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Howard-a-Day, bonus (?) McCrae |
Yesterday, these hamsters bored me. That's not a good thing. It's the same repeated scheming over and over again. But, loyal feeds reporter I am, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Goofus and Gallant:
- Judd told Andy and Spencer that he likes Nick better than he likes Elissa. But he thinks Nick is too shady to keep around when they have a chance to get him out.
- Actually, from what I've seen of Judd and Elissa together, he honestly seems to like her.
- Not in a lecherous sort of way, mind you.
- I just wish he'd move his lips when he talks. It would make the "mumble, mumble" better if I could add in lip-reading.
- Andy said that they'd be dumb not to keep Elissa.
- Of course, neither Andy nor Judd are a part of the Moving Company, nor do they have suspicions about it.
- It's Candice who's pretty much figured that out.
- Jeremy wondered if Helen would be upset if they called her H-bomb, thinking of Hiroshima.
- Um. Um. Wrong national origin in the first place, dude! I'm sure some exist by immigration, but I've never met a Japanese Korean.
- But, even more ... Helen is American. To me, one of the great things about America is that our ancestries span the globe.
- Howard told Andy that Amanda's a nutcase and he doesn't trust her.
- That's part of the Spencer/Howard campaign against Amanda.
- I do think McCrae is letting Amanda bring whatever personal game he has down. That's basically Howard and Spencer's problem with Amanda.
- That said, as I mentioned before, Amanda has highs and lows for me in the game.
- Yesterday Amanda actually approached Aaryn warning her to cool it with the racist talk. While she fluffed it off a bit saying she knows Aaryn is just joking, she made her point.
- Naturally, Aaryn thinks it's all much ado about nothing. She ended up thinking that Amanda told her that there is a minorities alliance in the house.
- @@
- Kaitlin is now (too late!) worrying about her mother watching BB. "I'm with Jeremy and he has tattoos. She hates tattoos."
- I don't know. I think my own mother would have been more upset that I was jumping into bed with ANYONE on national television and the Internet after knowing the man two weeks.
- I'd be upset with myself.
- Wait. I wouldn't do it. Problem solved!
- The HoH camera came out. Aaryn posed a lot.
- Andy said that the MTV reality shows just pick people who do drugs and screw each other.
- Well, look at this BB cast, Andy!
- A good long discussion with Jeremy, Spencer and Nick went on and on about smoking pot and drinking with a bit of coke thrown in!
- Although I had my own personal wild days in my yute (ala Joe Pesci) and now, decades later, I feel okay mentioning them a bit, when I was young and doing stupid stuff ... I never broadcasted it! Sheesh! This declaration here is about as much broadcasting as you'll ever see me doing.
- It's called common sense.
- The statute of limitations is well over for me! :-)
- As for Andy's other part: BB is famous for folks hopping into bed with each other. Not my favorite part of the action, but it's there every season.
- Interesting -- When Amanda told Nick he gets called into the Diary Room more than anyone else, he told her he gets called because he's the "narrator" for the season. The BB voice told him to stop talking about DR sessions.
- I think he's right. Let's watch the show tonight and see how much Nick narrates.
- McCrae told his MC boys he has no problem with Amanda going.
- The MC think their votes are solid to keep Nick.
- Amanda, Andy and even Aaryn think there's something going on between Spencer and Jeremy.
- No, not a bromance.
- Aaryn went to Howard complaining about Candice being the root of Amanda's racist discussion with her.
- "I'm not a racist."
- If the shoe fits, wear it, girl.
- I said that, not Howard.
- Howard, more diplomatic than I am, told her they were good and he knows she's not a racist.
- We all do know that Howard isn't against lying in the house.
- Helen thinks that Spencer needs to be backdoored.
- McCrae lied to Amanda when she questioned him about there being a boys alliance in the house.
- Somehow, the Have Nots are being allowed to sleep in beds.
- They just have to decide which beds.
- Candice went to bed early and went to the Have Not room.
- Elissa worked on Jessie for the vote. Jessie told her that she's scared.
- As it stands, Elissa does have a solid group wanting her to stay, but then comes in the Moving Company. While, technically they're only four votes (Nick can't vote as he's nominated), Jeremy has been going around intimidating people.
- Unfortunately, though I'd rather she stay and I actually have very little against Nick other than the company he keeps ... I think it will probably be Elissa going.
- I'd rather it be Jeremy, Kaitlin, Aaryn or Jessie on the block.
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May the good times roll |
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Boy in Blue |
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They think I'm bigoted because I'm blonde |
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I'm the Queen of BB! |
Hi Jackie! Thanks yet again for all that you do! These hamsters are boring and difficult to listen to. I seriously have a hard time listening to all the profanity. GM is talking to Nick and every other word is f***ing or other great words. All the while, she's saying how she has a reputation to uphold. OY.
