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What's happening? |
My, my ... it's been a busy day inside that House of Unhappy Hamsters:
- Spencer and Howard tried to talk Judd into putting McCrae on the block if the veto is used so "Aaryn would owe them one."
- The Amanda pairing with McCrae is putting a growing target on their backs.
- Aaryn guessed it last night; Elissa guessed it today -- America has the MVP vote this week.
- Of course, they really don't know for sure.
- We know, though.
- Jessie complained to Judd that Amanda keeps telling her what to do.
- A lot of people have a problem with Amanda's bossiness.
- Except McCrae, that is.
- When it came time to announce the MVP nomination and the PoV players, we got fish.
- Oh, my! America voted to put up ELISSA as the third nominee!
- She's really not taking it well at all. She went from important Queen Bee to Nominee. (Dig the rhyme!)
- McCrae told Amanda he thinks Elissa got the MVP and nominated herself.
- @@
- Despite my eye roll, that rumor is running rampant through the house still, now many hours later.
- Amanda is sure that America didn't vote because America wouldn't vote her MVP every week, then put her on the block.
- Hey, we're a fickle lot -- expect the unexpected!
- Elissa thinks the MVP must be Aaryn, GinaMarie or Kaitlin.
- Amanda still wants a backdoor Howard plan if someone comes off the block with the veto.
- McCrae nixed it as he's sure the votes wouldn't be there to get Howard out over whichever nominees remain.
- McCrae and Helen were the two players besides nominees and Judd (HoH) to play in the veto comp.
- GinaMarie is all in a tizzy because she thinks Elissa is blaming her for being MVP and nominating her.
- Yeah, like GinaMarie is in the running to be favored by America!
- Elissa wondered if Jeremy picked the MVP nomination.
- @@
- Judd and Helen think the only way they can figure out the MVP is if Elissa comes off the block -- see who the replacement is.
- My personal guess would be GinaMarie or Spencer. Mind you, I could be very wrong.
- Elissa was then sure it was Howard who did it.
- Candice nixed that and insisted it must be Kaitlin.
- This is actually working out quite well on a mystery nomination kind of basis. They're way worked up!
- Elissa's alliance(s) wonder if it might be a test of loyalty.
- Aaryn claims she's not stupid enough to put Elissa on the block.
- It's a kerfuffle!
- A kerfuffle isn't as entertaining as a brouhaha, but better than watching them play chess.
- So, then they played chess. Argh.
- Soon the feeds were blocked for a rather lengthy PoV comp -- it was the reward/punishment one.
- Elissa won the Power of Veto! Now we'll see the next on the list.
- McCrae got $5,000.
- Judd got solitary confinement. Too bad it's not in his HoH room, huh?
- Helen got an 8pm curfew. (Big deal.)
- Amanda's allies are starting to grow weary of her. Helen told Howard that Amanda wants him gone.
- I don't think he's all that surprised. He's been pushing for Amanda to be gone for a good two weeks now.
- GinaMarie is planning on steering clear of Elissa. She thinks that whoever nominated Elissa will pick off those who hang with her.
- Amanda thinks that when Elissa has power she's confident and nice, when she's nervous, she's really nervous.
- But she's no longer as nervous since she won PoV!
- Helen went and told Andy that the house wants McCrae and Amanda out.
- Shh ... it's a secret, Andy.
- She might as well hire a banner plane to spread the news!
- Lots of suspicions abound ... mainly between Amanda and Howard and their closest allies.
- Aaryn and Kaitlin are both super confused.
- I would assume that Elissa is smart enough to take herself off the block.
- Let's see who goes up next!
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Put a shirt on, McCrae |
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Oopsie, my game is falling apart |
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Howard-a-Day, bonus Candice |
I don't think America is fickle. They are, in a word, STUPID. I think they totally misunderstood who/what they were actually voting for.
