactly the same way when the show first started years ago. It seemed 'wrong' to entertain people with lies, deceit and backstabbing.
But here we all are... year after year, still watching and discussing all the various aspects of the game.
I have a feeling Ian won!
Sharon, but I see a vast difference in the way Ian and Dan are playing. I still respect Ian tremendously. I have no respect for Dan whatsoever.
BBAD back. Dani doesn't look happy and Ian said I could kill you to Dan.
IAN WON!!!!!!!
Now Danielle is fighting with Ian per Dan's instructions to her last night..
Don't buy it, IAN!!!
Yup, "somebody" is PISSED and her name is Danielle.
Oh boy, BBAD is gonna be good tonight!!
Ian won!! Yay!! Danielle must be besides herself.
Resist the Mist Ian! Resist the Mist!
back on!! Dani is talking about Ian taking Dan. IAN MUST HAVE WON!!!
DAMN WORD VERIFI! I can't get this posted.
Ian, she can't taint the jury. She'll walk out 5 minutes before the vote....
Don't buy what they are selling you!
Monty, what a great point. Of course Ian knows this!! Talk about delusionelle!
Monty, I think Dan was prepping Danielle with those instructions last night... in case Ian won he would be covered both directions.
Oh, he was Sharon. It's all actoring on Danielle's part, but she's being a lunatic BITCH about it to Ian. She's way overplaying it.
Can I say, I HATE HER? Oops, sorry. I said it :))
But... but...
Dani says she doesn't LIE. LMAO
Love Ian, he said he doesn't want to babysit the f'in two of you for the next several days. :))) Way to go Ian!
Oh, and for those who don't have BBAD or the feeds, Ian and Dani are covered with soot from the comp.
That does it... Danielle has officially surpassed Natalie (PigPen) on my hate meter.
What a joke........
Ian knows that Dan is a coach, in real life and in the game. He knows that he is first a coach and second a renegade. As a coach, he will take his player to the end no matter what. It's what a coach does.
Ian must know this. He must remember this. He must play to win. Because if Dan wins, Ian is out, for sure.
Dan is pure evil. He knows that both Dani and Ian are emotionally vulnerable, and now he is coaching Dani on how to manipulate Ian's emotional state.
Now I want to see if she has any real tears in her. She needs to crawl back under the covers and cry out of shame. Dan finally told her to lay off Ian.
See, we've always known that she was a mean girl deep down inside.
Give Ian his hammock back, BB!!!
Dani is playing it though FA. I don't see Ian doing any of this to her. Whether Dan would tell him to or not. Ian has a heart and she doesn't.
slurrrp crunch crunch sluuuurp
I want Ian's hammock right now, lol. I had to take a deep breath there. :)
He has days to figure it out. She can't taint the jury and he can take whoever he wants to the final if he wins the final HOH.
Such a lil biotch she is, though. I hope Ian just shuts her down at every avenue until Wednesday. If he doesn't feed the beast, maybe it will go away and cry, cry, cry!
Jackie has a new post up
Random observations:
Ian's bed is always made.
When he was HOH, he didn't have clothes and stuff laying all over the place.
All the cupboard doors are open in the storage room.
Dani eats with her mouth open half of the time.
Granny, I noticed that too about Ian, which was why I don't think he has ADHD. He is too neat. When he gets undressed for bed, he folds his pants and shirt! That is not the behavior of a kid with ADHD. That is Aspergers.
PDX Granny, EXACTLY right.
I noticed the same thing when he was HOH. He always made his bed and straightened the room. I think he needs "order" in his life.
Dani... sluurrrrp, with milk spilling back into bowl
If you recall a conversation Ian had with Dan. He told Dan that he was diagnosed with OCD which is why he's so neat. But he also said that he was diagnose with ADHD which is why he paces, talks to himself and does really strange things. He rocks back and forth in order to calm the rumbling inside of his chest.
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