I had to laugh though, Judd was talking to Nick and Nick was constantly saying "what?" because of "mumble, mumble".
The other thing I find frustrating (again) is that every season the females just don't learn. The guys align and it takes the girls a long time to figure it out. If they paid attention to history, maybe they wouldn't repeat it. Sigh.
Thanks for letting me vent :) Have a great day and hope the hamsters are not as boring today.
Since a contingent is still up as I comment, I predict a lot of naps again today for them.
In the Nick/Judd talk, for a while Judd had his fingers over his lips and the mumbling was even worse!
I guess it just might say something about society that the women never can really stick together like the guys. Hmm. Not good.
Good game talk this morning from El and Judd.
Judd is working Spencer saying yep, your my closest ally in the house (nope that is El, Jesse (f2?),Andy, Candice, Amanda). He already caught Spencer in a lie and Spencer is to tired to remember his lies and who he told what.
McCrae just realized that Jesse and El were talking in Jesse's bed when BB told them to stop covering their mikes (about 10 mins into the convo). So hopefully he will flip as maybe he will realize he is the low man on the totem pole. Whoops, Amanda just said no and I hope Andy and Judd talk to her later this morning.
TV Guide for the coming week has an article about the BB Houseguest's racism and how this is an especially unlikeable group overall this season. So the racism of a few of the houseguests is being publicized and CBS is being asked to comment which I think is a good thing. I think racist talk should be grounds for dismissal from the BB house especially if it happens repeatedly..but that is just me, I guess.
I've never seen a group of houseguests resonate (so badly) with the viewership as this one, with good reason....
Will have to see how CBS keeps addressing this; even though the people doing most of the hate talk have been approached, I doubt that will make it stop. That's really sad.
I hope HELEN or CANDICE wins HOH, and can put up Aryan and Jerm on the block tomorrow!!
Witt :)
P.S. I know I've been gone for a week, but where is Joe in NY? I haven't seen his name pop up in awhile! Miss you, Joe!
Witt :)
Joe's been around on show nights, Witt. Between his teaching year ending and his dog having surgery, he hasn't been around as much.
Thanks, Jackie, for the Joe in NY update. I didn't know about his dog having surgery; I hope that all turns out well.
As always, thank you again for all that you do, and the wonderful community you provide. :)
Witt :)
I now have no internet at home, with no hope in sight until next week. I will miss this party. But after all the stress this situation is causing, I may be institutionalized. They have wifi in asylums, right?
Joe will smile when he hears that people are asking about him (bless his lil heart)
You'll be missed, Petals! Unfortunately the asylum pool probably won't be quite as fun (or have such a wide variety of refreshments). :( Rush back, please!
Joe always has a great way of putting things, with thought and humor. And even if our views don't align every time, it's always great to hear how he says it!
Witt :)
They still have a lot of hous to push for a Nick eviction.....I would love to see the MC taken down a notch and Howard and McCrae align with Elise, Helen, Candice, And Andy.
Witt- I am with you on this being the most disliked cast EVER.
Almost disliked as much as Maggie and crew....We love Cappy...yuck, yuck and YUCK!! I don't think I even watched the end of that season after Janie was gone
Today would be a good day for Amanda(who is quite vocal) to call a house meeting.
I can't believe they haven't had one yet...
I also believe they are all to scared of Jeremy to have one. Maybe CBS will bring up the bullying issue on the show since its a hot topic in America right now along with the Racism in America.
I don't see Elissa staying, although I would like her too!!!!
Petals - sorry you will miss the party. On the other hand I have one word for you > Starbucks!
Let the unexpected begin!!!!!!!
BB...help us keep some good guys so we can keep watching.
Wish: Germ GONE!!
I am here reading your posts everyday Jackie but do not always login as this login interferes with my work login and it's a hassle...I also follow your posts on FB. :-) I wanted to say that although many in this group of houseguests are vile, racist, and deplorable human beings...this group is at least keeping my interest. I DETESTED the Cappy season because not only were the people deplorable they were also just downright BORING. I think the racist comments are keeping the discussions going about where we are in society with racism and how conversations STILL NEED TO BE HAD! We are still an ignorant society and I'm glad that BB does allow these types of people on the show as it illuminates that ignorance and racism are out there. I find hate speech awful don't get me wrong but I think the BB fishbowl highlights various segments of our society and this is one problem that is still prevalent. Hiding hate behind humor is no excuse and is just plain NOT FUNNY. I don't care if Aaryn claims she is "just joking." Those type of jokes went out with Archie Bunker in the 70s. Today they are not tolerated because they hurt...plain and simple. This group of houseguests is at least getting America TALKING - the Cappy/Jen season was just awful. I barely watched the rest of that season. I couldn't stomach those people - at least this season there is Helen, Howard, Elissa and Andy. I think they have some decency about them and good hearts. Just my two cents...