I don't. I think the bulk of America voted for Aryan. When all those votes were disqualified because Judd put her on the block, they went to the next person. If the next person was Kaitlin, which would be my #2, those were also disqualified. I think Elissa was the number 3 pick chosen by people who hate Rachel and hate the fact that Elissa keeps getting MVP every week. I'm pretty sure GM is going up... Where are Nick's short? She might start crying again.
Also really glad McCrae won that 5 grand... He'll be able to put a down payment on Amanda's ring.
I was going to write what April did, so thanks for saving me the time April!
I hope the replacement is GM or Amanda. I think either would really enhance this lovely state of confusion and accusation. (I really wanted to make up the word accusion there, but I resisted.)
I agree with ...sux. I think Brenchel fans messed this one up. I think they thought they were voting for MVP, not third nominee. Seems they're as bright as the hamsters in the habitat.
Yeah...The voters weren't paying attention.
The only true strategic alliance in the house: Howard & Spencer-almost from the beginning.
McCrae winning 5 grand... does Amanda know that or did he keep it a secrete?? Me think it gone, the minute she know!!!!
Poor kid... In over his fool head with that one. Hope his Parents get to him first when he get out befor she run over him. she just using him until this is over.
I think her own mother said something about how she is and dating many guys. JOEY said, maybe some one will save him from her, so sad.
McCrae will more likely use the $5K to upgrade to a Ford Escort for his chosen career.
Just want to say, once again, that I'm totally a Brenchel fan and I voted for Aryan as many times as I could. I even did the text votes from mine and my husband's phones because I am THAT sick of watching her racist crap. I want her out of the house now so she can deal with it and not be on the jury so we have time to forget what she said. Once she's on jury, BB won't show her bitter ravings.
With Amanda being the BOSSY CONTROLING way she is, she will make him change so much, she older, experiances, realtor,
McCrae is who JOEY has in the pool and he said: poor kid has to grow a pairs or something and maybe hope she get voted out and he get space and learn from it and finally play in the game instead of being a slave toy to Amanda.
she such a bossy women who does not care at all about him.
JOEY shout at me and pc, the fool boy, run.. run as fast as you can, you fool. grow a brain while you at it.
he, JOEY mad now, lol.
Will bb after dark on tvg , will tonight show have all this happening or is this tvg show a recording things like last night??
COLD JimmyB, but very very funny!!! And probably true.
Whenever the subject has come up, McC hasn't shown much interest or ambition for improving his lot in life beyond delivering pizza.
Said it before, will say it again... I'd like Amanda or Kaitlyn gone next. Amanda has become extremely pushy, and Kaitlyn (the mean girl) is too good in comps.
I was all about Amanda for so long because I do think she is smart and a game player. Darn. I wish she did not camp out with McCrea and root herself in the HOH room eating all Judds food. Darn
I don't know who I want to root for now!!
I agree with April.
Of course McCrae and Amanda are camped out in Judd's HOH room holding court. McCrae made a suggestion to let someone else have it but Amanda nixed that idea. I just hope BB washes those sheets.
Both Judd and Jessie has their hands clean with all this mess is going on since he is in confinement and she went to take a nap.
Jussie fan
We've gone from Jeremy & Kaitlyn slurpydurp to McC and Amanda.
Pretty disgusting... doing all that in Judd's HOH bed. yuk
Lol, Sharon. I see you're a Dingo fan too. #slurpydurp
Monty - yup, like a lot of people, I check out all the sites, but like Jackie's the best. She breaks down all the everyday stuff we miss and does it in a humorous way... and like seeing all the posts/ideas from people here.
Hey Sharon...To be fair, $5000 would buy a lotta Escort.
JimmyB - yeah, with maybe a couple of upgrades? lmao
Looking at the different lifestyles of their parents, I don't think he'll last long in "her" world, especially with no real ambition.
POOR JUDD... let hope that while in confinement, he will be able to rethink his game plan as well as come out of it with a plan to kick MCMANDA crew from his HOH room.
wonder if McCrae father is still smiling and saying"" my boy!!!
did you see the look on his mother's face when she saw him in bed with her... wow... bet she will have a lot to say when she see him. so sad for JUDD, yeah we all tease and joke about him but now he growing on us, hope he can do something more then this, with the game.
with reguard to showmance: poor ANDY, SO LEFT OUT.maybe spencer can be a play date for a while.
JOEY said"nah, she will just blame something or someone else and not get a clue.
sorry but JOEY thought it be funny but...
Sorry, forgot about caps being still on.
Julie & Joey - Judd became my favorite a few days ago.
He's polite, haven't heard him be "ugly" about anyone. Come to think of it, don't think I've heard him do much cussing, if he's done any at all.
Sharon, I bet ya, that he will be in final 3 if he can do physical comps, but if HOWARD is gone and just women and ANDY and SPENCER, left in game, unless he get too attach to JESSIE GIRL, he has strong chance at it.
Julie & Joey - Judd's only problem (that I see) is that he might be a bit too careful. There is no reason for him to put up with McC/Amanda in his bed constantly. Especially at night. When he gets out of Solitary,it would be nice if he could "grow a pair" and tell them he'd like to share his HOH room with other hamsters... or even say he wants the room to himself for the night. But first send the sheets out to be washed! yuk
Sharon, Agree with you , but is he able to just lock the door after all is out and leave it that way?
I think you are right about careful and being too nice has it draw back as well. let hope he does something.
burn those way over use sheets, eww what a harzard they would be.
Man, went to a pool party and missed all this juiciness! Trying to play catch up.
Must agree with April. I think the majority of the votes went to aryan and second most to kaitlyn. Elissa wound up third because of two things: Rachel haters and those who are pissed because she got MVP 3 weeks in a row.
I agree Amanda has played a good game BUT she got to bossy and it has placed a huge target on her back.
Helen is just as bad as Andy in keeping quiet about things. I would wait until the last possible moment to tell her anything.
Julie & Joey -
Judd has the key to HOH, so he should be able to lock it any time he wants. I might be wrong, but seems like I remember a couple of HOH people who locked it at various times of the day or night. If he knew what's been going on his "his" bed, he would probably gag and toss those mucked-up sheets down the laundry chute... and tell them to go "do their thing" elsewhere!
Yeah, Jackie and Dingo are my two favorites for different reasons. I found Jackie first, and found Dingo later. Different types of pages, and both tons of fun. Jackie, miss the days when you wrote up recaps for AOL.
I was hoping for more fireworks in the house tonight, but things have just fizzled out. I think a lot of it has to do with Helen having a curfew and not being allowed to talk to any of them. She kept things stirred up in there all evening before she had to go to bed. I don't think she's doing it intentionally as a game strategy, she just can't keep her mouth shut.
Andrea, must have been a great pool party in with this heat wave.you so lucky, lol
you are so right about amanda and getting so big headed too.
Does Judd share/talk to helen about his game??
I was so surprise how much she talk after her HOH went to her head.
Judd is aware that Helen and Andy blab everything they hear, so he's careful around them. Actually, Judd is pretty careful who he trusts at all. Jessie (to a point), but I don't think he trusts most as far as he could pick'em up and throw'em!
Let hope JUDD is also careful with JESSIE.Hope she doesn't turn into being like any of the other's girls. I know she said, in one of the show, after talking about showmance, that she want one too, but so far except for her standing up to jeramy and gangs in the bed room, we still don't know how she is playing this game, so I hope he watch out with her too.
Joey, heat wave broke for us Friday night. Still nice though was in the low 80's and NO humidity. After over a week of hotness it felt downright divine!
Andrea, glad to hear it, hope you had fun.
we are in florida, so JOEY SAID '' ya would have thought we get use to it, but....as for me, I am just glad it not cold, hate the cold.