Great post Dr Celine!
I read Jokers, and looks like El may have turned things around.
KKK krew seemed to have shot themselves in the hood (er... foot), and maybe there will be an upset?
I hope so too Petals! It would do my heart good to see Germ's face if Nick got bounced. But still not sure that it can happen.
The "good" guys think McC is with them, but he's still part of the MC, so we really can't count on him. I'm also afraid that if Elissa is saved, Helen will get the boot rather than Nick. :(
ALSO - As much as I despise Aryan Nation & Germ, GM is working on my last nerve! That mouth! Does she kiss Nick's ass with that mouth?
GM is raunchy, loud & absolutely inappropriate. I cannot imagine that the pageant mothers that see this show will ever want GM to coach their kids (not that she even has that career after this summer, LOL)
Ciao babies - I'll do my best to rig a connection for later.
OH, LOL - did you guys sees my FB post about the Aryan parody on Twitter? Hilarious!
On Twitter, she is known as "Klan Barbie"!
Newby to Facebook here, so I don't know all the ins/outs of it... and don't know the name (or whatever) to get the posts.
Thanks Petals - I'll check it out post haste! :)
The problem that Elissa may be able to stay is Spencer told Howard that they now need to get rid of Helen because she has caught on.
I was just thinking,
It would be smart of McCrae to tell Candice, Jessie, Helen, Andy, Judd, Amanda about the MC. Not let them tell anyone else that they know and then vote out Nick. that would be six votes. isnt' that all they need to keep Elissa.
This way, he can play both sides for a while and then let the blame game continue about votes.
Chacha - good thought, but at this point, I don't think McC has the guts. Now, if all the racist stuff was coming from MC, I thin McC would be inclined to turn because he really doesn't like it (made that clear to Amanda when he was HOH).
However, the majority of racist crap has been from Aryan, GM and Germ.
The MC has mostly been incredibly crude/rude, with Spence & Germ leading the pack.
GM has her own special Pedestal of Crude.
Germ gets the Bully Pedestal this season (not the first time for bullys on BB)
There was a letter from the ADl.
i will post the link.
I have to wonder if Robyn Kass who does the casting for BB will be back next year.
Cach -
Just read the letter, thank you for the link!
Wow. I really REALLY hope that CBS does penalize them in some way.
And it isn't just AryanNation; Germ & GM are pretty effing bad.
Petals- Wouldn't it be great that they don't allow Jeremy to compete in HOH for being the HOH behind the HOH...and also for cheating which he did. in the past you were always told to get the ball with one hand.
May have to miss the party too. Bad storms here have a tendency to knock my power out. :(
Lots to read through today. Hope a miracle happens between now and tomorrow night, but I'm skeptical.
My problem with this year's cast is that the casting director went (for the most part)with young and good-looking people. I don't mind that, but I would like to see older people as well. I would love to have seen how someone over 35 would have handled some of these people. They are just not a likeable bunch. Not all of them mind you but most of them. MC
anon 6:07-
i would love for them to diversify the cast in the age department.
The problem with getting older cast members is the length of the show. The pool of applicants dwindles with age I would think. How many people could take off three months from their job to play BB?
Tossing some thoughts out here because I have mixed feelings about various penalties or punishments that "might" be handed out.
First, I would like to see a penalty issued for ANY cheating, no matter who does it. BB is aware this happened and should not have been condoning it through lack of action. The idea of BB calling Aryan & Germ co-HOH's and not allowing either to compete in the upcoming contest for HOH would be appropriate. Somehow, I doubt that will happen though, or they would have already done it. Too bad becausse it "could" provide viewer relief to know SOMETHING can be done about certain kinds of behaviors.
Then there's that uglier part of me that would like Julie Chen to "call out" the serious offenders on National TV (as they exit the house). Let them know what everyone thinks of them, and what has transpired with the day jobs.
Then the better part of me says I hope that won't happen because it would not be proper for Julie to inform people that they have lost their day jobs. That action belongs to the employer.
I have also had the unpleasant experience of witnessing a boss berate an employee in front of everyone. It was ugly, and in the long run, that kind of action is rarely successful because it only makes the berated employee angry and bitter.
Technically, the hamsters are BB employees because they are being paid for their time. So what CBS and Julie 'could' do...
As they exit the house, ask the audience to provide deadly silence, and then cut the hamster off with no real interview. Just let the evictee see the exit videos from the other hamsters (I have a feeling that all the videos won't be 'positive'), and then send them on their way.
Sometimes I hate being reasonable...
I agree!
Of all my years watching the show I never realized the DR sessions have roles...like narrator...now that Nick mentions it, it makes sense. There are definitely the comic releifers.
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