Funny isn't it how in winter , wanting the heat and when we get it, wanting the cold.
JOEY said to me"Yeah girl, ya gettin old''
don't worry I pop him a good one. MEN!!!! I told him never tease or ask a women about her age, He said,"right, just lie like hell and then live up to it, guess what my reply to that was....
he said, he was just teaseing... yeah, right!!!
we have dish and watching tvg bb after dark but was surprise that spencer in hamelot talking game with Aryan and looking like he was adviseing her what to do and how to play people.
geez..... must he...
Happy Birthday McCrae - CHEERS!
I don't want Elissa to win.
I might have to drink a brew, haha
nice funny about the ring, April :)
loved it
YES, we are stupid...I have to admit that I did not watch the show (dvr'd it for later) and I voted for Elissa, thinking it was for the MVP . Didn't know we were the mvp. So sorry. And a few of my friends did the same. BB should take it back.
I lost track of who said what, but I am in the camp that believes that America was confused. Doesnt matter.
Elissa signed-on for 4 weeks, period. Whether she was nommed or not, she was going to leave before jury. She will be the next one leaving the game.
Poor Judd - did he ever get to sleep in the HOH bed at all? I know he didnt get to eat any of the food. Essentially, his HOH was a wash. Which means McManda has been in HOH twice now.
After this week, I mean. This will be El's last week. Next time, Julie will be more clear about what exactly America is being as to do. @@
Forgot to give a shout-out to my buddies JULIE & JOEY! Hey guys :)
See everyone later, happy Sunday.
(shoot, sorry! Forgot one last thing)
When Elissa was running around last night in Saran Wrap, WTH? That girl is solid muscle, why on Earth was she heat-to-toe wrapped?
BUT! She was also sans makeup, and I must say she looks much prettier without those caterpillar lashes. She looked so soft & pretty & youthful.
Oh - and I hope GM or Amanda are the next nom.
Petals - Elissa wrapped herself in Saran Wrap because she said it works like being in a sauna (think Aryan did too).
I want Amanda nom'd next!! She's gotten too cocky and pushy, and it makes me mad how they have taken over Judd's HOH room. McC thought they shouldn't be there last night, but she refused to leave. He's a nicer person.
Petals- Where do you get your info? Why would CBS let anyone sign on for just four weeks? Is that fact or something you read and how credible? 68 sitiall
Hi Petals
JOEY want to know, how his baby girl doing?
After watching tvg bb after dark last night, I was so mad how all of them treated his HOH room and was it katilin taking a bubble bath as well??
At least someone thought to leave him a beer in the fridge but I bet Amanda will take that too.
If I was judd, when he get out of the confindment, not only would I kick them all out, but tell Amanda she just put herself up on block, that is if he could,that would really start something. what a bunch of ....
Judd did sleep in the HoH Thursday (with Jessie) and Friday (alone because Jessie is a Have Not now). He was in solitary confinement and couldn't sleep in there last night. Doesn't mean that McCrae and Amanda should have though. JMO but I still love them.
Love ya Petals, but I think a lot of crap that is out there about or concerning Elissa is just pure BB rumor. You know the BB world is full of it. Just sayin'
Oops, forgot.... see you all tonight at the pool party.
Petals said...
Elissa signed-on for 4 weeks, period. Whether she was nommed or not, she was going to leave before jury. She will be the next one leaving the game.
Petals,If what you say is true,I'm through watching BB. I'll put up with the diary room influencing the game,but out and out hiring someone for a specified period of time makes the game rigged,IMO.
Actually, the four week bit with Elissa is a rumor the hamsters themselves started.
I had a rough day. I have no inside info or anything. I was just spoutin off, sorry.
I should preface all my posts with "IMO" or "I believe".
I guess we'll all see with Elissa, what is the deal. Just don't flip-out on me later.
I wish you guys were "real." I wish I could call you or drive over. :( I'm so sad & lonely right now, and have no one to call. and no where to go.
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